Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Pengaruh Jenis Pakan Ipomoea reptana dan Eichhornia crassipes terhadap Fekunditas Mesocyclops sp.

Pengaruh Jenis Pakan Ipomoea reptana dan Eichhornia crassipes
terhadap Fekunditas Mesocyclops sp.
(The Effect of Ipomoea reptana and Eichhornia crassipes as Food
Sources on Mesocyclops sp. Fecundity)


Wahyu Septahening
NIM: 412010014


Diajukan untuk memenuhi sebagian dari persyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar
Sarjana Sains (Biologi) dari Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Biologi

Fakultas Biologi
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana


  Ipomoea reptana  Eichhornia crassipes


 Ipomoea reptana  Eichhornia crassipes 


Mesocyclops sp. is the zooplankton which include in crustacean class. They are effectively become
as biological agent to control mosquitoe larvae. The treatment in this study was using Ipomoea
reptana and Eichhornia crassipes as food sources and immersion time (5, 10, 15, 20 days).
Concentration of media were used Food Sources : PDAM water (1 : 9) with the difference
immersion time. The parameter observed were long period of the life cycle, survival ability and

percentage of Mesocyclops sp. offspring produced. The result showed that Ipomoea reptana and
Eichhornia crassipes as food sources and the difference immersion time took effect on the fastest
period of the life cycle for 16 days on Eichhornia crassipes 20 days. Survival ability is need
Mesocyclops sp. from copepodit to mature stage the value 76 % on Eichhornia crassipes 20 days.
Interaction between Ipomoea reptana and Eichhornia crassipes as food sources and immersion
time gave the highest tiller produce (p