The Rastaman’s Concepts Of Equality And Freedom As Reflected In Bob Marley’s Selected Songs

Bob Marley is not only known as the legend of reggae music by public but also the fanatic
follower of Rastafari or called as Rastaman. The followers had claimed Marley as the prophet
because of his influences of Rastafari’s movement progress. He also had conveyed many
messages of Rastafari about equal rights and freedom for the people all over the world
through the music. And this thesis contains the Rastaman’s concept of equality and freedom
as reflected in Marley’s selected songs. In his songs entitled War, So Much Things to Say and
Exodus have meaning about the Rastaman’s concept of equality. And other songs entitled
Zimbabwe, Africa Unite and RedemptionSong have the meaning about the Rastaman’s
concept of freedom. This thesis uses the descriptive qualitative method. The method is
applied by describing the data and analyzing them. The data was taken from some written
sources, such as books and articles from internet to support this analysis. The analysis uses
intrinsic and extrinsic approach and also historical approach. The thesis uses the sociological
approach to know the description of the social phenomena that happened at the time. The
thesis is expected to provide knowledge about Rastafari’s concept of equality and freedom
for the readers. And this thesis also can be used as reference especially for the student who
interested to study and researches about the subject matter of the thesis.

Keywords: Rastaman, Equality, Freedom


Bob Marley tidak hanya dikenal sebagai legenda musik reggae oleh publik namun juga
merupakan pengikut fanatik Rastafari atau yang dipanggil dengan Rastaman.Para pengikut
tersebut telah menganggap Marley sebagai nabi karena pengaruhnya pada kemajuan gerakan
Rastafari.Dia juga telah menyampaikan banyak pesan Rastafari tentang kesetaraan dan
kebebasan kepada orang-orang seluruh penjuru dunia melalui musik.Dan tesis ini berisi
konsep Rastaman tentang kesetaraan dan kebebasan yang tercermin dalam lagu-lagu pilihan
dari Marley.Di lagu-lagunya berjudul War, So Much Things to Say dan Exodus memiliki
makna konsep Rastaman tentang kesetaraan.Dan lagu-lagu lainya berjudul Zimbabwe, Africa
Unitedan RedemptionSongmemiliki makna konsep Rastaman tentang kebebasan.Tesis ini
menggunakan metode descriptive qualitative.Metode ini diterapkan dengan mendeskripsikan
data dan menganalisinya.Data tersebut diambil dari beberapa sumber tertulis, seperti bukubuku dan artikel-artikel dari internet untuk mendukung analisis ini.Analysis ini menggunakan
pendekatan intrinsik dan pendekatan ekstrinsik dan juga pendekatan historis.Tesis ini
menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis untuk mengetahui deskripsi tentang fenomena sosial
yang terjadi pada saat itu.Tesisinidiharapkandapatmemberikanpengetahuantentang konsep





tertarikuntukmempelajaridanmeneliti tentang materi tesis ini.

Kata Kunci: Rastafari, Equality, Freedom
