The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy to Improve Students’ Reading Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the Eight Years of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the Academic Year of 2016/2017) - Test Repository

  The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy to Improve Students’

Reading Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the Eight Year

of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the Academic Year of



Graduating Paper

  Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

  State Intitute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga



AdityaWahyuPrianggoro 113 12 102








In the name of Allah, The most gracious and most merciful.

  Hereby the researcher declares that this graduating paper is made by theresearcher and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other people except the information from references. The researcher is capable of accounting for this graduating paper if infuture this is can be proved of containing other

  ‟ s ideas, or in fact, the researcherimitates the others‟ graduating paper.

  In addition, the researcher really hopes that this declaration can beunderstood for all human being.

  Salatiga, 7 september 2016 The Researcher,

  Aditya Wahyu prianggoro NIM. 11312102



“Education is the Best Equipment for Future”



  This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated for: 1.

  My beloved parents Mr. Sumardi and Mrs. Lusiana, who always give me suuport and always pray for me. They are my hero, thanks for your kindness, sincerity, financial support, your love, spirit, motivationt, and everlasting praying. Allah bless you mom and dad.

  2. My brother Alan Amundi Wibowo, thanks for your kindness, support, and prayer.

  3. My Big family and friends 4.

  Special thanks someone who help and accompany directly in working with this thesis; Nafi who always help me and thanks for your great support.

  5. Eight Year Students of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the academic year of 2016/2017 especially VIII A and Mr. Ahmadi.S.Pd.

  6. Nur Wahid Setyawan And Kurnia Adi Putra, Who helped me to doing my research.

  7. Sunanto as Principals of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel Who give me permission to doing this Research.

  8. Those cannot be mentioned one by one.

  9. My Big family and friends.



  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the king of universe and space. Thank you to Allah because the writer can complete this graduating paper as one of requirement to finish the study in English Department of States for Institute Islamic Studies Salatiga. This graduating paper would not have been completed without support, guidance and help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special thanks to:

  1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, S. Pd., M. Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education faculty of State Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph. D. as the Head of English Department of State Institute Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  4. Mashlihatul Umami,.S.Pd.i,.M.A as consultant who has brings up, espoused, and given the writer advices, suggestions and recomendations for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thank you for your patience and care.

  5. All lecturers in the English Educaation Departmentwho have given much knowledge, the writer deeply thanks to you all.

  6. My beloved family, thanks for your spirit and patient.

  7. All of staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper administration.

  Eventually, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The writer is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this graduating paper.

  Salatiga,5 August 2016 The Researcher,

  Aditya Wahyu Prianggoro 113 12 102

  ABSTRACT Prianggoro, Aditya Wahyu. 2016.

  “The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Strategy to

  Improve Students’ Reading Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the Eight Years of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the Academic Year of 2016/2017) . A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department.

  State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Mashlihatul Umami, S.Pd.i,.M.A. Keywords: Reading ability; Reciprocal Teaching Strategies;

  This research is mainly aimed to improve the stud ents’ reading ability through Reciprocal Teaching Strategy. Main questions will be answered in this research are(1)How is the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching (RT) strategy in improving students’ reading ability to the eight grade students of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the academic year of 2016/2017? (2) Is Reciprocal Teaching (RT) strategies able to improve the students’ reading ability of the eight grade students of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the academic year of 2016/2017? (3) How far is the improvement Reciprocal Teaching in improving st udents’ reading ability of the eight grade students of SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the academic year of

  2016/2017? This research was conducted at SMP Islam Sudirman Ampel in the academic year of 2016/2017 especially in VIII AClass. The method of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). There were two cycles; each cycles comprised planning, implementing of the action, observing and reflecting.The techniques of collecting the data are observation, test and documentation. The results show t hat the students’ reading ability improves significantly.The using Reciprocal

  Teaching Strategy can motivate the students to involve actively in learning reading ability in class. It can be seen. In addition the mean improves in every cycle. The mean of post-test of cycle I is 68.8 that is different from the mean of pre-test of cycle I is 59.1 . The mean of pre-test of cycle II is 66.45 which improves in the post-test becomes 79.1. The findings also show that the improvement of the students’ reading ability is significant after the students got Reciprocal Teaching Startegy. The increasing precentages students who pass test from cycle I to Cycle II are: pre test in cycle I 70%;and the percentage of the students who passed standard minimum score in cycle II is 90%. At the first cycle the mean post test (68.8) is higher than pre test (59.1). The t calculation shows that the t-table is 2.1 while the t-calculation is 3.12 . In the second cycle, the mean of post test (79.1) also higher than pre test (66,45). The result of t-calculation is bigger than t-table that is 7.21 from t-table 2.1. It means that there big significant different between pre test and post test.


COVER ........................................................................................................ i

DECLARATION........................................................................................ ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ..................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .................................................... iv

MOTTO ....................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION............................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................... xii


  1 Background of Study ..................................................................................

  B. ............................................................................ 4 Research Question C.

  Objectives of the Study .......................................................................... 4 D.

  Definition of Key Term............................................................................. 5 E. Benefits of the Study ............................................................................... 6 F. Limitationof Previous Research .................................................................. 7 G.

  The Outline of Graduating Paper ............................................................. 9

  CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Reading .................................................................................................... 9 1. Definition of Reading ......................................................................... . 9 2. Types of Reading ............................................................................... 12 3. Purpose of Reading .............................................................................. 13 4. Aspect of Reading ............................................................................... 15 5. Indicators of the Students Succes of Reading Ability .......................... 16 B. Reciprocal Teaching .................................................................................. 17 1. Definition of Reciprocal Teaching ....................................................... 17 2. Purpose of Reciprocal Teaching ........................................................... 19 3. Advantages of Reciprocal Teaching ..................................................... 20 4. The Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching ....................................... 21


  Review of Previous Research .................................................................... 24

  CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH A. General Information of The Research ...................................................... 27 1. Location of The Research .................................................................. 27 2. Vision and mission of the school ....................................................... 28 3. Situation of The School ...................................................................... 28 4. Facilities of The School ..................................................................... 28 B. Subject of The Research .......................................................................... 29 C. Reseach Method ...................................................................................... 31 D. Procedure of The Research ...................................................................... 32 E. Technique Collecting Data ........................................................................ 36 F. Technique Data Analysis .......................................................................... 39 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS A. Research Findings ..................................................................................... 42 1. Cycle I ................................................................................................ 42 2. Cycle II ............................................................................................... 58 B. Analysis and Discussion ........................................................................... 74 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. CONCLUSION ....................................................................................... 80 B. Suggestion ................................................................................................ 81 REFERENCES APPENDICES


Table 3.1 Table of Sample of Students ......................................................... 30 Table 3.2

  Table of Students’ Observation Sheet ............................................... 35


Table 3.3Rubric of Reading Ability Asessment ........................................... 38

Table 4.1 Result of Pre test(scoring A) cycle I ............................................... 48Table 4.2 Result of post test (scoring A) cycle I ............................................. 51Table 4.3 Result of Pre & Post Test ( scoring B) cycle I ................................ 53 Table 4.4

  Result of Students’ Pre & post Test Cycle I .................................... 55

Table 4.5 Result of Pre test(scoring A) cycle II .............................................. 65Table 4.6 Result of post test (scoring A) cycle I ............................................. 68Table 4.7 Result of Pre & Post Test ( scoring B) cycle I .................................. 69 Table 4.8

  Result of Students’ Pre & post Test Cycle I .................................... 71

Table 4.9 Mean and T-

  Calculation Students’ Score ........................................ 75


Figures 3.1 Classroom Action Research ............................................................ 35

Figures 4.1 Students Improvement of Reading ability ...................................... 76

Figures 4.2 Students Observation sheet improvement ..................................... 78

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Communications hold important things in our lives. Language is the most

  important things in communication and it is a tool of communication between the nations in all over the world. The success of communication depend on some language aspects. Those aspects are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Basically, language is a combination from some aspect and cannot be separated one to others. One aspect that taught in formal education is reading. Reading skillalways taught in every chapter in syllabus on learning, its mean that reading is important aspect of the learning. In addition, the students need to read well in order to acquire some information to enlarge their knowledge.

  Reading is one of basic skills that needed to be understood by the students, beside writing and arithmetic. According to Hurwitz.Let,.al (1999 :38) citied that Reading as a device to make the students gain information. Reading should be fun and passionate activities for the students, to make the students interest on doing reading activities and make the process of transformation process doing well. Most of students in Indonesia still has low in reading ability, they are still has problem how to pronounce word correctly, they are hasitate to produce word from what they’ve read. Because mostly student still do not interested on reading activities in their learning process, reading activities just to accomplish their school assignment score and it look like a perforce situation. Moreover, those reasons make the result of the reading activities still under expected and the reading abilities of students still in low level.

  According to Daniel Hitelman as quoted by Dallman (1982 :23), stated that ”reading involves the identification and recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as stimuli for the recall meaning builts up through past experiences, and further construction of new meanings built up through the readers’ manipulation of relevant concepts already in his possession” . “Reading can be seen as an interactive process between a reader and text which leads to automaticity or reading fluency”Alyousef (2005:144) . Reading ability is the velocity of reading and comprehension the content of the text, to measure students’ reading comprehension the thingsthat need to noticed are those aspects.

  There are some factors that influence the student reading ability , one of them is teacher factor. The teacher who use tradition at methods or strategies in teaching reading will make the class feel so bored in learning process, indeed they will feel not enthusiasm in classroom. Teachers are the role model of the student, and their teaching style also influences the success of learning. In this situation teachers have to make some innovation and creativity to find some stra tegies that appropriate in case to enrich students’ enthusiasm and comprehension of some skill in learning process. The teacher has to applies reading ability assesment to measure the students’ reading ability both qualitatively or quantitatively.

  Accordi ng to McAllum (2014:26) citied that ”Reciprocal teaching is an instructional practice identified as a way of improving reading comprehension through explicit teaching of skills needed for metacognition”. The teacher and students take assuming the role of the teacher taking this dialogue .Reciprocal teaching is a model or technique in teaching reading comprehension which allows students to share their experience and idea relate to their thinking about the text they had read. InPalincsar and Brown (1984) used the term reciprocal teaching to refer to a set of learning conditions in which children first experience a particular set of cognitive activities in the presence of experts, and only gradually come to perform these functions by themselves .Students and teacher actively participate in a dialogue that focuses on a section of text being read, taking turns in leading the dialogue. During this dialogue, students learn to use four comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring strategies: generating questions, summarizing, clarifying, and predicting.

  From the statement above, we know that comprehension skill is needed in reading ability . However, the condition of students in Indonesia especially students in SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel have low in reading abilities. In teaching and learning process, the eight years students of SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel face some difficulties when their teachers deliver the materials. Some of them are bored, sleepy and do not pay attention to their teacher explanation. Even their teacher has given some strategies and methods to make the students excited in learning English. But in the reality, the students still face the difficulties in reading ability.

  From the explanation above, it gives an inspiration to the writer to conduct a research entitled

  “The Use of Reciprocal Teaching Technique to Improve Students’ Reading Ability (A Classroom Action Research of the Eight Years of SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel in the Academic Year of 2016/2017) .

B. Research Questions

  Based on the background of the study, this research is aimed at giving answer on the following problems:

  1. How is the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching (RT) strategy in improving students’ reading ability to the eight grade students of SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel in the academic year of 2016/2017? 2. Is Reciprocal Teaching (RT) srategies able to improve the students’ reading ability for the eight grade students of SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel in the academic year of 2016/2017? 3. How far is the improvement Reciprocal Teaching in improving st udents’ reading ability for the eight grade students of SMP Islam

  SudirmanAmpel in the academic year of 2016/2017? C.

   Objectives of The Research

  Based on statement of the problem above, the purpose of the research as follow:

  1. To describe the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching (RT) strategy in improving students’ reading ability to the eight grade students of SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel in the academic year of 2016/2017.

  2. To find out whether Reciprocal Teaching (RT) strategy is able to improve students’ reading ability for the eight grade students of SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel in the academic year of 2016/2017.

  3. To find out how far is the improvement Reciprocal Teaching in improving stu dents’ reading ability for the eight grade students of SMP

  Islam SudirmanAmpel in the academic year of 2016/2017 D.

   Definition of The Key terms

  To avoid some incorrect interpretation on the research title, the writer wants to clarify and key terms used:

  1. Reciprocal Reciprocal Teaching (Palinscar and Brown 1984) is a guided reading comprehension strategy that encourages students to develop the skills that effective readers and learners do automatically (summarize, question, clarify, predict and respond to what they are reading). Students use these four comprehension strategies on a common text, in pairs or small groups.

  2. Strategy According to Michael Porter (1996) strategy is deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver unique mix of value.

  3. Improve Improve is make something better, make good use of something. It is explained that improve is the raising students’ reading skill be better and increased (oxford dictionary, 2008: 22).

  4. Student Student is a person who studying in the university, secondary school, and college, or any person who interested in particular subject (oxford dictionary, 2008: 441).

  5. Reading According to Dalman (2008: 7), reading is the alteration process of sign /symbols/letter become a meaningful sound.

  6. Ability According toThurstone ,L.L(1964 :62) inRufai (1969:10) stated thatan ability is a trait which is defined by what an individual can do,


  Benefits of The Study This research has two major benefits, there are practical and theoretical benefits:

  1. Practical benefits This study is expected to help the teacher applies Reciprocal

  Teaching strategy in the process of teaching and learning based on the objectives that has already determined. For the students it is expected to give a solution to conceiving reading materials, so they can improve their learning performance by using the technique to assist the students in understanding the reading materials and developing their reading ability. So the students using have more spirit in studying English. And the result is objected to help the researcher improve the students to perform their reading ability using the suitable strategies. This research also hoped to contribute to the Junior High School students to enlarge their knowledge.

2. Theoretical benefits

  Theoretically, the results of the research can contribute a useful information for the future classroom research with the similar problem of students reading ability improvement.


  Limitation Of The Study Based on the problem statement, the writer realizes that it is impossible to carry out a classroom action research based on the problem above. The writer limits the problem to the teacher’s monotonous technique in teaching reading skill, the writer used reciprocal teaching technique to teach reading of the eight grade of junior high school SMP Islam SudirmanAmpel Academic Year 2016/2017.


  The Outline of Graduating Paper The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper in order to the reader can catch the content easily. It is divided into five chapters.

  Chapter I is Introduction. It is consists of background of study, problem statements, objectives of the study, benefit of the study, limitation of the study, definition of key terms, and review of previous research.

  Chapter II is Theoretical Framework which discuss about definition of reciprocal teaching technique, the steps of reciprocal teaching technique, and reading skill.

  Chapter III explains about Methods of Research that consist of setting of the research, subject of the research, method of the research, procedure of the research, technique of collecting data and technique of data analysis.

  Chapter IV is Data Analysis. Consist of cycle I, cycle II, analysis, discussion, and result of each cycle. Chapter V is Closure. The writer states summary of the study includes Conclusion and Suggestion.

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A. Reading 1. Definition of Reading According to Thurstone's(1967 :62) reading ability is, then, a

  purposofulactivity,because reading is knowing what to do with a printed page. Reading, thus, is a combined physical and mental activity .Reading is an activity or cognitive process which is tries to make serious effort to find out some information in a text. This is means that reading is process of thinking to understand the content of text. Reading is not only the activities look up the group of letters, groups of word, sentence, paragraph and discourse, but more than it reading is the process interpreting the meaning sign/symbols/written language with the result that the information can conveyed by the writer in which expected to be able to acquire by readers.

  According to Dalman (2014:7), “reading is the transition process by symbol/sign/written language to be meaningful sound”. For those reason, reading activities influences by physical and mental activities in which based on someone to interpreting symbols of the written language actively and critically as a kind of communication to themself, to make reader acquire information and meaning of the text. According to Nunan (2003: 68), “reading is a fluent process of readers combines information from text and their own background knowledge to build meani ng”. The goal of reading is the comprehension. Reading composed of four elements these are; strategies; text book; fluency; and the readers. Harris and Sipay (1980) in Zuchdi(2008:19), states that reading is the interpretation process toward the meaning of the printed letter. The nature of reading activity is gained the correct meaning of the word. Word recognition consider as rules and regulation to the text comprehension, reading comprehension ability is taught to be a set of generalized knowledge acquisition skills that permits people to acquire and shows information gained as a consequence of reading printed language. According Dechant (in Dalman et al,. 1982: 24) reading thus is the process of giving significance intended to the writer to graphic symbol s by relating them to one’s own fund of experiences. According to

  Dechant (1982: 3) definitions of reading are divided into two major types: a.

  Reading as Interpretation of Experience With the first type of reading definition, in which reading is equated with the interpretation of experience generally, we might speak of reading pictures, reading faces, or reading the weather. Spencer (1946) in Dechant (1982:4) reading is performed whenever one experiences sensory stimulation. On the other hand, the meaning of reading based on this type is the reading readiness program in which experience with concrete object is emphasized, visual and auditory discrimination are stressed and students are required to interpret pictures and conversation.Reading as interpretation of experience has implications for both the reading teacher and also the students who learning to read. Reading teachers’ must become expert in reading students. They must understand their students and must be able to identify the personal differences in students which may lead to achievement differences between students. Another implication is that students must be readers of experience before they can become further readers.


  Reading as Interpretation of Graphic Symbols Dechant (1982: 4) there are set out the definition of reading by experts. There are DeBoer and Dallmann (1960: 19) define reading involves the comprehension and interpretation of ideas symbolized by the written or printed page.

  According to Bond and Thinker (1967: 22 ) describe that reading involves the recognition of printed or written symbols which serve as stimuli for the recall of meanings built up through the reader’s past experience. Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that reading requires identification of the word and comprehension. Reading involves an interaction between the writer and reader. Without a reader, communication via printed page is impossible and writing has no purpose without a reader.

  Reading is used to get the main point or the most important information. It is an effort to understand the content of the text, and also to know the massage from the writer. In addition reading is used to get an idea, pleasure or feeling that is expressed by the writer.

  From some over views by the experts above, the writer thinks that reading is an active and interactive activity to produce the word and tries to understand the content of reading text. By reading, the students can enlarge on enrich their knowledge and experience because the information they need is serve in written form.

2. Types of Reading

  According to Patel and Jain (2008: 117-123) the types of reading:

  a. Intensive Reading Intensive reading is related to further in language learning under the teacher’s guidance. Intensive reading will provide a basic for explaining difficulties of structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary and idioms. Intensive reading material will be the basis for classroom activity. It will not only be read but will be discussed in detail in the target language, sometimes analyzed and used as a basis for writing exercises. Intensive reading is text reading or passage reading. In this reading the learner read the text to get knowledge or analysis. The goal of this reading is to read shorted text. This reading is done to carry out to get specific information.

  b. Extensive Reading Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure. The reader wants to know about something. The reader doesn’t care about specific or important information after reading. Usually people read for to keep them update. c.

  Aloud Reading Aloud reading is basic form of classroom organization and disciplines. In reading aloud, the students are confronted with written sentences which haven’t spoken before. The aim of reading aloud is the achievement or better speaking ability and the pronunciation of the students.

  According to Elizabeth (2004: 286 - 288) aloud reading means reading a book by producing sounds audible to other. Reading aloud by the teacher can help the students in the improvement of their listening ability. Reading aloud is useful at specific moment alone. Reading aloud prevents the students from learning to understand the meaning of a sentence even when he may not know one word in the sentence.


  Silent Reading Silent reading is a very important skill in teaching of English.

  This reading should be employed to increase reading ability among learners. Silent reading is done to acquire a lot of information. Silent reading must be based on student’s selected text. Silent reading enables the students to read completely silently without making sounds and moving his lips. It helps him read with speed, ease and fluency. It aids comprehension and expands the student’s vocabulary.

3. Purposes of Reading

  William Grabe (2009:5) point out that purposes of reading are: a.

  Reading to search information (scanning and skimming) Skimming and scanning reading used to looking for information that can be practiced in by training in high speed reading.


  Reading to learn from text Reading to learn is often consist in academic and professional areas. In which, a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information from a text. It also places more processing insiston the reader because the reader is look forward to remember the main ideas and many supporting ideas and be able to recall this information as needed.


  Reading to integrate information ,write, critique text Reading is to integrate information necessity that the reader synthesize and learn information from multiple texts or bring together information from different part of a long text, such as a long and complex

  chapter in a textbook. Reading to get integrated information requires additional decisions about the relative importance of complementary, mutually supporting or conflicting information and the likely restructuring of a rhetorical frame to accommodate information from multiple sources. The effort to build a strong organizing frame in reading to learn in increased significantly when there are multiple texts that refer to related information, the reader must decide how to create his or her own organizing frame for the information because none is provided by the combined set of texts.


  Reading to evaluate, critique, and use information.

  Reading to evaluate, critique, and use information represents an increased level of demand and a more complex interaction of reading processes. In academic and professional settings, readers are at times asked to evaluate and critique information from multiple texts, or from one long text, requiring them to make decisions about which aspect ofthe text are most important, most persuasive, least persuasive, or most controversial.


  Reading for general comprehension.

  Reading for general information is the most basic purpose, underlying, and also supporting purposes of reading. Reading for general information it also more complex than the people assumed.

  When accomplished by a skilled fluent reader, requires very rapid and automatic processing of words, strong skill in forming a general meaning representation of main ideas, and efficient coordination of many processed under very limited time constraints. Different with David, Nunan (1989: 34) states that the purposes of reading are: a.

  Reading to obtain information for some purpose or because curious about some topic.


  Reading to obtain instructions on how to perform some task for work.


  Reading to know when or where something will take place or what is available.


  Reading to know what is happening or has happened.


  Reading for enjoyment and excitement

4. Aspects of Reading

  Some of aspects of reading which deserve both specific attention in isolated learning situation and at other time, more balanced attention in more normal reading situation are word recognition, comprehension, and reflection (Dallman, Char &Deboer, 1982: 25). The aspects are: a.

  Word recognition The degree excellence in reading is determined by the ability to recognize the words and pronounce the words. Especially the word recognition aspects of reading continue to enjoy support in respectable and influential quarters. In order to fluent word recognition, a reader must recognize the word form on the page very rapidly and activate links between the graphic form and phonological information.


  Comprehension According to William Grabe (quoted in Kendeou et al., 2007: 28-

  29) comprehension is not a unitary phenomenon but rather a family of skills and activities. At the core of comprehension is our ability to mentally interconnect different events in the text and form a coherent representation of what text is about.


  Reflection A reflection on text understanding will allow the reader to determine whether they understands the text well enough, or whether parts should be read again (Hudson, 2007: 110). Reading as the reflection form is an additional dimension in reading which can be relate to the reader identification with the author in such a close relationship to have an effect of having dialogue with the writer.

5. Indicators Success of Students’ Reading Ability

  This research wants to measures the student’s Reading ability. In aim to get the appropriate measurement, There are some indicators of students’ reading ability, they are: 1.

  The students are able to understand the function of analytical text.

  2. The students are able to find the difficult words from the analytical text.

  3. The students are able to answer the questions about analytical text.

  4. The students are able to identify the important information on the text.

  5. The students are able to give opinions about the text that they have been read.

  6. The students are able to reading the text with good fluently, accuracy, pronounciation and intonation.

B. Reciprocal Teaching 1. Definition of reciprocal teaching

  Model Reciprocal Teaching (Teaching Reversed) in (Nur and Prima 2004) is a teaching model that was created by Ann Brown and Anne Marie Pallinscar. There are several definitions of teaching upside down and all these definitions basically have the same understanding. Reciprocal Teaching is a constructivist approach towing based on the principle of asking questions, teaching metacognitive skills through teaching and modeling of teachers to improve the performance of students who have a low understanding.

  According to McAllum (2014:26) Reciprocal Teaching contains four strategies:

  1. Predicting This strategy is a strategy in which students conduct a hypothesis or assumption about the concept of what will be discussed further by the teacher.

  2. Question Generating In this strategy, Students are given the chance to make questions in connection with the material that being discussed. The question is expected to reveal the mastery of the concept of material that will being discussed.

  3. Clarifying Clarifying strategy is an important activity during the learning, particularly for students who have difficulty in understanding the material. Students can ask the teacher about the concept that it is still difficult or cannot be solved with his group. In addition, teachers can also clarify the concept by giving the question to the students.

  4. Summarizing In summarizing this strategy there is an opportunity for students to identify and integrate the information contained in the material.

  These four (predicting, questioning, claryfing, summarizing) activities were selected because they provide a dual function, that of enhance comprehension and give the chance for the student to check students reading abilities whether it is occurring. That is, they can be both comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities if properly used Pallinscar and Brown (1984:121).

  Reciprocal teaching stage in the model is expected to improve students' ability to understand the content of reading. The model emphasizes the reciprocal teaching students to work in a group established in such a way that each of its members can communicate comfortably in presenting their opinions or ask in order to exchange experience success in learning from one another.According to Foster and Rotoloni (2008:2) also define reciprocal teaching as a teaching method that gives students model and prompts students thinking process on how to share their learning experience.

  According to Lidjin (2008:18) Reciprocal Teaching is the learning model in which the students have to be autonomous acquire knowledge with their own way and do not addicted to the teacher. Reciprocal teaching determine the students to work in group to make the student can share each other in enjoyfulcondition,so the goal of learning can achieve together.

  So, reciprocal Teachingis a learning model in which the students gave opportunity to learn about the material first, afterthat students re- explain the material to others. Teacher only take a role to be a facilitator and consultant in learning process that give a clear explanation to the difficult material.

2. Purpose of Reciprocal Teaching

  According to Westera in Mcallun (2014:28) reciprocal teaching has developed three main purposes.

  a. it is a framework for explicit instruction and the practice of four specific comprehension fostering strategies to develop the self- monitoring central to effective comprehension.

  b. it uses a clearly-defined process for interactive engagement. This process has been shown to ensure that learning is maintained over time, is generalized across settings, and is transferable within conceptual domains.

  c. it is a vehicle for inclusive practice.

3. Advantages Using Reciprocal Teaching.

  There are so many model of teaching that used in the learning process in which those model are expected appropriate to be applied in learning process.

  Some following advantages of Reciprocal Teaching Technique according to Pallinscar and brown (1984) are: a.

  Reciprocal Teaching boosting the students to think about the learning process during reading by their own way. b.

  Reciprocal Teaching make the students learn to be actively during the learning reading involved and monitor their comprehension as they read.


  Reciprocal Teaching encorages students to make question during reading and it will helps students to create the text more comprehensible.

4. Implementation of Reciprocal Teaching

  According to Boardman, Klinger, and Vaughn (2001: 135) point out the implementation of reciprocal teaching consists of five stages.

  They are the teacher demonstration, direct instruction and guided practice, teacher students groups, students- led groups, and students’ independent use of the strategies. Those are the step of Reciprocal

  Teaching that candescribe as follows : 1.

  Teacher Demonstration The teacher strategies to use the Reciprocal Teaching strategies

  (predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing). Students see all four strategies on the first day, so they can get the portrait of it.

  Therefore, they will not get difficulties in applying those strategies in the next step.

2. Direct Instruction and Guided Practice

  The teacher explains how to carry out the Reciprocal Teaching strategy while students are doing reading. The teacher also supports the students with advice and motivation when they going on with the strategy. Then the teacher and students doing some small dialogue that make the teacher have to provide feedback.

  3. Teacher-Student Groups The teacher construct some group working, then the teacher leads discussion about the text, give advice to students to use the

  Reciprocal strategies and provides support and feedback as needed. The teacher step by steps let students work by themselves as students become more proficient.

  4. Student-led Group Students lead the discussion about the text and prompt their friends in group to use the four strategies.

  Students give feedback to their friend on strategy implementation. Meanwhile, the teacher provides assistance as needed.

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