Units of Local Government


  READING CHECK Summarizing What are some

  Answers Reading Check transportation, roads, running water, sewage systems, sidewalks, street cleaning, trash collection, and other utilities

  At Level

  4. Practice/Homework Have students select one item from the idea web and draw a political cartoon about that item.

  3. Review Create a master copy of the idea web on the board, incorporating students’ suggestions.

  Government. As students read the section, ask them to add to their web. Encourage them to add terms such as county seat, sheriff, county clerk, district attorney, and charter.

  2. Apply

Have students create an idea web

with the center circle labeled County

  1. Teach

Ask students the Reading Focus

questions to teach this section.

  Teach the Main Idea Units of Local Government

  Local government helps with all elections. Its charter and ordinances follow state and federal law.

  County governments have elected offi cials and carry out state laws, collect taxes, and supervise elections in an area.

  States have the power to establish local governments, which provide important services.

  Key Terms Preteach the following terms: municipality unit of local government that is incorporated by the state and has a large degree of self-government (p. 228) city the largest type of municipality (p. 228) county division of state government formed to carry out state laws, collect taxes, and supervise elections in a single small area (p. 229) sheriff elected offi cial in charge of county law enforcement (p. 229) charter basic plan for local government that defi nes its powers, responsibilities, and organization (p. 230) ordinances regulations that govern a com- munity (p. 230) Taking Notes

  Why It Matters Ask students which of the following things would affect their daily lives most directly: closing the nearest national park, closing a state park, or closing all of the local parks. Students will likely respond that closing the local parks would affect them the most. Ask students to name other facilities and services provided by local government. List students’ suggestions on the board. As students read the section, add to the list.

  of the services local governments provide?

  Have you lived through a fl ood, hurricane, or tornado? Did you lose electricity? Did you need to call the fi re department or the police? Most of us do not think about basic services—at least until we do not have them. Your local government often provides all of these services.



Local Governments

  Our local governments provide the conve- niences and services that we have come to expect to make our daily lives easier. For example, we expect the roads to be in good repair and to allow us to get to and from work or school safely. Street cleaning and trash collection help keep our neighborhoods neat and disease-free. Electricity, running water, and sewage systems keep our homes, schools, and workplaces comfortable, effi - cient, and safe.

  What level of government is closest to you? As a student, you are most affected by the government of the city or town in which you live, and by the school district in which you are a student. In other words, you are most affected by local government.

  Powers Come from the State

  In the United States, the states have the right to establish local governments. States use their own constitutions to legalize and defi ne their local governments. Local gov- ernment is made up of municipalities. A

  municipality is a unit of local government

  that is incorporated by the state and that has a large degree of self-government. Munici-


  have grown as the country has grown. As Americans settled in rural communities, towns, cities, and suburbs, they set up local governments.

  Reading Focus 1.

  How are local governments established, and why are they needed? 2. How is county government organized, and what are the main purposes of each level of county government?

  3. How do local and state

  governments work together? Key Terms municipality, p. 228 city, p. 228 county, p. 229 sheriff, p. 229 charter, p. 230 ordinances, p. 230

  As you read, take notes on estab- lishing local governments, county governments, and how governments work together. Use a diagram like this one to record your notes.

  palities can include a state’s cities, towns, vil- lages, and boroughs.

  The Need for Local Governments

  These services are often provided to us by local governments, such as city governments. A city is the largest type of municipality. Police and fi re protection, water-conservation efforts, and snow removal are also provided by local governments. Local governments also provide education and keep records. Some governments supply their citizens with public transportation or recreation areas.

CHAPTER 9 Units of Local Government BEFORE YOU READ The Main Idea Local governments

  Collaborative Learning County Governments

  The highest level of local government is the county. A county is a division of state gov- ernment formed to carry out state laws, col- lect taxes, and supervise elections in a single small area. Louisiana calls its county-level government units parishes, while Alaska calls its counties boroughs.


  At Level

  Reading Focus

  Interpersonal, Verbal/Linguistic Alternative Assessment Handbook: Rubric 23: Newspapers

  3. Have groups present their pages to the class for discussion. Ask students to compare county government to their town or city’s government. Tell them that they will learn more about city and town government later in the chapter.

  2. Have students work together, dividing the work into the following roles: reporter, editor, and headline writer. Make sure all students participate fully in creating their group’s page.

  Tell groups that they will create a special newspaper page in honor of the county system of government. Their page should explain what county government and its offi cers do and why they are important to citizens.

  Organize the class into groups of three.

  Create a Newspaper 1.

  sheriff puts a lot of effort into the job of preventing speeding Reading Check group of elected officials acting as the county’s legislature, several elected leaders in the executive branch, other elected officials

  Challenge and Enrichment Activities:

  Which county offi cial do you think is most important? Students’ answers will vary but should show un- derstanding of the roles and functions of county offi cials.

  What services do county workers provide for citizens? Possible answers: health care, police protec- tion, welfare, corrections, recreational areas, libraries Evaluate

  County Governments Identify

  How is county government organized, and what are the main purposes of each level of county government?

  Who has the power to estab- lish local governments? the states Analyze Why do you think the states rather than the national government establish local governments? Possible answer: because they have more knowledge about the needs of the communities in the state

  Establishing Local Governments Recall

  Reading Focus How are local governments estab- lished, and why are they needed?

  229 The sheriff is operating the device to stop speeders. CLOSE TO HOME ©1998 John McPherson. Reprinted with permission of Universal Press Syndicate. All rights reserved.


Supporting a Point of View Why do you think

the cartoonist chose to depict such an exagger- ated method of stopping speeders?


  Speed Trap The sheriff is the top law enforcement official at the county level of government. One of the sheriff department’s duties is enforcing traffic laws.

  READING CHECK Summarizing Describe the basic structure of county governments.

  Counties also have several other elected offi cials. The county clerk keeps a record of the actions and decisions of the county board. In addition, the clerk keeps birth records, marriage records, death records, and election results. County treasurers are respon- sible for the county’s funds. County auditors also watch the money the county receives and the money it spends. County offi cials may also include a coroner, who investigates unnatural deaths, and a county prosecutor— also known as the district attorney—who represents the state in county trials.

  One of these elected offi cials is the county sheriff, who usually commands sev- eral deputies and an offi ce staff. The sheriff arrests lawbreakers and carries out the orders of county courts. In many states, the sheriff is responsible for law enforcement only in the areas of the county that are not part of a city.

  County governments also have an executive branch. However, unlike execu- tive branches at other levels of government, county executive branches usually have no single leader. Instead, county voters elect sev- eral county offi cials, each with his or her own responsibilities. In some places, however, the traditional form of county government has been replaced with a county manager and county executive. The county manager is elected by the voters and the county manag- er is appointed by the county board to super- vise county business and services.

  At the head of county governments is a group of offi cials elected by the voters. This group may be called the county board, board of commissioners, county court, or board of county supervisors. These offi cials form the county’s legislative body. They have the power to pass laws regulating health and safety throughout the county. They also may collect real estate taxes, sales taxes, and per- sonal property taxes.

  County government is often the largest unit of local government. County employees provide services such as health care, police protection, welfare, corrections, recreational areas, and libraries. In some areas in a few states, county and city governments are combined into one legislative body.

Chapter 9 Answers Analyzing Political Cartoons Possible answer: to show that the





  Review Online Quiz: Section 1 Quiz Game

  are live in a neighborhood in a rural county. Coyotes are beginning to come into the neighborhood and cause problems. Write a letter to the county board asking for assistance in handling the coyotes.

  go.hrw.com Online Quiz SECTION 1 ASSESSMENT

  County Board Sheriff County Clerk County Treasurer

  County Auditor District Attorney Reading Focus

  How do local and state governments work together? Governments Work Together Recall

  Under what type of plan do most local governments operate? state-approved charters Make Judgments Do you think it is a good idea that charter govern- ments must follow state laws? Why or why not? Possible answers: Yes—it is important that the laws be consis- tent and easy for people to remember. No—each community should be able to create laws that are best for the people who live there.

  Close Have students discuss the establish- ment, purpose, and organization of local governments.

  Daily Quizzes: Section 1 Reteach

  Assess SE Section 1 Assessment

  Focus on Writing

  Main Idea Activities for Differentiated Instruction: Section 1 Answers Focus On Possible answer: because Hispanics are now better represented in local government in Los Angeles Reading Check so ordinances passed by local governments do not conflict with state laws; so local governments can help enforce some state laws and supervise elections

  1. a. municipality, p. 228; city, p. 228 b. Possible answer: They know what local issues to address.

  2. a. county, p. 229; sheriff, p. 229 b. County governments have legislative and executive branches, as well as other elected officials.

  c. carrying out state laws, collecting taxes, supervising elections

  3. a. charter, p. 230; ordinances, p. 230 b. They help enforce state laws and run elections according to state guidelines.

  4. Students should use the graphic organizer to explain the duties of the county board, sheriff, county clerk, county treasurer, county auditor, and district attorney.

  5. Students’ letters will vary but should reflect an understanding of the responsibilities of county government.

  5. Supporting a Point of View Imagine that you

  4. Summarizing Use your notes and a chart like this one to summarize the section.

  usually outlined in state-approved charters. A

  state governments? Critical Thinking

  charter is a basic plan for a local government

  unit that defi nes its powers, responsibilities, and organization. Of course, a charter can- not violate state or federal laws.

  It is the job of local governments to make communities better places to live. To accom- plish this job, local lawmaking bodies have the power to pass ordinances, or regulations that govern a community. Ordinances also cannot confl ict with state or federal laws. Local law enforcement groups, such as police departments, are responsible for enforcing both local ordinances and state laws.

  Local governments also help the state by making sure election procedures follow state guidelines. Local offi cials both supervise the voting process and provide citizens with poll- ing places—that is, places where people can cast their ballots. Without local assistance, state and federal elections could not happen.

  READING CHECK Summarizing Why must

  states and local governments cooperate?

  In 2005 Antonio Villaraigosa became the first Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles, California, in 133

years. He was born and raised in the city by a single mother

with four children.

Villaraigosa was elected to the California State Assembly in

1994 and four years later became assembly speaker. In this

role, he sponsored legislation to modernize public schools, ban

assault weapons, and provide health care for poor children.

After losing a bid for mayor in 2001, Villaraigosa focused

on his research. For two years he studied and wrote about

the future of American cities. In 2003, Antonio Villaraigosa

won a seat on the Los Angeles city council, representing the

city’s northeast sector. During his term he became a leader

in the council.

On a platform of progressive urban reform, Villaraigosa ran

for mayor again in 2005. He defeated incumbent mayor

James Hahn in a run-off election. When Mayor Villaraigosa

was sworn in on July 1, many people in Los Angeles cel-

ebrated with a victory parade.


Making Inferences Why is it significant that Villaraigosa is the

first Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles in 133 years?

  Antonio Villaraigosa (1953 – )

  Reviewing Ideas and Terms

  1. a. Defi ne Write a brief defi nition for each of the following terms: municipality and city.

  b. Draw Conclusions

  Why can local govern-

ments provide some services more effi ciently than

state governments can?

  2. a. Defi ne

  Write a brief defi nition for each of the following terms: county and sheriff.

  b. Explain Describe the organization of county government.

  c. Compare and Evaluate What are some of

  the duties of county government?

  3. a. Defi ne Write a brief defi nition for each of the following terms: charter and ordinances.

  b. Summarize In what ways do counties support

CHAPTER 9 Governments Work Together The duties of local government offi cials are

Section 1 Assessment Answers

  Town, Township, and Why It Matters Preview the headings in Section 2 with

  Village Governments students. Ask students to name their type of local government. (Answers may

  TAKING As you read, vary for students who attend regional

  BEFORE YOU READ NOTES take notes on schools, but students should name a the different kinds of local

  The Main Idea Reading Focus Key Terms city, town, township, or village govern- governments and the purpose 1.

  Although counties are Where did town government town, p. 231 of each. Use a chart like this ment.) Explain to students that local begin, and what is the the largest unit of local town meeting, p. 231 one to record your notes. governments provide places such as government, they share purpose of the town meeting? township, p. 232

  Local Governments 2. the job of governing Why did townships and town meetings where people can share special district, p. 233 special districts develop, and Kind Purpose with other units of local their opinion about local issues or prob- government. how does each function? 3.

  Why are villages and lems with others in their community. boroughs created, and

  Discuss with students why it might be how do they operate? easier for citizens to become involved in local government than in other levels of government.

  When you vote in a class election,

  Key Terms

  you participate in direct democra- cy. In some regions of the country

  Preteach the following terms:

  that have small populations, direct

  town unit of local government, usually

  democracy is still practiced at town meetings. When

  larger than a village and smaller than a city

  a town grows, elected representatives are needed to

  (p. 231) make the decisions. town meeting public meeting at which townspeople meet regularly to discuss and

  Town Government vote on town issues (p. 231)

  Towns fi rst developed as New England colo-

  township small unit of local government

  nists built homes and churches. A town is a

  (p. 232)

  unit of local government, usually larger than

  special district unit of government formed

  a village and smaller than a city. The colonial

  to meet many different needs (p. 233)

  town included both the homes, churches, and other buildings and surrounding farmlands.

  Taking Notes

  The people who lived in early New

  During a town meeting,

  England towns created the town meeting, Local Governments

  a moderator is usually Many smaller communities in New a simple yet powerful form of local gov- elected to preside over

  Kind Purpose

  England still hold town meetings to

  ernment. In a town meeting, all citizens the meeting.

  deal with local issues.

  Town to govern an area smaller

  meet regularly to discuss town issues. After

  than a city but larger than

  all opinions regarding an issue have been

  a village

  voiced, the people at the meeting vote on

  townships, township: to perform a

  that issue. This means that each person has

  special districts variety of local functions, special district: to meet an

  a direct voice in the government.

  area’s specifi c need villages, to provide services in a 231


  boroughs growing rural area

  At Level

  Teach the Main Idea Town, Township, and Village Governments

  1. Teach

  3. Review Ask students the Reading Focus Lead the class in a discussion questions to teach this section. about local government. Allow students to

refer to their notes during the discussion.

  2. Apply Have students write the section’s three main heads on separate sheets of

  4. Practice/Homework Have students paper. As students read, ask them to record create an encyclopedia entry about one form details about each type of government on of local government. the appropriate page. Collaborative Learning

  Research Required CP SE?C


  Above Level

  Alternative Assessment Handbook: Rubric 11: Discussions 232 Reading Focus

  3. Have students debate and vote on the community issues that have been raised by the “town offi cials.” Verbal/Linguistic, Interpersonal

  2. Have students hold a mock town meeting, with offi cials giving reports and presenting new issues. Suggest that students fi nd and research community issues in local newspapers. They can also present fi ctional issues.

  1. Assign students roles as town offi cials and townspeople.

  Reading Check a small community Hold a Town Meeting

  Answers Media Investigation Government Web sites usually end with “.gov”.

  From the Source: Readings in Economics and Government: Reading

  Summarize What benefi ts do special districts provide citizens? They meet health, safety, and cultural needs such as fi re protection, libraries, parks, public transportation, and sewage disposal.

  Townships and Special Districts Explain Why have many township governments decreased in importance? Cities have taken over many govern- mental responsibilities.

  Why did townships and special districts develop, and how does each function?

  Town Government Identify Where did the fi rst towns develop in the United States? in the New England colonies Make Inferences What kinds of issues are discussed at town meetings? Possible answer: issues that affect the local community

  go.hrw.com Reading Focus Where did town government begin, and what is the purpose of the town meeting?


  Illustrated example of a township Web site

  I NVESTIGATION Evaluating How do you know you are on government Web sites? Local government Web sites often provide useful links to public services, such as libraries.


  Finding Information on the Internet Does your town have leash laws for pets? How

many people live in your state? These questions

can all be answered by using Web sites provided

by your local government.

The Internet is also a great place to find practical infor-

mation for daily life. Unfortunately, it can be hard to know

if the Web sites you visit contain complete and accurate

information. Many sites are sponsored by groups trying to sell a particular product or service.

Using a Web site sponsored and maintained by your

local government can help you avoid these problems.

These sites provide residents with useful information.


  Colonial townships were usually smaller than New England towns, while the Mid- western townships may have been larger than towns. But all townships perform many of the same governmental functions, such as building schools and roads, that towns per- form. In general, a township is headed by an elected chairperson or supervisor. Voters also elect a board of commissioners or trust- ees to make township rules and regulations. An elected constable enforces the laws, and often an elected justice of the peace tries minor legal cases. Today, many township governments have decreased in importance as cities have taken over many of the govern- mental responsibilities.

  In colonial times, New England states used the town form of government. Other states, especially New York, New Jersey, and Penn- sylvania, used a form of government called a township. Townships in other parts of the country, especially the Midwest, have a dif- ferent history. In the early 1800s, the United States expanded westward. Americans moved into new land where they had not previously settled. Congress divided this new land into perfectly square units, usually 6 miles (an hour’s buggy ride) by 6 miles on a side. As peo- ple from the East moved in, they set up local governments they called civil townships.


  In some states, land is often divided into oth- er smaller units. Two common subdivisions are townships and special districts. Town- ships are more common in certain states, but special districts are found in every state.


Townships and

Special Districts

  In what kind of community does a town meeting work well?

  READING CHECK Analyzing Information

  junction with town elections. At the elec- tions, townspeople typically elect from three to fi ve offi cials to manage the town’s affairs between town meetings. The town meeting form of government can work well in areas that have small populations. Direct democ- racy is practical in such towns because it is easier for all the voters to gather in one cen- tral location at one time.

55: Democracy in America

CHAPTER 9 Town meetings often are held in con-

  Special Districts

  Daily Quizzes: Section 2 Reteach


perspective of a resident arguing why a rural area

should or should not become a village. KEYWORD: SZ7 HP9 go.hrw.com Online Quiz


  Organization: Special Districts Why: Organization:

  233 Reading Focus

  Why are villages and boroughs cre- ated, and how do they operate? Village and Borough Governments Recall Who often governs a village or borough? a small council or board of trustees, headed by an executive, president of the board, or mayor Elaborate

  What kinds of problems might lead a rural community to form a village or borough? Possible answers: needing tax revenue to pay for local services, needing emergency services such as police and fi re departments

  Close Discuss with students how the govern- ments of towns, townships, special districts, villages, and boroughs were created and how they function today.

  Review Online Quiz: Section 2 Quiz Game

  Assess SE Section 2 Assessment

  Main Idea Activities for Differentiated Instruction: Section 2 Answers Reading Check (left) They provide funds specifically for local schools.

  People living in a certain area may have a special need. In such cases these people may go directly to the state legislature and ask for a charter to set up a special district. A

  (right) As population grows, the need for community services and cooperation increases.

  1. a. town, p. 231; town meeting, p. 231

  b. to help solve problems and issues that occurred in towns

  2. a. township, p. 232; special district, p. 233

  as efficiently, and local government might be overburdened with problems.

  3. a. Requests to establish them must be approved by the state legislature. b. when population reaches about 200 to 300 people and more organization is needed to address community needs

  4. Students should use the graphic organizer to explain why townships and special districts

develop and how each is organized.

  5. Students’ letters will vary but should show understanding of the purpose of a village or borough.


  5. Writing to Persuade Write a letter from the

  Focus on Writing


organizer. Use it and your notes to explain why

townships and special districts develop, and how

each is organized.

  4. Comparing and Contrasting Copy the graphic

  special district is a unit of government

  formed to meet many different needs, including fi re protection, libraries, parks and recreation centers, public transportation, and sewage disposal. A special district may include several cities. For example, a hospital district might serve several cities. Each city would have to pay taxes for the services it receives. The state legislature usually sets up a commission to handle the details of estab- lishing and operating the special district. The commission members may be elected or appointed.

  School districts are considered special dis- tricts by some researchers. These districts are created by states to provide funds for local schools. There are more than 13,000 school districts in the United States. Each district has its own governing body called a board of education. An executive, usually called a superintendent of schools, manages the dis- trict’s day-to-day operations.

  READING CHECK Finding the Main Idea Why

  do school districts qualify as special districts?

  Village and Borough Governments

  When rural communities grow to a popu- lation of 200 to 300, their residents often encounter problems that require them to work together. The residents may decide to establish a village or a borough and create their own local government.

  A request to establish a village or bor- ough must be approved by the state legis- lature. The legislature permits the village or borough to be a self-governing municipality. It then can collect taxes, set up fi re and police departments, and provide other services that larger communities offer their residents.

  A village or borough is often governed by a small council, or board of trustees. The vot- ers also elect an executive or president of the board of trustees to carry out the laws.

  If the population of a village or borough becomes large enough, the people may ask the state legislature to grant the community a city charter. When this happens its govern- ment would change accordingly.

  READING CHECK Analyzing Information Why

  does an increase in population require the forma- tion of a government?

  Reviewing Ideas and Terms

  1. a. Defi ne Write a brief defi nition for each of the following terms: town and town meeting.

  b. Explain Why did town meetings develop? 2. a. Defi ne Write a brief defi nition for each of the following terms: township and special district.

  b. Make Predictions What might happen if a

  local government did not make use of special districts?

  3. a. Recalling What is the role of the state in

  the creation of villages and boroughs?

  b. Sequence When do rural areas become

  villages or boroughs? Critical Thinking


Section 2 Assessment Answers

b. Possible answer: Needs would not be met

  City Government Why It Matters Have students preview the chart that

  TAKING As you read,

  BEFORE YOU READ NOTES take notes on shows four types of city government on the different forms of city

  The Main Idea Reading Focus Key Terms page 236. Ask students to name the city government. Use a diagram like 1. in which they live, or a city near them. A city is usually larger How are city governments home rule, p. 234 this one to record your notes. organized under the home- than a town or village. city council, p. 235

  Ask students if they know how the city In many cities a large rule system? mayor, p. 235 is governed. Explain that knowing how 2.

population is crowded What are the different forms

commission, p. 237 of city government? a city’s government is organized would into a relatively small

  Forms of City Governments area, which creates be helpful if they wished to contact an many challenges for city offi cial about an issue. As students read, government. ask them to create a list of city offi cials and what they do. Explain that this list will help them know which offi ce to contact when specifi c problems arise.

  City government can get very big. New York City, for example, has nearly

  Academic Vocabulary 9,000 sanitation workers alone.

  Review with students the high-use academic

  The Los Angeles Police Department term in this section. employs 12,500 people. These departments are the size

  primary main, most important (p. 235)

  of many small towns. To provide good service, a city must be organized in an effi cient manner.

  Key Terms Preteach the following terms:

  Home Rule Organization home rule authority of a city to write and

  A city is generally the largest kind of munici-

  amend its own municipal charter (p. 234) pality. Cities vary greatly, however, in size. city council legislative body of a city’s

  New York City, for example, has a popula-

  government (p. 235)

  tion of more than 8 million. On the other hand, the city of Parker, Pennsylvania, has

  mayor city’s chief executive offi cer (p. 235) only 799 people. commission three to nine elected offi cials

  Traditionally, cities received their char-

  who act as a city’s legislative body (p. 237)

  ters and their authority from the state leg- islature. Increasingly, however, states have

  Taking Notes

  been granting to cities an authority called

  home rule. Under home rule, a city can Weak Strong write and amend its own municipal charter. mayor mayor

  This charter, usually written by a commis- sion, must be approved by the voters. Forms

  READING CHECK Making Predictions Does

  of City home rule strengthen or weaken local governments?


  A city may be small, like Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, or huge like New York City. Explain your answer.

  Council- Commission 234 CHAPTER 9 manager

  At Level

  Teach the Main Idea City Government

  1. Teach

  3. Review Ask students the Reading Focus Have students sort their pictures by questions to teach this section. category and tape or paste them to a sheet of paper or poster board to make a collage.

  2. Apply

Tell students that they will create

collages titled City. Ask students to defi ne

  4. Practice/Homework Ask students to the term at the top of a poster board. Then write captions for each picture in their have them cut out pictures from magazines collage. Encourage them to explain the that illustrate city offi cials or services. different forms of city government through

  Answers their captions.

  Reading Check Possible answer: It strengthens local government because a city can write and amend its charter the way it wishes.

  Differentiating Instruction

  What are the different forms of city government? Forms of City Government Describe How is the commission form of city government structured? A commission of elected offi cials acts as the city’s legislative body; each com- missioner also leads a department of city government.

  Below Level

  235 Reading Focus

  Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial Alternative Assessment Handbook: Rubric 13: Graphic Organizers

  Then ask them to write a defi nition of home rule in their own words.


3. Have students complete the organizer to

explain how city governments are established.

  The state gives the city permission to write its own charter under home rule.

  Are Established

  How City Governments

  A charter is granted by state government.

  2. Copy the following graphic organizer on the board, omitting the italicized answers:

  Learners Having Diffi culty Create a Graphic Organizer 1. Organize students into small groups.

  Answers (photo) so they can give elected officials feedback on the issues facing the city

  Graphic Organizer Activities: Chapter 9 Simulations and Case Studies: Lesson 9: Oakville City Council Meeting on Banning Smoking in Public Places

  Rank Which form of city government do you think is best? Why? Students’ answers will vary but should show understanding of different forms of city government.

  Home Rule Organization Recall What is the population of New York City? more than 8 million people Contrast What is the difference between the charter of a city that is under home rule and the charter of a city that is not under home rule? Cities under home rule can write and amend their charters, while those that are not under home rule receive their charters from the state legislature.

  235 Forms of City Government

  Reading Focus How are city governments organized under the home rule system?

  V OCABUL ARY primary: main, most important City officials can explain various issues at community meetings.

  Why is it important for citizens to attend community meetings? A CADEMIC

  Community Meeting The decisions of city governments can have a huge impact on citizens. City governments deal with a large number of issues, including building roads, providing police and fire production, regulating business and industry, and collecting taxes. In order to get the public’s feedback on important issues, city governments often hold community meetings. Citizens are given the opportunity to ask their elected officials questions and give their opinions on the issues facing the city.

  Community meetings are a good forum for citizens to express their opinions.

  ernments using the mayor-council form of government have adopted a strong-mayor plan of city government. Under the strong- mayor plan, the mayor is the city’s chief exec- utive offi cer and has the primary responsi- bility for running the city’s government. For example, the mayor appoints most of the city offi cials. He or she usually also prepares the city budget. In some cities, the mayor can also veto ordinances passed by the city coun- cil. Because executive power is concentrated in the mayor, many people think that the strong-mayor plan is more effi cient than the weak-mayor form.

  Strong-Mayor Plan Recently, many city gov-

  years, Americans remembered British gover- nors who had abused their powers. For this reason, some cities developed the weak-mayor plan to limit the power of the mayor. Under the weak-mayor plan, the city council holds more power than the mayor. For example, the council appoints the city department heads, who report directly to the city council rather than to the mayor.

  Weak-Mayor Plan During the country’s early

  In mayor-council governments, a city may be divided into several districts, often called wards. The people of each ward elect one person to represent them in a city coun- cil. In some cities, several council members at large are elected by all the voters in the city, rather than just the voters of one ward. Usually the mayor is also elected at large.

  city council is the legislative body, while the mayor is the city’s chief executive offi cer.

  The oldest and most common form of city government is the mayor-council govern- ment. In this kind of government, the

  Mayor-Council Government

  Cities manage a variety of responsibilities, such as providing education, health, and safety to their residents. Transportation systems, sanitation, water supplies, and fi re and police protection are also part of the daily business of city govern- ments. A city government usually is organized in one of four ways. Depending on its charter, the city will have a mayor-council government, a strong-mayor government, a commission gov- ernment, or a council-manager government.


4 In the weak-mayor plan, the

  Collaborative Learning



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  Answers Analyzing Visuals 1. Mayor-Council (Weak Mayor): mayor has equal power with council members; Mayor-Council (Strong Mayor): mayor has power over city budget, to appoint officials, and to veto council’s decisions; Commission: mayor’s vote counts equally with those of council members, who are each in charge of a city department; Council- Manager: council-appointed manager runs city departments, mayor leads city politically 2. Students’ answers will vary but should show understanding of the four structures of local government.

  At Level

  4. Review students’ answers and discuss how they knew which type of government each skit represented. Interpersonal, Kinesthetic

  3. Have each group perform its skit in front of the class. Tell student audience members to write down the form of government they think each group is acting out.

  of the classroom to create a skit in which students will act out their assigned form of government.

  Assign each group one of the forms of city government. Do not let other groups hear your assignments and tell students to keep their group’s assignment to themselves.

  Dramatize Types of City Government 1. Organize students into four groups.

  KEYWORD: SZ7 CH9 ACTIVITY: The Galveston Hurricane

  Reading Skill Have students draw a politi- cal cartoon comparing at least two dif- ferent types of city government. Remind students that their cartoons do not need to summarize all the information in the chart. Rather, they should focus on one thing that is the same or different in the two kinds of government and express it in a humorous, visual way.

  Local Government 236

  Contrast How are the strong and weak mayor-council structures dif- ferent? In weak mayor, the vote of the mayor is equal to the votes of council members. In strong mayor, the mayor has veto power over the council’s decisions.

  Compare How are the commission and council-manager structures similar? Possible answer: Both may have city council members running city departments.

  Analyze Charts This chart explains the four structures of local government in American cities.

  Mayor-Council (Weak Mayor) Mayor-Council (Strong Mayor)