Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 074214025




  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number: 074214025




  First of all I would like to express my gratitude towards Mr. Harris Setiajid as my advisor, Mrs Adventina Putranti as my Co-Advisor, Mrs. Ellisa Dwi Wardani as my academic advisor, and all lecturers and officials of Sanata Dharma University English Letters Department for the guidance during my years of study here. Surely, thanks to all respondents who help me compile this research.

  Thanks to God and Mami in heaven for the blessings given to me. Thanks to my family: Papi, Oh Pep and Ci Yunita plus Kevin, Oh Yan and Ci Ella, who give me their love and supports in many ways.

  I will not be able to finish my study if I have no strength which is given by my best friends. Milka, Meme, Reli, Putra, Tisa, and members of Merpati 11, thank you for always be by my side, accepting the good and bad of me, and giving me lots of love and happiness. I promise our friendship will last forever.

  My university life will be very boring and stressing if I do not have time to spare myself from study. Thanks to all my idols for the entertainment and inspiration I got from you. Thanks to my fandom-fangirling world friends for sharing everything with me: Aikei Kpop, Jogja Runners, A.AnJEL, and Egha neechan.

  Thank you to Romo In Nugroho and Tante Ve who help me grow up mentally.

  Lastly thanks to everyone who sincerely give me their supports. Thanks God He creates you all. I love you forever.



TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE ......................................................................................... ii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE .................................................................................... iii


MOTTO PAGE ................................................................................................ v

DEDICATION PAGE ..................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................ vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ viii

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................... x

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... xii

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ xiii


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ....................................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation .............................................................................

  3 C. Objectives of the Study .......................................................................... 3

  D. Definition of Terms ................................................................................ 3


CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW .................................................. 5

A. Review of Related Studies ..................................................................... 5 B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................... 6

  1. Definition of Translation .................................................................. 6

  2. Criteria of Good Translation ............................................................ 7 3. Problems in Translation ...................................................................

  8 4. Cultural Translation .........................................................................

  8 5. Translation Strategies .......................................................................

  9 a. Borrowing ..................................................................................

  9 b. Cultural Equivalent ....................................................................

  10 c. Descriptive equivalent ...............................................................

  10 d. Synonim .....................................................................................

  10 e. Official Translation ....................................................................

  10 f. Reduction and expansion ...........................................................

  11 g. Addition .....................................................................................

  11 h. Omission ....................................................................................

  11 i. Modulation .................................................................................

  11 C. Theoretical Framework ..........................................................................

  12 D. Research Framework .............................................................................

  13 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................... 14

  A. Object of the Study ................................................................................ 14

  B. Method of the Study ............................................................................... 14 C. Research Procedure ................................................................................

  15 1. Kinds of Data ...................................................................................


  3. Data Analysis ...................................................................................

  47 b. Naturalization .............................................................................

  BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 64

APPENDICES .................................................................................................. 66

  58 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 62

  57 6. Addition ...........................................................................................

  57 b. Expansion ...................................................................................

  57 a. Reduction ...................................................................................

  54 5. Reduction and Expansion ................................................................

  52 4. Synonym ..........................................................................................

  49 3. Descriptive equivalent .....................................................................

  48 2. Cultural Equivalent ..........................................................................

  46 a. Transliteration ............................................................................

  17 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ............................................................................ 21

  46 1. Borrowing ........................................................................................

  C. Translation Strategies and Its Relation to the Accuracy and Acceptability ................................................................................................

  6. Less Accurate and Unacceptable ..................................................... 44


  43 5. Accurate and Unacceptable ..............................................................

  43 4. Not Translated and Acceptable ........................................................

  40 3. Not Accurate and Acceptable ..........................................................

  36 2. Less Accurate and Acceptable .........................................................

  B. The Translation Acceptability ................................................................ 36 1. Accurate and Acceptable .................................................................

  A. The Translation Accuracy ...................................................................... 21

  Appendix 1: List of Items which Hold Culturally Loaded Words ............... 66 Appendix 2: Questionnaire on Accuracy ..................................................... 95 Appendix 3: Questionnaire on Acceptability ............................................... 104 Appendix 4: Data Tabulation of Accuracy .................................................. 110 Appendix 5: Data Tabulation of Acceptability ............................................ 111


  SL : Source Language (English) TL : Target Language (Bahasa Indonesia) ST : Source Text (J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone)

TT : Target Text (Listiana Srisanti’s “Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah)

AC : Accurate LA : Less Accurate NA : Not Accurate NT : Not Translated A :


  U :


  S : Strategy R : Respondents AV : Average C : Criterion

  Data Coding


  p : Kind of data (ST/TT) q : Page number r : Translation item category s : Translation item number from each category t : Accuracy (AC/LA/NA/NT) u : Acceptability (A/U)

  Example: ST/26/AN/1/AC Source Text, page 26, Category Animal and Creatures, Data category number 1, Accurate.

  Translation Item Categories AN : Animal and Creatures BO : Body Parts CA : Calling CO : Colour CU : Cuisine CK : Cutlery and Kitchen Tools DE : Device FA : Fashion FE : Feasts and Parties FU : Furniture

  ME : Measurement OC : Occupation ON : Onomatopoeia PH : Parts of House PB : Place and Building PL : Plants SG : Salutation/Greeting SP : Special Terms SY : Stationery

  VE :




  YOVITA STEFANI KURNIA SANUSI. The Indonesian Translation of


English Culturally Loaded Words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: A

Study on Accuracy, Acceptability, and Strategies Applied. Yogyakarta:

  Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

  Books, novels, comics, magazines, and other types of reading which have been translated from English into Indonesian are now easily found everywhere. It is as the result from the need of learning and information. Therefore, translation has an important role in communication. However translation is not an easy task because some problems may arise. Inaccuracy could bring unacceptability for readers because the message is not properly transferred. Thus, translation strategies are needed to make a good translation.

  Firstly this study tries to find out the accuracy of the English culturally loaded words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone which are translated into Indonesian in Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. Secondly, the researcher observes whether or not the accuracy or inaccuracy in the translation is acceptable by the readers. Thirdly, this study analyzes the translation strategy applied by the translator to translate the culturally loaded words so that the translation result can fulfill the messages from the source language.

  The method used in this study is the combination of library research and empirical research. Library research is done to find out the strategies applied in translating the culturally loaded words found in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s


Stone . On the other hand, the empirical research by distributing questionairres is

  used to find out the accuracy and acceptability of the translation used in translating Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

  As the result of this study, based on Accuracy Rating theory from Nababan, the researcher finds that the translation from Harry Potter and the


Sorcerer’s Stone , written by J.K. Rowling, into Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah,

  translated by Listiana Srisanti, is a Less Accurate and Acceptable translation. It is due to the accuracy score of 1.67, and acceptability score of 1.19. Eight of eleven translation strategies by Suryawinata are used to overcome the problem in translation. The highest occurrences are Cultural Equivalent and Synonym (10 times each from total 43 translation items analyzed). From both strategies, Cultural Equivalent is the best one since it has better scores in both accuracy and acceptability.



  YOVITA STEFANI KURNIA SANUSI. The Indonesian Tranlation of English


Culturally Loaded Words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: A Study

on Accuracy, Acceptability, and Strategies Applied. Yogyakarta: Jurusan

  Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

  Buku, novel, komik, majalah, dan jenis bacaan lainnya yang telah diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia dapat ditemukan dengan mudah di manapun sekarang. Hal ini merupakan hasil dari kebutuhan akan pembelajaran dan informasi. Maka dari itu, penerjemahan memiliki peran penting dalam komunikasi. Namun penerjemahan bukanlah hal mudah karena beberapa masalah dapat muncul. Ketidakakuratan dapat menimbulkan ketidakberterimaan bagi para pembaca, karena inti atau pesan dari bacaan tersebut tidak dihantarkan dengan baik. Jadi, strategi penerjemahan dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan sebuah terjemahan yang baik.

  Pertama-tama skripsi ini mencoba untuk menemukan keakuratan dari kata- kata bahasa Inggris yang mengandung unsure budaya di Harry Potter and the


Sorcerer’s Stone yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia di Harry Potter

dan Batu Bertuah . Kedua, peneliti mengamati apakah keakuratan atau

  ketidakakuratan dalam penerjemahan tersebut dapat diterima oleh para pembaca. Ketiga, pembelajaran ini menganalisis strategi penerjemahan yang digunakan oleh penerjemah untuk menerjemahkan kata-kata yang mengandung unsur budaya, sehingga hasil terjemahan dapat menghantarkan pesan yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber.

  Metodologi yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah penggabungan dari studi pustaka dan studi lapangan. Studi pustaka dilakukan untuk menemukan strategi-strategi yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata-kata yang mengandung unsur budaya yang ditemukan dalam Harry Potter and the


Sorcerer’s Stone . Sedangkan, studi lapangan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner

  digunakan untuk mendapatkan keakuratan dan keberterimaan dari penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

  Hasil dari penelitian ini, berdasarkan teori Nilai Keakuratan oleh Nababan, peneliti menyatakan bahwa penerjemahan dari Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone yang ditulis oleh J.K. Rowling menjadi Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah yang diterjemahkan oleh Listiana Srisanti adalah Kurang Akurat dan Dapat Diterima. Hal ini dilihat dari nilai keakuratan yang mencapai angka 1.67 dan nilai keberterimaan yang mencapai angka 1.19. Delapan dari sebelas strategi penerjemahan oleh Suryawinata digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah dalam penerjemahan. Strategi yang paling sering digunakan adalah Padanan Budaya dan Sinonim (masing-masing 10 kali dari keseluruhan 43 data penerjemahan yang dianalisis). Dari kedua strategi tersebut, Padanan Budaya merupakan strategi yang paling baik karena strategi ini memiliki nilai yang lebih baik dalam hal keakuratan dan keberterimaan.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Nowadays in book stores or libraries, we can easily find a lot of books,

  novels, comics, magazines, and other types of reading which have been translated from English into Indonesian as the result from the need of learning and information. Here obviously translation has an important role in communication.

  However, some problems may arise in the practice of translation. For some reasons the words in the source language (SL) are not translated accurately into the target language (TL). There will be a problem if the inaccuracy leads the reader not to accept the translation because it can not transfer the messages from the SL into the TL.

  J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is chosen as the subject of this study because starting from the title, the translation has aroused the researcher’s curiosity. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone has been translated into Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. In researcher’s opinion, the title is not accurately translated. Sorcerer’s stone means a stone which belongs to a sorcerer, while batu bertuah means a stone which has a good fortune or magic power (KBBI, 2007: 1212-1213). The words are not accurately translated although readers can accept the meaning because there is a correlation between sorcerer and magic.

  Another sample in the story, lemon drop is translated into permen jeruk.


Drop and permen have the same meaning as sweets. Lemon drop means a yellow,

  lemon flavored hard candy. Indonesian people are not familiar with lemon (limau). When they hear jeruk usually they think about citrus fruit colored orange with easily pealed rind (KBBI, 2007: 472), an orange. On the other hand, lemon means a yellow oval citrus fruit with thick skin and fragrant (Oxford, 1989: 968). Therefore Indonesian readers may misunderstand about the flavor of the sweets.

  Picture 1: Lemon Picture 2: Orange

  In dealing with the problem on accuracy and acceptability, some strategies may be applied so that the translation will have minimum loss of meanings from the SL. A text may be accurate in meaning but at the same time it may not be accepted by the readers because the text is too hard to be understood.

  Misunderstanding of certain values may give a bad impression to target readers.

  In this thesis, the translation strategies applied, the accuracy, and acceptability of the translation are chosen as the focuses of the study because analyzing these three aspects might be beneficial considering the fact that these aspects are important in transferring the messages from SL into TL.

  B. Problem Formulation

  1. How accurate are the English cultural words in Harry Potter and the

  Sorcerer’s Stone translated in Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah?

  2. How is the acceptability of the translation of the culturally loaded words?

  3. What strategies are implemented by the translator in translating the culturally loaded words related to their accuracy and readability?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  This study aims at exploring the translation problem on accuracy and acceptability between the source language and the target language. By using


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone translated into Harry Potter dan Batu

Bertuah , as the example of English to Indonesian translated product, this study

  tries firstly to find out how accurate the English expression in Harry Potter and


the Sorcerer’s Stone are translated in Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. Secondly,

  the researcher likes to find out whether or not the accuracy or inaccuracy in the translation is acceptable by the readers. Thirdly, this study is going to find out the translation strategy applied by the translator of the novel to translate the culturally loaded words so that the translation result can fulfill the messages from the source language.

  D. Definition of Terms

  To avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding, the following explanations might help readers to get into the discussion.

  Accuracy, Larson in Meaning-Based Translation defines the term

  ‘accuracy’ in translation means to communicate the same meaning as the source language (1984: 49). It means that the translation result should express the same meaning as the source language does.

  Acceptability, Hatim in his book Teaching and Researching Translation

  defines acceptability in a simplest way as text receiver’s response (2001: 117). In the same book Toury suggest another definition. According to him, acceptability is a function to the adherence to those norms and conventions (both linguistic- textual and literary-aesthetic) which operate in the target system (2001: 147).

  Translation strategies, Strategies are also known as shifts or procedure or

  techniques. Suryawinata and Hariyanto in their book “Translation” define translation strategy as a tactic of translator for translating words, phrases, or a sentence (2003: 67).

  Culturally Loaded words, Dehghani in his essay stated that there are

  words and phrases in one language or another which are closely connected with cultural contexts. The most commonly culturally loaded words come under the following categories: greeting terms, politeness terms, and relationship terms (2009: 1). In this thesis, the two cultures that are going to be discussed are culture that exists in ST Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, including culture in Britain along with culture that the author creates herself for magical background in the story, and culture in the TL, Indonesia.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies A similar study on translation is done by Indah. In her thesis she discussed

  the translation strategies used in translating The Joy Luck Club into Perkumpulan


Kebahagiaan dan Keberuntungan , a novel by Amy Tan, where there are many

  English expressions which hold cultural untranslatability (2008: 59). As the result, she finds out that the strategies used by translator to translate The Joy Luck Club into Indonesian are translation by borrowing, cultural equivalent, the combination of descriptive equivalent and transliteration, synonym, and addition (2008: 59).

  A study from Ardiansah in his undergraduate thesis finds out that there are four kinds of translation strategies suggested by Mona Baker that is used by the translator in Bumi Manusia by Pramoedya Ananta Toer into This Earth of


Mankind . The strategies used are cultural substitution, paraphrase using a related

  word, superordinate, and loan word plus explanation. The translation strategies in translating culture-specific concepts presented carry some results in meaning lexically and contextually. The results lead to loss of meaning, loss and gain of meaning, wrong translation, and accurate translation. Each strategy may result on different impact that depends on the datum itself (2008: 55).

  Another undergraduate thesis on translation is done by Diah Puspitaratri. Her study aims to see the accuracy of the translation text, its naturalness, and the reader’s acceptance when this translation text comes into their local culture, value, and norms. The study is also seeking the best way to deal with any translation quality criterion requirement as well as the problem(s) that may rises during the process of the translation and the translation re-checking (read: assessment) itself (2010: 7). As the conclusion, the quality of this translation is defined as an Inaccurate but Natural and Acceptable Translation (2010: 231-232).

  Based on the explanation previously, it can be classified that this study will develop other studies that have been studied before. While other studies merely focused on one problem translation, whether it is the strategies used in translating or the accuracy of a translation or the acceptability of a translation, this study will focus on those three problems with different perspective. This study tries to discuss how acceptable the translation can be gained by the readers and how the translation strategies can affect it.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Definition of Translation

  According to Catford, translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (1965: 20).

  Catford points out that the first and primary activity in translation is how to find the equivalence of words, phrases, clauses, sentences and elements of the source language (SL) into the target language (TL).

  Larson said that translation is transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor language by going from the form of the first language to the form of a second language by way of semantic structure (1984: 3).

  Nida and Taber (1974: 12) define translation as the reproduction in a receptor language of the closest natural equivalent of the source message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.

2. Criteria of Good Translation

  As said by Larson, it is meaning which being transferred and must be held constant. A good translation is the one which a) uses the normal language form of the target language, b) communicates, as much as possible, to target language speaker the same meaning that was understood by the speaker of the second language, and c) maintains the dynamics of the original source language text. Maintaining the dynamics of the original source language text means that the translation is presented in such a way that it will, hopefully, evoke the same response as the source text attempted to evoke (1984: 6).

  From a different perspective, El Toury, in Antar S.Abdellah’s studies focused on differentiating between different types of translation. He indicated that there are eight types of translation: word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptive translation, free translation, idiomatic translation, and communicative translation. He advocated that the last type as the one which transmits the meaning from the context, respecting the form and structure of the original and which easily comprehensible by the readers of the target language. It can be said that a good translation is one that carries all the ideas of the original as well as its structural and cultural features, omitting nothing and adding nothing (

  3. Problems in Translation

  Making an ideal translation, which fulfills the requirements, is not easy. In doing translation process, a translator may be faced with terms or concept in the SL that do not exist in the TL. When “there is no lexical or syntactical substitute in the TL for an SL item” (Bassnett, 1991: 32), it means the translator is dealing with the untranslatability.

  Here, the untranslatability must not be understood as “impossible to be translated”. The translation of words with the untranslatability is possible. The one which is untranslatable is the concept that follows the word. This is because in the untranslatability the “same” meaning is usually impossible.

  4. Cultural Translation

  Cultural knowledge and cultural differences have been a major focus of translator training and translation theory for long. The main concern has traditionally been with words and phrases that are so heavily and exclusively grounded in one culture that they are almost impossible to translate into terms - verbal or otherwise- of another (Robinson, 1997: 223).

  One example of this issue can be seen in the case of translating Japanese anime (Crayon Shinchan) into Catalan. There are some uniquely Japanese expressions in order to produce humor for which there is no exact equivalent in European languages. Shinchan, the 5 years old main character, always uses the set expression okaeri when he returns home - literary meaning It’s good you’re back - an expression normally uttered by people who are at the receiving end of returning family members. People returning home should normally said tadaima - I’m back. Furthermore, okaeri is the honorific expression used to show respect to the returning party, thus one should not use it for oneself. This deliberate misuse of


okaeri by Shinchan is translated into Catalan simply as adeu (goodbye), so part of

its humor is inevitably lost (

5. Translation Strategies

  Suryawinata and Hariyanto divide the translation strategy into two main types. They are structural strategy, a strategy related with sentence structure, and semantic structure, a strategy related with word meaning (2003: 67). On this paper, since the analysis will deal more on cultural context, the researcher consider more on semantic structure.

  Semantic strategy consists of a number of strategies (Suryawinata, 2003: 70-76, translated). These include

  a. Borrowing Borrowing is a translation strategy whereby the translator uses a word or expression from the SL in the TL. One reason of using foreign terms is to show respect through the words. Another reason is because there is no equivalence in the TL. There are two kinds of borrowing. The first one is transliteration, a borrowing that keeps the SL word in its original form, either its sound or spelling. The second one is naturalization. By naturalization, the SL word’s sound and spelling are adapted into the TL. b. Cultural equivalent In this strategy, the translator translates the SL cultural word with the TL cultural word. As the example, the Indonesian word ‘Jaksa Agung’ is translated as Attorney General in English (not Great Attorney).

  c. Descriptive equivalent This strategy is used when the SL word is expressed by its description and function. For example, the word samurai is described as

  ‘the Japanese aristocracy from the eleventh to nineteenth century’; its function was ‘to provide officers and administrators’.

  d. Synonym This strategy is used when the translator uses the TL words that have more or less the same meaning for the SL words.

  e. Official Translation In this strategy, the translator uses the official translation that has been standardized in translating the SL words. As the example, “read-only memory” is translated as “memori simpan tetap” in “Pedoman Pengindonesiaan Nama dan Kata Asing”. f. Reduction and expansion Reduction means reducing the SL word component, for example, translating the word “automobile” as “mobil” in Indonesia. Here, the word element “auto” is omitted. The expansion is the opposite or reduction. Here the word component is expanded in the TL, for example, translating “whale” as “ikan paus” in Indonesia because if it is not added the word “ikan”, it may mean the pope.

  g. Addition In this strategy, the translator gives extra information to the TL readers. It may come in the text, at the bottom of the page (footnote), and at the end of the text.

  h. Omission Omission means deleting a word or a text part of the SL in the TL.

  This strategy is used when the meaning carried by the words is not important enough to the development of the text. i. Modulation

  Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a change in the point of view. This change can be justified when, literal translation results in a grammatically correct utterance, it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. Translating “I broke my leg” as “kakiku patah” in Indonesia is an example of modulation. In this translation, the translator views the problem from its object (“kaki”), not from its subject (“saya”). This is a must because Indonesian grammar does not allow such structure like “saya mematahkan kaki saya”.

C. Theoretical Framework

  The theories applied in this study are the theories on definition of translation, the criteria of good translation, problems in translation, cultural translation, and translation strategies applied. The definition of translation helps the researcher to get the basic understanding to the topic being discussed. The criteria of good translation are included to give an idea what is actually a good translation. The problems of translation are needed to give description about translation difficulties. Theory about cultural translation gives an insight about the relation between culture and translation. And theory of translation strategies helps the researcher to analyze the translation strategies applied in translating the story.

D. Research Framework


  Harry Potter Harry Potter and the Sorceres’s Stone dan Batu Bertuah

  Culturally Loaded Word

  Respondent Accuracy Acceptability Respondent Background Strategies Applied Background

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study There are two works analyzed in this research. The first one is the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling which was published by Scholastic Inc. in 1999 in New York. This book tells about a boy who is finally

  noticed that he is a wizard. The first book of seven books in all is the story of the main character’s first year in his wizardly school. There are some expressions, especially culturally loaded words, which may be common in British or English- speaking society, because the story took place in Britain. The second work is


Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah , the translated version of Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone . It was translated from English by Listiana Srisanti and

  published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2001.

B. Method of the Study

  The method used in this study is the combination of library research and empirical research. Library research is done to find out the strategies applied in translating the culturally loaded words found in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s


Stone . On the other hand, the empirical research is used to find out the accuracy

  and acceptability of the translation used in translating Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone .

  The library survey is held to find the theories of translation needed for the study. In doing library research, the researcher reads through some books related with this study to gain information about concept and theories which will support this study. The library research is done to form a strong basic for conducting the survey. This method is also used to construct the questionnaires as the research instrument and to support the result of the study.

  Next method needed is empirical research to find the response of the readers toward the translation version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, in this case the accuracy and acceptability. It is done by spreading questionnaires to respondents.

  The researcher uses primary data as the researcher collect the data herself from the books.

C. Research Procedure

1. Kinds of Data

  There are two objective data used in this research. The first is Harry Potter


and the Sorcerer’s Stone which was written by J.K. Rowling with the original title

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone . This work consists of 312 pages,

  published by Scholastic Inc. in 1991 in New York. This data later on will be the Source Text (ST) of the analysis.

  The second data is the Indonesia translation version done by Listiana Srisanti. which was entitled Harry Potter dan Batu Bertuah. Consisting of 382 pages, it was published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2001. This data will be the Target Text (TT).

  Affective data is collected through distributing questionnaires to some respondents. There are two kinds of questionnaires, based on the group of the respondents.

  The first group consists of two persons who assess the accuracy of the translation text compared to the source text. Those persons are experts in linguistics and literary works. The second group is going to contribute to the analysis of the acceptability of the translation result. There are ten respondents who are undergraduate students, range in various majors. They are randomly chosen as the representative of the Indonesian literature readers.

  By having limited respondents, this study presents efficiency and quality of the research rather than the quantity of the data.

2. Data Collection

  The data are culturally loaded words which are culturally problematic to translate. These expressions consist of phrases and terms which hold cultural concepts. The form of the data is quotations taken from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone that contain culturally loaded words.

  The sentences and the phrases which will be analyzed and the page numbers were noted, thus rechecking can be easier. For some samples, maybe in the English version book, we will find it in page 6, but in the Indonesian version we will find it on page 13. After the data in the ST were collected, the next step was to note their translation in the TL.

  Due to the large number of the data found, the researcher use purposive sampling. The sample chosen are the data which is important. The total data found were put into some categories, based on common categorization on cultural words. Because the large number of the data, the researched took 10% data from each category. Thus, this number will be the representative data which are going to be analyzed in this study.

3. Data Analysis

  The analysis was done on the culturally loaded words in J.K. Rowling’s


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and its translated version Harry Potter dan

Batu Bertuah . To answer the first problem formulation, The English culture-

  bound expressions were listed based on the criteria of the accuracy of translation to find out how accurate the translated version of those expressions.

  In assessing the translation quality, validity was considered. To meet the validity, the researcher consulted two respondents. By having other people examine the text, the ambiguities were discovered, and the face validity of the assessment could be obtained. Their comments and corrections on the test items make the test much more valid.

  To find the accuracy score of translating the culturally loaded words, the researcher uses Nababan’s Accuracy Rating Instrument as cited in Setiajid’s study (2007: 10, translated).

  Table 1: Table on the Accuracy Assessment Scoring System Translation Score Explanation Criterion

  1 Accurate The content of the source sentence is accurately conveyed into the target sentence. The translated sentence is clear to the evaluator and no rewriting is needed.

  2 Less Accurate The content of the source sentence is accurately conveyed into the target sentence. The translated sentence can be clearly understood by the evaluator, but some rewriting and some change in word order are needed.

  3 Not Accurate The content of the source sentence is not accurately conveyed to the target sentence. There are some problems with the choice of lexical items and with the relationships between phrase, clause and sentence elements.

  4 Not Translated The source sentence is not translated at all into the target sentence, i.e. it is omitted or deleted.

  For example, if the respondent thinks that the translation result is clear, but it needs rewriting, thus he or she will give score 2.

  To find the accuracy score, the researcher consults two respondents. After the data is collected, the next step is calculating the average score by totaling score from each sentence and dividing it into two. But, looking at the range of the scores, after totaling and dividing, there is a probability that the final score is not an integer. To make the classification clear, the researcher widens the score range into its middle score between each integer. This system will also be useful when the researcher calculate the average score from all data.

  Table 2: Table on the Applied Accuracy Assessment Scoring System Score Translation Criterion

  1.00 - 1.50 Accurate 1.51 - 2.50 Less Accurate 2.51 - 3.50 Not Accurate 3.51 - 4.00 Not Translated The next step, the data collected from respondents was processed to find the acceptability of the translation in order to answer the second problem formulation. The scores given by each respondent were calculated by totaling the scores and dividing it by the number of respondents. The result would be the grade of acceptability.

  Here the researcher uses Acceptability Scoring System which is used by Puspitaratri in her study (2010: 206).

  Table 3: Table on the Acceptability Assessment Scoring System Translation Score Explanation Criterion

  1 Acceptable The written material is easy to read and understand.

  2 Unacceptable The written material is not easy to read and understand.

  Similar with the previous discussion, after collecting the score and finding the average, there is a probability that the final score is not an integer. Therefore the researcher widens the score range to make the classification clear.

  Table 4: Table on the Applied Acceptability Assessment Scoring System Score Translation Criterion

  1.00 - 1.50 Acceptable 1.51 - 2.00 Unacceptable

  After that, to answer the third problem formulation, document analysis was used. Each word was explained using its meaning and significance toward the text. Interpreting those expression based on theories used in the theoretical review was the next step. The English words in the Indonesian and English version were compared to the theories to find out how those culturally problematic expressions were translated based on certain translation strategies. Then it was followed by finding out how these translation strategies may give influence on the acceptability of the translation.

  Lastly, some conclusions were drawn as the result of the analysis of translation product and the data from the respondents that had been processed.

CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS This chapter is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the accuracy of the translation, based on the questionnaires that had been distributed. The second part discusses the translation acceptability, also based on the questionnaires that had been distributed to a group of undergraduate students. Finally in the third part, the researcher discusses the translation strategies found in

  the translation result, and relates it with the grade of accuracy and acceptability from the respondents. Thus we can find whether the strategies create an accurate and acceptable translation or not.

  As stated in previous chapter, the data discussed here is the sample of total 439 data found in the book. After taking approximately 10% data from each category, thus there are 43 translation items that are going to be analyzed.

A. The Translation Accuracy

  Translation result should express the same meaning as the source language does. It means that translation should be accurate. To find the accuracy of translating the culturally loaded words, the researcher uses Nababan’s Accuracy Rating Instrument as cited in Setiajid’s study which has been discussed in the previous chapter.

  Later, to find out the translation accuracy of Harry Potter and the