Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga






Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of SarjanaPendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga




113 10 045





You will never be brave if you don’t get hurt

You will never learn if you don’t make mistake

  You will never be successful if you don’t encounter failure

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that

is greater than any obstacle (Christian D. Lareon)


  To 1. My dearest father (Muh. Khosim) and mother (Kustini Librariyati).

  2. My dearest brother (Anas Muh Wibowo).

  3. All my friends TBI B 2010.



Alham dulillahirabbil’alamin. In the name of Allah The Most Gracious and

  The Most Merciful. The researcher would like to express her grateful to the almighty Allah SWT for his blessing, chance, and guidance to finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English and Educational Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga in 2015.

  Shalawat and Salam are always sent to my beloved Prophet Rasulullah SAW for his unparallel effort and sacrifices to show the right path and spread the light of salvation to all mankind and universe.

  However, this success would not be achieved without those support, guidance, advice, help and encouragements‟ from individuals and institution, and the researcher somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deeper gratitude for :

  1. Dr. H. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, S.Pd., M.Pd, as Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

  3. Noor Malihah Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department.

  4. Noor Malihah Ph.D., the counselor of this research, Thanks for her careful guidance, wisdom, kindness and suggestions in writing this graduating paper.

  5. All of my lectures in English Educational Department.



Kahfiani, Rois.2015.

  Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Using Wayang in SMKN 1 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2013/2014. Graduating Paper English

  Department and Education State of Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga. Counselor : Noor Malihah, Ph,D.

  This research is mainly aimed to improve students ‟ speaking skills using

  Wayang in SMKN 1 Salatiga in the Academic of year 2013/2014. The purposes of research are : (1) To help students improve their English speaking skill; (2) To help the students improve their score and get students interest to study English speaking skill in the class. The methodology of research is classroom action research. To find out the improvement of students speaking skill, the researcher used pre-test and post- test. The researcher used 2 cycles; each cycle consists of 2 meetings. The meeting consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection. The researcher found that the students are active in teaching learning process. They are more confident to speak in front of class and the audiences. The results of this research in every cycle, show that the score of students speaking skill was improved. From cycle I, there is a significant improvement because t o 11.68 ≥ t table 2.0301. The same is also in Cycle II, there is a significant improvement in Cycle II. It is shown by t

  14 2.0301. So,

  o ≥ t table

  the students speaking skill was improved after using Wayang in teaching learning process.

  Key words: Speaking and Wayang


  TITLE …………………………………………………………………………. i

  DECLARATION ……………………………………………………………… ii

  ATTENTIVE CONSULTANT NOTES …………………………. …………… iii

  BOARD OF EXAMINERS ……………………………………………………. iv MOTTO ……………………………………………………………………….. v DEDICATION

  ………………………………………………………………… vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT

  …………………………………………………….. vii ABSTRACT

  ………………………………………………………………….. ix TABLE OF

  CONTENT………………………………………………………. x LIST OF TA BLES……………………………………………………………. xv


1 Background of the Study……………….…………..………………. 1

  1.4 Purpose of the Research ...............

  ………………………………… 7

  1.5 Benefit of the Research ............ …………………………………… 7

  1.6 Definition of Key Terms…………………………….. .................... 8

  1.7 Outline of the Graduating paper………………………… ............... 9


  2.1 De finition of Speaking…... .............................................................. 10

  2.2 Element of Speaking ............................................ ………………… 11

  2.3 Components of Speaking Skill ......................................................... 12

  2.4 Principles of Teaching Speaking………………… .......................... 13

  2.5 Technique in Teaching Speaking ..................................................... 14

  2.6 Roles of the Teacher in Speaking ..................................................... 16

  2.7 Definition of Wayang ....................................................................... 17

  2.8 Wayang as a Media in English Teaching Speaking Skill ................. 18


  3.1.2 Time of Research ................................................................. 21

  3.2 Subject of Research .......................................................................... 22

  3.3 Data Sources ….. ............................... ……………………………… 24

  3.4 Research Method .............................................................................. 25

  3.5 Type of Research .............................................................................. 25

  3.6 Procedure of Research …………………………….. ....................... 26

  3.6.1 P lanning…………………………………………………… 26

  3.6.2 Action................................................................................ ... 26

  3.6.3 Observation......................................................................... . 27

  3.6.4 Reflection............................................................................ . 27

  3.7 Technique of Col lecting Data…………………………................... 28

  3.7.1 Test....................................................................................... 28

  3.7.2 Observation.......................................................................... 29

  3.7.3 Analysis............................................................................... 30

  3.8.1 Quantitative Research .......................................................... 31

  3.8.2 Statistical Technique ............................................................ 31

  3.9 General Description of SMKN 1 Salatiga ........................................ 33

  3.9.1 History of SMK N1 Salatiga………………………… ........ 33

  3.9 .2 Vision………….. ................................................................. 34

  3.9.3 Mission ................................................................................ 34

  3.9.4 Students of SMKN 1 Salatiga .............................................. 34

  3.9.5 Location of SMK N1 Salatiga ............................................. 35

  3.9.6 Condition of Students, Teacher and Functionary in SMKN 1 Salatiga .......................................................................................... 35

  3.9.7 Infrastructure and Facilities of SMKN 1 Salatiga ............... 36

  CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Data presentation ........................................................

  …………….. 39

  4.1.1 Cycle I .................................................................................. 39

  4.1.2 Cycle II ................................................................................ 54


  5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................................ 70

  5.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................ 71 References Appendixes


  3.1 List of XI AK 3 Students of SMKN 1 Salatiga ……………………… 23

  3.2 Cyclical Action Research ……………………………………………. 28

  3.3 Assessment Rubric of Speaking …………………………………….. 29

  3.4 Condition of Students ………………………………………………. 36

  3.5.Infrastructure ………………………………………………………... 36

  3.6 Facilities ……………………………………………………………… 37

  4.1 Dialogue for Students ……………………………………………….. 42

  4.2 The List of Student‟s Score of pre-test and post-test in Cycle I…….. 49

  4.3 The List of Student‟s Score of pre-test and post-test in Cycle II……. 63

  4.4 Summary of Cycle I and Cycle II …………………………………… 68



  In chapter I, the researcher will present the introduction. In section 1.1, the researcher will present background of the study. In section 1.2 problem of the research, 1.3 the purpose of research, 1.4 benefit of research, 1.5 definition of key term, and 1.6 outline paper.

1.1 Background of the Study

  Most of students feel afraid or nervous to speak in front of class or many people. They can not speak clearly when they feel nervous. Although they have studied hard and practice at home, but when the teacher asks them to speak in front of class they still get any difficulties to do the task. Most of them cannot do the task well and get bad score.

  Usually, the teachers teach English based on the book they use. First, the teachers explain the lesson in front of class using English and Indonesian language.

  Second, after they finish their explanation, they ask the students about their explanation whether the students understand or not. Most students do not speak and react, because they feel confuse. They do not understand with the lesson, but they are

  When teaching the students, not every teacher concern to teach four language skill. They sometimes only focus on one or two skills English for example : reading and speaking. The teacher is actually able to deliver the materials in the book. However, in the teaching learning process, teacher dominate the class. For example, teacher explain all the lesson long and clear to them.

  The teachers often notice four skills in English. They teach using a teacher book, they always explain the lesson well. But the teachers are more active than the students. However when the teachers ask the students, whether their explanation is clear or not, most students still keep silent. Next, the teachers thought that the students understand their explanation. Then, the teachers give some exercises for the students to do. However, most students still get bad score.

  The students feel shy and afraid when they want to ask a question to their teachers. The teachers should help their students increase their self confidence and their English language skills, namely writing, reading, listening and speaking. If they have good English language skills, they will have good self confidence. Speaking is one skill which can increase students self confidence.

  Speaking helps the students increase their self confidence. However if they have good speaking skill they will ask to their teacher when they do not understand story or letter. To teach reading the teachers ask the students to read a dialogue or story which is written in the book. Also teachers play a tape recorder in the language laboratory or in the classroom to teach listening. Sometimes the teachers teach speaking with reading a text in the book. The teachers give correction when the students read a text or dialogue, but they often teach speaking intensively.

  The teachers should teach speaking intensively using some methods to the students. There are many methods to teach speaking skill, for example acting from a script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks, questionnaires, speech, simulation and role play, using Wayang, etc.

  Therefore, the researcher will conduct a research to know why the students cannot speak well and do not have self confidence to speak English. Speaking is an important skill to develop for the students. But, the students think that learning speaking is difficult. Because the students must speak English words fluently and the teacher will give them bad score if they cannot speak fluently like a native speaker.

  Speaking is so much a part of daily life that many people take it for granted. The average person produces tens of thousands of words a day, although some people like politicians may produce even more than that. For a long time people was assumed that the ability to speak fluently followed naturally from the teaching of

  In Indonesia, English is obligatory taught to the students of junior high school to senior high school and optional to the students of elementary school. One skill the teacher develop when teaching English is speaking. The teachers help their students speak English using some methods. Although, the students have studied speaking English since they in elementary school but most of them have not spoken English well. The teachers usually teach simple conversation, and the students need more than simple conversation for their future. English skill is important for their future. They will need that skill to apply for a job or they can get scholarship to study abroad.

  Like any other skills such as playing a musical instrument or cooking, therefore, speaking develops through an inextricable combination of learning and use.

  By practicing more, people can improve their automatization and develop routines in speaking. The important point about speaking is that when people speak, they normally do so for a purpose. People speak because people want to achieve something in a particular situation or context. Such achievements are not necessarily something grand like concluding a business deal, but may simply be passing on a piece of information or establishing contact with another human being (Juan, 2006 : 189).

  As the researcher mentioned earlier that there are several methods in teaching English speaking skills, some students still have difficulties, in speaking in front of forget the dialogue or text. Therefore, it is necessary for the teachers to find out a suitable method to teach English speaking skill.

  One innovation that the researcher would like to implement while teaching English speaking skill is the use of Wayang. Wayang is one of show art like drama, which uses music, sound, literature etc. Wayang is traditional art which is developed


  in Java and Bali island. Wayang was known by UNESCO in November 7 2003 as an amazing art in narration story and beautiful heritage which is very value (Pasha, 2011 : 17).

  The use of Wayang is to help the students speak fluently in front of the audience. The students will enjoy to make their story to be more interesting by using Wayang. By using Wayang as a teaching media, the students should not be face to face while learning English but the story will be listened and understood by their friends or audience. Wayang will increase their self confidence. The students will think that media Wayang is funny and interesting to learn English. According to Sudarmadji (2010 : 10), Wayang is a media to get students interest, when their teachers or friends tell a story in front of class. Also by using this media in teaching English, the researcher hopes this method will give Wayang appreciation to the students to save our heritage.

  Wayang is chosen to increase speaking skill because teaching English using

  Wayang has not been implemented in teaching English speaking skill in SMK N 1 Salatiga. Therefore, it is challenging for me to find out whether or not Wayang can improve the students English speaking skill in this research. The use of Wayang as a teaching method can be a new method for a teacher to teach English speaking skill. Realizing the advantages of using Wayang in teaching English, the researcher, then, would like to conduct a classroom action research entitled


Students ’ Speaking Skills Using Wayang in SMKN 1 Salatiga in the Academic

Year of 2013/2014


  1.2 Limitation of the Problem This research will use Wayang as a media in teaching learning process.

  Wayang which will be used by the research is kind of puppet. Many kind of Wayang like wayang purwo, madya, golek etc. But, this research used contemporary Wayang or puppet.

  1.3 Statement of the Problem

  Based on the background above, the problem in this research can be formulated as follows :

  1. How is the Wayang in improving student‟s speaking skills in SMKN 1 Salatiga?

  1.4 Purpose of Research

  From the statement of the problem above, the objectives of this research as follows :

  1. To help students improve their English speaking skills.

  2. To help the students improve their score and get students interest to study English speaking skills in the class.

  1.5 Benefit of Research

  The researcher hopes that these research will have two benefits as presented below :

  1. For the students This research will give the students new experience about learning English speaking skill. So the students will feel fun to learn English. The students can increase their knowledge about the Indonesia culture.

  2. For English teacher This research gives additional contribution to English teachers to develop language teaching methods theoretically and practically. This research also contributes to the teacher in their English class, so they are able to improve the quality of teaching learning process.

  The findings of this research can increase the students achievement, and their achievement can increase the school quality.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

  In the tittle Improving Students‟ Speaking Skills Using Wayang in SMKN 1 Salatiga in the Academic of year 2013/2014 there is two key terms, they are :

  1.6.1 Speaking Speaking is so much a part of daily life that many people take it for granted.

  The average person produces tens of thousands of words a day, although some people like politicians may produce even more than that. For a long time people was assumed that the ability to speak fluently followed naturally from the teaching of grammar and vocabulary, with a bit of pronunciation (Thornbury, 2008 : 1).

  1.6.2 Wayang Wayang is a human imitation doll which made from wood, leather, etc, which can be used in a traditional drama perform (Bali, Java, Sunda, etc), usually played by a people who called as dalang (Pasha, 2011 : 5). of the research, the purpose of the research, benefit of research, definition of key term and the outline of the paper.

  Chapter II is review related literature. In this chapter the researcher will present some related theories and definition speaking, element of speaking, classroom speaking activities, definition Wayang, Wayang as a media English teaching speaking skill.

  Next, chapter III will discuss research method that consists of research of approach, type of research, object of the research, data of source, method and technique of data collection, and the method, technique of data and research setting.

  In this chapter IV will discuss the data presentation and data analysis. The data analysis presents the result of students English speaking skill.

  Chapter V is closure that consists of conclusion and suggestion. CHAPTER II

  In chapter II, the researcher will present the review of related literature. In section 2.1, the researcher will present definition of speaking. Section 2.2, element of speaking, 2.3 the component of speaking skill, 2.4 the principal of teaching speaking, 2.5 technique of teaching speaking, 2.6 the role of the teacher in speaking, 2.7 definition of Wayang, and 2.8 Wayang as a media in English teaching speaking skills.

2.1 Definition of Speaking

  Speaking is a very fundamental skill for the learners to develop because through speaking skill people can communicate their feeling and what they think to others. Oral communication is seen as a basic skill, so it is necessary. Not only serious treatment is needed in teaching but also a great effort to be able to master the skill.

  For most people, mastering speaking skill is the most important skill of learning a foreign language. Mastering speaking skill for a student become important because they will get good achievement in English lesson.

  According to Bygafe through Nunan (1991 : 40), speaking is the oral interaction that can be characterized in term of routines, conventional ways of presenting information which can either focus information or interaction.

  Speaking are not going to look at controlled language practice where students

2.2 Element of Speaking

  Harmer (2003 : 269) states that the ability to speak English presupposes the elements necessary for spoken production as follows:

  2.2.1 Language features, the elements necessary for spoken production, are the following:

  1. Connected speech: in connected speech sounds are modified (assimilation), omitted (elision), added (linking), or weakened (through contractions and stress patterning). It is also for this reason that we should involve students in activities designed specifically to improve their speaking skill.

  2. Expressive devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterances, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling (especially in face to face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey meanings.

  3. Lexis and grammar: teacher should therefore supply a variety of phrases of different function such as agreeing or disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or approval.

  4. Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiators language

  2.2.2 Mental / social processing Success of speaker‟s productivity is also depended upon the rapid processing skills that talking necessitates such as:

  1. Language Processing: Language processing involves the retrieval of words and their assembly into syntactically and propositionally appropriate sequence.

  2. Interacting with other: effective speaking also involves a good deal of listening, an understanding or how the other participants are feeling, and knowledge of how linguistically to take turns allow others to do so.

  3. Information processing (On the spot) : Quite apart from our response to other‟s feelings, we also need to be able to process the information they tell us the moment we get it.

2.3 Components of Speaking Skill

  Rubiati (2010 : 17) states that there are five components are generalization recognized in analyses of the speech process.

  1. Pronunciation including the segmental features vowels and consonants and the stress and the stress and intonation patterns.

  2. Grammar.

  5. Comprehension; for oral communication certainly requires a subject to respond to speech as well as initiate it.

  The five factors of speaking above have important role in speaking. By mastering all the factors, people can produce good speech.

2.4 Principles of Teaching Speaking

  Teaching speaking has some principles (Nunan, 2003 : 54-56). they are :

  1. Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language learning contexts. (A foreign language contexts is one where the target language is not the language of communication in the society, then a second language context is one where the target language is the language of communication in the society)

  2. Give students practice with both fluency and accuracy (Accuracy is the extent to which students‟ speech matches what people actually say when they use the target language, quickly and confidently, with few hesitations of unnatural pauses, false starts, and word searchers).

  3. Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair work and limiting teacher talk.

  4. Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning. Research suggests that learners make progress by communicating in the target language because

2.5 Technique in Teaching Speaking

   There are several speaking activities in a classroom, they are :

  1. Acting from script This activity encourage students to act out scene from plays or their course books, sometimes filming the result (Harmer, 2003 : 27). Students will often act on dialogues they have written themselves. This frequently involves them in coming out the front of the class.

  2. Communication Games Speaking activities based on games are often a useful way of giving students valuable practice, where younger learners are involved. Game based activities can involve practice of oral strategies such as describing, predicting, simplifying, and asking for feedback.

  3. Discussion One of the reason that discussion fail is that students are reluctant to give an opinion in front of the whole class, particularly if they cannot think of anything to say and are not confident of the language they might use to say it. Many students feel extremely expose in discussion situation.

  4. Prepared talks A popular kinds of activity is the prepared talk where students make a than from a script. Prepared talks represent a defined and useful speaking game, and if properly organized, can be extremely interesting for both speaker and listener.

  5. Simulation and role play Many students derive greet benefit from simulation and role play. Students simulate a real life encounter as if they were doing is in the real world. A simulation and role play can be used to encourage general oral fluency to train students for specific situation.

  6. Debate Debate is an activity which opposite points of view are presented and argued.

  Debate can present opportunities for students to engage in using extended of language for a purpose: to convincingly defend one side of an issue.

  All of speaking activities above encourage students to practice speaking skill in classroom. Teacher should choose appropriate activities above based on the level of the students. Every teaching and learning process can be enjoyable if teacher gives the appropriate activity based on the student‟s levels.

2.6 Roles of the Teacher in Speaking

  Rubiati (2010 : 17) writes that there are many roles in teaching speaking that

  2. Keep the number of display questions to a minimum. Example: teacher question that are aimed at getting learners to „display‟ their knowledge, such as „What‟s the past of go?’.

  3. Build the topic at hand together with the students; assume that whatever they say contributes to the topic.

  4. Tolerate silences; refrain from filling the gaps between turns.

  5. Encourage students to sustain their speech beyond one or two sentences and to take longer turns, do not use a student‟s short utterance as a springboard for your own lengthy turn.

  6. Extend your exchanges with individual students to include clarification of the speaker‟s intentions and a negotiation of meanings; do not cut off too soon an exchange to pass on to another student.

7. Pay attention to the message of students‟ utterances rather than to the form in which they are cast.

  8. Make extensive use of natural feedback rather than evaluating and judging every student utterance following its delivery.

  9. Give students explicit credit by quoting them; do not take credit for what students contributed by giving the impression.

  10. Promoter: students sometimes get lost, cannot think of what to say next or in

  11. Participant: teacher should be a good animators when asking students to produce language.

  12. Feedback provider: the vexed question of when and how to give feedback in speaking activities is answered by considering carefully the effect possible different approach.

2.7 Definition of Wayang

  Wayang is a human imitation doll which made from wood, leather, etc, which can be used in a traditional drama perform (Bali, Java, Sunda, etc), usually played by a people who called as dalang (Pasha, 2011 : 5).

  Wayang is an Indonesian word for theater. Bayang, the Javanese word for shadow or imagination, also connotes "spirit." When the term is used to refer to puppet theater, the puppet itself is sometimes referred to as Wayang. There are many forms of Wayang, including dances performed with masks and dramas performed with wooden, jointed puppets, but the most famous is Wayang kulit, "shadow puppet theater" (Pasha, 2011 : 17).

  Wayang is an original culture in Indonesia. UNESCO had declared Wayang as Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity Indonesia in 2003. Indonesia has various types of Wayang which are spread all over the Indonesia

2.8 Wayang as a Media in English Teaching Speaking Skills

  Nowadays, Wayang has developed in many varieties. Wayang has been used in English teaching. Scott (2003 : 34) has written some methods to present new language orally as follows :

  1. Using a Mascot, one of the most successful ways of presenting language to students is through Wayang or a class mascot.

  2. Wayang, Wayang does not need to be more than mask, and these do not have to be complicated. They can just be paper bags with holes for eyes.

  The simplest Wayang is made from paper bag, but the researcher will use Wayang made from paper and bamboo. The researcher hopes this Wayang will help the students enjoy the lesson and make them understand the material easier also the students can speak with their self confidence.

  By using Wayang as a teaching media, students can easily understand the subject matter and also know Indonesian culture. The researcher used Wayang


Klithik/krucil, it was Wayang which made from leather and has small size (Pasha 27 :

  2011). But the differences between Wayang which is used by the researcher is the material of Wayang. The researcher used paper to made this Wayang.

  The researcher used Wayang not to tell the history of Wayang but the researcher think that Wayang is the best and funny media to teach English speaking skills. Furthermore, the Wayang are able to answer the problems of education which is currently being discussed in Indonesia, it is about moral education for students. The moral values contained in Wayang can provide a wide range of moral lessons that are taught to students.

  Wayang is not only an old and ancient art but Wayang also has some functions, they are :

  1. To educate . Wayang‟s stories, shapes, and characters contain the values of the philosophy of Indonesia. For example, the stories about God, nature, goodness, and crimes.

  2. To inform. Wayang is communication media in terms of delivering the message.

  3. To preach. Wayang was performed on special occasions. Mainly ceremonial reinforcements to resist, and ruwatan (freeing influence evil spirits).

  4. To entertain. Wayang is a folk art entertainment. However, over the times, the

  1 Wayang becomes entertainment for all walks of life.

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY In chapter III, the researcher will present the research methodology. In section

  3.1 setting of research, 3.2 subject of research, 3.3 population and samples, 3.4 data sources, 3.5 research method, 3.6 type of research, 3.7 the procedure of research, 3.8 technique of collecting data, 3.9 technique of analyzing data, and 3.10 general description of SMK N 1 Salatiga.

3.1 Setting of Research

  3.1.1 Place of Research The research was conducted at SMKN 1 Salatiga in the academic year

  2013/2014. It is located in Nakula Sadewa street 1/3 Dukuh, Sidomukti Salatiga. The place selection was based on the consideration that it‟s near the place of researcher and the institution has never conducted research about improving students speaking skill using Wayang.

  3.1.2 Time of Research The time of this study is carried out on 5 until 12 January 2015 at second

3.2 Subject of Research

  In this research, the researcher chooses SMKN 1 Salatiga as object of the study especially the eleventh grade students. The eleventh grade students consist of thirty class groups, but the researcher took one class groups. The researcher chooses XI AK 3 ( XI accounting class) and this class consist of 35 students.

  Based on the observation and interview with the English teacher, this class has high grade those other classes. Their native language is Indonesian language. They have been taught English since the first year of school. The minimum passing grade criteria (KKM) of this school is (80) it was good standard for the researcher to conduct the research in XI AK 3.

  The researcher conducted the research in the second grade students of SMKN

  1 Salatiga and the researcher takes class of students in the eleventh grade which has 35 students. The students are taken from XI AK 3. Based on the observation and interview with the English teacher. These class have high grade that other classes.

  In this research, the researcher uses random sampling in order to all students get same opportunity to be the sample of this research.

Table 3.1 List of XI AK 3 (Accounting Class) Students of SMKN 1 Salatiga in


Academic of 2013/2014





  3.3 Data Sources

  The data sources of this research are taken from the results of student‟s test and observation. The test is divided into two part, pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is to know the student‟s ability in speaking competence before the method is given for them, and post test is the test to know their improvement after the method has been given.

  Observation is done by the researcher based on the respondent to know the situation of the teaching and learning process when the technique is applied. It was important in this case, not only to know the students own feelings but also to know how they think toward the English (Arikunto, 1998 :234).

  3.4 Research Method The researcher uses quantitative method as a primary method in this research.

  In this research the researcher will prepare some media and ask students to sing a speaking ability will be increase. The next approach is using mascot. Using a mascot, one of the most successful ways of presenting language to students is through Wayang or a class mascot (Scott, 2003 : 34).

  3.5 Type of Research

  The research method used in this research is classroom action research. There are some definition of action research. The first definition is given David Hopkins in Kunandar (2011:45) that action research is form of collective self reflective inquiry undertaken by participant in social situation in order to improve the rationally and justice of their own social as educational practices, as well as understanding of this practices and the situation in which these practice are carried out.

  The second definition, according to Aqib (2009), action research is the research which is doing by teachers on their class through self reflective inquiry with the aim to make better work so can improve the result of students learning.

  3.6 Procedure of Research

  This research uses classroom action research, so in this case the researcher use

  3.6.1 Planning There are several activities that the researcher plan to conduct in this procedure.

  They are : 1. Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and designing the step in doing action.

  2. Preparing list of student‟s name and scoring.

  3. Preparing teaching media.

  4. Preparing a test (to know whether students‟ speaking skill improve or not).

  3.6.2 Action After preparing all things in the planning step, the researcher will do an action.

  They are :

  1. Giving pretest

  2. Teaching speaking using Wayang

  3. Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problem

  4. Asking the students to read orally

  3.6.3 Observation Observation is one of instruments used in collecting the data. Observation can

  3.6.4 Reflection The results of the observation is analyzed. It is to remember what happened that has been written in observation. Reflection has an evaluation aspect, it will help the researcher to measure whether effects of the method has appropriate as the researcher want, and suggest for next teaching process. The researcher reflection is done by discussing with collaborator. The procedure in a classroom research is simplified in figure 3.2

Figure 3.2 Cyclical Action Research based on Kemmis and Mc.Taggard (1985)

  3.7 Techniques of Collecting Data In conducting this research, there are several techniques that the researcher used to collect data.

  3.7.1 Test To get the data, the researcher proceeds with the test which consists of pre-test and post-test. The function of pre- test is to get the information about the student‟s ability in speaking before the treatment. Pre-test on whatever instruments are used to assess the effect of the experiment before the method is given.

  The function of post-test is to know the result of the experiment and usually on the instruments, after the treatment is given (Muijs, 2004: 18). The data will prove that there is improvement for the students speaking competence using Wayang. The researcher used assessment rubric for test, it is as follow :

Table 3.3 Assessment Rubric for Speaking


  20 Excellent Pronunciation

  10 Good

  5 Good Enough

  20 Excellent Grammar

  10 Good

  5 Good Enough

  10 Good

  5 Good Enough

  20 Excellent Fluency

  10 Good

  5 Good Enough

  20 Excellent Comprehension

  10 Good

  5 Good Enough

  3.7.2 Observation In addition, the researcher also did the class observation. The observation was conducted to find out the situation of the teaching and learning process while the learning process using Wayang is applied. It is an important thing that must be done because the researcher should make a note for the further data collection, not only to get the final score after using Wayang for learning process in increasing speaking ability but also to show their collaborative and their participate in the group. Wayang method is not only focus on the final scor e but how develop student‟s attitude with their friends.

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