Building A Good Relationship With Eight Students At Aces.


Tugas Akhir ini berisi analisa masalah tentang membangun hubungan
yang baik antara murid dan guru berdasarkan pengalaman magang di
ACES (Active Communicative English Study) sebagai asisten guru.
Selama dua minggu pertama saya mengalami kesulitan dalam menjalin
hubungan dengan delapan anak yang mengikuti kursus di ACES. Oleh
karena itu tujuan dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk menganalisa dan
mencari solusi untuk mengatasi masalah ini.
Setelah melakukan beberapa analisa saya menemukan tiga penyebab
masalah yaitu saya merasa tidak nyaman ketika bertemu dengan murid –
murid yang ada di dalam kelompok belajar, saya juga merasa tidak
percaya diri ketika mengajar murid – murid, dan yang terakhir adalah para
murid merasa malu dan takut saat berhadapan dengan saya di kelas.
Akibatnya adalah tidak adanya komunikasi antara saya dengan murid –
murid di dalam kelompok belajar, saya merasa kesulitan untuk menangani
situasi dalam kelompok belajar ketika mengajar, dan yang terakhir saya
tidak dapat mengajar dengan baik. Tiga pilihan solusi untuk
menyelesaikan masalah yaitu saya akan memberikan perhatian dan
dorongan kepada murid – murid, saya akan berkomunikasi dengan para
murid ketika ada waktu luang pada jam – jam mengajar, dan saya akan

menggunakan permainan untuk menciptakan suasana yang nyaman di
dalam kelompok.
Saya memilih ketiga solusi diatas untuk mengatasi masalah ini.
Alasannya adalah karena semua solusi tersebut saling berkaitan dan
mendukung satu sama lain. Ketiga solusi ini akan membantu guru dalam
membangun hubungan yang baik dengan para murid apabila di terapkan
dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Maranatha Christian University


ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………..… i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………………………………………….. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………. iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………. 1 – 6
A. Background of the Study
B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
D. Description of the Institution
E. Method of the Study
F. Limitation of the Study
G. Organization of the Term Paper
CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS ………………………….……. 7 – 10
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ………………………………...…….. 16 – 17

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Causes of the Problem:
1. I felt uncomfortable when
I met the students in the
2. I did not feel confident in
teaching the students.
3. The students were shy
and afraid of me.

Potential POSITIVE Effects:
1. The students will start to
trust me.
2. The students can achieve
a higher academic level.

Potential POSITIVE Effects:
1. The students can start to
know me.

2. The group atmosphere
will be more comfortable.
Potential POSITIVE Effects:
1. I can reduce the
communication gap with
the students.
2. The students will not feel
shy with me anymore.
3. The students also can
learn while playing.

As a teacher assistant, I
had difficulties in
building a good
relationship with 8
students of primary
school level during the
first two weeks of
teaching at ACES.

Potential Solution I:
I will give more attention
and encouragements to
the students.

Potential Solution II:
I will communicate with
the students while there
is a spare time during the

Potential Solution III:
I will use games to create
a relaxed atmosphere in
the group.

Effects of the Problem:
1. There was a
communication gap

between the students and
2. It was difficult for me to
manage the situation in
the group while tutoring.
3. I could not teach the
students well.

Potential NEGATIVE Effect:
1. The students will be
dependant on the teacher.

Potential NEGATIVE Effect:
1. The students will not listen
to my instructions.

Potential NEGATIVE Effect:
1. Playing a game might
create an overly
competitive situation

among the students.

Chosen Solutions:
1. I will give more attention and encouragement to the students.
2. I will communicate with the students while there is a spare time during the
3. I will use games to create a relaxed atmosphere in the group.

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Name of interviewer

: Lina Wijaya

Name of respondent

: Ms. Rhimelda Marcella Yulita

Day and date of interview

: Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Place of interview

: Ms. Rhimelda office

Lina : Kapan Ace Kids pertama kali didirikan?
Miss Rhimelda : Ace Kids pertama kali didirikan di Jakarta tahun 1998 oleh Dra.
Leonny Siswanti Tanama. Sekarang sudah berubah nama menjadi ACES (Active
Communicative English Study) pada tahun 2010.
Lina : Kenapa namanya berubah dari Ace Kids ke ACES?
Miss Rhimelda : Karena lebih banyak peminatnya, selain anak-anak, orang
dewasa dan anak kuliahan yang tertarik untuk kursus di sini, jadi ACES lebih
terbuka untuk umum.
Lina : Apa ACES ada motto,visi/misi?
Miss Rhimelda : Slogan ACES adalah: ”ACES start with the end in mind”. Visinya
membuat perkembangan pendidikan di Indonesia menjadi lebih baik, terutama
dengan masuknya era globalisasi yang memusatkan Bahasa Inggris menjadi
bahasa dunia. Semoga kursus ini dapat menjadi sekolah yang bilingual yang

dibangun mulai dari TK (Taman Kanak-kanak). Misinya membuat anakanak/orang tua/orang




belajar Bahasa



mempelajari Bahasa Inggris dan dapat berkembang lebih baik dalam bidang
Bahasa Inggris.
Lina : Selain disini di jalan Astina apakah ada cabang lain?
Miss Rhimelda : Dulu pernah dibuka cabang Bandung tanggal 1 April 2002 di
jalan Padjajaran kemudian tutup pada tahun 2006. Tanggal 1 mei 2006 dibuka
cabang di daerah Kopo tetapi sekitar tahun 2007/2008 dibubarkan karena

peminatnya kurang.

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Lina : Kira-kira ada berapa murid yang aktif di ACES sekarang ini?
Miss Rhimelda : Murid yang aktif sekarang kurang lebih 90 murid dengan tim
pengajar 3 orang, satu resepsionis, dan satu OB (Office Boy).
Lina : Syarat apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi guru disini?
Miss Rhimelda : Pertama calon pelamar harus mengikuti test TOEFL yang
diberikan oleh saya. Syarat nilai TOEFL adalah 550.
Lina : Bagaimana kalau tidak mencapai target nilai?
Miss Rhimelda : Itu dapat dinegosiasikan oleh saya, yaitu dengan memberikan
training. Semua pelamar wajib untuk mengikuti training sampai dianggap mampu
untuk memegang kelas sendiri. Masa percobaanya 3 bulan, setelah lewat tiga
bulan baru nantinya calon pelamar dapat dijadikan guru tetap.
Lina : Apa ada yang lainya?
Miss Rhimelda : Selain itu pelamar harus sangat mencintai anak-anak, mampu
menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan fasih (lisan & tulisan), ramah, mampu
bekerja dalam tim, mempunyai integritas kerja yang baik.
Lina : Bagaimana hubungan dalam dan antar departemen di ACES?

Miss Rhimelda : Miss Leonny pendiri dari ACES yang membawahi ACES cabang
Jakarta & Bandung. Miss Leonny juga sekarnag yang memegang cabang di
Jakarta, sedangkan di Bandung saya yang memegang. Saya dan Miss Leonny
masih saudara.
Lina : Bagaimana dengan sturuktur organisasinya ?
Miss Rhimelda : Selain saya yang mengajar, saya mempunyai dua tenaga
pengajar lainya yaitu miss Lani dan miss Cherry. Administrasi oleh Miss Desti
dan office boy oleh mas Indra. Miss Desti juga orang yang mengurus penerimaan
murid baru, yang menjelaskan sistem penerimaan murid dan juga bertugas untuk
melayani tamu.

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A. Background of the Study
Relationship between a teacher and students is important. The
relationship or “rapport” (Crookers 162) between the teacher and the
student can help the teacher to communicate with the students effectively.
It is stated that, “The more the teacher connects or communicates with his
or her students, the more likely they will be able to help students learn at a
high level and accomplish quickly” (“The Positive Teacher – Student
Relationship” par. 4). Therefore, it can be seen that rapport is significant in
the process of teaching.
The relationship between the teacher and the students can bring a lot
of positive effects for both sides. Sara Rimm-Kaufman (par.1) believes that
if the teacher and the students can establish a good relationship, the class
will become more comfortable. Moreover, it can create “better classroom
behavior” (Sara Rimm-Kaufman par. 1), and make both sides respect
each other. Furthermore, the teacher can make the students “achieve at
higher level academically” (Sara Rimm-Kaufman par. 1). Jonas also
explains that, “Academic achievement and student behavior are influenced

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by the quality of the teacher and student relationship” (qtd. in “The Positive
Teacher – Student Relationship” par. 4). It is shown that the teacher has
an important role in helping the students performances in the classroom.
Referring to the students and the teacher relationship, I found a similar
problem when doing my internship at Active Communicative English Study
(henceforth, ACES) English Course in January to February 2012. I
became a teacher assistant at ACES for one month. I assisted the
kindergarten and the primary school level students. The age levels are five
to eleven years old, and the total number of students that I assisted at
ACES is twenty-nine students. I worked six days a week, from Monday to
Saturday. In ACES, I assisted two to three groups of learners each day.
Each group of learners consisted of five to six children. Each session
lasted for about one and a half hours. Miss Lani was the teacher who was
responsible for the groups that I assisted. She was also my supervisor
during my internship. As a teacher assistant, I assisted the students in
learning Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, and Speaking (Conversation)
lesson. My job was helping the supervisor in monitoring, assisting, and
teaching the students. If the students needed help, they could ask me or
the supervisor. For example, when they had a difficulty in answering the
questions in Grammar lesson, I would help them and assist them in
answering the questions. I might also explain again the Grammar Pattern
that had already been explained by Miss Lani to the students, so that they
could understand about it and answer the questions.

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During the first two weeks of my internship, I found that I had a difficulty
in building relationship with eight out of twenty nine students. Those
students were from to different groups of learners. When I first came to
teach them, I had a difficulty in approaching those eight students, I also
felt unconfident with myself, and they felt unfamiliar with my presence.
Furthermore, the teaching and learning process became uncomfortable for
the students and me. This situation shows that I have a problem related to
establishing a good rapport with the students. That is why it is important to
solve the problem.
The purpose of my term paper is to analyze the problem of building a
good relationship with eight pupils of primary school level during the first
two weeks of teaching at ACES. In addition, this research aims at
discovering the best solutions to handle such problem.

B. Identification of the Problem
There are several research questions that will be discussed in this term
1. Why did I have difficulties in building a good relationship with the
eight students of primary level in five groups of learners at ACES
during the first two weeks of my internship?
2. How did the problem influence me as the teacher assistant and the
3. How could I overcome the problem of building a good relationship
with the students effectively?

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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
The objectives of this term paper are to analyze the causes of having a
difficulty in building a good relationship with the students. It is also to
analyze the effects of the problem and to present the best solutions to
overcome the problem.
The benefit of this study for the teachers at ACES is to inform them
about building a good relationship between the teacher and the students.
The benefit for the readers is they can gain some useful insights on how to
build relationship with their students. I also expect that the readers will
know how to have a good communication with the students. As for me, I
expect that I could improve and develop my social skills especially in
building relationship with the students.

D. Description of the Institution
Based on my interview with Mrs. Rhimelda, as the owner of ACE KIDS
at Bandung, it is stated that ACES was named ACE KIDS when it was first
established by Dra. Leonny Siswanti Tanama in Jakarta in 1998. The
name ACE KIDS was turned into Active Communicative English Study
(ACES) in 2010. This name was chosen because there were also some
parents and college students who were interested in studying English at
ACES. Thus, the new name implies that this English course is not only for
kids, but it also opens for adults. ACES’ slogan is ”ACES starts with the
end in mind”. ACES’ vision is to improve the quality of education in

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Indonesia, especially in the new era of globalization where English has
become a world language. It is expected that this course will become a
bilingual school, starting from kindergarten level. ACES’ mission is to
make children, parents and adults improve their English. ACES’ first
branch in Bandung was located at Padjajaran Street, started on 1 April
2002, but it was closed in 2006. Another branch was opened in Kopo on 1
May 2006, yet it was also dismissed in 2007 or 2008. The other branch is
located at Astina Street, which was established on 1 January 2006, and it
still runs until now. ACES is the centre for studying English that includes
Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Speaking (Conversation), Listening and
Writing. ACES has two teachers namely Ms. Cherry and Ms. Lani. It also
has one receptionist, Mrs. Desti, and one office boy, Mr. Indra.

E. Method of the Study
Data collection for writing this term paper is from my teaching
experience at ACES English Course. The period of my internship is one
month from 4 January 2012 to 7 February 2012, and the supporting data is
collected from field and library research. The field research includes
observation while teaching and helping the teacher in the class, which is
recorded in my internship journal, and the last is interview with the owner
of ACES. The library research is from printed sources and online sources.
The data is used to analyze the causes, the effects and the potential
solutions of my term paper.

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F. Limitation of the Study
The focus of this study is on building relationship with the students. The
subjects of the research are eight students aged six to eleven years of
primary school level, who belong to five different groups of learners at
ACES English Course. They are Robert (11), Anchel (10), Daniel (10),
Felix (10), Bryan (9), Devina (7), Gio (7), and Fiona (6). My internship was
done for one month at ACES English Course, which started from 4
January 2012 to 7 February. My work time at ACES was from Monday to
Saturday; Monday to Friday from 2 PM until 6 PM, and on Saturday was
from 10 AM to 4 PM.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
The term paper consists of several parts. It starts with the Abstract,
Declaration of Originality, Acknowledgements, and Table of Contents.
There are four chapters. Chapter One is Introduction, it contains the
Background of the Study, Identification of the Problem, Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, Description of the Institution, Method of the Study,
Limitation of the Study, and Organization of the Term Paper. Chapter Two
describes the Problem Analysis, including the causes and the effects of
the problem. Chapter Three consists of the analysis of Potential Solutions,
along with the positive and negative effects of each potential solution.
Chapter Four is the Conclusion, followed by the Bibliography. The last part
is Appendices. It contains a Flowchart, the transcription of the interview
and the samples of the worksheets.

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This chapter is about the conclusion of the analysis to overcome the
problem that I had in building a good relationship with eight students of
primary school level during the first two weeks of teaching at ACES as a
teacher assistant. There are three causes of the problem. The first is I felt
uncomfortable when I met the students in the groups, the second is I did
not feel confident in teaching the students, and the last is the students
were shy and afraid of me. There are also three effects of the problem.
First, there was a communication gap between the students and I.
Second, it was difficult for me to manage the situation in the group while
tutoring. The last is I could not teach the students well. The potential
solutions of the problem are I will give more attention and encouragements
to the students, I will communicate with the students while there is a spare
time during the tutoring, and I will use games to create a relaxed
atmosphere in the group.
Based on the analysis in the previous chapters, I would like to present
the best solutions to overcome the problem. Those solutions are the
combination of all three possible solutions, namely I will give more
attention and encouragements to the students, I will communicate with the
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students while there is a spare time during the tutoring, and I will use
games to create a relaxed atmosphere in the group.
I have chosen all of the potential solutions because applying the three
potential solutions will help me not only to build a good relationship with
the students but also to make a better situation while tutoring. Building a
good relationship with the students is important. In “Establishing Rapport
in the Classroom”, it is stated that knowing and caring about the students,
encouraging them, and playing games can be helpful to establish a good
rapport with the students (par.1). I choose all of the potential solutions
because I think they can support each other. The good rapport will not be
accomplished if I do not try to communicate and get to know them.
Besides I also have to give attention and encouragements so that I can
gain their trust. Moreover, I also believe that games are suitable for the
children aged six to eleven years old at ACES to build a good relationship
with me.
Building a good relationship with the students will be possible to
establish if all the potential solutions are applied in the learning process. I
suggest that all of the teachers at ACES should have a good relationship
with the students because it will be useful. I also expect this term paper
can help the teacher at ACES so that they can build a good relationship
with the students effectively.

Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Bee, Helen. The Developing Child. New York: Longman, 1997.
Crookers, Graham. A Practicum in TESOL: Professional Development
through Teaching Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press,

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Rimm-Kaufman, Sara. “Improving Students' Relationships with Teachers

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