STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE:(A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung).


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \


(A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)


Submitted to English Education Department of the Faculty of Language and Literature Education of the Indonesia University of Education as a Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements forSarjanaPendidikan Degree


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Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Students’ Difficulties in Retelling

Past Experience: (A Case Study at

One Private Junior High School in



Yogi Saputra Mahmud

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© YogiSM2015

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia November 2015

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Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)


The present study aims to discover the students’ difficulties in retelling past experience based on generic structure and linguistic features analyses. Nine stories were analyzed by transitivity of functional grammar developed by Halliday (1994) to identify linguistic features and the theory of generic structure of recount proposed by Emilia (2011) to analyze the generic structure of the

students’ stories. To make it clearer, the grammatical errors discovered in the

stories were classified by Dulay et al. (1982) on surface strategy taxonomy. The findings showed that all students have developed their stories based on the obligatory elements of recount. However, the optional part (re-orientation) only

appeared in one student’s story. In other words, the students did not give their

personal comments on the events they have experienced. In terms of linguistic features, low achievers and two high achievers did not apply one linguistic feature of recount, namely past tense. Misformation is the most frequent type of

grammatical errors in students’ stories at 54%, followed by omission at 35%,

addition at 8% and misordering at 2%. The dominance of misformation and omission reveal that the students still find it difficult to apply correct form of verb (process) in retelling past experience. The study also revealed that lack of understanding in applying correct verb (process) form, lack of knowledge in terms of vocabularies, and nervousness due to lack of exercise become the

possible causes of the students’ difficulties. Teachers are recommended to give

more exposures to the students about the stories or texts with appropriate structures and features, and to promote activities which allow students to train their capability of speaking.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \


(Sebuah Studi Kasus di Salah Satu Sekolah Menengah Pertama Swasta di Bandung)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu kesulitan siswa dalam menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu berdasarkan analisis struktur umum serta fitur-fitur linguistik. Sembilan cerita dianalisis dengan menggunakan transitivity of

functional grammaryang dikembangkan olehHalliday (1994) untuk mengidentifikasi fitur-fitur linguistik serta teori mengenai struktur umumrecountyang diajukan oleh Emilia (2011) untuk menganalisis struktur umum cerita siswa. Lebih jelas lagi, kesalahan gramatikal yang ditemukan di dalam cerita tersebut diklasifikasikan dengan menggunakan teori yang dikembangkan olehDulay et al.(1982) yaitusurface strategy taxonomy.Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa seluruh siswa telah mengembangkan cerita berdasarkan elemen wajib dalamrecount. Namun, bagian opsional

(re-orientation) hanya muncul dalam satu cerita siswa. Dengan kata lain, para siswa

tidak memberikan komentar personal terhadap kejadian yang telah mereka alami. Dalam hal ditur linguistik, siswa low achieversdan duahigh

achieverstidak menggunakan salah satu fitur linguistik dalam recount, yaitupast tense. Misformationmerupakan kesalahan gramatikal yang paling umum dalam

cerita siswa dengan 54%, diikuti olehomissionpada 35%, additionpada 8% danmisorderingpada 2%.Dominasi darimisformationdanomissionmenunjukkan bahwa para siswa masih kesulitan dalam menggunakan bentuk verba

(process)yang tepat dalam menceritakan pengalaman masa lalu. Penelitian ini

juga menemukan bahwa kurangnya pemahaman dalam menggunakan bentuk verba(process)yang tepat, kurangnya pemahaman dalam hal kosakata,serta kegugupan akibat kurangnya latihan menjadi penyebab dari kesulitan para siswa. Para guru disarankan untuk memberikan paparan lebih pada siswa perihal cerita atau teks dengan struktur dan fitur yang berterima, serta melakukan aktivitas yang memungkinkan siswa untuk melatih kemampuan berbicaranya.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \ TABLE OF CONTENTS









1.2 Research Questions ... 3

1.3 Aims of the Research ... 3

1.4 Scope of the Research ... 3

1.5 Significance of the Research ... 4

1.6 Clarification of Terms ... 5

1.7 Organization of Paper ... 5


2.2 Text ... 8

2.2.1 Recount ... 9 Types of Recount ... 10 Generic Structure of Recount ... 10 Linguistic Features of Recount ... 11

2.3 Systemic Functional Linguistics... 12

2.3.1 Transitivity System ... 13 Processes ... 13 Participants ... 16 Circumstances ... 17

2.4 Error ... 18


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

2.4.2 Surface Strategy Taxonomy ... 20

2.5 Previous Studies ... 22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 23 3.1 Research Design ... 23

3.2 Research Site ... 25

3.3 Research Participants ... 25

3.4 Sample ... 26

3.5 Data Collection ... 26

3.4 Data Analysis ... 28

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 30 4.1 The Analysis of Generic Structure of the Students’ Recount... 30

4.2 The Analysis of Linguistic Features of the Students’ Recount ... 32

4.3 The Analysis of the Students’ Recount ... 36

4.3.1 The Analysis of High Achiever’s 1 (S1HA) Recount ... 36

4.3.2 The Analysis of High Achiever’s 2 (S2HA) Recount ... 41

4.3.3 The Analysis of High Achiever’s 3 (S3HA) Recount ... 45

4.3.4 The Analysis of Middle Achiever’s 1 (S1MA) Recount ... 49

4.3.5 The Analysis of Middle Achiever’s 2 (S2MA) Recount ... 52

4.3.6 The Analysis of Middle Achiever’s 3 (S3MA) Recount ... 56

4.3.7 The Analysis of Low Achiever’s 1 (S1LA) Recount ... 59

4.3.8 The Analysis of Low Achiever’s 2 (S2LA) Recount ... 62

4.3.9 The Analysis of Low Achiever’s 3 (S3LA) Recount ... 65

4.4 The Analysis of Students’ and Teacher’s Interview... 68


5.2 Suggestions ... 71 REFERENCES


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \ LIST OF TABLES

TABLE 2.1 Types and Examples of Circumstances ... 1

TABLE 3.1 Interview Guidelines for English Teacher ... 2

TABLE 3.2 Interview Guidelines for Students ... 3

TABLE 4.1 Generic Structure Analysis of Students’ Recount ... 30

TABLE 4.2 Linguistic Features Analysis of Students’ Recount ... 32

TABLE 4.3 Types of Processes Found in Students’ Recount ... 34

TABLE 4.4 Types of Errors in Students’ Monologue Recount ... 34

TABLE 4.5 The Analysis of High Achiever’s 1 (S1HA) Recount ... 37

TABLE 4.6 The Analysis of High Achiever’s 2 (S2HA) Recount ... 41

TABLE 4.7 The Analysis of High Achiever’s 3 (S3HA) Recount ... 46

TABLE 4.8 The Analysis of Middle Achiever’s 1 (S1MA) Recount ... 49

TABLE 4.9 The Analysis of Middle Achiever’s 2 (S2MA) Recount ... 53

TABLE 4.10 The Analysis of Middle Achiever’s 3 (S3MA) Recount ... 56

TABLE 4.11 The Analysis of Low Achiever’s 1 (S1LA) Recount ... 59

TABLE 4.12 The Analysis of Low Achiever’s 2 (S2LA) Recount ... 63


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \ LIST OF CHARTS

CHART 4.1 High Achiever Students’ Type of Errors ... 35 CHART 4.2 Middle Achiever Students’ Type of Errors ... 36 CHART 4.3 Low Achiever Students’ Type of Errors... 36


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \



This chapter presents an introduction of the research paper that describes background, research questions, aims of the research, significance of the research and scope of the research. It also talks about clarification of terms; to define operational terms used in the current research and organization of paper.

1.1 Background

Speaking is basically a medium used to express meaning. For young learners, speaking is the medium when a new language structure is encountered, understood and also practiced (Al Hosni, 2014). A young learner might encounter

difficulties speaking in L2, since there are fundamental differences between one’s

L1 and L2 (Hojati, 2013). The available literature also shows that a non-native speaker, especially at the initial and intermediate stages of learning, may find it difficult in learning to speak in English (Hojati, 2013). As a result, the learners maintain to code-switch, thinking-for-speaking-patterns in order to prevent communication breakdowns which result in deviations or ‘errors’ in speaking (Robinson and Ellis in Hojati, 2013).

Many literatures currently see the errors produced by learners as a source for researching the process / strategies used by the learner in learning L2. Nagaraj (as cited in Hojati, 2013) asserts that errors are no longer just considered as

something ‘sinful’. The existence of errors is the inevitable sign of human

weaknesses (Fauziati, 2011). It is inevitable in any learning situation which requires capability to be creative in learning foreign language. Moreover, Hidayati

(2011) believes that students’ errors are parts of a learning process which may


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Based on the curriculum implemented in Indonesia, one of the speaking lessons which should be mastered by Junior High School students is retelling past


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

events or experiences. Nafisah & Kurniawan (2007) suggest that the students have to retell the record events or experiences which they have encountered in the past.

Many studies which focused on speaking production only investigate

students’ difficulties in speaking on grammatical difficulties. The students’

problems in developing their ideas in speaking production are not fully addressed. Although grammar also plays important role in students’ language, the students’ problems in developing idea in speaking should also be concerned.

To fill the gap and to enrich the information related to the analysis of

students’ difficulties, the current research focuses on speaking production particularly in retelling past experiences. The research is focused on investigating the generic structures and linguistic features of the students’ story, and the

possible causes of the students’ errors. In this case, the generic structures of the text were analyzed by using theory proposed by Emilia (2011). Meanwhile, the linguistic features of the texts were analyzed by employing transitivity of Systemic Functional Grammar developed by Halliday (1994). Surface strategy taxonomy was also applied to categorize the grammatical errors found in the

students’ story. To finish the analysis, the teacher’s and students’ interviews were

coded to discover the possible causes of the students’ difficulties.

Hopefully, this research is able to enrich students’ knowledge in speaking so that they are able to speak effectively and accurately, to enrich the literature of

students’ speaking production analysis and to help the teachers to investigate students’ difficulties in speaking English. As a result, the researcher comes up with a research entitled: Students’ Difficulties in Retelling Past Experience (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung).


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \ 1.2 Research Questions

As exemplified on the previous section, the current research aims to analyze the

students’ difficulties in retelling past experience based on text organization and

linguistic features along with the possible causes of the students’ difficulties.

Therefore, the researcher of the present research raised the following research questions:

1. What are the students’ difficulties in retelling past experience? 2. What are the possible causes of the students’ difficulties?

1.3 Aims of the Research

In the light of the preceding discussion, this research aimed to:

1. Discover the students’ difficulties in retelling past experience based on the analysis of text organization and linguistic features.

2. Discover the possible causes of students’ difficulties based on teacher and

students’ perspective.

1.4 Scope of the Research

This present research covers the analysis of students’ difficulties in retelling past experience and the possible causes of the students’ difficulties. To discover the students’ difficulties, the current research attempted to analyze the organization of

students’ text, linguistic features and grammar. The researcher employed the theory of recount text organization proposed by Emilia (2011) to analyze

organization of students’ text, transitivity of Systemic Functional Grammar by

Halliday (1994) to analyze linguistic features of the text and surface strategy taxonomy proposed by Dulay, Burt and Krashen (1982) to categorize the


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

the current research also attempted to discover the possible causes of students’ errors, which were analyzed by conducting interview with English teacher and the students.

The result of the research cannot be generalized for all levels of learners. However, the result can still be useful for researchers who would like to conduct such research for different level of learners. The research participants are also limited with seventh grade students in a private bilingual school in Bandung. Different geographical and learning context settings may also lead to different result of the research.

1.5 Significance of the Research

Theoretically, this research is expected to enrich the literature and to provide a

beneficial reference for research related to the analysis of students’ difficulties

particularly in speaking production. Some studies have been only analyzing

students’ difficulties on grammatical level without concerning on students’ text organization and other linguistic features in order to discover students’ difficulties

in developing idea when they retell past experience. This research, however, analyzed the text organization, linguistic features along with the possible causes

of students’ difficulties.

Practically, the result of the research will give information about the problems which the students face in the development of foreign language mastery

through the analysis of students’ difficulties in speaking production. This information enables teacher to be more focused on students’ foreign language

mastery. Moreover, since the participants of the research were seventh grade of EFL students, the identified errors may propose understanding of the teacher

regarding the students’ deficiency of particular aspect during their second


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

This research will also contribute to professional development in a form of providing information in designing an appropriate lesson to cope with the

problems. English teachers will be aware of the students’ ability level in

producing foreign language which will enhance their capabilities in teaching students to speak more accurately and effectively.

1.6 Clarification of Terms

Speaking: Speaking can be defined as interactive producing, receiving and

processing information. Its form and meaning depend on the context, including the participants, experiences, physical environments, and the purpose of speaking itself (Nunan, as cited in Febriyanti, 2011).

Error: Error is the incurrent use of language system elements which occur when a

learner has not yet understood particular material thoroughly (Ratnah, 2013).

Recount: Recount is a text that retells events happened in the past (Emilia, 2011).

1.7 Organization of the Paper

This paper is divided into five chapters as in the following:

Chapter I presents an introduction of the research paper that describes background, research questions, aims of the research, significance of the research and scope of the research. The last two subtopics talk about clarification of terms to define operational terms used in the current research and organization of paper.

Chapter II discusses theoretical foundation of the research which consist of four theories; speaking, text, systemic functional grammar, and error analysis. This section also discusses some related previous studies.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Chapter III presents an explanation of research design to describe the design conducted in this research to answer research questions, participants of the research as the source of data in this research, sample, data collection to describe techniques in collecting data through particular techniques and data analysis including the description of method used to analyze raw data collected from data collection phase.

Chapter IV presents the core unit of the research, which elaborates and discusses the findings with relevant theories. The theories which are elaborated in this chapter have been previously discussed in the previous chapter.

Chapter V provides conclusion and recommendation based on the findings toward theoretical, pedagogical and professional significance also tries to answer

the proposed research questions regarding to learners’ errors in monologue story and the possible causes of the errors.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \



This chapter deals with the research methodology of the present study as an effort to investigate two issues: 1) the students’ difficulties in recounting past experience, 2) the possible causes of students’ difficulties. Specifically, this chapter covers an explanation of research design to determine the most suitable design conducted in this study to answer research questions, participants of the study as the source of data in this study, sample, data collection to describe techniques in collecting data through particular techniques and data analysis including the description of method used to analyze raw data collected from data collection phase.

3.1 Research Design

This study aims to discover the students’ difficulties in recounting past experience based on text organization and linguistic features, and the possible causes of the

students’ difficulties. In accordance with the purposed research questions, this research employed qualitative approach which settled descriptive case study.

Creswell (2012) asserts that qualitative study is intended to explore phenomenon in which researchers need to learn more from the research participants through exploration. Moreover, Hatch (2002) states that qualitative study is intended to explore reality about human behavior within natural setting and context. A qualitative study does not start with research hypothesis in which there is no interference of control or treatment to the research participant. This kind of research investigates to the phenomenon as it is where the researcher of this study also would like to explore the phenomenon more through the exploration to the research participants.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

This study also employs case study as its method which is purposed to give in-depth investigation of a group. Merriam (1998) states that case study is an ideal design to understand and to interpret observation of educational phenomenon. Considering the nature of a case study, the result of this study does not generalize other individuals. However, the results gained from this study still can be useful to propose methods to help other students.

3.2 Research Site

This study was conducted in one private Junior High School in Bandung, West Java. Some reasons of choosing this school is the first one since the topic of the recent research will be examining the students’ difficulties in retelling past experience produced by learners who are in the interlanguage stage of second language acquisition development, the choice of Junior High School students as the research participants is considered appropriate. The second reason is regarded to the accessibility for the researcher. Since the school has comfortable distance which can be reached easily from the researcher’s home, it makes the researcher easier to cope with administrative matters for conducting research in that school. The third reason is since the researcher conducted an internship (PPL) at that school and he had taught the seventh and eighth grade students of that school. The

researcher got the general picture of its students’ English fluency. The students

still find it difficult to develop ideas and to speak grammatically accurate particularly when they dealt with past verb form. Therefore, the researcher would

like to discover the students’ difficulties in recounting past experience.

3.3 Research Participants

In this research, nine junior high school students who enrolled in this private school are expected to have similar experience of learning English. The participants will be categorized by classifying their previous score in English with the composition of three high-achievers, three averages and three low-achievers.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

According to the curriculum used in that school, seventh grade students have taken skill of recounting past events both in spoken and written forms.

To avoid misunderstanding and to appreciate the anonymity of the participants, the participants in this current research were identified with particular names to represent their classifications, for example S1HA means the first student of high achiever classification, S3MA means the third student of middle achiever, S2LA means the second student of low achiever classification, etc.

3.4 Sample

Sample is the part of characteristics of all data population (Sugiyono, 2013, p.62). Moreover, Frankel, Wallen and Hyun (2000) state that sample is any part of population in which particular information is gained. Since the present study employed qualitative design, the sample in this present study was taken by utilizing purposive sampling technique. Sugiyono (2013) states that purposive sampling is sampling technique based on particular considerations. This kind of technique is more relevant to be utilized in a qualitative study than quantitative.

The samples of this study were the students’ story, in which the participants were asked to recount their past events for approximately four minutes and interview results. The interviews were taken as a triangulation phase to answer the third issue related to the possible causes of learners’ errors. The seventh grade English teacher was interviewed to reveal his way of teaching

English and to discover students’ difficulties in speaking during learning activities. One student from each classification were also interviewed to reveal their difficulties in producing utterances using past tense.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

The data collection phases for the students’ story were started by choosing nine participants using purposive sampling technique. The participants were classified into three different classification, namely high-achievers, middle and low-achievers. The classification were based on their English score in the mid-test. After that, the participants were asked one by one to retell their experience in visiting a museum. They were asked to retell it for approximately 4 minutes. The researcher recorded the participants’ story using multiple recording devices to keep the accuracy in transcribing the story. The recorded data were transcribed by two assessors. The first assessor was the researcher of this present study and the second assessor was a fellow undergraduate student.The researcher chose the second assessor to avoid the subjectivity of the interpretation.

The English grammar teacher and the students interviewed by the researcher to strengthen the idea to answer the second issue regarding the possible

causes of learners’ errors. The interview between the teacher and the researcher was taken before the students’ story was conducted. Meanwhile, the interview between the researcher and the students were conducted right after they had retold their past experience. Below are the list of interview questions for the participants; teacher and students:

Table 3.1 Interview Guidelines for English teacher

 What are the techniques in teaching grammar for the seventh grade students?

 How do you teach past tense to the students?

 Are there any difficulties faced by the students in learning grammar?  Are there any difficulties faced by the students in learning past tense?  In your opinion, what are the causes of errors produced by the students?  What are the common errors produced by the students based on your


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Table 3.2 Interview Guidelines for Students

 What are your difficulties in learning English grammar?

 Have you ever been taught about past tense by your grammar teacher?  What are your difficulties in learning past tense?

 What are your difficulties in retelling your past experience?  Have you ever made errors in retelling past experience?

 In your opinion, what are the causes of errors you made during retelling past experience?

3.6 Data Analysis

Data analysis is essential in elaborating the data gathered. To analyze the data gathered in this study, this study applied four steps to fulfill the aims of the study; analyzing the generic structure of recount text, identifying the linguistic features

that were found in students’ monologue recount text, classifying the error using

surface strategy taxonomy and discovering possible causes of errors through the

analysis of teacher’s and students’ interviews.

The student texts were analyzed based on the generic structure of recount text proposed by Emilia (2011), as follows:

 Orientation  a part of recount text which contains information about who, when, where and why to help readers understand the story.

 Sequence of events  a set of events which is organized based on its sequence.

 Re-orientation  an optional part which contains speaker’s or writer’s personal comment toward the event.

After analyzing the generic structure of the text, the linguistic features that were found in students’ recount texts were identified by applying Transitivity of Functional Grammar as suggested by Halliday (1994). The identification includes specific participants, circumstance of time and place, the use of first person,


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

temporal and additive conjunction, material processes and past tense. The grammatical errors found in the students’ monologue were then classified into omission, addition, misformation and misordering based on Dulay, Burt, and

Krashen’s surface strategy taxonomy.

After that, the results of the analysis were triangulated by the data from the

teacher and students’ interviews to discover the possible causes of the students’


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \



After conducting the research, doing the analysis, and presenting the results, this chapter presents the conclusion of the research and offers some suggestions for further research. This chapter is divided into two major parts, with the first part is aimed at giving concluding remarks about the current research and the second part deals with suggestions for related parties and further research in related topic.

5.1 Conclusions

Based on the finding of the analysis, it showed that the students generally have developed their story based on the generic structure. It was revealed that the

obligatory parts appeared in all students’ story. In other words, the students were able to explain information needed in the beginning of their stories and were able to apply particular features to link each event. However, low achiever students still faced difficulties in developing their stories.

Although the obligatory parts of recount appeared in all students’ story, the

optional part (reorientation) did not appear in all students’ story. In other words, the students did not provide their reflective comments toward the events they had experienced. Therefore, it is suggested for the teachers to give understanding that the students may also tell their personal feeling toward the events they had experienced, such as feeling happy, excited, etc.

In terms of linguistic features, there are some students who still find it difficult to apply one feature, namely past tense. S1HA and low achiever students did not apply past tense when they recounted their stories. However, all students have applied other features such as mentioning specific participants in their story,


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

applying the first person pronoun, circumstance of time and place, applying conjunction to link each event with other events, and material process.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

In regards to grammatical difficulties, the students still find it difficult to apply correct form of process. It is shown by the dominance of misformation error (54%) and omission (35%), followed by addition (8%), and misordering (2%). The first two types of errors were mainly related to errors in terms of process

(verb) and preposition. The finding was also supported by the teacher’s statement

that the first two types become the most frequent difficulties faced by the students. The current research also discovered three possible causes of the students’

difficulties based on the teacher’s and students’ interviews; the students still do

not understand in applying correct tense, lack of knowledge in vocabularies, and nervousness due to lack of exercise.

5.2 Suggestions

From the conclusion above, this study offers some suggestions for the teacher and the further research.

There are two suggestions for teachers in connection with the students’ difficulties in retelling past experience. First, teachers should give exposures to the students about the stories or texts with appropriate structure and other features, so that the students can comprehend how to retell experience appropriately. It is also an implicit way to explain about grammatical features applied when retell past experience. Second, teachers should promote certain activities which allow the students to train their capability of speaking after given the exposures as stated before.

The current researcher also provides some suggestions for other researchers who are interested in related topic. First, this study can be a reference for other researchers who are interested in the issue. Furthermore, the other researchers can analyze the students’ difficulties in other text types or other context of speaking such as describing others, discussing particular matter, etc. Analyzing different level of learners is also essential to enrich the related


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

literature. Second, since the students’ problems have been revealed in the current research, the other researchers may also attempt to discover certain techniques to


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \


Al-Hosni, S. (2014). Speaking difficulties encountered by young EFL learners. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2(6), 22-30. Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from

Arlinda, H. (2014). Students’ strategies in overcoming language anxiety in

speaking English. (Undergraduate Thesis). Indonesia University of


Bloor, T., & Bloor, M. (2004). The functional analysis of English. A Haliidayan

approach. (2nd Edition). London: Arnold.

Butler. (2004). What level of English proficiency do elementary school teachers.

TESOL Quarterly, 38. 245-278. doi: 10.2307/3588380 Retrieved on 1st of

February 2015 from

Christie, F. & Misson, R. (1998). Literacy and school. NY: Routledge

Christie, F. & Derewianka, B. (2008). School discourse. London: Continuum. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Dulay, H., Burt, M. & Krashen, S. (1982) Language two. New York: Oxford

University Press

Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics. (2nd Edition). London: Printer Publishers, Ltd.

Emilia, E. (2005). A critical genre-based approach to teaching academic writing in a tertiary EFL context in Indonesia. A PhD thesis submitted to the Department of Language, Literacy and Arts Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Melbourne.

Emilia, E. (2011). Pendekatan Genre-Based dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris: Petunjuk untuk guru. Bandung: Rizqi Press.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Erdogan, V. (2005). Contribution of error analysis to foreign language teaching. Mersin University Journal ofthe Faculty of Education, 1, 261-270.

Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from nguage_teaching-vac_de_erdo_an-mers_n_un__2005.pdf

Fauziati, E. (2011). Interlanguage and error fossilization: a study of Indonesian students learning english as a foreign language. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics1(1), 25-40. Retrieved on 14th of February 2015 from

Febriyanti, E. R. (2011). Teaching speaking of English as a foreign language: Problems and solutions. Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya. Retrieved on 23rd of September 2015 from

Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in

education (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Gan, Z. (2012). Understanding L2 speaking problems: Implications for ESL curriculum development in a teacher training institution in Hong Kong,

Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 7(1), 43-59. Retrieved on 8th of

March 2015 from

Gerot, L. and Wignell, P. (1994). Making sense of functional grammar. Australia: Gerd Stabler, AEE Publishers.

Halliday, M. A. K. (1994). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd ed.). China: Foreign language teaching and research press.

Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2004). An introduction to functional grammar. (3rd Edition). London: Arnold.

Hatch, J. A. (2002). Doing qualitative research in education settings. Albany: State University of New York Press.


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Hidayah, A.T. (2013). Error analysis on the use of the simpletense and the simple past tense in writing essays among TESL college students. International Journal of Education and Research, 1(12). Retrieved on 8th of March 2015


Hidayati, S. (2011). Error analysis on a short story: a Case of an ESL Indonesian learner. E-CLUE (Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature and

Education), 5(1). Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from

Hojati, A. (2013). An investigation of errors in the oral performance of advanced-level Iranian EFL students. Meditteranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4),

171-179. doi: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n4p171. Retrieved on 9th of February 2015 from Jaelani, I. (2012). An analysis of students’ ability and errors in writing a recount

text. (Undergraduate Thesis). Indonesia University of Education.

Jones, R.H. & Lock, G. (2011). Functional grammar in ESL classroom. Noticing,

exploring and practicing. NY: Palgrave, Macmillan.

Juhana, J. (2012). Linguistic factors that become students’ obstacles to speak in English class. Jurnal Pengembangan Humaniora, 12(2). Retrieved on 15th

of March 2015 from .pdf

Khamkhien, A. (2010). Teaching English speaking and English speaking tests in the Thai context: A reflection from Thai perspective. English language

teaching, 3 (1), 184-190. Retrieved on 9th of February 2015 from

Lock, G. (1996). Functional English grammar. An introduction for second


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Muhamad, A. J., Shah, M., Ibrahim, E. H., Sarudin, I., Malik, F., & Ghani, R., (2013). Oral presentation errors of malaysian students in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course. World Applied Sciences Journal 21 (Special Issue of Studies in Language Teaching and Learning), 19-27. doi:10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.21.sltl.2133. Retrieved on 15th of March 2015. Nafisah, N. & Kurniawan, E. (2007). Writing English for general communication.

Bandung: UPI Press.

Nurohmah, I. (2013). An analysis of students’ recount text by using systemic functional grammar. Passage 2013, 1(2), 89-98. Retrieved on 7th of September from

Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching young language learners. China: Oxford University Press.

Ratnah. (2013). Error analysis on tenses usage made by Indonesian students. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(6). Retrieved on 2nd of February from

Saville-Troike, M. (2006). Introducing secondlanguageacquisition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Schleppegrel, M.J. (2004). The language of schooling. A functional linguistics

perspective. New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associates.

Sudjasmara, D.B. (2013). The difficulties encountered by non-English department

students in speaking English. (Undergraduate Thesis). Indonesia University

of Education.

Sugiyono. (2013). Statistika untuk penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Suputra, I.G.W., Seken, I.K., Budasi, I.G. (2013). Investigating students’ writing

in senior high school in Singaraja: an error analysis of learners’ use of English as a foreign language. e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas


Yogi Saputra Mahmud, 2015

STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN RETELLING PAST EXPERIENCE: (A Case Study at One Private Junior High School in Bandung)

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | \

Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,1.

Retrieved on 1st of February from

Wijayanti, M. D. (2008). The relationship between student’s academic self -efficacy and their learning participation in speaking class. (Undergraduate thesis). Indonesia University of Education.

Yamput, S. (2011). An error analysis of the use of past simple and past

continuous tenses by first year students at Silpakorn university. (Graduate

Thesis). Thammasat University.

Yang & Chang. (2008). No improvement: Reflections and suggestion on the use

of skype to enhance college students’ oral english proficiency. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (4). 721-725. Retrieved on 2nd of

February from


literature. Second, since the students’ problems have been revealed in the current research, the other researchers may also attempt to discover certain techniques to



Al-Hosni, S. (2014). Speaking difficulties encountered by young EFL learners.

International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), 2(6), 22-30. Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from

Arlinda, H. (2014). Students’ strategies in overcoming language anxiety in speaking English. (Undergraduate Thesis). Indonesia University of Education.

Bloor, T., & Bloor, M. (2004). The functional analysis of English. A Haliidayan approach. (2nd Edition). London: Arnold.

Butler. (2004). What level of English proficiency do elementary school teachers. TESOL Quarterly, 38. 245-278. doi: 10.2307/3588380 Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from

Christie, F. & Misson, R. (1998). Literacy and school. NY: Routledge

Christie, F. & Derewianka, B. (2008). School discourse. London: Continuum. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Dulay, H., Burt, M. & Krashen, S. (1982) Language two. New York: Oxford

University Press

Eggins, S. (2004). An introduction to systemic functional linguistics. (2nd Edition). London: Printer Publishers, Ltd.

Emilia, E. (2005). A critical genre-based approach to teaching academic writing

in a tertiary EFL context in Indonesia. A PhD thesis submitted to the

Department of Language, Literacy and Arts Education, Faculty of Education, The University of Melbourne.

Emilia, E. (2011). Pendekatan Genre-Based dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris:

Petunjuk untuk guru. Bandung: Rizqi Press.


Erdogan, V. (2005). Contribution of error analysis to foreign language teaching.

Mersin University Journal ofthe Faculty of Education, 1, 261-270.

Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from nguage_teaching-vac_de_erdo_an-mers_n_un__2005.pdf

Fauziati, E. (2011). Interlanguage and error fossilization: a study of Indonesian students learning english as a foreign language. Indonesian Journal of

Applied Linguistics1(1), 25-40. Retrieved on 14th of February 2015 from

Febriyanti, E. R. (2011). Teaching speaking of English as a foreign language: Problems and solutions. Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pembelajarannya. Retrieved on 23rd of September 2015 from

Fraenkel, J. R., & Wallen, N. E. (2000). How to design and evaluate research in education (4th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Gan, Z. (2012). Understanding L2 speaking problems: Implications for ESL curriculum development in a teacher training institution in Hong Kong, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 7(1), 43-59. Retrieved on 8th of March 2015 from

Gerot, L. and Wignell, P. (1994). Making sense of functional grammar. Australia: Gerd Stabler, AEE Publishers.

Halliday, M. A. K. (1994). An Introduction to Functional Grammar (2nd ed.). China: Foreign language teaching and research press.

Halliday, M. A. K., & Matthiessen, C.M.I.M. (2004). An introduction to

functional grammar. (3rd Edition). London: Arnold.

Hatch, J. A. (2002). Doing qualitative research in education settings. Albany: State University of New York Press.


Hidayah, A.T. (2013). Error analysis on the use of the simpletense and the simple past tense in writing essays among TESL college students. International

Journal of Education and Research, 1(12). Retrieved on 8th of March 2015 from

Hidayati, S. (2011). Error analysis on a short story: a Case of an ESL Indonesian learner. E-CLUE (Journal of English Culture, Language, Literature and Education), 5(1). Retrieved on 1st of February 2015 from

Hojati, A. (2013). An investigation of errors in the oral performance of advanced-level Iranian EFL students. Meditteranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4),

171-179. doi: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n4p171. Retrieved on 9th of February 2015 from

Jaelani, I. (2012). An analysis of students’ ability and errors in writing a recount

text. (Undergraduate Thesis). Indonesia University of Education.

Jones, R.H. & Lock, G. (2011). Functional grammar in ESL classroom. Noticing, exploring and practicing. NY: Palgrave, Macmillan.

Juhana, J. (2012). Linguistic factors that become students’ obstacles to speak in English class. Jurnal Pengembangan Humaniora, 12(2). Retrieved on 15th

of March 2015 from .pdf

Khamkhien, A. (2010). Teaching English speaking and English speaking tests in the Thai context: A reflection from Thai perspective. English language teaching, 3 (1), 184-190. Retrieved on 9th of February 2015 from

Lock, G. (1996). Functional English grammar. An introduction for second language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Merriam, S. B. (1998). Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Muhamad, A. J., Shah, M., Ibrahim, E. H., Sarudin, I., Malik, F., & Ghani, R., (2013). Oral presentation errors of malaysian students in an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course. World Applied Sciences Journal 21

(Special Issue of Studies in Language Teaching and Learning), 19-27.

doi:10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.21.sltl.2133. Retrieved on 15th of March 2015. Nafisah, N. & Kurniawan, E. (2007). Writing English for general communication.

Bandung: UPI Press.

Nurohmah, I. (2013). An analysis of students’ recount text by using systemic functional grammar. Passage 2013, 1(2), 89-98. Retrieved on 7th of September from

Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching young language learners. China: Oxford University Press.

Ratnah. (2013). Error analysis on tenses usage made by Indonesian students. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(6). Retrieved on 2nd of February from

Saville-Troike, M. (2006). Introducing secondlanguageacquisition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Schleppegrel, M.J. (2004). The language of schooling. A functional linguistics perspective. New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associates.

Sudjasmara, D.B. (2013). The difficulties encountered by non-English department students in speaking English. (Undergraduate Thesis). Indonesia University of Education.

Sugiyono. (2013). Statistika untuk penelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Suputra, I.G.W., Seken, I.K., Budasi, I.G. (2013). Investigating students’ writing

in senior high school in Singaraja: an error analysis of learners’ use of English as a foreign language. e-Journal Program Pascasarjana Universitas


Pendidikan Ganesha Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,1. Retrieved on 1st of February from

Wijayanti, M. D. (2008). The relationship between student’s academic self -efficacy and their learning participation in speaking class. (Undergraduate

thesis). Indonesia University of Education.

Yamput, S. (2011). An error analysis of the use of past simple and past continuous tenses by first year students at Silpakorn university. (Graduate Thesis). Thammasat University.

Yang & Chang. (2008). No improvement: Reflections and suggestion on the use

of skype to enhance college students’ oral english proficiency. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (4). 721-725. Retrieved on 2nd of February from