
Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||





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DeaSaskia FH





Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ||



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© DeaSaskia 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2012

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Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia || ABSTRACT

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

The focus of the present work was on the framework in combining virtual and physical experiment based on the profile of understanding learning outcomes in 9th grade students of junior high school of Mutiara Nusantara International School Bandung. The aim of the research was how to choose the sequence in combining virtual and physical experiment. The experiment was conducted in the domain of static and dynamic electricity. In this experiment one class was divided into two different learning sequences: one group conducted physical-virtual sequence, the other group conducted virtual-physical experiment sequence. Qualitative descriptive was used as a design in this research by using triangulation method. The results of the research were there was no difference of cognitive achievement between V-P and P-V, but different sequence gave different characteristic towards students’ tendency in explaining, interpreting, and inferring. This research concluded that physical-virtual experiment (P-V) could be chosen if the objective of the experiment emphasizes on explaining, but if the experiment emphasizes on interpreting and inferring, virtual-physical (V-P) experiment can be used in combining physical and virtual experiments. Besides, there were other factors in deciding which sequence to be chosen such as experiment requirements, laboratory tools and students’ prior knowledge. Further research is needed to develop the framework that involves objectives related other understanding categories.

Keyword: Combination of physical and virtual experiment, the sequence in combining physical and virtual experiment, the framework of physical and virtual experiment


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia || ABSTRAK

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah kerangka dalam menggabungkan eksperimen virtual dan eksperimen nyata berdasarkan profil pemahan hasil belajar siswa kelas 9 SMP di Mutiara Nusantara International School Bandung. Tujuan rdari penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih urutan dalam menggabungkan eksperimen virtual dan eksperimen nyata. Penelitian dilakukan dalam domain listrik statis dan dinamis. Dalam percobaan ini satu kelas dibagi menjadi dua urutan belajar yang berbeda: satu kelompok melakukan urutan nyata-virtual, kelompok lain melakukan urutan eksperimen virtual-nyata. Deskriptif kualitatif digunakan sebagai desain dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode triangulasi. Hasil penelitian adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan prestasi kognitif antara kedua group, tetapi kedua group yang berbeda memberi karakteristik yang berbeda terhadap kecenderungan siswa dalam menjelaskan, menafsirkan, dan menyimpulkan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa eksperimen nyata-virtual bisa dipilih jika tujuan penelitian ini menekankan pada menjelaskan, tetapi jika percobaan menekankan pada menafsirkan dan menyimpulkan, eksperimen nyata-virtual dapat digunakan . Selain itu, ada faktor lain dalam menentukan urutan yang akan dipilih seperti karakteristik percobaan, alat laboratorium dan pengetahuan siswa sebelumnya. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengembangkan kerangka kerja yang melibatkan tujuan pembelajaran yang terkait dengan kategori pemahaman lainnya.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics










A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Identification and Research Questions... 5

C. Purpose of the Research ... 5

D. Significance and Benefits of the Research ... 5

E. Outline of the Research ... 7


A. Experiment Method in Teaching Learning process ... 8

B. Virtual laboratory and Virtual Experiment... 9

C. PhET Interactive Simulations ... 10

D. Combination of Virtual and Physical Experiment ... 12

E. The Framework of Blended Virtual and Physical Manipulative ... 13

F. Understanding Based on Revised of Bloom Taxonomy ... 15

G. Electricity ... 19


A. Location, Population and Sample ... 21

B. Research Design ... 22

C. Research Method ... 22

D. Operational Definition... 26

E. Instructional Tools and Research Instrument ... 27

F. The Process of Instrument Validation ... 29

G.Data Collection Techniques ... 29

H.Data Analysis ... 30


A. Research’s Findings ... 32


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

2. Narrative of Teaching-Learning Process ... 37

3. The Finding of the Framework in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment ... 42

4. Implementability of Teaching-Learning Activity ... 43

5. The Findings of Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 44

B.Discussion ... 49

1. Description of the Improvement of Students’ Understanding ... 49

2. Characteristic of P-V and V-P experiment sequences ... 54

3. Combined Vs Blended Physical and Virtual Experiments Framework ... 58

4. The Framework of Sequence in Combining Physical and Virtual Experiment ... 59


A. Conclusion ... 61

C. Suggestions ... 61



Appendix A: Instructional Tools ... 64

Appendix B: Research Instruments ... 78


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics



2.1. Definition of Each Category of Understanding According to Anderson,

2001 ... 15

3.1. Category of Normal Gain ... 31

4.1. Description of Students’ Worksheet on Static Electricity ... 33

4.2. Description of Students’ Worksheet on Dynamic Electricity 1 ... 34

4.3. Description of Students’ Worksheet on Dynamic Electricity 2 ... 36

4.4. Characteristic of Physical-Virtual Experiment Sequence ... 55


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics



1.1. The Outline of the Research Paper... 7

2.1 PhET Virtual Laboratory of Static Electricity ... 11

2.2 PhET Virtual Laboratory of Dynamic Electricity ... 11

2.3The Framework of Blended of Physical and Virtual Manipulative ... 14

3.1 Triangulation of Research Data Resources ... 22

3.2. Flowchart of Implemented Research Procedure ... 23

3.3. Adaptation of Experimental Design Based on Jaquelin ... 25

4.1 The Finding of the Framework in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment ... 42

4.2. Diagram of Percentage of Teaching-Learning Activities ... 43

4.3. Students’ Achievement in Explaining ... 45

4.4. Students’ Achievement in Interpreting ... 46

4.5. Students’ Achievement in Inferring ... 47


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics


AppendixA.1 Lesson Plan ... 65

AppendixA.2Students Worksheet ... 75

Appendix B.1 Blueprint of Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 79

Appendix B.2 Observational Sheet ... 93

Appendix C.1 Recapitulation of Students Worksheet... 98

Appendix C.2 Recapitulation of Implemented Teaching-Learning Activity ... 111

Appendix C.3 Recapitulation of Pre-Test and Post-Test ... 115


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics


A. Research Background

Science consists of many abstract topic that is difficult to be understood by the students, therefore the constructivist based student centered instructional methods is necessary to be used, In this context, laboratories are important components of education to make students to gain experience and construct the knowledge that infuse constructivist principles where learners are expected to function as self-motivated, self-directed, interactive, collaborative participants in their learning experiences by virtual of their physical learning process (Tam, 2000).In experiment, students are guided to find the answer and underlying the principal behind it (Chan et al., 2009).

Experiment is starting point of all approaches in natural science concept that is assumed as a method that can enhance students learning in science to develop students’ skill in using tools (Zacharia et al., 2008).. The students that used physical experiment have opportunity to improve their skill in using real apparatus to investigate and observe the real phenomena, test their hypothesis and apply their understanding in a physical form.

But students are hard to understand the concept of material through physical experiment, students often confused about their purpose of their work in their experiment because they focus on the procedure of the experiment (Hofstein, A., &Lunetta, 2003).

Virtual experiment provides quick feedback for the students, students can explore the ways and action more than physical experiment,and allows student to focus on the theoretical principles in the concept because of the absence of measurement errors (Jacquelyn et al., 2010).Thus virtual experiment gives good understanding of material concept and students can see the relation among the concepts as well.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

But, using virtual laboratory only in all topic, it can reduce communication in team work and discourage students from becoming familiar with physical instruments and real devices (Chan et al., 2009). Also in using virtual laboratory only the students do not have opportunity to conduct the experiment with the real tools, so it can reduce students’ skill in using real apparatus.

Due to the differences of advantages and disadvantages between physical and virtual experiment, many researchers combine the physical and virtual experiment together rather than use them separately and proved the using the combination of physical and virtual experiment give more benefits than use virtual and physical experiment alone (e.g., Jaakkola, 2012; Zacharia et al., 2008). For example, one of characteristics of virtual laboratory and real experiment, the source of virtual experiment is limited on the varied sources and multimedia whereas the source of real experiment is the teacher itself, (babateen, 2011). But using virtual laboratory we can see the abstract things that happen theoretically in real experiment, such as the movement of electron. Teacher can use the virtual experiment to design model in virtual experiment and see what is really happen, if the tool in virtual experiment is limited or cannot modified freely, teacher can continue with the real experiment.

In addition, based on the research, by using combination of virtual and physical experiment, students can understand the concept more than conducted simulation and real experiment alone, the students that used physical experiment is good inrelate topics with real tools, the students that used virtual experiment tend to strong in understanding concept, but the students that used both physical and virtual experiment are can strengthen the concepts of the students(Jaakkola, 2012).

Then, the researchers investigated the sequence of combination of physical and virtual experiment in learning science , especially in physics subject, figured out which one is better physical-virtual experiment or virtual-physical experiment (e,g., Puntambekar et al., 2010). In fact the sequence of combine physical-virtual experiment or virtual-physical experiment gives significant effect for students in learning science (Jaakola, 2012; Puntambekar et al., 2010). In Puntambekar(2010)


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

research, the sequence of physical-virtual experiment give more advantages in conceptual understanding than virtual-physical experiment in secondary high school level in condition that teacher provides important grounded, physical experience with the phenomena of interest to students. Thus, the giving problem is used as prior knowledge for students. Virtual experiment then can provide and enhance students’ concept from action that is impossible or impractical in physical experiment. In the other hand, the students who conducted virtual experiment first seemed to have blocked information in the conducted physical experiment, the students that conducted virtual experiment first not showing the improvement of score in physical experiment (Jacquelyn et al., 2010).

In another hand, Jaackola (2012) critize previous research “However, the study had one considerable limitation: the comparison between the conditions was unfair, as the groups were different already at the baseline. The group that used the laboratory first had scored significantly better in the pretest than the students who used the simulation first, meaning that the results cannot be attributed solely to the condition, as the level of prior knowledge likely affected the outcome as well”. The prior knowledge of the students, conceptions, age, and developmental level can influence the sequence in combaining virtual and physical experiment, so theses factors should be explore more in the future (Jacquelyn et al., 2010). In addition, based on research of Chan &Fok(2009), virtual experiment is better for familiarization to the topic, enhancing students’ enthusiasm, and offering safe equipment. Therefore, the virtual experiment is better to be conducted first to gather students’ motivation to learn and also to increase students’ engagement to the topic, also it is said that virtual experiment is offering safe environment which means virtual experiment can be used to design the real experiment model without worrying about the safety, then students can test their design with real experiment. Therefore, seeing someresearchesof virtual-physical and physical-virtual sequences, they have different conditions and objective in order to give benefit to the learning process. All science topics can have different best sequence based on the purpose and the condition, not always virtual-physical sequence give more advantage in giving understanding to students and vice versa.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

The electricity concept was chosen because electricity concept for junior high school can be conducted both physically and virtually, electricity concept need model to be designed by using virtual experiment and need virtual experiment to enhance the concept such as the electron flow in the circuit, so virtual-physical and physical-virtual experiment’s sequence is tested in this research. In addition it is common that the tools of electricity experiment can be found in school laboratory or in the market, such as resistor and wires can be found at the market, and also there are so many virtual laboratory software related to electricity concept can be downloaded freely on the Internet.

And also from direct interview from teacher that teach in MNIS, whostated that most of 9th grade students have difficulty in understanding electricity concept because some of them contain abstract things. In addition the teacher is not from physics department and he admitted that electricity experiment is never conducted in grade 9th due to the complication in using electricity tools, whereas the curriculum that used is from IGSCE physics that needs experiment activity in order to reach the objectives of the lesson, such as “use an describe of an ammeter”. Virtual experiment can enhance students’ concept when it explained the abstract things (Puntambekar et al., 2010) and physical experiment can give advantages that cannot be got from conducting virtual laboratory only. Besides, some of the aims to combine characteristic of virtual and physical experiment is to create safe practical works, teacher could designed the model of electricity using virtual laboratory and test the design of experiment from virtual laboratory by using real tools before the teacher implement electricity to the students.Besidesthe combination of virtual and physical experiment can enhance students’ concept by seeing phenomena virtually that cannot be seen by conducting real experiment alone. These aims are perpendicular with objectives that written in Cambridge curriculum. Cambridge curriculum assessment objective states about the objective of knowledge with understanding and the third objective is safety techniques in handling instruments and apparatus.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

B. Problem Identification and Research Questions

After all, combining physical and virtual experiment give better influence compare with using physical and virtual experiment alone, and both of virtual-physical and virtual-physical-virtual sequences give benefits in different condition ,Therefore the problem can be generalized.

How does the framework of sequence in combining virtual and physical experiment based on the profile of students’ understanding in physics?

Furthermore, there are 3 questions are raised in further research:

1. How does the sequence of Virtual and Physical experiment to be implemented in 9th grade of students thus can be compatible for all topics? 2. How does the profile of students’understandingin using differentsequence

ofVirtual and Physical experimentin electricity topic ?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of physical-virtual and virtual-physical experiment sequence?

C. Purpose of the Research

Hence, the main purpose of this study is to find the framework how to choose the sequence in combining virtual and physical experiment so that the experiment could give maximum benefits towards the improvement of students understanding.

D. Significanceand Benefitsofthe Research 1. Significance of the Research

a. This research investigates which experiment sequences (physical-virtual or virtual-physical) that give better benefit in enhance understanding in explaining, interpreting, and inferring.

b. This research investigates how both physical-virtual and physical-virtual experiment sequence influence students’ ability in explaining, interpreting and inferring.

c. This research investigates the advantages of disadvantages of physical-virtual and physical-virtual experiment sequence, the advantages and disadvantages


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

of each sequence could be used as consideration of teacher that want to combine both physical and virtual experiments in order to choose experiment sequence that have highest possibility in giving the best benefit in enhance students’ understanding, or it can be used as another reference for another investigation as well.

d. This research results the framework of using combination of physical and virtual experiment based on the objective that focus on explaining, interpreting and inferring that can be used by teacher and researchers for further investigation.

2. Benefits of The Research a. For Teachers

1) Teacher could give experiment activity to students without losing chance to give real concept related to the experiment through virtual lab.

2) Teacher can enhance ability to conduct real experiment and virtual experiment.

3) Teacher can assess students’ ability in conducting real experiment and also can assess students’ ability in design the circuit through virtual experiment. 4) Teacher can use the framework of combining physical and virtual experiment

in order to achieve learning objective. b. For Students:

1) Students can enhance their ability in conducting real experiment with real apparatus, and can test their design virtually without worrying any mistake. 2) Students can compare the result of the real experiment with the real condition

with the result of virtual experiment with ideal condition. c. For Researcher

1) As references of the same study that is investigate the sequence of combination of virtual and physical experiment either in the same topic or different topics or grades.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics


•Research Background

•Problem Identification and Research Questions

•Aims of the Study

Theoritical Framework

•Physical or Real Experiment Method

•Virtual Laboratory and Virtual Experiment

•Combination of Virtual and Physical Experiment

•Explaining, Interpreting, and Inferring according to Anderson


•Research Methodology

•Analysis Technique

Findings and Discussion

•Answering Research Questions



•Research Limitation

•Future Research E.The Outline of the Research Paper

Figure 1.1: The Outline of the Research Paper CHAPTER







Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics Chapter III


A.Location, Population and Sample 1. Research location

The research was held in Mutiara Nusantara International School (MNIS). This research was involved 9 students from 9th grade students of MNIS. The research was conducted in the physics laboratory for 3 meetings.

2. Population

According to Sarwono (2006), population is defined as set of complete analysis unit which is investigated. Population in this research is all Middle school students in Mutiara Nusantara International School that have the same level of understanding.

3. Sampling

Sample according to Sarwono (2009) is sub from set of element that is chosen for being observed. The sampling is taken based on purpose (purposive sampling) due to in Mutiara Nusantara International School there is only one class in each grade. 1 class is chosen with population is 9 students of 9th grade of Mutiara Nusantara International School, students will be divided into 2 groups. The division of the group was using convenience technique. The classes will be taught by the same teacher. The classes were assigned to two condition in which first group complete the virtual experiment followed by the physical experiment (Virtual-Physical condition), the second group complete the physical experiment followed by the virtual experiment (Physical-Virtual condition).


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics B.Research Design

Qualitative descriptive was used in this research. The data gained from research instruments in this research will be explained descriptively. According to Sarwono (2006) qualitative design is flexible and can be changed based on the condition of the research field, the role of research design is to help researcher in guiding in doing research process in line with research problems and run systematically

C. Research Method 1. Triangulation Method

Triangulation method was used in order to find the answer of research problems. According to Rahardjo (2010) Triangulation is methods or multi-sources approach conducted by researcher to collect and analyzing the data. Data triangulation could be using different sources of information in order to increase the validity of a study. Thus in this research different kind of instruments were

used to answer research questions. The instruments used were teaching-learning observation, students’ worksheet, and narrative of teaching-learning activity. Although the method used was qualitative but the experiments remained to be done. Pre-test and post-test were used just as additional information in discussion.

Figure 3.1: Triangulation of Research Data Resources Data Resources

Teaching-Learning observation

Pre-Test Post-Test Information Students’


Narrative Teaching-Learning Activity


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics Teaching-Learning


Teaching-Learning Activity Research Background

Problem Identification

Research Instrument

Judgment Validation Pre-Test


Data processing & Discussion

Conclusion P-V V-P 2. The Plot of the Research


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics 3. Component of Research Procedure

The research procedure components includes research background, problem identification, determining research instrument, Implementation of teaching learning activity, data processing and discussion, and making conclusion.

a. Research Background

Research background was taken from study literature and direct interview towards 9th grade physics teacher in MNIS.

b. Problem Identification

The problems were identified based on study literature and interview findings. The problem was specified into research questions. The research was conducted in order to answer the research questions.

c. Research Instrument

Research instruments were designed to give information for investigation to be analyzed and used to answer the research problems, research instruments were in a form of teaching-learning observation sheet, students’ worksheet, pre-test and post-test. Pre-test and post-test could be used in teaching learning activity after validated by expert.

d. Teaching-Learning Activity

The class was divided into two groups. The two groups were conducted different sequences of experiment. The Pre-Test was given before teaching-learning activity began. Problem and Prediction were given to both physical-virtual and physical-virtual-physical group at the beginning of teaching-learning activity. After that virtual-physical (V-P) group conducted virtual experiment first by using computer and followed by physical or real experiment by using real apparatus, meanwhile physical-virtual (P-V) group conducted physical experiment first by using real apparatus, after that students conducted the same experiment by using computer (virtual experiment).

Drawing conclusion of the experiment was conducted after two groups finished with both physical and virtual experiment. Post-Test was given after teaching-learning activity finished. The experiments that conducted were static


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

electricity and dynamic electricity experiment. The experiment objectives for both virtual and physical experiment were same.

Figure 3.3: Adaptation of Experimental Design (Jaquelin et al., 2010)

e. Data processing and Discussion

The data were proceed and discussed to give mean towards relations among variables of the research, so that the data can be used to answer research questions.

f. Conclusion

Conclusion was constructed based on findings, discussion and the answer of the research questions.

Physical-Virtual Sequence Virtual-Physical Sequence


Problem & Predict

Physical Experiment

Drawing Conclusion


Virtual Experiment


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics D.Operational Definition.

1. Combining Physical and Virtual Experiment

According to Jaakola (2012) the principle of the way in combining virtual and physical experiment is divided into two, they are sequential combination and parallel combination. Sequential combination is used when the virtual and physical experiment is conducted separately in different phase, meanwhile parallel combination is used when the virtual and physical experiment are used alternately. In this research, the sequential combination of virtual and physical experiment was used by the students. Physical-virtual sequence means the students conducted real experiment first, after the students finished the real experiment they continue did simulation on the computer from PhET by using the same experiment objectives as the real experiments. Virtual-physical sequence means they did simulation on the computer first and followed by real experiment by using the same objectives.

2. Understand Cognitive Process of Revised Bloom Taxonomy

According to Anderson (2001) understand is the ability to construct the meaning of information gained in a form of oral, written and graphic. According to him, there are seven categories in the domain of understanding, the categories include in interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing, inferring, comparing, and explaining. In this research, students’ achievement that is going to be investigated is interpreting, inferring and explaining based on physics Cambridge curriculum objectives that was used in MNIS for junior high school. The tendency of students’ answers was measured by using students’ worksheet and students’ achievement on each understanding category was measured by using test items on the pre-test and post-test.

a. Interpreting

Interpreting is the ability to change one representation to another form of representation, the activity or problem that is used to interpret is drawing scheme, demonstrate, illustrate or simulate (Anderson, 2001). In this research, interpreting is used to interpret factual and abstract concept into form of explanation and


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

picture, change abstract explanation into picture, and change the picture into explanation.

b. Inferring

Inferring is ability to arrange ideas from the subject into a form of summary or conclusion by finding the pattern of the presented material. In this research, the inferring used to find the relation among experiment variables such as the relation among resistance, current and voltage in the form of numbers, explanation or table.

c. Explaining

According to Anderson (2001) explaining is the ability to construct the cause and effect of the phenomena or theory. The explaining used in this research is students’ ability in explain the visible and invisible phenomena based on factual or abstract theory according to the results that got from both physical and virtual experiment.

E.Instructional Tools and Research Instrument 1. Instructional Tools

In order to find the research questions, several instructional tools were used in this research, such as:

a. Lesson plan

Lesson plan was made based on Cambridge curriculum in physics for 9th grade of students in electricity topic. The lesson plan referred to objectives as well as adjusted with physical experiment and virtual experiment activities. The indicators of experiments were made to know the achievement of the students. The activities on the lesson plan were made based on the stages of the experiment. There were 3 main stages that were arranged on the lesson plan; (1) Problem and prediction, (2) experiment sequences (P-V experiment and P-V experiment) (3) drawing conclusion. Lesson plan was arranged for three meetings that included static electricity topic and dynamic electricity topic. The lesson plans then were implemented by researcher as a teacher.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics b. Students’ worksheet

According to Sudjana and Rivai (2001) the instrument for evaluating students’ achievement should include test and non-test so that the description of learning outcomes could be appeared. Students’ worksheet that used were different in each meeting, it depend on the topic and objectives from Cambridge curriculum that used in each experiment. Both physical-virtual group and virtual-physical group has identical module in each meeting. Instead of contains exact procedures from teacher, students’ worksheet contains some questions to be answered by students through conducting either virtual or physical experiment. Students were asked to build their own procedure by answer the experiment questions. And the blank papers were provided to be filled by the students. The experiment’s question could be answered by the students in a form of all representation such as narrative explanation, picture, table or diagram.

c. Laboratory Tools and Apparatus

The tools and apparatus that were used in this research included laboratory apparatus and another apparatus. Laboratory apparatus that used were apparatus that were available in school laboratory of MNIS. Real laboratory apparatus were used to conduct real or physical electricity experiment in Junior high school students in grade 9. Wires, switch, batteries, bulbs, ammeter, voltmeter, and resistor were used in conducting physical experiment of dynamic electricity. Meanwhile for another apparatus such as balloon and sweater were used to conduct physical experiment of static electricity.

d. Laptop and Virtual laboratory application

Virtual laboratory was prepared based on activity on the lesson plan. Two kinds of virtual laboratory software from PhET were downloaded and installed on the laptop that was used by the teacher before the class began. The virtual laboratories that used were virtual laboratory about static electricity and virtual laboratory about dynamic electricity. There were 2 groups of students, and one laptop was used for each group.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics 2. Research Instrument

a. Test Instruments (Pretest and Post-Test)

Test instruments are used to analyze the result of students’ understanding before and after the treatments were conducted. Pretest and post-test were consisted the same questions in a form of multiple choices that reflects students’ understanding of explaining, interpreting and inferring. There were 18 items of multiple choice questions that were included in static electricity topic and dynamic electricity topic; 3 explaining questions for static electricity, 3 interpreting questions for static electricity, 3 inferring questions for static electricity, 3 explaining questions for dynamic electricity, 3 interpreting questions for dynamic electricity, and 3 inferring questions for dynamic electricity .

F. The Process of Instrument Validation 1. Pretest and Post-Test validation

In order to validate the test instruments, rubric of question validation was used. The rubric was given to 3 experts; 2 experts were physics lecturers and another expert was physics teacher of MNIS. The experts decided the validity for each question. If there were 2 or more experts give their validation for the question, then the question considered as valid and used as pre-test or post-test question items. Vice versa, if there was only one expert or no expert that is considered the question was valid, then the questions were revised and repeated the validation process until the questions items became valid.

G. Data Collection Techniques 1. Pre-Test and Post Test

Pre-Test was given before the treatments whereas post test was given after treatment. There will be 2 different treatments, one group conducted virtual-physical experiment sequence meanwhile another group conducted virtual- physical-virtual experiment sequence , thus this test instrument was used to measure, describe, and compare the result of different sequences descriptively.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics 2. Observation of Teaching-Learning Activity

In order to observe teaching-learning activity, observational sheet was designed to be filled by observer in each group during treatment was giving to the students. There was one observer in each group. This observational sheet instrument contains several aspects and indicators that were filled by observer in each group.

3. Narrative of Teaching-Learning Activity

The narrative of teaching-learning activity is used to describe and analyze students’ action that showed tendency of actions that were done in different sequences of physical and virtual experiment that at least could influenced students’ understanding in explaining, interpreting and inferring that showed in pretest and posttest results.

4. Students’ worksheet

Student worksheet is students’ written communication which was elaborated descriptively in this research. The students’ worksheet was used to find the differences of tendency of students in explaining, interpreting, and inferring in each experiment sequence.

H. Data Analysis

1. Pretest and Post-Test Processing

After pre-test and post-test were collected, the data then proceed by finding normal gain. Normal gain was used to know the increasing score from both groups (V-P group and P-V group), and also it was used to know the increasing score from all categories of understanding (explaining, interpreting and inferring). Then the results were shown as graphs for further analysis. Normal gain could be found by using formula of:


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics Table 3.1: Category of Normal Gain

No Category of Normal Gain Gain Value

1 High gain Gain value ≥ 70%

2 Medium gain 30% ≤ gain value < 70%

3 Low gain gain < 30%

2. Teaching-Learning Observation Sheet

The percentage of activities done by each sequence was calculated based on how many scores of indicators that are done by both teacher and students. The lowest score of each indicator was 1 and the highest score is 4.

The total percentage of teaching-learning activities in each meeting was used as information in discussion to find the research questions.

3. Students’ worksheet

The answers of students’ worksheet were classified in to explaining, interpreting, and inferring categories in the form of table. Then the findings of students’ worksheet were used as additional information in answering research question in discussion.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia || CHAPTER V


A. Conclusion

The framework of sequence in combining virtual and physical experiment was designed based on experiment requirements, laboratory tools, students’ prior knowledge, and learning objective. In general, both virtual-physical and physical-virtual groups resulted high category improvement in students’ understanding. But both groups resulted different characteristics the students’ that conducted physical experiment first followed by virtual experiment has better ability in explaining by constructing and synthesizing knowledge from physical experiment and virtual experiment than students that conducted virtual experiment first. Meanwhile virtual-physical group has better influence in increasing students’ ability in interpreting abstract concept and inferring experiment data. Physical-virtual and Physical-virtual-physical sequence gave different advantages and disadvantages towards students’ understanding in learning process.

B. Suggestions

1. Researcher suggests teachers to use the framework of combining virtual and physical experiment sequence to give the best influence in enhancing students’ understanding.

2. Researcher suggests other researchers to investigate the framework of combining virtual and physical experiment towards students’ ability in explaining, interpreting, and inferring.

3. Other researchers could investigate different kind of understanding categories or another higher category of achievement of students such as analyzing, applying, and creating by using the information of advantages and disadvantages of V-P and P-V experiments

4. Other researchers could find another framework of combining virtual and physical experiment based on different criteria of learning objectives and use the information of the framework of this research as reference.


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics


Anderson, L.W. et al. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A

revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Complete

edition). New York: Longman.

Anne, Marry. (2013). Fun Science for Kids: Static Electricity. From: accessed on Tuesday, February 19, 2013)

Barrow, Mandi. (2008). Electricity Teaching Resources. From: (accessed on Sunday, August 22nd, 2013)

Chan, C., & Fox, W. (2009). Evaluating learning experiences in virtual laboratory training through student perceptions: a case study in electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Hong Kong. Engineering education, 4(2), 71-75.

Donner, M. (2001). Five Phases of Action Research. From: (accessed on Tuesday, February 19, 2013)

Easton, V.J, McColl, J.H. (2006). Static Glossary. From: (accessed on Saturday, June 15th, 2013)

Hatherly, P.A.; Jordan, S.E. and Cayless, A. (2009). Interactive screen experiments: innovative virtual laboratories for distance learners. European

Journal of Physics, 30(4), pp. 751–762.

Hofstein, A., & Lunetta, V . (2004). The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty-first century. Science Education, 88(1), 28-54. Jaakola, T. (2012). Thinking Outside the Box: Enhancing Science Teaching by

Combining (Instead of Contrasting) Laboratory and Simulation Activities. Dissertation in Center for Learning Research and Department of Teacher education University of Turku, Finland.

Leveson, David J. (2001). Virtual Density Testing Lab. From: (accessed on Saturday, November 19, 2012)


Dea Saskia FH, 2013

The Framework of Sequence in Combining Virtual and Physical Experiment Based on the Profile of Students Understanding in Physics

Rahardjo, M. (2010). Triangulasi Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif. From: (accessed on Sunday, July 07, 2013)

Tam, Maureen. (2000). Constructivism, instructional design, and technology: implication of transforming distance learning. Educational technology &

society, 3(2), 1436-4522

Sarwono, J. (2006). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif & Kualitatif (Edisi pertama). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Smith, G., Gnesdilow, D., & Puntambekar, S. (2010). Examining the Combination of Physical and Virtual Experiments in an Inquiry Science Classroom. Pdf at: (accessed on Sunday, July 07, 2013)

Stinson, A. (2011). Understanding bloom taxonomy. From: https// (accessed on Tuesday, February 19, 2013)

Sturtevant, Terry. (2012). Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source. From: https// (accessed on Sunday, August 22nd, 2013)

Wieman, C. et al. (2008). PhET: Simulations That Enhance Learning. From: (accessed on Thursday, July 11, 2013)

Woodford, Chris. (2013). Electricity. From: (accessed on Sunday, August 22nd, 2013)

Zacharia, Z. C., Olympiou, G., & Papaevripidou, M. (2008). Effect of

experimenting with physical and virtual manipulative on students’

conceptual understanding in heat and temperature. Journal of Research in

Science Teaching, 45(9), 1021-1035.

Zacharia, Z.C & Olypiou, G. (2011). Physical versus virtual experimentation in physics learning. Learning and Instruction, 21, 317-331.

Zacharia, Z.C & Olypiou, G. (2010). Implementing a blended combination of

physical and virtual laboratory manipulatives to enhance students’ learning

through experimentation in the domain of Light and Color. Journal of



2. Observation of Teaching-Learning Activity

In order to observe teaching-learning activity, observational sheet was designed to be filled by observer in each group during treatment was giving to the students. There was one observer in each group. This observational sheet instrument contains several aspects and indicators that were filled by observer in each group.

3. Narrative of Teaching-Learning Activity

The narrative of teaching-learning activity is used to describe and analyze

students’ action that showed tendency of actions that were done in different sequences of physical and virtual experiment that at least could influenced

students’ understanding in explaining, interpreting and inferring that showed in

pretest and posttest results.

4. Students’ worksheet

Student worksheet is students’ written communication which was elaborated

descriptively in this research. The students’ worksheet was used to find the

differences of tendency of students in explaining, interpreting, and inferring in each experiment sequence.

H. Data Analysis

1. Pretest and Post-Test Processing

After pre-test and post-test were collected, the data then proceed by finding normal gain. Normal gain was used to know the increasing score from both groups (V-P group and P-V group), and also it was used to know the increasing score from all categories of understanding (explaining, interpreting and inferring). Then the results were shown as graphs for further analysis. Normal gain could be found by using formula of:



Table 3.1: Category of Normal Gain No Category of Normal Gain Gain Value 1 High gain Gain value ≥ 70% 2 Medium gain 30% ≤ gain value < 70% 3 Low gain gain < 30%

2. Teaching-Learning Observation Sheet

The percentage of activities done by each sequence was calculated based on how many scores of indicators that are done by both teacher and students. The lowest score of each indicator was 1 and the highest score is 4.

The total percentage of teaching-learning activities in each meeting was used as information in discussion to find the research questions.

3. Students’ worksheet

The answers of students’ worksheet were classified in to explaining,

interpreting, and inferring categories in the form of table. Then the findings of

students’ worksheet were used as additional information in answering research






A. Conclusion

The framework of sequence in combining virtual and physical experiment was designed based on experiment requirements, laboratory tools, students’ prior knowledge, and learning objective. In general, both virtual-physical and physical-virtual groups resulted high category improvement in students’ understanding. But both groups resulted different characteristics the students’ that conducted physical experiment first followed by virtual experiment has better ability in explaining by constructing and synthesizing knowledge from physical experiment and virtual experiment than students that conducted virtual experiment first. Meanwhile virtual-physical group has better influence in increasing students’ ability in interpreting abstract concept and inferring experiment data. Physical-virtual and Physical-virtual-physical sequence gave different advantages and disadvantages towards students’ understanding in learning process.

B. Suggestions

1. Researcher suggests teachers to use the framework of combining virtual and physical experiment sequence to give the best influence in enhancing students’ understanding.

2. Researcher suggests other researchers to investigate the framework of combining virtual and physical experiment towards students’ ability in explaining, interpreting, and inferring.

3. Other researchers could investigate different kind of understanding categories or another higher category of achievement of students such as analyzing, applying, and creating by using the information of advantages and disadvantages of V-P and P-V experiments

4. Other researchers could find another framework of combining virtual and physical experiment based on different criteria of learning objectives and use




Anderson, L.W. et al. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (Complete edition). New York: Longman.

Anne, Marry. (2013). Fun Science for Kids: Static Electricity. From: accessed on Tuesday, February 19, 2013)

Barrow, Mandi. (2008). Electricity Teaching Resources. From: (accessed on Sunday, August 22nd, 2013)

Chan, C., & Fox, W. (2009). Evaluating learning experiences in virtual laboratory training through student perceptions: a case study in electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Hong Kong. Engineering education, 4(2), 71-75.

Donner, M. (2001). Five Phases of Action Research. From: (accessed on Tuesday, February 19, 2013)

Easton, V.J, McColl, J.H. (2006). Static Glossary. From: (accessed on Saturday, June 15th, 2013)

Hatherly, P.A.; Jordan, S.E. and Cayless, A. (2009). Interactive screen experiments: innovative virtual laboratories for distance learners. European Journal of Physics, 30(4), pp. 751–762.

Hofstein, A., & Lunetta, V . (2004). The laboratory in science education: Foundations for the twenty-first century. Science Education, 88(1), 28-54. Jaakola, T. (2012). Thinking Outside the Box: Enhancing Science Teaching by

Combining (Instead of Contrasting) Laboratory and Simulation Activities. Dissertation in Center for Learning Research and Department of Teacher education University of Turku, Finland.

Leveson, David J. (2001). Virtual Density Testing Lab. From: (accessed on Saturday, November 19, 2012)



Rahardjo, M. (2010). Triangulasi Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif. From: (accessed on Sunday, July 07, 2013)

Tam, Maureen. (2000). Constructivism, instructional design, and technology: implication of transforming distance learning. Educational technology & society, 3(2), 1436-4522

Sarwono, J. (2006). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif & Kualitatif (Edisi pertama). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Smith, G., Gnesdilow, D., & Puntambekar, S. (2010). Examining the Combination of Physical and Virtual Experiments in an Inquiry Science Classroom. Pdf at: (accessed on Sunday, July 07, 2013)

Stinson, A. (2011). Understanding bloom taxonomy. From: https// (accessed on Tuesday, February 19, 2013)

Sturtevant, Terry. (2012). Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source. From: https// (accessed on Sunday, August 22nd, 2013)

Wieman, C. et al. (2008). PhET: Simulations That Enhance Learning. From: (accessed on Thursday, July 11, 2013)

Woodford, Chris. (2013). Electricity. From: (accessed on Sunday, August 22nd, 2013)

Zacharia, Z. C., Olympiou, G., & Papaevripidou, M. (2008). Effect of

experimenting with physical and virtual manipulative on students’

conceptual understanding in heat and temperature. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(9), 1021-1035.

Zacharia, Z.C & Olypiou, G. (2011). Physical versus virtual experimentation in physics learning. Learning and Instruction, 21, 317-331.

Zacharia, Z.C & Olypiou, G. (2010). Implementing a blended combination of

physical and virtual laboratory manipulatives to enhance students’ learning

through experimentation in the domain of Light and Color. Journal of Education, Informatics and Cybernetics, 2, 43-48