Sistem Penataan Koleksi Moko Di Uptd Museum 1000 Moko Kabupaten Alor Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.


The titled of this thesis is “System Management of Moko Collection on Exhibition in
UPTD Museum 1000 Moko, in Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. The
thesis will discuss about Moko Collection on Museum 1000 Moko exhibition. This
study was motivated that Moko Collection has exhibited not according to customary
of Alor people nor Museology principles. The aim of this study is to present the
condition of the museum exhibition and especially on Moko collection exhibition. The
research method used in this thesis is a qualitative method, based on primary and
secondary data to describe the system management on Museum 100 Moko exhibition
and Moko collection exhibition. The data will present in the form of descriptive
analysis. Based on research, Moko collection exhibition should considered the
customary of Alor people and Museology rules. The thesis will offered the new system
management on exhibition for Moko collection. By developing the concept of system
management of Moko collection on exhibition, the Museum will be present their task
as an institution on preservation and communication of their heritage. Besides that
the new system management of exhibition on Moko collection, the museum is not only
present their obey to customary of Alor people but also presenting the exhibition
which considering their attention to preserve the Moko collection

Keywords: Local Museum 1000 Moko, museum collection, Moko collection, system

management on exhibition, custom and Museology principles.



Tesis ini berjudul “ Sistem Penataan Koleksi Moko di UPTD Museum “1000 Moko”,
Kabupaten Alor, Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Tesisi ini akan membahas mengenai
penyajian koleksi Moko di UPTD Museum “1000 Moko”. Kajian ini perlu dilakukan
karena sampai saat ini Museum “1000 Moko” dalam menyajikan koleksi Moko
belum mengikuti ketentuan adat yag berlaku dan kaidah Museologi. Tujuan dari
kajian ini adalah memaparkan kondisi faktual penyajian koleksi di museum
khususnya penyajian koleksi moko. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode
kualitatif, data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan sekunder. Data yang
terkumpul akan dianalisis dan disajikan dalam bentuk analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan
hasil penelitian, penyajian koleksi moko perlu dilakukan perubahan penataannya,
tesis ini menawarkan konsep pengembangan dalam sistem penataan koleksi Moko.
Melalui konsep pengembangan ini, Museum “1000 Moko” akan menjalankan
tugasnya sebagai lembaga pelestarian dan lembaga yang mengkomunikasikan
warisan budaya. Selain itu konsep pengembangan ini juga mengacu kepada ketentuan

adat yang berlaku dalam masyarakat Alor dan mengikuti kaidah Museologi.

Kata kunci: Museum Daerah 1000 Moko, koleksi museum, koleksi Moko, Sistem
penataan koleksi, ketentuan adat dan kaidah museologi.
