Identity Construction of Female to Male (FTM) Transgenders Observed From the Aggressives (LGBT Film Documentary - 2005).

Identity Construction of Female to Male (FTM) Transgenders
Observed From the Aggressives (LGBT Film Documentary - 2005)


Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirement
For the Sarjana Sastra Degree of the English Department
Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts
Sebelas Maret University

Debora Tambunan

English Department
Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts
Sebelas Maret University

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Name : Debora Tambunan

: C0309018

I certify that this thesis entitled Identity Construction of the Female to
Male Transgenders


from The Aggressives



Documentary – 2005) is not a plagiarism nor written or made by others. Any
materials and previous studies used as references ar written in the direct quotation
or in paraphrase and cited properly. I am fully responsible for the pronouncement.
If it is proven to be wrong, I am willing to take any responsible actions given by
the Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.

Surakarta, January 2015

Debora Tambunan

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“In the end, you only have yourself!”


“Karena setiap orang yang meminta, menerima dan
setiap orang yang mencari, mendapat dan setiap orang
yang mengetok, baginya pintu dibukakan”.
(Matius 7: 8)

“Entah akan berkarir atau menjadi ibu rumah tangga,
seorang wanita wajib berpendidikan tinggi karena ia
akan menjadi ibu. Ibu-ibu cerdas akan menghasilkan
anak-anak cerdas”
(Dian Sastrowardoyo)

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Thanks God! Praise the Lord in the highest. I thank the Lord, My Almighty God
for His uncountable blessing which strengthen me to write this thesis. It’s been a
long journey and it will be one of unforgettable moments in my life that I am able
to pass this through remembering all troubles, tears, joyful and smiles in almost
two last years I have struggled to write this thesis. It is not because my ability and
ingenuity but just because of His blessing through many people around me until
finally all is done.
There are many people who contribute directly or indirectly to this thesis, all
I want to say is thank to Prof. Drs. M.R. Nababan, M.Ed, M.A, Ph.D, as my
academic supervisor. Thank you for all your advice and suggestion during my
time as student of this faculty.

My special gratitude goes to Fitria Akhmerti Primasita, SS, MA, as my
thesis supervisor. I am really amazed from the first time I am lectured by her and
she was successfully convinced me to take American Studies as my concentration
since the firts time I met her. I was so glad that she was my thesis supervisor and
it was such a great honor for me supervised by her. Her patience and advice
encouraged me to be more enthusiastic to finish any of revision of my thesis.
Thank you for motivating me, Ma’am.
I give my deepest gratitude to Dra. Sri Kusumo Habsari, M.Hum, Ph.D, one

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of my favaorite lectures who convinced me that taking American Studies was not

a mistake at all. She was not only teaching but also inspiring, and sharing life
lessons and experience as well. I give my thanks to Karunia Purna K, S.S, M.Si,
Taufiq Almakmun, S.S, M.A, and Dra Susilorini, M.A my superb and great
lecturers who inspired me to be more aware and critical of any issue around me.

They all made me conclude that American Studies was not as scary as people
My deepest gratitude goes to my mother, the one who always supports me
materially and mentally. I am so blessed that I can finish this thesis without being
depressed by saying “you already tried, just keep healthy and keep praying”
instead of “when your thesis will be done?” I also want to thank Bang Edu and to
my little brother and sister, Rizal and Tina, from whom I learn how to be a good
role model sister. The last person in my family who can’t be forgotten until the
end of my life is my daddy (alm). I am so happy that one of his dreams is
completely done.
Many thanks I give to my fellows in American Studies class of 2009 (mbak
Desi, Ekarista, Tia, Nurlita, and Aji), class of 2010 (Adi, Hesty, Haikal, Dita,
Erni, Cahyo, Alvin, and many other), class of 2008 (mbak Sasa, mbak Aiya, mbak
Panda, mas Tori, and the others), and my friends from class of Non-reguler (mas
Rifki, mbak Irma, mas Tomi, mas Wika, and others). We discussed, shared, and
learned new things a lot that other students did not get. We were lucky! Thank
you for everything. I will be always missing class of American Studies together
with its unceasing presentations, essays, and papers! Thanks to my friends in
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English Department class of 2009. I know memory we created was not that much

but that moments will be always in my mind. Keep fighting, guys! See you in
other time and in better condition.
My special thanks I give to Oido, I owe you a thing which cannot be replied
only by words of thanks. Thank you for your kindness. I say thanks also to Frans,
as my partner to have some funs. Sometimes he is annoying but for the most, he is
the right one to do some crazy things! My special thanks to Kak Dian as my “right
place and right person” in sharing any kinds of my depression and
It is impossible to finish this thesis without facing many difficulties such as
technical problem, thus, I’d like to say many thanks for Icha, bang David, Panto,
David, Gohan, and Lelis for their helping which contribute to finish this thesis.
May the Lord be with you, guys. I give my special thanks to Jemi, he was my hero
in the last minute of my war. Sometimes I asked him too much, but he always did
the best. He’s always the best! I wanna thank my brother, Jeffry. The craziest and
the wisest ever! I love you all. And the last, thank you for everything my sisters

and brothers, my family, my NHKBP Solo!
See you again very soon...

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COVER ................................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL BY THESIS SUPERVISOR ......................................................................... ii
APPROVAL BY BOARD EXAMINER ........................................................................... iii
PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................................... i
MOTTO ............................................................................................................................. iv
DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT....................................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

RESEARCH BACKGROUND.................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


SCOPE AND LIMITATION ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


RESEARCH QUESTION .........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ..........................Error! Bookmark not defined.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..............................Error! Bookmark not defined.


THEORETICAL APPROACH .................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


THESIS ORGANIZATION ......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Definition of Sex, Gender, and Transgender ............Error! Bookmark not defined.


The Beginning of Transgender .................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Complexities of Transgender Identities ....................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Transgender Identities ...........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Transgender Communities ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Transgender Subculture ........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Process of Transgender and Its Looks ..................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Burdens of Life Encountered By Transgender..........Error! Bookmark not defined.


Phenomenon of the African American Transgender .Error! Bookmark not defined.

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6. Life of Transgender in Twenty-first Century in American Society .................Error!
Bookmark not defined.

Definition of Queer Theory.......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Theory of Simulacra and Hyper-realims ...................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Documenting Reality through Documentary ............Error! Bookmark not defined.


Daniel Peddle’s Short Biography ..........................Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER III: ANALYSIS ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Identity Construction of Female to Male Transgender ........... Error! Bookmark not
a. Masculine Domination within Female to Male Transgender’s soul ............Error!
Bookmark not defined.

Defining Sexual and Gender Identity....................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Social Support as A Way to Strengthen Identity ..Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.Director’s Messages through Film Documentary ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Representation of Masculinity ..................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

b. Transgender Is Not Mental Health Problem but a Matter of Choice ...............Error!
Bookmark not defined.

Being Transgender Means Being Aggressive ...........Error! Bookmark not defined.

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Conclusion ................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


Suggestion .................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Glossaries ............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

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DEBORA TAMBUNAN. C0309018. Identity Construction Of The Female to
Male (FTM) Transgender Observed From The Aggressives (LGBT Film
Documentary – 2005). Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters and Fine
Arts, Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. 2015.
This research intends to describe how identity of female to male is
constructed in a film entitled The Aggressives (LGBT Film Documentary)
produced in 2005. It is also followed by analyzing construction of director’s
message which is delivered in the film.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research which is done under the
framework of American Studies limited to Gender Studies as one of areas of its
study. This research takes The Aggressives (LGBT Film Documentary – 2005) as
source of data. Some forms of its dialogues, words, images are taken as primary
data. This inquiry is completed also with supporting data in the form of words,
images and dialogues of two others films, Paris is Burning and Brokeback
Mountain, and any relevant information from a black online magazine.
From the analysis, it can be suggested that transgender is not as a way of
having sex but as the way to find real self-identity which constructs sexual and
gender identity. Being a transgender is purely driven by the masculine domination
within soul. Representation of each character in this film documentary displays
representation of masculinity. It also can be seen from their roles in their
relationships in which they play dominant figures who take over all control.
Transgender has no correlation with mental health problem. They accomplish
female to male transgender consciously and intentionally, in a forceful way that
they call themselves as aggressive women. The director also shows how their
closest people respond and accept their choice as transgender, they can live
peacefully without being harassed and insulted. This acceptance also leads to
social and moral support which serves as a way to strengthen their identity.
Representation of New York City as the setting of place of this movie suggest the
idea that anyone regardless of sex and gender can choose their desire identity and
they are welcomed to be who they are. This movie was publicly launched in 2005
which signifies the rise of many scholars and transgender communities to fight for
transgender protection.
Keywords: construction, identity,commit
female to
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male transgender