LAMPIRAN A Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) dengan teknik Konstelasi Hadamard Modulasi QPSK



Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to

Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

dengan teknik Konstelasi Hadamard Modulasi QPSK

  clc clear all close all

  %% Parameters OFDM % QPSK Modulation = 4QAM constellation

  Bit = input( 'Bit = ' ); %Data Masukan Line=8; Fc = 4e9; % Frekuensi Carrier(Hz) c = 3e8; % m/s fs = 30e3; tsamp = 1/(fs);

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi QPSK

  N = Bit/Line; hModulator = comm.QPSKModulator( 'BitInput' , true); hModulator.PhaseOffset = pi/4;

  for x = 1:N;

  mod(:,x) = step(hModulator,S2P(:,x)); %QPSK Modulation

  end % IFFT

  ifft_func = abs(ifft(mod));

  % Cyclic Prefix

  Ncp = 2; %Number of cyclic prefix add_CP=[ifft_func(:,end-Ncp+1:end) ifft_func];

  % Parallel to Serial Converter

  P2S=reshape(add_CP,1,[]); [rows_P2S cols_P2S]=size(P2S); len_ofdm_data = rows_P2S*cols_P2S;

  % Actual OFDM signal to be transmitted

  ofdm_signal = reshape(P2S, 1, len_ofdm_data); figure(1) plot(real(ofdm_signal)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'OFDM Signal' );grid on ; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j]; % QPSK randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data1=s(randsrc(1,48,2:4)); ofdm_symbol1(i,:)=[data1(1:10) pilot(1) data1(11:20) pilot(2) data1(21:30) pilot(3) data1(31:40) pilot(4) data1(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal1=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol1(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol1(i,33:64)])); mean1=mean(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); peak1=max(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); papr1(i)=10*log10(peak1/mean1);


  figure(2) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr1,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy) grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' )

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi QPSK

  N = Bit/Line; hModulator = comm.QPSKModulator( 'BitInput' , true); hModulator.PhaseOffset = pi/4;

  for x = 1:N;

  mod(:,x) = step(hModulator,S2P(:,x)); %QPSK Modulation

  end % Konstelasi Hadamard


  P(N)=60; row_index=P(N); modH=row_index*mod*lenght;

  % IFFT

  ifft_func = abs(ifft(modH));

  % Cyclic Prefix

  Ncp = 2; %Number of cyclic prefix add_CP=[ifft_func(:,end-Ncp+1:end) ifft_func];

  % Parallel To Serial Converter

  P2S=reshape(add_CP,1,[]); [rows_P2S cols_P2S]=size(P2S); len_ofdm_data = rows_P2S*cols_P2S;

  % Actual OFDM signal to be transmitted

  ofdm_signal = reshape(P2S, 1, len_ofdm_data); figure(3) plot(real(ofdm_signal)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'OFDM Signal' );grid on ; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j]; % QPSK randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data=s(randsrc(1,48,1:4)); ofdm_symbol(i,:)=[data(1:10) pilot(1) data(11:20) pilot(2) data(21:30) pilot(3) data(31:40) pilot(4) data(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol(i,33:64)])); meano=mean(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); peako=max(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); papro(i)=10*log10(peako/meano);


  figure(12) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'g' ) grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Hadamard' )

  % Buat Grafik CCDF

  figure(13) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr1,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy) hold on [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'g' ) grid on title( 'QPSK Modulation' ); xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' , 'Hadamard' )



Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to

Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

dengan teknik Konstelasi Hadamard Modulasi 16QAM

  clc clear all close all

  %% Parameters OFDM % QPSK Modulation = 4QAM constellation

  Bit = input( 'Bit = ' ); %Data Masukan Line=8; Fc = 4e9; % Frekuensi Carrier(Hz) c = 3e8; % m/s fs = 30e3; tsamp = 1/(fs);

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  N = Bit/Line; S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line/2,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi 16-QAM

  dec = bi2de(S2P', 'left-msb' ); M = 16; hMod = modem.qammod(M); mod = modulate(hMod,dec); mod = reshape(mod,Line,[]);

  % IFFT

  ifft_func = abs(ifft(mod));

  % Cyclic Prefix

  Ncp = 2; %Number of cyclic prefix add_CP=[ifft_func(:,end-Ncp+1:end) ifft_func];

  % Parallel To Serial Converter

  P2S=reshape(add_CP,1,[]); [rows_P2S cols_P2S]=size(P2S); len_ofdm_data = rows_P2S*cols_P2S;

  % Actual OFDM signal to be transmitted

  ofdm_signal = reshape(P2S, 1, len_ofdm_data); figure(3) plot(real(ofdm_signal)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'OFDM Signal' );grid on ; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j ,-1-3j -1+3j 1-3j 1+3j,-3-j -3+j 3-j 3+j,-3-3j -3+3j 3-3j 3+3j]; % 16QAM randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data1=s(randsrc(1,48,2:4)); ofdm_symbol1(i,:)=[data1(1:10) pilot(1) data1(11:20) pilot(2) data1(21:30) pilot(3) data1(31:40) pilot(4) data1(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal1=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol1(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol1(i,33:64)])); mean1=mean(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); peak1=max(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); papr1(i)=10*log10(peak1/mean1);


  figure(6) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr1,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy) grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' )

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Modulasi 16QAM % Serial To Parallel Converter

  N = Bit/Line; S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line/2,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi 16-QAM

  dec = bi2de(S2P', 'left-msb' ); M = 16; hMod = modem.qammod(M); mod = modulate(hMod,dec); mod = reshape(mod,Line,[]);

  % Konstelasi Hadamard lenght=64; P(N)=60; row_index=P(N); modH=row_index*mod*lenght;

  % IFFT

  ifft_func = abs(ifft(modH));

  % Cyclic Prefix

  Ncp = 2; %Number of cyclic prefix add_CP=[ifft_func(:,end-Ncp+1:end) ifft_func];

  % Parallel To Serial Converter

  P2S=reshape(add_CP,1,[]); [rows_P2S cols_P2S]=size(P2S); len_ofdm_data = rows_P2S*cols_P2S;

  % Actual OFDM signal to be transmitted

  ofdm_signal = reshape(P2S, 1, len_ofdm_data); figure(3) plot(real(ofdm_signal)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'OFDM Signal' );grid on ; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j ,-1-3j -1+3j 1-3j 1+3j,-3-j -3+j 3-j 3+j,-3-3j -3+3j 3-3j 3+3j]; % 16QAM randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data=s(randsrc(1,48,1:4)); ofdm_symbol(i,:)=[data(1:10) pilot(1) data(11:20) pilot(2) data(21:30) pilot(3) data(31:40) pilot(4) data(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol(i,33:64)])); meano=mean(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); peako=max(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); papro(i)=10*log10(peako/meano);


  figure(12) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'g' ) grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Hadamard' )

  % Buat Grafik CCDF

  figure(13) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr1,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy) hold on [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'g' ) grid on title( '16-QAM Modulation' ); xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' , 'Hadamard' )



Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to

Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

  clc clear all close all

  %% Initializing Parameters % QPSK Modulation = 4QAM constellation % 16QAM Modulation = 16QAM constellation

  Bit = input( 'bit = ' ); %Data Masukan mod_type = input( 'Enter the modulation type[1 for QPSK,2 for 16QAM]:

  ' );

  Line = 8; %Jumlah Baris Fc = 4e9; % Frekuensi Carrier (Hz) c = 3e8; % m/s fs = 30e3; tsamp = 1/(fs);

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit); figure(1), stairs(gen_data); title( 'Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak' ); axis([-0.5 Bit -0.5 1.5]); xlabel( 'Data Bit' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' );

  % Modulasi QPSK & 16QAM

  nc = [4;16]; % 4=(4QAM = QPSK) ; 16=16QAM mode = nc(mod_type);

  switch mode case


  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line,[]); [a b]= size(S2P); figure(2); subplot(411);stairs(S2P(1,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5

  1.5]);title( 'Serial to Parallel Converter' );xlabel( 'Data

  Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' );

  subplot(412);stairs(S2P(2,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5 1.5]);xlabel( 'Data Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); subplot(413);stairs(S2P(3,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5 1.5]);xlabel( 'Data Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); subplot(414);stairs(S2P(4,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5 1.5]);xlabel( 'Data Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' );

  % Modulasi QPSK

  N = Bit/Line; hModulator = comm.QPSKModulator( 'BitInput' ,true); hModulator.PhaseOffset = pi/4; for x = 1:N;

  mod(:,x)=step(hModulator,S2P(:,x)); %QPSK Modulation


  figure(3), plot(mod, 'bo' ); title( 'Constellation Modulation QPSK' ); grid off ; axis([-2 2 -2 2]); xlabel( 'In-Phase' ); ylabel( 'Quadrature' );



  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line/2,[]); [a b]= size(S2P); figure(2); subplot(411);stairs(S2P(1,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5

  1.5]);title( 'Serial to Parallel Converter' );xlabel( 'Data

  Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' );

  subplot(412);stairs(S2P(2,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5 1.5]);xlabel( 'Data Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); subplot(413);stairs(S2P(3,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5 1.5]);xlabel( 'Data Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); subplot(414);stairs(S2P(4,:)); axis([-0.5 b -0.5 1.5]);xlabel( 'Data Bit' );ylabel( 'Amplitude' );

  % Modulasi 16-QAM

  dec = bi2de(S2P', 'left-msb' ); M = 16; hMod = modem.qammod(M); mod = modulate(hMod,dec); figure(3), plot(mod, 'bo' ); title( 'Constellation Modulation 16-QAM' ); grid off ; axis([-4 4 -4 4]); xlabel( 'In-Phase' ); ylabel( 'Quadrature' ); mod = reshape(mod,Line,[]);

  end % IFFT

  ifft_func = ifft(mod); figure(4), plot(ifft_func, 'ro' ); title( 'IFFT Function' ); grid off ; axis([-4 4 -4 4]); xlabel( 'In-Phase' ); ylabel( 'Quadrature' );

  % Cyclic Prefix

  Ncp = 2; %Number of cyclic prefix add_CP=[ifft_func(:,end-Ncp+1:end) ifft_func];

  % 4. Convert to serial stream for transmission

  P2S=reshape(add_CP,1,[]); [rows_add_CP cols_add_CP]=size(P2S); len_ofdm_data = rows_add_CP*cols_add_CP; figure(5), stairs(P2S) title( 'Parallel to Serial Converter' ) axis([0 b -3 3]); xlabel( 'Data Bit' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' );

  % Actual OFDM signal to be transmitted

  ofdm_signal = reshape(P2S, 1, len_ofdm_data); figure(5) plot(real(ofdm_signal)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'OFDM Signal' );grid on ;



Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to

Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

dengan teknik PTS Modulasi QPSK

  clc clear all close all

  %% Initializing Parameters % QPSK Modulation = 4QAM constellation % 16QAM Modulation = 16QAM constellation

  Bit = input( 'bit = ' ); %Data Masukan Line = 8; %Jumlah Baris Fc = 4e9; %Frekuensi Carrier(Hz) c = 3e8; %m/s v = 3; %Kecepatan Penerima(km/jam) fs = 30e3; tsamp = 1/(fs);

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi QPSK

  N = Bit/Line; hModulator = comm.QPSKModulator( 'BitInput' , true); hModulator.PhaseOffset = pi/4;

  for x = 1:N;

  mod(:,x) = step(hModulator,S2P(:,x)); %QPSK Modulation

  end %% PTS

  V=4; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j]; % QPSK randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data=s(randsrc(1,48,1:4)); ofdm_symbol(i,:)=[data(1:10) pilot(1) data(11:20) pilot(2) data(21:30) pilot(3) data(31:40) pilot(4) data(41:48) unused]; end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol % Semua permutasi fasa faktor B

  p=[1 -1 j -j]; % Faktor fasa mungkin B=[];

  for b1=1:4 for b2=1:4 for b3=1:4 for b4=1:4

  B=[B; [p(b1) p(b2) p(b3) p(b4)]]; % Semua kemungkinan kombinasi

  end end end end %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol(i,33:64)])); meano=mean(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); peako=max(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); papro(i)=10*log10(peako/meano);

  % Partisi Simbol OFDM

  P1=[ofdm_symbol(i,1:16) zeros(1,48)]; P2=[zeros(1,16) ofdm_symbol(i,17:32) zeros(1,32)]; P3=[zeros(1,32) ofdm_symbol(i,33:48) zeros(1,16)]; P4=[zeros(1,48) ofdm_symbol(i,49:64)];

  % Ubah Pi ke Domain Waktu

  Pt1=abs(ifft([P1(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P1(33:64)])); Pt2=abs(ifft([P2(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P2(33:64)])); Pt3=abs(ifft([P3(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P3(33:64)])); Pt4=abs(ifft([P4(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P4(33:64)]));

  % Gabungkan dalam Time Domain dan temukan papr_min


  for k=1:16 % 16 adalah jumlah kombinasi faktor fase yang mungkin terjadi

  final_signal=B(k,1)*Pt1+B(k,2)*Pt2+B(k,3)*Pt3+B(k,4)*Pt4; meank=mean(abs(final_signal).^2); %daya rata-rata peak=max(abs(final_signal).^2); %daya puncak papr=10*log10(peak/meank);

  if papr < papr_min(i)

  papr_min(i)=papr; sig=final_signal;

  end end end % Plot CCDF dari sistem asli dan pts

  [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy) hold on [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr_min,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'r' ) grid on title( 'V=4 Modulasi QPSK' ); xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' , 'PTS' )



Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to

Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

dengan teknik PTS Modulasi 16QAM

  clc clear all close all

  %% Initializing Parameters % QPSK Modulation = 4QAM constellation % 16QAM Modulation = 16QAM constellation

  Bit = input( 'bit = ' ); %Data Masukan Line = 8; %Jumlah Baris Fc = 4e9; %Frekuensi Carrier(Hz) c = 3e8; %m/s v = 3; %Kecepatan Penerima(km/jam) fs = 30e3; tsamp = 1/(fs);

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line/2,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi 16-QAM

  dec = bi2de(S2P', 'left-msb' ); M = 16; hMod = modem.qammod(M); mod = modulate(hMod,dec); mod = reshape(mod,Line,[]);

  %% PTS

  V=4; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s1=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j ,-1-3j -1+3j 1-3j 1+3j,-3-j -3+j 3-j 3+j,-3-3j -3+3j 3-3j 3+3j]; % 16QAM randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data1=s1(randsrc(1,48,1:4)); ofdm_symbol1(i,:)=[data1(1:10) pilot(1) data1(11:20) pilot(2) data1(21:30) pilot(3) data1(31:40) pilot(4) data1(41:48) unused]; end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol % Semua permutasi fasa faktor B

  p=[1 -1 j -j]; % Faktor fasa mungkin B=[];

  for b1=1:4 for b2=1:4 for b3=1:4 for b4=1:4

  B=[B; [p(b1) p(b2) p(b3) p(b4)]]; % Semua kemungkinan kombinasi

  end end end end %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal1=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol1(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol1(i,33:64)])); meano=mean(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); peako=max(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); papro(i)=10*log10(peako/meano);

  % Partisi Simbol OFDM

  P11=[ofdm_symbol1(i,1:16) zeros(1,48)]; P22=[zeros(1,16) ofdm_symbol1(i,17:32) zeros(1,32)]; P33=[zeros(1,32) ofdm_symbol1(i,33:48) zeros(1,16)]; P44=[zeros(1,48) ofdm_symbol1(i,49:64)];

  % Ubah Pi ke Domain Waktu

  Pt11=abs(ifft([P11(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P11(33:64)])); Pt22=abs(ifft([P22(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P22(33:64)])); Pt33=abs(ifft([P33(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P33(33:64)])); Pt44=abs(ifft([P44(1:32) zeros(1,(L-1)*N) P44(33:64)]));

  % Gabungkan dalam Time Domain dan temukan papr_min


  for k=1:16 % 16 adalah jumlah kombinasi faktor fase yang mungkin terjadi

  final_signal=B(k,1)*Pt11+B(k,2)*Pt22+B(k,3)*Pt33+B(k,4)*Pt44; meank=mean(abs(final_signal).^2); %daya rata-rata peak=max(abs(final_signal).^2); %daya puncak papr=10*log10(peak/meank);

  if papr < papr_min(i)

  papr_min(i)=papr; sig=final_signal;

  end end end % Plot CCDF dari sistem asli dan pts

  [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy) hold on [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr_min,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'r' ) grid on title( 'V=4 Modulasi 16QAM' ); xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' , 'PTS' )



Coding Program dengan software MATLAB 7.11.0 (R2010b) Analisis Reduksi Peak to

Average Power Ratio pada Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

dengan teknik Clipping Modulasi QPSK

  clc clear all close all

  %% Parameters OFDM % QPSK Modulation = 4QAM constellation

  Bit = input( 'Bit = ' ); %Data Masukan Line=8; Fc = 4e9; % Frekuensi Carrier(Hz) c = 3e8; % m/s fs = 30e3; tsamp = 1/(fs);

  %% Transmitter % Membangkitkan Data Bit Secara Acak

  gen_data = randint(1,Bit);

  % Serial To Parallel Converter

  S2P = reshape(gen_data,Line,[]); [a b] = size(S2P);

  % Modulasi QPSK

  N = Bit/Line; hModulator = comm.QPSKModulator( 'BitInput' , true); hModulator.PhaseOffset = pi/4;

  for x = 1:N;

  mod(:,x) = step(hModulator,S2P(:,x)); %QPSK Modulation

  end % IFFT

  ifft_func = abs(ifft(mod));

  % Cyclic Prefix

  Ncp = 2; %Number of cyclic prefix add_CP=[ifft_func(:,end-Ncp+1:end) ifft_func];

  % Parallel To Serial Converter

  P2S=reshape(add_CP,1,[]); [rows_P2S cols_P2S]=size(P2S); len_ofdm_data = rows_P2S*cols_P2S;

  % Actual OFDM signal to be transmitted

  ofdm_signal = reshape(P2S, 1, len_ofdm_data); figure(3) plot(real(ofdm_signal)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'OFDM Signal' );grid on ; unused=zeros(1,12); pilot=ones(1,4); s=[-1-j -1+j 1-j 1+j]; % QPSK randn( 'state' , 12345);

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data2=s(randsrc(1,48,3:4)); ofdm_symbol2(i,:)=[data2(1:10) pilot(1) data2(11:20) pilot(2) data2(21:30) pilot(3) data2(31:40) pilot(4) data2(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal2=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol2(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol2(i,33:64)])); mean2=mean(abs(time_domain_signal2).^2); peak2=max(abs(time_domain_signal2).^2); papr2(i)=10*log10(peak2/mean2);


  figure(6) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr2,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'r' ); grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Clipping original' )

  %% Clipping Reduction % Clipping CR=0.8

  sigout1= add_CP (1,:); jum_sigout1=sum(sigout1); avg1=jum_sigout1/512;

  % Hitung standar deviasi

  krg1=sigout1-avg1; pkt1=krg1.^2; bgi1=pkt1./512; dev1=sqrt(sum(bgi1));

  % Mencari Clipping Level

  CR1=0.8; A1=CR1*dev1; clipped=ofdm_signal;

  for i=1:length(clipped) if clipped(i) > A1

  clipped(i) = A1;

  end if clipped(i) < -A1 clipped(i) = -A1;

  end end

  figure(7) plot(real(clipped)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'clipped Signal 1' );grid on ;

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data=s(randsrc(1,48,1:4)); ofdm_symbol(i,:)=[data(1:10) pilot(1) data(11:20) pilot(2) data(21:30) pilot(3) data(31:40) pilot(4) data(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol(i,33:64)])); meano=mean(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); peako=max(abs(time_domain_signal).^2); papro(i)=10*log10(peako/meano);


  figure(8) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'g' ); grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Clipping 1' )

  % Clipping CR=2

  sigout2=add_CP(1,:); jum_sigout2=sum(sigout2); avg2=jum_sigout2/512;

  % Hitung standar deviasi

  krg2=sigout2-avg2; pkt2=krg2.^2; bgi2=pkt2./512; dev2=sqrt(sum(bgi2));

  % Hitung clipping level

  CR2=2; A2=CR2*dev2; clipped1=ofdm_signal;

  for i=1:length(clipped1) if clipped1(i) > A2

  clipped1(i) = A2; end if clipped1(i) < -A2

  clipped1(i) = -A2;

  end end

  figure(9) plot(real(clipped1)); xlabel( 'Time' ); ylabel( 'Amplitude' ); title( 'clipped Signal 2' );grid on ;

  for i=1:4096 % Menghasilkan simbol 4096 OFDM

  data1=s(randsrc(1,48,2:4)); ofdm_symbol1(i,:)=[data1(1:10) pilot(1) data1(11:20) pilot(2) data1(21:30) pilot(3) data1(31:40) pilot(4) data1(41:48) unused];

  end %save ofdm_4096.mat ofdm_symbol %load ofdm_4096.mat

  NN=4096; N=64; % Jumlah subbands L=4; % oversampling factor

  for i=1:NN % Hitung papr dari original ofdm

  time_domain_signal1=abs(ifft([ofdm_symbol1(i,1:32) zeros(1,(L- 1)*N) ofdm_symbol1(i,33:64)])); mean1=mean(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); peak1=max(abs(time_domain_signal1).^2); papr1(i)=10*log10(peak1/mean1);


  figure(10) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr1,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'C' ) grid on xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Clipping Original' )

  % Plot CCDF dari sistem asli dan clipping

  figure(11) [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr2,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'r' ) hold on [cy,cx]=ccdf(papro,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'g' ) hold on [cy,cx]=ccdf(papr1,0.1); semilogy(cx,cy, 'C' ) grid on title( 'Clipping Reduction with QPSK' ); xlabel( 'PAPR0(dB)' ); ylabel( 'CCDF(P[PAPR>PAPR0)' ); legend( 'Original' , 'Clipping1' , 'Clipping2' )