Holiday Blues Are Just Around The Bend

Holiday Blues Are Just Around The Bend
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While it is a time for gift-giving and merry-making, it can also be a source of stress and dep

stress, depression, anxiety, sleeping pills, suicide

Article Body:
Holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas, are usually the most awaited events of the year.
Keeping humor up and having realistic expectations help a great deal in being in tune with th
Don’t spend the holidays confronting relatives about past conflicts, but instead, extend grace
While overindulging on sweets and carbohydrates may feel comforting at the time, the after ef
For those who don’t have close friends or relatives nearby with whom to share the holidays, re
Be wary of family members who are using more than normal amounts of alcohol, pain medications
Feelings of despair or apathy that don’t go away for two weeks or longer may lead to depressi
The National Mental Health Association reminds us about life being full of changes. ˆConsider

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