Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: The Use Of Indonesian In Teaching English At SMA 3 Salatiga

Nowadays, English becomes an important language to be learned because it is
used as a mean of communication by people all over the world. Therefore, English becomes a
compulsory subject at school. At school, English could not be used maximally because of
some reasons. The aim of this study was to answer the research question, “What are the
teachers’ purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English to High School students?” The
context of the study was at SMA N 3 Salatiga. The data for this study were collected through
interview with the teachers and observation in the classrooms. In the interview sessions, their
talk were recorded and after that their teaching practices in the classroom were observed by
recording and taking note. Then, those recordings were transcribed and put into some
categories to be analyzed. Next, all the data gathered were analyzed to find out the teachers’
purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English. The results of this study were divided into
three parts, the first part was the teacher purposes of using Indonesian in teaching English
that both occurred in the interview and observation, the second part was other purposes found
only in the observation, and the last part was teachers’ reason of using Indonesian in teaching
English. It is expected that the study will help English teachers in developing their teaching,
and also students to have a better understanding about the use of the first language.
Key words: the use of Indonesian, English teaching, teacher’s talk