(An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan in Academic Year 2010 / 2011)



Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For Gaining the degree of Bachelor of Islamic Education

in English Language Education




  Student Number: 073411042







  I am, the students with the following identify: Name : Umiyatun Student Number : 073411042 Department : English Language Education Certify that this is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the content of this thesis. Other writer‟s opinion or finding included in the thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

  Semarang, 27 November 2011 The writer,


  No. Student: 073411042

  nd ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, November 2 2011

  To The Dean of Education Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

  Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

  I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent necessary of the following thesis identification: Title : The Effectiveness Of Making a simple Television

  Advertisement to Improve Students‟ Motivation In Teaching Speaking Procedure Text (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan in Academic Year 2010 / 2011)

  Name of Student : Umiyatun Student Number : 073411042 Department : Tadris Field of Study : English Language Education I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at Munaqasyah session.

  Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb. th ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, October 27 2011

  To The Dean of Education Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

  Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb

  I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent necessary of the following thesis identification: Title : The Effectiveness Of Making a simple Television

  Advertisement to Improve Students‟ Motivation In Teaching Speaking Procedure Text (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan in Academic Year 2010 / 2011)

  Name of Student : Umiyatun Student Number : 073411042 Department : Tadris Field of Study : English Language Education I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at Munaqasyah session.

  Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.



  Title : The Effectiveness Of Making a simple Television The Effectiveness Of Making a simple Television Advertisement to Improve Students‟ Motivation In Advertisement to Improve Students‟ Motivation In Teaching Speaking Procedure Text (An Experimental Teaching Speaking Procedure Text (An Experimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Wirosari Research at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan in Academic Year 2010 / 2011) Grobogan in Academic Year 2010 / 2011)

  Writer : Umiyatun Umiyatun

  Student Number : 073411042 073411042 The thesis discusses about the use of „Making a Simple Television

  Advertisement‟ in teaching speaking procedure text to improve students‟ motivation in teaching speaking procedure text. The problem of this research can be stated as follow: How effective is “Making a simple television advertisement” to improve students‟ motivation in speaking procedure text at the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Wirosari-Grobogan in academic year 2010/2011?

  This research was an experimental study, applied a treatment that was controlled. The numbers of the subject were 40 both in experimental class and control class. They were VIIF as the experimental class (the students who were taught by making a simple television advertisement) and VIIE as the control class (the students who were taught by conventional method). The techniques of data collections were observation and questionnaire; they were taken to know the students‟ motivation in speaking procedure text before and after the experiment. The questionnaire was given before and after the treatment while the observation was conducted during the classroom activity in experiment and control class. In this study, the main data was gained by observation, because the improving students‟ motivation could not be identified only by answering the questionnaire, but also could be seen from their attitude, their activity and their response answered the teacher‟s question in the classroom activity. Based on the observation score, there were differences result between the students in experiment class and control class. The average score in experimental class was 58,63 and in control class was 53,35. Then to know the significant differences of experimental and control class, the data above was calculated using t-test formula and compared with t-table (78;5%)=1,99. The result of t-count was 7,72, it meant the result of t-count was higher than t-table and there were significant differences result between students‟ in experiment class and control class .

  So, the students‟ motivation in teaching speaking procedure text in experiment class wa s better than the students‟ motivation in teaching speaking procedure text in control class. In conclusion, making a simple television advertisement in teaching speaking procedure text gave contribution to improve students‟ motivation and helped them to express their ideas in teaching learning speaking.




  Praise to the Lord Allah, for His Blessing and Guidance so the arrangement of this work can be finished. In addition some supports, cooperation, encouragement and assistance from a lot of people have contributed to this success. By wishing

  Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamiin and by giving high

  appreciation, in this occasion the writer would like to express her gratitude to: 1.

  Dr. Suja‟i, as the Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty 2. Siti Tarwiyah, S. S, M.Hum., as the Head of English Department, for all her supports and permission to write this paper

  3. Moh. Nafi‟ Annury, M. Pd., as the first thesis supervisor, who had guided carefully and patiently in completing and finishing this work

  4. Ahmad Muthohar, M.Ag., as second thesis supervisor, who patiently guided and helped the researcher to finish this work. Thank very much for the first and second supervisor 5. Prof. Drs. H. Djamaluddin Darwis., as the researcher‟s lecturer guardian who have guided her since the first grade of her study up to the condition of almost being graduated as now. Thank very much for all your suggestions 6. Lectures in English department of Tarbiyah faculty for valuable knowledge, and guidance during the years of my study

  7. Haslan, S. Pd., as the headmaster SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan who had allowed me to carry out the research in his school

  8. Siti Fatimah, S. Pd., as the English teacher of, VIIE and VIIF who had helped me in conducting the research in their school


  9. grade class E and F thanks for the cooperation, and also the The students of 7 school administration staff

  10. My father and mother who always patient, care, support and maintenances the researcher to finish this work

11. Ahmad Khoiri‟s family who always support the writer to finish this work.

  Thank very much for your care and pray

  12. Kyai Amnan Muqoddam and Nyai Rofiqotul Makiyah AH, thank very much for your guiding, care dan praying

  13. Her best friend (Risef, Ali, Warsiyah, Munir, Ilung), thank for your care, love, praying and assistance

  14. All of her friends at English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty State Institute of Islamic Studies Walisongo Semarang who gave her a lot of assistance. Thanks a lot for cooperation

  15. All of her friends at PPP Al-Hikmah (Siha, Santi, Umi, Muyas, Khofsoh, Indah, Nisak, Vida, Ipeh), thank a lot for your care and pray 16. All of her friends at Pondok Ina ( Dwi, Inox, Uut, Asyika, Erni) 17. Last but not least, those who cannot be mentioned one by one, who had supported her to reach her dreaming.

  She realized that this research paper is far from being perfect because of her limited capability. Thus, revision, suggestion, and criticism are welcomed for the perfection of this work. She wishes this research paper would be useful and helpful to all readers. Amen

  Semarang, October 27, 2011 The researcher,

  Umiyatun 073411042



  Page Title…………………………………………………………………………… i Thesis Statement……………………………………………………………… ii Ratification Note……………………………………………………………… iii Advisor Note………………………………………………………………….. iv Abstract……………………………………………………………………….. vi Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………..vii Table of Content………………………………………………………………. ix List of Appendixes……………………………………………………………..xi List of Table…………………………………………………………………….xiii List of Chart…………………………………………………………………….xiv

  Chapter I : Introduction…………………………………………………... 1 A.

  Background of the Research……………………………… 1 B. Reason for Choosing The Topic………………………….. 4 C. Definition of Key Term…………………………………... 4 D.

  Research Question…………………………………………5 E. Objective of The Study…………………………………….6 F. Pedagogical Significance…………………………………..6 G.

  Scope Of The Study……………………………………….7

  Chapter II : Review of The Relater Literature…………………………......8 A.

  Previous Research…………………………………………8 B. Theoretical Review………………………………………..9

C. Hypotheses


  Chapter III : Research Investigation ………………………………………..32 A.

  Research Approach……………………………………….32 B. Variable………..………………………………………….33 C. Subject of The Study……………………………………..34 D.

  Source Of Data …………………………………..............35 E. Population and Sample…………………………………...35 F. Technique Of Data Collection……………………………36 G.

  Technique Of Data Analysis……………………………...37

  Chapter IV : Research Finding ……………………………………………39 A.

  Finding…………………………………………………..39 B. Discussion……………………………………………….48

  Chapter V : Conclusion and Suggestion…………………………………51 A.

  Conclusion………………………………………………51 B. Suggestion………………………………………………51

  References Appendixes Curriculum Vitae


  Appendix 1 School Profile Appendix 2 List of Participants Appendix 3 Questionnaire Appendix 4

  Questionnaire‟s Result in Experiment Class Before The Treatment Appendix 5

  Questionnaire‟s Result in Control Class Before The Treatment Appendix 6 T-test Before The Treatment Appendix 7 Group work in Experiment Class Appendix 8 Lesson Plan in Experiment Class Appendix 9 Lesson Plan in Control Class Appendix 10 Procedure Text Appendix 11

  Students‟ Assignment in Experiment Class Appendix 12

  Attachment of Students‟ Result Assignment in Experiment Class Appendix 13

  Students‟ Assignment in Control Class Appendix 14

  Attachment of Students‟ Result Assignment in Control Class Appendix 15

  Questionnaire‟s Result in Experiment Class After The Treatment Appendix 16

  Questionnaire‟s Result in Control Class After The Treatment Appendix 17 T-test Appendix 18 Observation Sheet Appendix 19 Scoring Guidance Appendix 20

  The Result of Students‟ Observation in Experiment Class Appendix 21

  The Result of Students‟ Observation in Control Class Appendix 22 T-test Appendix 23 T-Table Appendix 24 Identification of Math Laboratory Appendix 25 PASSKA Institute Certificate Appendix 26 KKN Certificate Appendix 27 Identification of Co-Curricular Appendix 28 Score of Co-Curricular Appendix 29 Identification of Advisor Appointment Appendix 30 Pre-Research License Appendix 31 Research License Appendix 32 Research Identification Appendix 33 Curriculum Vitae



  Table 1 The Similarities and Differences Characteristic between Procedure Text and Television Advertisement, 26

  Table 2 Scoring criteria, 43

  Table 3 Frequency Distribution of Experiment Class Before The Treatment, 40

  Table 4 Frequency Distribution of Control Class Before The Treatment,41 Table 5 Frequency Distribution of Experiment Class After The Treatment, 43 Table 6 Frequency Distribution of Control Class After The Treatment, 44 Table 7 Scoring Criteria of Observation, 45 Tabel 8 Frequency Distribution of Observation score of Control Class During

  The Treatment, 46 Tabel 9 Frequency Distribution of Observation Score of Control Class During

  The Treatment, 47


  Hierarchy of need pyramid by Maslow, 20 Students‟ Score of Observation, 49 Students‟ Score of Questionnaire, 50

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study Language is a mean of communication among human beings. One

  standard definition of language, it is stated that a language is a system of arbitrary conventionalized vocal symbol, written or gestural symbol that enables member of


  a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another. Based on the definition, it can be said that the function of language is for communication, and it is very crucial in our life. Because of people communicate with other people in many sequences, such as giving an argument, persuading, or promising, and expressing their feeling to others. By this way, people can fulfill their daily need and can be survived in their life better.

  As human we are taught to speak by using language. Allah decrees in the holy Kuran Surah Ar-Rahman: 3-4 as follows:

       

  “He has created man. He has taught him to speech (and


  intelligence)…” In the Kuran is written that Allah teaches human in order to use language as a means of communication whether in spoken or in written. Allah teaches human because mankind in the earth is generations after generation.

            … 

  “And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels; “Verily, I am

  3 1 going to place (mankind) generations after generation on earth.”

H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (New York: Addison th Wesley Longman. Inc., 2000), 4 Ed., p. 5.

  2 A. Yusuf Ali, the Holy Kuran Text, Translation and Commentary, (USA: Amana Corp., 1983), p. 1472. 3 A. Yusuf Ali, the Holy Kuran Text, Translation and Commentary, p. 18

  In the second surah above, the duty of mankind in the earth is to manage


  and prospering, also take advantages of earth appropriate with the rules of Allah SWT. And all human is obligated learning all knowledges, and teaching what they have known in order to increase their prosperity in the earth during their life, includes learning a language as a tool of communication each other.

  As a language, English appeals to be learnt and it becomes important in education because it has being International language or one of the main languages of international communication. In Indonesia, English is also a crucial subject. It is proven by the government, which has decided to use curriculum in which English has been taught from the elementary school, the junior high school and the senior high school and even some semesters at college level.

  The main objective of English teaching and learning involves some components‟: grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, with the four basic competence skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Because English is not the first language; some of Indonesian students feel that English is difficult to be learnt. In addition, they face some problems when they want to master it. The problems come from inside (their selves/their motivation) and outside (the materials, the school, the media, family‟s support, etc.). But, there is no reason for us to stop learning something in our life, includes language, and people have to use their ability to learn language.

  : مهسو ويهع للها ًهص للهاىسز لاق : لاق ونع للها ًضز سنا نع ) ٌرمستّنا هاوز حيحص ثيدح ( َعِجْسَي ًَتَّح للها ِمْيِبَس ًِف َىُهَف ِمْهِعْنا ِبًهَط ًِْف َجَسَخ ْنَم

  “Anyone who came out to search knowledge then he is on the path

  5 of Allah until death.

  ” (H. R. Tirmidzi) The meaning of the Hadits above can encourage us to always learn and motivate us to master any knowledge that will make our life easier. 4 Departemen Agama, Al-

  Qur’an dan Terjemahannya Jilid 1, (Jakarta: Penerbit Lentera Abadi), p.75 5 Juwariyah, Hadis Tarbawi, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Teras),2010, p.142

  In other hand, English teachers commonly also face some problems when they teach English. For example when they want to get maximum result as the time limited, English teachers have to try hard to pay attention on developing their own mastery of English, their students‟ linguistic competence and the best method of teaching English which appropriate with their stu dents‟ condition. The choosing of certain method used in class should be suited with the goal of teaching learning process based on the curriculum also, as the right method will result the better achievement.

  : مهسو ويهع للها ًهص للهاىسز لاق : لاق ونع للها ًضز سابع نبا نع ٌتُكْسَّيهَف ْمُكُدَحَا َبِضَغ اَذإَف اوُسِفَّنُتاَنَو اوُسِسَّبَو اوُسِسَّعَتاَنَو اوُسِسَّيَواىُمَهَع ) يزاجبناو دمحا هاوز حيحص ثيدح (

  “Teach and make it easy, do not make difficult, and please enjoy and do not make them run away and if one of you was angry, silent

  6 please.

  ” (H. R Ahmad and Bukhari) Hadis above advises us to motivate students in the teaching learning process. English teacher should motivate students in order to make them happy in speaking English. Motivation needs to be given to students because they may learn to do something based on it. Giving motivation to students can be done in many ways for example: English teacher provide methods that motivate students to learn with good environment, Teacher built an interest classroom activity when teach speaking English or improve students‟ motivation in English and many others way.

  In other condition, curriculum used by most school is Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or School Level Based Curriculum in which the basic language skill are taught and trained intensively based on genres and functional


  speeches. Genre is a type of written or spoken discourse. There are some types of genre. In Junior High School, based on KTSP, there four types of genre that must be learnt. There are Procedure text, Descriptive text, Narrative text, and Recount 6 Sunday,

26 December 2010, 08.00.

  text. This study specifically will focus on teaching learning speaking procedure text. Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. It is a kind of text which teaches about how to make something completely. Procedure text is dominantly structured with imperative sentence since it actually an instruction. This text usually explain the ingredient or material which is need, though sometime it is omitted, after that procedure text will explain step by step how to make the thing. Its social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series. The understanding of procedure text includes four skill; Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skill. Speaking is the most difficult skill because it needs a habit. Speaking procedure text has a purpose students can explain how to make something or how to do something completely, from the first step until it served, using their gesture and facial expression, so it will be comprehensible.

  Sometimes, students has an idea in their mind, but difficult to express orally. This problem is also happened in SMP N 1 Wirosari. Low motivation of students, limited of time of the teacher, the environment is not billingual school, and many other problems that have been wrote in above are the reasons of this condition. It is the reasons why the researcher will conduct this research. In this research, the researcher will use an alternative technique to improve students‟ motivation in learning speaking procedure text. The technique is “Making a simple television advertisement”. It is a kind of Video-Making activity. Using video in language learning process has some advantages. This activity will influence their motivation in learning language speaking, especially in speaking procedure text. Most students show an increased level of interest when they have an opportunity to see language in use as well as hear it, and when this coupled


  with interesting tasks. The researcher hopes there will be significant changes through this research. It means that by this technique the students‟ motivation in learning speaking procedure text will increase.

8 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Longman, 2001), 3rd Ed., p. 282.

  B. Reasons For Choosing The Topic

  There are two reasons for choosing the topic: 1. The researcher wants to know the motivation of students to speak in teaching procedure text

  2. The researcher wants to know the effectiveness of making a simple television advertisement to improve students‟ motivation in speaking procedure text

  C. Definition of The Key Term 1.

  Students‟ Motivation Based on Oxford Advanced Learners‟ Dictionary, student is defined as a person who is studying at a college, polytechnic or university; boy or girl who is attending schools; anyone who studies or who is devoted to the


  acquisition of knowledge. Motivation is some kind of internal drive which pushed someone does things in order to achieve something. A cognitive view of motivation includes factors such as the need for exploration, activity, stimulation,


  new knowledge, and ego enhancement. In Webster New World Dictionary,


  motivation is an affecting; a motive; an inciting. On the other hand, motivation is extent to which you make choices about goals to pursue and the effort you will


  devote to that pursuit. So, it can be sai d that students‟ motivation is students‟ motive to gain success of their goals especially the success of their learning goals by doing effort or doing their best to get it.

2. Making a simple television advertisement

  „Making a simple television advertisement‟ is a kind of Video-Making activity that shows a process of how to make something or how to use something. It is the name of the alternative technique for teaching procedure text by making the students pretends to be an actor, actress, cameraman, and the director for promoting a product in order to make a simple television advertisement that the 9 10 , Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, p. 859. 11 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, p.51.

  David B. Guralnik, Webster New World Dictionary of the American Language, (NY: Warner Books, 1984), p. 393. 12 H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, p.72. recording is done by using hand phone that has video facility. The video result will be watched together by using LCD and a screen after transferring the data from hand phone to computer.

  3. Teaching Speaking Teaching is the activities of educating or instructing; activities that import


  knowledge or skill. Teaching is transfer of knowledge from teacher (who has knowledge) to the student (who does not have knowledge). Teaching speaking is giving speaking skill that is done by a teacher of English towards the students in order to have a good understanding or be capable to speak in English. Thus, the students can use the language to communicate efficiently with others. Here, teacher should create a situation that stimulates the class to practice speaking. Because speaking class needs creativity from the teacher, English Teacher have to be creative, innovative and being good motivator.

  4. Procedure Text Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. It is a kind of text which teaches about how to make something completely. Procedure text is dominantly structured with imperative sentence since it actually an instruction. Procedure text usually explain the ingredient or material which is need, though sometime it is omitted, after that procedure text will explain step by step how to make the thing.

  D. Research Questions

  This study is intended to answer the question; How effective is “Making a simple television advertisement” in improving students‟ motivation in speaking procedure text at the seventh grade students of SMP N 1 Wirosari-Grobogan in academic year 2010/2011?

  E. Objective of The Study

  The objective of the study is to identify the effectiveness of “making a simple televi sion advertisement” to improve students‟ motivation in speaking procedure text. 13 Sunday, 26 December 2010, 09.01.

F. Pedagogical Significance

  Hopefully, this research can give contribution in the teaching speaking technique, and also can be analized and improved so will stimulate another better technique of English Speaking. Based on the objectives of study, the significance of the study can be started as follows:

  1. For SMP N 1 Wirosari This thesis can be an additional referrence in the library of SMP N 1 Wirosari. It also can contribute a new technique in teaching speaking English.

  2. For Teacher By doing this research, the researcher hopes that the output of the study will be useful developing English teaching in Junior High School, especially in teaching speaking procedure text. By

  “Making a simple television advertisement”, the researcher hopes it can motivate students to speak English, especially in speaking procedure text. So, the students will get better achievement.

  3. For Students Making a simple television advertisement is an alternative technique in teaching English procedure text, especially in speaking, hopefully the students will improve their motivation in speaking English.

G. Scope Of The Study

  To limit the scope of the study, the researcher will only discuss such as follows:

  1. This study will be done in the VII Grade students of SMP N 1 Wirosari Grobogan in the academic year of 2010/2011.

2. This study will talk about improving students‟ motivation in speaking procedure text by “Making a simple television advertisement” as the technique.

  It is done because students are very seldom to speak in English, which is obviously caused by low motivated whether from inside or outside of them.

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Research There are some researches done to improv

  e students‟ speaking motivation, such as:

  1. A study by Umi Hani Al Habsy (3104269), English Department in Tarbiyah Faculty, Institute State for Islamic Studies Walisongo Semarang. (3104269).

  Her title is

  Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking by Using Storytelling with sentence card Game in Teaching Speaking (A Classroom Action Research with XI IPS 2 of MAN Pemalang in the Academic Year of 2008/2009).

  She analyzed the use of „Storytelling With Sentences Card Game‟ to improve students‟ motivation in speaking. From her research, The use of „storytelling with sentence card‟ is effective in improving students‟ motivation, since besides game is amusing, it can carry out a supportive environment in the classroom. So, she can conclude that „storytelling with sentence card game‟ can be considered and implemented as the medium in improving students‟ motivation to speak. This can be seen from students‟ activeness in speaking activity where in pre cycle their activeness Were only about 25%, it is so far from the minimum standard that should at least about 60%, but in cycle 1 it increased up to 45% became 70%. Moreover, in cycle 2, it has getting increased significantly up to

  1 95% or having an improvement up to 25% from cycle 1.

  2. Kartika Yudhasari (2201403592), an UNNES‟ student in her thesis entitled: Games as Teaching Strategy to Improve Students‟ Speaking Ability (a Case of Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 13 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2007/2008).

  The objectives of her study w ere to know the students‟ speaking ability before teacher applies games as a technique and to know if there is an 1 Umi Hani Al Habsy,

  Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking by Using Storytelling

with sentence card Game in Teaching Speaking (A Classroom Action Research with XI IPS 2 of MAN Pemalang in the Academic Year of 2008/2009). improvement after teacher applies games as a technique. Her thesis explained how games can improve students‟ speaking ability, about the procedure, the results, the advantages and the disadvantages of teaching speaking using games. She carried out a classroom action research. To find out the result of the research, she gave pre test before the treatment and gave the post test after that. She used a class which consists of 41 students. In the pre test, students‟ achievement is 64.76% less than criterion provided by Depdikbud where learning process can be said to be successful if students‟ achievement is 65% above. It means that the students had not mastered the material well. On the other hand, in the post test, the students‟ achievement is 84.57%, which it means that the students‟ achievement

  2 in learning speaking through games had a significant improvement.

B. Theoretical Review 1.

  Speaking a.

  General Meaning of speaking In language teaching, people often talks about the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in terms of their direction and modality language generated by the learners (in speech or writing) is considered as productive skill, and language directed learners (in reading or listening) is known as receptive skill.

  Speaking is making use of language in an ordinary voice; uttering words; knowing and being able to use a language; expressing oneself in


  words; making a speech. Moreover, in Webster New World Dictionary speaking is to utter words orally, talk; to communicate as by talking; to

  4 make a request; to make a speech. 2 Kartika Yudhasari, Games as T eaching Strategy to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability

(a Case of Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 13 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2007/2008). 3 A S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English, (NY: Oxford University Press, 1987), p. 827. 4 David B. Guralnik ,Webster New World Dictionary of the American Language, (NY: Warner Books, 1984), p. 754. It can be said that, through speaking people can communicate easily, because they can express what they are thinking automatically by using language in order to be understood by other people. They also can convey messages by using sounds or uttering words, or responding what their partners say or feel. There are many advantages when people communicate through verbal language: 1)

  To get, to give, and exchange information 2)

  To persuade and influence 3)

  To ensure understanding 4)

  To convey feelings, opinion, perception and ideas 5)

  To establish and enhance friendship 6)

  To improve public relation 7)

  To start action and implement activities 8)

  To provide therapeutic effect b. Language Features of Speaking

  Speaking skill is seen as somewhat difficult for some language learners. Here, a speaker should at least pronounce the words well, choose the suit dictions, and try to do grammatically correct though, perhaps in any cases, it is common when a speaker speaks without having good attention at accuracy or fluency. Brown says that there are eight characteristics of spoken language can make oral performance easy as well as, in some cases,


  difficult: 1)

  Clustering Fluent speech is phrasal, not word by word. Learners can organize their output both cognitively and physically through such clustering.

  2) Redundancy

  The speaker has an opportunity to make meaning clearer through the redundancy of language. Learners can capitalize on this feature of spoken 5 language.

H. D. Brown, Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, nd (NY: Addison Wesley Longman Inc, 2001), 2 Ed., p. 270-271.

  3) Reduced forms

  Contractions, elisions, reduced vowels, etc., all form special problems in teaching spoken English. Studen ts who don‟t learn colloquial contractions can sometimes develop a stilted, bookish quality of speaking that in turn stigmatize them.

  4) Performance Variables

  One of the advantages of spoken language is that the process of thinking as you speak, allows you to manifest a certain number of performance hesitations, pauses, backtracking, and corrections. Learners can actually be taught how to pause and hesitate. For example, in English our “thinking time” is not silent; we insert certain “fillers” such as uh, um,

  well, you know, I mean, like, etc. one of the most salient differences

  between native and nonnative speakers of a language is in their hesitation phenomena. 5)

  Colloquial Language Make sure our students are reasonably well acquainted with the words, idioms, and phrases of colloquial language and that they get practice in producing these forms. 6)

  Rate of Delivery Another salient characteristic of fluency is rate of delivery. One of our tasks in teaching spoken English is to help learners achieve an acceptable speed along with other attributes of fluency. 7)

  Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation This is the most important characteristic of English pronunciation. The stress-timed rhythm of spoken English and its intonation patterns convey important messages. 8)

  Interaction Learning to produce waves of language in a vacuum

  • –without interlocutors-would rob speaking skill of its richest component: the creativity of conversational negotiation.
This analysis shows how easily speaking skill can be accommodated within this particular view of language. When a teacher asks students to use the spoken language in the classroom, he/she needs them to take part in a process where not only involves a knowledge of the target language, but also a general knowledge of interaction between the speaker and hearer in order that meanings and negotiate meanings are made clear. For example, the hearer may respond or give feedback as to whether the hearer has understood or not what the speaker has just said. Among the elements necessary for spoken production are the following:


  1) Connected Speech

  Effective speaker of English need to be able to not only to produce the individual phonemes of English (as in saying I would have gone) but also to use fluent „connected speech‟ (as in I’d’ve gone). 2)

  Expressive Devices Native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterences, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non verbal (paralinguistic) means how they are feeling (especially in face-to-face interaction). The use of these devises contributes to the ability to convey meaning. 3)

  Lexis and Grammar Spontaneous speech is marked by the use of a number of common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language functions. 4)

  Negotiation Language Effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language We use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what We are saying. We often need to ask for clarification when We are listening to someone else talk. For students this is especially crucial. A useful thing teachers can do, therefore, is to offer them phrases such as the following: 6 Jeremy Harmer, Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching,

  (England: Longman, 2001), 3rd Ed., p. 269-270

  (I am sorry) I did not catch that. (I am sorry) I do not understand. What exactly does X mean?

Could you explain that again, please!


  Classroom Speaking Activities There are things learner can not easily do, such as retrieving words at speed or achieving long, paus-free runs. This is because they lack certain skills. But, there are also things learners do not know, such as what to say in order to signal a changeof topic or how to respond appropriately to a difficult request, and this also inhibit their fluency. In this cases, they lack the knowledge.

7 Activities aimed at helping learners uncover these gaps (awareness

  activities). Some activities that can be used in speaking activities, which involve acting from a script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks, questionnaires, simulation and role play.


  1) Acting from a Script

  Teacher can ask students to act out scenes from a play or their course books by their own written dialogues. This can involve them to come out to the front of the class. However, it is better for teachers not to choose the shyest students first, and create the right kind of supportive atmosphere. 2)

  Communication Games Games are used to make fluent speak ing amusing. In „Fishbowl‟ for example, two students speak but at a prearranged signal one of the participants has to reach into the fishbowl and take out one of the many pieces of paper on which students have previously written phrases, questions, and sentences. They have to incorporate these into the conversation straight away. 7 Scott Thornbury, How to Teach Speaking , Series Editor: Jeremy Harmer, (England:

  Longman, 2008), p. 41 8 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, p. 271-275.

  3) Discussion

  One of the best ways of encouraging discussion is to provide activities which force students to reach a decision, often as a result choosing between specific alternativ es. The „buzz group‟ can be one way in creating discussion. Here, students have a chance for quick discussion in small groups before any of them are asked to speak in public. Because they have a chance to think of ideas and the language to express them before being asked to talk in front of the class, the stress level of that eventual whole-class performance is reduced. 4)