




Reading is one of language skills that should be taught at school. Unfortunately, many students still do not have a good reading skill, so they find the difficulties in getting the ideas from the text. By using Reciprocal Teaching Technique in the teaching learning process, the researcher believed that it would be easier for the students in getting information from the text, because Reciprocal Teaching Technique had four steps (predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing) which useful and helpful the students to understanding the text.

This is quantitative research. The research was conducted to find out whether the implementation of Reciprocal Teaching Technique can improve students’ reading comprehension and also the students’ response after being taught through this technique in SMPN 2 Natar from July 2013 to August 2013. The research used one group pretest-posttest design. The result of the pretest and posttest proved that Reciprocal Teaching Technique could improve the students' reading comprehension. It can be seen from the student total scores which improved from 1582.4 to 2089.1, and their mean from 52.74 to 69.63 in pretest and posttest. The result of questionnaire showed that the students’ interest and participation which make them active in teaching learning process. From the result of the tests, which was analyzed by using Repeated Measure t-Test, it showed that t value was 14.698. It can be concluded that there was significant difference of students who are taught by using reciprocal teaching technique.

Based on the result of pretest and posttest, the researcher concludes that there is an improvement of the students' reading comprehension after being taught using Reciprocal Teaching Technique. Therefore, Reciprocal Teaching Technique is recommended to be used by teachers to improve their students' reading comprehension. However, since students have opportunity to interact in discussion, teacher should pay careful attention to overcome the noisy class.





TITLE... i





MOTTO... vi





I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problems... 1

1.2 Identification of the Problems... 4

1.3 Limitation of the Problems... 4

1.4 Formulation of Research Problems... 5

1.5 Objectives of the Research... 5

1.6 The Uses of the Research... 5

1.7 Scope of the Research... 6

1.8 Definition of the Terms... 6

II. LITERATURE RIVIEW 2.1 Review of Previous Research... 7

2.2 Concept of Reading Comprehension... 10

2.2.1 Reading Comprehension Strategies... 12

2.2.2 Concept of Five Aspect of Reading... 13

2.3 Concept of Narrative Text... 15

2.4 Concept of Reciprocal Teaching Technique... 18

2.5 Procedure of Teaching Reading Using Reciprocal Teaching Technique... 20

2.6 Relationship between Reciprocal Teaching Technique and Reading Comprehension... 23

2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Reciprocal Teaching Technique... 24



3.1 Research Design... 27

3.2 Population and Sample………... 28

3.3 Data Collecting Technique... 29

3.4 Research Procedures... 30

3.5 Research Schedule... 32

3.6 Scoring System of the Test... 32

3.7 Try Out of Research Instrument... 33

3.7.1 Validity... 33 Content Validity... 33 Construct Validity...34

3.7.2 Reliability...34

3.7.3 Level of Difficulty... 36

3.7.4 Discrimination Power... 37

3.7.5 Normality Test... 38

3.8 Data Analysis... 39

3.9 Hypothesis Testing... 40

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Result of the Test... 41

4.1.1 Improvementof Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement... 42 Result of Pretest... 42 Result of Posttest... 44 Result of Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement... 47 Improvement of Reading Aspects... 48

4.1.2 The Students’ Responseafter being taught Trough Reciprocal Teaching Technique... 53 Result of Questionnaire... 55 Result ofThe Students’ Response after being taught Trough Reciprocal Teaching Technique... 55

4.1.2 Normality Test... 57

4.1.3 Hypothesis Testing... 58

4.2 Discussions... 59

4.2.1 Discussion of the Result of Pretest and Posttest... 59

4.2.2 Discussion of the Reading Aspect... 60


5.2 Suggestions... 77




This chapter discusses several points to support the reasons for conducting the research. It includes introduction that deals with the background of the problem, identification of the problems, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, uses of the research, and scope of the research.

1.1 Background of the Problem

English is one of the subject matters learned by students that are given at every educational level, such as in elementary school, junior and senior high school, in other hand the students should master four language skills they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is even more important for junior high school students since they have to be highly competitive in English entrance examination.

Therefore, the ability to read and comprehend text efficiently is crucial for EFL student. Reading may be the most frequently used skill rather than other skill. The students are expected to read information is mostly written in English. It can be concluded that reading dominate the teaching material in almost English textbook.

In the fact at SMPN 2 Natar there were many problems in English Subject. Most of the students still had difficulty in reading comprehension. They had difficulty


in comprehending the text. The student had low motivation in vocabulary. Students had difficulty in finding main idea of the passage with long sentence, main topic, explicit and implicit specific information in reading text. The students were not active in teaching learning process, and the teacher still apply the same old teaching strategy and did not try other various strategies. Therefore the teacher had to create or use such kind of a technique in teaching reading comprehension that were able to raise the students’ motivation and achievement to learn it.

Reading comprehension is a complex process in which the reader used his or his ability to find information. It means that the reader must be able to comprehend the meaning of the text. The readers do reading activities to find out the aim of the text. It also has a process where the reader must have a good strategy to get the best way to understand the text. It is important to encourage the students’ knowledge and it can guide the student to think about their own ideas.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher used reciprocal teaching technique to improve students’ reading comprehension achievement.According to Palinscar & Brown (1984) reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning method of improving reading comprehension. It can be used in individual tutoring/learning. The reciprocal teaching is one of the reading instruction methods which cover the necessary reading strategies that were predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.

Each strategy has its own purpose within the process. With group discussion, either with a teacher or without, students learn to focus on their means of understanding the text. While in discussion, students start the first strategy,


predicting. This is the stage where the students were encouraged by the teacher to predict or hypothesize about what the author would be discussed in the text. Following prediction students begin to generate question about the text, which continues the process of comprehension.

In the second strategy is questioning, this is the stage where the students process and identify the information that is presented to them and analyze it. After students are given several questions, the next stage is clarifying. This is the third stage where the students were learning to understand and identify a difficulty in comprehend the text, such as unfamiliar vocabulary and concept. And the last strategy is summarizing, this is the stage where the students will identify and integrate the most important information of the text.

Palinscar & Brown (1984) explains that the purpose of reciprocal teaching is to promote the readers’ ability to construct meaning from the text and facilitate the monitoring of their path of comprehension. The students monitor their own thinking through the reading process. Reciprocal teaching technique has four main strategies that could help students to comprehend the text. They were predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.

Those four main strategies are used by the successful readers, these strategies also support both monitoring and developing comprehension, and each strategy is applied when students have some problem in comprehend the text. Based on those reasons above, the researcher wanted to investigate the problem, especially using reciprocal teaching technique as the technique in teaching learning process in reading comprehension.


1.2 Identification of the Problems

According to the background above, the following problems could be identified: 1. The students had difficulty in comprehending the text.

2. The students had difficulty in finding main idea, explicit and implicit specific information in reading text.

3. The students lack of vocabulary mastery because they had to open dictionary to find the meaning.

4. Students were not active in teaching learning process.

1.3 Limitation of the Problems

Based on the identification of the problems above, the researcher focuses on the use of reciprocal teaching technique to improve students’ reading comprehension achievement using narrative text and also to find out the students’ response after being taught through reciprocal teching technique. To find out the improvement of students’ reading comprehension ofnarrative text, the researcher uses the score of a set of pre- test and post- test, and questionnaire to find out the students’ response.

1.4 Formulation of Research Problems

According to the condition above, the main problem was formulated as follow:

1. Can the use of reciprocal teaching technique improve the students’ reading comprehension achievemen?

2. What isthe students’ response after being taught through reciprocal teaching technique?


1.5 The Objectives of the Research

In reference to the problems, the objectives of the research were

1. To find out whether reciprocal teaching technique can be used to improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement.

2. To find out the students’ response after being taught through reciprocal teaching technique.

1.6 Uses of the Research The uses of the research were:

1. Theoretically, the result of this research are expected to verify the previous theories dealing with teaching reading using reciprocal teaching technique and it could be used as a reference for further research.

2. Practically, the result of this research provides information for English teacher, especially of SMPN 2 Natar whether reciprocal teaching technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement.

1.7 Scope of the Research

This research is quantitative research. The research was conducted at the third grade of SMPN 2 Natar. The focus of this research were how the teacher teaches reading comprehension including the five aspects of reading comprehension and also the activities of teaching reading using narrative text which was taught by reciprocal teaching technique which had four strategies they were predicting,


questioning, clarifying and summarizing. The improvement would be seen in the score of pretest and post test.

1.8 Definition of Terms

To get the clear understanding of this study, the researcher would like to give some definitions of the following terms.

1. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is a process in understanding the text in order to make the reader has the same perception with the author’s.

2. Reciprocal Teaching Technique

Reciprocal teaching technique is cooperative learning method of improving reading comprehension that also can be used for individual tutorial/teaching.

3. Narrative Text

Narrative text is kind of text which tell a sequence of events and used to amuse or entertain the reader.



This chapter describes the concepts which is related to the research, such as review of previous research, concept of reading comprehension, concept of reading aspect, concept of reading comprehension strategies, concept of narrative text, concept of reciprocal teaching technique, teaching reading through reciprocal teaching technique, and relationship between reciprocal teaching technique and reading comprehension. This chapter also describes the advantages and disadvantages of reciprocal teaching technique, theoretical assumption and hypothesis.

2.1 Review of Previous Research

The ability to read and to comprehend the text is very important for the students, especially for EFL students. It is better for students to master reading skill. On the other hand, there were some problems which are found in reading comprehension mastery itself. One of the problems is the students have some problems in learning process. There are some research have conducted as follow:

First, Allaydrus, (2011) had investigated whether there was a significant difference of learners’ achievement in reading comprehension skill before and after being taught through questioning technique at the second year of SMAN 1


Kotabumi North Lampung. Based on the writer’s observation at the second years of SMAN 1 Kotabumi, it was found that the learners lack of interest and ability in comprehending the reading text. The interview with the teacher and some learners showed that learners at this school had problem in reading comprehension. This condition happened because the learners were taught by conventional technique such as GTM. In teaching learning process by using GTM, the teacher only gave a text and asked the learners to read the text and the teacher was seen only feeding up the learners by translating a whole of the text, she never let the learners to work by themselves. As a consequence, this condition affected the learners’ ability in reading comprehension.

According to the problems faced by the students above, she assumed that using questioning technique can increase learners’ reading comprehension ability. The writer focused on the application of questioning technique three times and compared the result of the pretest and posttest to see the students’ achievement in reading comprehension skill before and after being tough through questioning technique. It can be seen from the result of the pretest and posttest in experimental class. Total score of pretest was 2.252 with the mean 56,30. It can be inferred that there was less students who had adequate reading comprehension achievement. It means that the students had low ability in reading. In the posttest result was 2.717 with the mean 67,93. It showed that the students’ reading comprehension has improved after being given the treatment using questioning technique.

Second, Khadafi (2011) has investigated whether there was increase of students’ reading comprehension achievement of narrative text in intensive reading or not at the second grade of SMA Persada Bandar Lampung. Based on the writer


experience when he took part in the field Practice Program at SMA Persada Bandar Lampung 2009-2010, he found that one of the problems faced by the students was they often found difficulty in comprehending the text. They are unable identify the main idea, specific information, reference and inference. They found many unknown words on the text. As the result their average score of reading was low.

The writer assumed that the students need to be taught with an appropriate technique to be applied in their effort to comprehend the text by using CTL in order to increase the students’ reading comprehension ability of narrative text. By using the seven elements of Contextual Teaching Learning, the mean score of students’ reading comprehension achievement of narrative text in intensive reading increase 16.82% (10.14 point) from 60.28 in the pretest to70,42 in the posttest. The result of hypothesis test showed that the hypothesis is accepted (p<0.005, p=0.000) it meant there is a significant increase of the students’ achievement.

The last is Irawan (2010) had investigated about the implemented shadow reading by using short stories as the medium is improving students’ English pronunciation of friction consonants. Based on the writer observation in SMAN 1 Metro, he found that most of the students do not know how to interpret and how to pronounce phonetic symbols in their English text book correctly. The writer also found that the English teacher has not taught as the English phonology well to the students. Those backgrounds above affect the writer was dealing with the using of shadow reading of short story on the effort of improving students’ English pronunciation in friction consonants.


The result of this research showed that the pretest score are unsatisfactory, the lowest score of the pretest is 30.0 and the highest score is 63.5. After the students are given treatment by the writer there was an increase 550 point (44.5%) for the total score. The highest score in pretest is 63.5 also increased significantly to 83 in post test. It can be concluded that the used of shadow reading by using short story can be suitable technique for improving students’ pronunciation, because it covers the basic range of the technique in teaching pronunciation.

In view of those researchs above, there was still one issue which had not been investigated, that is, the implementation of reciprocal teaching technique to improve the students reading comprehension achievement. Therefore, the researcher titled the research “The implementation of reciprocal teaching technique to improve the students reading comprehension achievement of SMPN 2 Natar”.

2.2 Concept of Reading Comprehension

Reading is a complex activity which is very important involving language and in order to get meaningful massage. Furthermore, Kamil et al. (2011:91) state that in reading comprehension, the students tend to understand more when it is in the language they know better and when the text they are reading deals with culturally recognition context. Reading comprehension is defined as the level of understanding of a text/message. This understanding comes from the interaction between the words that are written and how they trigger knowledge outside the text/message.


In other hand, it can be cited that in reading skill there was an interaction between the readers and the author. In finding the massage, the readers use their prior knowledge to visualize the information in their comprehension. In this process, the author tries to encode the massage to the readers, then the readers try to decode the massage that is sent by the author. It is supported by Caldwell (2008:4) who stated that reading comprehension is the process of extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language.

The researcher agrees that people have a purpose when they are reading. Usually the purpose of the reading passage is to find out ideas from the reading passage. According to Suparman (2005:1) there are two major reasons for reading (1) reading for pleasure; and (2) reading for information. Reading for pleasure it means that the readers read the passage because it can make them feel happy, it is similar that for them reading is their hobby (e.g. reading novel, comic, etc). Reading for information it means that the readers read the passage in order to do something with the information that the readers get (e.g. read newspaper, journal, etc).

Reading comprehension is a process in which students make sense of the written text in order to get information and knowledge from the text. Reading is important because without it reading do not provide the reader with any information. Without comprehension, reading is simply following words on page from left to right when we read it. The words on the page have no meaning. While people read the text, each of them have different reasons, the goal was to get some understanding of what the author was trying to suggest and making conclusion of the text.


In line with the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading comprehension is not only a process in which the reader may create meaning by interacting with the text, but also reading can make the readers find something new which is different rather than before. Reading also gives the reader a pleasure and from it the readers get the new knowledge that they can use for their future.

2.2.1 Reading Comprehension Strategies

A strategy is a plan developed by a reader to assist in comprehending and thinking about the text, when reading the words alone do not give the reader a sense of the meaning of the text. In recent years, reading comprehension strategy instruction has come to the fore in reading instruction at all age and grade levels. It refers to the conscious and flexible plan that students apply and adapt to the text when they face problems while reading. Comprehension process in reading refers to the interrelationship between several parts to understanding how people comprehend the text. It is focused on the online process relate to the text understanding rather than simply what people remember from reading.

The reader has to make inferences on the context of the text or in the end of the story by using information from various sources; the title, the illustration or generally from the previous paragraphs. The reading comprehension process occur when the reader understands the information in the text and appropriately and meaningfully interprets it (Grabe & Stoller, 2002). Reading strategies indicates how the readers understand the text, what was contextual clues they attended to, how they made sense of what they have read, and what they did when they did not understand the reading text. In order to helps students to comprehend


the texts, it is necessary for the teacher to teach reading strategies in the English classroom. According to Cohen (1998) the effective reading process is divided into three stages: (a) pre-reading, in this stage the readers needed to apply specific strategies, including scanning and guessing, to survey the type of the text they are going to read and recognize its difficulties. Then they read and relate it to their schemata, and predict the content. (b) while-reading, in this stage learners also need strategies to comprehend the text such as questioning. The teacher can ask the learners about question of the passage and the teacher also has to clarify the answer to the students. (c) Post-reading, in this stage teacher needs to evaluate the strategy that is used by his students and the quality of their comprehension.

The students also need to make conclusion of the passage which is given by the teacher. It helps them to comprehend the passage and also know the content of the passage. This step of reading process helps students to find solutions for their difficulties when they are confronted with reading problems.

2.2.2 The Concept of Five Aspect of Reading

In reading there are some aspects which help the student to comprehend the English text. The researcher uses five aspects of reading, they are:

1. Identifying Main Idea 1

Main idea is the most important idea stated in topic sentence and developed by supporting sentences in a single paragraph. The main idea is the only idea that should be developed in one paragraph-no more than one main idea in a single well written paragraph. That is the main purpose of comprehension-getting the main idea. There is not reading without understanding the main idea (Suparman, 2012).


2. Determining Causes/Effect 2

A cause-effect relationship is a relationship in which one event (the cause) makes another event happen (the effect). There are three criteria that must be met to establish a cause-effect relationship. First, the cause must occur before the effect. Second, whenever the cause occurs, the effect must also occur. Third, there must not be another factor that can explain the relationship between the cause and effect. Two events that are correlated have some relationship with each other. However, when it comes to correlation, one event does not cause the other (

3. Identifying a Main Character 1

Characterization is the way in which author convey information about their characters. Characterization can be direct, as when an author tells readers what a character is like or indirect, as when an author shows what a character is like by portraying his or her actions, speech, or thoughts. Descriptions of a character's appearance, behavior, interests, way of speaking, and other mannerisms are all part of characterization. For stories written in the first-person point of view, the narrator's voice, or way of telling the story, is essential to his or her characterization. Characterization is a crucial part of making a story compelling. In order to interest and move readers, characters need to seem real. Authors achieve this by providing details that make characters individual and particular. Good characterization gives readers a strong sense of characters' personalities and complexities; it makes characters vivid, alive and believable (


4. Using Context Clues 4

Context Clues are hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word. The clues can be found among the words around the unknown word. They can be used to help you figure out the meaning of unknown words. It is important for reader to be able to recognize and take advantage of context clues (Suparman, 2012).

5. Identifying Reading Purpose 1

When author write the text, it also have a purpose when he write it. The reader also has a purpose when someone read the passage. According to Suparman (2012) author also has a purpose in mind when they write. It may be to describe, instruct, inform, persuade, summarize, and entertain. A proficient and effective reader should be able to identify such kind of purpose in every reading text which is implicitly stated.

2.3 The Concept of Narrative Text

This research used narrative text. Narrative text means categorization of literature containing stories that could happen in the real world, in a time and location that is possible, and with characters that are true to life, yet drawn from the writer’s imagination. Larson (1984:366) defines that narrative text is an account of event. A narrative is kind of texts to retell the story that these events are told in chronological order which it happen. Narrative text tells the story with amusing way. It provides an esthetic literary experience to the readers. Narrative text is


written based on life experience and is organized focusing at character oriented. It is build using descriptive familiar language and dialogue.

There are some genres of literary text which fit to be classified as the narrative text. Some of them are; (a) folktales is a story or legend forming part of an oral tradition. e.g.,Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih, (b) Fables is a short narrative making a moral point. Often employs animals with human characteristics (power of speech, etc) as the main characters of the story. e.g. Si Kancil, (c) Legend is traditional tale handed down from earlier times and believed to have an historical basis. e.g. The Ramayana, (d) Myths are traditional typically ancient stories dealing with supranatural beings ancestors or heroes that serves as fundamental type in the worldview of a people. e.g. Malin Kundang, (e) Mystery is a story about something that difficult to understand or explain which crimes and strange events are only explained at the end. e.g. Sherlock Holme, (f) Fantasy is a story about pleasant situation that people imagine but it is unlike to happen. e.g.Alice in Wonderland, (g) Science or Realistic Fiction is story that science oriented. e.g.

Time Machine,(h)Historical Fictionis a story about people and even that is in or connects to the past. e.g.Bumi Manusia

The generic structure of narrative text:

1. Orientation

It see the scene and introduce the participant (it answers the question; who, when, what, and where) it means to introduce the participants or the characters of the story with the time and place set. Orientation actually exists in every text type though it has different term.


2. Complication

It tells the problems of the story and how the main characters solve them. It is such the crisis of the story. If there is not the crisis, the story is not a narrative text. In a long story, the complication appears in several situations. It means that some time there is more than one complication where the problems in the story developed.

3. Resolution

The crisis is resolved, for better or worse. It is the final series of the events which happen in the story. The resolution can be good or bad. The point is that it has been accomplished by the characters. Where the problems in the story is solved.

4. Re-orientation

The end of the story. It means that stories are not always using this, and usually, it states the conclusion of the evens on the author point of view.

Example of the organization of narrative text:

Three Fishes Orientation

Once, three fishes lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fishes. 'This pond is full of fish', they told each other excitedly. 'We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrow morning with our nets and catch these fish!' Then the fishermen left.


When the eldest of the three fishes heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fishes together and said, 'Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all!' The second of the three fishes


agreed. 'You are right', he said. 'We must leave the pond. 'But the youngest fish laughed. 'You are worrying without reason', he said. 'We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere - my luck will keep me safe.'


The eldest of the fishes left the pond that very evening with his entire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then. The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed.


The fish who saw trouble ahead and acted before it arrived as well as the fish who acted as soon as it came both survived. But the fish that relied only on luck and did nothing at all died. So also in life.

Taken from

2.4 Concept of Reciprocal Teaching Technique

The reciprocal teaching method has been recognized as a valuable teaching method by many researchers, reading teachers, and educators because it is a form of systematic training in strategies that helps less efficient readers improve their reading comprehension and become independent readers. According to Palinscar & Brown (1984) reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning method of improving reading comprehension it can be used in individual tutoring/learning.

Reciprocal teaching technique is one of reading instruction methods which cover the necessary reading strategies, they are:

1. Predicting

Predicting is an important strategy that helps students to set a goal before reading. To achieve this, readers are required to activate their prior knowledge and relate it to the knowledge is found in the text. Teachers can ask prediction question to the


students, but teacher should make sure that he/she encourage students to explain their predictions and give them enough time to reflect on their prediction after. At this time students begin to hypothesize what will be discussed in the text. These hypothesis come from background knowledge which they already process, this helps them predict what they think will come next in the text.

2. Questioning

The questioning strategies reinforce the summarizing strategy by taking the readers’ understanding to the next level of reading comprehension. Questioning requires the students to process and identify the information that is presented to students. When students generate question, students identify the kind of information that is significant enough to provide the substance for a question. After that students process this information in question form and self test to make sure that they can answer it. For example, students have to know or master supporting detail, it means that teachers have to ask them some questions about supporting detail of the text.

3. Clarifying

Clarifying is very important for reading comprehension. It is particularly important while teaching with the students who have a difficult in comprehension the text. Students may believe that the purpose of reading is saying the words correctly rather than understanding the underlying meaning of the written text. Clarifying strategy makes the students know of such as difficulties in comprehend the text. Teacher encourages students to take the necessary measures to restore


meaning. For example rereading the text or looking up difficult words or asking for help tends to restore meaning of the previously uncomprehended text.

4. Summarizing

Summarizing is an essential reading strategy that comprises reciprocal teaching because it enables readers not only identifies important information in the text but also to involve the opportunity to make paraphrases and synthesize what has been read (Palinscar & Brown, 1984). In summarizing, readers are required to identify the main idea of each paragraph. A good summary does not include details that are not important. The readers should think of what a paragraph or text is mostly about, find a topic sentence and construct a sentence that reflects the most information in the paragraph.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that reciprocal teaching is a discussion method that is based on reading comprehension strategies. This instruction allows a teacher to model and give the student enough practice on those main strategies to construct the meaning of a text in a social setting. Reciprocal teaching develops reading comprehension and promotes readers to be better in reading and helps them to find the most important goal of reciprocal teaching and becomes independent readers.

2.5 Procedure of Teaching Reading Using Reciprocal Teaching Technique

Reading comprehension is a complex process in which the reader uses his ability to find information, it means that the reader must be able to comprehend the meaning of the text. There are three stages which effective in reading process they


are pre reading, while reading and post reading. These steps of the reading process help students systematically practice reading strategies. Based on the explanation above, the researcher uses the reciprocal teaching technique which has four strategies. They are predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing.

a. PreReading

1. The teacher greets the students

2. The teacher checks the students’ attendance list 3. The teacher assigns thestudent to make group work

4. The teacher constructs their background to get brainstorming knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

“Do you know about narrative text?” “Have you ever read narrative text?” “What is the function of narrative text?”

It is used to build the students’ though before they learn further about narrative text.

5. The teacher shows the students a reading text and its pictures. 6. The teacher asks the students to do the first step(Predicting)

7. The teacher asks the students to predict about what the students think they will be discuss based on the title and the picture(Predicting)

 Whenpredicting, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

“Let’s look at the title and picture, whatdo you think we will discuss


“How about this picture? Do you know what is his job? And can you

relate the second picture and the first picture?

8. The teacher asks the students to write their prediction in their each paper (Predicting).

9. The teacher asks the students to read the text

b. While activities

1. The students asks the students to do the second step(Questioning): 2. Whenquestioning, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

“Make some question(s) from the text that you have read?”

3. The teacher asks the students to write their questions in their paper (Questioning).

4. The teacher asks the students to do the third step(Clarifying):

5. Whenclarifying,encourage the students to think on the following lines: “Are there any that was difficult to understand?”

“What words need to be clarifying for you?”

6. The teacher asks the students to identify the difficult words on the passage and then ask them to seek an understanding of it(Clarifying).

7. The teacher asks the students to write their clarification in their paper (Clarifying).

8. The teacher asks the students to do the last step(Summarizing):

9. Whensummarizing,encourage the students to think on the following lines: “What is the most important idea from the text?”


“What is the purpose of thistext?

10. The teacher asks the students to identify and integrate the most important information in this text(Summarizing).

11. The teacher asks to the students to write their summary in their paper


c. Post activities

1. The teacher asks the students whether they have some difficulties on lesson or not

2. The teacher asks the students to do their exercise individually 3. The teacher close the meeting

2.6 Relationship between Reciprocal Teaching Technique and Reading Comprehension

Palinscar & Brown (1984) explain that the purpose of reciprocal teaching is to promote the readers’ ability to construct meaning from the text and facilitate the monitoring of their path of comprehension. The students monitor their own thinking through the reading process. Reciprocal teaching technique has four main strategies that can help the students to comprehend the text. They are predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing. Those four main strategies are used by the successful readers, support both monitoring and developing comprehension. Each strategy are applied when the student have some problems in comprehend the text. Reading comprehension is a process in which students make sense of the written text in order to get information and knowledge from the text. Reading is important because without comprehension, reading does not provide the reader


with any information. Without comprehension, reading is simply following words on page from left to right when we read it. The words on the page have no meaning.

Based on these reasons above, the students who are taught through reciprocal teaching technique are more aware of their own thinking in reading process. Those reasons also build effective reading plans such as a setting of a purpose of the reading, predicting or hypothesizing on what is being read, drawing and testing hypothesize, interpretation, and prediction. Students monitor and control their thinking process and check whether they understand and also student evaluate their own reading process in comprehend the text. Reciprocal teaching develops reading comprehension and promotes readers to be better in reading. It also can improve students’ reading comprehensionand help them to find the most important goal of reciprocal teaching and becoming independent readers.

2.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of Reciprocal Teaching Technique 2.7.1 Advantages

1. Reciprocal teaching technique helps students to learn and internalize these strategies to improve their summaries with practice and work more independently than the students who do not use this teaching strategy.

2. Reciprocal teaching technique is easily understood and mastered by both of teachers and students. Teacher uses it which include guided practice and modeling the strategy, think aloud during the process, and give students guided practice and independent practice.


3. Reciprocal teaching technique develop the new definition of reading that describe the process of reading as interactive, in which readers interact with the text as their prior experience is activated.

2.7.2 Disadvantage

The weakness of reciprocal teaching technique is the procedure is time consuming, because it needs longer time to implement the whole strategy instruction included in reciprocal teaching technique.

2.8 Theoretical Assumption

According to the previous theories above, the researcher assumed that there was a difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after being taught through reciprocal teaching technique. Reciprocal teaching technique is one of the reading instruction methods which cover the necessary reading strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing. The researcher assumed that using reciprocal teaching technique can improve the students’ reading comprehension skill and reading comprehension achievement, and become better readers, because this technique had four strategies which would make them understand in reading. Consequently, the students created the new knowledge from what they internalize and develop their reading potential.

2.9 Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical assumption above, the researcher formulated the hypothesis as follows:


Ho:There is no difference of student’s reading comprehension ability between the students’ who are taught using reciprocal teaching technique and the student’s who do not using reciprocal teaching technique.

Hı : There is a difference of student’s reading comprehension ability between the student’s who are taught using reciprocal teaching technique and the student’s who do not using reciprocal teaching technique.



This chapter describes the design of the research, population and sample and data collecting technique. It also describes research procedure, scoring system of reading test; analysis research instrument, data analysis and hypothesis testing.

3.1 Research Design

This research was quantitative accomplished by using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design in which to investigate whether there is any significant improved in students’ reading comprehension achievement through reciprocal teaching technique. Pretest and posttest were administered to investigate whether reciprocal teaching technique can be used to improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement. The design of the research is describe as follows:

T1 X T2

Where: T1 : Pretest

X : Treatment (using Reciprocal Teaching Technique) T2 : Posttest

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:20)

Reading test was conducted whether to know the leaning result. The pretest was used to measure students’ reading comprehension achievement before treatments


and posttest was used to find out the students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught by reciprocal teaching technique. After that, the means both of them pretest and posttest were compared to find out the progress before and after the treatment. Researcher gave the treatments to the students in experimental class using four strategies in reciprocal teaching technique; predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing. Those strategies would apply and use narrative text in order to make student more interesting with this technique.

3.2 Population and Sample

The population of this research was the third grade students of SMPN 2 Natar Lampung Selatan in the 2012/2013 academic year. There were six classes of the third grade of SMPN 2 Natar. Each class consists of 28 - 32 students. The researcher took one class as the experimental class. In this research, the researcher used random probability sampling by lottery because each class has the same opportunity to be chosen as the subject in order to avoid the subjectivity in the research (Setiyadi, 2006:39). It was applied based on that consideration that every class in the population has the same chance to be chosen and in order to avoid the subjectivity in the research. The researcher took two classes, class IX B as class experiment which consisted of 30 students and class IX C as try out class which consisted of 30 students. It was applied based on that consideration that every class in the population has the same chance to be chosen and in order to avoid the subjectivity in the research.


3.3 Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used the reading tests which consist of pre-test and post-pre-test. The result was discussed in detail in the following sections:

3.3.1 Reading Test Pre Test

The pre-test was administered on July, 23rd, 2013 before the treatment, in order to know the competence of students in reading. The researcher used the objective test in the form of multiple choices with four options of each item. One of the options is correct answer and the rests were as distracters. Post Test

The post-test was administered on August, 1st, 2012 after finishing the treatments. It was aimed to identify whether there was a difference between the students’ achievement in reading comprehension or not after the implemention of reciprocal teaching technique.

3.3.2 Questionnaire

Questionnaire consists of a list of questions to gather data from the respondents. In this case, the respondents are second grade students of SMPN 2 Natar. The respondents are asked to answer all the questions and also they have to give their opinion why they choose their answer. Questionnaire is used to find out the students’ problem in teaching reading using reciprocal teaching technique. This questionnaire consists of 10 questions including questions about reading comprehension and reciprocal teaching technique. It can be seen in this following table specification:


Table 1. Table of Specifications of Questionnaire

NO. Aspects Number of


Precentage (%)

1. Reading 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 50%

2. Reciprocal Teaching Technique 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 50%

Total 10 100%

3.4 Research Procedures

In collecting the data, the researcher carried out the following procedures which can be described as follows:

1. Selecting and Determining the Population and Sample

The populations of this research were the third grade of SMPN 2 Natar. The researcher chose two classes of the third grade at SMPN 2 Natar, which were divided as experimental class and try out class.

2. Selecting and Determining the Materials

The materials were based on the School Based Curriculum (KTSP) 2006 for the first year students. The materials were taken from text book and internet. The researcher used one type of reading text that was narrative text.

3. Determining the Research Instrument

In this research the researcher used reading test as the instrument that consist of pre test and post test. Reading test consisted of 40 items with four alternative answers for each, they were A, B, C or D which consist of one the correct answer and the rest were the distracters.


4. Administering Pre Test

The pretest was administered from the result of try out test by preparing how many items, and what material that was given to the students before treatments. The test was multiple choices that consist of thirty items and it was conducted for fourty five minutes.

5. Conducting Treatment

The treatments were classroom activities which apply reciprocal teaching technique. The students were taught three times treatment by using narrative text include five aspects of reading through reciprocal teaching technique. During the researcher gave three times treatments to the students in experiment class, the researcher gave some topic. It were about The Parakeet King, An Ant and Chrysalist, and A Beautiful Girl and The Prince.

6. Administering Post Test

Posttest was used to evaluate the students’ reading comprehension achievement after giving the treatments. The test was multiple choices that consist of thirty items and it was conducted for fourty five minutes.

7. Administering Questionnaire

Questionnairewas used to find out the students’ respond in teaching reading using reciprocal teaching technique. Questionnaire was used to know the students respond in teaching reading by using reciprocal teaching technique.


8. Analyzing the result of the Test

Both of the pretest and posttest result of the class was analyzed using Repeated Measure T-Test to compare the data average score (mean) of both pretest and posttest in one sample (Hatch and Farhady, 1982:114). It was tested in order to find out whether there was an improvement of students’ reading comprehension achievement after being taught through reciprocal teaching technique.

3.5 Research Schedules

In order to gain the regularity and to avoid irregularity in doing all the research procedures, the researcher made a time schedule for experimental class in one week.

Table 2. The Schedule of the Research

NO Meeting Type of Action

1. July, 16th2013 Administering Try Out 1. July, 23rd2013 Administering pre-test

2. July, 24th2013 Treatment 1

3. July, 30th2013 Treatment 2

4. July, 31st2013 Treatment 3

6. August, 6th2013 Administering post-test 7. August, 7th2013 Administering questionnaire

3.6 Scoring System of Reading Test

In this research, the researcher used Henning’s formula to find out theresult of the test, with formula as followed:

= 100 Where:


R : the total of right answer

N : total item (Henning, 1987)

3.7 Try Out of Research Instrument

The test was tried out in order to determine the quality of the data collecting instrument, that were its validity, reliability, level of difficulty, and discrimination power. Validity of the test validity of the test is extent to which it measure what it is supposed to measure and nothing else (Heaton, 1975:159). To measure whether the test in this had good validity, the researcher used content and construct validity to measure that the test had a good validity.

3.7.1 Validity

Validity of the test is extent to which it measure what it is supposed to measure and nothing else (Heaton, 1975:159). Every test should be valid as the constructor can make it. The researcher use content and construct validity to measure that the test has a good validity. Content Validity

According to Heaton (1975:160) content validity is the intended to know whether the test items are good reflection of what will be covered. The test took from the material that have been taught to the students and to know whether the test have a good content validity, the items of the test is discussed with the experts (lecture or advisor) to measure the degree of agreement.


Table 3. Specification of Reading Test

No Skills of Reading Item Number Total Percentage

of item 1 Identifying the main


1, 2, 14, 22, 23, 30, 33, 35, 40 9 22.5% 2 Determining


3, 6, 20, 28, 31, 37, 38 7 17.5% 3 Identifying a Main


4, 10, 15, 26, 29, 36 6 15%

4 Using Context Clues 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 27, 32, 34

13 32.5%

5 Identifying Reading Purpose

8, 12, 16, 25, 39 5 12.5%

Total 40 items 100% Construct Validity

Construct validity measures whether the construction had already referred to the theory, meaning that the test construction had already in line with the objective of learning (Hatch and Farhady, 1982). Construct validity concerns whether the tests are true reflection of the theory of the trait–in our case - language which is being measured. If a test has construct validity, it is capable of measuring certain specific characteristics in accordance with a theory of language behavior and learning.

To determine whether the test had a good construct validity, the test items had been adopted from educational goal stated on 2006 English curriculum, the syllabus for second year of the curriculum, the students was required to be able to master reading comprehension' skill on identifying main idea 1, determining cause/effect 2, identifying main character, using context clues 4, and indentifying reading purpose.


3.7.2 Reliability

Reliability refers to whether the test is consistent in its score and gives us an indication of how accurate the test score are. The test is determined by using Pearson Product Moment which measured the correlation coefficient of the reliability between odd and even number (reliability of half test) in the following formula:

rxy =

( )( )


rxy : coefficient of reliability between odd and even numbers items

x : odd number

y : even number

∑ x2 : total score of odd number items ∑ y2 : total score of even number items ∑ xy : total score of odd and even number

(Hatch and Farhady, 1982:244) Spearman Brown’s Prophecy Formula (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 247) is used to find out the coefficient correlation of the whole items.

The formula is as follows:

= 2

1 + Where:

rk : The reliability of the test

: Coefficient of reliability between the first half and the second half items The criterion of reliability is:

0.90–1.00 : high 0.50–0.89 : moderate 0.0–0.49 : low


Then after that, those part were calculated by using Pearson Product Moment formula showed that the reliability of the half test (rxy) was 0.90 (see Appendix 5). Then by using Spearman Brown’s Prophecy Formula, it was found that the reliability of the whole items (rk) was 0.947 (see Appendix 5). According to criteria of the test reliability, the reliability of 0.947 point belongs to high level, so it, indicated that the data collecting instrument in this research was reliable and good. Therefore, the results of the test were believed as the reflection of their reading ability which was accurate and consistent.

3.7.3 Level of Difficulty

Henning (1987:49) states that the most important characteristic of an item to be accurately is its difficulty. The researcher divided the students into two group, 50% for upper group who had the highest score and 50% for lower group who had the lowest score. To see the level difficulty, the researcher used the formula as follow:

= +


LD : level of difficulty

U : the proportion of upper group students who answer correctly L : the proportion of lower group students who answer correctly N : total number of students

The criteria are:

< 0.30 = difficult 0.30-0.70 = average >0.70 = easy


The result of try out test showed that 10 out of 40 items were poor (see appendix 3). There were 2 easy items (27, 30), 17 average items (1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29,32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40), and 8 difficult items (5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 31, 37, 38). According to the analysis above, those items should be dropped, because they did not fulfill the criteria of level of difficulty.

3.7.4 Discrimination Power

Discrimination power is used to know the ability of the item to differentiate between the students who had high ability and those who had low ability. Seeing the discrimination index, the researcher used the following formula:



DP : discrimination power

U : the proportion of upper group students who answer correctly L : the proportion of lower group students who answer correctly N : total number of students

(Shohamy, 1985:81)

The criteria are:

1. If the value is positive discrimination–a large number or more knowledgeable students than poor students get the item correct. If the value is zero, it means that there is no discrimination.

2. If the value is negative, it means that more low students then high level students get the item correct.


3. In general, the higher, the discrimination index, the better. In classroom situation most items should be higher than 0.20 indexes.

Based on the try out test there were 30 good items (1,2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40), and 10 poor items ( 5, 9, 13, 15, 19, 27, 30, 31, 37, 38). It was finally decided that 20 items were good and the rest, 10 items were bad and should dropped because they did not fulfill the criteria of the level of difficulty, discrimination power and also validity of the test.

It could be concluded that, the researcher used 30 questions with different item number in pretest and posttest. The specification was shown in the following table:

Table 4. The Specification of Pretest and Posttest No Skill of Reading Item

Number in pretest Item Number in Posttest Total Question in Each Test Percentage (%) 1. Identifying Main


1, 2, 11, 17, 18, 25, 27,


3, 4, 11, 15, 19, 20, 29,


8 26.7%

2. Determining Causes/Effects

3, 5, 16, 22 2, 21, 23, 26 4 13.2% 3. Identifying Main


4, 8, 21, 23, 28

7, 8, 16, 22, 27

5 16.7%

4. Using Context Clues

6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19, 24,


1, 5, 9, 13, 14, 18, 24,


8 26.7%

5. Identifying Reading Purpose

7, 10, 12, 20, 29

6, 10, 12, 17, 25

5 16.7%


3.7.5 Normality Test

This test was used to measure whether the data in two classes were normally distribution or not. The data were tested by One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Formula (SPSS 17.00).

Hypothesis for the normality test were as follows:

H0= the data is distributed normally

H1= the data is not distributed normally

The criteria are as follows:

H0 is accepted if significant value exceeds level of significance at 0.05, meanwhile,

H0is rejected if significant value does not exceed level of significance at 0.05.

3.8 Data Analysis

Analyzing data was very important part of the research process. These patterns helped a researcher to identify findings from the study. By analyzing the data throughout the collection period, the researcher was able to begin and interpret what was occurred in classroom and the truth ofstudents’activities and the effects of reciprocal teaching technique are implemented. After the researcher collected the data from reading test, the researcher was scoring the test.

In analyzing the data, the researcher was scoring pretest and posttest and drawing conclusion into the tabulated result of the pretest and posttest using statistical


computerization i.e. Repeated Measure T-Test of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 17.00 for windows to test whether progress of students’ gain was significant or not, in which the significant was determine by p < 0.05 (Hatch and Farhady, 1982: 114).

3.9 Hypothesis Testing

H0: There is no difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after being taught through reciprocal teaching technique.

Hı: There is a difference of students’ reading comprehension achievement

before and after being taught through reciprocal teaching technique.

The hypothesis was analyzed by using Matched T-Test with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.00. The level of significant is 0.05, and the probability of error in the hypothesis is 5%.

The criteria for accepting the hypothesis are as follows:

1. H0is accepted if the t-table is higher than t-ratio.

It means that there is no significant difference on students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after giving pre questioning, specifically in terms of literal, interpretative and critical comprehension.

2. H0is rejected if the t-table is lower than t-ratio.

It means that there is significant difference on students’ reading comprehension achievement before and after giving pre questioning, specifically in terms of literal, interpretative and critical comprehension.



This chapter describes the conclusion of the result of the data analysis and also the suggestion from the researcher to the other researchers and English teacher who want to try and apply reciprocal teaching technique in teaching reading comprehension.

5.1 Conclusions

In relating to the result of the data analysis and discussion of the research the following conclusions are drawn as follows:

1. There is an improvement of students’ reading comprehension achievement after being treated using reciprocal teaching technique at the third grade of SMPN 2 Natar. This can be seen from the difference of the students’ mean score in pre -test (52.74) to post--test (69.63) with gain 16.89 point. The result of the hypothesis test showed that the hypothesis of this research was accepted (p<0.05,p=0.000).

According to the✂✄☎ ✄analysis of the result of pretest and posttest in reading aspect, it showed the improvement of each aspect. From all aspects of reading, it can be concluded that main character got the highest improvement than another aspects.


The improvement of main character up to26.67%from the improvement of mean of correct answers of identifying main character was 8. Therefore, the improvement of identifying main character was significant if it was compared by the improvement of the other aspects. The improvement identifying main idea was 4.75 from the mean of correct answer of pre test was 14.5 and post test was 19.25 with the total percentage up to 15.84%. The improvement determining causes/effect was 3.75 from the mean of correct answer of pre test was 16.5 and post test was 20.25 with the total percentage up to 12.5%. The improvement identifying reading purpose was 6.4 from the mean of correct answer of pre test was 19.66 and post test was 26 with the total percentage up to 21.34%. In this research, using context clues got the lowest improvement. It could be seen from the improvement mean of using causes/effect was 3.37 with the total percentage was 11.23%.

2. Reciprocal teaching technique give the positive response for the students in teaching learning process. It can be seen from the students’ interest and participation in teaching learning process through reciprocal teaching technique. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that, using reciprocal teaching technique in teaching reading, make the students were active.


5.2 Suggestions

Referring to the conclusions above, the researcher would like to promote some suggestions below:

1. To the Teacher.

a. The teacher should pay more attention in vocabulary aspect. The teacher should give extra explanation to the students about vocabulary, because the most students have difficulty in this aspect. It can be realizable by giving more various vocabularies which is appropriate to the students of junior high school level in order to enhance the students’ vocabularies list.

b. The English teachers should make highly good preparation before applying reciprocal teaching technique such as mastering its procedure, and preparing the visual clues of the material in order to help the students understanding the text easily. Particularly, the materials which can guide students in understanding about context clues and causes effect.

c. Then, the teacher should also control the activity in groups, so that they would not be too noisy.

2. To the Other Researchers

a. Other researchers can conduct this technique on different level of students (it can be Senior High School) and also can use the other texts such as recount, descriptive, explanation etc.


b. For further researchers who would like to conduct a research with the same topic, should consider well about the time allocation for the treatments. The target of material cannot be explained fully because the limitation of time.



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Unit of education : SMP

Subject : English

Class/Semester : IX/I

Skill : Reading

Genre : Narrative Text

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standard Competence

Understanding the meaning of the oral function text and monologue text form of narrative text and recount text that related with immediate environment.

II. Basic Competence

To express the meaning by simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in recount, narrative or exposition to communicate non interactively and informal situation with environment and/or academic context.

III. Indicators

a) Understanding the main idea of the text. b) Identifying causes/effects of the text c) Determining a main character of the text. d) Identifying the context clues of the text. e) Understanding reading purpose of the text. IV. Learning Objectives

1. Processes

a) Students try to find out the main idea from the text. b) Students converse the causes/effects of the text. c) Students try to attain a main character of the text. d) Students try to find out the context clues of the text. e) Students understand reading purpose of narrative text.


2. Products

a) Students are able to find out the main idea from the text. b) Students are capable to converse the causes/effects of the text. c) Students are able to attain a main character of the text.

d) Students are competence to find out the context clues of the text. e) Students are able to understand reading purpose of the text. V. Learning Material

The Parakeet King

Bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh

In the jungle of Aceh, parakeet birds live peacefully with their wise king. However, now their peaceful life is disturbed. A hunter goes into their jungle and plans to catch them.

It's a beautiful morning. The parakeets and their king perch on a branch of tree. They do not know that the hunter is hiding. The hunter wants to catch the parakeets with his net.

The hunter throws his net towards the parakeets. Some parakeets and the parakeet king are caught under the net. The parakeets are scared but the parakeet king tells them what to do. "Relax. I have a plan. We all pretend to be dead. When the hunter lifts the net up, we fly as fast as we can to the sky," advise the para-keet king. Then the hunter goes to his net. He is upset! He thinks all the parapara-keets are dead.

"Oh no! I can't sell dead birds to people." He, then, lifts the net up. Not long after that, the parakeets free themselves and fly to the sky. But the parakeet king is still trapped. He does not want to fly to the sky until all of the parakeets are free. The hunter is surprised when he sees the parakeets are flying. He sees there is one parakeet left in the net. He moves quickly. " Gotcha! " he catches the parakeet king. And then the hunter goes home. He puts the parakeet king in a birdcage.


In the jungle, all the parakeets are sad because their king is locked in a birdcage. They set a plan to free their king. All the parakeets fly to the hunter's house. With their beaks, the parakeets peck the birdcage. Slow but sure, the birdcage is destroyed. Then the parakeet king can free himself. "Thank you. You all are very kind to me. Without your help, I'm still trapped in this birdcage," says the parakeet king.

VI. Time Allocation 2 x 45 minutes

*pre activity : +15 minutes *whilst activity : +65 minutes *closure activity : + 15 minutes

VII. Teaching Procedures a. Pre Activity

 The teacher greets the students.

 The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.

 The teacher assigns the students to the group.

 The teacher constructs their background to get brainstorming knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

“Do you know about narrative text?”

“Have you ever read narrative text?”

“What is the function of narrative text?”

It is used to build the students’ though before they learn further about narrative text.

 The teacher shows the students a reading text and its pictures.

 The teacher asks the students to do the first step (Predicting)

 When predicting, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

“Let’s look at the title and picture, what do you think we will discuss



“How about this picture? Do you know what is his job? And can you relate the second picture and the first picture?

 The teacher asks the students to predict about what the students think they will be discuss based on the title and the picture (Predicting)

 The teacher asks the students to write their prediction in their each paper(Predicting)

 The teacher asks the students to read the text

b. While Activity

 The teacher asks the students to do the second step (Questioning):  When questioning, encourage the students to think on the following


“Make some question(s) from the text that you have read?”  The teacher asks the students to write their questions in their paper


 The teacher asks the students to do the third step (Clarifying):

 When clarifying, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

“Are there anythat was difficult to understand?” “What words need to be clarifying for you?”

 The teacher asks the students to identify the difficult words on the passage and then ask them to seek an understanding of it (Clarifying).

 The teacher asks the students to write their clarification in their paper (Clarifying).

 The teacher asks the students to do the last step (Summarizing):

 When summarizing, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

“What is the most important idea from the text?” “What is the purpose of this text?


 The teacher asks the students to identify and integrate the most important information in this text (Summarizing).

 The teacher asks to the students to write their summary in their paper (Summarizing).

c. Post Activity

 The teacher asks the students whether they have some difficulties on lesson or not

 The teacher asks the students to do their exercise individually

 The teacher asks close the meeting

VIII. Evaluation

Reading comprehension by answering questions is given by the teacher that should do in a group.

Authentic Assessment: Form : Essay

Answer the following questions based on story above! 1. What is the main idea of the text? (main idea)

2. Why did the parakeet say when there is a hunter in the jungle? (causes/effects)

3. What is the communicative purpose of this text? (reading purpose) 4. What is the massage that you can get from the text?

5. “he is upset!”(par.3). according to you, the italic word “he” refers to what? (context clues)

6. Why the parakeet scared after heard the hunter conversation? (causes/effects) 7. Who is the main character of the story? (main character)

IX. Source

The narrative text; taken from



Unit of education : SMP

Subject : English

Class/Semester : IX/I

Skill : Reading

Genre : Narrative Text

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

I. Standard Competence

Understanding the meaning of the oral function text and monologue text form of narrative text and recount text that related with immediate environment.

II. Basic Competence

To express the meaning by simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and acceptably in recount, narrative or exposition to communicate non interactively and informal situation with environment and/or academic context.

III. Indicators

f) Understanding the main idea of the text. g) Identifying causes/effects of the text h) Determining a main character of the text. i) Identifying the context clues of the text. j) Understanding reading purpose of the text. IV. Learning Objectives

2. Processes

f) Students try to find out the main idea from the text. g) Students converse the causes/effects of the text. h) Students try to attain a main character of the text. i) Students try to find out the context clues of the text. j) Students understand reading purpose of narrative text.

2. Products


g) Students are capable to converse the causes/effects of the text. h) Students are able to attain a main characterr of the text.

i) Students are competence to find out the context clues of the text. j) Students are able to understand reading purpose of the text. V. Learning Material

An ant and Chrysalis

An ant nimbly running in search of food came across a chrysalis that was close to its time of change. The chrysalis moved and this attracted the attention of the ant, who for the first time realized that it was a living thing. "Poor, pitiable animal!" cried the ant disdainfully, "what a sad fate yours is! While I can run around at my pleasure, you lie imprisoned in your shell." The chrysalis heard all this, but did not respond.

After a few days, when the ant passed the same way, nothing but the shell remained. Wondering what had happened to its content, the ant felt itself suddenly shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful butterfly. "Behold in me," said the butterfly, "your much pitied friend!" So the butterfly rose in the air and was lost in the summer breeze.


VI. Time Allocation 2 x 45 minutes

*pre activity : +15 minutes *whilst activity : +60 minutes *closure activity : + 15 minutes VII. Teaching Procedures

d. Pre Activity

 The teacher greets the students.

 The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.

 The teacher assigns the students to the group.

 The teacher constructs their background to get brainstorming knowledge knowledge that related to the topic with answering several questions as stimulant. For example:

“Do you know about narrative text?” “Have you ever read narrative text?” “What is the function of narrative text?”

It is used to build the students’ though before they learn further about narrative text.

 The teacher shows the students a reading text and its pictures.

 The teacher asks the students to do the first step (Predicting)

 When predicting, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

Do you know what is the name of the animal in this pictures?”



“Ok, so what is the story which will be discussed by us based on the



 The teacher asks the students to predict about what the students think they will be discuss based on the title and the picture (Predicting)

 The teacher asks the students to write their prediction in their each paper(Predicting)

 The teacher asks the students to read the text

e. While Activity

 The teacher asks the students to do the second step (Questioning):  When questioning, encourage the students to think on the following


“Make some question(s) from the text that you have read?”

 The teacher asks the students to write their questions in their paper (Questioning).

 The teacher asks the students to do the third step (Clarifying):

 When clarifying, encourage the students to think on the following lines:


“Are there any that was difficult to understand?” “What words need to be clarifying for you?”

 The teacher asks the students to identify the difficult words on the passage and then ask them to seek an understanding of it (Clarifying).

 The teacher asks the students to write their clarification in their paper (Clarifying).

 The teacher asks the students to do the last step (Summarizing):

 When summarizing, encourage the students to think on the following lines:

“What is the most important idea from the text?” “What is the purpose of this text?

 The teacher asks the students to identify and integrate the most important information in this text (Summarizing).

 The teacher asks to the students to write their summary in their paper (Summarizing).

f. Post Activity

 The teacher asks the students whether they have some difficulties on lesson or not

 The teacher asks the students to do their exercise individually

 The teacher asks close the meeting


Reading comprehension by answering questions are given by the teacher that should do in a group.

Authentic Assessment Form : Essay

Answer the following questions based on story above!

1. What’s the main idea from the second paragraph? (main idea) 2. What’s the main idea from the third paragraph? (main idea) 3. Where was the location of the story?

4. What is the communicative pupose of this text? (reading purpose) 5. Who are the main characters of the narrative text? (main character) 6. What is the massage that you get from the text?

7. While I can run around at my pleasure, you lie imprisoned in your shell." Could ypu find the best word to replace the underline word above? (context clues) 8. What does an ant ask to the chrysalist when the chrysalist move and attacted the

attention of the ant? (causes/effect)

9. “An ant nimbly running in search of food (line 1). The word search means? (context clues)

IX. Source

The narrative text; taken from the publisher





