Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters





Student Number: 084214025














  Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters





Student Number: 084214025










First, I would like to thank Jesus Christ, who gives me His blessing every

day. I would say thanks to my beloved parents Anastasia Marsiyem and Stepanus


Sukimin for taking care of me up to now, and my brother Adrianus Fajar Dwi


  I also would say thanks to my advisor J. Harris Hermansyah S., S.S.,

M.Hum., who guides and helps me with his opinion, correction, and experience to

finish this thesis. I would like to thank my co-advisor Adventina Putranti, S. S.,

M. Hum. who helps me to find the mistakes and the lack of the thesis, gives me

opinion and perception to improve this thesis.

  I would like to thank my friends, Kurnia Putri, Yuga, Acen, Lando, Rani,

Elfrida Putri, Momon, Blesta, Yeyen, Grety, Vicka, Rinrin, Evi, Yoga, Dama,

Bagas, Dimas, Deni, Simon, and others that I cannot mentions one by one, for the

good times that we shared in the college. I also would say many thanks to English

Letters lecturers and staffs, Ms. Frieda, Ms. Tata, Ms. Anna, Ms. Ari, Ms. Linda,

Mr. Hirmawan, Mr. Tatang, Mbak Ninik, and others. All of you have helped me

to survive in my college life. I would to thank my Rebel Squad and Kontrakan

Family, Roland, Alex, Lembenk, Vian, Christo, Agung, Muje, Nicho for helping

me to refresh my mind after studying.

  The last but not least, I would say thanks to my beloved girlfriend,

Christina Pertiwi for giving me so much support and love every day. I hope you

can always stay with me, my love.

  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………… i

  3. Theory of Translation Process………………………………. 11

  5. Data Analysis ………………………………………………. 27

  4. Data Triangulation ………………………………………….. 26

  3. Populat ion and Sample ……………………………………... 25

  2. Data Collection ……………………………………………... 23

  b. Affective Data ………………………………………………… 21

  1. Kinds of Data ………………………………………………. 20 a. Obje ctive Data ………………………………………… 20

  A. Object of the Study …………………………………………… 18 B. Method o f the Study ………………………………………….. 19 C. Research Procedure …………………………………………… 20

  CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ........................................................ 18

  b. Ac ceptability……………………………………………. 14 C. Theoretic al Framework ……………………………………..… 17

  Accuracy ……………………………………………….. 13

  4. Theory of Translation Assesment……………….................... 13 a.

  2. Theory of Frasa Nomina ……………………………………. 8

  APPROVAL PAGE ……………………………………………………. ii

  1. Theory of Engl ish Noun Phrase …………………………….. 6

  A. Review of Rel ated Studies …………………………………….. 5 B. Review of Re lated Theories …………………………………… 6

  …………………………… 5

  D. Definiti on of Terms …………………………………………… 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW

  A. Background of the Study ……………………………………… 1 B. Problem Formulat ion ………………………………………….. 3 C. Objectives o f the Study ……………………………………….. 3

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………… 1

  ABSTRAK ………………………………………………………………. xii

  ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………….. xi


  TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………. vii

  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................... vi

  ACCEPTANCE PAGE ………………………………………………… iii

  6. Res earch Framework ………………………………………. 29

  CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ……………………………………………. 31

  A. Translation Acc uracy of NP …………………………………... 31

  1. Premodification by Adjective ……………………….. …….. 32

  2. Premodifi cation by Noun …………………………………… 36

  3. Premodification by Participle (-ing/- ed) ……………………. 39

  4. Premodificati on by Genetive ……………………………….. 42

  5. Premodification by Adverb …………………………………. 43

  6. Premodification by Sentence/Phrase ……………………….. 44

  7. Multiple Premodific ation with Single Head………………… 45

  8. Multiple Premodificatio n with Modified Modifier …………. 47

  9. Postmodification by Finite Clause (Relative Clause) ………. 49

  10. Postmodification by Finite C lause (Appositive Clause) …... 51

  11. Postmodification by Non Fi nite (Participle Clause) ………. 52

  12. Postmodification by Non F inite (Invinitive Clause) ………. 53

  13. Postmodification by Prepositional Phrase ………………… 54

  14. Postmodification b y Postposed Adjective ………………… 57

  15. Multiple Po stmodification ………………………………… 58

  16. Mixed Premodificatio n and Postmodification …………….. 60 B. Translation Acce ptability of NP ………………………………. 66

  1. Premodification by Adjective ……………………….. …….. 66

  2. Premodifi cation by Noun …………………………………… 71

  3. Premodification by Participle (-ing/- ed) ……………………. 74

  4. Premodificati on by Genetive ……………………………….. 75

  5. Premodific ation by Adverb …………………………………. 76

  6. Premodification by Sentence/Phrase ……………………….. 77

  7. Multiple Premodific ation with Single Head………………… 78

  8. Multiple Premodificatio n with Modified Modifier ……….... 80

  9. Postmodification by Finite Clause (Relative Clause) ………. 81

  10. Postmodification by Finite Clause (A ppositive Clause) …... 83

  11. Postmodification by Non Fi nite (Participle Clause) ………. 83

  12. Postmodification by Non F inite (Invinitive Clause) ………. 84

  13. Postmodification by Prepositional Phrase ………………… 85

  14. Postmodification by Postposed Adjectiv e ………………… 86

  15. Multiple P ostmodification ………………………………… 87

  16. Mixed Premodification and Postmodif ication ……………. 88 C. The Patterns of the Translation ……………………………….. 91

  1. Head

  • modifier …………………………………………….. 91

  2. Head + yang + modifier ……………………………………. 93

  3. Not Literally Tr anslated ……………………………………. 94

  4. NP to

  VP ………………………………… ………………… 95

  5. Head + ber + Modifier ……………………………………… 97

  6. Head + nya + M odifier ……………………………………... 98

  7. Head + Modifier + dan + Modifier ………………………… 99

  8. Cutting the Noun Phrase in to Several Sentences …………… 99

  9. Head + Preposisi


  …………………………………………. 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY

  ……………………………………………………….. 105 APPENDICES

  ............................................................................................ 107 Appendix 1

  ……………………………………………………………… . 107

Appendix 2 ................................................................................................. 164

Appendix 3

  ………………………………………………………………. 192

  List of Tables and Charts Table 1. Types of Pr emodification ………………………………… 7

Table 1.1. Types of Po stmodification ……………………………….. 7

  Table 2. Accurac y Indicator ……………………………………….. 13 Table 2.1.

  Accuracy‟s Score Category ………………………………. 13 Table 3. Acceptabili ty Indicator …………………………………... 14 Table 3.1. Acceptability‟s Score Category ………………………….. 15 Table 4. Machali‟s Accuracy Indicator ……………………………. 15 Chart 1. The Accuracy of the NP

  Translation …………………….. 65 Chart 2. The Acceptability of t he NP Translation ………………… 90 Chart 3. The Patterns of NP Tr anslation …………………………... 102

  List of Abbreviations Pre : Premodification ∑AV : Total Average

  A : Accurate QA : Quite Acceptable ACR : Accuracy Respondent RES : Researcher Adj : Adjective Stnc : Sentence Adv : Adverb ATR : Acceptability Respondent AV : Average CAT : Category Gen : Genetive

  INA : Innacurate / Innaceptable Mod : Modified Mul : Multiple Par : Participle Post : Postmodification PP : Prepositional Phrase



ANTONIUS YOGA PRIA UTAMA. The Translation of English Complex Noun

Phrases in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning

Thief into The Indonesian Complex Noun Phrase: A Study of The Patterns


  Yogyakarta; Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. 2012.

  This undergraduate thesis is focused on the accuracy, the acceptability,

and the appropriate patterns based on the accuracy and the acceptability from the

translation of the complex noun phrase in

  Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the

Olympians: the Lightning Thief which is translated by Femmy Syahrani. There are

many complex noun phrases found in the book. The Noun Phrases have many

forms in the ST and TT, and it is interesting to be analyzed.

  There are three problems which are analyzed in this thesis. The first

problem is how accurate the Indonesian translations of English complex noun

phrases in Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief are. The second

is how acceptable the Indonesian translations of English complex noun phrases in

Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief are. The third is what the

appropriate patterns for translating NP which are generated from the translation

based on the accuracy and acceptability analysis are.

  This study uses the combination of library and field research. The field

research is used to find out the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation in

the Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief through questionnaire.

The indicator which is used to assess the questionnaire is Nababan‟s accuracy and

acceptability category. The library method is needed to obtain extra information

about concept and theories that could support this thesis.

  The first result of this analysis is the average score in the accuracy

questionnaire for the translated novel Percy Jackson the Olympians and the

Lightning Thief: Pencuri Petir

  , is 1.4 which, according to Nababan‟s accuracy

category, means accurate. The complex noun phrases are translated well, but

sometimes she made mistakes in the choice of words, and things like plural and

genitive forms. The score from the acceptability assessment is 1.4 which means

acceptable. The complex noun phrases are translated well but sometimes she uses

unfamiliar word which is difficult to understand even for Indonesian people. In

the last analysis, 9 patterns are found. Based on the result of the accuracy and the

acceptability of the translation, the appropriate pattern to use for translating

complex noun phrase is head + modifier. There are 208 translations using this

pattern. The accuracy rate for the translation using the pattern is 76% and the

acceptability rate is 69%.



ANTONIUS YOGA PRIA UTAMA. The Translation of English Complex Noun

Phrases in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning

Thief into The Indonesian Complex Noun Phrase: A Study of The Patterns


  Yogyakarta; Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma. 2012. Skripsi ini berfokus pada keakuratan, keberterimaan dan pola yang cocok

berdasarkan keakuratan dan keberterimaan terjemahan frasa nomina dari Rick


Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief yang

diterjemahkan oleh Femmy Syahrani. Di dalam novel ini, terdapat banyak frasa

nomina. Frasa

  • – frasa nomina tersebut memiliki banyak bentuk di Teks Sumber maupun di Teks Target yang menarik untuk diteliti Ada tiga rumusan masalah yang dibahas di skripsi ini. Masalah pertama

    adalah seberapa akurat terjemahan Indonesia dari frasa nomina bahasa Inggris di

    Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Kedua, seberapa besar

    tingkat keberterimaan terjemahan Indonesia dari kata benda bahasa Inggris di

    Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. Ketiga, pola apa yang

    cocok untuk menerjemahkan frasa nomina berdasarkan hasil analisis keakuratan

    dan keberterimaan dari terjemahan tersebut.

  Penelitian ini menggunakan gabungan dari studi lapangan dan studi

pustaka. Studi lapangan digunakan untuk menemukan keakuratan dan

keberterimaan terjemahan di Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning

Thief lewat kuesioner. Indikator yang digunakan sebagai acuan untuk menilai

kuesioner adalah indikator keakuratan dan keberterimaan milik Nababan. Studi

pustaka dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih tentang konsep dan teori

yang dapat menyokong skripsi ini.

  Hasil pertama dari analisis ini adalah nilai rata

  • – rata dari penilaian

    keakuratan dari novel terjemahan Percy Jackson the Olympians and the Lightning

  Thief: Pencuri Petir 1,4 yang termasuk akurat menurut kategori keakuratan

Nababan. Frasa nomina diterjemahkan dengan baik, tetapi seringkali penerjemah

membuat kesalahan pada pemilihan kata, dan masalah seperti bentuk

kemajemukan dan kepemilikan. Skor yang didapat dari penilaian keberterimaan

adalah 1,4 dengan kata lain diterima. Frasa nomina diterjemahkan dengan baik,

tetapi seringkali penerjemah menggunakan kata yang kurang familiar dan sulit

untuk dimengerti walaupun oleh orang Indonesia. Pada analisis terakhir,

ditemukan 9 pola penerjemahan. Berdasarkan hasil dari keakuratan dan

keberterimaan terjemahan, pola yang cocok digunakan untuk menerjemahkan

frasa nomina adalah pola head + modifier. Sebanyak 208 terjemahan

menggunakan pola ini. Presentase keakuratan dengan pola tersebut adalah 76%

dan keberterimaanya 69%.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the study Nowadays, there are many books in this world. People can easily find any


book they want to read. There are also so many kinds of books like novel, comics,

magazine, and many others. These various kinds of books are found easily around

the world and written in many different languages. Since English becomes an

international language, many texts and books are written in English. It is also used

by many institutions for certain purposes. In Indonesia, English is a well-known

language in many professions. Many English books are translated into Bahasa

Indonesia as the result of the need of the people who want to learn about

technology, economics, politics, culture, and other subjects from foreign

countries. In this case, translation got an important role for communication.

  Most of the people in Indonesia do not know English. Since many

important books are written in English, the books need to be translated.


Translating is not an easy job. A translator must have a basic knowledge about

his/her own culture, a mastery of mother-tongue language, a basic knowledge

about theory of translation study and etc.

  In his book entitled Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice,

Bell wrote that translation should cover three understandings; first, translation as

the processes of activity, translation as the product or the translated text, and


translation as the abstract concept which encompasses both the process of

translating and the product of that process (1997:19).

  People can easily learn about other countries, cultures, politics, habits, and

even the unusual terms that they do not know previously without going to the

country by themselves and without learning the language of the source text (ST).

When people read a translation book, sometimes they will find many terms and

culture that are strange and different from their language

  . It becomes translator‟s

duty to translate the terms correctly so that the translation book does not lose the

message that the author wanted to say through some terms.

  Each translator has different character when translating something because

of different background knowledge. The background knowledge of a translator

can affect the result of the translation. Here I find a good novel entitled Percy

Jackson and the Lightning Thief which has been translated into Indonesian

version. There are many complex noun phrases found in the book. The phrases

have many forms which are unique and interesting. It is worth to be analyzed

because from many forms of the complex noun phrase, the best pattern for

translating complex noun phrase can be revealed.

  In this paper, the main focuses of the research are the accuracy, the

acceptability and the appropriate pattern based on the accuracy and the

acceptability of the complex noun phrase of the translated version of Percy

Jackson and the Lightning Thief . It is a novel about the great adventure of a

demigod kid named Percy. This novel tells a story about how Percy struggles to


stop the war of the gods. In his quest, he is accompanied by Anabeth and Grover.

Along the story, they help each other and cover each weakness.

  This research is important because the result of the research can be used to

measure whether the translations of the complex noun phrase is good or bad. It

also can become a reference how to translate complex noun phrase in English to

Bahasa Indonesia accurately.

B. Problem Formulation

  The problems are formulated as follows 1.

  How is the accuracy of the Indonesian translation of English complex noun phrases in Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?

  2. How is the acceptability of the Indonesian translation of English complex noun phrases in Rick Riordan‟s Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief?

  3. What are the appropriate patterns generated from the translation of English complex noun phrase into Bahasa Indonesia based on the accuracy and acceptability? C.

   Objective of the Study There are three objectives of this study. First is to find out the accuracy of

the Indonesian translations of English complex noun phrases in Rick Riordan‟s


Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief . Second is to measure the acceptability of

the Indonesian translations of English complex noun phrases in Rick Riordan‟s

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief . The last is to reveal the appropriate


patterns for translating complex noun phrase, based on the result of the answer in

problem formulation 1 and 2.

D. Definition of Terms Complex Noun Phrase

  is defined as a noun-phrase structure that has two

or more of these three components: head, premodificationand postmodification.

  (Quirk, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, 1985:383-389) Accuracy is defined as the correct transfer of information and evidence of

complete comprehension, the appropriate choice of vocabulary, idiom,

terminology, and register; cohesion, coherence, and organization; accuracy in

technical aspect of punctuation, etc. (Munday, 2008:30) In the other words, accuracy is the correctness of the transfer of information form ST to TT.

  Acceptability is defined in a simplest way as text receiver‟s response and

their obedience to the norms and convections (both linguistic-textual and literary-

aesthetic) which operate in the target system. (Hatim, 2007:117-147) So, acceptability is a translation assessment that sees the translation text

from the reader‟s response to the target text, is it acceptable or not. It is different

from accuracy that compares both source text and target text; acceptability just

assesses the target text.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies Nofi in her undergraduate thesis entitled Inaccuracy problems of

  translating English Singular- Plural Forms in Bradman‟s and Chatterton‟s Deadly

Game into Permainan Maut discusses some nouns and classified them into two,

plural and singular. Then she analyzes the words to find out whether the forms

were translated accurately or not by comparing both novels. In the final step she

analyzes the forms and to find out the better translation. She also doing interview

with the translator and asks question about his translation (2008:25).

  Another study is from Waty in The Problems of Translating Inyik Lunak Si

Tukang Cenang, Jakarta Sunyi Sekali di Malam Hari, and Mata Yang Indah in the

Anthology Mata yang Indah. She discusses the difficulties in translating some

words in Indonesian culture which do not have equivalent in English. Some words

which are close to the Indonesian culture, e.g. gembong, lepau, oplet, muhrim,

dangdut and malam lebaran do not have the equivalent in English because they

only exist in Bahasa Indonesia. That is why the English words are inappropriate in

meaning. She states some factors referring to the above problems, such as

different culture, the consideration of the same function, the lack of the specific

terms in TL, the difference in expressive meaning, semantically complex, the lack

of the target background, and omission of words or idea (2004: 64-67).

  From the review studies above, we can see that the above writers discuss

some nouns that are inaccurately translated by the translator because the cultural

bound. In this thesis, the writer discusses the inaccuracy in translating English

complex nouns into Indonesian that can give effects to the original story.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of English Complex Noun Phrase

  Quirk in A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language defines

complex noun phrase as a noun-phrase structure that has two or three components

(one of them must be a head) from these three components: a.

   The head, around which the other components cluster and which dictates concord and other kinds of congruence with the rest of the sentence outside the noun phrase.


   The premodification, which comprises all the items placed before the head – notably determiners, adjective and nouns. For example: That beautiful girl

  Some very expensive office furniture c.

   The postmodification, comprising all the items placed after the head – notably, prepositional phrases, non-finite clauses, and relative clauses.

  For example: The chair by the wall All the students standing on the yard A purse which she bought recently (1985:383) According to Quirk, thereare 9 types of premodification (1985:383-389).

  Table 1. Types of Premodification

Types of Premodification Example

  Premodification by Adjectives Her beautiful eyes Premodification by -ing Participles A grinding noise Premodification by A married man

  • ed Participles Premodification by Genetives A

  guy‟s gloves

Premodification by Adverb A beautifully decorated garden

Premodification by Noun A pencil case Multiple Premodification with His last brilliant book Single Head (his last book and his brilliant book) Multiple Premodification with The new table and chair Multiple Head (the new table and the new chair) Multiple Premodification with Your incredibly important game Modified Modifier Adobted and compilled from Quirck, A Comprehensive Grammar of the

  English Language .

  Beside the 9 types of premodifiation, Quirk also divides postmodification into several types. (1985:366-382)

Table 1.1. Types of Postmodification


Types of Postmodification Example

Postmodification by Finite Clause The fact that my friend is a



(Appositive Clause) makes me surprised

Postmodification by Finite Clause Something he‟d been waiting for all (Relative Clause) day

  Postmodification by Non The man standing in front of the tree

  • – Finite Clause (-ing Participle Clauses) is my teacher Postmodification by Non The words printed on the side of the
  • – Finite Clause (-ed Participle Clauses) bag

    Postmodification by Non The man for John to consult is

  • – Finite Clause (Invinitive Clause) Wilson Postmodification by Non Any attempt to leave early is against
  • – Finite Clause (Appositive Clause) regulations Postmodification by Prepositional The hope of winning a prize Phrase

  Something strange happened last Minor Type of Postmodification night

  Adobted and compilled from Quirck, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.

  There is also a possibility to use both premodification and postmodification to form a complex noun phrase.

  For examples: This awesome collection of Indonesian armor and weapons Best person in the world The real reason

  I‟d said yes to this challenge 2.

   Theory of Frasa Nomina (Indonesian Complex Noun Phrase) In his book, Tata Bahasa Indonesia: Penggolongan Kata, Prof. Drs. M

Ramlan said that there are many classifications of words in Bahasa Indonesia. He

quoted a statement from Gorys Keraf that according to the form, kata benda is all

words that contain affixes ke-an, pe-an, pe-, ke-. For examples perumahan,

perbuatan, kecantikan, pelari, jembatan, kehendak, etc. The characteristic of the

noun phrase is it can be extended with words yang + kata sifat. (Ramlan, Tata

Bahasa Indonesia: Penggolongan Kata , 1985:45)

  According to Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia, a nomina (noun) like

buku or other noun can be extended to the left or right (preceded or followed by

modifiers). The left extension (premodification) can occur by putting pewatas

depan or determiner. For examples: a.

   Dua buah buku b. Lima ekor kera c. Beberapa butir telur

  (Ramlan, Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia, 1988:203)

  If there is no other modifier precedes or follows the inti (head), a determiner can be placed after the inti. For examples: a.

   Buku dua buah b. Kera lima ekor c. Telur beberapa butir

  (1988:203) There are many types of right extension (postmodification) for the head.


First, head can be followed by other noun, but every noun that follow other noun

just modifiy one noun that precedes it. In the sentence “buku sejarah kebudayaan

Indonesia saya

  ”, the head is the word buku, and it precedes the other noun. As

shown above, the word sejarah just explains about buku, so does the word

kebudayaan that just explains the word sejarah. (1988:204) Second, adjective can follow the head.

  For examples: Baju merah saya Rumah mewah mereka

  The order of the words is fixed. The change of the order can change the

meaning of the words. For example the word baju merah saya (my red T-shirt)

and baju saya merah (my T-shirt is red). (1988:204) Third, if a nomina followed by adjective and there is no other premodifier,

the word yang can be inserted. For example: orang malas becomes orang yang

malas, anak nakal becomes anak yang nakal. But if there is a pronominal

(pronoun), the phrase that contains yang must be moved to the back of the phrase.


For example: anak nakal saya becomes anak saya yang nakal. If it is necessary,

the word ini or itu can be added in the end of the phrase. (1988:204)

  Fourth, the head can be followed by certain verb that can be separated by

yang, untuk, or the other elements. For example: ban berjalan becomes ban yang

berjalan , kewajiban bekerja becomes kewajiban untuk bekerja, and ruang tunggu

becomes ruang untuk menunggu. Fifth, the head also can be extended by

appositive. For example: Indonesia, Negara kami yang sangat kami cintai. (1988:

205) Sixth, the head can be attached by pewatas belakang or postmodifier, that

is preceded by the word yang. For example: masalah yang kita bicarakan kemarin

itu . (1988: 205)

  Seventh, the head can be extended by frasa berpreposisi (Prepositional

Phrase). For example: petani di Aceh, perjalanan ke Bali and uang untuk

pondokan . (1988:206)

  Simple noun phrase or complex noun phrase in Bahasa Indonesia can

experience another morphological process called reduplikasi (reduplication) and

pembentukan kata majemuk .

  Reduplication is a process of word repetition. It can be repetition of the

whole word or just a part of it. The result of the process means (1) ketaktunggalan

and (2) kemiripan. Ketaktunggalan means that the form of the repetition explain

that the amount is more than one. But the form of reduplication is not identical

with bentuk jamak/pluralis (plural) because reduplication can have another

meaning. Plural form in Bahasa Indonesia is not always presented in

reduplication form. Kemiripan means that the form of the repetition explains the

similarity of something.

  The formation of reduplication: 1. Pengulangan utuh a. gunung-gunung b. rumah-rumah c. siapa-siapa 2.

   Pengulangan salin suara a. warna-warni b. serba-serbi c. desas-desus 3. Pengulangan sebagian a. dedaunan b. pepohonan c. sesajian 4. Pengulangan yang disertai pengafiksan a. batu-batuan b. daun-daunan c. umbi-umbian Kata Majemuk is the mixed form of a morpheme and a word, or word and

word that create a new word with new meaning. For example rumah sakit, tanah

air, darah daging, and etc. (1988:166-169) 3.

   Theory of Translation Process Nababan in Teori Menerjemah Bahasa Inggris defines translation process

as a process of translation as the activities which are done by a translator when