Nama : Erlina Wijaya NIM : Kelas : F Asal : Pontianak 1. English Book.

  Exercise 1 Each of the words on the right may be substituted for one word in the sentence to the left. Identify that word. Then write your new sentences by making the substitutions.

  1. Hal opens the mail for his boss every day. answers / screens / sorts a. Hal answers the mail for his boss every day.

  b. Hal screens the mail for his boss every day.

  c. Hal sorts the mail for his boss every day.

  2. The retiring president of our company greeted her successor. selected / resented / instructed a. The retiring president of our company selected her successor.

  b. The retiring president of our company resented her succesor.

  c. The retiring predisent of our company instructed her successor.

  3. The members of the board adjourned the meeting. attended / scheduled / missed a. The members of the board attended the meeting.

  b. The members of the board scheduled the meeting.

  c. The members of the board missed the meeting.

  4. The woman at the reception desk looks tired. feels / seems / was a. The woman at the reception desk feels tired.

  b. The woman at the reception desk seems tired.

  c. The woman at the reception desk was tired.

  5. My landlord has twelve buildings in this city. owns / possesses / rents a. My landlord own twelve buildings in this city.

  b. My landlord possesses twelve buildings in this city.

  c. My landlord rents twleve buildings in this city.

  6. Lea ordered a fax machine for the office purchased / bought / requisitioned a. Lea purchased a fax machine for the office.

  b. Lea bought a fax machine for the office.

  c. Lea requisitioned a fax machine for the office.

  7. The doctor called his answering service before leaving the hospital. checked / contacted / canceled a. The doctor checked his answering service before leacing the hospital.

  b. The doctor contracted his answering service before leaving the hospital.

  c. The doctor canceled his answering service before leaving the hospital.

  8. The bank reduced Alan's credit line. increased / froze / reevaluated a. The bank increased Alan’s credit line. c. The bank reevaluated Alan’s credit line.

  9. Paul deserved a promotion. wanted / expected / requested a. Paul wanted a promotion.

  b. Paul expected a promotion.

  c. Paul requested a promotuion.

  10. Before the interview, I prepared my resume. updated / expanded / reworded a. Before the interview, I updated my resume.

  b. Before the interview, I expanded my resume.

  c. Before the interview, I reworded my resume.

  2. Write an article about Adam Smith & George R. Terry. Then translate into Indonesia. Adam Smith is known as the father of economics. He was born in Kirkcaldy, Scotland on 1723. In his teenager, he studied at Oxford University and from 1751 until 1764 as professor at the Glasgow University. That’s when he published his first book, Theory of Moral Sentiments, which takes him into the public of intellectual. But his fame began from his great work, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, which published in 1776. Adam Smith was not the first to devolve him on theory of economics, and many famous notions aren’t from he. But, he was the first people who present the systematic economic theory and easy to understand which is quite appropriate be a basis of economic progress in the future. Basis of the reasons, it is worth thought The Wealth of Nations be a basis for modern research of political economic. In The Wealth of Nations, Smith mostly uses Malthus’ argument about overpopulation. But if Ricardo and Karl Marx insisted the pressure of population will prevent increasing of wages exceeded the purpose. Smith asserts that the condition of increasing wages of production can be raised. Obviously, the events prove that Smith right and Ricardo & Marx misses. Since the economic theory developed rapidly after Smith, and some arguments displayed by others opinion, it is easy to downplay the significance of Adam Smith. But, the fact he was the starter and founder of economic figure ad a systematic study, and he is actually the leading figures in the history if human thought.

  Adam Smith dikenal sebagai bapak ekonomi. Ia lahir di kota Kirkcaldy, Skotlandia pada tahun 1723. Waktu remaja dia belajar di Universitas Oxford dan dari tahun 1751 sampai 1764 dia menjadi mahaguru di Universitas Glasglow. Saat itulah dia menerbitkan buku pertamanya, Theory of Moral Sentiments, yang mengangkat dirinya ke tengah-tengah masyarakat intelektual. Tapi ia kemasyhurannya terletak pada karya besarnya An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, yang terbit tahun 1776. Adam Smith bukanlah orang pertama yang mengabdikan diri pada teori ekonomi, dan banyak gagasan-gagasannya yang terkenal bukanlah asli darinya. Tetapi, dia adalah orang pertama yang mempersembahkan teori ekonomi yang sistematik dan mudah dipahami yang cukup tepat sebagai dasar bagi kemajuan bidang ekonomi di masa depan. Atas dasar alasan itu, layaklah dianggap bahwa The Wealth of Nations merupakan dasar dari penelitian modern politik ekonomi. Dalam buku The Wealth of Nations, Smith sebagian menggunakan pandangan-pandangan Malthus tentang kelebihan penduduk. Tetapi, jika Ricardo dan Karl Marx keduanya bersikeras bahwa tekanan penduduk akan mencegah upah naik melampaui batas keperluan. Smith menegaskan bahwa kondisi kenaikan produksi upah dapat dinaikkan. Sangat jelas, kejadian-kejadian -membuktikan bahwa Smith benar dalam segi ini, sedangkan Ricardo dan Marx meleset. Sejak teori ekonomi berkembang pesat sesudah masa Smith, dan beberapa gagasannya tergeser oleh pendapat-pendapat lain, sangatlah mudah mengecilkan makna penting Adam Smith. Mesti begitu, fakta menunjukkan, dialah pemula dan pendiri tokoh ekonomi sebagai suatu studi yang sistematis,dan dia sesungguhnya tokoh terkemuka dalam sejarah pemikiran manusia.

  Terence "Terry" George (born 20 December 1952) is an Irish screenwriter and director. Much of his film work (e.g. The Boxer, Some Mother's Son, and In the Name of the Father) involves "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland.He was nominated for two Oscars: Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium (1993; In the Name of the Father), and Best Writing, Original Screenplay (2004; Hotel Rwanda). On 26 February 2012, he received an Oscar in the live action short film category for The Shore. George was born and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland. In 1971, aged 18, he was arrested for suspicion of paramilitary republican activity.. In 1975, he was driving with armed members of the group when British soldiers stopped them, although George claims he was not carrying a weapon. All were arrested and he was sentenced to six years imprisonment in Long Kesh Prison. Other prisoners at the same time included Gerry Adams and Patsy O'Hara, the third to die in the 1981 hunger strikes. He was released in 1978 for good behavior. He briefly attended Queens University Belfast. In 1985, George made his debut as playwright of The Tunnel, a stage drama based on a real-life 1976 prison escape attempt from Long Kesh in which he participated. In 1986, he researched the non-fiction book The Pizza Connection, with the late veteran American journalist Shana Alexander In 1993, he made his debut as screenwriter and assistant director with In the Name of the Father, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, and directed and co-written by Jim Sheridan. The film was nominated for seven Academy . Terence “Terry” George lahir pada tanggal 20 Decembwe 1952 adalah seorang penulis scenario dan seorang sutradara. Banyak filmnya seperti The Boxer, Some Mother’s Sonm dan Name of the Father melibatkan “The Troubles” di Irlandia Utara. Dia dinominasikan dua Oscar yaitu penulis terbaik, scenario didasarkan pada bahan dari medium lain ( film In the Name of the Father: 1993) and penulis terbaik, scenario asli ( flm Hotel Rwanda;2004). Pada tanggal 26 February 2012, dia menerima Oscar untuk kategori film berdurasi pendek, The Shore. Greorge lahir dan dibesarkan di Belfast, Irlandia Utara. Tahun 1971, berusia 18 tahun dia ditangkap karena dicurigai oleh paramiliter republic. Tahun 1975, dia mengemudi dengan kelompok bersenjata, ketika tentara Inggris menghentikan mereka., meskipun George mengaku dia tidak membawa senjata. Semua ditangkap dan ia dikenakan hukuman enam tahun penjara di Long Kesh Prison. Tahanan lain pada waktu yang sama adalah Gery Adams dan Patsy O’Hara, ketiganya meninggal pada tahun 1981 karena mogok makan. Dia dibebaskna pada tahaun 1978 karena berkelakuan baik. Dia sempat hadir di Universitas Queens di Belfast. Pada tahun 1985, George memulai debutnya sebagai penulis drama The Tunnel, sebuah drama yang didasarkan pada kehidupan nyata, yaitu tahanan pada tahun 1976 mencoba melarikan diri dari Long Kesh dan dia juga ikut melakukannya. Pada tahun 1986, ia meneliti buku non-fiksi The Pizza Connection, dengan seorang pejuang wartawan Amerika, Shana Alexcander. Pada tahun 1993, ia memulai debutnya kembali sebagai penulis scenario dan asisten sutradara dalam film berjudul The Name of the Father, yang diperankan Daniel Day-Lewis, and di sutradarai oleh Jim Sheridan. Film tersebut meraih tujuh nominasi Academy Awards.

  3. What is business ? What is business English ? Why do the students of economic faculty who study management and accounting need to study english ? In Economics, business is about organizations that sell goods and services to the consumers or customers in order to achieve their goals, means efficient and effective in achieving profit. And about term of business english, Business English is the English language especially related to international trading, that used many vocabulary consists of the words that describe the financial activities. In this globalization era, English is growing in developed countries. English most used as a business language, international association, national recruitment employees in the international company. Some local company also require English in every comunication and it activities. The goal is to develop the human resources for usually use English language, so when the company will go to international, the human resources is already operate the international activities. The simply, in our activities in anywhere, we also need English. Especially when we will traveling to broad countries. English is be the formal language in more country.

  4. Write the history of management and history of accounting in english and in Indonesian. Sejarah Akuntansi Menurut para ahli ekonomi, akuntansi ada sejak manusia mengenal uang sebagai alat pembayaran yang sah. Pencatatan keluar masuknya arus uang, timbulnya hutang-piutang, dan transaksi-transaksi disepakati. Kemudian berkembang dengan transaskrsi menggunakan lempengan tanah. Dan terus berkembang hingga munculnya angka Arab (angka desimal) yang digunakan oleh orang Mesir. Pada tahun 1494, akuntansi menggunakan angka Arab mulai berkembang di Italia. Buku pertama yang diterbitkan oleh orang Italia tentang akuntansi dan merupakan hasil karya seorang Venesia yang bernama Luca Pacioli. Buku itu yang tersebar ke benua Eropa Barat dan terus dikembangkan oleh ahli-ahli akuntansi. Di Belanda dikenal dengan Sistme Continental dan di Amerika dikenal dengan Sistem Anglo Saxon. Namun, hingga saat ini Sistem Anglo Saxon yang paling banyak digunakan. Evolusi akuntansi terjadi bersamaan dengan ditemukannya sistem pembukuan yang kita kenal dengan istilah (Double-Entry) oleh pedagang-pedagang Venesia yangmerupakan pedagang terkenal pada abad itu. Double-entry dikenal dengan pencatatan transaksi dalam dua aspek yaitu debet dan kredit yang berorientasi pada keadaan seimbang. Teori dan praktek akuntansi semakin berkembang mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, seperti program-program akuntansi komputer. Accounting History According to the economists, accounting existed since humans recognize money as legal tender. Recording of inflow-outflow cash flows, the transaction of debt, and other transactions that began with a barter transaction, that the exchange of goods with a value that is equally. Then, developed the transaction that using a ground slab. And continues until the advent of Arabic numbers (decimal numbers) used by the Egyptians. In 1494, accounting using Arabic numerals that began develops in Italy. The first book published by the Italians about accounting and a masterpiece of a Venetian named Luca Pacioli. The books are spread to Western Europe and continue to be developed by accounting experts. In the Netherlands known as Continental System and in American known as Anglo-Saxon system. However, until now the Anglo-Saxon system is most widely used. Evolution of accounting coincided with the discovery of bookkeeping system that we are familiar with the term (Double-Entry) by Venetian merchants which is the famous traders in that century. Double- entry is known as recording of transactions in two aspects, we called debit and credit that oriented balanced state. Theory and practice of accounting is growing following the development of technology, such as computer accounting programs. Sejarah Manajemen Manajemen berasal dari bahasa Perancis yaitu management, yang berarti seni melaksanakan dan mengatur. Sehingga orang mengartikan manajemen adalah ilmu dan seni tentang memanfaatkan sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan secara efisien dan efektif. Ilmu artinya suatu kumpulan pengetahuan yang jelas kebenarannya dan seni artinya kepemimpinan yang memerlukan kharisma, kejujuran, kemampuan, menjalin hubungan antarmanusia. Awal munculnya perkembangan manajemen diteliti saat terjadinya perdagangan di Sumeria dan pembangunan piramid di Mesir. Ketika para penguasa mempunyai masalah untuk memotivasi budak- budak yang sering melawan dan memaksa otoritas. Namun masalah itu tidak dikembangkan karena ada pra-industri berskala kecil yang merasa tidak perlu menghadapi masalah manajemen ini. Pelajaran manajemen mulai berkembang dari ekonomi pada abad 19. Adam Smith yang dikenal sebagai bapak ekonomi, memberikan teori-teori pengaturan sumber daya, produksi dan penetapan harga. Dan teori manajemen yang lengkap muncul pada tahun 1920. Oleh Henry Fayol dijelaskan beberapa hal-hal dalam manajemen dan hubungan satu sama lainnya.

  Management History Management comes from the French, which means the art of implement and to manage. So that people interpret the management is the science and art to leveraging resources to achieve their objectives, efficiently and effectively. Science means a collection of axiomatic knowledge and art is means leadership that need a charisma, honesty, ability, and interpersonal relationships. Early emergence of development management is research at the time of the Sumerians trade and the construction in the Egyptian pyramids, when the arbiters who have problems to motivate the slaves who often fight and forced the authorities. But it does not matter because there is a pre-developed that small-scale industries feel no need to confront with the problem of management. Lessons of the management began developed from economic in the 19th century. Adam Smith is known as the father of economics, teaching theories of resource management, production and pricing. And the management and relationship with each other.

  5. What is accounting ? Why do the students need to study accounting ? Answer in english and in Indonesia. Akuntansi adalah sutau proses mencatat, mengklasifikasikan, meringkas, mengolah dan menyajikan data transaksi dan kejadian yang berhubungan dengan keuangan, yang akan digunakan dalam mengambil keputusan demi mencapai tujuan suatu entitas. Akuntansi digunakan hampir diseluruh kegiatan bisnis maupun non-bisnis di seluruh dunia. Fungsi utama akuntansi adalah sebagai informasi keuangan suatu organisasi. Dari laporan akuntansi kita dapat melihat posisi dan kondisi keuangan sutau perusahaan. Informasi keuangan ini digunakan oleh pihak internal dan eksternal dalam pengambilan keputusan. Saat ini, akuntansi merupakan suatu ilmu yang penting dalam bisnis maupun dalam kehidupan kita. Tanpa kita tahu, kita selalu menggunakan ilmu akuntansi dalam setiap kegiatan yang kita lakukan. Paling sederhana, ketika berbelanja kita juga menggunakan akuntansi untuk menghitung persediaan kas dan budget yang telah kita tentukan. Setiap pembelian barang dengan tunai maupun secara kredit, kita catat secara tidak langsung dalam kegiatan belanja kita.