THE USE OF PUPPET MEDIA TO IMPROVE STUDENT SPEAKING SKILL FOR THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS AT SMK NEGERI 2 SALATIGA A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd)






Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of The

Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan (S.Pd) English


Education Department of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

By :


Sinta Dewi Permatasari








  nd Salatiga, September2 2018 Norwanto, Ph. D.

  The Lecturer of English Education Department State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga The Attentive Counselor’s note Case: Sinta Dewi Permatasari ’s Graduating Paper

  To the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

  After reading and correcting Sinta Dewi Permatasari ’s graduating paper entitled

The Use of Puppet Media to Improve Student Speaking Skill for the Eleventh

Grade Students at SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga. I have decided and would like to

purpose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Educational

Faculty. I hope this graduating paper will be examined as soon as possible.

  Wassalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

  Counselor, Norwanto, Ph. D.

  NIP. 19751015 200212 1 006



Beyond of your limits

~Sinta Dewi Permatasari~



This graduating paper is dedicated to: 1.

  Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala who was gives me everything 2. My great woman, my mum (Sayem) and my beloved grand mother mother (Gito), thanks for your love, attention, support, trust, finance, encouragement and everlasting prayer.

  3. My new family and team in Salatiga (TBI 2014, HMI Cab. Salatiga, and my friend in my kos)

  4. My closest friends (Nur Kayati, Pipit Marliani, Lutfah, Hikmah, Ella, Qwen), thanks for your support. Especially Fita Widyastuti,Lia Arifatul Faizah, and Amira muflicha Daraini who always teach and help me anywhere and any time.

  5. All my friends of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga especially English Education Department 2014.

  6. All of Big Family HMI cab. Salatiga, especially komisariat Ganesha, and BPL HMI Cab. Salatiga secretary in Salatiga.

  7. All my friend in my Kos(Uus, Mb Lela, Dayah, Mbak Ririn, Mb Mira, And Mellenia).



Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikumWr. Wb.

  Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praises are to Allah SWT the Most

Gracious and the Most Merciful who always blesses and help the researcher so the

researcher could be finished the graduating paper. Bless and mercy is upon great

Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the researcher to the truth.

  However, this paper would not be achieved without supports, guidance,

advice, help, and encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the

researcher would like to express special thanks to: 1.

  Dr. Rahmat Haryadi, M.Pd, the Rector of Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  2. Suwardi, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

  3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., the Head of English Education Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

  4. Norwanto, Ph.D.,the counselor who has educated, supported, directed, and given the researcher advice, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from the beginning until the end.


Permatasari, Sinta Dewi. 2018. The Use Of Puppet Media To Improve Student

  Speaking Skill For The Eleventh Grade Students At Smk Negeri 2 Salatiga. A graduating paper. Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. English Education Department Teacher Training And Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies (Iain) Salatiga 2018. Conselor: Norwanto, Ph. D.

  In this research, the researcher did class room action research (CAR) the

researcher use puppet media, the aim to to know how to use and how far student

spekaing skill after useing the media.The subject from this research is student at

SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga in eleventh-grade student. This research was done in two

th th

cycles. The first cycle on two weeks, on 27 July 2018 and 3 august 2018. Then


in last cycle on one weeks 10 August 2018. Each cycle consisted of five steps.


They were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. It was done systematically

and collaboratively. The researcher took role as an observer who observed

everything that happened in the class while the teacher performed CAR for the

students. The result showed that (1) The implementation of the use puppet dolls in

role play was successful. The passing grade was 75. The indicator of succes is

75%. The first cycle the student who pass the passing grade is 22 student from 36

students. The presentation is 72.22%. Then in post-test is 26 student from 36

students. Then, the students who pass the passing grade is 14 students from 36

students. The mean score of pre-test is 73.33, and the presentation of post-test is

57.36 %. The Ttest is -1 and the Ttable is 2.03. It means Ttest<Ttable, so the

research was not succesfuly. In the cycle two, the student who pass the passing

grade for pre-test is 29 students and the post-test is 35 students. The presentation

for the pre-test is 80.56 % and the post-test is 97.22%. The mean score for the pre-

test is 75.16 and the post-test is 85.27. The improvement from the cycle two is

16.66%. The Ttest is 3.67 and Ttable is 2.03. It means the Test>Ttable,so the

research was successfully improve student speaking skill.

  Keywords: puppet, use, role play,media, speaking skill, improving



TITLE ............................................................................................................. i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................ ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ......................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ........................................................ iv

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................... x

LIST OF CHART ........................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

  CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Research .......................................................... 1 B. Research Questions ........................................................................ 5 C. Objectives of the Research ............................................................. 5 D. Significances of the Research ........................................................ 5


  Hypothesis And Success Indicator................................................. 6 F. Research Methodology................................................................... 6 1.

  Research Design ....................................................................... 6 2. Subject of the Research ............................................................ 7 3. Research Activities.................................................................. 9 4. Step of the Research ................................................................. 9 5. The Technique of Data Collection and Research Instrument .. 10 6. Data Analysis ........................................................................... 14 G. Graduating Paper Outlines ............................................................. 17

  CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Theoretical Review..................……………………………….......18 1. Speaking skill ........................................................................... 18 2. Teaching using authentic material............................................ 20 3. Puppet dolls .............................................................................. 21 4. Role Play .................................................................................. 23 5. General Concept using media ................................................... 23 B. Literature Review ............................................................................. 24 CHAPTER III: IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH A. The Procedures of the Research ..................................................... 26 1. Cycle I ...................................................................................... 26 a. Planning ............................................................................. 26 b. Acting ................................................................................. 27


  Observing ........................................................................... 28 d. Reflecting ........................................................................... 28 e. Revised Plan........................................................................ 28 2. Cycle II ..................................................................................... 29 a.

  Planning ............................................................................. 29 b. Acting ................................................................................. 29 c. Observing ........................................................................... 30 d. Reflecting ........................................................................... 31 3. The Minimal Standard of Successful ....................................... 31

  CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DATA ANALYSIS A. The Result of the research ................................................................. 32 1. Research Findings .................................................................... 33 a. Cycle I ................................................................................ 33 b. Cycle II ............................................................................... 53 2. Discussions ............................................................................... 62 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 65 B. Suggestions .................................................................................... 66 1. For the Teacher ........................................................................ 66 2. For the Students ....................................................................... 67 3. For the Future Researcher ........................................................ 67




Figure 1.1 Steps of classroom action research............................................................ 7Table 1.2 list of student XI BKP(A)............................................................................. 8Table 1.3 research schedule.......................................................................................... 10

  Table1.4Form of Observation Check List for student …............................................ 12

  Table1.5 Form of Observation Check List for teacher............................................... 12 Table 4.1: Table 4.1: Form of Observation Check List for teacher in cycle 1........... 38

Table 4.2 : Form of Observation assessing student check list in cycle 1.................... 40Table 4.3 English Language Speaking Skills Assessment Rubrics............................. 42 Table 4.4: English Language Speaking Skills Assessment Collects.

  …....................... 44

Table 4.5 Calculation of passing Grade of the Pre-test and Post-test in the cycle 1

  ….45 Table4.6: The group statistics in both classes............................................................. 49

Table 4.7 The teacher observation check list................................................................55

  Table4.8: Form of Observation assessing student check list in cycle 2......................56 Table4.9 table of students assessing speaking skill in cycle 2 . ………....................... 57

Table 4.10 Calculation of passing Grade of the Pre-test and Post-test in the cycle 2...59

  Table 4.11Data Analysis student speaking assesment................................................ 63

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Of The Study In this globalization era, English language is widely accepted in many

  countries. Now English language was used in many social interactions. English has the important role in many elements. Many peoples familiar with English.

  Such as in politic, social, educational and economic activities.

  In Indonesia English have learned since in elementary school. However, the students lack practice. Most of the cases inform if the students are not confidence in using English language and the student are doubt in their capability. They lack in vocabulary, grammar, and so on. So they don’t brave to practice.

  In vocational school, the English lesson is not the main lesson. That is why the students are not interested in English. The student in vocational school must be prepared for industrial needs. The student basic subject of the productive lesson. SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga, is a vocational high school in salatiga. In vocational school, the productive lesson more important than a formal lesson. It because the student is preparing their self for industries. In this school, researcher saw many diligent students. When Researcher was teaching English /in their class, they looked so enthusiastic. Every student had different ability in mastering English skill

  . They said “English is hard…”, “English is not important.” The researcher tried to make the student interest and enjoy the English language and also improve their skill. When the researcher gave the test, they did it well. But, when the researcher asks them to speak up, they were afraid to speak. The students lack vocabulary and pronunciation. The speaking skill will improve if we always speak up using English. It can be habitual activity. Sometimes every day, we use English. However, it is only a little effort, it will improve more.

  According to Adrian Doff and Craig Thaine (2015:1) [A] lot of speaking activities are connected with the practice of language (grammar, vocabulary and functional language) that a teacher is focusing on. This oral practice can range from being very controlled (such as a drill) through to something that is much freer (such as a role play).

  It means the students have to do oral practice inconsistently. Using oral practice, the teacher can measure, the student speaking skill and student confidence. The student will figure out, how far their speaking skill. According to Ali Derakhshan, Atefeh Nadi Khalili & Fatima Beheshti (2016:117)

  In addition, the EFL learners can boost their speaking ability by utilizing various instruments such as role play, videos, flash cards, and graphs. Furthermore, this paper takes into account the significant components and keys to improve speaking competence accurately and fluently So the innovation is needed in a learning process. Especially for the student in vocational school. We have to find the different method to make them interest and improve their skill. To make the classroom in the learning process more communicative, they can practice English. The researcher hopes this method can help the student more enthusiasm in learning English. In order to improve the student skill, the teacher also needs to give the student a motivation.

  According to Ms. Shuruq Alsubaie, (2016:1)

  One thing that also important is motivation. Motivation is known as one of the most important factors that help the learning process. In learning a language speaking is less motivated since it needs the highest degree of confident among the other skills. To make the student motivate, the teacher also need to collaborate with a different media and method.

  The researcher concludes if the teaching-learning process have to motivate the student. The student will get the motivation in learn speaking if they get an opportunity to speak up. The researcher chooses the puppet dolls media and role play method. It because the researcher ever had experience, when the researcher taught using role play or using some medium. The student looked enthusiastic. They could talk and share their idea with each other. The method is hopeless can make the student also interest. It because, the system in curriculum 2013 command if the student has to independent. The teacher only gives facility and instruction. If using role play the student can learn independently with their friend. The student would not depend on the teacher. Puppet dolls can help the student learn speaking in English class.

  In this research, the students would perform with their friend in pairing or grouping. They practice the material by speaking using the puppet dolls. They play the act like an artist. Depend on the shape of puppet dolls. The researcher conducted a research on:

  “The Use of Puppet Dolls Media to Improve Student Speaking Skill for the Eleventh Grade Students at SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga .”

B. Research Questions: 1.

  How to use puppet media to improve student speaking skill for eleventh- grade students in SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga?

  2. How far is the student speaking skill after use puppet media to improve student speaking skill for eleventh-grade students in SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga?

C. Objective of The Study: 1.

  To know how to use puppet media to improve student speaking skill for eleventh-grade students in SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga.

2. To know how far is the student speaking skill after use puppet media to

  improve student speaking skill for eleventh-grade students in SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga

  D.The Significance of the Research 1.

  Practically: a.

  For the teacher This research will give the contribution to developing last method and theories in teaching English in practically. It can improve teaching quality in the learning process.


  For the student This research can increase the student motivation in learning English and improve students speaking skill c.

  For the institution: The result of this research will contribute more knowledge to the institution and give more reference for the institution.

2. Theoretically

  1) This research can support the last theories. 2) This research gives a new reference when this media and method used in different cases. 3) this research is to collaborate with the last research.

  E. Hypothesis And Success Indicator

  By conducting this research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis: Using puppet dolls in role play can improve student speaking skill and student interest for eleventh-grade student at SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga in academic year 2018/2019.

  The success indicator of this research is taken from the passing grade (KKM) of English lesson in SMK Negeri 2 Salatiga. The passing grade is 75 and the target for the passing grade is 75%.

  F. Research Methodology 1. Research Design

  This research is CAR (Classroom Action Research). Action research tries to take a study since it explores whether something can be done in a better way or not. This type of research is done for the purposes to improve local classroom practices. Action research provides a chance for teachers to reflect on their own practices (Cresswell, 2005:550). The researcher uses Classroom Action Research because the research wants to how the implementation of puppet media and the improvement students speaking skill after apply this media. Hamzah B. Uno, et. al (2012:12) said that classroom action research is a research conducted in a class that has certain characteristics and characteristics. A characteristic feature is that this research is not a research that verifies theory and predicts. However, classroom action research emphasizes the creation of the teacher, to provide a way of solving learning problems that the teacher already knows. In other words, classroom action research is a research that is direct giving curative actions (improvements) to the problems faced in the learning process. However, classroom action research emphasizes the creation of the teacher, to provide a way of solving learning problems that the teacher already knows. (Hamzah B. Uno, et. al (2012:12)

Figure 1.1 Steps of classroom action research adapted by kemmis and Mc Taggart The picture explain about the cycle of action for classroom action research.

2. Subject research

  The subject of this study was the student in SMK Negeri 2 salatiga in academic year 2018/2019. They were the student of eleventh grade XI BKP (A). There was 36 student in this class who got the treatment. The location of the school was on Jl.

  Parikesit, Warak, Salatiga. The data is below: Table: 1.2 list of student XI BKP(A)

  No Name M/F

  1 A N H M

  2 A K F

  3 A M M

  4 A W M F

  5 A L F

  6 A M

  7 A A S M

  8 A A A M

  9 B W M

  10 D T M

  11 D D P M

  12 D Y B S M

  13 D C F M

  14 E S F

  15 E W F

  16 F S S F

  17 F E P F

  18 H A Q M

  19 I O F

  20 K L S M

  21 K B M

  22 L G W M

  23 M F F

  24 M A A M

  25 M A M

  34 S F A F

  Before the researcher did the research, the researcher made a good preparation,

  The data collection of this research was a test, a questionnaire, recording the audio and documentation. The researcher recording the class activity, it means to help the researcher to do scoring in student assessment.

  In this study, the researcher only observed the research. Besides the researcher make a lesson plan, designed the method, media, did the assessment and made the student and teacher checklist. Then in this CAR study the researcher collecting data, and analysed data. In the other hand the teacher practice the lesson plan and the strategy planned by the researcher.

   Steps of Action Research.

  36 Y A A W M 3.

  35 W A M

  33 S /D R F

  26 M F A M

  32 S A F

  31 R D M M

  30 R A M

  29 R S N M

  28 M T M

  27 M K A M

4. Research activities


  a) The researcher made a good plan for research practice

  b) The researcher made the lesson plan that suitable with the medium and material also for the student.

  c) The researcher explained the strategy of teaching-learning to the teacher.

  d) The researcher observed, during the teaching and learning in the class.

  e) The researcher did the assessment since pre-test, treatment until post-test. Using student speaking skill assessment.

  f) The researcher arranged the reflection for the research 5.

   Research steps:

  The timetable of the research was: Table : 1.3 research schedule no Activities Time allocation

  1 Preparing the research proposal February

  2 Make a clear proposal March 3 make an appointment with the school June

  4 Do the cycle July

  5 Analysis data July

  6 Writing research result August

  7 Continuing writing the graduating paper September

6. Technique Collecting Data And Research Instrument

  The important thing in research is the technique of collect data. This research was quantitative and qualitative research. The researcher measures the quantitative data from student’s interest by using questionnaire and student score from the test. The score was obtained from pre-test and post-test.


   Recording audio and taking pictures

  According to prof. Suharsini Arikunto in (2016:1) Documentation is a form of immortality, archive or relics that are enshrined. This documentation is used to obtain data directly from the research site, such as relevant literature books, magazines, activity reports, diaries, meeting minutes, and some documents related to the research.

  The researcher was recording class activities (made a video) and took pictures and also a questionnaire. Recording class activity can help the researcher to do the assessment. In this chapter, during observing the cycle, the researcher, record all activities in the class. It means to know the students progress, students speaking skill from the expression and activity. Then after the cycle was done the researcher gave the questionnaire to fill by the student. This research aimed to know how the student speaking skill and student interest in English are.



  In the classroom action research, the researcher only did observation. The observation was activities that analyse the social environment in the class. The researcher sees and knows the class activity. The researcher made the teacher and the student checklist. It is aimed to know how far the class condition during the research did. The research did in two cycles, in three weeks. The first cycle did in the first and the second week. It was because in the lesson plan the allocation time was not enough. Then the two-cycle did in the third week. It was done in one meeting that consists of a pre-test, treatment, and post-test. it, because the time for next week is impossible, due to the next week, is celebrating independence day. So during the process, the researcher gave the mark “√ ” if the steps in the class were suitable for the checklist.

  Table:1.4 Form of Observation Check List for student Number

  5 A L

  13 D C F

  12 D Y B S

  11 D D P

  10 D T F

  9 B W

  8 A A A

  7 A A S

  6 A

  4 A W M

  Name student's attention

  3 A M

  2 A K

  1 A N H


  2 Week

  1 Week


  Student self- confidence Participation conversation

  14 E S

  Table1.5: Form of Observation Check List for teacher

  26 M F A

  35 W A

  34 S F A

  33 S D R

  32 S A

  31 R D M

  30 R A

  29 R S N

  28 M T

  27 M K A

  25 M A N

  15 E W

  24 M A A

  23 M F

  22 L G W

  21 K B

  20 K L S

  19 I O

  18 H A Q

  17 F E P

  16 F S S

  36 Y A A W

  Number Aspect Yes No Greeting the student before

  1 starting the lesson Praying before 2 the lesson begins Checking student 3 attendant

  4 Giving motivation Make a question and answer with

  5 student Teacher give explanation little bit about the 6 material Teacher ask the student to speak with their partner in front of the

  7 class Give the hand out 8 for the student Continue to explain the

  9 material Give opportunity for the student to answer the 10 question Teacher give the review for student

  11 perform

c. Test

  The test would be divided into two types. The student would do the pre- test before getting the treatments. Then the teacher would teach using the method, and the lesson plan from the researcher. The last is post-test. The student would do the post-test after they get the treatment. The student would be getting post-test after treatment.

7. Technique of Data analysis 1) Qualitative data:

  According to Kothari (2004:3) states that “qualitative research is used to know the students' behaviour and students’ activities while teaching-learning process. For example, the researcher was able to use observation and documentation.”

  In this research, the researcher uses observation, recording audio, and taking a picture. It means to help the researcher do the review scoring and observe the class condition.

2) Quantitative data

  According to Kothari (2004:3), quantitative research is used to summarize data using numbers, it is based on the measurement of quantity or amount.

  This data gets from calculate the student scoring from the oral test.

a) Analysing the result of the test.

  The researcher analysed data following a quantitative technique. The researcher gets the student average student speaking skill per cycle using accounting the mean of respondent scoring. According to Shafer and Zhang The mean is often called the average, it is the sum of all the respondent’s score with the total number of the respondents’ score (2012: 38).

  To find out the mean score of the pre-test and the post-test, the researcher used this formula :

  ∑X M = N

  Note : M = The Mean of the students score. ∑ X = The sum of the students score.

  N = The total number of the students.


  To calculate the mean of difference, the researcher used this formula:

  ∑ D MD = N

  Note : MD = Mean of difference.

  ∑ D =The total difference between the pre-test and the post test. N = The total number of the students.


  To calculate standard deviation, the researcher used this formula:


  2 ∑D ∑D SD D =

   N N Note: SD = Standard Deviation. D

D = The Difference between the pre-test and the post test.

  N = The number of the students.


  To calculate the standard error for the mean difference, the researcher used this formula :

   SD D SE MD =

   N-1 Note : SE MD = The standard error for the mean difference.

  SD D = Standard Deviation.

  N = The total number of the students. d.b = N-1 d.

  To calculate the t-test, the researcher used this formula :

   M D T o = SE MD

  Note : T = T o – test. M D = Mean of difference.

  The standard error for the mean difference.

  SE MD = e.

  In order to categories the member of master students, according to Anas

Sudijono, (2014: 86). The writer used the following formula:


  x 100% =


  P= the percentage F= frequency of the percentage is being calculated N= number of student

G. Graduating Paper Outlines

  The researcher organize this thesis become five chapther. They are: The first chapter was consist by introduction. This chapter consist of background of the study, problem statement, the objective of the study, significant of the study, benefits of research results, hypotesis and succes indocator and research methodology.

  The second chapter was consist by theoritical framework. This chapter concsists of Supporting theories and literature review. The supporting theories explain about definition speaking skill, authentic material, role play, and puppet. The literature review explain abour some thesis that become reference.

  The third chapter. In this chapter consists of procedure of the research. The fourth chapter is consist of research findings and discussions. This chapter explain abot the process and result use puppet media to improve student speaking skill.

  The fifth chapteris closure. This chapter consists of: conclusion, and suggestion The conclusion stataes anwer the problem statement from the research.

  And also explain teh implementation use the media. The suggestion is reference for the next researcher.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Theoretical Review 1. Speaking skill Speaking is simple way to communocate each other. Every people will more understand if they speak. Especially if we communicate with foreign people. So we have to understand their language well. The speaking is productive skill. This skill result a simple communication each other. According to David J Alonso (2011:121) Not only for being a productive skill but also for enjoying such

  multifaceted and complex aspects, speaking is often considered as one of the most difficult skills to develop, and for most language learners, acquiring a native-like competence in speaking seems almost unattainable. Unlike the written language where language learners carry out certain tasks with moderate level of knowledge in grammar and vocabulary, in speaking, they compete with limited time to recall words, and also take care of their pronunciation, intonation, and responses from the addressee, which sometimes interrupts the speech and causes additional difficulties for the speaker. According to the theories to developed speaking skill is not easy. It is because of the reasons above. The oral communication is easy to understand by target language. Although this skill is an easy skill to understand each other. Some point that has to mastery like a pronunciation, intonation, and grammar. When we talk with different intonation it can make a different response from the listener. So the speaker has to pay attention to their intonation. Especially if the listener doesn't understand what we talk.

  According to Anete Vásquez, et. Al (2010:13) said that speaking is “Oral language fluency is the ability to communicate in the target language in a broad range of situations in a way that is easily understood.”

  This includes both informal conversational language and being able to talk about academic subject areas. When we talk about speaking skill, it is not only in the academic area. This skill can be more good if the practice in other environments. It can be increasing speaking skill. According to Nasser Omer M. Al-Tamimi and Rais Ahmed Attamimi (2018:59)

  Successful speaking involves the sending of the information in such a way that the other person or persons understand it. In other words, our pronunciation, stress, intonation, pause, voice quality should be proper and problem in any of these aspects will impede the clarity of our speech, which may cause misunderstanding to our listeners.

  Following the statement above, successfully speaking involves sending information. Speaking can be the basic skill for the student to continue their adult life. They can use it when they work with foreign people or go abroad. When the student learns speaking they need prepare idea and planning to perform. Don't forget, they need enough vocabulary. They write it on paper and try to memorize the text. But not all. They memorize some point and try to understand it. When they practice it will be fluency. According to Brown (2001: 406 –407) “oral proficiency scoring categories which include some aspects: grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and pronunciation”

  The researcher conclude if the elements above become the basic to assess the student speaking skill

2. Teaching Using Authentic Material

  Teaching a foreign language need a real model or material to help the student receive the material. It because language not only about talk or statement but also culture. There are many theories for teaching-learning foreign language, we need new innovation in this part to support acquisition language. The strategy can improve student language skills. Authentic material is recommended for learning a foreign language, however, this is not a new thing in the education world. The authentic material is considered to involve to teaching speaking skill. According to Lazaraton quote in David J.

  Alonso (2001:123): Course books and materials on speaking, however, should be treated Speak the Real 123 with due attention for a number of reasons. For one, they are not fit for what they promote or teach in terms of language content, teaching methodology and textual authenticity. Therefore, teachers choose activities from a variety of sources and create their own speaking course materials.

  According to K. Yugandhar (2014: 37-38), learners who could not get exposure to the effective usage of the language are provided with the authentic material for motivation besides the process of acquisition. Adapted and adopted real-life material provides ambiance conducive to language acquisition.

  When the learner faces the real media they can see and understand the language naturally. It will be effective to use. Some media that always be used for teaching a foreign language are the newspaper, advertisement, magazine, and other. The students know real sample. Even though the student limit in vocabularies, technique and they can develop their skill. This authentic material can help them to improve the creativity in mastering the foreign language. The students can discuss with their partner to find a new thing in the different authentic material. According to Badr Allehyani, Dave Burnapp, Janet Wilson (2017:1), the study contributes to the debate over how best to teach English as a Foreign Language and concludes with the recommendation that school textbooks should include authentic materials in order to improve learners' communicative competence.

  It means the learner can be more communicative. The vital thing to learn and developing language skill is communication. It means the vital thing to learn the language is communicative media and method. The teaching, learning process will be communicated, we use the suitable authentic material.

  These can build good communication in the class. So the learner can feel enjoy and they can mastery language skill well. To teach or learn English is not only from one reference. We can find other media that suitable for the student.

3. Puppet Dolls Teaching using puppet dolls is not a new thing in teaching a foreign language.

  This media is including authentic material. Many theses explain this material in their research. According to Gwin (1972:60) quoted by Sofika Chandra Nilawati (2009:13), puppet is a wonderful toy that can be controlled by an operator and can teach kids and adult, all kinds of things. You can play this medium with your finger. You play it pairing or small group.

  So we can conclude if this media can use in grouping and pairing. The student can interact with their friend. The researcher recommended this media because, in some thesis, many researchers rarely use this media. In Rani Candrakirana Permanasari’s thesis with the title "Improving Students' Speaking Skill Through Three Steps Interview Technique (An Action Research Of The Tenth Grade Students Of SMK Negeri 9 Semarang In The Academic Year Of 2013/2014)”. In this research, this method used to improve student speaking skill.

  Using Comic Strips To Improve The Speaking Skills Of Grade Viii Students Of SMP N 15 Yogyakarta In The Academic Year Of 2013/ 2014. This thesis was written by Renyta Okfiani Klau. This thesis use media but also the researcher difficult to make and apply the media.

  Using the puppet dolls usually used for elementary school. In this research, the researcher tries this media for teenager student. The researcher ever played this puppet dolls with her groups in microteaching class. They choose this media because it can help the student in beginner to pronounce and follow the speech. Then this media is not for beginner student but for the medium student such as teenager. So the researcher fined interesting respect from the student.

4. Role Play

  To improve the student speaking skill need a method to make them speak up. The student can measure their skill with their partner. Role play is one method, that give student opportunity to speak up. The student have to talk each other in pairing or grouping.

  According to Brown that quoted in Irene Y. Huangs’ journal (2008:1): Role-play minimally involves (a) giving a role to one or more members of a group and (b) assigning an objective or purpose that participants must accomplish. Brown suggested role-play can be conducted with a single person, in pairs or in groups, with each person assigned a role to accomplish an objective. This model is suitable for the adult student. In teaching the adult student, more emphasize in acting class in a grouping.

  So this method is effective to use in pairing, grouping or individual. This model is suitable for an adult student. It means, the method also can suitable for teenager learners.

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