Food Biotechnology: A Communicator's Guide to Improving Understanding - IFIC Foundation - Your Nutrition and Food Safety Resource

Petrun E, Flood A, Sellnow T, Smith Edge M, Burns, K. Shaping (ealth Perceptions: Efectively Communicating About Chemicals in Food. Food Protection
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Marla Reicks PhD, Dennis Degenefe MBA, Aaron Rendahl PhD, Marianne
Smith Edge MS, RD, Katie Burns BA, Brian O’Meara MS, Greg Blevins MBA
. Eating Occasion Characteristics and Age, Gen: Associations Between
der, Presence of Children and BM) Among U.S. Adults, Journal of the American College of Nutrition,
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Manore M, Brown K, (outkooper L, Jakicic J, Peters J, Smith Edge M, Steiber A,
Dorn J, Going S, Guillermin Gable L, Krautheim A. Energy Balance at a
Crossroads: Translating the Science into Action, Journal of the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics JAND
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Sports & Exercise MSSE

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Smith Edge M, Toner C, Reinhardt Kapsak W, Geiger C. The )mpact of Variations in a Fact-Based Front-of-Package Nutrition Labeling System on Consumer Comprehension Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
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Perez R, Smith Edge M, Global Nutrition Labeling. Nutrition Today,
: Fruh S, Greenblum M. Why Dietary Protein )ntake Really Matters, Clinical Advisor,



Fruh S, Greenblum M. Why is Dietary Protein So )mportant? Journal for Nurse
Practitioners JNP
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Reinhardt Kapsak W, DiMarco-Crook C, (ill JO, Toner C, Smith Edge M. Confusion on All Sides of the Calorie Equation: Lessons Learned, Future Directions.
Nutrition Today,

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Reinhardt Kapsak W, Smith Edge M, White C, Childs NM, Geiger CJ. Putting the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans into Action: Behavior-Based Messages to
Motivate Parents - Phase ))) Quantitative Message Testing and Survey Evaluation. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
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Reinhardt Kapsak W, Smith Edge M, White C, Childs NM, Geiger CJ. Putting the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans into Action: Behavior-Based Messages to
Motivate Parents - Phases ) and )) Observational and Focus Group Findings.
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
(ornick BA, Childs NM, Smith Edge M, Reinhardt Kapsak W, Dooher C, White
C. )s it Time to Rethink Nutrition Communications? A Five-Year Retrospective of Americans’ Attitudes Toward Food, Nutrition, and (ealth. A Five-Year
Retrospective of Americans. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
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Eicher-Miller (, Fulgoni V, Keast D. Contributions of processed foods to dietary
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A report of the Food and Nutrition Science
Solutions Joint Task Force of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Society for Nutrition, )nstitute of Food Technologists, and )nternational
Food )nformation Council . The Journal of Nutrition,
Kolasa K, Sollid K, Smith Edge M, Bouchoux A. Blood Pressure Management:
Communicating Comprehensive Lifestyle Strategies Beyond Sodium. Nutrition
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Dwyer JT, Fulgoni VL, Clemens RA, Schmidt DB, Freedman MR. )s Processed a
Four-Letter Word? The Role of Processed Foods in Achieving Dietary Guidelines and Nutrient Recommendations. American Society for Nutrition. Adv.
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Schorin M, Sollid K, Smith Edge M, Bouchoux A. The Science of Sugars, Part .
Nutrition Today.

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Schorin M, Sollid K, Smith Edge M, Bouchoux A. The Science of Sugars, Part 3.
Nutrition Today.
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Schorin M, Sollid K, Smith Edge M, Bouchoux A. The Science of Sugars, Part .
Nutrition Today.
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Schorin M, Sollid K, Smith Edge M, Bouchoux A. The Science of Sugars, Part ).
Nutrition Today.
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Cody MM, Gravani R, Smith Edge M, Dooher C, White C. )nternational Food
)nformation Council Foundation Food and (ealth Survey,

, Food
Safety: A Web-enabled Survey. Food Protection Trends.
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Fernstrom M(, Reed KA, Rahavi EB, Dooher CC.
, Communication strategies to help reduce the prevalence of non-communicable diseases: Proceedings
from the inaugural )F)C Foundation Global Diet and Physical Activity Communications Summit. Nutrition Reviews.
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Reinhardt Kapsak W, Rahavi E, White C, Childs N. Functional Foods: Consumer
Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behavior in a Growing Market. J Am Diet Assoc.
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