ART David S I Wayan D Sony Heru P Menyama braya Abstract

A l ocal Yet Universal Value

David Samiyono, I Wayan Damayana, and Sony Heru Priyanto
Satya Wacana Chri stian University, Salatiga

"There is nothing eternal in this world, except the change itself". Thi s is
an undisputed fact. Change is a phenomenon that gives color to the historic
times of every society, including Balinese society. Thi s change occu rs in
the interaction of Balinese society with other ethnic group s, rel igions,
and cultures. The. change occurs because of the following. First, in a
society, unsatisfactory feelings due to confl icts happen (theory of social
change). Second, people in their interactions with others encounter various
aspects which can be ethnocentric, エィオ
セ@ yielding stereotypes about the
outsiders (inter-cultural psychology). Third, th ere is a shift among rei igious
people from to be into to have in practicing their religions (theology of

pluralism). Fourth, it is deconstructi on, an intensifying expose
of a standardized form. From these four theories, th e researchers have
conducted a research which focused on the cultural local w isdom of
menyama braya. The aim of this research is to expose a diverse
brotherh ood existential living, thus creating a nationa l integration and
socia l harmony in Indonesia. To reach the aim, a participant-observation


David Samiyono

IJPS, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2011

method has been used, an observation which allows direct participatory
involvement, interviews, library research, case and document studies.
Keywords: Menyama braya, jelema, multiculturalism, pluralism, national
integration, social relationships.