Dealing With Students Who Have Problem in Concentrating on Language Lessons in The Moon Class At Tunas Cemara Kindergarten.


Dalam proses belajar mengajar terdapat banyak masalah yang cukup
mengganggu, terutama bagi guru baru yang belum mengetahui sifat dan
karakteristik murid satu per satu. Selama masa magang di TK Tunas
Cemara, saya menemui kesulitan ketika menangani murid-murid yang
memiliki masalah dengan konsentrasi. Dalam tugas akhir ini saya
mencoba untuk membahas dan menganalisa permasalahan yang dialami
oleh murid-murid yang kesulitan berkonsentrasi di kelas Moon di TK
Tunas Cemara tersebut.
Kesulitan berkonsentrasi yang dialami murid-murid tersebut
disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor: masih merasa mengantuk karena tidur
larut malam, tidak dapat berkonsentrasi dengan baik pada tiga pelajaran
bahasa (Inggris, Mandarin, dan Bahasa Indonesia), merasa lapar karena
belum sarapan, dan tidak berkonsentrasi dengan baik ketika menghafal.
Kesulitan berkonsentrasi dikalangan murid-murid tersebut, dapat
menimbulkan efek pada kegiatan mereka, diantaranya: mereka tidak
mengerti pelajaran yang diajarkan, mereka tidak dapat mencapai nilai
yang baik, dan kehilangan waktu istirahat untuk makan siang dan bermain
karena masih harus menyelesaikan tugasnya. Hal-hal tersebut di atas
dapat diatasi dengan berbagai kemungkinan solusi, diantaranya:

melakukan pemanasan, menggunakan alat bantu mengajar sehingga
pelajaran menjadi lebih menarik, dan memberitahu murid-murid tersebut
bahwa mereka akan mendapat hadiah bila menyelesaikan tugas dengan
baik dan mengumpulkan tepat pada waktunya.
Saya menganalisa tiga kemungkinan solusi yang dianggap mampu
menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi murid-murid yang memiliki
kesulitan dalam berkonsentrasi. Solusi yang paling tepat adalah dengan
menggunakan alat bantu mengajar sehingga pelajaran menjadi lebih

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ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.…………………………………………………… iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………. iv
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….. 1-5

A. Background of the Study………………………………. 1
B. Identification of the Problem…………………………… 2
C. Objectives and Benefit of the Study…………………… 2
D. Description of the Institution…………………………… 3
E. Method of the Study…………………………………….. 4
F. Limitation of the Study………………………………….. 4
G. Organization of the Term Paper……………………….. 4
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION…………………………………………….16-18

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1. They are still sleepy in the
class because they sleep
late the night before
2. They are anxious
because they are not
really good in learning
3. They are not good in
memorizing lessons
4. They are hungry because
they do not have

Potential Negative Effects:
It takes quite a long time to do
warming up

Potential Negative Effects:
The teachers need long time to
explain the lesson using teaching

These three students will depend
too much on the teaching aid

Potential Negative Effects:
The rewards make the students do
not have intrinsic motivation
When the students do not like the
rewards, they will not be motivated
to concentrate in doing the

Dealing with students
who have problem in
concentrating when the
teacher teaches
language lesson in class

Potential Solution I:
The teachers lead the
students to do warming
up before starts the

Potential Solution II:
Using teaching aid to
make the lesson more
interesting and make the
students’ concentrate

Potential Solution III:
The teachers inform to the
students that they will get
a reward when they can
finish the exercises on
time and get good marks

Chosen solution:
Solution II: Using teaching aids to make the lesson
more interesting and make the students’
concentration better


They do not understand
the lesson
They could not get
good marks
They missed their
break time to have
lunch and play because
they had to finish the

Potential Positive Effects:

The students’ concentration can

Potential Positive Effects:
The students will be able to
concentrate better

Potential Positive Effects:
The children will be enthusiastic
to do the exercises


A. Background of the Study
Teaching children is not easy, especially if the children have problem in
concentrating. Concentration is “the ability to direct your thinking” (Zweig
par. 1). From what has been stated, concentration is needed when
children do any activities, especially when studying. If a child can direct his
or her thinking well, the child will study well too.

From my observation during my internship at Tunas Cemara
Kindergarten in Moon Class since July 21st until August 21st, I found many
problems. However, the problem that I want to focus is dealing with three
students who have a problem in concentrating on language lessons
(English, Mandarin, and Indonesian) in the class. This is the most difficult
problem that I found during the internship.
This problem is interesting for me to discuss because from my
observation there are three 5-year-old children in the class with difficulty in
concentrating at TCK in Moon Class. As Jiva Specialist states that “Lack of
concentration among children or an inability to focus on the task at hand is
a common concern” (par. 1). Hence, a lack of concentration is a common
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problem, but it is a big problem for me when I see that these three children
cannot concentrate while the other students can. As a teacher, I have
responsibilities to make all the students understand the lesson.
I would like to explain the causes and the effects of difficulty in
concentrating that happen to Steven, Melvin, and Macell based on my
observation during my internship at TCK and supported by theories from

library research. Also, I would like to find the best solution to handle the

B. Identification of the Problem
The problem I am going to discuss in this term paper will be analyzed in
these questions:
1. Why did the three children (Steven, Melvin, and Marcell) at TCK in
Moon Class experience difficulty in concentrating?
2. What can the teachers do to help the children have better

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study


There are several objectives of this term paper. First it is to know the
causes and the effects of children with problem in concentrating. Second it is
to find out the potential solutions to handle it with their positive and negative
effects. Last it is to find out the best solution to this problem.


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The benefit of this term paper for the school is that this paper would be
useful for the teachers to know how to deal with children who have problem in
concentrating. For the readers, this paper explains the real situation about the
problem of dealing with the children who have problem in concentrating, thus
they can use the solution to handle the same problem. For me as the writer,
the benefit is that I get more knowledge from writing the paper about handling
children with problem in concentrating both in theories and practice. Thus, it
will be useful for me when someday I become a teacher.

D. Description of the Institution
TCK was established in April 17th, 2000. It was located at Jalan Sumber
Hurip No. 31, Bandung. In July 2004 it moved to Jalan Situ Aksan No. 41,
Bandung. It is an education center where children can learn three languages:

Indonesian, Chinese, and English. The headmaster is Miss Lanny Senjaya.
There are two causes that make TCK give priority to these three
languages. First, English and Mandarin are necessary for the children’s
future. Second, the age 3 until 6 years are the golden age to learn languages
to provide a good foundation, for them to be able to speak foreign languages

E. Method of the Study
To collect the information for the research, I did an internship for thirty days
from July 21st until August 21st, 2009 in TCK, and I wrote my internship

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journal. I read relevant books and articles in the Internet which inform theories
about children with problem in concentrating.

F. Limitation of the Study
The observation was done in TCK. I was an assistant teacher for a month
in Moon Class, from July 21st to August 21st, 2009. The subject of my research
is three kindergarten students: Steven, Melvin, and Marcell who have problem
in concentrating when their teacher teaches the three languages in the class.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
The main content of this term paper consists of four chapters. The first
chapter is the Introduction. This chapter is an introduction and general
information about the problem being studied. It is divided into seven parts: the
Background of the Study, the Identification of the Problem, the Objectives and
Benefits of the Study, the Description of the Institution, the Method of the
Study, the Limitation of the Study, and the Organization of the Term Paper.
The second chapter is the Problem Analysis. This chapter is an analysis to
the problem’s causes and effects of the students’ difficulty in concentrating. It
also contains the theories which support the causes and the effects. The third
chapter is the Potential Solutions. This chapter is an analysis to the problem
of the study, with positive and negative effects of each solution. The fourth
chapter is the Conclusion. This chapter answers the questions in Chapter
One. It discusses the best solution to the problem of the study, with the
reasons. The next part is the Bibliography, which contains the printed and
electronic sources of the supporting theories. The last part is the Appendix,
which contains a problem analysis flowchart.

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There are three students (Steven, Melvin, and Marcell) who have
difficulty in concentrating at TCK in Moon Class during my internship. The
causes are in the morning they are still sleepy in class, they are anxious
because they are not really good in learning the three languages, they are
hungry because they do not have breakfast, and they are not good in
memorizing lessons. From the problem, there are three effects that I have
discussed. The effects are the three students do not understand the
lessons, they lose their break time to have lunch and play because they
have to finish the exercises, and they could not get good marks. Later,
there are three potential solutions. The three potential solutions are the
teachers lead the students to do warming up before starting the lesson,
using teaching aids to make the lesson more interesting, and the teachers
tell the students that they will get a reward when they can finish the
exercises on time and get good marks.
In this chapter I would like to explain about the best solution from the
three potential solutions discussed in the previous chapter. The three
potential solutions are giving warming up activities before starting the
lessons, using teaching aids to make the lesson more interesting, and


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telling the students that they will get a reward when they can finish the
exercises on time and get good marks. From my analysis, I think the best
potential solution for the three students with difficulty in concentrating
when the teacher teaches the three languages is by using teaching aid to
make the lesson more interesting.
The second potential solution is the best one compared to the other
potential solutions. The first potential solution, doing warming up, will make
both the teachers and the students tired because they do physical
activities, such as running, jumping, walking, and dancing. If the students
feel tired, they may actually not be able to concentrate while studying the
main lessons. Then, it makes them not be able to do the exercises well.
Another negative effect can also happen if the warming up activities are
boring. The aim of warming up is to make students enthusiastic for the
main lesson. However, it will not happen if the warming up activities make
them bored. The third potential solution, which is giving rewards, will make
the students expect more and more rewards. When the teachers stop
giving rewards, they will not have motivation to do the exercises well.
Besides, these three children have different preferences (for example:
Steven likes sticker, but Marcell likes candy). For example: when the
reward is a sticker, it makes Steven enthusiastic to do the exercises
because he likes stickers and he wants it. However, Marcell will not do the
exercises well because he does not like stickers.
The condition will be different if the teachers apply the second potential
solution, which is using the teaching aids. Using teaching aid can make


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the three students concentrate and understand the lesson better because
they like the teaching aids, such as cassettes, pictures, and realia.
Teaching aid is usually used when a teacher teaches preschool students.
In this level, using teaching aids can improve children’s concentration.
Children in preschool age like any kind of teaching aid. Using it will make
the children focus on the teacher’s explanation which means they will
concentrate better. If they concentrate better, they will do the exercises
well, in the end they will understand the lessons.
Using teaching aids also has a negative effect. The students may
depend too much on it. To anticipate it, the teachers should not use
teaching aids for a long time, but use it if the material is hard to remember,
when the class is too noisy, or to get students’ attention.


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Printed Source
Ambarwati, Ari. Membuat Anak Rajin Belajar Ternyata Mudah Kok.
Jakarta: PT. Tangga Pustaka, 2009

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Burdick, Diane E. “Objectives of Teaching Aid.” eHow. 1999. 13 November
2009 .

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