Institutional Repository | Satya Wacana Christian University: Scaffolding for Skill Improvement EFL Beginner-Students

Bella Frisma Ningrum
To help students achieve their optimum learning, teachers should guide the
students to improve their skills. One of the teaching-techniques applied by
teachers is scaffolding. Through scaffolding, teachers give the opportunity to
students to perform and practice in class. However, teacher in one of the junior
high schools in Banyubiru reported that seventh grade students required learning
from the basic level because most of them still have low command of English.
This study aims to explore what scaffolding goals, scaffolding types and
scaffolding instruments applied by seventh grade teachers in one of junior high
school in Banyubiru. In this study, observation and interview were used to collect
the data. The data were teachers’ scaffolding which were classifed into three
components : scaffolding goal, scaffolding type and scaffolding instrument based
on Vygotsky’s theory. The result of this study shows that teachers used various
scaffolding instruments, applied soft scaffolding type and had several scaffolding
goals as their scaffolding referential in teaching learning process. This study can
be useful for teachers to improve their ability about teaching especially when
they teach from the basic level and apply scaffolding in the classroom in order to
help students to optimize their learning.

Key words : scaffolding, soft scaffolding type, scaffolding

goal, scaffolding