THE LEARNING MANAGEMENT OF ART,CULTURE AND SKILL SUBJECTAT ISLAMIC INTEGRATED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The Learning Management Of Art,Culture And Skill Subject At Islamic Integrated Elementary School Of Ulul Albab 2 Of Purworejo.



Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for Getting Magister Degree
in Educational Management Department

Written by:
Prastowo Widagdo








The more you understand the world around you, the more you excited and
curious about the reality of life in your life.
Passion is one of the key elements that ease the effort and change activities
mediocrity into a job that can be enjoyed.

My beloved wife and children
that always support me


Prastowo Widagdo.Q100100229. The Learning Management of Art, Culture
and Skill Subject at Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of
Purworejo. Thesis. Graduate School. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2013.
The objectives of this study are to describe (1) the characteristics of the
instructional materials of Art, Culture and Skill Subject at Islamic Integrated
Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo; (2) the characteristic of student s
activities in learning the Art, Culture and Skill Subject at Islamic Integrated
Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo; and (3) the characteristics of
teacher s activities in teaching the Art, Culture and Skill Subject at Islamic Integrated
Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo.
It is a qualitative study that is done at Islamic Integrated Elementary School
of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo. Data collection techniques use observation, interview,
and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data collection, data reduction,
data display, and drawing conclusion. Data validity are maintained by providing
credibility, transferability.
The findings show that (1) Art, Culture and Skill Subject at Islamic Integrated
Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo contain religious values. Materials of
of Art Culture and Skill Subject can train students creativities in the art and craft

field, and also to train students lifeskill. The materials taught in Art Culture and Skill
subject for primary school are (a) musical materials, students are expected to
understand regional and archipelago anthem; (b) dance materials, students are
expected to identify the type of dance and where it comes from; and (c) craft
materials, teachers provided materials about string up and the materials used were
extracted from the neighborhood students. (2) Students activities of learning in
Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo are done by
showing an Islamic learning condition. Thus, in these activities are always instilled
Islamic values. Student learning activities begin with a prayer together before
starting Teaching and Learning Activities. In students activities of learning, there are
four activities. Students enthusiastic when following of Art, Culture and Skill Subject
at Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo is very diverse
influenced by students interest and talent. In Cultural art and skill learning, students
also do practice covering all four materials. (3) The activities of teachers in of Art,
Culture and Skill Subject began with creating the lesson plan and syllabus. The
activity of teacher in teaching was started by saying a greeting, followed by the
provision of instructional materials and ends with a prayer. The of Art, Culture and
Skill Subject teachers of Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of
Purworejo used the lecture and demonstration methods. In teaching activities,
teachers of Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo used

instructional media that were available in the environment. Teachers conducted an
evaluation of student learning outcomes.
Keywords: art,culture, learning activities


Prastowo Widagdo.Q100100229. Manajemen Pembelajaran Seni Budaya dan
Keterampilan di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo. Tesis.
Pascasarjana. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. 2013.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan (1) karakteristik materi
Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan di Sekolah Dasar Terpadu Islam Ulul Albab 2
Purworejo, (2) karakteristik kegiatan siswa dalam mempelajari Seni Budaya dan
Keterampilan di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo, dan (3)
karakteristik kegiatan guru dalam mengajar Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan di
Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo.
Ini adalah studi kualitatif yang dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul
Albab 2 Purworejo. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi,
wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data adalah pengumpulan data,
reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan menggambar. Keabsahan data dicapai

dengan memberikan kredibilitas, dapat diterapkan.
Temuan menunjukkan bahwa (1) Seni, Budaya dan Keterampilan Subjek di
Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo mengandung nilai-nilai
agama. Materi Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan dapat melatih kreativitas di
bidang seni dan kerajinan, dan juga untuk melatih siswa bekal hidup. Materi
yang diajarkan dalam Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan untuk sekolah dasar adalah
(a) bahan musik, siswa diharapkan untuk memahami lagu daerah dan
kebangsaan, (b) bahan tari, siswa diharapkan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis tari
dan dari mana asalnya; dan (c) bahan kerajinan, guru diberikan materi tentang
tali dan bahan yang digunakan yang diambil dari siswa lingkungan. (2) kegiatan
siswa belajar di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo dilakukan
dengan menunjukkan kondisi pembelajaran berbasis agama Islam. Dengan
demikian, dalam kegiatan ini selalu ditanamkan nilai-nilai Islam. Kegiatan belajar
siswa dimulai dengan doa bersama sebelum memulai Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar.
Dalam kegiatan siswa belajar, ada empat kegiatan. Siswa antusias ketika
mengikuti Seni, Budaya dan Keterampilan Subjek di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu
Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo sangat beragam dipengaruhi oleh siswa minat dan bakat.
Dalam seni budaya dan keterampilan belajar, mahasiswa juga melakukan praktik
yang mencakup semua empat bahan. (3) Kegiatan guru dalam Seni Budaya dan
Keterampilan dimulai dengan menciptakan rencana pelajaran dan silabus.

Aktivitas guru dalam mengajar dimulai dengan mengucapkan salam, diikuti
dengan penyediaan bahan ajar dan diakhiri dengan doa. Pembelajaran Seni
Budaya dan Keterampilan Subjek guru Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2
Purworejo menggunakan metode ceramah dan demonstrasi. Dalam kegiatan
mengajar, guru Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Ulul Albab 2 Purworejo
menggunakan media pembelajaran yang tersedia di lingkungan. Guru melakukan
evaluasi hasil belajar siswa.
Kata kunci: seni, budaya, kegiatan belajar


Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, for blessing the writer in accomplishing
this research paper entitled The Learning Management of Art, Culture and Skill
Subject at Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo. This

thesis is one of academic requirements to get the degree of Educational
Management Master on Graduate School, Muhammadiyah University of
In this occasion, The Writer would like to thank to those who had helped

either morally or materially until the completion of this research paper.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Setiaji, Rector of Surakarta Muhammadiyah University
who had given a variety of facilities in completing studies at Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta.


Prof. Dr. Khudzaifah Dimyati, M. Hum., Director of Graduate School at
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, who had given the opportunity to
the writer to continue the study.


Prof. Dr. Budi Murtiyasa, M.Kom., the first advisor that had given guidance
and advises to the writer in the process of writing this thesis.


Dra. Siti Zuhriah, M.Hum., the second advisor that had given guidance,
support, and advises to the writer.


The principal and teachers of Islamic Integrated Elementary School of Ulul
Albab 2 of Purworejo who had given more time to give service to the writer
in searching for data and information in this research paper process.


All parties who can not be mentioned one by one.

With the completion of the writing of this research paper, the writer
recognizes there are many things that need to be refined. Constructive criticism
and suggestions are encouraged to the reader for the perfection of this thesis.
Surakarta, Mei 2013
Prastowo Widagdo



TITLE ....................................................................................................................


CONSULTANT NOTE............................................................................................


ACCEPTANCE....................................................................................................... iv
THE STATEMENT OF THESIS AUTHENTICITY ......................................................


MOTTO................................................................................................................ vi
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ vii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...........................................................................................


INTRODUCTION ....................................................................


A. Research Background......................................................


B. Research Focus................................................................


C. Research Objectives ........................................................


D. Research Benefit .............................................................


E. Glossary ...........................................................................


THEORY .................................................................................


A. Art, Culture and Skill Subject...........................................


B. Management of Learning................................................




C. Previous Studies .............................................................. 13

RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................... 17
A. Type and Design of Research .......................................... 17
B. Research Location ........................................................... 17
C. The Role of Researcher .................................................. 18
D. Data, Data Source, and Informant .................................. 18
E. Data Collection Technique .............................................. 20
F. Data Analysis Techniques ............................................... 20

ix x

G. Data Validity .................................................................... 21

DATA DESCRIPTION AND FINDINGS..................................... 24
A. Data Description.............................................................. 24
1. Characteristics of The Instructional Materials
of Art, Culture and Skill Subject at SDIT of
Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo ......................................... 24
2. Characteristics of Student s Activities In
Learning Art, Culture and Skill Subject at SDIT
of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo ..................................... 32
3. Characteristics of Teacher s Activities of
Teaching Art, Culture and Skill Subject at SDIT
of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo ..................................... 35
B. Findings ........................................................................... 41


DISCUSSION AND PROPOSITION ........................................... 44

Discussion ....................................................................... 44
1. Characteristics of The Instructional Materials
of Art, Culture and Skill Subject at SDIT of Ulul
Albab 2 of Purworejo .................................................. 44
2. Characteristics of Student s Activities In
Learning Art, Culture and Skill Subject at SDIT
of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo....................................... 48
3. Characteristics of Teacher s Activities of
Teaching Art, Culture and Skill Subject at SDIT
of Ulul Albab 2 of Purworejo....................................... 50


Proposition ...................................................................... 54

CLOSING ................................................................................. 55

Conclusion ...................................................................... 55


Implication ...................................................................... 57


Recommendation............................................................ 57

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 58


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