Soal Latihan Ulangan Bahasa Inggris SD kelas 4 Tentang Times

Latihan Bahasa Inggris SD kelas 4
I. Read the text below
Morning Activity
My mother wakes up early every morning. She wakes up at five o'clock. My father wakes up
thirty later. He wakes up at half past five. My father helps my mother preparing our stuff. I and
my sister wake up at six o'clock. My sister takes a bath first. We all have breakfast at half past
six. My father drives us to schoole at quarter past seven. We arrive at school at seven o'clock.
He then goes to his office. He arrives at his office at half past seven. After our leaving, my
mother goes to market. She goes at quarter past seven. She finishes shopping at half past
eight. She arrives at home at nine o'clock. She starts cooking the meal at half past nine. She
cooks for our lunch at one o'clock.
II. Answer the questions correctly.
1. What time does the mother wake up?
She wakes up at . . .
2. What time do the children wake up?

They wake up at . . .
3. What do they do at hafl past six ?
They . . .
4. Where does the mother shop ?
she shops at . . .
5. What does the mother do at one o'clock ?
6. She starts cooking the meal at half past nine, in indonesia language mean?
7. Translate in english " aku bangun pukul 4 pagi "
8. Translate in english " aku biasa sarapan pagi dengan roti "
. . ..
9. What does the father do at seven o'clock ?
He . . .

10.What title on this articel ?