A psychological study of the character development of Etsuko in Yukio Mishima`s for love - USD Repository



  AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



  Student Number : 004214109 Student Registration Number :


  W E L COM E TO W H E RE V E R YOU A RE W E L COM E TO W H E RE V E R YOU A RE M aybe we re all different But we re still the same We all got the blood of Eden

  Running through our veins I know sometimes I t s hard for you to see You re caught between


Just who you are

And who you want to be I f you feel alone And lost and need a friend

  Remember every new beginning I s some beginning s end Welcome to wherever you are This is your life

  You made it this far Welcome, you got to believe That right here Right now you re exactly

  Where you re supposed to be Welcome to wherever you are When everybody s in And you re left out

  And you feel you re drowning I n the shadow of a doubt

Everyone s a miracle

I n their own way

  Just listen to yourself, Not what other people say When it seems you re lost, Alone and feelin down

  Remember, everybody s different Just take a look around When you want to give up And your heart s about to break

  Remember that you re perfect

God makes no mistake

  This under gr aduat e t hesis is dedicat ed t o: My beloved f at her and mot her And also f or My lovely sist er and br ot her



First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty Jesus Christ for His guidance.

  He has given His blessing to me so that I could finally finish my thesis.

  I would also like to express my deep gratitude to those who have given me a great amount of help, support and guidance in writing this undergraduate thesis. I am particularly grateful to Dewi Widyastuti, S. Pd., M. Hum., my Advisor, who has guided me patiently in the writing process and has given me time to consult this thesis until it is done. I am also grateful to Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini, M. A, my co- Advisor, for reading my undergraduate thesis and for the corrections and suggestions to improve my undergraduate thesis. I would also like to thank all lecturers and the staffs in secretariat of the English Letters Study Programme of Sanata Dharma University.

  I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my beloved father, F.X Sukariyadi and my beloved mother, Y. Ening Sudjiwati. They have prayed and given their care, love, support and advice to me. I also would like to give my regard to my sister, Fera and my little brother, Felix who have motivated me to finish my thesis.

  I am thankful to all my friends in English Letters Study Programme of 2000, especially Cicil, Titin, Wiwin, Angel, Ella, Andri, Novi, Sity and Retno for their support and their time in giving me a great moment of friendship. I am also want to give my love regard to my lovely Doni ‘ Niyu’ at far away, thank you for all your love and support to me. I would also like to give my regard to Ida, Dian, Kenyung, Ana, Yuyun, Coco, Osa, Seto, Yuyun “UKSW”, youth organization in St. Benedictus

  Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who is not mentioned here, who has given me many visible supports and assistance in the process of writing this thesis.

  Rita Prilia Ariyadiningtyas


  TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................. i APPROVAL PAGE ...................................................................................... .. ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE .................................................................................... iii MOTTO PAGE............................................................................................. .. iv DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................. .. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................. .. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................. .. viii ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. .. x ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... .. xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .............................................................. ..

  1 A. Background of the Study ............................................................ ..

  1 B. Problem Formulation .................................................................. ..

  3 C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................... ..

  4 D. Definition of Terms ..................................................................... ..

  4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW .............................................. ..

  6 A. Review of Related Study.............................................................. ..

  6 B. Review of Related Theories ........................................................ ..

  8 1. Theory of Character and Characterization......................... ..

  8 2. Theory of Personality Development ................................. ..

  11 3. The Relation between Literature and Psychology ............. ..

  12 4. Theory of Love ............................................................... ..

  13 5. Theory of Loneliness ....................................................... ..

  16 6. Theory of Jealousy .......................................................... ..

  19 C. Theoretical Framework ............................................................... ..

  20 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .......................................................... ..

  22 A. Object of the Study ...................................................................... ..

  22 B. Approach of the Study ................................................................ ..

  23 C. Method of the Study ................................................................... ..

  23 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ....................................................................... ..

  25 A. The Characteristics of Etsuko ...................................................... ..

  25 B. The Characteristics of Etsuko after Met Saburo .......................... ..

  33 C. The Psychological Factors Influenced Etsuko’ s Characteristics.... ..

  39 1. Love................................................................................. ..

  39 2. Loneliness ....................................................................... ..

  42 3. Jealousy .......................................................................... ..

  46 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ................................................................. ..


  APPENDICES ............................................................................................ ..

  55 Appendix 1: The summary of “Thirst for Love” ........................................... ..

  55 Appendix 2: The biography of Yukio Mishima .............................................. ..




  RITA PRILIA ARIYADININGTYAS (2006). A Psychological Study of the

Character Development of Etsuko in Yukio Mishima’ s Thirst for Love.

Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

  The character development is a process that commonly happens in human’ s life. It is influenced by two factors, they are from the internal and from the external factor of someone’ s. These factors can bring bad or good effect toward someone’ s character development. Here, Yukio Mishima presents the bad side of a human in the main character Etsuko. At the end of the story, she changed into a murderer.

  In this thesis the writer is going to analyze a psychological study of the character development of Etsuko in Yukio Mishima’ s novel. There are three objectives presented in this thesis. The first is to find out the characteristics of Etsuko. The second is to find out the characteristics of Etsuko after meeting Saburo. The third is to find out the psychological factors which influenced Etsuko’ s character development.

  The writer conducts a library research to answer the problems in this thesis. The writer uses the psychological approach to know how the psychological factors influenced Etsuko’ s characteristics.

  Then, the writer is finally able to draw a conclusion that Etsuko, who used to be an introvert, conventional, softhearted woman and attentive person, after the presence of the gardener whom she falls in love with, Saburo, she becomes an extrovert, rebellious person, a strong woman and ignorant person. She becomes a strong person who has courage to kill the person whom she loves. She takes revenge of him. This reaction is influenced by the three factors that are love, loneliness and jealousy. The factor of love changed her into an extrovert person. Not only that, she also becomes a rebellious person. The factor of loneliness changed her into an ignorant person. It means that she wants to get attention from people around. Then the factor of jealousy changed her into a strong woman. This factor has changed her into a murderer. She kills the person she loves.



  RITA PRILIA ARIYADININGTYAS (2006). A Psychological Study of the

Character Development of Etsuko in Yukio Mishima’ s Thirst for Love.

Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Pengembangan karakter adalah suatu proses yang pada umumnya terjadi di kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor dari dalam dan faktor dari luar dari karakter seseorang. Faktor – faktor tersebut dapat memunculkan pengaruh yang baik dan buruk pada pengembangan karakter seseorang. Dalam hal ini, Yukio Mishima memunculkan sisi gelap dari karakter manusia lewat karakter Etsuko. Pada akhir cerita, dia berubah menjadi seorang pembunuh.

  Pada skripsi ini, penulis akan menganalisa pengembangan karakter dari Etsuko ditinjau dari segi psikologi pada novel Yukio Mishima. Ada tiga tujuan yang disajikan dalam skripsi ini. Tujuan pertama adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik Etsuko. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik Etsuko setelah dia bertemu dengan Saburo. Tujuan ketiga adalah untuk mengetahui faktor – faktor psikologi yang mempengaruhi pengembangan karakteristik dari Etsuko.

  Penulis melakukan tinjauan pustaka untuk menjawab permasalahan di skripsi ini. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan psikologi untuk mengetahui bagaimana faktor – faktor psikologi tersebut mempengaruhi pengembangan karakteristik dari Etsuko.

  Kemudian, penulis dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa Etsuko, yang dulunya seorang yang tertutup, konvensional, berhati lembut dan perhatian, setelah bertemu dengan tukang kebun yang dia cintai, Saburo, dia menjadi seorang yang terbuka, berpikiran modern, kuat dan tidak perhatian. Dia menjadi orang yang kuat yang mampu membunuh orang yang dicintainya. Reaksi ini dipengaruhi oleh ketiga faktor yaitu cinta, kesendirian dan cemburu. Faktor cinta telah mengubahnya menjadi orang yang terbuka. Tidak hanya itu, dia juga menjadi pemberontak. Faktor kesendirian telah mengubahnya menjadi orang yang tidak perhatian. Disini berarti bahwa dia mencari perhatian dari orang lain di sekitarnya. Kemudian faktor cemburu telah mengubahnya menjadi orang yang kuat. Faktor ini telah mengubahnya menjadi seorang pembunuh. Dia telah membunuh orang yang dicintainya.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Human beings will always change. They will never be the same during their

  lifetime. They will face the process of development of their character over a period of time. There are two possible results in a character which can happen in the development of a character, that is: good and bad. A person can be good or bad and it depends on the way the person treats the situation which influences him/her. In a lifetime, it can be seen how a good or a bad person suddenly changes into a character that is just the opposite from the former.

  Hurlock (1976: 19) states that human always experiences personality changes. These changes are influenced by many factors such as their needs and the society around them which also change all the time.

  There are two factors that cause the characteristic of a person to develop, namely external and internal factors. The external factors derive from the outside of the person, such as other characters, social rules, and also society. The influence of the other characters comes from their treatments and behaviors toward the person.

  Social habits and tradition can also influence the character’ s changes. The society also takes part in making the changes.

  The internal factors derive from the inside of the person himself, such as from the physique and psychology of the person. The age of a person can influence condition of a person to face the reality becomes the way in developing his/her character.

  The influence of other people’ s treatments and behaviors on someone may cause a good or a bad character development. It may bring some reactions to what the others have done toward him or her. If others’ treatments or behaviors are bad, he or she will take revenge on them or vice versa.

  Mishima also sees the influence of other people’ s treatments on someone which had caused a bad character development in his novel. He obviously tells about the changes of the main character. At the end of the story it tells how the main character changed into a bad person who could kill the person she loves. He shows gradual changes in the novel. It makes his novel qualified to read.

  Mishima’ s ability in making a qualified novel is admitted by some of reviewers. One of the reviewer, Walsh, puts across in his website es.com/WestHollywood/3705/Mishima.html “Mishima has gained international popularity as being a major Asian writer.” A Nobel Prize laureate Kawabata Yusunari also honored Mishima with the statement “a writer of (Mishima’ s) caliber appears only once every 200-300 years. No Japanese writer before or after death has received the extent of international attention and admiration bestowed upon Mishima.” This statement shows that Mishima is one of the best Asian writers who gains international popularity. Because of that factual statement, the writer chose a novel entitled Thirst for Love, translated in English by Alfred H.

  Marks. Not only because of the interesting story but also because of Mishima’ s

  Thirst for Love is one of Mishima’ s novel which shows the life of the main

  character, Etsuko. In Ashley Tibbits conveys “Yukio Mishima’ s novel, Thirst for Love could foremost be viewed as a passionate love story. This love takes an interesting twist at the very end of the story, where more is learned about the main character, Etsuko.” Keene in the introduction of Mishima’ s Thirst for Love commented, “The story is economically structure, almost like a play, and the movement toward final tragedy is relentless. In place of the formless “honesty” of autobiographical fiction, Mishima chose the careful organization achieved by a conscious artist.” (1995: vi)

  Mishima’ s exploration of human weaknesses in this story was very interesting. It shows how love has blinded someone’ s way of thinking. Here, Etsuko as the main character has been blinded by love. In this story, passion, suspicion, jealousy, manipulation, lust, loneliness and death have given contribution to Etsuko to get a true love. All of those emotions have influenced Etsuko to do something out of her mind. She has to kill Saburo in order to take revenge to the love that she never gets from him. From the story above it can be seen that the influence of the external and internal factors may cause changes to someone’ s characteristics.

  Here, the relationship between Etsuko and the other characters in the story have a close relation to Etsuko’ s changes. The writer will focus on Etsuko’ s characteristic which changed because of Etsuko’ s psychological factors, such as, her love, loneliness and jealousy. This situation is interesting to discuss because the writer wants to know deeply about the psychological factors which influenced

  B. Problem Formulation

  In this study, the writer makes some problem formulation that will be analyzed.

  1. How are Etsuko’ s characteristics presented in the novel?

  2. How do Etsuko’ s characteristics change after meeting Saburo in the novel?

  3. What are the psychological factors which influence Etsuko’ s character development?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  There are some objectives of the study that can be found in this study. First of all, the writer has to find out the characteristics of the main character, Etsuko. By knowing the characteristics of Etsuko, it will help the writer to find out the development of Etsuko’ s character after meeting Saburo. Moreover, in the process of character development, the writer must find some psychological factors which make Etsuko’ s character develop.

  D. Definition of Terms

  In this thesis the writer uses some definitions from some experts. The definition used is character development.

  Character is a person presented in a novel, play, prose, etc (Yelland, 1950: 29). Lemme defines development in Development in Adulthood (1995: 8) as about the development, according to him, development is the changes in thought or behaviour of a person that occur as a function of biological and environmental influence (1979: 9).

  Character development is the changes of a person which is influenced by the internal and external environment. In other word, it is a process of changes in someone’ s way of thought or behavior.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies Delilah, a reviewer states that Thirst for Love implied a harlequin romance for

  the story through the characters in it. The reviewer wants to say that the romance of the characters is very dramatic. Moreover, she also said that the story focused more on a commentary on Japanese family culture and society, especially with regard to the suppression women. Here, the reviewer wants to talk about the position of a woman in the society like the main character Etsuko had in the story (www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=delilah).

  Another reviewer named Summea in Singlespeak wrote that Mishima’ s writing is always very fluid and creates a wonderful imagery in the story. Mishima really paint a good portrait of post-war (World War II) life in Japan. This statement wants to give review to the readers that Mishima wants to give a description about Japan and the life of people in it archives/literature/thirst_for_love.html).

  Tsurara on Poetry with a Splash Blood-The Aesthetics of Yukio Mishima wrote that Mishima finds dark shadows of human being which is seen on the character, Etsuko. Here, Mishima is entranced by both love and death. He finds that those two themes are related each other through an exaggeration of human weakness, examining the possibility of what could happen as a result of letting weaknesses such as jealousy, paranoia, and fear take over love, reason and respect. The idea of human weakness is infinite and constantly explored, and in this example Yukio Mishima allows us to experience the why and the how such powerful emotions are ALLASIA/tibbitsa.html).

  Another reviewer, Yamaguchi gave his opinion that as a fiction, the theme of


Thirst for Love is realistic and common happens in daily life. In

  e.html) Yamaguchi said about the emotions and the reactions of the character Etsuko which can be seen in the story.

  Etsuko’ s compulsion to love, her need to inflict pain in love, and her revulsion when suddenly she feels she is loved, are combined with her peculiar vividness by the banality, meanness or inadequacy of the people around her; in the end it must seem preferable that she loves so intensely, if so unsuccessfully, rather than accepts a situation that countless other women have accepted.

  From all of those views, the writer agrees with the views that talked about the character of Etsuko which is being suppressed by the environment around her.

  Another view talked about the idea of human weaknesses such as, jealousy, paranoia and fear of losing love which is shown in Etsuko’ s characteristics. Both of those views are close connected to each other. Those views can support the writer’ s study about character development. The writer will discuss the character more deeply from the psychological study which cause changes in Etsuko’ s characteristics. It is writer will take Etsuko’ s inner side which makes her characteristics change. This topic will be used as the research of this study.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

  Abrams (1981: 20) in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms defines characters as “the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what they do (the action).” Meanwhile, the main character is the most important person in the story. It can be the center of the story. Usually, the acts of the story are focused to this character from the beginning to the ending parts.

  Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 19) state “characters have an important role in a story since they help the readers to participate vicariously in the experience on the story by sharing imaginatively the feelings or the activities of the characters in the story”. It means that a character is the important feature in the novel and a novel is worthless without a character.

  Barnett (1988: 71) in his book Literary for Composition says that the character is the cause of events that happen in a story since he has his character traits and he responses to the other character he meets. Barnett adds that character is defined into two meanings the first is a figure in a literary work and the second is a figure of someone’ s personality that divided into mental and moral qualities. The the readers want to know more about the character, they are what the character says and does. Through the character’ s own attitude and way of speaking, they will know deeply what kind of character that he observes. For example, what kind of personality the character is, he is a good or bad person. The other factor is what the other character’ s comment and action toward the character.

  In his book An Introduction to Fiction, Stanton (1965: 17-18) divides a character into two: central character and minor character. A central or major character is a character who may dominate the whole story and is presented frequently to develop. Meanwhile, the minor character is presented to explain and to help other characters, especially the major character.

  Henkle (1977: 87) in Reading the Novel: An Introduction to the Techniques


of Interpreting Fiction , distinguishes characters in two, namely the major or main

  character and the minor or secondary character. The major characters are the most important character in the novel and the attention is given to them (by the author or by the other characters). These characters deserve our fullest attention because they perform a key structural function: we build expectation and desires and establish our value upon them. Besides, the minor characters are the characters that perform more limited functions. They are less sophisticated, so their responses to experience are less interesting.

  Rohrberger and Woods (1971: 20) define characterization in her book


Reading and Writing about Literature as the process by which an author creates a

  character. There are two principle ways an author can characterize. First, he can use can also use dramatic means and place the character in a situation to show what the character is by the way the character behaves or speaks.

  Kenney (1988: 34) in his book How to Read and Write about Fiction defines characterization as “the method by which the character will be presented to the readers”. According to Perrine (1974: 68-69) characterization can be presented in two ways, they are direct presentation and indirect presentation.

  The author who chooses direct presentation simply tells the readers about the characters in the story. He tells the qualities of the characters in exposition or analysis or has someone else in the story who tells us what they are like. The advantage of this method is its being ‘ clear and economical’ . However, this method can never be used alone. It needs to be supported by the indirect presentation because it will be more convincing.

  In indirect presentation, the author shows the readers in actions and lets the readers infer what they are like from what they think, they say, or they do. The author just presents the characters acting and talking and leaves the readers to infer their qualities from what they say, think and do.

2. Theory of Personality Development

  Personality is always unique. Each person has his own personal characteristic. Personality distinguishes one from another. Hall (1970: 9) defines personality as that which gives order and congruence to all the different kinds of behavior in which the individual engages. A number of theorists have chosen to carried out by the individual. In the other words, personality is equated to the unique or individual aspects of behavior (1970: 9).

  Personality is a psychological pattern of a single person consisting of characteristics, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Personality is dynamic, as it continually existed over time and situation. As E.J. Phares in Introduction to


Personality states that pattern of characteristics, thoughts, feelings and behaviors that

persists over time and situations, distinguished one person from another (1984: 673).

  Kalish mentions that personality is neither a single entity nor a combination of entities, but an organization or a whole. Personality is also organized into a whole (1973: 52). So, it is clear that personality is an organization, which can not be divided into parts, and as organization, every single experience will lead to a change.

  We may say that personality has a dynamic characteristic. Every change within a person changes and develops his or her personality. Time and situation differs human’ s personality from his past. In deeper analysis, Kalish states that human is constantly changing and that each change affects the entire personality, in such a way that the original change may itself be affected (1973: 52).

  Horton and Hunt state that the personality development can be influenced by some factors, such as hereditary, physical environment, and culture (1997: 174).

  Hereditary is an inherent from our parents which is presented from born. Physical environment is the environment around us, such as our parents, siblings, friends, and other people. Culture in society would also lead to development in a personality through experiences which were experienced by the people in the society.

  Therefore, family becomes the center guide for a person within the process of learning to relate to other people. Society would also affect the personality development because a person would have a wider experience to relate or to communicate with a wider situation like society. These factors have given a contribution to personality development.

3. The Relation between Literature and Psychology

  Literature and Psychology are the two subjects that can be a media to explore human’ s life. Lindauer (1984: 144) states in the book Psychology and its Allied


Disciplines Volume I edited by Bornstein, et al., that literature is best at describing

  the human condition in a dramatic form while psychology has the strength to investigate human’ s character or behaviour in systematic ways. The statement means that literature depicts human condition in dramatic way while psychology studies human characteristics systematically. Both subjects have one common purpose that is to depict human condition.

  According to Kalish (1973: 8) in his book The Psychology of Human


Behaviour , literature “holds the mirror up to the man.” A good writer or novelist can

  communicate the feelings of their characters and make them seem more life-like than the real people whose behaviour the psychologist attempts to describe. The writers can use the term provided by psychologist to enrich the stories and psychologists can gain in their understanding of human behaviour by drawing from the deep sensitivity of good authors. held either consciously or dimly by an author, seems to fit a figure or a situation. Psychological truth is a naturalistic standard without universal validity. In some cases, psychological insight seems to enhance artistic values.

4. Theory of Love

  This study is about character development. Therefore, the writer will use theories of psychology which is related to the psychological factors in Etsuko’ s characteristics. The theories are love, loneliness and jealousy. Those three terms have a close relation with the development of the main character. They show the inner conflicts which happened to the main character.

  Love is a general feeling that most people experience in their life. It becomes a common theme in everyday life. Sometimes love brings happiness but sometimes it brings sadness or even madness. Love cannot be seen nor touched but it can only be felt. People seek it all of their lives but seldom get enough of it. Without love the infant dies and the adult become emotionally misshapen. It is a powerful thing.

  According to Hauck (1983: 91) in his book How to Love and Beloved, love is a powerful feeling one has for persons, animals or things that has satisfied, is satisfying or will satisfy our deepest desires and needs. The definition clearly indicates that it is not people that we love, it is rather what the people or animals or things do for us that we love. If the persons you love do not satisfy you in ways that are extremely important to you, you will simply fall out love with him or her.

  Hauck (1983: 16) also said that many people would put love as their most intimacy are the main elements in making a successful relationship. Love is a common ground contains a person that holds toward another person with feelings, thoughts and behaviour.

  Zick Rubin in his book Liking and Loving pointed out that love has three elements. They are attachment, caring, and intimacy.

  Attachment refers the powerful desire to be in the other presence, to make physical contact, to be approved of, to be cared for. Caring is the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the other person. Intimacy is the union and bond between these two individuals (Rubin, 1973: 261).

  It can be seen from the theory above that the three elements play an important role in love relationship. They convey the basic needs of human being to bond and to connect with each other. A good relationship can be seen through affection, care, and concern between couples.

  The writer also uses A Triangular Theory of Love from Sternberg that suggests three major components of love. They are intimacy, passion, and decision or commitment.

  Intimacy includes self-disclosure through sharing emotions and stories with one’ s partner. Passion involves erotic interest and sexual consummation. Commitment involves making a decision to stay with your partner and to defer this type of relationship with other potential partner. When all the elements are balanced the most complete form of love “consummate love” exists. Stenberg said that “consummate love” is hardly ever happens. Usually people emphasize one or two elements.

  Stenberg also believes that in a particular relationship the components of love take different courses. For example, in a long-term relationship level of passion goes may not emphasize the same elements at the same time. For example, while one may seek mainly for passion, then the other seeks for intimacy. The partners have to resolve their differences to have a successful relationship.

  In order to get a deeper understanding about love the writer put some theories about types of love from Hatfield. The first type is Passionate Love.

  Passionate love (like attitudes) combines cognitive, emotional and behavioral elements. Under the right conditions, passionate love can arise suddenly and without warning, possibly accompanied by the secretion of neurochemical that produce feeling of excitement and happiness (Hatfield, 1986: 312). Passionate love makes three elements join together which are related to the action of acquiescence understanding through human experience and sense, emotional and the element of attitude and manner. Passionate love also describes to us how the process of human nervous system produces feeling of enthusiasm and happiness. This type of love sometimes leads us to have love at the first sight because it works when two individuals are gazing into each other’ s eyes for several minutes.

  The second type is Companionate Love. Companionate love involves not the dazzling and dizzying emotional state of passionate love but the affection we feel for those with whom ours lives is deeply intertwined (Hatfield, 1988: 205) From the quotation, it can be seen that companionate love represents a very close friendship in which two individuals are attracted. This type of love brings long term relationship more often than does passionate love and it also describes about care and respect to each other.

5. Theory of Loneliness

  Loneliness may be very intense in a relationship. To further understand the term called loneliness it is important to define what it is not for example, aloneness.

  According to Robert Weiss, loneliness and the state of being alone are different entities.

  Aloneness is simply being physically away from others. Loneliness, however, can be defined as a chronic, distressful mental state whereby an individual feels estranged from or rejected by peers and is starved for the emotional intimacy found in relationship and mutual activity (Weiss, 1973: 214). Weiss wants to say that there is a small difference between aloneness and loneliness. We may or may not feel lonely when we are alone but the only important condition for being alone is that there is no one else around us. Loneliness seems to be associated with a variety of different emotions like pain and depression.

  The next theories are about the types of loneliness. Robert Weiss divided loneliness into two categories with different courses of treatment. There are emotional loneliness and social loneliness.

  Emotional loneliness brought about by the loss of a significant relationship in one’ s life through death or divorce. The only means by which this loneliness can be remedied is by finding another equally important relationship to fill the void, not just by becoming socially active in a superficial, non-intimate manner (Weiss, 1973: 215). Social loneliness could happen to the person who loses his social integration in communication that he can receive from friends or his partner. It involves the deficiency of a social network or the absence of a place in an accepting community (Weiss, 1973: 215).

  The quotation above shows that loneliness comes from internal side, which is relatives. They do not get enough affection since their families leave them or already died. Social loneliness comes from the attitude of the society toward the individual. It seems that there is a gap between the society and the individual. Both the society and individual can create the gap.

  There are nine different feelings associated to loneliness. First is pain. Clearly the pain is one in which the lonely individual feels damaged as though someone’ s spirit was crushed. Second is feel of lost, having no sense of direction. It happens when someone feels lonely and no one around to give support to him. Third is feeling of nothingness. Basically, this is a feeling of something missing. The people’ s need is a very real need and therefore when this feeling cannot be fulfilled, the feeling of nothingness, of hunger, of avoid is bound to occur as well. The forth is a persistent feeling. In such cases, the individual develop certain mechanisms to help to cope with loneliness. They construct their own world to be isolate and lonely. The fifth is an overwhelming feeling. There is a feeling of despair like a feeling as if one is going to break apart any minute. The sixth is feeling of having no control over loneliness. It may be that individual is trapped in a situation they would rather not be.

  Such in the case of the lover who lost his or her lover; the object of affection is gone. Seventh is feeling of no emotion. At some point in time, people may face of not to have feeling anymore, people become so overburdened with all the pain. Eight is feeling of being scared and afraid. Ninth is feeling of anger. They feel that the world has hurt them and it makes them angry (http://web.aces. uiuc.edu/loneliness/understanding_loneliness.htm). a lonely individual seems unable to achieve this required depth of friendship in order to dispel their loneliness. First is being abused and rejected by others. Therefore, an individual develops defensive walls to protect from the negative environment. The second cause is being unable to fit in. Sometimes lonely individual feels that they cannot fit with the rest of the crowd. There are feelings of wanting to be like everyone else to be normal instead of standing out and being rejected because of it.

  The other cause is someone who felt broken hearted or missing someone else. Sometimes when romantic friendship has ended, there is a feeling of intense loneliness and also become the case for lonely individual who experienced a break up with a person that they were still in love with. People have a desire to have a special person and when this special person went away, these intense feeling of loneliness can occur ng_ loneliness.htm).

6. Theory of Jealousy

  Baron and Byrne (1994: 346) say that problems and conflicts could damage a relationship, even in a long-term one. The common causes are the differences between lovers, boredom, increasingly negative interactions, and jealousy.

  Baron and Byrne (1994: 347) state that jealousy is a thought, feeling or action that arises in a relationship that is threatened a real or imagined rival for a partner’ s affection. Jealousy is a reaction to a perceived threat to an existing relationship. A committed partner avoids the threat of breaking up by deciding that the tempting Typically, jealousy is created by the perception that one’ s partner is attracted to someone else. It also comes when our partner does not share much time for us. In general, jealousy is related to feelings of inadequacy and inequity in a relationship.

  Men and women react differently to jealousy. Baron and Byrne (1994: 340) quoting Buss et al., write, “Men and women also differ, men become more jealous in response to sexual infidelity, while women’ s jealousy is stronger in response to indications of a partner’ s emotional commitment to someone else.”

  They explain that if a man’ s mate has intimacy with another man, there will be a suspicion that any offspring she has may not be his. A woman will feel jealous if her mate has an emotional involment with another woman. Her well-being will be threatened because his commitment may shift to a new relationship.

  When we are jealous, certain feelings are present. Smith et al., in Baron and Byrne (1994: 340) have listed the feelings when jealousy occurs as: suspiciousness, rejection, hostility, anger, fear of loss, hurt, cheated, desire for revenge, resentment, spite, malice, intense, sadness, helplessness, arousal, and frustration. Among those feelings the most common emotional reactions to jealousy are the first four. In addition, they also state that extreme jealousy will make anxiety, fear, pain, anger and hopelessness. The response to it is a consuming flood of unpleasant thought, feelings and behaviors (1987: 214).

  Jealousy endangers a relationship, and a jealous person feels decreased self- esteem. The jealous person evaluates the rival negatively on important attributes such as intelligence, warmth, sincerity, and honesty (Baron & Byrne, 1994: 340). That is

C. Theoretical Framework

  The study focuses on the main character’ s development and its causes. To answer the problem that have been formulated, the theories on character and psychology will be used and employed.

  The first analysis is Etsuko’ s characteristic, so that theory of character and characterization will be applied. The theories lead the writer to see the character not only from what is written, but also from psychology. The character can also be identified not only from the physical appearance but also other criteria which are related to the character. By looking at these aspects, the lifelike character is obvious and real as common human being.

  After looking at the main character, the writer will focus on the development of the main character. Since the character develops with the influence from the psychological factors that occur, the writer will use theory of love, loneliness and jealousy as the result of Etsuko’ s experience with the people around her.

  The last is looking for the psychological factors which make Etsuko’ s character develop. Here, the writer uses the same theories with the theories in the second problem formulation and also the theory of character development.

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Object of the Study The novel Thirst for Love is written by Yukio Mishima and was published a

  year after Confession of a Mask. Thirst for Love, which is originally published in Japan as Ai No Kawaki, is a youthful work, but one of Mishima’ s best. It is the work in which he proved that he was a true novelist, capable of describing any subject, character, or time. Thirst for Love contained of 200 pages and divided into four chapter. In 1966 this novel is made into melodrama titled Longing for Love and it took 105 minutes. The writer uses the eleventh edition of this novel which originally published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc.

  The novel Thirst for Love talked about a woman named Etsuko who has been blinded by love and wanted to take revenge to the man whom she loved. Ryosuke as her husband has broken her heart by torturing her feeling. He did it with a purpose to hurt his wife. After her husband died, she went to her father in law’ s house. Here, she met a man named Saburo whom she loved. Unfortunately, Saburo did not give response toward her. Because of this, she killed Saburo in order to take revenge to what her husband and also her lover did toward her.

  The story shows that the other characters have influenced Etsuko’ s character development. Her characteristic became worst than she was. She became a person who wanted to take revenge to the person who already made her disappointed. It

  B. Approach of the Study

  Since this study focuses more on the psychological aspects, therefore, the psychological approach will be applied. According to Rohrberger and Woods, psychological approach is an approach to literature which involves the effort to locate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns, and which refers to a different body of knowledge, that is psychology. It is applied when the attention is focused on the psychological interpretation for enhancing the understanding and appreciation of literature. In applying this approach, psychological theories are generally used as the interpretive tools. Further they say that psychology is a study of man’ s life together with his mind and behavior (1971: 13-15).

  In analyzing an individual’ s character development, it is necessary to deal with psychological aspects. The relation between the human life and its development are concerning with the human psychological side. Because of this, the psychological approach is suitable for this study. The study only focuses on one character, that is Etsuko. Thus, the psychological approach is used only to analyze Etsuko’ s characteristic and emotion that gives contribution to her behaviour in the story.

  C. Method of the Study

  In analyzing the data, the library research method was used where there are some sources to support the study. Data were collected from books of literature, theories on character and characterization, theories psychology of character development, criticism, and other books that may enrich its analysis. Further

  There were some steps to answer questions in the problem formulation. The first step was to read and reread the novel as the primary data of the study until the writer got its full comprehension of it, with focusing the attention on the psychological factors which influenced main character’ s characteristics.

  Secondly, this study obtained theories on character and psychological theories on character development. The theories were used in order to analyze deeper on how the psychological factors influenced main character after meeting the person she loves.

  The last step, the writer answered the problem formulations that led to the understanding of the topic based on the theories stated before by examining the novel and elaborating the theories and approach. Finally, the conclusion would be drawn based on the analysis.