A study of Christopher`s interpersonal conflicts as seen in mark haddon`s the curious incident of the dog in the night-time - USD Repository







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


In English Language Education



Raditya Wahyu Kumara

Student Number: 031214111




  Where there is a

will, there is always

a way.




  First of all, I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Allah Swt. I thank Him for His blessing. For that reason I can finish my thesis.

  Second, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my major sponsor, Drs. L. Bambang Hendarto Yuliwarsono, M. Hum. for giving me part of his time reading my thesis and guiding me patiently. I would also like to thank all lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program for their help and guidance during my study in Sanata Dharma University.

  Third, I wish to express my greatest appreciation to my beloved parents, Sri widadjati and Suradi, for their endless attention and prayers to support me during my study. I would like to say thanks to my older sister, Upik, for the inspiration and for supporting me. I would also like to thank my lovely Cipluk for her support, patient, love and advice.

  Fourth, my special thanks are dedicated to: Melani, Andreas Yoga, Arinto, Grace, Cherly, Aji, Paul, Ambar, Yuli, Wisnu, Deta, Yoga and Timur for the finest and craziest time we have spent together day or night. And also to “Canteen” and “Tunggorono” community, especially Boy, Sinta et. al..

  Finally, I would like to thank them who I cannot mention them one by one for their supports, time, advice, and prayers.

  Raditya Wahyu Kumara





TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………….i

PAGE OF APPROVAL…………………………………………………………ii

PAGE OF ACCEPTANCE……………………………………………………..iii

PAGE OF DEDICATION………………………………………………………iv


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………….. vi

TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………….. vii

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………….. xi


  ……………………………………………………………………… xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study………………………………………………………1 B. Objectives of the Study………………………………………………………..4 C. Problem Formulation…………………………………………………………..4 D. Benefits of the Study…………………………………………………………..5 E. Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………….5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories……………………………………………………7

  a. Definition of Character…………………………………………………. 7

  b. Kinds of Character ……………………………………………………... 8

  2. Characterization………………………………………………………….... 9

  a. Definition of Characterization………………………………………..... 9

  b. Methods of Characterization………………………………………….. 10

  3. Approaches……………………………………………………………….. 12

  4. Conflict………………………………………………………………..……14

  a. Definition of Conflict…………………………………………….…….. 14

  b. Types of Conflict ………………………………………………..…… 14

  c. Theory of Conflict Resolution…………………………………..………15

  B. Criticism……………………………………………………………………

  22 C. Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………


  A. Subject Matter……………………………………………………………….. 25

  B. Approach……………………………………………………………………...26

  C. Procedure……………………………………………………………………...27


  A. The Description of Christopher………………………………………………29

  B. Christopher’s Characteristics as an Autistic Boy…………………………….30

  a. Christopher’s Social Learning Disabilities………………………………31 1) Lack of Awareness of Others…………………………………………31 2) Lack of Social and Emotional Reciprocity…………………………...33 3) Lack of Social Imitation……………………………………………...34

  b. Christopher’s Communicative Learning Disabilities……………………35 1) Deficits in Understanding Body Language and Facial Expression…..35 2) Deficits in Expressive Body Language and Facial Expressiveness…..37 3) Deficit in Understanding Spoken Language………………………….38

  c. Christopher’s non- Social Learning Disabilities………………………...39 1) Lack of Imagination in Play………………………………………….39 2) Stereotyped and Repetitive Interest……………………………….…41

  C. Christopher’s Interpersonal Conflict………………………………………….42

  1. Christopher versus His Neighbors…………………………………………43

  2. Christopher versus The policemen…………………………………………45

  3. Christopher versus His Father……………………………………………...49

  4. Christopher versus His Mother…………………………………………….55

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions………………………………………………………………….58 B. Suggestions…………………………………………………………………..60

  1. Suggestion for Future Researchers………………………………………..61

  The Implementation in Teaching Speaking………………………………..62




  A. Summary of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time………… (1)

  B. The Biography of Mark Haddon…………………………………………… (3)

  C. Lesson Plan for Teaching Speaking………………………………………… (5)

  D. Material……………………………………………………………………… (8)


  Kumara, Raditya W. 2008. A Study of Christopher’s Interpersonal

  Conflicts As Seen in Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program.


Department of Language and Arts Education. Faculty of Teachers Training

and Education. Sanata Dharma University.

  This study discusses the life of an autistic boy, Christopher, the main character in Mark Haddon’s novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- Time. This study aimed to find out how Christopher, the main character, is described in the novel, Christopher’s characteristics as an autistic boy, and how he solves his interpersonal conflict as an autistic boy.

  This is a library research, conducted through reviewing several theories that are related to the study. Those theories are taken from secondary resources while the primary data is the novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. In this study, psychological approach was applied.

  The result of the analysis showed that Christopher is the main character in the novel and he is autistic. Christopher, as an autistic boy, also has certain characteristics. He does not like being touched by other people even his parents. He does not like novel object. He has difficulty to interact with other people. It is also hard for him to understand and to use facial expressions and body languages. He has difficulties in understanding spoken language. He has low desire to earn approval of other people. He also has his own way of thinking.

  Christopher who is autistic also faces many conflicts with other people. First, he faces conflicts with his neighbors. Second, he faces conflict with the policemen. Third, he faces conflict with his father. Fourth, he also faces conflict with his mother. To solve his interpersonal conflicts, Christopher applies some strategies like mediation, avoidance, informal problem-solving discussion, non- violence approach, violence approach.

  Finally, this thesis provides some suggestions for future researches who would like to study the novel further using other approaches with some other topics. There are also some suggestions for English instructors in implementing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time in speaking classes.


  Kumara, Raditya W. 2008. A Study of Christopher’s Interpersonal

  Conflict As Seen in Mark Haddon's The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.


Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu

Pendidikan. Universitas Sanata Dharma.Yogyakarta.

  Studi ini membahas kehidupan seorang anak autis, Christopher, tokoh utama dalam novel karangan Mark Haddon yang berjudul The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bagaimana Christoper, sang tokoh utama, digambarkan dalam novel ini, untuk mengetahui bagaimana Christoper digambarkan sebagai seorang anak autis dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Christopher menyelesaikan konflik antara dirinya dengan orang lain sebagai seorang anak autis.

  Skripsi ini merupakan studi pustaka yang dilakukan dengan cara memakai teori-teori yang berhubungan dengan skripsi ini. Teori - teori tersebut berasal dari buku - buku yang merupakan sumber sekunder. Adapun yang menjadi sumber primer dari studi ini adalah sebual novel karangan Mark Haddon yang berjudul The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Dalam studi ini pendekatan psikologis di terapkan.

  Hasil dari analisis menunjukan bahwa Christopher adalah tokoh utama dalam novel ini dan dia adalah seorang autis. Christopher, sebagai seorang anak autis, juga mempunyai karakter tertentu. Dia tidak suka disentuh oleh orang lain. Dia tidak suka benda baru. Dia mempunyai kesulitan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Sangat sulit bagi nya untuk memahami expresi muka dan bahasa tubuh. Dia meiliki kesulitan dalam memahami pembicaraan. Dia mempunyai hasrat yang rendah untuk mendapatkan persetujuan orang lain. Dia juga mempunyai cara berpikir sendiri. Christopher yang autis ini juga menghadapi banyak konflik dengan orang lain. Pertama, dia menghadapi konflik dengan tetangganya. Kedua, Dia menghadapi konflik dengan Polisi. Ketiga, Dia menhadapi konflik dengan ayahnya. keempat, dia menghadapi konflik dengan ibunya. untuk menyelesaikan konflik-konfliknya Christopher menerapkan beberapa strategi seperti halnya mediasi, penghindaran, diskusi informal tentang masalah dan solusinya, pendekatan anti kekerasan, dan juga pendekatan kekerasan.

  Akhirnya, novel ini menyertakan beberapa saran. peneliti lain yang hendak mempelajari novel ini lebih jauh dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi dengan beberapa topik yang lain Disamping itu. terdapat pula beberapa saran untuk untuk instruktur Bahasa Inggris dalam menggunakan The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time sebagai bahan pengajaran dalam mata kuliah berbicara.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of five chapters. They are background of the study,

  objectives of the study, problem formulation, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. The background of the Study covers the reasons of choosing the novel and the topic. The second section talks about the objectives of the study to answer the problem formulation. The third one is problem formulation, which gives general description of the problem that will be analyzed in this study. The fourth one describes the advantages of the study. Finally, definition of term explains the meaning of some important terms related to the study.

A. Background of the Study

  As human beings, we realize that we do not live alone in this world. There are also other people who live in this world. A person can not live without other people. He should interact with other people. He needs to build relations with other people. However, this condition may lead to the fact that he might get into conflict. The interaction between he and other people may cause him to have conflict within himself or with other people.

  According to Redman a conflict means the struggle between two opposing forces, ideas and beliefs. There are two terms of conflict: first inner conflict, which means a struggle within the heart and mind of the protagonist and second, force (363). Worchel and Cooper, in their book Understanding Social Psychology, state that there are two types of conflicts they are interpersonal and intrapersonal conflict (460). Jones and Gerard say that intrapersonal conflict is a conflict within an individual because of incompatibility within himself, whereas Raven and Kruglanski see interpersonal conflict as tension between two or more social entities, such as; individual, groups, or larger organizations, which arise from incompatibility of actual or desired responses (qtd. in worchel and cooper 460). Based on the definition of conflict above, it can be concluded that inner conflict and external conflict which are found in literary context have the same meaning as intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict in the context of psychology.

  Conflicts can also be portrayed in literary works, such as a novel, because literary works are other copied versions of human reality in real life. Therefore, they portray realities of human life. Conflicts make a story become more interesting and fascinating to the readers (Hudson 10).

  A novel entitled The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night- Time by Mark Haddon portrays conflicts faced by a boy who suffers from mental disorder. It happens to Christopher, the main character in Mark Haddon’s The Curious


Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. He is an autistic boy who also faces many

  conflicts in his life. As an autistic boy he has unique behavior which is different from the normal boys. He has his own ways of doing certain actions in his life and the ways he interacts to other people around him are quite different from normal people. He also has certain unique ways in facing the problem. It is challenging to how Christopher, an autistic boy, solves his conflict with other people around him.

  The story tells about a 15 year-old boy named Christopher who is autistic. He lives with his father, a heating contractor. He lives in Swindon, a city in England.

  One day he finds his neighbor's dog named Wellington killed. Since he loves it, it is important for him to find the murderer. He decides to solve the mystery.

  However his father wants Christopher to stay away from a problem. Although his father forbids him to do the investigation, Christopher still keeps continuing the investigation. He also writes his investigation about the incident of the dog in a book.

  In the beginning of the story Christopher has a conflict with a policeman who asks him some questions about the death of Wellington. It makes him confused because the policeman asks him many questions quickly. Finally, he hits the policeman because he does not like being touched by the policeman. He also faces a conflict with his father. One day, Christopher forgets that he has put his book on the table in the kitchen. His father finds and reads the book. He is really angry with Christopher and throws away the book. Christopher searches his book in his father's room. Accidentally, He finds some letters from his mother. He is really surprised to know that his mother is still alive but his father tells him that his mother has passed away. His father also admits that he kills the dog. His confession makes Christopher frightened because for him, a murderer is a bad person and he should be punished. He decides to live with his mother. He starts a finds his mother and lives with her. But one day, he has to go back to his home town to do his A math level. He goes back to his hometown with his mother because he is still afraid of his father. At the end of the story he succeeds in doing his A math level.

  This novel uses the first person “I”. The narrator creates a character in which he puts himself as the autistic boy. From this novel, we can see what it is like to be an autistic boy because by reading this novel it seems that we explore the world of autism by ourselves. We can also see Christopher's perception and feelings about things that happen in his life. I believe that this novel is very interesting to analyze because it does not only show us how an autistic boy behaves in his daily life but also how an autistic boy behaves in solving the conflicts.

  B. The Objectives of the Study.

  The aim of this study is first to find out the description of Christopher as the main character in the novel. Second is to find out the characteristics of Christopher as an autistic boy. Third is to find out the conflicts that Christopher faces and to analyze how he deals with his interpersonal conflicts.

  C. Problem Formulation

  In this section, there are two problems that arise into discussion. They are formulated as follows:

  3. How does Christopher solve his interpersonal conflicts?

  D. Benefits of the Study

  There are some advantages of this study. First, analyzing this novel gives me more information about Literature and autism. I know more about the characteristics of an autistic child, how he behaves toward other people and how he solves his intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts.

  The second benefit is for those who are interested in literary work. This study can help them understand how the writer characterizes the character and the message, which the writer is going to present for readers.

  The third benefit is for the readers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. They can use this study as a reference in analyzing a literary work.

  E. Definition of Terms

  This section deals with the important terms used in this study to avoid any misunderstanding when reading this study. The terms are described as follows:

1. Character

  According to Abrams characters are the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral the main character in Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the


  2. Interpersonal Conflict

  According to Redman conflict refers to the struggle between two opposing forces, idea and belief (363). There are two kinds of conflict, interpersonal conflict and intrapersonal conflict. Redman also states that Interpersonal conflict refers to a struggle between the protagonist and an outside force (363). In this study, interpersonal conflict refers to Christopher’s interpersonal conflicts, conflicts which happen between Christopher as the main character of the novel with other people around him.

  3. Autism

  According to Bryna Siegel autism is a disorder in the capacity for social understanding. Along with this there comes to be certain ways that the child with autism also has difficulties with language and how he processes the information coming from that senses (11). Based on this definition, Autism is defined as a disorder which makes a person has difficulty to interact and to communicate with other people. A person who suffers from autism tends to withdraw his self from

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter discusses the theories that are used to analyze the topic of this

  study. This chapter is divided into three sections, namely review of related theories, criticism, and context of the novel. Review of related theories consists of theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of approaches and theory of conflict. Criticism contains some criticism on Mark Haddon’s The Curious


Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time . Theoretical framework explains how the

  theories in review of related theories are employed to answer the questions in the problem formulation.

A. Review of Related Theories

1. Character

a. Definition of Character

  Character can not be separated from a novel. According to Abrams, in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, characters are “the person presented in a narrative or dramatic work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expected in what they say in the dialogue and what they do in the action” (23). It means character is the person who is presented in a literary work, such a novel. Characters in a novel have their own characteristics or in another word, each character in a novel has Character is a person who does the action in a story. From characters, the reader can enjoy the development of the story from beginning to the end. Fictional characters of a story will lead the reader to imagine or may experience the course and the emotional aspects of the story through their action and their dialogue (Stanton 17).

b. Kinds of Character Forster states that there are two kinds of characters, flat and round characters.

  A flat character is simple and there is not much individualizing detail in this character (74). Forster also says that this kind of character is flat because the readers see only one side of him. Round character is more complex in temperament and motivation and is represented with subtle individuality.

  Therefore, it is difficult to describe this kind of character. This character is more or less the same as a person in real life and has the capability of surprising us.

  Based on Forster’s statement about kinds of characters, the character can be recognized from their complexity. A flat character does not have a complexity in the sense that there are not much traits or individualizing details in him. Therefore, general readers can recognize this character without any difficulty. Furthermore, a round character is more complex than a flat character. Readers do not easily recognize a round character because this character can change his personality into someone that we do not expect before.

  Character can also be categorized into two terms. There are major and minor characters. According to Milligan, a major character is the most important the content of the story. He plays from the beginning till the end of the story and influences the whole story, so his appearance is more often than the other characters. From his action, the idea of the story is conveyed. While minor characters are characters who plays less important role than major characters.

  Their appearance supports the main character to develop the story so that they appear only in a certain setting (155).

  A major character is the centre of the story because he endures problems, conflict, happiness and sorrow. From his actions, the reader knows the author's messages of the story. A minor character does not play a big role in a story, it is because the minor characters do not play significant roles in the story.

2. Characterization

a. Definition of Characterization

  According to Rohrberger and Woods Jr. the process by which an author creates a character is called characterization (20). Characterization is an important element in a novel. Murphy states that characterization is “the technique used by the author to make the qualities of the character from his likes and dislikes, how he lives and what he does” (52). It means that characterization is the way that is used by the author in his literary work to make the readers able to recognize the character and to find out the ideas which are conveyed by the character. This statement is supported by Holman and Harmon. They points out “the term that they exist for the readers as lifelike” (81). In other words, characterization is the way the author shows and tries to make his characters alive and understandable for the readers as a realistic in his literary work such as a novel.

b. Methods of Characterization

  According to Rohrberger and Woods, Jr, there are two principal ways that can be used by an author to describe his characters; they are direct means by which the author uses description of physical appearances, intellectual, and moral attributes, or the degree of character sensitivity and dramatic means which means that the author places his character in certain situations to show who they are from the way they behave or speak (20).

  Murphy proposes that there nine ways of describing characters in a story (161– 173). Those are described as follows:

  1) Personal description

  A character is described through the details of his physical appearance such as face, skin, body, clothes, and hair cut.

  2) Character as seen by another

  The author illustrates the character from the point of view of another character or person.

  3) Speech The readers may interpret or describe a character through what he says.

  4) Past life

  The author gives a clue to events, which happened in the characters past life, that shape a person’s character through direct comment, the readers thought, or conversation through the medium of another person.

  5) Conversation of others

  The reader would know the person’s character through the conversation of the people and the things they say about the person.

  6) Reaction

  The author also gives the readers a clue by letting us know how the character reacts toward various situations and events as a way to describe the character.

  7) Direct comment The author gives comment to the character personality directly. 8) Thought

  The author gives a clue about a character’s characteristics through what the character is thinking about.

  9) Mannerism

  Mannerism is the way the author tells about a character through the description of the character’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies.

3. Approaches

  According to Marry Rohrberger and Samuel H. Woods, Jr, there are five approaches which can be used in analyzing a literary work. They are the formalist approach, biographical approach, the sociocultural – historical approach, the mythopoeic approach, and the psychological approach (6 -15). The description of each approach will be stated as follows;

  a. The Formalist Approach

  This approach tries to examine the literary work without the reference to the fact of the author’s life without reference to the genre of the work or its place in the development of the genre or in literary history, or without reference to its social milieu. The formalist approach concerns about demonstrating the harmonious involvement of all parts to the whole and pointing out how meaning derived from structure and how matters of technique determine structure (6 – 7).

  b. The Biographical Approach

  This approach takes us to the necessity for an appreciation of the ideas and the personality of the author to an understanding of the literary object. The proponents of the biographical approach insist that a work of art is a reflection of a personality that is the aesthetic experience the reader shares the author’s consciousness and that at least part of the reader’s response to the author personality. The readers try to learn as much as they can about the life and development of the author and to apply this knowledge in their attempt to understand his writing (8).

  c. The Sociocultural – Historical Approach

  The sociocultural – historical approach leads the readers to analyze a novel in reference to the civilization that produces the novel. Civilization is defined as the attitudes and actions of a specific group of people. Meanwhile, it is necessary to investigate the social milieu, the cultural and the historical background in which a novel is created (9).

  d. The Mythopoeic Approach

  Using the mythopoeic approach, the readers analyze the novel by trying to discover certain universally recurrent patterns of a human thought. The universally recurrent patterns are those that found first expression in ancient myth or folk rites and are also basic to human thought that they have meaning for all man (11).

  e. The Psychological Approach

  This approach brings us to analyze a novel from point of view of human beings. Freud’s exploration of unconscious area of the human mind led him to the conclusion that it was the area of the wellspring of man’s rich imagination, his capacity for creation, and the complexity of his thought and behaviour, and that the contents of this region of mind found expression in symbolic words, thoughts, and actions. Through the analysis of the structure and content of the dreams, he is led to believe that there exists a set of symbols which are common to all men and which can be interpreted in light of the individual’s experience (13).

4. Conflict

  This section consists of some theories related to conflict. They are the theory of conflicts, the types of conflicts, and the conflict resolutions. The theory of conflict is needed to analyze the major character's interpersonal conflict psychologically.

  a. Definition of Conflict

  Laurence Perrine defines conflicts as clash of actions, ideas, and desires or wills between two individuals or among people in the society. The conflict can include physical, mental, emotional, or moral aspects. In the real life people try to avoid conflict because they prefer to live without any clash or quarrel. Although people try to avoid conflicts, they will face a conflict, even without wars or large scale of disagreement (44).

  According to Perrine conflict in a literary work may consist of one conflict that is stated clearly and the reader can easily identify the conflict. It may also consist of many conflicts that are difficult to be understood by the reader. To understand multi conflicts the reader should analyse the conflicts one by one (44).

  According to Redman a conflict means the struggle between two opposing forces, ideas and beliefs (363). Conflict can happen between a person with other people and a person within himself.

  b. Types of Conflict

  Redman states that in literary context there are two terms of conflict: first inner conflict, which means a struggle within the heart and mind of the protagonist and an outside force. Inner conflict happens when the characters need to do an action but their belief prevents them to do something. The clash between their belief and their feeling will force the characters to choose one of them. Second, external conflict, which refers to a struggle between the protagonist and an outside force, happens when the characters have to face outside forces which are not similar to the character's desire, belief or thinking. The different desire, belief or thinking will create a conflict between the character and people around him. (363).

  Jones and Gerard say that intrapersonal conflict is a conflict within an individual because of incompatibility within himself, whereas Raven and Kruglanski see interpersonal conflict as tension between two or more social entities, such as; individual, groups, or larger organizations, which arise from incompatibility of actual or desired responses (qtd. in worchel and cooper 460)

  According to Atkinson and Hillgard, psychologically, there are two kinds of conflicts that happen in our daily lives. Those are internal and external conflicts.

  External conflicts mean conflicts between us and other people who live around us, such as with friends, teachers, or with families. Meanwhile internal conflicts are conflicts within our selves (424).

c. Theory of Conflict Resolution

  Conflict can be solved by many ways. In this study, In order to find how Christopher, the main character of Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the


Dog in the Night-Time , solves his interpersonal conflicts, I apply the conflict

resolution theory which is proposed by Moore.

  Moore (23-38) suggests four approaches to be the strategy to achieve resolution of conflict. He divides the approaches into four categories. They are private decision-making by parties, private third-party decision-making, legal (public) authoritative third-party decision-making and extralegal coerced decision-making. The description of each approach will be stated as follows;

  1. Private Decision Making by Parties 1) Avoidance

  People sometimes prefer to interact with certain condition, in which they feel it has less potential of conflict. Some people like to keep inside their feeling in order to avoid conflicts. This happens because of the lack of their motivation to face the potential conflict and its resolution. They tend to see a relation based on the potential conflicts than the value of the relation itself. They often leave the situation totally when they see that it might cause conflicts (Moore 23-24).

  2) Informal Problem-Solving Discussion

  When avoidance is no longer possible and the pressure of the conflict grows stronger that the parties cannot let the disagreement continue, they usually use the informal problem-solving discussion to resolve their differences. The result of these discussion are either the conflicts are resolved more or less to the satisfaction of the people involved or the conflicts are dropped because they are unable and do not have the capacity to make the resolution for it (Moore 24).

  3) Negotiation

  Negotiation is applied when the parties find that the way to resolve their conflicts is by communicating their interest between them. This process may lead to a conflict resolution, in which both sides have the opportunities in achieving what they both want. They voluntarily join in a temporary relationship to transfer each others' needs and interests, so that the process of exchanging specific resources or to resolve their future-form of their own relationship will lead to the resolution (Moore 25-26).

  4) Mediation

  Mediation is another option for the resolution of a conflict. In mediation, a volunteer is needed to help the parties to find the resolution. The volunteer acts as a source that provides information needed which is helpful for the resolution. The volunteer also negotiate the possibilities of a better relationship. The success of the mediation depends on the degree of emotional status of the parties who have the conflicts. The decision is made by the parties not by the volunteer. The mediation is only needed when the parties find that they cannot resolve the conflicts on their own (Moore 26 -27).

  2. Private Third-Party Decision Making 1) Administrative or Executive Dispute Resolution Approach

  This resolution is only applied when a conflict happens in an organization. In this process, a third-party who has some distance from the dispute parties but is third-party's integrity and judgment should be trusted by the dispute parties, so that the agreement process can be done (Moore 27-28).

  2) Arbitration

  Quite different from administrative or executive dispute resolution approach the arbitration process takes a fully impartial and neutral party to make the decision or just to provide the necessary information which can lead to the conflict resolution. This process is a private process which is not open to public (Moore 29 -30).

  3. Legal Authoritative Third-Party Decision Making 1) Judicial Approach

  A judicial approach involves the intervention of a party that is seen as the institutionalized authority. In this approach, the resolution process is no longer in a private but more on a public area. In this approach, the parties who have conflicts usually hire lawyer to defend their behalf, the case is presented before a totally impartial and neutral third-party. The decision of the case is not merely considered by the dispute-parties' concern, interest, and arguments but more on the broader society's standard and values. The result of this approach is usually a win-lose condition where one party is declared as the right one while the other one as the wrong. (Moore 32-33)

  2) The Legislative Approach The legislative approach is another public means of solving a conflict by law. have significant utility for individuals. In this approach, the decision regarding the outcome is made by another win-lose process. It probably uses voting. The process of legislative approach to the problem solving might take a long time (Moore 34 -35).

  4. Extralegal Coerced Decision Making

  This approach deals with using a stronger means of coercion to force an opponent into compliance or submission. There are two types of extralegal approaches.

  1) Non-Violence Approach

  This approach is applied when there are people or a group of people who do not behave as they should. This approach forces them to behave in a desired manner. Usually this approach can be effectively used when the disputes-parties must rely on each other for their living. For example, a husband should provide his wife with a sufficient amount of support (money, attention, care, etc). This approach involves social norms disobedience and it does not use any kind of physical coercion (Moore 36-37).

  2) The Violence Approach

  The last approach is violence or physical coercion. In this approach, the party who possesses more power will be able to force the result of the resolution. It often happens that the means of forcing the decision is a physical coercion (Moore 37- 38).

5. Autism

  a. Definition of Autism

  According to Bryna Siegel autism is a disorder in the capacity for social understanding. Along with this there comes to be certain ways that the child with autism also has difficulties with language and how he processes the information coming from that senses (11). Based on this definition, Autism is defined as a disorder which makes a person has difficulty to interact and communicate with other people. A person who suffers from autism tends to withdraw his self from his social environment.

  b. Characteristics of Autistic Learning Disabilities

  According to Bryna Siegel autistic children have some characteristic of learning disabilities; they are characteristics of social autistic learning disabilities, characteristic of communicative autistic learning disabilities, and characteristic of non-social learning disabilities (91-99). The description of each characteristic will be stated as follows;

1. Characteristics of Social Autistic Learning Disabilities 1) Lack of Awareness of Others

  A child who is unaware of others and what they are doing fails to apprehend a great deal of experiences that feed into the child’s development of how and why people interact in the ways they do (Siegel 93). It means that this child fails to comprehend many things around him that other children might notice.

  2) Lack of Social and Emotional Reciprocity

  An autistic child has lack of social and emotional reciprocity. It can be seen when a child is uninterested in doing things to please his parents or others. He is uninterested to learn a new thing to earn attention or approval of other people (Siegel 91). In another word, an autistic child has low desire to please other people and low response to social praise.

  3) Lack of Social Imitation