Pro T SQL 2012 Programmer's Guide, 3rd Edition


For your convenience Apress has placed some of the front

matter material after the index. Please use the Bookmarks

and Contents at a Glance links to access them.

Contents at a Glance


About the Authors ......................................................................................................

Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................

Chapter 1: Foundations of T-SQL .................................................................................


Chapter 2: Tools of the Trade


Chapter 3: Procedural Code and CASE Expressions


Chapter 4: User-Defined Functions ............................................................................



Chapter 5: Stored Procedures .................................................................................


Chapter 6: Triggers ..................................................................................................


Chapter 7: Encryption ..............................................................................................


Chapter 8: Common Table Expressions and Windowing Functions .........................


Chapter 9: Data Types and Advanced Data Types ....................................................


Chapter 10: Full-Text Search ...................................................................................


Chapter 11: XML ......................................................................................................


Chapter 12: XQuery and XPath ................................................................................


Chapter 13: Catalog Views and Dynamic Management Views ................................


Chapter 14: CLR Integration Programming ..............................................................


Chapter 15: .NET Client Programming .....................................................................


Chapter 16: Data Services .......................................................................................



Chapter 17: Error Handling and Dynamic SQL .........................................................


Chapter 18: Performance Tuning .............................................................................

■ Appendix A: Exercise Answers ................................................................................

■ Appendix C: Glossary ...............................................................................................

Index ...........................................................................................................................


  In the mid-1990s, when Microsoft parted ways with Sybase in their conjoint development of SQL Server and started developing Windows NT versions, it was almost a whole different product. When version 6.5 was released in 1996, it was starting to gain credibility as an enterprise-class database server. It still had rough management tools and only core functionalities, and some limitations that are forgotten today, like fixed size devices and the inability to drop table columns. It was doing anyway what a database server is designed for: storing and retrieving data for client applications. There was already enough to learn for anyone new to the relational database world. A lot of concepts had to be understood, like foreign keys, stored procedures or triggers, and of course, the dedicated language, T-SQL, a baffling experience for every newcomer. Writing SELECT queries sometimes involves a lot of head-scratching. But when we—developers—eventually mastered all that, we still had to keep up with additions made by Microsoft to the database engine with each new version, and some of them were not for the faint of heart, like .NET database modules, support for XML and the XQuery language or even a full implementation of symmetric and asymmetric encryption. These additions are today core components of SQL Server. Because an RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management Server) like SQL Server is one of the most important elements of the IT environment, we need to make the best of it, which implies a good understanding of the more advanced features. We have designed this book with the goal of helping T-SQL developers get the absolute most out of the development features and functionality in SQL Server 2012. We will cover all of what’s needed to master T-SQL development, from the management and development tools to performance tuning. We hope you will enjoy it and it will help you to become a pro SQL Server 2012 developer.

Whom This Book Is For

  This book is intended for SQL Server developers who need to port code from prior versions of SQL Server, and those who want to get the most out of database development on the 2012 release. You should have a working knowledge of SQL, preferably T-SQL on SQL Server 2008 or 2005, as most of the examples in this book are written in T-SQL. In this book, we will cover some of the basics of T-SQL, including some introductory concepts like data domain and three-valued logic—but this is not a beginner’s book. We will not be discussing database design, database architecture, normalization, and the most basic of SQL constructs in any kind of detail. Apress offers a beginner’s guide to T-SQL 2012 that does that. We will be focusing here on topics of advanced SQL Server 2012 functionalities, which assume a basic understanding of SQL statements like INSERT and SELECT. A working knowledge of C# and the .NET Framework is also useful (but not required), as two chapters are dedicated to .NET client programming and .NET database integration. Some examples in the book will be written in C#. When C# sample code is provided, it is explained in detail, so an in-depth knowledge of the .NET Framework class library is not required.

  How This Book Is Structured

  This book was written to address the needs of four types of readers: SQL developers who are coming from other platforms to SQL Server 2012

  SQL developers who are moving from prior versions of SQL Server to SQL Server 2012

  • ฀ SQL developers who have a working knowledge of basic T-SQL programming and want to learn about advanced features
  • ฀ Database Administrators and nondevelopers who need a working knowledge of T-SQL functionality to effectively support SQL Server 2012 instances

  For all types of readers, this book is designed to act as a tutorial that describes and demonstrates T-SQL features with working examples, and as a reference for quickly locating details about specific features. The following sections provide a chapter-by-chapter overview.

  Chapter 1 Chapter 1 starts this book off by putting SQL Server 2012’s implementation of T-SQL in context, including a short history of T-SQL, a discussion of T-SQL basics, and an overview of T-SQL coding best practices. Chapter 2 Chapter 2 gives an overview of the tools that are packaged with SQL Server and available to SQL Server

  developers. Tools discussed include SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), SQLCMD, SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), and SQL Profiler, among others.

  Chapter 3 IF...THEN and WHILE. In Chapter 3 introduces T-SQL procedural code, including control-of-flow statements like CASE expressions and CASE-derived functions, and provide an in-depth discussion of

  this chapter, we also discuss SQL three-valued logic.

  Chapter 4 Chapter 4 discusses the various types of T-SQL user-defined functions available to encapsulate T-SQL logic on the

  server. We talk about all forms of T-SQL-based user-defined functions, including scalar user-defined functions, inline table-valued functions, and multistatement table-valued functions.

  Chapter 5 Chapter 5 covers stored procedures, which allow you to create server-side T-SQL subroutines. In addition to

  describing how to create and execute stored procedures on SQL Server, we also address a thorny issue for some—the issue of why you might want to use stored procedures.

  Chapter 6 Chapter 6 introduces all three types of SQL Server triggers: classic DML triggers, which fire in response to DML

  statements; DDL triggers, which fire in response to server and database DDL events; and logon triggers, which fire in response to server LOGON events.

  Chapter 7 Chapter 7 discusses SQL Server encryption, including the column-level encryption functionality introduced in SQL Server 2005 and the newer transparent database encryption (TDE) and extensible key management (EKM) functionality, both introduced in SQL Server 2008. Chapter 8 Chapter 8 dives into the details of common table expressions (CTEs) and windowing functions in SQL Server 2012, which feature some improvements to the OVER clause to achieve row-level running and sliding aggregations. Chapter 9 Chapter 9 discusses T-SQL data-types, first with some important things to know about basic data-types, like

  how to handle date and time in your code, and then with advanced data types and features, like the hierarchyid complex type, and the FILESTREAM and filetable functionality.

  Chapter 10 Chapter 10 covers the full-text search (FTS) feature and advancements made since SQL Server 2008, including

  greater integration with the SQL Server query engine and greater transparency by way of FTS-specific data management views and functions.

  Chapter 11 Chapter 11 provides an in-depth discussion of SQL Server 2012 XML functionality, which carries forward the new

  features introduced in SQL Server 2005 and improves upon them. We cover several XML-related topics in this chapter, including the xml data type and its built-in methods, the FOR XML clause, and XML indexes.

  Chapter 12 Chapter 12 discusses XQuery and XPath support in SQL Server 2012, including improvements on the XQuery

  support introduced in SQL Server 2005, like support for the xml data type in XML DML insert statements and the let clause in FLWOR expressions.

  Chapter 13 Chapter 13 introduces SQL Server catalog views, which are the preferred tools for retrieving database and

  database object metadata. This chapter also discusses dynamic management views and functions, which provide access to server and database state information.

  Chapter 14 Chapter 14 is a discussion of SQL CLR Integration functionality in SQL Server 2012. In this chapter, we discuss

  and provide examples of SQL CLR stored procedures, user-defined functions, user-defined types, and user-defined aggregates.

  Chapter 15 Chapter 15 focuses on client-side support for SQL Server, including ADO.NET-based connectivity and the newest Microsoft ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) technology, Entity Framewor . Chapter 16 Chapter 16 discusses SQL Server connectivity using middle-tier technologies. Since native HTTP endpoints are

  deprecated since SQL Server 2008, we discuss them as items that may need to be supported in existing databases but should not be used for new development. We focus instead on possible replacement technologies, such as ADO.NET Data Services and IIS/.NET Web Services.

  Chapter 17 Chapter 17 discusses improvements to server-side error handling made possible with the TRY...CATCH block. We also discuss various methods for debugging code, including using the Visual Studio T-SQL debugger. This

  chapter wraps up with a discussion of dynamic SQL and SQL injection, including the causes of SQL injection and methods you can use to protect your code against this type of attack.

  Chapter 18 Chapter 18 provides an overview of performance-tuning SQL Server code. This chapter discusses SQL Server

  storage, indexing mechanisms, and query plans. We wrap up the chapter with a discussion of a proven methodology for troubleshooting T-SQL performance issues.

  Appendix A Appendix A provides the answers to the exercise questions that we’ve included at the end of each chapter.

  Appendix B Appendix B is designed as a quick reference to the XQuery Data Model (XDM) type system.

  Appendix C

  Appendix C provides a quick reference glossary to several terms, many of which may be new to those using SQL Server for the first time.

  Appendix D

  Appendix D is a quick reference to the SQLCMD command-line tool, which allows you to execute ad hoc T-SQL statements and batches interactively, or run script files.


  To help make reading this book a more enjoyable experience, and to help you get as much out of it as possible, we’ve used the following standardized formatting conventions throughout.

  C# code is shown in code font. Note that C# code is case sensitive. Here’s an example: while (i < 10) T-SQL source code is also shown in code font, with keywords capitalized. Note that we’ve lowercased the data types in the T-SQL code to help improve readability. Here’s an example:

  DECLARE @x xml; XML code is shown in code font with attribute and element content in bold for readability.

  Some code samples and results have been reformatted in the book for easier reading. XML ignores whitespace, so the significant content of the XML has not been altered. Here’s an example: <book publisher = "Apress" > Pro SQL Server 2012 XML</book>:

  ■ Note Notes, tips, and warnings are displayed like this, in a special font with solid bars placed over and under the content.



Sidebars include additional information relevant to the current discussion and other interesting facts.

  Sidebars are shown on a gray background.


  This book requires an installation of SQL Server 2012 to run the T-SQL sample code provided. Note that the code in this book has been specifically designed to take advantage of SQL Server 2012 features, and some of the code samples will not run on prior versions of SQL Server. The code samples presented in the book are designed to be run against the AdventureWorks 2012 sample database, available from the CodePlex web site at

  atabase name used in the samples is not AdventureWorks2012, but AdventureWorks, for the sake of simplicity.

  If you are interested in compiling and deploying the .NET code samples (the client code and SQL CLR examples) presented in the book, we highly recommend an installation of Visual Studio 2010. Although you can compile and deploy .NET code from the command line, we’ve provided instructions for doing so through the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). We find that the IDE provides a much more enjoyable experience.

  Some examples, such as the ADO.NET Data Services examples in Chapter 16, require an installation of IIS (Internet Information Server) as well. Other code samples presented in the book may have specific requirements, such as the Entity Framework

  amples, which require the .NET Framework 3.5. We’ve added notes to code samples that have additional requirements like these. Apress Website

  Visit this book’s webpage aplete sample code download for this book. It is compressed in a zip file and structured so that each subdirectory contains all the sample code for its corresponding chapter.

  We and the Apress team have made every effort to ensure that this book is free from errors and defects. Unfortunately, the occasional error may have slipped past us, despite our best efforts. In the event that you find an error in the book, please let us know! You can submit errors to Apress by visiting

  g out the form under the “Errata” tab.

ChAptER 1

Foundations of T-SQL

  SQL Server 2012 is the latest release of Microsoft’s enterprise-class database management system (DBMS). As the name implies, a DBMS is a tool designed to manage, secure, and provide access to data stored in structured collections within databases. T-SQL is the language that SQL Server speaks. T-SQL provides query and data manipulation functionality, data definition and management capabilities, and security administration tools to SQL Server developers and administrators. To communicate effectively with SQL Server, you must have a solid understanding of the language. In this chapter, we will begin exploring T-SQL on SQL Server 2012.

A Short History of T-SQL

  The history of Structured Query Language (SQL), and its direct descendant Transact-SQL (T-SQL), begins with a man. Specifically, it all began in 1970 when Dr. E. F. Codd published his influential paper “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” in the Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). In his seminal paper, Dr. Codd introduced the definitive standard for relational databases. IBM went on to create the first relational database management system, known as System R. It subsequently introduced the Structured English Query Language (SEQUEL, as it was known at the time) to interact with this early database to store, modify, and retrieve data. The name of this early query language was later changed from SEQUEL to the now-common SQL due to a trademark issue.

  Fast-forward to 1986 when the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) officially approved the first SQL standard, commonly known as the ANSI SQL-86 standard. Microsoft entered the relational database management system picture a few years later through a joint venture with Sybase and Ashton-Tate (of dBase fame). The original versions of Microsoft SQL Server shared a common code base with the Sybase SQL Server product. This changed with the release of SQL Server 7.0, when Microsoft partially rewrote the code base.

  Microsoft has since introduced several iterations of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 R2, and now SQL Server 2012. In this book, we will focus on SQL Server 2012, which further extends the capabilities of T-SQL beyond what was possible in previous releases.

  Imperative vs. Declarative Languages

  SQL is different from many common programming languages such as C# and Visual Basic because it is a

  declarative language. To contrast, languages such as C++, Visual Basic, C#, and even assembler language are

imperative languages. The imperative language model requires the user to determine what the end result should

  be and also tell the computer step by step how to achieve that result. It’s analogous to asking a cab driver to drive you to the airport, and then giving him turn-by-turn directions to get there. Declarative languages, on the other hand, allow you to frame your instructions to the computer in terms of the end result. In this model, you allow the computer to determine the best route to achieve your objective, analogous to just telling the cab driver to take you to the airport and trusting him to know the best route. The declarative model makes a lot of sense when you consider that SQL Server is privy to a lot of “inside information.” Just like the cab driver who knows the shortcuts, traffic conditions, and other factors that affect your trip, SQL Server inherently knows several methods to optimize your queries and data manipulation operations.

  Consider Listing 1-1, which is a simple C# code snippet that reads in a flat file of names and displays them on the screen.

  Listing 1-1.

  C# Snippet to Read a Flat File StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("c:\\Person_Person.txt"); string FirstName = null; while ((FirstName = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Console.WriteLine(s); } sr.Dispose();

  The example performs the following functions in an orderly fashion: 1.

  The code explicitly opens the storage for input (in this example, a flat file is used as a “database”).

  2. It then reads in each record (one record per line), explicitly checking for the end of the file.

  3. As it reads the data, the code returns each record for display using Console.Writeline().

  4. And finally, it closes and disposes of the connection to the data file. Consider what happens when you want to add or delete a name from the flat-file “database.” In those cases, you must extend the previous example and add custom routines to explicitly reorganize all the data in the file so that it maintains proper ordering. If you want the names to be listed and retrieved in alphabetical (or any other) order, you must write your own sort routines as well. Any type of additional processing on the data requires that you implement separate procedural routines.

  The SQL equivalent of the C# code in Listing 1-1 might look something like Listing 1-2.

  Listing 1-2. SQL Query to Retrieve Names from a Table

  SELECT FirstName FROM Person.Person;

  ■ Tip Unless otherwise specified, you can run all the T-SQL samples in this book in the AdventureWorks 2012 sample database using SQL Server Management Studio or SQLCMD.

  To sort your data, you can simply add an ORDER BY clause to the SELECT query in Listing 1-2. With properly designed and indexed tables, SQL Server can automatically reorganize and index your data for efficient retrieval after you insert, update, or delete rows.

  T-SQL includes extensions that allow you to use procedural syntax. In fact, you could rewrite the previous example as a cursor to closely mimic the C# sample code. These extensions should be used with care, however, since trying to force the imperative model on T-SQL effectively overrides SQL Server’s built-in optimizations. More often than not, this hurts performance and makes simple projects a lot more complex than they need to be.

  One of the great assets of SQL Server is that you can invoke its power, in its native language, from nearly any other programming language. For example, in .NET you can connect and issue SQL queries and T-SQL statements to SQL Server via the System.Data.SqlClient namespace, which we will discuss further in

  Chapter 15. This gives you the opportunity to combine SQL’s declarative syntax with the strict control of an imperative language.

  SQL Basics

  Before we discuss developments in T-SQL, or on any SQL-based platform for that matter, we have to make sure we’re speaking the same language. Fortunately for us, SQL can be described accurately using well-defined and time-tested concepts and terminology. We’ll begin our discussion of the components of SQL by looking at statements.


  To begin with, in SQL we use statements to communicate our requirements to the DBMS. A statement is composed of several parts, as shown in Figure .

  Figure 1-1.

   Components of a SQL Statement

  As you can see in the figure, SQL statements are composed of one or more clauses, some of which may be SELECT statement shown, there are three clauses: the SELECT clause, optional depending on the statement. In the

  FROM clause, which indicates the source table for the which defines the columns to be returned by the query; the WHERE clause, which is used to limit the results. Each clause represents a primitive operation in the query; and the

  SELECT clause represents a relational projection operation, relational algebra. For instance, in the example, the FROM clause indicates the relation, and the WHERE clause performs a restriction operation. the

  The relational model of databases is the model formulated by Dr. E. F. Codd. In the relational model, what ■ Note we know in SQL as tables are referred to as relations, hence the name. Relational calculus and relational algebra define the basis of query languages for the relational model in mathematical terms.



Understanding the logical order in which SQL clauses are applied within a statement or query is important when setting your expectations about results. While vendors are free to physically perform whatever operations, in any order, that they choose to fulfill a query request, the results must be the same as if the operations were applied in a standards-defined order.

  The WHERE clause in the example contains a predicate, which is a logical expression that evaluates to one of SQL’s three possible logical results: true, false, or unknown. In this case, the WHERE clause and the predicate limit the results to only rows in which the ContactId equals 1.

  The SELECT clause includes an expression that is calculated during statement execution. In the example, the expression EmailPromotion * 10 is used. This expression is calculated for every row of the result set.



SQL institutes a logic system that might seem foreign to developers coming from other languages like C++

or Visual Basic (or most other programming languages, for that matter). Most modern computer languages

use simple two-valued logic: a Boolean result is either true or false. SQL supports the concept of NULL , which

is a placeholder for a missing or unknown value. This results in a more complex three-valued logic (3VL).


Let us give you a quick example to demonstrate. If we asked you the question, “Is x less than 10?” your first

response might be along the lines of, “How much is x?” If we refused to tell you what value x stood for, you

would have no idea whether x was less than, equal to, or greater than 10; so the answer to the question is neither true nor false—it’s the third truth value, unknown. Now replace x with NULL and you have the

essence of SQL 3VL. NULL in SQL is just like a variable in an equation when you don’t know the variable’s



No matter what type of comparison you perform with a missing value, or which other values you compare

the missing value to, the result is always unknown. We’ll continue the discussion of SQL 3VL in Chapter 3.

  The core of SQL is defined by statements that perform five major functions: querying data stored in tables, manipulating data stored in tables, managing the structure of tables, controlling access to tables, and managing transactions. All of these subsets of SQL are defined following:

  • Querying: The SELECT query statement is a complex statement. It has more optional

  SELECT is clauses and vendor-specific tweaks than any other statement, bar none. concerned simply with retrieving data stored in the database.

  • Data Manipulation Language (DML): DML is considered a sublanguage of SQL. It is concerned with manipulating data stored in the database. DML consists of four

  INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE. DML also encompasses commonly used statements: cursor-related statements. These statements allow you to manipulate the contents of tables and persist the changes to the database.

  • Data Definition Language (DDL): DDL is another sublanguage of SQL. The primary purpose of DDL is to create, modify, and remove tables and other objects from the CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements.

  database. DDL consists of variations of the

  • Data Control Language (DCL): DCL is yet another SQL sublanguage. DCL’s goal is to allow you to restrict access to tables and database objects. DCL is composed of various GRANT and REVOKE statements that allow or deny users access to database objects.
  • Transactional Control Language (TCL): TCL is the SQL sublanguage that is concerned with initiating and committing or rolling back transactions. A transaction is basically

  BEGIN TRANSACTION, COMMIT, and an atomic unit of work performed by the server. The ROLLBACK statements comprise TCL.


  A SQL Server instance—an individual installation of SQL Server with its own ports, logins, and databasescan manage multiple system databases and user databases. SQL Server has five system databases, as follows:

  • ฀ resource: The resource database is a read-only system database that contains all resource database in the SQL Server Management system objects. You will not see the resource

  Studio (SSMS) Object Explorer window, but the system objects persisted in the database will logically appear in every database on the server.

  • ฀ master: The master database is a server-wide repository for configuration and status information. The master database maintains instance-wide metadata about SQL Server as well as information about all databases installed on the current instance. It is wise to avoid modifying or even accessing the master database directly in most cases. An entire server can be brought to its knees if the master database is corrupted. If you need to access the server configuration and status information, use catalog views instead.
  • ฀ model: The model database is used as the template from which newly created databases are essentially cloned. Normally, you won’t want to change this database in production settings, unless you have a very specific purpose in mind and are extremely knowledgeable about the potential implications of changing the model database.
  • ฀ msdb: The msdb database stores system settings and configuration information for various support services, such as SQL Agent and Database Mail. Normally, you will use the supplied stored procedures and views to modify and access this data, rather than modifying it directly.
  • ฀ tempdb: The tempdb database is the main working area for SQL Server. When SQL Server needs to store intermediate results of queries, for instance, they are written to tempdb. Also, when you create temporary tables, they are actually created within tempdb. The tempdb database is reconstructed from scratch every time you restart SQL Server.

  Microsoft recommends that you use the system-provided stored procedures and catalog views to modify system objects and system metadata, and let SQL Server manage the system databases. You should avoid modifying the contents and structure of the system databases directly through ad hoc T-SQL. Only modify the system objects and metadata by executing the system stored procedures and functions.

  User databases are created by database administrators (DBAs) and developers on the server. These types of databases are so called because they contain user data. The AdventureWorks2012 sample database is one example of a user database.

  Transaction Logs

  Every SQL Server database has its own associated transaction log. The transaction log provides recoverability in the event of failure and ensures the atomicity of transactions. The transaction log accumulates all changes to the database so that database integrity can be maintained in the event of an error or other problem. Because of this arrangement, all SQL Server databases consist of at least two files: a database file with an .mdf extension and a transaction log with an .ldf extension.



SQL folks, and IT professionals in general, love their acronyms. A common acronym in the SQL world is ACID,

which stands for “atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability.” These four words form a set of properties that

database systems should implement to guarantee reliability of data storage, processing, and manipulation.

  • ฀ Atomicity: All data changes should be transactional in nature. That is, data changes should follow an all-or-nothing pattern. The classic example is a double-entry bookkeeping system in which every debit has an associated credit. Recording a

    debit-and-credit double entry in the database is considered one “transaction,” or a

    single unit of work. You cannot record a debit without recording its associated credit,

    and vice versa. Atomicity ensures that either the entire transaction is performed or

    none of it is.
  • ฀ Consistency: Only data that is consistent with the rules set up in the database will be

    stored. Data types and constraints can help enforce consistency within the database.

    For instance, you cannot insert the name Meghan in an column. Consistency



also applies when dealing with data updates. If two users update the same row of a

table at the same time, an inconsistency could occur if one update is only partially

complete when the second update begins. The concept of isolation, described in the

following bullet point, is designed to deal with this situation.

  • ฀ Isolation: Multiple simultaneous updates to the same data should not interfere with

    one another. SQL Server includes several locking mechanisms and isolation levels

    to ensure that two users cannot modify the exact same data at the exact same time,

    which could put the data in an inconsistent state. Isolation also prevents you from

    even reading uncommitted data by default.
  • ฀ Durability: Data that passes all the previous tests is committed to the database. The

    concept of durability ensures that committed data is not lost. The transaction log and

    data backup and recovery features help to ensure durability.


The transaction log is one of the main tools SQL Server uses to enforce the ACID concept when storing and

manipulating data.


  SQL Server 2012 supports database schemas, which are logical groupings by the owner of database objects. The HumanResources, Person,

  AdventureWorks2012 sample database, for instance, contains several schemas, such as Production. These schemas are used to group tables, stored procedures, views, and user-defined functions and

  (UDFs) for management and security purposes.


When you create new database objects, like tables, and don’t specify a schema, they are automatically

Tip created in the default schema. The default schema is normally , but DBAs may assign different default


  schemas to different users. Because of this, it’s always best to specify the schema name explicitly when creating database objects.


  SQL Server supports several types of objects that can be created within a database. SQL stores and manages data in its primary data structures, tables. A table consists of rows and columns, with data stored at the intersections HumanResources.Department table is shown in of these rows and columns. As an example, the AdventureWorks


  Figure 1-2. Representation of the HumanResources.Department Table

  In the table, each row is associated with columns and each column has certain restrictions placed on its content. These restrictions comprise the data domain. The data domain defines all the values a column can contain. At the lowest level, the data domain is based on the data type of the column. For instance, a smallint column can contain any integer values between −32,768 and +32,767.

  The data domain of a column can be further constrained through the use of check constraints, triggers, and foreign key constraints. Check constraints provide a means of automatically checking that the value of a column is within a certain range or equal to a certain value whenever a row is inserted or updated. Triggers can provide similar functionality to check constraints. Foreign key constraints allow you to declare a relationship between the columns of one table and the columns of another table. You can use foreign key constraints to restrict the data domain of a column to only include those values that appear in a designated column of another table.



In this section, we have given a brief overview of three methods of constraining the data domain for a

column. Each method restricts the values that can be contained in the column. Here’s a quick comparison of

the three methods:

  • ฀ Foreign key constraints allow SQL Server to perform an automatic check against another table to ensure that the values in a given column exist in the referenced table. If the value you are trying to update or insert in a table does not exist in the referenced table, an error is raised. The foreign key constraint provides a

    flexible means of altering the data domain, since adding or removing values from

    the referenced table automatically changes the data domain for the referencing

    table. Also, foreign key constraints offer an additional feature known as cascading

    declarative referential integrity (DRI), which automatically updates or deletes rows

    from a referencing table if an associated row is removed from the referenced table.

  • ฀ Check constraints provide a simple, efficient, and effective tool for ensuring that the values

    being inserted or updated in a column are within a given range or a member of a given set

    of values. Check constraints, however, are not as flexible as foreign key constraints and

    triggers since the data domain is normally defined using hard-coded constant values.

  Triggers are stored procedures attached to insert, update, or delete events on a

  • ฀ table. Triggers can also be set on changes to an object’s structure. Both DDL and

    DML triggers provide a flexible solution for constraining data, but they may require

    more maintenance than the other options since they are essentially a specialized form of stored procedure. Unless they are extremely well designed, triggers have the potential to be much less efficient than the other methods as well. Triggers to constrain the data domain are generally avoided in modern databases in favor of

    the other methods. The exception to this is when you are trying to enforce a foreign

    key constraint across databases, since SQL Server doesn’t support cross-database

    foreign key constraints.

  Which method you use to constrain the data domain of your column(s) needs to be determined by your project-specific requirements on a case-by-case basis.


  A view is like a virtual table—the data it exposes is not stored in the view object itself. Views are composed of SQL queries that reference tables and other views, but they are referenced just like tables in queries. Views serve two major purposes in SQL Server: they can be used to hide the complexity of queries, and they can be used as a security device to limit the rows and columns of a table that a user can query. Views are expanded, meaning that their logic is incorporated into the execution plan for queries when you use them in queries and DML statements.

  SQL Server may not be able to use indexes on the base tables when the view is expanded, resulting in less-than- optimal performance when querying views in some situations.

  To overcome the query performance issues with views, SQL Server also has the ability to create a special type of view known as an indexed view. An indexed view is a view that SQL Server persists to the database like a table. When you create an indexed view, SQL Server allocates storage for it and allows you to query it like any other table. There are, however, restrictions on inserting, updating, and deleting from an indexed view. For instance, you cannot perform data modifications on an indexed view if more than one of the view’s base tables will be affected. You also cannot perform data modifications on an indexed view if the view contains aggregate functions or a DISTINCT clause.

  You can also create indexes on an indexed view to improve query performance. The downside to an indexed view is increased overhead when you modify data in the view’s base tables, since the view must be updated as well.


  Indexes are SQL Server’s mechanisms for optimizing access to data. SQL Server 2012 supports several types of indexes, including the following:

  • Clustered index: A clustered index is limited to one per table. This type of index defines the ordering of the rows in the table. A clustered index is physically implemented using a b-tree structure with the data stored in the leaf levels of the tree. Clustered indexes order the data in a table in much the same way that a phone book is ordered by last name. A table with a clustered index is referred to as a clustered table, while a table with no clustered index is referred to as a heap.
  • Nonclustered index: A nonclustered index is also a b-tree index managed by SQL Server.

  In a nonclustered index, index rows are included in the leaf levels of the b-tree. Because of this, nonclustered indexes have no effect on the ordering of rows in a table. The index rows in the leaf levels of a nonclustered index consist of the following:

  A nonclustered key value

  • ฀ A row locator, which is the clustered index key on a table with a clustered index, or a

  SQL-generated row ID for a heap

  INCLUDE clause of the CREATE INDEX statement

  • ฀ Nonkey columns, which are added via the
  • Columnstore index: A columnstore index is a special index used for very large tables (>100 million rows) and is mostly applicable to large data warehouse implementations. A columnstore index creates an index on the column as opposed to the row and although they allow for efficient and extremely fast retrieval of large data sets. Tables with columnstore indexes are required to be readonly.

  A nonclustered index is analogous to an index in the back of a book.

  • XML index: SQL Server supports special indexes designed to help efficiently query XML data. See Chapter 10 for more information.
  • Spatial index: A spatial index is an interesting new indexing structure to support efficient querying of the new geometry and geography data types. See Chapter 2 for more information.
  • Full-text index: A full-text index (FTI) is a special index designed to efficiently perform full-text searches of data and documents.

  INCLUDE clause of the CREATE You can also include nonkey columns in your nonclustered indexes with the INDEX statement. The included columns give you the ability to work around SQL Server’s index size limitations.

  Stored Procedures

  SQL Server supports the installation of server-side T-SQL code modules via stored procedures (SPs). It’s very common to use SPs as a sort of intermediate layer or custom server-side application programming interface (API) that sits between user applications and tables in the database. Stored procedures that are specifically designed to perform queries and DML statements against the tables in a database are commonly referred to as CRUD (create,

  read, update, delete) procedures.

  User-Defined Functions User-defined functions (UDFs) can perform queries and calculations, and return either scalar values or

  tabular result sets. UDFs have certain restrictions placed on them. For instance, they cannot utilize certain nondeterministic system functions, nor can they perform DML or DDL statements, so they cannot make modifications to the database structure or content. They cannot perform dynamic SQL queries or change the state of the database (i.e., cause side effects).

  SQL CLR Assemblies

  SQL Server 2012 supports access to Microsoft .NET functionality via the SQL Common Language Runtime (SQL CLR). To access this functionality, you must register compiled .NET SQL CLR assemblies with the server. The assembly exposes its functionality through class methods, which can be accessed via SQL CLR functions, procedures, triggers, user-defined types, and user-defined aggregates. SQL CLR assemblies replace the deprecated SQL Server extended stored procedure (XP) functionality available in prior releases.


Tip Avoid using XPs on SQL Server 2012. The same functionality provided by XPs can be provided by SQL CLR

code. The SQL CLR model is more robust and secure than the XP model. Also keep in mind that the XP library is deprecated and XP functionality may be completely removed in a future version of SQL Server.

  Elements of Style

  Now that we’ve given a broad overview of the basics of SQL Server, we’ll take a look at some recommended development tips to help with code maintenance. Selecting a particular style and using it consistently helps immensely with both debugging and future maintenance. The following sections contain some general recommendations to make your T-SQL code easy to read, debug, and maintain.

  Whitespace SQL Server ignores extra whitespace between keywords and identifiers in SQL queries and statements.