Characteristic Mechanic of Polyester Composite Particle Board with Filller Particle of Areca Nut Fiber


Jl Almamater Campus USU Medan 20155, Indonesia

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  P P a a p p e e r r


Maulida, Eka Roy Jayanto, Hendry Simanjuntak,

Departement of chemical engineering, engineering faculty, University of Sumatera Utara,

  4 Characteristic Mechanic of Polyester

Composite Particle Board with Filller Particle of Areca Nut Fiber




  I I D D

  KEY WORDS: Areca nut fiber/ Polyester/ Particle Board/ Composite .

  Material Sciences and Technology 23

  Areca nut fiber is one of the natural fiber alternative material in composite making scientifically and its exploiting still developed. Fiber propose marriage to now used many in furniture industries and crafting of household and also traditional drug materials because besides is easy to got is, cheap, can lessen environmental pollution (composite biodegradability) so that this can overcome environmental problems, and also do not endanger health. At this research, researchers are looking for the ability of this particle board toward to test in the form of mechanical properties such as modulus of rupture, screw holding capacity, and FTIR. The variable is used comparison among areca fiber and polyester that is 1:1 and 1:2 of volume percent, and also areca fiber particle size measure that is 50 mesh and 100 mesh. The characteristic of this Areca nut fiber particles toward to test of which have been done are appropriate to Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI) which have been specified. The result of this research conclude this Areca nut fiber is suited for as filler in composite particle board making with matrix of polyester.


  Areca nut fiber appears to be a promising material because it is cheap, and abundant availability because it is not so fully utilized by the public. Fibers of areca nut is the hard part fibrous covering endosperm. Properties of natural fibers mainly depends on the nature of the plant, which grows in the area, age of the plant, and the method of extracting the fiber [6]. The chemical contents of areca nut fiber [9]:

  Polyester have the shape of liquid resin with a relatively low viscosity, harden at a room temperature with catalyst without producing gas when setting likes many other thermosetting resins, then there is no need to be pressure for printing. Based on these characteristics, this material is widely developed as plastic amplifier fiber using fiber glass. The identifying feature of the polyester is stiff and brittle. Regarding its thermal properties, the thermal deformation temperature is lower than any other thermoset resins, because it has many contain styrene monomer, and long-term heat resistance of about 110-140 ° C. Cold resistance is relatively good. Better electrical properties between thermoset resins, but required considerable moisture removal at the time of mixing with glass (Jufri, 2007).

  In this life, people certainly need a variety of equipment that called as material. During its development, the material is continued to progress. As is known, initially of life, the humans only use fixtures that makes from soil (ceramic), and have started to move to the metal and latter by using of polymers. Basically, the good of each material was the one that led to the development in material progress. For instance, at the moment materials needed are inexpensive, lightweight, strong, anti- corrosive and readily available. Until now, there is currently growing another material that commonly referred to as a composite material, which is material that is a combination of one or more material, which was after the combined characteristics that are different from the basic properties [1].


  • 70.2% cellulose content,
  • 10.92% water • 6.02% ash. Particle board is a composite product types/wood panels made of wood particles or other materials that have lignin-cellulose, which is tied with synthetic adhesive or other bonding material and then being felted hot. Compared to the original wood, particle board has several advantages, nam
  • Particle board free of knots, broken and cracked
  • The size and density particle board can be tailored to the needs
  • The thickness and density are distribute evenly as well as easy to work
  • It has an isotropic character
  • The character and quality can be set [8]


2.1 Particle board

  Areca nut fiber used comes from the municipality Binjai (North Sumatra) which is not used anymore. Before it is used as a filler, first performed in the open air drying fibers (sunlight), aims to remove moisture from the areca nut fiber. After that smoothed in the ballmill with particle size 50 mesh and 100 mesh, and a molded particle board with a comparison to the polyester fibers and areca nut is 1:1 and 1:2.

  This property is a level of determination of particle board in the receiving load perpendicular to the surface of the particle board. The higher density boards constituent particles, the higher persistence properties of the resulting particle board [5]. Histogram Modulus of rupture Test Results Particle Board Areca Nut Fiber is presented in Figure6.

  4.1 Testing Modulus of Rupture (MoR)


  And then its mechanical properties tested. TESTING OF COMPOSITES Quality parameters of tested boards that include mechanical properties such as modulus of Rupture(MoR), strong hold screws and FTIR. Testing are conducted to determine whether the resulting product meets the requirements specified for a particular use. .

  Preparation of polyester as the matrix and MEKP (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) was prepared as a catalyst. Into a mold that firstly covered with aluminum foil, polyester mixed with areca fibers particle into a glass beaker with a variety of sizes of 50 and 100 mesh and polyester fibers with a 1:1 ratio and 1:2 (the percent volume). Mix until blended so that all fibers mixed with polyester fibers so that the distribution of polyester evenly on all sides, then mixed catalyst MEPK 1% of the accumulated volume of polyester and fiber areca nuts, stirring poured into molds and allowed to briefly shut down in order to mold the composite surface becomes flat.

  3.2 Preparation of Polyester and Composite Formation

   Particle board is a sheet material that containing

  ligno-cellulose such as pieces, flakes, strands held together with an organic binder and using heat treatment, pressure, moisture content, catalyst and so on (FAO, 1997). There are three main features of the board that determines the properties of the board are: (i) species and shape of the particles, (ii) density and (iii) resin content and distribution. Density of particle board sheet is an important factor that is widely used as a guide in gaining an overview of the power of the desired board. The main factors that affect density is the density of raw materials and compaction stretch of the compression engine. Board density must be higher than the density of the raw material to producing better board power [10]. As the higher the overall density of the board of a certain raw material, it would be has the higher of strength, but the other properties of the boards such as dimensional stability may be affected by the increase in density [10].


  Internal bond Kgf/cm 2 2-12 1,5-3,1 Min 1,5 Srew Holding Capacity Kg - 31-51 Min 30

  20400- 36000 Min 15000

  SNI Density g/cm 3 0,4-0,8 0,5-0,9 0,5-0,9 Water content g/cm 3 Max 12 5-13 Max 14 Thickness Swelling % 5-15 Max 12 Max 12 Water Absorption % 20-75 - - MOR Kgf/cm 2 100-500 82-184 Min 18 MOE Kgf/cm 2 10000- 50000

  Mechanical properties Unit FAO JIS A 5908-2003

  Table 1 FAO Quality Standard for Particle Board [10]

  Reference standards that used in the manufacture of this particle board is Standard Nasional Indonesia (SNI). This standard includes definitions, terms, classifications, quality requirements, dimensional measurement, sampling method, how to test, how to pass the test, labeling requirements and a way of packaging (Sutigno, 2002). The following table shows the value of FAO standards, JIS and ISO particle board.

  The using of particle board is very extensive. In some usage, particle board is used as an alternative to ply wood. Generally, particle board can compete more effectively on the basis of strength rather than the toughness. Commonly particle board is produced in a medium density because it has optimum results in terms of mechanical, adhesive consumption and other economic aspects [10].

  3.1 Manufacture of Particle Board Composite with Filler Areca Nut Fiber Particle Figure1.Effect of particle Fiber Size and variations Comparison between Polyester and Fiber Against

  Modulus of Rupture is the ability to with stand loads up to the maximum limit. The average value of the result particle board MOR ranged from 29.14to51.00kgf/cm2kgf/cm², the data is in compliance with the ISO standard which is requires Modulus of rupture particle board of value at least 18kgf/cm², while the average of value pure polyester MOR is 14.57kgf/cm2 which is lower than of the value particle board MOR, this is due to the role of fillers in improving impact resistance of the composite, in this case the filler acts as a forming of the point where the set is going to fracture (crack formation)and medium voltage displacement (stress transferring medium) [5]. In this research, power bump is increased because of the flexibility of a network of inter-phase between the matrix with the filler [5] so that increasing the filler content of the composite material will absorb higher energy impact. The average value of particle board MOR test results can be seen in Figure1above where the highest particle board MOR values found in particle board with a ratio of 1:1 of 100Mesh 51.00kgf/cm², while the lowest MOR values contained in the particle board with a comparison1:2 of 50Mesh 29.14kgf/cm².It is indicates that the higher of the density of the resulting particle board will depends on ability properties of particle board will also be higher[5], due to the high value of the density of a particle board and fiber bonding matrix will be stronger and it will absorb the higher energy impact.









  2 )


  3 S

  c r e w H o ld in g C ap ac ity (k


  (1:1) (1:2)

  100 Mesh

  50 Mesh Polyester


  M O R (k gf/ c m

  Screw holding capacity is the ability of a composite product to withstand a given load screw. Screw holding capacity values expressed by the magnitude of the maximum load reached in kilograms [3]. Histogram of the particle board testing results in screw holding capacity is presented in figure 7.


  Figure 2. Effect of Fiber Size and variations Comparison With Polyester Fiber to Screw Holding Capacity of Particle Board

  Screw holding capacity of particle board is the ability to hold the screw that is embedded in the particle board. Figure 2 shows that the average value of a strong hold of the screw resulting particle board screws ranged from 32.45 kg to 37.85 kg, the data is in compliance with ISO standards which is require a strong hold of the screw value of the particle board screws of at least 30 kg, while the screw holding capacity of pure polyester is 26.87 kg, this value is lower than the screw holding capacity of particle board that is due to the role of fillers in improving impact resistance of the composite, in this case the filler acts as a forming of the point where the set is going to fracture (crack formation) and medium voltage displacement (stress transferring medium) [5]. In this research, the power bump is increased because of the flexibility of a network of inter-phase between the matrix with the filler [5] that with increasing the filler content of the composite material will absorb higher energy impact.

  Particle board with a mesh size of 100 fibers have a screw holding capacity which is higher than the particle board with fiber size of 50 mesh. This is presumably because finer areca fiber particles (100 mesh) has a good spread of fibers more than 50 mesh particle size, particle board so strongly support the weight of a given scattered in all directions. Particle board 100 mesh also has a higher density so that it is capable to be hold the screws are stronger. Haygreen [5] explain that density of particle board affect the value particle board power of the hold nails and screws. The greater density particle board, the greater the value of the screws holding the power generated.

  4.3 Fourier Transformation Infrared (FTIR)

  FTIR functional group analysis aims to determine and compare the functional groups of the resulting particle board with pure polyester fiber and areca nut particle. FTIR analysis results can also be used to determine the interactions that occur in the physical blending process that shown from the FTIR



  5 1:2 1:1








4.2 Testing Screw Holding Capacity

  analysis of the combined group generating function of its components while the blending process is chemically characterized by the emergence of new functional groups.

  4.3.1 Pure Polyester FTIR results

  Figure 3 FTIR analysis of pure polyester Data FTIR spectra of pure polyester numbers starting from 406.03 to 4272.51 cm-1. Based on Figure 3 above FTIR results concluded that the groups contained in the pure polyester can be seen from Table 2 below Table 2 FTIR data results from pure polyester

  4.3.2 FTIR results of Areca Nut Fiber Particles

  Figure 4 FTIR Data analysis areca fiber particles FTIR spectra of areca fiber particles starting from 1043.36 to 3993.75 cm-1 numbers. Based on

  Figure 4 above FTIR results concluded that the groups contained in the areca fiber particles can be seen from Table 3 below

  T Table 3 FTIR data results from betel vine fiber particles

  4.3.3 FTIR results Polyester Composite Particle Board

  Figure5 FTIR analysis Data of composite particle board FTIR spectra of pure polyester composite numbers starting from 506.39 to 4256.12cm-1. Based on Figure 5FTIR results above that the group contained in the composite particle board areca fiber scan be seen from the following4tablel Table 4 FTIR data results from polyester composite board This data is contained clusters of Table 4.3 above shows that no new peaks appeared when compared with FTIR characteristics of pure polyester fiber and areca nut particle.

  5. Conclusion

  1. Testing Modulus of Rupture (MOR) has been done and the results are appropriate to Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI).

  2. Testing Screw Holding Capacity has been done [5] Haygreen J.G, Bowyer J.L Hasil Hutan dan and the results are appropriate to Standar Ilmu Kayu, Yogyakarta : UGM Press.

  Nasional Indonesia 1996

  3. Areca nut fibers are appropriate for filler [6] Jenie. 2004. Serat Buah Pinang. Universitas particleboard composite. Sains Malaysia: Malaysia.

  [7] Jufri, Moh. 2007. Pembuatan Komposit

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