LPSE Badan Pusat Statistik REoI SPA

BPS-Statistics Indonesia is implementing a 5-year Transformation Program, called the Statistical
Capacity Building – Change and Reform for the development of Statistics (STATCAP-CERDAS) Project,
to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of BPS to produce and disseminate reliable and timely
statistics in accordance with international standards and best practices, and to be responsive to user
This reform program comprises of three major pillars that will improve effectiveness and efficiency of
the organization: 1) statistics quality improvement; 2) integrated information and communication
technology implementation; and 3) human capital management improvement and organization
alignment, and firmly supported by comprehensive project and change management.
To manage the whole project and to be accountable for the deliverables of the project, a Project
a age e t U it PMU had bee established, a d a Ow er’s Age t has bee appoi ted.
In order to give support, professional analysis, and strategic advices to Project Owner and the Head of
PMU, BPS seeks a highly qualified professional to fill the position of a Senior Project Advisor (SPA).
This position will be for an appointment of up to seventy days starting in June 2015 and ended in
December 2015.
Application should be submitted by 16.00 on June 3, 2015 (extended) at the following address:
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Attn: Procurement Team of STATCAP-CERDAS
Building 1, 7th Floor
Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 6-8, Jakarta 10710, Indonesia

Tel/Fax: +62213857049
Email: cerdas@bps.go.id;
For more details, including the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the above position, please visit:
https://statcapcerdas.bps.go.id, or email: cerdas@bps.go.id.