Distribusi Seed Bank Eleusine Indica Resisten-Glifosat di Sekitar Piringan Kelapa Sawit Kebun Adolina PTPN IV, Serdang Bedagai


MUHAMMAD ALFI KHAIRA : Seed bank Distribution of Eleusine indica
Glifosat-Resistant Around The Oil Palm Circle Adolina Estate PTPN IV Serdang
Bedagai. Supervised by Edison Purba and Irsal.
Eleusine indica is one of weeds that had negative effects which is commonly
found in oil palm plantation and the exercise of this weeds around the circle
weeding of palm in Adolina Estate, PTPN IV Perbaungan has been reported that
the population was difficult to control with glyphosate. This research aims to
specify the seed bank distribution of E. indica glifosat-resistant biotype around
the palm oil circle horizontally and vertically. This research carried out in survey
method and field experiment. Glyphosate was applied along the radius of circle
weeding at 720 g a.i.ha-1.
The results showed that the closer to the palm oil circle the less number of
E. indica seed bank. While the reduction in the number of goosegrass seeds in the
soil is directly correlated to soil depth. The more depth of soil the less number of
seed bank.
Key words : Seed bank, Resistant, Glifosat, Palm Oil


Universitas Sumatera Utara


MUHAMMAD ALFI KHAIRA : Distribusi Seed Bank Eleusine indica
Resisten-Glifosat di Sekitar Piringan Kelapa Sawit Kebun Adolina PTPN IV
Serdang Bedagai. Dibimbing oleh Edison Purba dan Irsal.
Gulma Eleusine indica merupakan salah satu gulma yang cukup
berpengaruh negatif yang biasa ditemukan pada perkebunan sawit dan keberadaan
gulma di sekitar penyemprotan piringan kelapa sawit di Kebun Adolina, PTPN IV
diketahui semakin sulit untuk dikendalikan dengan glifosat. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menentukan distribusi seed bank Eleusine indica resisten-glifosat
di sekitar piringan kelapa sawit secara horizontal dan vertikal. Penelitian ini
menggunakan metode survei dan eksperimental lahan. Glifosat yang digunakan di
sepanjang radius penyemprotan piringan yaitu 720 g b.a/ha-1.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin dekat dengan piringan
kelapa sawit maka jumlah seed bank E. indica semakin sedikit. Sedangkan
berkurangnya jumlah biji E. indica didalam tanah berhubungan dengan

pertambahan kedalaman tanah. Semakin dalam tanah semakin sedikit jumlah
seed bank.
Kata kunci : Seed bank, Resisten, Glifosat, Kelapa sawit


Universitas Sumatera Utara