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THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






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  Language Education Program, Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga.

  Yohana Anes Sarwoko


  Yohana Anes Sarwoko


  This study explores the vocabulary in textbooks entitled Bahasa Inggris grade VII and IX. Vocabulary becomes one of some important factors in learning English. This study aims to know how a dictionary of basic vocabulary can be designed for the learners. The sample vocabulary taken from the textbooks was selected after deleting the proper nouns, phonetic, numbers, Indonesian words and picturesillustrations. The vocabulary selected in this study was the vocabulary belonged to K-2 which were amount 150 words, which were selected systematically from 462 words. The vocabularies were analyzed qualitatively using documentary method by operating an online tool: Vocabulary Profiler. Each vocabulary had five sample sentences for the dictionary which were selected from

  a Corpus Concordances available in the Vocabulary Profiler. The findings showed that the five sample sentences for each vocabulary were selected using 12 grammatical features, e.g. article, possessive, adjective, etc. The sample sentences were taken from five Corpus, which were 1K graded, 2K graded, Student (learner) (teacher), JPU learner and Academic General. The five sample sentences could help learners in enriching their understanding of meaning of the vocabulary. The meaning of the vocabulary was provided in context of five sample sentences. Finally, the dictionary was designed alphabetically and it can help learners in their learning process of vocabulary.

  Key words : Vocabulary, Vocabulary learning strategy, Vocabulary profiler, Dictionary, Corpus-based dictionary.


  The discussion about vocabulary as the important aspect in learning L2 has already been talked. According to Wei (2007) as cited in Nemati (2009), he says that vocabulary got much attention from researchers in ESL and now it becomes the focus in ESL pedagogy and research. Vocabulary helps learners in understanding the material as stated by Zhang (2011, p. 2) that “Vocabulary is the basic factor necessary for mastering a language”. If learners have sufficient vocabulary, they will easily master the material they are learning about.

  Learning a language cannot be separated from learning the vocabulary. It plays a vital role in the learning process of language. In one hand, Tassana-ngam (2004, p. 16) says that it was grammar translation method (GTM) which played as the central role and it is still going on. He believes that vocabulary comes after the grammar in the learning process. On the other hand, Abdulhay (2015) says that vocabulary is the foundation in the all-learning process of language. As mentioned before that vocabulary is the basic thing in learning English, Zhang (2011, p.2) mentions that, “The lack of vocabulary knowledge affects all the four language skills”. By saying that, we know that by mastering the grammar only without mastering the vocabulary, the four skills of language (speaking, listening, writing and reading) cannot be mastered successfully. Carranza, Manga, Dio, et al (2015, p.49) say that “One way to assess a person’s communicative competence is through his ability to express his thoughts and ideas in appropriate words and meaningful sentences.” It describes that having a good quality of Learning a language cannot be separated from learning the vocabulary. It plays a vital role in the learning process of language. In one hand, Tassana-ngam (2004, p. 16) says that it was grammar translation method (GTM) which played as the central role and it is still going on. He believes that vocabulary comes after the grammar in the learning process. On the other hand, Abdulhay (2015) says that vocabulary is the foundation in the all-learning process of language. As mentioned before that vocabulary is the basic thing in learning English, Zhang (2011, p.2) mentions that, “The lack of vocabulary knowledge affects all the four language skills”. By saying that, we know that by mastering the grammar only without mastering the vocabulary, the four skills of language (speaking, listening, writing and reading) cannot be mastered successfully. Carranza, Manga, Dio, et al (2015, p.49) say that “One way to assess a person’s communicative competence is through his ability to express his thoughts and ideas in appropriate words and meaningful sentences.” It describes that having a good quality of

  One way to improve the vocabulary knowledge of the learners is through a dictionary. Zhang (2011, p.12) mentions that, “Dictionary is always a good partner of language learners.” Dictionary helps learners in increasing their knowledge, i.e., receptive knowledge (Poole, 2012). As learners, they will need a dictionary in helping them figuring out a meaning of a word. Learners cannot rely on a common dictionary all the time, for it doesn’t give the meaning in context. A common dictionary is too general in finding the meaning in context of learners’ handbook.

  Knowing that common dictionary does not always help the learners in finding words in context, this research aims to know how a dictionary of basic vocabulary can be designed for the learners. This research will produce a dictionary, which can facilitate the learners in learning English and help the learning process become easier for the teachers. To know deeper about this aim, I come to the research question, “how can a dictionary of basic vocabulary of K-2

  be designed for the students?”.This dictionary will help the learners to find the meaning in context of their English handbook. Therefore, designing a corpus- based dictionary in context can be one good contribution to increase students’ vocabulary knowledge and it can affect the students’ vocabulary learning.


1. Vocabulary

  1.1 Definition of vocabulary

  Vocabulary can be described as words, which are needed by people in expressing their thought or ideas when they are communicating with each other (Alqahtani 2015). Vocabulary is collection of words which are used in communication. “Words are outward facades of language by dint of labeling objects, actions and thoughts through which people impart their intended concepts” (Abdulhay 2015, p.12). According to Salamzadeh (2014), “Vocabulary is central to language and language learning and vocabulary learning is vital to the language learners” (P. 12).

  Aktekin and Guven (2013) defines vocabulary as the effective communication skill, which comes along with the foundation element of language skill. Lehr, Osborn, Hiebert, 2004 as cited in Hunson and Padua (2011, p.5) mention that, “Vocabulary refers to words we use to communicate in oral and print language” (p.5). They discussed about receptive vocabulary, which means, “The words we understand through reading and listening”. Another thing is about productive vocabulary, which means, “Words we use to communicate through writing and speaking” (p.5). It means that vocabulary plays important role in any skills of learning English.

  1.2 Vocabulary profiler

  This research aims to design a corpus-based dictionary, which will use Vocabulary Profiler that is available at www.lextutor.ca to get the vocabulary lists. Vocabulary Profiler has been used to divide the words frequency quickly in the world, mentioned by Cobb (2010) as cited in Astika (2015, p.127). The discussion about the use of Vocabulary Profiler has been stated in Astika’s research (2015). He added that it has its benefit for teacher, such as providing useful information and can guide teachers in dividing the level of difficulty of vocabulary. Vocabulary discussed in this research is the vocabulary belongs to the books of “Bahasa Inggris” included K-1 words (the most frequently 1000 words), K-2 words (the next most frequently 1000 words) and K-3 words. According to Astika (2016, p. 208), K-1 is “the most common and easiest words found in any text”, while K-2 is “more difficult than K-1 words”. The last is K-3, which are the words that are used in the academic texts. From those three kinds of vocabulary words, this study will point up on the K-2 only.

1.3 The importance of knowing vocabulary

  Knowing vocabulary is the basic knowledge for students in mastering English. Vocabulary has important role in learning English, even though many researchers say that vocabulary is important, a participant in the Yee-man’s research (2008, p. 73) gave response that learning vocabulary was “time- consuming” and he could “naturally pick up vocabulary” in English lessons. On the other hand, vocabulary is a necessary language aspect to learn, for it can acquire adeptness and competence in the ESLEFL learning process, Al-Qaysi

  Shabdin (2016). Zhang (2011) says that in Asian country, vocabulary becomes the enormous problem, which is being faced by the learners. The problem is lack of adequate vocabulary. For that problem, Astika (2015) states that, “With sufficient vocabulary knowledge, learners will be able to access knowledge, express ideas, communicate, and learn new concepts” (p. 124). To increase learners’ knowledge of vocabulary, Yee-man (2008, p. 79) believes that, “Vocabulary teaching should have a major influence on content and sequencing of the curriculum”.

1.3 Importance of learning vocabulary in reading, listening, writing and speaking

  In mastering a language, we need to be able to communicate in four skills of that language, such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. According to Alderson (2005) as cited in Kirmizi and Topcu (2014, p. 219) states that, “Vocabulary had a strong relationship with reading, writing, listening and grammar. Zhang (2011) mentions that,

  When we learn a language, we need to master four skills, which are listening, reading, speaking and writing. Meanwhile, vocabulary knowledge is fundamental to them. One cannot understand a sentence without knowing what most of the words mean. The lack of vocabulary knowledge affects all the four language skills (p. 2).

  It should be noted that in learning all skills of English, vocabulary is the basic learning foundation for learners in order to make them succeed in mastering the language. By having sufficient vocabulary, the four skills can be done easier. Zhang (2011) states that students will encounter many words by reading a book. When they are reading, they need to have a well understanding of vocabulary.

  Besides vocabulary helps learners in reading, it can help them in listening. They will understand what is talking about because they have adequate vocabulary. Therefore, it is true that vocabulary cannot be separated from the four skills of English, reading, listening, writing and speaking because vocabulary is the part of those skills in the classroom (Zhang, 2005).

2. Vocabulary learning strategies

2.1 Definition of vocabulary learning strategy

  Nation (2001) says that “Vocabulary learning strategies are a part of language learning strategies which in turn are a part of general learning strategies” (p. 217). Kalajahi and Pourshahian (2012, p. 139) mentions that since the late 1970s, the exploration of Vocabulary Learning Strategies are given more concentration, for in the second language learning process, it can develop the student’s skills in their understanding. GuandJohnson (1996) as cited in Aktekin and Guven (2013) say that vocabulary learning strategies have two major parts:

  Metacognitive Regulation and Cognitive Strategies. They explain that Metacognitive Regulation comprises of selective attention and self-initiation. Cognitive strategies include guessing (wider and immediate context), dictionary (comprehension, extended dictionary and looking-up strategies), note-taking (meaning-oriented and usage- oriented), rehearsal (using word lists, oral and visual repetition), encoding (association elaboration, imagery, using word structure, visual, auditory, semantic and contextual encoding), and activation strategies (p. 340).

  Even though it gets many attentions from researchers, Tassana-ngam (2004, p. 17) mentions that in EFL countries, in this case Thailand, still focus on the use of grammar translation method and less using vocabulary teaching. GTM

  occupies important role in English class in the past and present. He says that “The learners were normally asked to learnmemorize words on their own”. They do that without being given the vocabulary strategy they can use in learning those words. It means that vocabulary learning strategy doesn’t play important role in the learning English there. On the other hand, Cameron as cited in Kalajahiand Pourshahian (2012, p. 138), explains that VLS (Vocabulary Learning Strategy) is, “actions that learners take to help themselves understand and remember vocabulary”. Similar as what Hanson and Padua (2011) say that word-learning strategy is something which can enlarge the student’s vocabulary knowledge and it is the device for them to find out the meaning of unfamiliar words (p. 10). This is what we as teachers need to be aware of our learner’s needs of vocabulary learning.

2.2 Types of vocabulary learning strategies

  Many types of VLS can be used by teachers in the learning process of English in the classroom, such as what Alkhasawneh (2012) mentions on his research based on Schmitt’s (1997) taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies that there are five categories of VLS: Determination, social, memory, cognitive and metacognitive. Determination strategy is students’ willingness in learning vocabulary such as analyzing part of speech, guessing meaning, using both bilingual and monolingual dictionary, making word list, using flash cards, etc. Social strategy is students’ interaction in learning vocabulary, such as asking teacher and classmates about words they do not know, interaction with native speakers, discovering meaning through group work, practicing and studying Many types of VLS can be used by teachers in the learning process of English in the classroom, such as what Alkhasawneh (2012) mentions on his research based on Schmitt’s (1997) taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies that there are five categories of VLS: Determination, social, memory, cognitive and metacognitive. Determination strategy is students’ willingness in learning vocabulary such as analyzing part of speech, guessing meaning, using both bilingual and monolingual dictionary, making word list, using flash cards, etc. Social strategy is students’ interaction in learning vocabulary, such as asking teacher and classmates about words they do not know, interaction with native speakers, discovering meaning through group work, practicing and studying

3. Use of dictionary as learning strategy

3.1 Role of dictionary in vocabulary learning

  Dictionary is included as the cognitive strategies, which has its own role in learning vocabulary. As mentioned by Nation (2001) that there are three kinds of dictionary commonly used by students; monolingual, bilingual and bilingualised. Monolingual dictionary is the one which has one language only and it is written in all country. Bilingual is the one which has two languages. The last is bilingualised, which means a dictionary, which has equivalent in meaning between the second language and the first language (p. 288-290). He adds that generally, to use the dictionary strategy, we need to know the access of having a good dictionary (p. 288).

  Through dictionary, whether it is bilingual or monolingual dictionary, it helps the students in getting the information about new words. Schmitt (2000), as cited in Fatima and Pathan (2015), adds that for discovering the meaning of the target language, bilingual dictionary helps the students as their tool (p. 10).

  Oxford and Crookall (1990) believe that by looking up to the dictionary, students will have a physical action, which is memorizing the meaning of words. This role of dictionary in learning is very helpful for students in discovering new words and memorizing the meaning of words.

3.2 Research on dictionary use for vocabulary learning

  Dictionary is a common tool used for students in learning vocabulary. Besides guessing strategy, dictionary strategy is widely used too in learning as stated by Huang and Eslami (2013). A research conducted by Liu (2014) says that in various aspects of learning English, dictionary plays positive influences. In the conclusion, he added that using dictionary strategy can increase students’ interest in learning English and they will have more confidence. Through dictionary, learners can find the meaning easily and it gives them a positive effect that it helps them in the learning process of English.

  Nation (2001) states that another important way in increasing student’s vocabulary knowledge, especially in finding out the meaning of words is using dictionaries. In one hand, thinking about the individual meaning of words does not work for good, (Hague 1987), as cited in Oxford and (Crookall 1990, p. 13). On the other hand, Nation mentions that the purpose of using dictionary can be for large variety. The degree of using vocabulary is quite high and successful for students (p. 282). It means that dictionary is used importantly in vocabulary learning as he adds that, “Dictionary can help learners with understanding and producing text and with vocabulary learning” (p.283). Kirmizi and Topcu (2014) state on their research that for knowing words that have not been known, students Nation (2001) states that another important way in increasing student’s vocabulary knowledge, especially in finding out the meaning of words is using dictionaries. In one hand, thinking about the individual meaning of words does not work for good, (Hague 1987), as cited in Oxford and (Crookall 1990, p. 13). On the other hand, Nation mentions that the purpose of using dictionary can be for large variety. The degree of using vocabulary is quite high and successful for students (p. 282). It means that dictionary is used importantly in vocabulary learning as he adds that, “Dictionary can help learners with understanding and producing text and with vocabulary learning” (p.283). Kirmizi and Topcu (2014) state on their research that for knowing words that have not been known, students


  Vocabulary plays an essential role in English, for without having sufficient vocabulary knowledge; students cannot understand the meaning and use it to communicate. For dictionary would be the focus of this research, I come to the research question, “how can a dictionary of basic vocabulary of K-2 be designed for the students?” This research aims at designing a basic vocabulary dictionary for students. Therefore, this section will discuss about the method used in this

  research, sample, data collection, research instrument, and data analysis.


  This study used documentary method. Documentary methods are the techniques used to categorize, investigate, interpret and identify written documents, whether in the private or public domain such as personal papers, commercial records, or state archives, communications or legislation (Payne and Payne, 2004). In this research, the vocabulary in textbooks (taken from Bahasa Inggris grade VII and IX) were categorized and identified for their frequency levels.


  This study used English books titled “Bahasa Inggris” for Junior High School and these books are designed for grade VII and IX. These books are the fourth edition, written by Gunarso Susilohadi, Suharso, DwiAnggani, Siti Wachidah and Sri Sumami for grade IX, and for grade VII, the book were written by Th. Kumalarini, Achmad Munir, Slamet Setiawan, Helena Agustien, and MuchlasYusak. The books were published in 2008 by Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) have seen and declared these books properly as the course textbook based on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional 2008 number 41 on 1 August 2008 about Penetapan Buku Teks Pelajaran, which fulfills the expedience requirement to be used in the learning process.

Data collection

  The books used were in the PDF files which was converted from the PDF into MS word first. After converting into MS word files, the next step of collecting the data was by completely removing the unnecessary text such as Indonesian words, proper names (people, towns, and places in Indonesian) and numbers. For the words that used were only English, Indonesian words were not going to be used in the dictionary entry. For example (taken from book “Bahasa Inggris” grade IX); Indonesian words: bantuan (p. 53), sangat buruk (p. 53) and sobek (p.53), proper names such as Nia (p.50), Ana and Dimas (p.48), townplace: Kaliurang (p. 82), numbers: 1,2,3,4,5, etc. After the unnecessary parts of the textbook had been cleared, the words were copied into the Vocabulary Profiler which is available at www.lextutor.ca. The vocabulary used to make the The books used were in the PDF files which was converted from the PDF into MS word first. After converting into MS word files, the next step of collecting the data was by completely removing the unnecessary text such as Indonesian words, proper names (people, towns, and places in Indonesian) and numbers. For the words that used were only English, Indonesian words were not going to be used in the dictionary entry. For example (taken from book “Bahasa Inggris” grade IX); Indonesian words: bantuan (p. 53), sangat buruk (p. 53) and sobek (p.53), proper names such as Nia (p.50), Ana and Dimas (p.48), townplace: Kaliurang (p. 82), numbers: 1,2,3,4,5, etc. After the unnecessary parts of the textbook had been cleared, the words were copied into the Vocabulary Profiler which is available at www.lextutor.ca. The vocabulary used to make the

Research Instrument

  The research instrument used in this research was Compleat Lexial Tutor version 8. Compleat Lexial Tutor is a type of online application for vocabulary, which is available at www.lextutor.ca . Some options are available when the website is opened in the home page, such as learners, researchers and teachers. From those three options, the option ‘researchers’ were chosen in doing this research. In the option Researchers, some options, such as Concordance, Vocabprofile, Range v.3, N-Gram, React Time v.6, Vocab Stats, Research Base, Text Tools, Familizer, Frequency, Text Lex Compare, RaNdOmICiTy, and KeyWords will be available. The next option that was used in this research was Vocabprofiler and Concordance. Vocabprofiler identifies contexts of a particular word to be put in the dictionary entry. By running Vocabprofiler, the words taken from the books can be classified into three categories of vocabulary, which are K-

  1, K-2, and K-3. Concordance is the tool for getting the examples from different context of grammar in each word that have been found in Vocabprofiler. The advantage of using Compleat Lexical Tutor includes free online usage, where we can open and use it without registration, the automatically classifying words and many examples sentences in different contexts that can be found easily. This application is easy to use and helps users in arranging vocabulary.

Data analysis

  The qualitative data were collected from the vocabulary taken from the textbooks. Before going to the www.lextutor.ca, the PDF file of the textbooks were converted into MS word file to make it more readable and could be applied to the Compleat Lexical Tutor. The vocabulary was arranged well in form of MS word where the vocabulary from the two books had already been cleared from all the Indonesian words.

  After converting the files, the Vocabprofiler, which is available on www.lextutor.ca, it would be run in order to identify the word frequency group using VP-Compleat. The next step was selecting NAWL to produce word frequency profile at the right side on the top page. It meant that the text would be copied from the MS word and pasted it to the white space available for texts copied on this application. After copying the text, it should be submitted to get the word lists by clicking the button submit window. After getting the result, the focus on the finding was on the NGSL2 (K-2). To produce list of words for the dictionary entry, the result or the word group should be copied and extracted. Those new lists of words were used as the data for the dictionary, for examples; open, want, have, etc. In this section, the list of words had already been collected for the dictionary entry. Next step was looking for the sentences as the examples of each word by going back to the home page. In the home page, there will be an option of Concordancer, which will help in selecting the useful context (sentences) where the selected words are used. Concordancer will help us to find the example of sentences in many contexts. In Concordancer page Corpus

  Concordance: English would be selected to go to the next step. The keyword should be typed, for example, open, as the keyword. Then, on the right side was the sources corpus that ready to choose. There were many examples of sentences that had different grammatical patterns, where the keyword was used in many contexts. When the keyword was hit, there would be a new page appeared showing the larger context of the sample sentence. After all the vocabulary and sample sentences were collected, the dictionary would be arranged alphabetically.


  In learning vocabulary, learners need a help from a dictionary as the source to learn. Dictionary becomes one source that is used by learners in finding the meaning of words they do not know. This study comes with the aim of designing a corpus-based dictionary to help learners in understanding the vocabulary in their learning process. In this section, the findings of designing the dictionary were presented.

How the sample sentences were collected

  The vocabulary had been taken from textbooks entitled “Bahasa Inggris” grade VII and IX. These books became the first source in collecting the vocabulary. The vocabulary taken from the textbooks were the vocabulary belonged to K-2. Each vocabulary from the K-2 vocabulary list would be followed by five sample sentences which have been taken from five corpus concordances, which were:

  1. 1K graded corpus This corpus has 1000 word families which can be used for beginners and it

  is the subset of the 2K graded corpus.

  2. 2K graded corpus This corpus has been formed by hundreds of graded readers, and scanned and digitized over 10 years. This corpus can help us in finding the needs of pedagogical concordancing, because it has 2000 word families (not counting the proper nouns).

  3. Learner (student) and Learner (teacher) corpus This corpus is described in Cobb, T. Analyzing late interlanguage with learner corpora: Quebec replications of three European studies, which has 50.000 words in each and a text collection of three levels of ESL students.

  4. JPU learner This corpus has been designed from 221 Hungarian student essays and research papers and developed by Joseph Horvaths for his PhD.

  5. Academic General This corpus contains 6+m words which is an amalgam of bnc_humanities consisted of 3,361,000 millions of words, bnc_soc_sci with 2,322,000 millions of words, AA_Academic_Abstracts with 174,000 words, and Brown_Academic 162,500.

  The corpus were needed to be written in the dictionary entry, for it was the source of the sample sentences. It could help the readers to check the corpus to see the The corpus were needed to be written in the dictionary entry, for it was the source of the sample sentences. It could help the readers to check the corpus to see the

  fell to the floor with a crash; I want to read what

  she wrote to her dear husband. The five sample sentences had different grammatical features.

Criteria for selection of sample sentences

  The five sample sentences used 12 grammatical features. It could be before or after the vocabulary item that was used in the dictionary. These criteria of selection the sample sentences were useful for the learners in helping them translating the word in context. These 12 grammatical features are the commonly grammatical features used in learning English. Beside it helps learners in knowing the meaning in context, it can also help them in learning some grammatical features. The 12 grammatical features were:

  a. Preposition Preposition is words that indicate location or time. Preposition includes preposition of place or location; at, in, on, across, along, over, through, a. Preposition Preposition is words that indicate location or time. Preposition includes preposition of place or location; at, in, on, across, along, over, through,

  I will see you in the morning.

  I opened the door, went into the room and sat down.

  b. Adverb Adverb is words that explicate a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Some adverbs are ended by letter ‘ly’, such as quickly, hardly. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - She speaks English perfectly. - Please speak quietly. - Darren can run very fast.

  c. Articles Articles are usually coupled with nouns to indicate the details of the nouns. It includes the, a, an. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - Tim sat down on a chair - I have to go to the bank - Can you turn off the light, please?

  d. Auxiliaries Auxiliaries are words that help in expressing meanings. It can be modal auxiliaries and the verbs to be, to do and to have.

  Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: -

  I can’t sleep - He did, but he does not any more. - I have lost my key

  e. Collocation Collocation is the combination between some words that are used together and it makes a natural sound. Examples: - Vitally important - Acutely aware - Highly successful

  f. Conjunction Conjunction is words that connect within a sentence. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - We met Paul as we were leaving the hotel. - We went out although it was raining. - Even though I was really tired, but I couldn’t sleep.

  g. Possessive There are two kinds of possessive, the first is possessive nouns and second is possessives. Possessive nouns are usually ended by letter s and apostrophe, while possessives take the possessive nouns’ place. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - I enjoy visiting friends’ houses.

  - Mike’s aunt oldest son is a violinist. - Somebody left his book on the desk.

  h. Adjectives Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - Jane is bored because her job is boring. - My brother lives in a nice new house. - I am tired.

  i. Verb be Verb be includes is, am, are, was, were, has, have, and been that help in expressing meanings. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - I am driving - He is working - It was raining

  j. Noun

  Noun is usually used as a word in identifying people or place. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - I like bananas. - I like rice. - Can you hear music?

  k. Pronoun

  Pronoun is a word that refers to particular participant in the speechdialogue. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - It’s not our fault. You can’t blame us. - The film itself was not very good. - She had a great holiday.

  l. Verb

  Verbs can be seen as a word that shows an action. Examples are taken from a book entitled English Grammar in Use: - She reads a book. - They go to school together. - My mom cooks everyday.

Dictionary entries

  In teaching and learning vocabulary, teachers must have some obstacles during the teaching and learning process. Nation (1990, 2001), Laufer (1997),and others as cited in Prichard (2008) mentioned that if the learners’ understanding toward the reading passage is less than 95 of the running words, it means that the comprehension text is one of the difficulties facing by the L2 learners in reading skill. When teachers are teaching an English text, it will be difficult for the learners especially the learners in Junior High School level to understand the meaning of the whole text. They will need a help whether from the teachers or from a dictionary to guide them finding the meaning of the words they do not know. His findings showed that almost all of his participants used online bilingual In teaching and learning vocabulary, teachers must have some obstacles during the teaching and learning process. Nation (1990, 2001), Laufer (1997),and others as cited in Prichard (2008) mentioned that if the learners’ understanding toward the reading passage is less than 95 of the running words, it means that the comprehension text is one of the difficulties facing by the L2 learners in reading skill. When teachers are teaching an English text, it will be difficult for the learners especially the learners in Junior High School level to understand the meaning of the whole text. They will need a help whether from the teachers or from a dictionary to guide them finding the meaning of the words they do not know. His findings showed that almost all of his participants used online bilingual

  All the vocabulary taken from the textbooks had been copied into the vocabulary profiler in order to identify the K-2 words that appeared on the textbooks. This research looked for the K-2 vocabulary from the textbooks chosen which contains 462 words. From 462 words collected, the sample would be needed 150 words, for it could represent the total number of K-2 words.

  The 150 words used in the dictionary were chosen using systematic sampling. From the 462 words, it would be selected in every third number after the vocabulary item chosen, for example the first word had been chosen at first and then the next three word (Absolutely accident accompany achievement acknowledge actor admit). The five sample sentences that followed each word had the meaning in every context of the sentence, for example: Her advice was short (Sarannya). The sentences were chosen based on the Junior High School student’s level or the easy one to understand.

  The corpus-based dictionary was a bilingual dictionary in which the meaning in each word was in Indonesian definition. The dictionary was designed as a The corpus-based dictionary was a bilingual dictionary in which the meaning in each word was in Indonesian definition. The dictionary was designed as a

  modification. The structure for designing the corpus-based dictionary has been

  ordered alphabetically. The 150 words of K-2 were determined from A to Z to design the corpus-based dictionary.

  1. ABSOLUTELY: benar-benar (2k graded, learner (student))

  - Conjunction

  You were very shy, and absolutely extraordinary. (dan benar-benar) - Verb be

  'I'm -only asking now because it is absolutely necessary. (benar- benar) - Adjective

  She's absolutely adorable. (benar-benar menarik) - Auxiliary

  'I absolutely would do it again,' she says. (benar-benar akan) - Infinitives

  I have decide to teach french as a second language, but I want absolutely to learn how to speak English perfectly. (ingin benar-benar)

  2. ACHIEVEMENT: prestasi (2k graded, learner (student))

  - Adjective

  The clinic was an amazing achievement, anyway, Woods thought. (prestasi yang menajubkan)

  - Preposition

  If my English was better, it would be a great achievement for me in the first place. (prestasi untuk)

  - Collocation

  Being able to speak properly a second language would be the best achievement I could ever make. (prestasi terbaik)

  - Articles

  Not only would knowing the English language help me, but it would

  be essential to the achievement of my career goal. (prestasi) - Adverb

  I think that is very important is country to by able to manage the two official language that also will provide with more achievement in my future career. (prestasi yang lebih)

  3. ADMIT: mengakui (2k graded, learner (student), JPU learner)

  - Auxiliary

  I've still got a lot to be happy about, and I must admit. (harus mengakui)

  - Adverb

  But I wish those people would also admit or allow themselves to admire singers, actors and athletes. (juga mengakui)

  - Conjunction

  I have to admit that I am impressed with the teachers' knowledge and work experience. (mengakui bahwa) - Possessive

  That probably explains why many adults will only admit their admiration for political figures. (mengakui kekaguman mereka)

  - Noun

  Some participants admit to having not made enough effort. (Peserta mengakui)

  4. ADVICE: nasehat (2k graded)

  - Adverb

  - Preposition

  I decided to ask for advice from someone I trusted more than most men. (untuk nasehat) - Possessive

  Her advice was short. (sarannya) - Collocation

  The women, especially, were very ready to give him useful advice on taking care of children. (nasehat yang berguna)

  - Adjective

  I need some advice. (beberapa nasehat)

  5. Alive: hidup (2k graded)

  - Verb be

  'I am alive,' I said. (hidup) - Adjective

  We're both alive and healthy and working very hard. (berdua masih hidup)

  - Adverb

  cried with happiness. (hanya hidup) - Infinitive

  - Conjunction

  He seemed brilliant and original in every way - tall and handsome and alive with an extraordinary intelligence. (dan hidup)

  6. ANGRY: marah (2k graded)

  - Adverb

  - Article

  'Where's Oliver?' he said with an angry look. (marah) - Conjunction

  - Verb be

  When I don't want to take them, they are angry. (marah) - Preposition

  orang yang marah)

  7. APPEARANCE: penampilan (2k graded)

  - Possessive

  - Adjective

  Ten men of disgusting appearance were approaching. (penampilan yang menjijikkan)

  - Preposition

  They were very different - in appearance and in character. (dalam peampilan)

  - Collocation

  He'd never known Anna talk so openly about a man's physical appear ance. (penampilan fisik)

  - Article

  Her decision depended on the size of the station and the appearance of the people standing there. (penampilan)

  8. APPRECIATE: menghargai (2k graded)

  - Adverb

  People also appreciate the reasonable position food occupies in Miss (Gail) Ahern's universe. (juga menghargai)

  - Auxiliary

  They did not know that Margot Beste-

  - Pronoun

  You've been very honest with me, and I appreciate it. (saya menghargai)

  - Article

  I appreciate the work I am doing for now. (menghagai) - Noun

  I appreciate education and art. (menghargai pendidikan)

  9. ARRANGE: mengatur (2k graded)

  - Adverb

  Of course,' said Chuck thoughtfully, we could always arrange for the computer to break down.' (selalu mengatur)

  - Auxiliary

  - Conjunction

  mengaturnya) - Article

  I'll make you promise to arrange a meeting for me with Catherine. (mengatur sebuah)

  - Preposition

  I must arrange for a room at the "George",' he said. (mengatur untuk)

  10. ASSISTANT: asisten (2k graded, learner (student))

  - Possessive

  Inside jail, King continued to give orders to the marchers through his assistant, Andrew Young. (asistennya)

  - Article

  al needs. (seorang asisten)

  - Conjunction

  He spent five years as assistant director general of Unesco in Paris. (sebagai asisten)

  - Collocation

  - Preposition

  The legal assistant from the hall had heard everything, and we exchanged looks and smiles as I passed his desk. (asisten dari)

  11. ATTRACT: menarik (2k graded, learner(student))

  - Noun

  Individual attention is being paid to your case, which may in time attract international interest in the field of social sciences. (tepat waktu dalam menarik)

  - Pronoun

  ents from all over the world. (yang menarik) - Adverb

  It shows an open mind and a curiosity which can only attract people. (hanya menarik)

  - Article

  'The three-term courses tend to attract the typical boarding-school girl who has decided she does not want to go to university. (menarik)

  - Conjunction

  Jane should use every moment she gets with Bingley to attract and en courage him. (Menarik dan)

  12. BEACH: pantai (1k graded)

  (pantai yang indah) - Verb be

  - Adverb

  Its 15 minutes of global fame ended long, long ago, but it's still the closest beach to Mexico City. (pantai terdekat)

  13. BELONG: milik (1k graded, 2k graded)

  - Auxiliary

  The money and the house don't belong to us or you. (bukan milik kita)

  - Pronoun

  They belong to your brother, Al. (mereka miliknya)

  - Conjunction

  women. (dan milik) - Noun

  The bracelet belongs to the dead man, Bowman, and the Captain needed it for the record. (gelang itu milik)

  - Preposition

  Curtis doesn't belong in it, and I can prove it. (termasuk ke dalam)

  14. BIRD: burung (1k graded, Academic general, Graded readers )

  A sea bird flew low across the white tops of the big, grey waves Daniel watched it, and felt wind and rain on his face. (burung laut) - Conjunction

  There are four men wearing animal and bird masks. (dan burung ) - Possessive

  Bligh picked up the bird's head and feet. (kepalanya burung)

  15. BLOCK: blok (2k Graded)

  - Article

  There was a block of the green glass near me. (sebuah blok)

  - Adjective

  He made a big block of ice and we put it into the new pipanto we had built. (balok es besar)

  - Preposition

  The two men laughed, and then the newspaper man waved and drove noisily away to the next apartment block in the Soi, the next street. (blok apartemen berikutnya di Soi)

  - Collocation

  8 million federal block grant because of findings that the program has been mismanaged at a number of levels. (blok federal) - Noun

  On this night the road- block outside Port Elizabeth had just been put up. (hambatan)

  16. BOAT: perahu (1k graded)

  Duncan, Larry and Roxanne are all sitting in Duncan's boat. (perahunya Duncan)

  - Collocation

  (perahu pribadi)

  17. BORROW: meminjam (1k graded, 2k graded)

  - Auxiliary

  Look, you can borrow my army car. (bisa meminjam) - Conjunction

  A gentleman can have money or borrow money from his friends. (atau meminjam) - Adverb

  And we don't keep your blood, we just borrow it for a while. (hanya meminjam)

  - Noun

  You had to write a letter threatening to breastfeed the baby in the university library before you were allowed to borrow books to prepare courses. (meminjam buku-buku)

  - Preposition

  There's no one left to borrow from. (meminjam dari)

  18. BOTTOM: bawah (1k graded, 2k graded)

  - Article


  - Preposition

  She could feel the bottom of her leg right now. (bagian bawah dari) - Adverb

  It was going down and down, toward the bottom where the waters cra shed together. (di bawah dimana)

  - Conjunction

  The sides, top, and bottom of the hole were smooth and regular, he dis covered. (dan bagian bawah)

  - Possessive

  She had blue eyes, a large mouth, and top teeth that rested on her bottom lip when she wasn't talking. (bagian bawah bibirnya)

  19. BREATH: nafas (1k graded, 2k graded)

  - Collocation

  . (bernafas dalam-dalam) - Possessive

  Take my breath Away. (nafas saya) - Article

  I could feel hot breath on my face: the breath of an evil ghost. (nafas) - Adjective

  Mark took a long breath and looked at the floor. (nafas yang panjang) - Preposition

  Whatever it is, the exercise should leave you out of breath. (kehabisan nafas)

  20. BRIGHT: cemerlangterang (1k graded)

  - Article

  Suddenly there was a bright light and a silent wave of heat. (terang) - Conjunction

  The man's eyes were small and bright, and for some strange reason he had a newspaper in his hand. (dan bersinar)

  - Preposition

  When he arrived at bright River, it was late. (pada sungai yang cemerlang)

  - Verb be

  It will be bright and warm and there will be a lot of sunshine. (menjadi terang)

  - Verb

  Ana's future did not seem bright and exciting to her now. (terlihat cemerlang)

  21. BUSY: sibuk (1k graded)

  - Article

  Robert is a busy New York lawyer. (sibuk) - Adverb

  He was also busy buying a big, comfortable house for his family. (juga sibuk)

  - Verb be

  Now you must excuse me, I am busy. (sibuk) - Conjunction

  In New York, there are still thieves in subway stations and busy street s. (jalan yang ramai)

  - Verb

  But she kept busy with political work, study, exercise, and piano playi ng. (tetap saja sibuk)

  22. CAMP: kemah (1k graded, 2k graded)

  - Article

  The soldiers built a camp every night. (kemah) - Adjective

  In the morning, they moved to a new place and built a new camp. (kemah yang baru)

  - Possessive

  When they got back to their camp, the boys decided to go for their firs t long walk. (perkemahan mereka)

  - Collocation

  As soon as they get to their base camp, Eureka, inside the Arctic Circle, they will have to build huts to protect themselves from temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Centigrade. (tempat peristirahatan)

  - Noun

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