My Holiday in Hospital

Nama : Karisma Nurhidayat
Nim : 04.15.4273
Kelas : E/KP/VI

My Holiday in Hospital Cepu
I will tell my last holiday semester 5 at Hospital, where i went with my friends and
stayed for a month. The last holiday i chose to spend the time just at Hospital with friend,
Because I wanted to have a lot of time with friend while practicing in Hospital Cepu.
Many experiences that I got there. Where i, Practiced in the surgery room. Many of
nurses and doctor. Who guided us very will and want to teaching us patiently we always that
were left earl in the morning, Because in the morning a lot of surgeryes. One month had been
passed and we went back to Jogja to study campus again.

My Brother
I will to tell you about my brother, Rino. He has a white skin body and medium
height. He is good looking and very friendly. He is hearing glasses, big scholl bag and strip tshirt. He has oval face, blonde hair, straight nose, and blue eyes.

My Bedroom
This is te description of my bedroom. My bedroom is a 4x3. The is ceramic white and
ceiling a white also. Viewed from the left wall white, there are a bookshelf, cabinets and a
tumbler. Viewed from the right there are table, a coat hanger and door. Viewes from the front

of there are a window and wall hangings. Seen from behind there is a bed.

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