t bing 0704766 chapter5


The four previous chapters have provided the detailed information of the
research, including the background of the study, the related literature, the
methodology, and the research findings. Meanwhile, this chapter supplies the
main summary of this research. It covers the conclusions, limitations of the study,
and the suggestions or the recommendations.

5.1 Conclusions
This study was based on the belief that better readers tend to be better
writers stated by Stotsky (1983 cited in Kroll, 1991). According to this view,
reading and writing have a strong relationship. Besides, this study was also based
on the other belief that first language promotes to second or foreign language. In
other word, this study was about combination of both issues. It was stated in the
correlation between students’ reading comprehension of Indonesian fiction and
their writing ability of English narrative texts.
This study describes that the students are able to comprehend Indonesian
fiction. It can be found that their average score of reading comprehension test
were high (81.833). Most students could answer all questions, read between the
lines, analyze punctuations, and summarize the story in the test. The ability of the

students in reading comprehension of Indonesian fiction provides for schemata to
write narrative texts.

Ahmad Darmawan, 2012
The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension Of Indonesian fiction And Their
Writing Ability Of English Narra Tive Texts
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu


Furthermore, this study also concludes that second grade students of SMA
N 2 Bandung are able to write English narrative text. The ability of the students
are analyzed based on the content, organization, vocabulary, language use and
mechanics of the text proposed by Jacob (1981). Their average score of writing
test is 65.905.
Moreover, the main finding of the research concludes that there is a
positive correlation between students’ reading comprehension of Indonesian
fiction and their writing ability of English narrative texts. With the correlation
coefficient of 0.8665 higher than r table 0.3044 with the level of significance 5%.
It also means there is a positive and significant correlation between first language

ability and foreign language ability. It means there is a positive and significant
correlation between students’ reading comprehension and their writing ability as
well. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is
Then, the ability of comprehending Indonesian fiction is considered as one
of the factors that promote their writing ability in English narrative texts. In
addition, the habit of reading Indonesian fiction could contribute the ability of
writing narrative texts.
Last, the mean score of science class students is better than social class
students, both in reading Indonesian fiction and in writing English narrative text.

5.2 Limitations of the Study
There are several limitations of this study. First, this study does not
produce causal-effect relationship since correlational study only shows the
Ahmad Darmawan, 2012
The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension Of Indonesian fiction And Their
Writing Ability Of English Narra Tive Texts
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu


tendency result between two or more variables. The only study involves causaleffect relationship is experimental study (Gay, 1987). Second, students’ writing
ability of English narrative texts is tested once by the researcher. It means that
writing here is regarded as a product instead of a process.
Third, the analysis of students’ writing ability cannot be explained more
since it is not needed in answering the research problem. The appropriate method
of the study to analyze more about students’ writing ability in English narrative
texts is using a qualitative research.

5.3 Suggestions
After having some conclusions, the writer then comes to some significant
suggestions. First, this study suggests to English teachers to use Indonesian fiction
such as Indonesian novel, Indonesian folk’s story, and so on as a media in
learning English as the foreign language. This suggestion is also supported by
Mansyur (2002) who states, “It is better for lecturers or teachers to start the
teaching writing by using Indonesian context, then in English”. Moreover, to build
writing habit, students should be taught first to devote their emotional feeling after
reading a story.
Second, students are suggested to build reading habit through reading
Indonesian fiction and pay attention to the new terms, sentence structure,

punctuation, and moral value of the story. Students will not be able to write well
without having the schemata as a result of reading. Moreover, many researchers
(such as Smith, 1983; Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1984; McGinley and Tierney,

Ahmad Darmawan, 2012
The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension Of Indonesian fiction And Their
Writing Ability Of English Narra Tive Texts
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu


1989; and others quoted in Kroll, 1991) suggest, “Students can learn much about
writing from reading”.
Third, it is better for further researchers who interested in this problem to
take more samples in different setting. Different method such as experiment study
could be better to obtain another horizon about the effect of reading Indonesian
fiction on English writing ability. Further research may extend the scope of the
problem. Hence it may motivate people to read and write more in order to develop
their knowledge.
Fourth, headmaster or stakeholder of schools is also suggested to provide

Indonesian novel and other kinds of fiction in the library as the sources of learning
reading and writing. Fifth, it is suggested to whoever interested in this problem to
develop reading and writing skill in any language. Since most of languages has
the same language form and structure.
Sixth, it is suggested that “teaching reading should become an integral part
of teaching writing, and reading for pleasure should be encouraged and
incorporated into the writing syllabus design. The more the students read, the
more they acquire the language of writing, and ultimately the more likely they
will become good writers. Indeed, good writers often start from good readers
(Sugiharto, 2007).
Last, simply knowing that reading and writing are intimately connected
processes isn’t enough. In order to help students develop these two essential skills,
parents and teachers need to apply this knowledge when working with them

Ahmad Darmawan, 2012
The Correlation Between Students Reading Comprehension Of Indonesian fiction And Their
Writing Ability Of English Narra Tive Texts
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu