
Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu







(A Case Study in an English Course in Bandung)

A Research Paper

Submitted to the English Education Department

the Faculty of Language and Arts Education, Indonesia University of Education in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan degree

By: Hani Haliani





Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu





Oleh Hani Haliani

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Hani Haliani 2013 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2013

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Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu






(A Case Study in an English Course in Bandung) By:


Approved by: Main Supervisor,

Dadang Sudana, M. A., Ph.D NIP. 196009191990031001


Riesky, S.Pd., M.Ed. 19810525202005011002

The Head of English Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M. Ed. NIP. 196105311984122001



Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This study aimed to investigate: (1) the teacher’s questioning strategies that were used by a teacher in young learners’ classroom interaction, (2) the effect of the teacher’squestioning strategies towards students ‘responses. This study was conducted qualitatively by using case study method. An English teacher and 15 students were involved in this study. The transcripts from the observations were analyzed to reveal the teacher’s questioning applied in the classroom based on the framework from Chaudron and Wu. The interview was also conducted to enrich the data. The findings of the study revealed that there were five teacher’s questioning strategies that were used by the teacher in the classroom observation. They were repetition, simplification, blank-filling, code-switching, and wait-time. Four of them were mentioned by the teacher in the interview. They were repetition, simplification, wait-time and code-switching. Regarding students’ responses, two types of students’ responses were discovered in this study, they were relevant response 84 %, irrelevant and response 16%. From the percentage,

it could be seen that the number of students’ relevant responses was higher than

the number of irrelevant responses.

Keywords: questioning strategies, students’ responses, young learners’ classroom interaction


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



PREFACE ... ii






1.1Background ... 4

1.2Statement of the Problems ... 4

1.3Aims of the Research ... 4

1.4Research Methodology... 5

1.5 The Organization of the Paper ... 5


2.1 Teacher’s Questioning Strategy in Classroom Interaction ... 7

2.2 Types of Teacher’s Questioning Strategy ...9

2.3 Types of Questions ... 14

2.4 The Functions of Questioning ... 17

2.5 Students’ Responses...18

2.6 Young Learner’s Classroom Interaction...19

2.7Related Research ………..22


3.1 Research Design ... 25


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.3 Data Collection... 26

3.4 Data Analysis ... 28


4.1 Teacher’s questioning strategies used by the teacher ... 31

4.2. Students’ responses toward the teacher’s questioning strategies ... 31


5.1 Conclusions ... 49

5.2 Suggestions ... 50


Appendix 1: Transcript


1 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER I


The first chapter presents the brief elaboration of several elements covered in the study. They are background, statement of problem, aims of study, research methods, and organization of paper.


Interactive language classroom is very important in teaching-learning foreign language. Chavez (1986,as cited in Cameron,2001) believes that for foreign language, classroom is the primary forum for them to use and to experience the target language. Therefore, classroom becomes a place to apply and to practice the target language. In order to make the learners learn target language better, teachers should create interactive communication in the classroom.

In fact, in young learners’ classroom, interaction cannot be predicted by teachers because young learners have special characteristics. Cameron (2001) states that children are often more enthusiastic and lively as learners. If the instruction is not understood by them, they may become too silent or in contrast they can also become chaotic. They will get involved in an activity even though they do not really understand why and how. However, they also lose interest more quickly and are less


2 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

able to keep themselves motivated on the task which they find difficult. Teachers have to give more effort in managing young learners’ classroom more than adult learners’ classroom.

The role of the teachers is not only transferring the knowledge but also stimulating the learners’ proficiency. When the interaction occurs, learners have more opportunity to practice their language that they learn. In language learning, the interaction can be stimulated by many activities, such as group discussion, pair work, and also giving questions (Brown,2001).

Concerned with the importance of interaction, classroom interaction itself is defined as the communication patterns between teachers and pupils and pupils with pupils (Hitchcock and Hughes 1989, cited in Brown 2001). Therefore, teachers give questions to check learners’ understanding and to stimulate the interaction. Moreover, one of the best ways to develop teacher’s role as an initiator and sustainer of interaction is to develop a repertoire of questioning strategies.

Questioning strategies are aimed to give learners more chance to think and to understand what the teachers ask and also to give them time to answer the questions. Therefore there will be an interactive communication between teacher and learners. In line with this, Caesin (1995) states questioning is any sentence, even with grammatical form, intended to elicit an answer. Teachers need to equip themself with with the ability to deliver questions.


3 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Since the learners’ answers are much affected by teachers’ questions particularly in the application of questioning strategy, teacher should consider the strategy in posing questions in term of the questions type level and the questioning behaviors (Nunan, 1996). This is important to be considered because suitable questioning strategy that is applied in the classroom can increase learners’ curiosity and interest, stimulate their proficiency, and motivate them to learn the language better.

Some related studies about questioning strategies were conducted by some researchers. White and Lightbown (1984, as cited in Yu, 2010) found that students were rarely given enough time to formulate their answers before the teachers rephrased their questions or asked another student to answer. Yu (2010) found that in teaching practice and instruction in the classroom the questioning strategies mostly used are repetition, code switching and pauses.

Meanwhile, this study tried to investigate teacher’s questioning strategy in young learners’ classroom interaction and to investigate teacher’s questioning strategy that affected the students’ responses. Then, as the result, this study is expected to be beneficial for the teachers of young learners in delivering question for interactive learning. Moreover the teachers also could apply various questioning strategies that can help them to elicit the students responses in the classroom interaction.


4 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.2Statement of Problem

This study is conducted to investigate:

1. What questioning strategies are used by the teacher in young learners’ classroom interaction?

2. How do the teacher questioning strategies affect the students’ responses in young learners’ classroom interaction?

1.3Aims of the Research

Related to the background above, the aims of the study are the following:

1. To investigate the questioning strategies used by the teacher in young learners’ classroom interaction

2. To investigate the teacher questioning strategies affect the students’ responses in young learners’ classroom interaction


5 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

As mentioned by Merriam (1991, as cited in Cresswell, 1994) case study will be used to explore a phenomenon (the case) such as a process, and in this study, a classroom interaction. This study attempts to investigate teacher questioning strategies used by the teacher and teacher questioning strategies affect the students’ responses in young learners’ classroom interaction.

The data will be collected through observation and interview After collecting all data from video-taping and observations, the data will be analyzed using some following steps adapted from Suherdi (2008:46). They are transcribing the video recording, coding and analyzing the data and also interpreting the data.

1.5 Clarification of terms

To avoid the possibility of misinterpretation to the study, the following are some terms that need clarification.

1. Questioning strategies refer to the strategies that the teacher uses to elicit verbal responses from learners.

2. Young Learners in this context refers to the students of the third grade of elementary school (8-9 years old).

3. Classroom Interaction refers to the interaction in the classroom between the teacher and the students.


6 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

This study is organized into five chapters. Chapter one consists of background, statements of the problem, aims of the research, research method, and organization of the paper. Chapter two provides theories that are relevant to the study. Chapter three contains research methodology included methodology of the research, the research design, site and participants, data collecting techniques and data analysis. Chapter four reveals the findings and discussions. Chapter five presents the conclusions and suggestions.


23 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This part presents the research methodology that has been briefly explained in Chapter I. The discussion in this chapter covers statement of problems, research design, research instruments, site and participant, data collection, data collection procedure, and data analysis.

This study aims to investigate questioning strategies are used by the teacher in young learners’ classroom interaction. It also attempts to investigate how teacher questioning strategies affect the students’ responses in young learners’ classroom interaction.

3.1Research Design

This study employed qualitative approach. As cited in Creswell (2007), qualitative approach is an approach to inquiry that begins with assumption, world view, possibly a theoretical lens, and the study of research problems exploring the meaning individuals or groups describe to a social or human problem. Therefore, the approach will be used in the research because the research has begun with the assumption that teachers questioning strategies would affect the students ‘responses.

The design of the research is a case study. As cited in L.R Gay and Millis (2009), case study is a qualitative approach in which the focus of the study is


24 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

known as a bounded system (e.g. individual teachers, a classroom, or a school). This study attempted to investigate teacher’s questioning strategies that are used in young learners’ classroom interaction. It also explored the effect of teacher questioning strategies on the students’ responses. Considering the aims of this study, case study is appropriate to be used, since it focused on the process of classroom interaction in a natural setting.

3.2Site and Participant

This study was conducted in an English course in Bandung. This institution is. The reason of choosing the course was based on the provided access to conduct the study at the course.

The participants of this study were an English teacher and her students in young learners’ class. The English teacher who participated in this study has been teaching in the course for about 2 years. Young learners’ class was chosen since the students have unique characteristics. They are very active and have a high curiosity. Their unique characteristics will give the teacher challenge to use her best way to get them involved in the interaction.

3.4 Data Collection

In collecting data, classroom observation, videotaping and interview were used as the instruments. Through these instruments, necessary information about


25 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

teacher’s questioning strategies that are used in young learners’ classroom interaction and its effect to the students’ responses.

Classroom observation was conducted to capture what was said and done by the teacher and the students in the natural setting. In line with this, L.R Gay and Millis (2009) stated that the emphasis during the observation is on understanding the natural environment as lived by the participant. This technique is used in order to capture natural interaction in the classroom interaction both in verbal behavior and in non-verbal behavior.

Classroom observation is important to gain descriptive information about what the observer has directly seen or heard on the site through the course of the study. Moreover the observer could make reflection information based on the experiences or thoughts. The observation in this research belongs to nonparticipant observation in which the observer was not directly involved in the situation which was being observed. The observation was conducted four times (14th April 2012, 23rd April 2012, 30th May 2012, and 6th June 2012).The meetings which were recorded were four meetings. Each meeting spends about 70 minutes.

During the learning process, the observer (non participant-observer) recorded interaction between the teacher and the students in the classroom. Recording observation or videotaping is a method to document the observation. In line with this Millis (2007) state that qualitative research materials gathered, recorded, and compiled (usually on-site) during the course of a study are best.


26 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Therefore, recording observation or videotaping was used to collect the data from the site to get the best materials gathered.

Then, to permit the researcher to obtain the important data that cannot acquire from observation alone, the researcher conducted the interview. Interview is a purposeful interaction in which one person obtains information from another (L.R Gay, 2009). Interviews can provide information which is quite difficult to be obtained through observation.

The interview was conducted in 19th September 2012 with the teacher who has been observed in this study. There were 10 questions that had already been prepared. Furthermore the list of questions can be seen in the Appendix A. The interview was conducted after the fourth observation had been finished. The obtained data were recorded using audio recorder.

3.5 Data Analysis

After collecting all the data from classroom observations and videotaping, the data were analyzed based some steps adapted from Suherdi (2006). First, it was transcribed in order to display the language which is used in the classroom. In line with this, Allwright (1988) suggested transcript and audio tape or video tape as a data base for discourse analysis.

After transcribing all the interaction in the classroom, the transcripts were coded using some teacher’s questioning strategy frameworks as presented in Chapter II. In the last step, the researcher attempted to answer the research


27 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

questions which had been presented in Chapter 1. The quantification of findings was displayed in some tables, and then the phenomena which were described from the tables will be delivered in Chapter IV. As Alwasilah (2002) states that the display, for instance, flowchart and diagram, enable the researcher to explain the interpretation.

To analyze the data from the interview, the data were transcribed in order to interpret some important issues which were related to research questions that had been explained in Chapter 1 and to permit the researcher to obtain the important data that cannot acquire from observation alone. Furthermore, the data were linked to related literature, which are presented in the next chapter.


45 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

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This chapter provides the conclusions that are drawn as the result of data analysis and discussion of the study. It also provides suggestions for English teachers, students, other researchers and further study.

5.1 Conclusion

This study is concerned with teacher’s questioning strategies that were used in young learners’ classroom interaction. It also explored the effect of teacher questioning strategies to the students' responses.

It was found that there were five teacher’s questioning strategies employed by the teacher based on the observations. They were repetition, simplification, rephrasing, wait-time, code-switching, and blank-filling. Moreover, three of them were also mentioned by the teacher in the interview as the questioning strategies that she used. They were repetition, rephrasing and wait-time. Meanwhile, three

types of teacher’s questioning strategy did not use in the classroom observation, they were simplification, decomposition and exemplification.

Related to the students’ responses toward teacher’s questioning strategies, it was found that students have more relevant response towards teacher’s

questioning strategies. Teacher’s questioning strategy becomes one way to engage the students with the lesson. It is proved by the highest relevant responses that happend when the teachers apply questioning strategies. The questioning strategy


46 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

is really important skill for the teacher in order to make an active classroom interaction.

Hopefully, these results will give information for the teachers about questioning strategy. Furthermore, the teacher could apply those strategies according to the students’ need.

5.2 Suggestion

This study may serve valuable information for English teachers, researchers, and people who concerned about education development. Therefore in accordance with the findings of the study, some suggestions are proposed.

To English teachers, first, teacher should apply some questioning strategies when delivering question in order to elicit students’ responses, especially to get relevant responses from the students. It is really important to do

because it is can support the students’ learning process. Despite of that, it would be much better if the further research can hire respondents as many as possible to enrich the data.


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Alwasilah, A. C. (2000). Pokoknya kualitatif: dasar-dasar merancang dan melakukan penelitian kualitatif. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.

Brown, H. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. Fourth Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Brown, H.(2001). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language Pedagogy. Longman: New York

Caesin,W.E. (1995). Asking and answering. IDEA paper no.31. Manhattan.Ks : Centre for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education. Retrieved (19 May 2012) from ERIC online.

Cameron,L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge University Press: UK.

Chaudron,C. (1988). Second language classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press

Cooper, J.M. 2011. Classroom teaching skills. USA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Coulthard, Malcolm. (1977). An introduction to discourse analysis. Longman Group Ltd.


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Cresswell,J.W.(1994). Research design: qualitative and quantitative qpproaches. California: SAGE, Inc

Gay. L.R. Millis, G.E Airasian. P (2009). Educational research competencies for analysis and application (Ninth Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited

Harmer, Jeremy. (2007). The practice of english language teaching. Pearson Longman:UK.

Lang & Evans. (2006). Models, strategies, and methods for effective teaching. New York: Pearson Education.Inc

Nunan, D. (2000). Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. Edinburgh: Pearson Education

Malahmah-Thomas, A. (1987). Classroom Interaction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shomoosi,N.(2004). The Effect of Teacher’s Questioning Behaviour on EFL Classroom Interaction: A Classroom Research Study: The Reading Matrix, Vol 4 (2).

Suherdi, D. 2006. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Systemiotic Approach. Bandung: UPI Press.


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Bandung : UPI Press.

Wu, Kam-yin. (1993). Classroom Interaction and Teacher Questions Revised. RELC Journal. SAGE

Yu, W. (2010). An Analysis of College English Classroom Questioning Journal of language Teaching and Research. Vol.1 no.2, pp 136-144. Qingdao University of Science and Technology (online) Retrieved


27 Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

questions which had been presented in Chapter 1. The quantification of findings was displayed in some tables, and then the phenomena which were described from the tables will be delivered in Chapter IV. As Alwasilah (2002) states that the display, for instance, flowchart and diagram, enable the researcher to explain the interpretation.

To analyze the data from the interview, the data were transcribed in order to interpret some important issues which were related to research questions that had been explained in Chapter 1 and to permit the researcher to obtain the important data that cannot acquire from observation alone. Furthermore, the data were linked to related literature, which are presented in the next chapter.



Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter provides the conclusions that are drawn as the result of data analysis and discussion of the study. It also provides suggestions for English teachers, students, other researchers and further study.

5.1 Conclusion

This study is concerned with teacher’s questioning strategies that were used in young learners’ classroom interaction. It also explored the effect of teacher questioning strategies to the students' responses.

It was found that there were five teacher’s questioning strategies employed by the teacher based on the observations. They were repetition, simplification, rephrasing, wait-time, code-switching, and blank-filling. Moreover, three of them were also mentioned by the teacher in the interview as the questioning strategies that she used. They were repetition, rephrasing and wait-time. Meanwhile, three types of teacher’s questioning strategy did not use in the classroom observation, they were simplification, decomposition and exemplification.

Related to the students’ responses toward teacher’s questioning strategies, it was found that students have more relevant response towards teacher’s questioning strategies. Teacher’s questioning strategy becomes one way to engage the students with the lesson. It is proved by the highest relevant responses that happend when the teachers apply questioning strategies. The questioning strategy



Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

is really important skill for the teacher in order to make an active classroom interaction.

Hopefully, these results will give information for the teachers about questioning strategy. Furthermore, the teacher could apply those strategies according to the students’ need.

5.2 Suggestion

This study may serve valuable information for English teachers, researchers, and people who concerned about education development. Therefore in accordance with the findings of the study, some suggestions are proposed.

To English teachers, first, teacher should apply some questioning strategies when delivering question in order to elicit students’ responses, especially to get relevant responses from the students. It is really important to do because it is can support the students’ learning process. Despite of that, it would be much better if the further research can hire respondents as many as possible to enrich the data.


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Alwasilah, A. C. (2000). Pokoknya kualitatif: dasar-dasar merancang dan melakukan penelitian kualitatif. Jakarta: Pustaka Jaya.

Brown, H. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. Fourth Edition. White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Brown, H.(2001). Teaching by principles: an interactive approach to language Pedagogy. Longman: New York

Caesin,W.E. (1995). Asking and answering. IDEA paper no.31. Manhattan.Ks : Centre for Faculty Evaluation and Development in Higher Education. Retrieved (19 May 2012) from ERIC online.

Cameron,L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge University Press: UK.

Chaudron,C. (1988). Second language classroom. New York: Cambridge University Press

Cooper, J.M. 2011. Classroom teaching skills. USA : Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Coulthard, Malcolm. (1977). An introduction to discourse analysis. Longman Group Ltd.


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Cresswell,J.W.(1994). Research design: qualitative and quantitative qpproaches. California: SAGE, Inc

Gay. L.R. Millis, G.E Airasian. P (2009). Educational research competencies for analysis and application (Ninth Ed). New Jersey: Pearson Education Limited

Harmer, Jeremy. (2007). The practice of english language teaching. Pearson Longman:UK.

Lang & Evans. (2006). Models, strategies, and methods for effective teaching. New York: Pearson Education.Inc

Nunan, D. (2000). Language Teaching Methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. Edinburgh: Pearson Education

Malahmah-Thomas, A. (1987). Classroom Interaction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Shomoosi,N.(2004). The Effect of Teacher’s Questioning Behaviour on EFL Classroom Interaction: A Classroom Research Study: The Reading Matrix, Vol 4 (2).

Suherdi, D. 2006. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Systemiotic Approach. Bandung: UPI Press.


Hani Haliani,2013

Teacher’s Questioning Strategies And Students’ Responses In Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Bandung : UPI Press.

Wu, Kam-yin. (1993). Classroom Interaction and Teacher Questions Revised. RELC Journal. SAGE

Yu, W. (2010). An Analysis of College English Classroom Questioning Journal of language Teaching and Research. Vol.1 no.2, pp 136-144. Qingdao University of Science and Technology (online) Retrieved