Pengawasan Plant Simulasi PLC Untuk pengendalian Temperatur Menggunakan SMS Tanpa Melalui PC - MCUrepository


Skema ASCII 7 Bit

  b7 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 b6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 b5

b4 b3 b2 b1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  0 0 0 0 0 @ p ∆ SP 0 - P ¨ ! 0 0 0 1 1

  1 A Q a q 0 0 1 0 2 $ Φ " 2 B R b r

0 0 1 1 3 # 3 C S c s

  Г 0 1 0 0 4

  4 D T d t Λ 0 1 0 1 5 Ω % 5 E U e u 0 1 1 0 6 Π & 6 F V f v

0 1 1 1 7 g w

Ψ ` 7 G W

1 0 0 0 8 ( 8 H X h x


1 0 0 1 9 ) 9 I Y i y


1 0 1 0 10 LF * : J Z j z


  • Ä ä 1 0 1 1 11 ; K k Ö ö 1 1 0 0 12 , < L l

    1 1 0 1 13 CR - = M m

    ß ü 1 1 1 0 14 . > N Ü n /

    1 1 1 1 15 ? O o

Skema ASCII 8 Bit Binary Decimal Hex Abbreviation Keyboard Access Name/Meaning



  10 DLE ^P Data Link Escape 0001 0001


  11 DC1 ^Q Device Control 1 — oft. XON 0001 0010


  12 DC2 ^R Device Control 2 0001 0011


  13 DC3 ^S Device Control 3 — oft. XOFF 0001 0100


  14 DC4 ^T Device Control 4 0001 0101


  15 NAK ^U Negative Acknowledgement 0001 0110

  16 SYN ^V Synchronous Idle 0001 0111



  17 ETB ^W End of Trans. Block 0001 1000



18 CAN ^X Cancel

0001 1001


  19 EM ^Y End of Medium 0001 1010


  1A SUB ^Z Substitute 0001 1011



1B ESC ^[ or ESC Escape

0001 1100


  1C FS ^\ File Separator


0F SI ^O Shift In

0001 0000

  0000 0000

  00 NUL ^@ Null character 0000 0001



  01 SOH ^A Start of Header 0000 0010


  02 STX ^B Start of Text 0000 0011


  03 ETX ^C End of Text 0000 0100


  04 EOT ^D End of Transmission 0000 0101



05 ENQ ^E Enquiry

0000 0110


  06 ACK ^F Acknowledgement 0000 0111

  07 BEL ^G Bell 0000 1000



  08 BS ^H Backspace 0000 1001


  09 HT ^I Horizontal Tab 0000 1010


  0A LF ^J Line feed 0000 1011



  VT ^K Vertical Tab 0000 1100


  0C FF ^L Form feed 0000 1101


  0D CR ^M Carriage return 0000 1110

  0E SO ^N Shift Out 0000 1111

  0001 1110


  1E RS ^^ Record Separator 0001 1111


  1F US ^_ Unit Separator 0111 1111 127

  7F DEL ^?, Delete, or Backspace


Binary Decimal Hex Graphic


  5 0011 0110


  3 0011 0100



  4 0011 0101




  2 0011 0011


  6 0011 0111



  7 0011 1000






  20 (blank) (

  2C , 0010 1101

  ␠) 0010 0001 33 21 ! 0010 0010 34 22 " 0010 0011 35 23 # 0010 0100 36 24 $ 0010 0101 37 25 % 0010 0110 38 26 & 0010 0111 39 27 ' 0010 1000 40 28 ( 0010 1001

  41 29 ) 0010 1010


  2A * 0010 1011


  2B + 0010 1100




  2D - 0010 1110 46 2E . 0010 1111


  2F / 0011 0000


  30 0011 0001

  0010 0000


  1 0011 0010


  0011 1010


  3A : 0011 1011


  3B ; 0011 1100


  3C < 0011 1101


  3D = 0011 1110


  3E > 0011 1111


  3F ?

Binary Decimal Hex Graphic

  64 40 @ 0100 0001


  4D M 0100 1110


  4E N 0100 1111


  4F O 0101 0000


  50 P 0101 0001


  51 Q 0101 0010

  52 R 0101 0011

  4C L 0100 1101


  53 S 0101 0100


  54 T 0101 0101


  55 U 0101 0110


  56 V 0101 0111






  41 A 0100 0010


  42 B 0100 0011


  43 C 0100 0100


  44 D 0100 0101


  45 E 0100 0110

  46 F 0100 0111

  4B K 0100 1100


  47 G 0100 1000


  0100 0000


  49 I 0100 1010


  4A J 0100 1011


  48 H 0100 1001

  0101 1010

  0110 0000

  71 q 0111 0010 114 72 r 0111 0011 115 73 s 0111 0100 116 74 t 0111 0101 117 75 u 0111 0110 118 76 v 0111 0111 119 77 w 0111 1000 120 78 x

  6F o 0111 0000 112 70 p 0111 0001 113

  6E n 0110 1111 111

  6D m 0110 1110 110

  6C l 0110 1101 109

  6B k 0110 1100 108

  6A j 0110 1011 107

  64 d 0110 0101 101 65 e 0110 0110 102 66 f 0110 0111 103 67 g 0110 1000 104 68 h 0110 1001 105 69 i 0110 1010 106

  96 60 ` 0110 0001 97 61 a 0110 0010 98 62 b 0110 0011 99 63 c 0110 0100 100

  5F _



  5E ^ 0101 1111


  5D ] 0101 1110


  5C \ 0101 1101


  5B [ 0101 1100


  5A Z 0101 1011

Binary Decimal Hex Graphic

  0111 1010 122

  7A z 0111 1011 123

  7B { 0111 1100 124

  7C | 0111 1101 125

  7D } 0111 1110 126


AT Command Set

A. Overview of the Supported AT Command Set No Commands Function

  32 AT+CAMM Accumulated call meter maximum

  25 AT+WS46 Select wireless network

  26 AT+CSCS Select TE character set

  27 AT+CAOC Advice of charge

  28 AT+CSSN Supplementary service notifications

  29 AT+CRSM Restricted SIM access

  30 AT+CIMI Output of IMSI

  31 AT+CACM Accumulated call meter

  33 AT+CLCC List Current Calls

  23 AT+VTS Send a DTMF tone

  34 AT+CCLK Clock

  35 AT+COPN Read operator names

  36 AT+CPUC Price per unit and currency table

  37 AT+CALM Alert sound mode

  38 AT+CRSL Ringer sound level

  39 AT+CLVL Loudspeaker volume level

  40 AT+CMUT Mute control

  24 AT+VTD Set duration of a DTMF tone

  1 AT+CGMI Issue manufacturer ID code

  2 AT+CGMM Issue model ID code

  11 AT+CPWD Change password to a lock

  3 AT+CGMR Output the GSM telephone version

  4 AT+CGSN Output the serial number (IMEI)

  5 AT+GSN Output the serial number (IMEI)

  6 AT+CHUP Terminate call

  7 AT+CEER Query the reason for disconnection of last call

  8 AT+CREG Network registration


9 AT+COPS Commands concerning selection of network operator

  10 AT+CLCK Switch locks on and off

  12 AT+CLIP Display telephone number of calling party

  21 AT+CPBW Write a telephone-book entry

  13 AT+CCFC Call forwarding

  14 AT+CHLD Call hold and multiparty

  15 AT+CPAS Query the telephone status

  16 AT+CPIN Enter PIN and query lock

  17 AT+CBC Battery charge

  18 AT+CSQ Output signal quality

  19 AT+CPBS Select a telephone book

  20 Fehler! Kein Read a telephone-book entry gültiges Resultat für Tabelle.


22 AT+CMEE Expanded error messages according to GSM 07.07

No Commands Function

  42 AT+CSMS Selection of message service

  43 AT+CPMS Selection of SMS memory

  44 AT+CMGF SMS format

  45 AT+CSCA Address of the SMS service center

  46 AT+CNMI Display new incoming SMS

  47 AT+CNMA Acknowledgment of a short message directly output

  48 AT+CMGL List SMS

  49 AT+CMGR Read in an SMS

  50 AT+CMGS Send an SMS

  51 AT+CMSS Send an SMS from the SMS memory

  52 AT+CMGW Write an SMS to the SMS memory

  53 AT+CMGD Delete an SMS in the SMS memory

  54 AT+CSCB Select cell broadcast messages

  55 AT+CMGC Send an SMS command

No Siemens-specific Function commands

  3 AT^SPBC Seek the first entry in the sorted telephone book which begins with the selected (or next available) letter

  16 AT^SCKS Output SIM card status


1 AT^SPBS Select a telephone book (including Siemens-specific books)

  24 AT^SBNW Binary Write

  23 AT^SSTK SIM Toolkit

  22 AT^SLNG Language settings

  21 AT^SMSO Switch device off

  20 AT^SMGR Read SMS record without Changing unread->read

  19 AT^SMGL List SMS (without status change from unreadto read)

  18 AT^SMGO SMS overflow indicator

  17 AT^SPIC Output PIN counter

  15 AT^SCID Output card ID

  4 AT^SPBG Read entry from the sorted telephone book via the sorted index

  14 AT^SRTC Set the ringing tone

  13 AT^SNFS Select NF hardware

  12 AT^SNFV Set the volume

  11 AT^SCNI Output call number information

  10 AT^SPLW Write an entry to the preferred-operator list

  9 AT^SPLR Read an entry from the preferred-operator list

  8 AT^SPLM Read the PLMN

  2 AT^SDLD Delete the ”last number redial” memory”


6 AT^SPWD Change password to a lock (including user-defined locks)

  5 AT^SLCK Switch locks (including user-defined locks) on and off

  7 AT^SACM Output ACM (accumulated call meter) and ACMmax

B. AT Command Set


Remote control operation of the GSM mobile telephone runs via a serial

interface (data cable of infrared connection), where AT+C commands

according to ETSI GSM 07.07 and GSM 07.05 specification as well as

several manufacturer specific AT commands are available. These

commands are described in more detail later on. The modem guideline

V.25ter applies to the sequence of the interface commands. According to

this guideline, commands should begin with the character string ”AT” and

end with ”<CR>” (= 0x0D). The input of a command is acknowledged by

the display of ”OK” or ”ERROR”. A command currently in process is

interrupted by each additional character entered. This means that you

should not enter the next command until you have received the

acknowledgment; otherwise the current command is interrupted. The commands supported are listed in the following tables:

B.1. Hayes-Standard Commands

  The Hayes-standard commands correspond to the commands of AT Hayes-compatible modems.

A/ Command Function Repeat last command

  AT... Prefix for all other commands ATA Accept call

ATD<str>; Dial the dialing string <str> with the voice utility Valid dial modifiers: ”T”

(tone dialing), ”P” (pulse dialing) is ignored. The character ”;” is important, for this tells the phone that the call should be set up with the voice utility. Otherwise an attempt is made to set up a data call, which

the phone immediately acknowledges with ”ERROR”.

  The dial command responds with OK to the user right after starting a voide call. Other behavior like *# sequences in the dial command and also data calls remain unchanged. ATD><n>; Dial the telephone number from the current telephone book location number <n>

  The telephone book is selected with the command at+cpbs (or at^spbs). ATD><mem>< Dial the telephone number from the telephone book <mem> location n>; number <n> ATDL Dial last telephone number ATE0 Deactivate command echo ATQ0 Display acknowledgments ATQ1 Suppress acknowledgments ATV0 Output acknowledgments as numbers ATV1 Output acknowledgments as text AT&F[0] Reset to factory profile ATZ Set to default configuration AT+GCAP Output the capabilities list

B.2. Acknowledgments for Normal Data Communication Response Numeric Meaning

  OK Command executed, no errors RING

  2 Ring detected NO CARRIER


3 Link not established or disconnected


  4 Invalid command or command line too long NO DIALTONE

  6 No dial tone, dialing impossible, wrong mode BUSY

C. AT Commands According to GSM 07.05 for SMS

According to GSM, it is possible to execute an AT command in various forms


Test command AT+CXXX=? The telephone responds by sending the

list of parameters and value ranges; these can be set using the affiliated Write command or by means of internal processes.

Read command AT+CXXX? This command tells you the current value

setting of the parameter(s).


Write command AT+CXXX=<...> This command is used to set parameters

that can be set. Execute command AT+CXXX The Execute command reads non- settable parameters which are influenced by internal processes in the telephone.

  The GSM 07.05 commands are used for operating the SMS functions of the GSM


  Komunikasi ASCII pada PLC Twido



Program information

  Print date 05/08/2005 Author Department Target TWDLMDA20DRT Index Industrial property


Ladder Diagram RUNG 0



  %M224 %TM8

  IN Q TON TYPE TB 1 sec

  Y ADJ %TM8.P 600

  S %M224

  RUNG 1

  %M224 %TM8.V = 0

  %M239 %M241 %M240 %M236 %MW1001:-

  X10 %MSG2.D %M243 S


  RUNG 2

  %S13 %MW1500 := 16#0004 %MW1501 := 16#0000 %MW1502 := 16#4154 %MW1503 := 16#5A0D INDIKATOR- _SISTEM

  EXCH2 %MW1500:4 %M241

  S %MW495:X0


  13 S %MW495:X1

  R %MW495:X3

  R %MW495:X5

  RUNG 4

  %S13 %MW1504 := 16#020A %MW1505 := 16#0000

  RUNG 5

  %MW495:X1 %MSG2.D EXCH2 %MW1504:7

  RUNG 6

  %MW1509 = 20299 R

  %MW495:X1 S


  %MW1511 := 16#000B %MW1512 := 16#0000 %MW1513 := 16#4154 %MW1514 := 16#2B43 %MW1515 := 16#4D47 %MW1516 := 16#533D %MW1517 := 16#3338

  RUNG 8

  %MW1518 := 16#0D00 %S13

  RUNG 9

  %MW1509 = 20299 EXCH2 %MW1511:8

  %MW495:X1 %MW495:X2 %MW495:X3 %MSG2.D %MW495:X2

  S %MW495:X3


  RUNG 10

  %MW1519 := 16#020E %S13

  %MW1520 := 16#0000

  EXCH2 %MW1519:9

  RUNG 12

  %MW1527 = 2622 %MW495:X2

  R %MW499:X-

  10 S

  RUNG 13

  %MW1529 := 16#005B %S13

  %MW1530 := 16#0000 %MW1531 := 16#3037 %MW1532 := 16#3931 %MW1533 := 16#3236 %MW1534 := 16#3138 %MW1535 := 16#3031

  %MW1536 := 16#3030 %MW1537 := 16#3030 %MW1538 := 16#4630 %MW1539 := 16#3031 %MW1540 := 16#3030 %MW1541 := 16#3043 %MW1542 := 16#3931

  RUNG 15

  %MW1541 := 16#3043 %M225 %M226

  %MW1542 := 16#3931

  %MW1543 := 16#3236 %MW1544 := ROR( %MW371, 8 ) %MW1545 := ROR( %MW372, 8 ) %MW1546 := ROR( %MW373, 8 ) %MW1547 := ROR( %MW374, 8 ) %MW1548 := ROR( %MW375, 8 ) %MW1549 := 16#3030

  RUNG 17

  %MW1541 := 16#3043 %M225 %M226

  %MW1542 := 16#3831

  %MW1543 := 16#3830 %MW1544 := ROR( %MW371, 8 ) %MW1545 := ROR( %MW372, 8 ) %MW1546 := ROR( %MW373, 8 ) %MW1547 := ROR( %MW374, 8 ) %MW1548 := ROR( %MW375, 8 ) %MW1549 := 16#3030

  RUNG 19

  %MW423 = 16#3036 %MW1543 := %MW433 %M225 %M241

  %MW1544 := %MW434 %MW1545 := %MW435 %MW1546 := %MW436 %MW1547 := %MW437 %MW1548 := %MW438 %MW1549 := 16#3030

  %MW423 = 16#3037 %MW1543 := %MW434 %MW1001:-

  %MW1544 := %MW435 %MW1545 := %MW436 %MW1546 := %MW437 %MW1547 := %MW438 %MW1548 := %MW439 %MW1549 := 16#3030

  RUNG 21

  %MW1550 := 16#3030 %S13

  %MW1551 := 16#3138 %MW1552 := 16#4433 %MW1553 := 16#4634 %MW1554 := 16#3943 %MW1555 := 16#3545 %MW1556 := 16#3645

  %MW1557 := 16#3833 %MW1558 := 16#3734 %MW1559 := 16#4130 %MW1560 := 16#4137 %MW1561 := 16#4431 %MW1562 := 16#4138 %MW1563 := 16#4530

  RUNG 23

  %MW1564 := 16#3139 %S13

  %MW1565 := 16#4535 %MW1566 := 16#4546 %MW1567 := 16#4236 %MW1568 := 16#3045 %MW1569 := 16#3034 %MW1570 := 16#3635

  %MW1571 := 16#3045 %MW1572 := 16#3744 %MW1573 := 16#3030 %MW1574 := 16#3030 %MW1575 := 16#3030 %MW1576 := 16#1A00

  RUNG 25

  %MW1527 = 2622 EXCH2 %MW1529:48

  %MW495:X2 %MW495:X4 %MW495:X5 %MSG2.D %MW495:X5

  S %M225 %MW495:X6

  S %MW499:X-


  11 S

  RUNG 26

  %TM9 %MW495:X6


  IN Q TYPE TON TB 100 ms ADJ Y %TM9.P


  %MW1506:5 := 0 %MW1521:7 := 0 %MW1602:46 := 0

  RUNG 28

  %MW495:X7 R

  %MW495:X0 R

  %MW495:X6 R

  %MW499:X9 R


  10 R %M224

  R %M225

  RUNG 29

  %S13 %MW1700 := 16#0004 %MW1701 := 16#0000 %MW1702 := 16#4154 %MW1703 := 16#5A0D

  %MW494:X- EXCH2 %MW1700:4

  S %MW494:X0

  S %MW494:X1

  R %MW494:X3

  R %MW494:X5

  RUNG 31

  %S13 %MW1704 := 16#020A %MW1705 := 16#0000

  RUNG 32

  %MW494:X1 %MSG2.D EXCH2 %MW1704:7

  RUNG 33

  %MW1709 = 20299 R

  %MW494:X1 S



  %MW1711 := 16#000B %MW1712 := 16#0000 %MW1713 := 16#4154 %MW1714 := 16#2B43 %MW1715 := 16#4D47 %MW1716 := 16#533D %MW1717 := 16#3338

  RUNG 35

  %MW1718 := 16#0D00 %S13

  RUNG 36

  %MW1709 = 20299 EXCH2 %MW1711:8

  %MW494:X1 %MW494:X2 %MW494:X3 %MSG2.D %MW494:X2

  S %MW494:X3


  RUNG 37

  %MW1719 := 16#020E %S13

  %MW1720 := 16#0000

  EXCH2 %MW1719:9

  RUNG 39

  %MW1727 = 2622 %MW494:X2

  R %MW499:X-

  13 S

  RUNG 40

  %MW1729 := 16#005D %S13

  %MW1730 := 16#0000 %MW1731 := 16#3037 %MW1732 := 16#3931 %MW1733 := 16#3236 %MW1734 := 16#3138 %MW1735 := 16#3031

  %MW1736 := 16#3030 %MW1737 := 16#3030 %MW1738 := 16#4630 %MW1739 := 16#3031 %MW1740 := 16#3030 %MW1741 := 16#3044 %MW1742 := 16#3931

  RUNG 42

  %MW1743 := %MW433 %MW1744 := %MW434 %MW1745 := %MW435 %MW1746 := %MW436 %MW1747 := %MW437 %MW1748 := %MW438 %MW1749 := %MW439

  %MW1750 := 16#3030 %MW1751 := 16#3030 %MW1752 := 16#3138 %MW1753 := 16#4433 %MW1754 := 16#4634 %MW1755 := 16#3943 %MW1756 := 16#3545

  RUNG 44

  %MW1757 := 16#3645 %S13

  %MW1758 := 16#3833 %MW1759 := 16#3734 %MW1760 := 16#4130 %MW1761 := 16#4137 %MW1762 := 16#4431 %MW1763 := 16#4138

  %MW1764 := 16#4530 %MW1765 := 16#3139 %MW1766 := 16#4535 %MW1767 := 16#4546 %MW1768 := 16#4236 %MW1769 := 16#3045 %MW1770 := 16#3034

  RUNG 46

  %MW1771 := 16#3635 %S13

  %MW1772 := 16#3045 %MW1773 := 16#3744 %MW1774 := 16#3030 %MW1775 := 16#3030 %MW1776 := 16#3030 %MW1777 := 16#1A00

  %MW1727 = 2622 EXCH2 %MW1729:49

  %MW494:X5 S


  14 S

  RUNG 48

  %MW996 := %IW0.1.0 / 10 %MW995 := ITB( %MW996 ) %MW994 := SHR( %MW995, 4 ) %MW993 := %MW995 AND 16#000F

  RUNG 49

  %MW994 = 0 %MW992 := 16#3832

  %MW994 = 1 %MW992 := 16#3841

  %MW994 = 2 %MW992 := 16#3932

  %MW994 = 3 %MW992 := 16#3941

  %MW994 = 4 %MW992 := 16#4132

  %MW994 = 5 %MW992 := 16#4141

  %MW994 = 6 %MW992 := 16#4232

  %MW994 = 7 %MW992 := 16#4241

  %MW994 = 8 %MW992 := 16#4332

  %MW994 = 9 %MW992 := 16#4341

  RUNG 51

  %MW993 = 0 %MW991 := 16#4331

  %MW993 = 1 %MW991 := 16#4335

  %MW993 = 2 %MW991 := 16#4339

  %MW993 = 3 %MW991 := 16#4344

  %MW993 = 4 %MW991 := 16#4431

  %MW993 = 5 %MW991 := 16#4435

  %MW993 = 6 %MW991 := 16#4439

  RUNG 52

  %MW993 = 7 %MW991 := 16#4444

  %MW993 = 8 %MW991 := 16#4531

  %MW993 = 9 %MW991 := 16#4535

  %MW70 := %MW992 %MW71 := %MW991

  RUNG 54

  %MW994 = 0 %MW148 := 16#3038

  %MW994 = 1 %MW148 := 16#3238

  %MW994 = 2 %MW148 := 16#3438

  %MW994 = 3 %MW148 := 16#3638

  %MW994 = 4 %MW148 := 16#3838

  %MW994 = 5 %MW148 := 16#4138

  %MW994 = 6 %MW148 := 16#4338

  RUNG 55

  %MW994 = 7 %MW148 := 16#4538

  %MW994 = 8 %MW148 := 16#3238

  %MW994 = 9 %MW148 := 16#3438

  %MW993 = 0 %MW147 := 16#3036

  %MW993 = 1 %MW147 := 16#3136

  %MW993 = 2 %MW147 := 16#3236

  %MW993 = 3 %MW147 := 16#3336

  %MW993 = 4 %MW147 := 16#3436

  %MW993 = 5 %MW147 := 16#3536

  %MW993 = 6 %MW147 := 16#3636

  RUNG 57

  %MW993 = 7 %MW147 := 16#3736

  %MW993 = 8 %MW147 := 16#3836

  %MW993 = 9 %MW147 := 16#3936

  RUNG 58

  %MW568 := %MW148 %MW569 := %MW147 %MW1071 := %MW148 %MW1072 := %MW147

  %MW149 := 40

  RUNG 60


  INDIKATOR- %MW2000:-

  _SISTEM %I0.0 %I0.1

  X1 %Q0.0


  %Q0.0 %MW2000:-




  %I0.0 %MW498:X0 %Q0.0 %Q0.1 %Q0.2 %Q0.3

  VALVE %Q0.3

  %MW498:X2 %MW2000:-

  X0 RUNG 62

  VALVE %Q0.3

  %MW498:X2 R VALVE %TM3

  IN Q TYPE TON TB 1 sec ADJ Y %TM3.P 125

  RUNG 64


  _SISTEM %MW498:X0 %MW498:X1 %Q0.0

  %Q0.1 PUMP


  RUNG 65


  %Q0.1 %MW498:X1


  27 RUNG 66


  _SISTEM %MW498:X1 %MW498:X2 %Q0.0

  %Q0.2 MIXER %Q0.2 MIXER %TM5


  TB 1 sec ADJ Y %TM5.P 128

  RUNG 68

  %MW996 <= %MW149 %QW0.1.0 := 1000

  MIXER %Q0.2

  %MW996 >= %MW149 %QW0.1.0 := 0

  RUNG 69

  %QW0.1.0 := 0 PUMP


  VALVE %Q0.3



  RUNG 70

  %MW996 >= %MW149 %M239 %MSG2.D

  %M238 S

  RUNG 71

  %MW130:16 := 8224 %S13


  RUNG 73

  %MW0 := 16#0004 %S13

  %MW1 := 16#0000 %MW2 := 16#4154 %MW3 := 16#5A0D

  RUNG 74

  EXCH2 %MW0:4 %M238 %MSG2.D

  %M253 S

  %M251 R

  %M249 R

  RUNG 75

  %MW4 := 16#020A %S13

  %MW5 := 16#0000

  RUNG 76

  EXCH2 %MW4:7 %M253 %MSG2.D

  %MW9 = 20299 R

  %MW499:X0 S

  RUNG 78

  %MW11 := 16#000B %S13

  %MW12 := 16#0000 %MW13 := 16#4154 %MW14 := 16#2B43 %MW15 := 16#4D47 %MW16 := 16#533D %MW17 := 16#3738

  RUNG 79

  %MW18 := 16#0D00 %S13

  RUNG 80

  %MW9 = 20299 EXCH2 %MW11:8

  %M253 %M252 %M251 %MSG2.D %M252


  %MW19 := 16#020E %MW20 := 16#0000

  RUNG 82

  EXCH2 %MW19:9 %M252 %MSG2.D

  RUNG 83

  %MW27 = 2622 %M252

  R %M251

  S %MW499:X1


  RUNG 84

  %MW29 := 16#00AB %S13

  %MW30 := 16#0000 %MW31 := 16#3037 %MW32 := 16#3931 %MW33 := 16#3236 %MW34 := 16#3138 %MW35 := 16#3031

  %MW36 := 16#3030 %MW37 := 16#3030 %MW38 := 16#4630 %MW39 := 16#3031 %MW40 := 16#3030 %MW41 := 16#3043 %MW42 := 16#3931

  RUNG 86

  %MW370 := 16#3632 %S13

  %MW371 := 16#3831 %MW372 := 16#3232 %MW373 := 16#3038 %MW374 := 16#3532 %MW375 := 16#3836

  %MW41 := 16#3043 %MW42 := 16#3931

  RUNG 88

  %MW43 := 16#3236 %M226

  %MW44 := ROR( %MW371, 8 ) %MW45 := ROR( %MW372, 8 ) %MW46 := ROR( %MW373, 8 ) %MW47 := ROR( %MW374, 8 ) %MW48 := ROR( %MW375, 8 ) %MW49 := 16#3030

  RUNG 89

  %MW41 := 16#3043 %M226

  %MW42 := 16#3831

  %MW43 := 16#3830 %MW44 := ROR( %MW371, 8 ) %MW45 := ROR( %MW372, 8 ) %MW46 := ROR( %MW373, 8 ) %MW47 := ROR( %MW374, 8 ) %MW48 := ROR( %MW375, 8 ) %MW49 := 16#3030

  RUNG 91

  %MW50 := 16#3030 %S13

  %MW51 := 16#3430 %MW52 := 16#3343 %MW53 := 16#4133 %MW54 := 16#4643 %MW55 := 16#4444 %MW56 := 16#4436

  %MW57 := 16#3831 %MW58 := 16#4130 %MW59 := 16#4343 %MW60 := 16#4131 %MW61 := 16#3446 %MW62 := 16#4131 %MW63 := 16#3130

  RUNG 93

  %MW64 := 16#3444 %S13

  %MW65 := 16#4542 %MW66 := 16#4538 %MW67 := 16#3341 %MW68 := 16#4138 %MW69 := 16#3037 %MW72 := 16#3534

  %MW73 := 16#3433 %MW74 := 16#3931 %MW75 := 16#3632 %MW76 := 16#3138 %MW77 := 16#4136 %MW78 := 16#4542 %MW79 := 16#3430

  RUNG 95

  %MW112 := 16#3030 %S13

  %MW113 := 16#3030 %MW114 := 16#3030 %MW115 := 16#3030 %MW116 := 16#1A00

  RUNG 96

  %MW27 = 2622 EXCH2 %MW29:88

  %M252 %M250 %M249 %MSG2.D %M250


  %MW900 := 16#02AB %MW901 := 16#0000

  RUNG 98

  EXCH2 %MW900:88 %M250 %MSG2.D

  RUNG 99

  %MW950 <> 0 %MW499:X8


  RUNG 100

  STOP %TM12

  %MW2499:- %I0.1


  TB 100 ms ADJ Y %TM12.P

  50 RUNG 101 %TM13

  %MW2499:- %MW2499:-

  X0 X0


  TB 100 ms ADJ Y %TM13.P


  %MW2499:- R

  %M249 S

  %MW6:5 := 0 %MW21:7 := 0 %MW902:86 := 0

  %M238 R

  %M239 R

  RUNG 103


  X0 %MW499:X0

  R %MW499:X1

  R %MW499:X2

  R %M227

  R %M228

  R %M224

  R %M225


  %MW130:X9 %M1


  10 %M2


  11 %M3


  12 %M4


  13 %M5


  14 %M6

  RUNG 105

  %MW130:X0 %M7

  %MW130:X1 %M8

  %MW130:X2 %M9

  %MW130:X3 %M10

  %MW130:X4 %M11

  %MW130:X5 %M12

  %MW130:X6 %M13

  %MW131:X9 %M15

  14 %M20

  %MW131:X5 %M26

  %MW131:X4 %M25

  %MW131:X3 %M24

  %MW131:X2 %M23

  %MW131:X1 %M22

  %MW131:X0 %M21

  RUNG 107



  13 %M19


  12 %M18


  11 %M17


  10 %M16

  %MW131:X6 %M27

  %MW132:X9 %M29

  14 %M34

  %MW132:X5 %M40

  %MW132:X4 %M39

  %MW132:X3 %M38

  %MW132:X2 %M37

  %MW132:X1 %M36

  %MW132:X0 %M35

  RUNG 109



  13 %M33


  12 %M32


  11 %M31


  10 %M30

  %MW132:X6 %M41

  %MW133:X9 %M43

  14 %M48

  %MW133:X5 %M54

  %MW133:X4 %M53

  %MW133:X3 %M52

  %MW133:X2 %M51

  %MW133:X1 %M50

  %MW133:X0 %M49

  RUNG 111



  13 %M47


  12 %M46


  11 %M45


  10 %M44

  %MW133:X6 %M55

  %MW134:X9 %M57

  14 %M62

  %MW134:X5 %M68

  %MW134:X4 %M67

  %MW134:X3 %M66

  %MW134:X2 %M65

  %MW134:X1 %M64

  %MW134:X0 %M63

  RUNG 113



  13 %M61


  12 %M60


  11 %M59


  10 %M58

  %MW134:X6 %M69

  %MW135:X9 %M71

  14 %M76

  %MW135:X5 %M82

  %MW135:X4 %M81

  %MW135:X3 %M80

  %MW135:X2 %M79

  %MW135:X1 %M78

  %MW135:X0 %M77

  RUNG 115



  13 %M75


  12 %M74


  11 %M73


  10 %M72

  %MW135:X6 %M83

  %MW136:X9 %M85

  14 %M90

  %MW136:X5 %M96

  %MW136:X4 %M95

  %MW136:X3 %M94

  %MW136:X2 %M93

  %MW136:X1 %M92

  %MW136:X0 %M91

  RUNG 117



  13 %M89


  12 %M88


  11 %M87


  10 %M86

  %MW136:X6 %M97

  %MW137:X9 %M99

  14 %M104

  %MW137:X5 %M110

  %MW137:X4 %M109

  %MW137:X3 %M108

  %MW137:X2 %M107

  %MW137:X1 %M106

  %MW137:X0 %M105

  RUNG 119



  13 %M103


  12 %M102


  11 %M101


  10 %M100

  %MW137:X6 %M111

  %MW138:X9 %M113

  14 %M118

  %MW138:X5 %M124

  %MW138:X4 %M123

  %MW138:X3 %M122

  %MW138:X2 %M121

  %MW138:X1 %M120

  %MW138:X0 %M119

  RUNG 121



  13 %M117


  12 %M116


  11 %M115


  10 %M114

  %MW138:X6 %M125

  %MW139:X9 %M127

  14 %M132

  %MW139:X5 %M138

  %MW139:X4 %M137

  %MW139:X3 %M136

  %MW139:X2 %M135

  %MW139:X1 %M134

  %MW139:X0 %M133

  RUNG 123



  13 %M131


  12 %M130


  11 %M129


  10 %M128

  %MW139:X6 %M139

  %MW140:X9 %M141

  14 %M146

  %MW140:X5 %M152

  %MW140:X4 %M151

  %MW140:X3 %M150

  %MW140:X2 %M149

  %MW140:X1 %M148

  %MW140:X0 %M147

  RUNG 125



  13 %M145


  12 %M144


  11 %M143


  10 %M142

  %MW140:X6 %M153

  %MW141:X9 %M155

  14 %M160

  %MW141:X5 %M166

  %MW141:X4 %M165

  %MW141:X3 %M164

  %MW141:X2 %M163

  %MW141:X1 %M162

  %MW141:X0 %M161

  RUNG 127



  13 %M159


  12 %M158


  11 %M157


  10 %M156

  %MW141:X6 %M167

  %MW142:X9 %M169

  14 %M174

  %MW142:X5 %M180

  %MW142:X4 %M179

  %MW142:X3 %M178

  %MW142:X2 %M177

  %MW142:X1 %M176

  %MW142:X0 %M175

  RUNG 129



  13 %M173


  12 %M172


  11 %M171


  10 %M170

  %MW142:X6 %M181

  %MW143:X9 %M183

  14 %M188

  %MW143:X5 %M194

  %MW143:X4 %M193

  %MW143:X3 %M192

  %MW143:X2 %M191

  %MW143:X1 %M190

  %MW143:X0 %M189

  RUNG 131



  13 %M187


  12 %M186


  11 %M185


  10 %M184

  %MW143:X6 %M195

  %MW144:X9 %M197

  14 %M202

  %MW144:X5 %M208

  %MW144:X4 %M207

  %MW144:X3 %M206

  %MW144:X2 %M205

  %MW144:X1 %M204

  %MW144:X0 %M203

  RUNG 133



  13 %M201


  12 %M200


  11 %M199


  10 %M198

  %MW144:X6 %M209

  %MW145:X9 %M211

  14 %M216

  %MW145:X5 %M222

  %MW145:X4 %M221

  %MW145:X3 %M220

  %MW145:X2 %M219

  %MW145:X1 %M218

  %MW145:X0 %M217

  RUNG 135



  13 %M215


  12 %M214


  11 %M213


  10 %M212

  %MW145:X6 %M223

  %MW1000 := 0 %MW80:32 := 0


  15 RUNG 137 %TM6

  %M230 %MW497:X0

  IN Q TYPE TP %MW497:X-

  TB 100 ms

  15 ADJ Y %TM6.P

  40 RUNG 138 %TM7

  %MW497:X0 %MW497:X1


  TB 100 ms ADJ Y %TM7.P

  25 RUNG 139 %MW80 <> 0 %MW90 <> 0 %MW100 <> 0 %MW111 <> 0

  %MW497:X1 R

  %MW150 := %M0:8 %MW151 := %M8:8 %MW152 := %M16:8 %MW153 := %M24:8 %MW154 := %M32:8 %MW155 := %M40:8 %MW156 := %M48:8

  RUNG 141

  %MW157 := %M56:8 %MW497:X6

  %MW158 := %M64:8 %MW159 := %M72:8 %MW160 := %M80:8 %MW161 := %M88:8 %MW162 := %M96:8 %MW163 := %M104:8

  %MW164 := %M112:8 %MW165 := %M120:8 %MW166 := %M128:8 %MW167 := %M136:8 %MW168 := %M144:8 %MW169 := %M152:8 %MW170 := %M160:8

  RUNG 143

  %MW171 := %M168:8 %MW497:X6

  %MW172 := %M176:8 %MW173 := %M184:8 %MW174 := %M192:8 %MW175 := %M200:8 %MW176 := %M208:8 %MW177 := %M216:8

  %MW178 := 0 %MW179 := 0 %MW180 := 0 %MW181 := 0

  %MW1000 = 0 %MW999 := %MW150

  %MW497:X5 %MW998:X0

  RUNG 146

  %MW1000 <> 0 %MW80 = 0 %MW80 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW151


  RUNG 147

  %C0.V = 2 %MW81 = 0 %MW81 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW152


  %C0.V = 3 %MW81 <> 0 %MW82 = 0 %MW82 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW153


  RUNG 149

  %C0.V = 4 %MW82 <> 0 %MW83 = 0 %MW83 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW154


  RUNG 150

  %C0.V = 5 %MW83 <> 0 %MW84 = 0 %MW84 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW155


  RUNG 151

  %C0.V = 6 %MW84 <> 0 %MW85 = 0 %MW85 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW156


  %C0.V = 7 %MW85 <> 0 %MW86 = 0 %MW86 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW157


  RUNG 153

  %C0.V = 8 %MW86 <> 0 %MW87 = 0 %MW87 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW158


  RUNG 154

  %C0.V = 9 %MW87 <> 0 %MW88 = 0 %MW88 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW159


  RUNG 155

  %C0.V = 10 %MW88 <> 0 %MW89 = 0 %MW89 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW160



  %C0.V = 11 %MW89 <> 0 %MW90 = 0 %MW90 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW161


  11 RUNG 157 %C0.V = 12 %MW90 <> 0 %MW91 = 0 %MW91 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW162 %MW998:X-

  12 RUNG 158 %C0.V = 13 %MW91 <> 0 %MW92 = 0 %MW92 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW163 %MW998:X-

  13 RUNG 159 %C0.V = 14 %MW92 <> 0 %MW93 = 0 %MW93 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW164 %MW998:X-


  %C0.V = 15 %MW93 <> 0 %MW94 = 0 %MW94 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW165


  15 RUNG 161 %C0.V = 16 %MW94 <> 0 %MW95 = 0 %MW95 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW166 %MW997:X0

  RUNG 162

  %C0.V = 17 %MW95 <> 0 %MW96 = 0 %MW96 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW167


  RUNG 163

  %C0.V = 18 %MW96 <> 0 %MW97 = 0 %MW97 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW168


  %C0.V = 19 %MW97 <> 0 %MW98 = 0 %MW98 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW169


  RUNG 165

  %C0.V = 20 %MW98 <> 0 %MW99 = 0 %MW99 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW170


  RUNG 166

  %C0.V = 21 %MW99 <> 0 %MW100 = 0 %MW100 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW171


  RUNG 167

  %C0.V = 22 %MW100 <> 0 %MW101 = 0 %MW101 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW172


  %C0.V = 23 %MW101 <> 0 %MW102 = 0 %MW102 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW173


  RUNG 169

  %C0.V = 24 %MW102 <> 0 %MW103 = 0 %MW103 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW174


  RUNG 170

  %C0.V = 25 %MW103 <> 0 %MW104 = 0 %MW104 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW175


  RUNG 171

  %C0.V = 26 %MW104 <> 0 %MW105 = 0 %MW105 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW176



  %C0.V = 27 %MW105 <> 0 %MW106 = 0 %MW106 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW177


  11 RUNG 173 %C0.V = 28 %MW106 <> 0 %MW107 = 0 %MW107 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW178 %MW997:X-

  12 RUNG 174 %C0.V = 29 %MW107 <> 0 %MW108 = 0 %MW108 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW179 %MW997:X-

  13 RUNG 175 %C0.V = 30 %MW108 <> 0 %MW109 = 0 %MW109 := %MW1000

  %MW999 := %MW180 %MW997:X-


  %C0.V = 31 %MW109 <> 0 %MW110 = 0 %MW110 := %MW1000 %MW999 := %MW181


  15 RUNG 177 %C0.V = 32 %MW110 <> 0 %MW111 = 0 %MW111 := %MW1000

  RUNG 178

  %MW998:X0 %MW496:X0

  %MW998:X2 %MW998:X4 %MW998:X6 %MW998:X8


  10 %MW998:X-


  %MW998:X- %MW997:X0 %MW997:X2 %MW997:X4 %MW997:X6 %MW997:X8


  10 RUNG 180 %MW997:X-

  12 %MW496:X2


  14 RUNG 181 %MW496:X0

  %M255 %MW496:X1 %MW496:X2

  %MW998:X3 %MW998:X5 %MW998:X7 %MW998:X9


  11 %MW998:X-

  13 RUNG 183 %MW998:X-

  15 %MW496:X4

  %MW997:X1 %MW997:X3 %MW997:X5 %MW997:X7 %MW997:X9



  %MW997:X- %MW997:X-

  15 RUNG 185 %MW496:X3

  %M254 %MW496:X4 %MW496:X5

  RUNG 186


  X0 %C0


  32 %M230