Resources - ACCCRN Learning Forum 2016 Presentations and Resources - ACCCRN Network

Purpose of Session: Discuss gaps, blind spots, and things We Wish We’d Have Known
Aniessa Delima Sari
Aniessa Delima Sari is Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) programme
manager at Mercy Corps Indonesia. With more than five years experiences in urban resilience
work, Aniessa leads partnerships with the Association of the Indonesian Municipalities (APEKSI),
National Government and private sector companies, with the aim of assisting and facilitating
cities in Indonesia to develop resilience plan, implement resilience actions, and share knowledge
for advocacy purposes.
(5 minutes context on Engaging the Right City Stakeholders)
Building urban resilience requires inclusiveness and collaboration.
Who’s the right people/organization to engage to accelerate the efforts of building city
resilience? Some normal on the roles of stakeholders may include, the role of city government
as regulatory body (develop policy), the role of academia to do research, the role of local NGO
to assist communities and the role of communities to receive benefits and ideally taking part in
the implementation of resilience actions (intervention projects).
Is there any surprises (good or bad) in the role that they play as an organization in building
resilience? Any specific organizations/people that turns out to have a significant role to
accelerate the efforts of building resilience?

Different cities might have different ways in making sure that urban resilience efforts is inclusive.
Say, mainstream the concept of urban resilience to the city mid-term plans, making sure
vulnerable groups is involved in the design and implementation of projects, to involving wide
range of stakeholders in resilience actions. But how do we ensure/what is the mechanism in
place to ensure that urban resilience efforts remains inclusive?
On Collaboration
One of the challenges is to involve business sector. (insert facts)
Not only because they have funding, and therefore needs to help neighborhood on their
business areas. Not only because they’re bound to the Corporate Social Responsibility, but
because they’re part of what makes a city. They have specific expertise that can be leveraged.

Just like the other entities in the city, they also impacted by any shocks and stress that the city
are facing. And just like everyone, they can contribute to the efforts of building resilience
Drawing from your experiences and success in partnering with business sector, we will learn
from each other;
What types of business sector is highly relevant to engage in building resilience?
What do we need to understand to make partnerships with business sector works?
When is the right time to engage with them?