




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities State Islamic University of

Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Muhammad Amar Ma’ruf

Nim. A03211021











Ma’ruf, Muhammad Amar. 2015. The Burden of Jimmy in O’Henry After Twenty Years, English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Itsna Syahadatud Dinurriyah, M.A.

This thesis attempts to analyze a short story under titles After Twenty Years was written By O’Henry. This short story tells about the loss of a friendship between two young men named Bob and Jimmy because of career, Jimmy as policeman arrest Bob his close friends as criminal that was wanted by Chicago cop by using other’s hands to overcome his burden, Jimmy arrests Bob. The aims of this thesis are to learn about the main character, when they are as young in earlier and reveal Jimmy’s way to overcome his burden. Therefore, this thesis can provide some explanations toward Bob and Jimmy as young in short story earlier and the Jimmy’s way. Through psychoanalysis theory derived by Sigmund Freud, concerning on three models of psyche, id, ego, and superego, this thesis tries to reveal the way Jimmy to overcome his burden. Finally, new criticism theory, which is focusing on character and characterization, helps the analysis to uncover the personality and behavior of Bob and Jimmy as young in short story earlier.



Ma’ruf, Muhammad Amar 2015. The Burden of Jimmy in O’ Henry’s After Twenty Years, Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Dosen Pembimbing: Itsna Syahadatud Dinurriyah, M.A

Skripsi ini berusaha menganalisa sebuah cerita pendek yang berjudul After Twenty Years dan ditulis oleh O’Henry. Cerita pendek ini bercerita tentang hilangnya persahabatan dua orang pria yang bernama Bob dan Jimmy dikarenakan mereka mempunyai perbedaan karir, Jimmy menjadi polisi lalu menangkap teman dekatnya Bob sebagai penjahat menggunakaan orang lain untuk mengatasi beban dalam dirinya, Jimmy menangkap Bob. Skripsi ini fokus pada analisa tokoh, Bob dan Jimmy. Maksud dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mempelajari tokoh utama, Bob dan Jimmy disaat mereka masih muda dan menguraikan bagaimana Jimmy menggunakan orang lain untuk menangkap sahabatnya agar bisa mengatasi beban dalam dirinya. Maka dari itu, skripsi ini bisa memberikan beberapa penjelasan tentang mereka masih muda di cerita sebelumnya dan mengungkap tindakan Jimmy yang menggunakan orang lain untuk menangkap sahabatnya. Melalui teori psikoanalisanya Sigmund Freud, mengenai id, ego, dan superego, skripsi ini mencoba untuk menguraikan bagaimana Jimmy menangkap sahabatnya menggunakan orang lain. Akhirnya, teori new criticism mengenai tokoh dan pelukisan watak membantu analisa untuk menemukan perilaku dan kepribadian Bob dan Jimmy saat mereka masih muda dicerita sebelumnya



Inside Cover Page ... i

Advisor’s Approval Page ... ii

Examiner’s Approval Page ... iii

Declaration Page ... iv

Motto ... v

Dedication Page ... vi

Acknowledgement ... vii

Table of Contains ... ix

Abstract ... xi

Intisari ... xii


1.1 Background of Study... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem ... 4

1.3 Object of the Study ... 4

1.4 Significance of the Study ... 5

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 5

1.6 Method of Study ... 6

1.7 Definition of key Terms ... 7



2.1.1. Psychoanalysis Theory ... 8

2.1.2. New Criticism Theory ... 13 Character ... 14 Characterization ... 16

2.2. Review of Related Studies ... 18


3.1 The Character of Jimmy in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years ... 20

3.1.1. Main Character ... 20

3.1.2. Typical Character ... 21

3.1.3. Protagonist Character ... 21

3.1.4. Flat Character... 22

3.2. The Character of Bob in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years... 22

3.2.1. Main Character ... 22

3.2.2. Antagonist Character ... 23

3.2.3. Round Character. ... 23

3.3. Jimmy Characterization in early part of story. ... 24

3.3.1. Jimmy appearance ... 24

3.3.2. Jimmy’s action ... 26

3.4. Bob Characterization in early part of story ... 27

3.4.1. Bob’s appearance ... 27

3.4.2. Bob’s self-delination... 28

3.5. Description of Jimmy’s act by Using Other’s Hand to Arrest Bob in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years. ... 30


3.5.1. id ... 31

3.5.2 ego ... 32

3.5.3 superego ... 34




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1.1Background of Study

Literature is as the expression of beautiful thoughts, feeling, and human experience in beautiful language (Sumardji 4). The statement describes that literature has some of elements in the form are thoughts, feelings, human experiences and language. Based on these elements, people are expressing

something about himself that consist of his great experiences, thought in the form of ideas which brilliant and deep feelings. Moreover, its contents can be

expressed out in language as main object to achieve personal expression in beautiful shape. Furthermore, that language experesses by human can be related into art activity.

Literature is an art activity that related to imaginative or creative writing Automatically, in the art language are required to be a beautiful language, charming, interesting and fun. Therefore, in order to create it, author share their imaginative thinking by expression to creative writing. All in all, literature is imaginative work writing based on personal expression of the human experience, deep feelings, and thinking in a picture which raises charm with language as tools to make the readers entertained.


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In appropriate literature, literary works is consist of nonfiction and fiction works. Nonfiction works are written that relates to data and fact. It does not relate to the imagination of the author. It consists of announcement, speech text, reports, journals, biography, scientific articles, etc (Gutkind 8). Fiction works relates to imagination, invention, something unreal, and it does not happen because of real condition and unnecessary for searching the truth. All of the events, settings, and characters are imaginative (Nurgiyantoro 3). Fiction works consist of novel, short story, poem, drama, fairy tale, etc (9). The statements above indicates that one of the literary works is short story.

According to Abrams, a short story is brief work of prose fiction, and most of the term for analyzing the component elements, the types and the various narrative techniques of the novel are applicable to the short story as well (286). It consists of some elements such as characters, plot, setting (Nurgiyantoro 10). Short story is a story that is finished to read in one sitting, revolves around between half to two hours ( Jessin in Nurgiyantoro 10). It is so clear, that short story is enough to fill a complete book such as fiction, prose, narrative and it has plot that is extended by the characters, speech and action. By reading short story everybody can enjoy their time and also fulfill their emotional needs.

After Twenty Years is short story written by O’Henry. It was published in 1906. This case is experienced by Bob and Jimmy as the main character of this literary work. After Twenty Years tells about two young men that grow together as close friends. One day they talk about their future. They have different opinions, Bob decides to leave the town to seek fortunes and make much money to go out


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in West. Meanwhile, Jimmy wants to stay in New York. Then, they make promise to reunion in after twenty years, to meet again in small restaurant.

Later, in twenty years Bob and Jimmy meet each other. Bob and Jimmy have different career paths. Jimmy fells connection to his home town and became a policeman. Meanwhile, Bob became a criminal that wanted by Chicago Cops. At the same time, when they meet each other Jimmy does not want to arrest Bob by himself. So he uses other hands to arrest Bob’s as criminal. Furthermore, their friendship end.

An interesting point of this story is Jimmy’s burden. He has to decide between his friendship with Bob and his obligation as a policeman. It just let Bob to go and arrest Bob by himself as policeman. Both options of the choice seem to be impossible to do by Jimmy. So, he takes the middle way. It is not to tell Bob who he as policeman and using other policeman to arrest Bob.

Through Psychological criticism, it will be learned to analyze Jimmy to overcome his burden in arresting Bob as friends by using others hands.

Psychology and literature have differents objects: Psychology deals with human beings meanwhile, literature deals with imaginary world human beings. Although they are not the same, they do not stand apart because literature can be analyzed using psychological theory (Wellek and Warren 81). Psychoanalysis criticism is a form of literary criticism which uses some techniques of psychoanalysis in the interpretation of literature (Barry 96). The statements above describes that is why it cannot be denied that we need a supporting theory of psychology in


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which is imaginatively potrayed, and also it will be more complete if literature reaches psychoanalysis.

Moreover, to know more about the characterization of Jimmy and Bob as young in earlier, the study uses formalist concerning the character and


1.2Statement Problems

In connection to the background of study, the statement of problems is formulated as follows:

1.1.1. How are Bob and Jimmy described in the early part of short story ? 1.2.1. How does Jimmy use others hands to arrest Bob ?

1.3 Objective of Study

Dealing with statement of problem, objective of study are formulated as follows:

1.3.1 To describe Bob and Jimmy’s characterization in the early part of short story.


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1.4 Significance of Study

Through this study, it is purposed for giving both theoretical and practical contribution. Theoretically, the results of the study are expected to give

contribution to develop the study and analysis on literary study related to the psychoanalysis criticism in a short story entitles After Twenty Years by O’Henry. The writer expects that it can give knowledge about the way Jimmy use others hands to overcome his bunder.

Practically, the writer also expects this study will give an inspiration for other studies especially in English Letters Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Thus, this study will help the readers to study more about this short story and analyzing another aspect of “After Twenty Years” in different.

1.5Scope and Limitation

This research would discuss about main characters Bob and Jimmy. So, to keep the discussion proper to the objective of study, there is scope and limitation in this research. The scope in this research is the main character of this short story, they are Bob and Jimmy and the limitation itself is about their differences age; in young and after twenty years on Bob and Jimmy that happened in the After Twenty Years short story. In this case, it means that only discuss about Jimmy Wells to arrest uses others hand in after twenty years.


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1.6 Method of Study

A method utilized in this research to support the analysis is descriptive qualitative method which tries to describe and uncover the data related to statement of problems in details through some processes of describing

phenomena, classifying it, and seeing how the concepts interconnect (Dey 31).

The data observation is library based. Therefore from library data the writer has opportunities to have good data from books, e-books, and online resources. In presenting the data analysis, the writer takes some steps as follows:

1. Reading and understanding the whole of short story entitled “After Twenty Years”.

2. Collecting the data that relates to the statement of problems.

3. After gathering the data from After Twenty Years short story, the writer categorizes the data into two categories. Those are the way of Jimmy of happened to uses others hands to arrest Bob and the other side of the lives of the friendship in earlier.

4. Classifying the data based on the objectives of the study and analyzing the data one by one.


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1.7Definition of Key Term

To avoid any different perceptions between the researcher and the readers in understanding the study, it is essential to give some definition of key terms used in this study. Here are the key terms explained:

1. Friendship : kind necessarily involves conversation about well-being and of what might be involved in living the good life, begin to develop a shared idea of the good and to pursue it through networks of friends (Macintyre 156).

2. Burden : something that is emotionally difficult to bear; for achieving a specified aim to task related with source of great worry or stress (Atkinson 84).

3. Promise : a commitment by someone to do or not do something; a declaration assuring that one will or will not do something (Martin 8).


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2.1 Theoretical Framework

This chapter aims to explains about some theories will be applied to analyze the short story After Twenty Years by O’Henry. The focus of the study is to describe of Bob and Jimmy when as young in the short story earlier and to reveal Jimmy’s act uses other hands to arrest Bob in the story. Thus, this study decides that Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis focusing on psyche “id, ego, and superego” to be applied. Besides that, New Criticism will be supporting theory for the analysis.

2.1.1 Psychoanalysis theory

By applying psychological aspect on literature, it can give us an understanding about the psychological conditions Bob and Jimmy of the

characters which are created by the author.As what Minderop says the character presents a variety of personality and behavior which relate to psyche and

psychological experience or problem which is felt by human in the real life (1). Moreover, Tyson says psychoanalysis theory is particulary useful to literary criticism and to show how this view of human behavior is relevant to our experience of literature (11).


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Psychoanalysis theory is proposed by Sigmund Freud between 1890 and 1939 . He is the person who maps uncouncios mind. He believes that

uncounciousness is determines factor of human behavior (Semiun 55). It describes that all of human behavior is influenced by uncouncious mind.

Furthermore, in his career Freud distinguished three parts or functional principles within the mind they are id, ego and superego. The dynamics of interplay between these functions determines one’s actions and observation behaviours (

Automatically, by observation to central mind are id,ego and super-ego in person it will be determines and reveal about human acts.


Id is placed in uncounscious mind which makes the pulsi and the source energy of psyche (Minderop 21). Id is the most primitive part of the personality. Id is part of the personality which has been in operation before the baby is in touch with the outside world (Atkinson 163). It means, Id is source of all psyche energy that presences since born so id is works base on principles so primitive.

The id is devoted solely to the gratification of prohibited desires of all kinds—desire for power, for sex, for amusement, for food—without an eye to consequences. (Tyson 25). The statement indicates in idalways wants to be satisfied immediately as desire, and in its satisfaction idalways tries toavoid an unpleasant experience. As what Minderop says that the function of id is related to the pleasure principle which always attempts to find the pleasure and hinder the


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unpleasant things (Minderop 21). In order to achieve the pleasure, id has two processes to operation.

Id has two basics mechanist, they are reflecting motion and primary process. The first process is reflect motion mean as a form of behavior or action functioning automatically and suddenly, also contained in the individual innately (Koeswara 33). For the example when hungry time, the baby’s mouth will open and look for the mother’s teat to sip the milk, other example if we having dust in our eyes, we will wink or the wipe the eyes and so on (Hartono 4). The second process is primary process involving some complicated psychological reactions in which id decreases unpleasant things by shaping the shadow of the object which can decrease the unpleasant thing (Koeswara 33).


Minderop says that ego placed between conscious and conciousness mind which functions as the mediator which reconciles the demand of pulsi and the prohibition of superego (21). The statement describes that the role of ego is to mediate between the system of id and system of superego. This mediation can help to disappears the pressures of contrary between a desire and a idealistic principle in process of thinking. Ego must find some outlet for the instincts of id and at the same time it has to restrict them within the demands of superego. Furthermore, to keep be balances from contrary, ego take efforts within reality principle.


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Ego is personality side that must submit to the id and must look for reality that is needed by id as necessary satisfier. So, ego is personality that can differ between imaginative and fact. Ego work as reality principle and ego does secondary process. Reality principle can tow self expansion look for other expansion as well as the enviroment. Ego also serve secondary process it means ego uses thought ability rationally to solve problem (Hartono 4). The statement all above describes that ego can reach a perfect control for a person who mature enough psychologically and able to make decision rationally.

Freud describes that ego has a function encouragement which wants to be satisfied by id on reality. Ego tries to revent a tension until it finds the suitable object to quench id need (Semiun 64). It describes that between ego and id usually happens contrary. Id always to find pleasures and avoid unpleasant, meanwhile ego is the executed how id find the satisfied. The conflict is happens when ego cannot help id to find pleasures and hinder unpleasant things. If this condition happens, id will take its energy away and find the pleasure in its ways, and certainly not in realistic ways. So, it need superego to help determining about good and bad.


Superego starts to develop when ego internalizes moral and social norms. It is an internal realization from the value and ideal of traditional society.Superego is controlled by moralistic and idealistic principle which contrary to pleasure principle from id and reality principle from ego. Superego reflects something ideal


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(not real), fight for perfectness (not a pleasure) and decides something true or false in order to act besides on the moral norm in society (Semiun 67).

Superego contains two parts that is ego ideal- and the conscience. There is moral value that give boundaries which the good and the bad are. Ego-ideal gives present by making a man fells proud. It is an experience with presents toward right behaviour. Conscience is sort an internalization of punishment. Besides, conscience punish a man by making feel guilty (Semiun 67). Feeling guilty appears if ego is not able to fulfill the perfection of superego’s moral norms

From explanation above, about Id, Ego and Super-ego that will do in Jimmy, By knowing about id, Ego and Superego from psychoanalysis theory, it will be reveal about Jimmy’s act by using other hands to arrest Bob.

2.1.2 New Crticism

According to Tyson, this practice has been a standard method of high school and college instructions in literary studies in the past several decades. This practice or theory is still important and useful now to support students for doing literary studies (135).

This practice, which new critics introduce to America and call close reading. The only way to know if a given author’s intention or a given reader’s interpretation actually represents the text’s meaning is to carefully examine, or “closely read,” all the evidence provided by the language of the text itself: its images, symbols, metaphors, rhyme, meter, point of view, setting,


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literary work are called its formal elements (Tyson 137). The statements describes that closely reading is the way to understand literary text meaning and new

criticism contributions related theory to analyze especially in fiction.

Few students today, however, are aware of New Criticism‘s contribution to literary studies or of the theoretical framework New Criticism‘s definition of the literary text and method of interpreting it (Tyson 135). From any statements, it is so clear that in order to analyze Bob and Jimmy’s character as young in short story earlier, this research will use new criticism theory as a supporting it concerning on the character and characterization. Character

Character is one of intrinsic element in fiction or narrative work. It is an important element in narrative work or in a story that can be a study. Character often becomes the most important to discuss (Nurgiyantoro 164). The character presents a variety of personality and behavior which relate to psyche and psychological experience or problem which is felt by human in the real life (Minderop 1).Through action, speech description, and commentary, authors portray characters that are worth caring about, cheering for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate (Roberts and Jacobs 153). Based on some definitions above, it can conclude that character is the explanations of personal in a fiction work that includes their actions,


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Character is divided into two different meanings, between character as person in the story and as attitude; anxiety, emotional, and moral principle inside the person (Stanton in Nurgiyantoro 167). Character is made from idea; attitude and utterance of the author in making the fiction work, so it has naturally live like in real world (Nurgiyantoro 167-168). It means that character same like human, in the story they have reason for their actions in order the readers can feels the sensation in every characters.

For addition, characters in fiction are divided in some types. First, significance role in developing story in main character and peripheral character. Main character is a main person that appears in all scenes in the whole story, he or she always be told whole sides of from his life, but peripheral character is

supporting character for main character, they just exist when they have correlation with main character (Nurgiyantoro 176-177). It means, the main character is they appears on the whole story from begin until the end of this story.

In appearance function character, there are protagonist and antagonist characters. Protagonist character is like a hero, this character usually shows sympathy feeling and looking face. Antagonist is the character which caused conflict (178-179).

Characters are divided into four types that are physical, social,

psychological, and moral (115-116). Physical identifies peripheral facts such as age, sexual category, size, race and color. Social deals with the character’s world or environment such as economic status, occupation or trade, creed, familial


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affiliation of the characters. Then, psychological disclosed the inner mechanism of the character’s mind and deal with habitual responses, attitudes, longing,

purposes, like and dislikes. Moral discloses the decisions of the characters, either socially or not acceptable or not (Dinurriyah 115-116).

The third is about round and flat character. A flat character is one who changes little. In other word, a flat character remains the same throughout the work; it is a character that has one private quality, flat character is have attitude and characterization that relative same, not develop until the end of story (188). Meanwhile, round character is not only showing a certain character, but also they can show various characters and behavior, even it may be in a contradiction and difficult to guess (183). By knowing about character widely, it helps to make easy to analyze. So, this study focuses on main character named Bob and Jimmy. It will help to get more knowledge about Bob’s and Jimmy’s character in story. Characterization

The creation of these imaginary persons so that they exist for the reader as real within the limits of the fiction is called characterization (Holman 81). It describes that, characterization is the technique that an author uses to reveal the personality and character of imaginary person. To understand a character people need to know about his/her major trait or traits. Robert says that “A trait is a typical or habitual mode of behavior” (Robert and Jacobs 154).


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In studying a literary character, we should try to determine the character’s major trait. As in life, character may be lazy or ambitious, anxious or serene, aggressive or fearful, assertive or bashful, confident or self-doubting, adventures or timid, noisy or quiet, visionary or practical, reasonable or both headed, carful or careless, fair or partial, straight forward or underhanded, “winners” or “loser”, and so on (Di Yanni 154). From this statement study the writer wants to analyze what character of Bob and Jimmy.

Characterization is means by which writers present and reveal character. The method of characterization is narrative description with explicit judgement. It is given fact and interprative comment. From both fact and comment the readers derive an impressive of the character in the story (Di Yanni 55). This ststement indicates author usually give a fact and comment to reveal the characters in the story.

According to Josip Novakovich, in presenting and determining the character’s personality in the story, Generally the authors use three methods in their works. The first is, action of the character: in the scene, the author can make the character moves. Here, the author can show the character from the voice, appearance, and its action without make the summary or depict them as general. The second is, self-delineation of character: It is also possible that the writer tries to explain the character through the character itself. This method is simple enough because the characters can portray themselves by introducing directly. The last is appreance of character: It is almost same with the self-delineation method, but


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reader can guess the personality (77-80). An understanding of the characterization will help more to learn and reveal the characters in the story. So, it will be

beneficial to support the analysis of the character, analyzing Bob and Jimmy as young in earlier through story in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years short story in this research.

2.2. Review Of Related Study

This part presents some related studies which have been done previously. The literary review was conducted by:

The first, Arisa Tria Utari (2010), is from Andalas University Padang with title The Reader Responses to O’Henry Selected Stories; After Twenty Years, The Gift of Magi and The Last Leaf. This thesis discusses about the reader responses to short stories of O’Henry with title After Twenty Years, The Gift of Magi and The Last Leaf. This thesis is to find of reader respond related about with intrinsic elements that contains plot setting and theme in the stories. The data taken from students opinion’s of English literature at the University of Andalas. This thesis uses quantitative and qualitative for process. Furthermore, this thesis uses theory reader responses criticism by Louis Tyson and reception of “gaps” presented by Wolfgang Iser which emphasize the implicit readers. It means the "gaps" or blank space that proposed by Iser can be filled by respondents. From the result of this research found that the majority of responses to stories. The responses of reader given is very positive because they gets the moral of these stories is very good.


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The next previous study is discussing about some critical essays

concerning on After Twenty Years by O’henry which is taken from the website of’Henry.html. The first essay

comes from Sahvanna Mori, in the following essay she comments upon the surprise ending in After Twenty Years and she suggested that O. Henry is a coveted aspect in any author’s work and she comments no matter how action to packed or descriptive a writer is, without a touch of surprise, his work is useless. The second essay is comes from Haya Zuhair she comments in After Twenty Years was written by O’Henry is tells about duty versus friendship in story not only has surprise in ending but also this story is has irony circumstances. Most of essays above discusses about the surprise ending providing by O’Henry in the short story After Twenty Years, while this research tries to analyze main character as young in short story earlier and reveal Jimmy’s act by using other hands to arrest Bob as close friend in short story.

In the first previous study, the similiraty in one of them literary work of analysis is short story undertittle After Twenty Years. On the other hand, the differences lies on objective of analysis. Aria’s thesis is tries to find how readers responses in the story of After Twenty Years the study uses theory of reader response criticism. Meanwhile, this research will analyze about main character of short story. Therefore, the study uses theory of psychoanalysis in this study and new criticism as supporting theory. The discussion focuses analyze the way Jimmy use others hands to arrest his close friend to overcome his bunder and the other side of the lives of the friendship in earlier.


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The difference of the second previous study is on the object of analysis. This research attempts the way of Jimmy’act to overcome his bunder and the lives friendship in earlier while the essays take effort to discuss the surprise ending of the story. Besides, the similarity rests on the literary work. Both of this research and the essays are talking about After Twenty Years by O’Henry.


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This chapter presents the data analysis to answer the research problems. This reseacrh will talk about the main character’s characterization; describes the main character’s Bob and Jimmy when as young in earlier and reveal the way of Jimmy’s act by using others hands to arrest Bob based on his id,ego,superego. The data is narrated events in the short story, After Twenty Years by O’Henry, taken from website’Henry.pdf/html.

3.1. The Character of Jimmy’s in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years.

3.1.1. Main Character

As Nurgiyantoro said that characters in fiction are divided in some types. Significance role in in developing story in main character and peripheral

character. Main character is a main person that appears in all scenes in the whole story, he or she always be told whole sides of from his life, but peripheral

character is supporting character for main character, they just exist when they have correlation with main character (Nurgiyantoro 176-177). So, Jimmy

becomes the main character of this story because they appears on the whole story from begin until the end of this story.


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3.1.2. Typical character

Nurgiyantoro said typical character is character that often appears in working quality or nationality like human in general (191). In After Twenty Years, Bob and Jimmy are typical character is proved appears that they have nationally, is explained in this story that they are American citizen in folloing quotation.

“He and I grew up together here in New York, like two brothers”(O’Henry 2).

From explanation above it is seen that Bob and Jimmy have same

nationally is American citizen as friends with lives together at the same town that is New York. Bob and Jimmy is a typical of human in general, and they are grow from American and lives in New York. It is signified that he is a typical character in this story.

3.1.3 Protagonist character

In After Twenty Years, Jimmy is portrayed as the protagonist of the plot because he shows looking face trustworthy as the policeman and has sympathy feeling to Bob as friends. As what Nurgiyantoro said protagonist character is like a hero, this character usually shows sympathy feeling and looking face (178).

The note says;

”The man from the West opened the little piece of paper. His hand began to shake a little as he read.

“Bob: I was at the place on time. I saw the face of the man wanted by Chicago cops. I didn’t want to arrest you myself. So I went and got another cop and sent him to do the job.


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From the contents of note was written by Jimmy it is so clear that Jimmy has protagonist character. He is at the appointed place to keep promise and does not arrest Bob as criminal by himself that is wanted in Chicago as friends.

3.1.4 Flat Character

In After Twenty Years, Jimmy also has flat character. A flat character is one who changes little. In other word, a flat character remains same throughout the work; it is a character that has one private quality, flat character has attitude and characterization that relative same, not develop (Nurgiyantoro 188). It can be proved that Jimmy has flat character in the following

“I moved around everywhere, and I moved quickly”, “But I know that Jimmy will meet me here if he can”. “He was always true as any man in the world”.

“He’ll never forget. I came a thousand miles to stand here tonight”. “But I’ll be glad about that, if my old friend comes too (O’Henry 2)”.

From this quotation above, Jimmy does not his develop personality and relatively same, he is always a true man. His friends describe that Jimmy as true man that will keep the promise.

3.2 The Character of Bob in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years.

3.2.1. Main Character

Main character is a main person that appears in all scenes in the whole story, he or she always be told whole sides of from his life, but peripheral character is supporting character for main character, they just exist when they have correlation with main character ( Nurgiyantoro 176-177). So, Bob becomes


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the main character of this story because they appears on the whole story from begin until the end of this story.

3.2.2. Antagonist character

In After Twenty Years, Bob potrayed as antagonist which caused conflict of friendship becames as criminal. In appearance function character, there are protagonist and antagonist characters. As what Nurgiyantoro said that antagonist is the character which causes conflict (179).

“You’ve been under arrest for ten minutes, Bob”.

“Chicago cops thought you might be coming to New York”. “They told us to watch for you”.

“ Are you coming quietly? That a wise”,

“But first here is something I was asked to you” “You may read it here at window.

“Its from a cop named Wells”(O’Henry 4).

From the quotation above it so clear that Bob is antagonist character. The conflict is when Bob becames as criminal that wanted in Chicago. Moreover, Bob was arrested undercover cop because his best friends Jimmy (who as also police) does not want arrest Bob, so Jimmy has a different cop to arrest.

3.2.3. Round Character

In After Twenty Years Bob also has round character. As what

Nurgiyantoro said that round character is not only showing a certain character, but also they can show various characters and behavior, even it may be in a

contradiction and difficult to guess (183). Bob is seen as round character since she shows some changes in particular way during the story and her action surprises the reader in following quotation:


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“It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one,” said the tall man. “You’ve been under arrest for ten minutes, Bob”.

“Chicago cops thought you might be coming to New York”. “They told us to watch for you”(O’ Henry 4).

From the explanation above, it can be seen that the character of Bob shows some changes in the end of the story. One of them is Bob who shows as a man who really friendly with Jimmy in the beginning of story changes to as wanted criminal in the end. It proved that Bob is a round character that really influences the story and her action also surprises the readers.

One way to understand the personality and behavior of the character is through the study of characterization. According to Di Yanni, characterization is the means by which writers presents and reveal the character (55).

3.3. Jimmy’s Characterization in early part of story.

According to Josip Novakovich, in presenting and determining the character’s personality in the story, Generally the authors use three methods in their works. The first is, action of the character. The second is, self-delineation of character. The last is appearance of character (77-79).

3.3.1. Jimmy’s appearance.

The author describes the character through the character’s appearance, (Josip Novakovich 79). In After Twenty Years, As boy Jimmy is so tall. Through Bob’s explaination, it can be seen that Jimmy’s body is just tall. Bob does not know that the man with him actually is not Jimmy’s physical appereance in following quotation:


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“It gave me everything I asked for. You’ve changed, Jimmy. I never thought you were so tall.”

“Oh, I grew a little after I was twenty.”

“Are you doing well in New York, Jimmy?”(O’Henry 3).

In conversation above, Bob surprises because Jimmy has change because as Bob’s know about tall of Jimmy. Moreover, in story Jimmy’s nose is not long in following quotation:

At the corner stood a shop bright with electric lights.

When they came near, each turned to look at the other’s face. The man from the West stopped suddenly and pulled his arm away. “You’re not Jimmy Wells,” he said.

“Twenty years is a long time,

“but not long enough to change the shape of a man’s nose (4)”.

Through Bob’s explanation it can be seen that Jimmy has nose not too pointed. In conversation, Bob realizes that person who with him is not Jimmy his close friend, because Bob still remembers about Jimmy’s nose. Bob remembers that Jimmy’s nose is not too pointed. In his opinion, eventhough meet in long time it cannot the change humans nose. Moreover, Jimmy is described as character twenty years old in following quotation:

“Twenty years ago tonight,” said the man, “I had dinner here with Jimmy Wells”.

“He was my best friend and the best fellow in the world”.

“He and I grew up together here in New York, like two brothers”. “I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty” .

“The next morning I was to start for the West (2).

From quotation above, Jimmy is older than Bob, and they have almost same in their ages with difference two years until like as two brothers with grow together in New York as their town. In short story After Twenty Years, in early part of story the author explain that appearance of Jimmy is does not rich and jobless by itself. Jimmy chooses shops stands with the name Big Joe Brady


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restaurant for dinner and discussion because this place only shops stands in following quotation:

“About twenty years ago there was a restaurant”. “ where this shop stands Big Joe’ Brady’s restaurant”. “I had dinner here with Jimmy Wells”

“He was my best friend and the best fellow in the world”. “The next morning I was to start for the West”.

“I was going to find a job and make a great success (2).

From quotation above, when Jimmy discusses about future with his friends in shops stands at night. In his opinion shop stands have contains with menu is not expensive. As young, Jimmy is does not rich. He does not choose Restaurant as like general because of money. Through shop stand he having food with cheap.

3.3.2. Jimmy’s action.

In the scene, the author can make the character moves. Here, the author can show the character from the voice, and its action (Josip Novakovich 77). In After Twenty Years, in early part of story the author show that Jimmy has like and loyal with New York as his town. Jimmy considers that New York is the place that the one and only in his life.

“The next morning I was to start for the West”. “I was going to find a job and make a great success”. “You couldn’t have pulled Jimmy out of New York”. “He thought it was the only place on earth” (O’Henry 2).

In conversation Bob forces to Jimmy for leaving New York as their town go out to the West to get job in order to they can be successful together.

Furthermore, Jimmy refuses what is proposed by Bob because Jimmy does not believe about said to go out in West and does not leaves New York. Moreover,


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in Jimmy’s mind does not has obsession being wealth and much money which explained in following quotation

“I surely was! I hope Jimmy has done half as well”. “He was a slow mover”.

“I’ve had to fight for my success”.

“In New York a man doesn’t change much”.

“In the West you learn how to fight for what you get (3)”.

From quotation above, In earlier, Jimmy as young is slow but sure to get everything he wants especially his future. It is so clear, Jimmy does not has obsession to have much money such as Bob.

Jimmy has own way to enjoy his life, with his personality trait and all characters itself brings his life that he wants to take apart with Bob. Some characters of Jimmy is discussed in earlier. In early part of story, Jimmy same as Bob is does not rich and jobless. Jimmy has loyal and like New York as his town. Jimmy consideres that New York is the place that the one and only in his life. Jimmy is loyal with New York and does not has obsession being wealth. Furthermore, Jimmy accepts Bob to make reunion in after twenty years to know what their future are.

3.4. Bob Characterization in early part of story.

3.4.1. Bob’s appearance.

According Josip Novakovich, the author describes the character through the character’s appearance (79). Here, will discuss about Bob’s appearance. In short story Bob’s face is looking strange in following statement

The man near the door had a colorless square face with bright eyes And a little white mark near his right eye.


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As boy, Bob is described having face so scary with white scar in his rightbrow and square face. Bob is a character of eighteen years old boy. As friends, Bob is younger than Jimmy that he has same in their ages has little difference is two years with Jimmy in following quotation:

“Twenty years ago tonight,” said the man, “I had dinner here with Jimmy Wells”.

“He was my best friend and the best fellow in the world”.

“He and I grew up together here in New York, like two brothers”. “I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty” .

“The next morning I was to start for the West (2).

From this quotation Bob maintains his friendship with Jimmy in eighteen years old because in next Bob takes apart go to the West and leaves Jimmy as friends.

3.4.2. Bob’s self-delination.

Self-delineation is also possible that the writer tries to explain the

character through the character itself (Josip Novakovich 79). In short story After Twenty Years, in early part of story, Bob explains his character by himself that has purposes to became great success in early part of story in following quotation.

He and I grew up together here in New York, like two brothers. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twenty.

The next morning I was to start for the West.

I was going to find a job and make a great success (O’Henry 2).

In the quotation Bob determines to leaves New York especially Jimmy as his friends for money. Bob is young man who has a great ambition to become wealthy and has much money. Furthermore Bob decides to be out to New York for go to the West. Bob believes with by going to the West he will be rich.


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Moreover, Bob follow his ambition to get rich is very strong in following quotation:

“Yes,for a time we did write to each other,” said the man”, “But after a year or two, we stopped”,

“The West is big. I moved around everywhere, “and I moved quickly”(2).

From above quotation Bob move quickly because he does not work in only one places because he follow his ambition to seek money. Therefore, they lost communication. Bob accepts a decisions with Jimmy to makes reunion again by theirselves for keeping relation as friendship in following quotation:

“We agreed that night that we would meet” “here again in twenty years”.

“We thought that in twenty years we would know what kind of men we “were, and what future waited for us.”(2).

From the quotation above, Bob accepts to makes reunion with Jimmy to meet again after twenty years ages because they have different career path to takes apart. So, if they meets each other their ages will be increase. Jimmy will 40 years old and Bob will be 38 years old and they are not young. Men reach the top their careers between 38-50 years. Generally, most people will be more successful, or otherwise did not do anything. At this time, a person makes strong-willed in a career that will reach in top of success in their age, even more they have

successful in their previous ages html. It is so clear, they make promises in after twenty years because Bob and Jimmy are acceptable at the ages they will know what their futures are. Jimmy is his friends since he was child and grow together until Bob consideres as his brother in following quotation:


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“Twenty years ago tonight,” said the man, “I had dinner here with Jimmy Wells.

He was my best friend and the best fellow in the world.

He and I grew up together here in New York, like two brothers (2). From this quotation, Bob considers that Jimmy is like his brother because he was proud to be his friends. In conversation, Bob explains Jimmy with word “fellow”. Fellow is calling that used by couple that mutual or there is special relationship. Other word fellow is soulmate.

Bob has own way to enjoy his life, with his personality trait and all characters itself brings his life that he wants takes apart with Jimmy. Some characters of Bob is discussed in earlier. As young, Bob is not rich and jobless. He has great ambition to become wealthy and have much money. Furthermore he decides to be out of New York to go to the West whereas he believes with go to the West he will be becomes rich. However, Bob accepts with Jimmy’s presence make to reunion after twenty years to know what future are and to keep relation as friendship.

3.5. Description of Jimmy’s act by Using Other’s Hand to Arrest Bob in O’Henry’s After Twenty Years.

In analysis before, Jimmy’s characters and characterization are told. Jimmy has a flat character. Jimmy has flat character, he stays true and loyal person with New York as his town. Through his loyality it brings Jimmy to become policeman. In after twenty years, Jimmy remembers that the times to meet Bob, his old friends. At the same time, when Jimmy realizes Bob’s face, it is same as criminal that is wanted by Chicago Cop. Jimmy is reponsible in arresting


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Bob as a criminal. Meanwhile, Bob is Jimmy’s friend. However, it is a dilemma for Jimmy. He makes the choice to fulfill obligation as policeman.Therefore, Jimmy asks his friends and Bob who wants to meet him and still waiting. So he finds some help from other policeman to arrest Bob as his friends and criminal. Through psychological criticism, it will be learned to analyze of Jimmy’s act to arresting Bob by using other’s hand. Freud distinguished three parts or functional principles within mind they are id, ego and superego. The dynamics of interplay between these functions to determines one’s actions and observation behaviours


3.5.1 Id

The id is devoted solely to the gratification of prohibited desires of all kinds—desire for power, for sex, for amusement, for food—without an eye to consequences (Tyson 25). The statement indicates that id always wants to be satisfied immediately as desire. In After Twenty Years, Jimmy’s id appears when he comes in promising wants to arrest Bob as criminal to shows his desire for his loyalty as policeman in New York. In the following quotation, the authors shows that Jimmy as a cop or another person comes to meet Bob in the following quotation:

Then the cop suddenly slowed his walk.

Near the door of a darkened shop a man was standing. As the cop walked toward him,

The cop took a step or two (O’ Henry 3).

From above statement shows pleasure principle of Jimmy. As what Minderop says that the function of id is related to the pleasure principle which


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always attempts to find the pleasure and hinder the unpleasant things

(Minderop21). In order to hinder himself from unpleasant thing, because there is criminal that wanted by Chicago cop in front of him, Jimmy as policeman that loyal with his country approach Bob wants to be arrested. Without spending his time, Jimmy as policeman considers that is time for opportunity to arrest Bob as ciminal because he is afraid too late and can makes Bob’s escape. He is

responsible to arrest Bob as criminal. However, Jimmy is responsible person. it is proved that wants to arrest Bob, although he is his friends. On other

circumstances, He is known as a police who always protect his enviromnent and keep peace. In the following quotation it shown the author describes when Jimmy is in his duty :

He stopped at doors as he walked along,

trying each door to be sure that it was closed for the night. Now and then he turned and looked up and down the street. He was a fine-looking cop, watchful, guarding the peace (1).

This statement is prolog of story. At begins of story, the situation is quiet and many people in around already go home. The condition of environment is only glowing with lamps of shops stands has been closed. As loyalty policeman, with his country, Jimmy is looking as the policeman carefully.

3.5.2 Ego

Ego is personality side that must submit to the id and must look for reality that is needed by id as necessary satisfier. Ego works as reality principle and ego does secondary process. Reality principle can tow self expansion look for other expansion as well as the enviroment (Hartono 4). Jimmy’s ego is appeared by his


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pretension to show his desire of power and loyalty in New York with obligation as policeman to arrest Bob. In reality, Bob is his friends and loyal even he is a criminal through still wait Jimmy in their promise. So, Jimmy walks away go to a room to solve his problem which is explained in following quotation:

If he isn’t here at ten, are you going to leave?”

“I am not!” said the other. “I’ll wait half an hour, at least.

If Jimmy is alive on earth, he’ll be here by that time. Good night, officer.” “Good night,” said the cop, and walked away,

“trying doors as he went” (O’Henry 3).

From quotation above, it can be seen that Jimmy has to decide between his friendship with Bob and his obligation as a policeman. Ego also serves secondary process it means ego uses thought ability rationally to solve problem (Hartono 4). The statement indicates that ego can reach a perfect control for a person who is mature enough psychologically and able to make decision

rationally. As policeman, he decides arrest Bob as criminal. In his opinion that is way to maintain his id. So, Jimmy takes away to get others policeman to arrest Bob. Moreover, Jimmy writes notes to Bob to show that he comes in promising through others policeman in following quotation:

The man from the West opened the little piece of paper. His hand began to shake a little as he read.

“Bob: I was at the place on time. I saw the face of the man wanted by Chicago cops. I didn’t want to arrest you myself. So I went and got another cop and sent him to do the job.

JIMMY.(4)” From quotation above, Jimmy was given information that criminal going to New York. Furthermore, Jimmy recognizes that Bob is detected as criminal that is wanted by Chicago. He uses twenty minutes before half a hour for prepare other


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policeman to be himself in order to avoid for Bob to escape in following quotation:.

About twenty minutes he waited, And then a tall man in a long coat came hurrying across the street.

He went directly to the waiting man. “Is that you, Bob?” he asked, doubtfully.

“Is that you, Jimmy Wells?” cried the man at the door. The new man took the other man’s hands in his. “It’s Bob! It surely is. I was certain

“I would find you here if you were still alive”.

“Twenty years is a long time. The old restaurant is gone, Bob. I wish it were here, so that we could have another dinner in it”.

“Has the West been good to you? (3)”.

From above quotation, Jimmy commands to another officer who has tall body for hurry to approach and coming to Bob because the time will be over. When the other man approach Bob, it can be seen the other man doubt about Jimmy’s command became himself. Furthermore, Jimmy gives several

knowledges to another about the restaurant in earlier and the journey of Bob to go out to the West.

3.5.3. Superego

Superego reflects something ideal (not real) fight for perfectness (not a pleasure) and decides something true or false in order to act besides on the moral norm in society (Semiun 67). Jimmy’s superego appears at the times he uses others hand to arrest Bob as close friends. Jimmy still have enough feeling of friendship with Bob. So, he does not bring himself to arrest Bob as close friends and get other officer to arrest Bob in order to does not makes hurt to Bob as friends.


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Furthermore, the term ‘superego’ is used to describe conscience and ideals (ego ideal). Ego-ideal gives present by making a man feels proud. It is an

experience toward right behaviour (67). In ego-ideal contexts, Jimmy feels proud because he shows right behaviour as policesman to arrest a criminal in Chicago by using other’s hand to avoid making hurt to Bob as friends.

Conscience is sort an internalization of punishment. Besides, conscience punish a man by making feel guilty (Semiun 67). In conscience contexts, Jimmy has feeling guilty if Jimmy will be arrest Bob by himself because Bob is still loyalty with hisself as friends. It is proved that Bob who is loyal in many statements:

“But I know that Jimmy will meet me here if he can”,

“He was as true as any man in the world. He’ll never forget”, “I came a thousand miles to stand here tonight”,

“But I’ll be glad about that, if my old friend comes too (O’Henry 2)”. Other statement:

There was now a cold rain falling and the wind was stronger.

The few people walking along that street were hurrying, trying to keep warm. And at the door of the shop stood the man who had come a thousand miles to meet a friend. Such a meeting could not be certain. But he waited (3).

From those statement and quotation, it is true that Jimmy believes that Bob is loyal with him eventhough he is criminal. He still waits his friends eventhough in bad weather. It is cold support by wind stronger and tries to keep warm while he is waiting. He comes from so far especially for his best friend that consideres to be his brother. He still believes that his friends will comes in promise and wants to meet him because as he knows that Jimmy is true man in the world.


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In Islam religion also organizes about this. It means how Islam looks Jimmy’s action as policeman to arrest Bob as criminal. In Islam, every person is have to judge of law with justice. According to Al Qur’an in Surah An-Nisa’ ayah 58:

The meaning is; “Indeed, Allah commands you must trust to whom they are due and when you determines of law between people, you must determines to judge with justices. Excellent is that which Allah instruct you. Indeed, Allah is ever Hearing and Seeing.

Islam also explains in other Surah in Al-quran clearly in Surah Al-Maidah ayah 8:

The meaning is; “O you who have believed He, persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justices, and do not let the harted of people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to rightteousness. And fear Allah: indeed,


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Allah is know what you do”. Allah organizes in Al-Quran that human have to judge with justice without look position and profession of person. This ayah and Surah before; An-Nisa’ 58

It is very clear tha in prespective of Islam about people and law. From two ayah An-Nisa’ 58 and Al-Maidah 8, explain about how determines law with justice. In this analysis if it is fastening upon between Jimmy’s action in as policeman to arrest Bob as criminal eventhough his friends is true attitude in Islam. Jimmy as policeman maintains of law with justice.


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From the result of data analysis, it is found that Bob and Jimmy are main character because they appears on the whole story from begin until the end of story. There is contrast character between Bob and Jimmy in early part of story, As friends, they are described as does not rich and jobless, Bob described as boy has great ambition and obsession to becomes wealthy. Meanwhile, Jimmy described as boy has loyal with New York as his town and does not have any obsession to becomes wealth.

Through Sigmund Freud’s id,ego and superego it will reveal about Jimmy’s act by using other hands to arrest Bob. Firstly, his id is marked when Jimmy comes in promising wants to arrest Bob as criminal to shows his desire for his loyalty as policeman in New York. Jimmy’s ego is appeared by his pretension to show his desire of power and loyalty in New York with obligation as

policeman to arrest Bob. As policeman, he has to decides arrest Bob as criminal, in his opinion that is way to maintain his id. Whereas, Bob is his friends and loyal with him even he is a criminal because he still waits Jimmy in their promise. So, Jimmy takes away to get other policeman to arrest Bob. Moreover, Jimmy writes notes to Bob to show that he comes in promising through other policeman. The third is superego, Jimmy still hold his friendship with Bob. So, he does not bring himself to arrest Bob as close friends by himself and get other officer to arrest Bob in order to avoid making hurt to Bob as his friends.


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Works cited

Abrams HM,A. Glossary and Literary Term.Thomson Learning; USA. 1999

Atkinson, Rita. Pengantar Psikologi. Erlangga; Jakarta. 1996

Barry, Peter. Beginning Theory; Pengantar Komprehensif Teori dan Budaya. Percetakan Jala Sutra; Yogyakarta. 2010.

Dey, Ian. Qualitative Data Analysis: A User-Friendly Guide for Social Scientists. Routledge; London.1993.

Dinurriyah, Itsna Syahadatud. The Basics of Drama. IAIN Sunan Ampel Press; Surabaya. 2013.

DiYanni, Robert. Literature: Approaches to fiction, poetry, and drama. the McGraw-Hill companies: New York, 2004.

Gutkind. Lee. The art of Creative nonfiction writing and Selling the Literature of Reality.USA; Amazon Noir. 2006.

Hartono,S.S,Budi. Psikoanalisis dan Sastra. Pusat Penelitian Kemasyarakatan dan Budaya: Depok, 1991.

Holman. C Hugh. A handbook to Literature. Http.

Koeswara. Teori- Teori Kepribadian: Psikoanalisis, Behaviorisme, Humanistik. PT. Eresco: Bandung, 1992.


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Martin, Hoog. Promises and Contract Law. Blackwell Publishing: Oxford, 1996.

Minderop, Albertine. Psikologi Sastra. Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia; Jakarta. 2010.

Nurgiyantoro. Burhan. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Gadjah Mada University Press; Yogyakarta. 2010.

Roberts, Edgar v. and Jacobs, Henry E. Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Pearson Education: New Jersey, 2007.

Semiun, Yustinus. Teori Kepribadian dan Terapi Psikoanalitik Freud. Kanisius; Yogyakarta. 2006.

Sumardji, Jakob. Apresiasi Kesusasteraan.Gramedia Pustaka Utama; Yogyakarta. 1985.

Tria Utari, Arisa. The Reader Responses to O’Henry Selected Stories; After Twenty Years, The Gift of Magi and The Last Leaf. Thesis. English Letters and Language Department. The Faculty of Humanities and Culture. Andalas University Padang. 2010.

Wellek, Rene. & Austin, Werren. Teori Kesusastraan. Translated by Melanie Budianto. PT Gramedia; Jakarta. 1989.


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INTERNET SOURCES,accessed on Monday, May 11th, 2015., accessed on Thursday, May, 14th 2015.’Henry.pdf/html. accessed on Saturday, Maret 28th 2015., accessed on Friday, May 15th 2015.

http://www,’Henry.html accessed on Monday, June 15 th 2015.


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Synopsys of After Twenty Years Written by O’Henry in 1906.

The short story After Twenty Years is one of over 113 short stories written by O. Henry, during a three-year period between 1902 and 1905. The New York World, where he worked during that period. This story describes how two men agree to meet each other twenty years after their last meeting as childhood friends. A lot can happen in twenty years. In fact, the two men have gone down very different paths. Bob and Jimmy were good friends, but they have become very different people.

The story was begins with the cop moved along the streer, looking strong and important. He was not thinking of how he looked. There were few people on the street to see him. It was only about ten at night, but it was cold. And there was a wind with a little rain in it. He stopped at doors as he walked along, trying each door to be sure that it was closed for the night. Now and then he turned and looked up and down the street. He was a fine-looking cop, watchful, guarding the peace.

People in this part of the city went home early. Now, might see the lights of a shop or of a small restaurant. But most of the doors belonged to business places that had been closed hours ago. Then the cop suddenly slowed his walk. Near the door of a darkened shop a man was standing. As the cop walked toward him.


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A man explains to the policeman that he and Jimmy in earlier at night they dinner in this places. It is located in New York was named Big Joe Brady

restaurant. This restaurant be place their witness as they are young because in restaurant he last met with Jimmy as his friends and their friendship. At the time, they discusess about their future. Furthermore, he and Jimmy takes apart because he has different opinion career paths with Jimmy. He determines to leaves New York to seek fortunes and wealth. Meanwhile, Jimmy wants to stay New York. Then, they makes decisions and agreed to makes reunion by theirself to meet again in after twenty years to know their futures each others at the times 10.00 p.m in restaurant Big Joe Brady.

The man explains to the policeman that now becames successful. He leaves New York and go out to the West got wealth. He hopes Jimmy have done same half his successes. Bob reflects about Jimmy his friends to policeman. Bob feels that now has a successful even more than Jimmy. He tells to policeman that he does not really believes that Jimmy did better than he did because Bob

consideres Jimmy is slow person becomes wealth such as him and he thought Jimmy is very disappointed as does not follow him to New York. Furthermore, the clock shows 10.00 p.m, the policeman say goodbye to the man. However, the man was still there and wait half hour because he believes that Jimmy wants to coming in the promising. The man waited twenty minutes, suddenly another man approach to him.


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Finally, he found his close friends with waited the name is Jimmy as his close friends. Then, they shaking hands and told him what happened each others during the last twenty years.

When the street lights shining them, Bob realized that the man is besides him is not Jimmy as close friends. Bob realized because not only different height but also his noise of Jimmy. In the end, Jimmy uses others hands to arrest Bob through letter given to Bob that he cames on time for promising and uses others hand to arrest his friends as ciminal that wanted by Chicago cop.


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He is known as a productive author, a total of 381 stories written. He is known made good illustrates the sadness and joy at stories, stories written with intelligent words, full of word games, deep characterizations, and surprise ending. Most of the background of his stories takes at the beginning in 20th century. The story takes place in New York City, and some of them involve ordinary people, the police, and the waiter. When Porter was three years old, his mother died by tuberculosis. Then, his father took him for moving to grandmother's house. As child, Porter was always reading from classics novels. One of the his favorite the story of the Thousand and One Nights translations Lane, and the Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton.

In March 1882, Porter went to Texas hoping the weather changes, so it will help cure the cough who suffered. He lives on a sheep farm belonging to James's son Richard Hall in La Salle County and helped as shepherds, farm


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laborers and cooking. While at the farm, he learned a little Spanish and German from the immigrant farm workers. He also spent time to reading classic literature.

In 1887, Porter began working as a draftsman at the Texas Agricultural Office. Porter gets a salary US $ 100 per month. He works as drawing a map of the survey and field notes. Although he received a salary enough to support family, he continued to write for magazines and newspapers. In 1890, Porter accepted to work at the First National Bank of Austin as a cashier and

bookkeeper. In 1894, a bank where he worked, decide him of embezzlement.

After that, Porter revealed all his time to writing a weekly humor The Rolling Stone. The weekly contains about life, society, and politics, including sketches and short stories Porter's work. And finally, reach the circulation above 1,500 copies, the weekly went bankrupt. Nonetheless, writings and drawings have attracted the attention of the editors at the Houston Post. In 1895, Porter and his family moved to Houston. In the city, he began writing for the daily Houston Post. His salary is only US $ 25 per month, but continued to increase in line with its popularity began to rise. Porter gathering the ideas for inspirationts with wandering in hotel lobbies, observing and talking with the people there. The technique used throughout his career as a writer. Unfortunately, He becomes as suspected and arrested by embezzlement. Porter's father to pay bail so Porter was released and free from prison.


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In prison, he published fourteen stories using various aliases author. But he became really famous after using the name "O. Henry" who first when he wrote the story "Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking" which was published in McClure's Magazine December 1899 edition. A friend in New Orleans on told his stories to publishers, so publishers do not know if the writer is actually being prison. Porter freed on July 24, 1901 for good behavior after serving three years.

In 1902, after he moved to New York City to stay close to the publisher-publisher. During his stay there, he wrote 381 short stories. He can complete a story in a week, and it was done for more than a year for the New York World Sunday Magazine. The Saturday Evening Post published "The Ransom of Red Chief," and by 1903 he was under contract with the New York World to write a story a week, earning him his steadiest income. The New York World published "The Gift of the Magi," which has become a Christmas classic. His intelligence writing, characterization, and an unexpected ending makes him attracted the readers, but often was criticized.

O. Henry had many friends who championed his work. Gilman Hall, an editor at Ainslee's, convinced the magazine to advance O. Henry one hundred dollars so he could afford to move to New York. Witter Bynner, an editor for McClure's, encouraged O. Henry to write his only novel, Cabbages and Kings, which was based on his stories about Central America. Harry Peyton Steger, literary advisor to Doubleday, Page & Company, first published O. Henry's stories in book form..


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He died because of cirrhosis in his liver, complications of diabetes, and an enlarged heart. The funeral was held in New York City, but he was buried in North Carolina, the state where he was born. He was a gifted short story writer, and left us a rich legacy of great stories to enjoy. The collection contain several short story as masterpieces. His most famous short story, The Gift of the Magi, The Cop and the Anthem, A Retrieved Reformation, The Ransom of Red Chief, All of these stories are highly entertaining, they are read for pleasure and in

classrooms around the world


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A man explains to the policeman that he and Jimmy in earlier at night they dinner in this places. It is located in New York was named Big Joe Brady

restaurant. This restaurant be place their witness as they are young because in restaurant he last met with Jimmy as his friends and their friendship. At the time, they discusess about their future. Furthermore, he and Jimmy takes apart because he has different opinion career paths with Jimmy. He determines to leaves New York to seek fortunes and wealth. Meanwhile, Jimmy wants to stay New York. Then, they makes decisions and agreed to makes reunion by theirself to meet again in after twenty years to know their futures each others at the times 10.00 p.m in restaurant Big Joe Brady.

The man explains to the policeman that now becames successful. He leaves New York and go out to the West got wealth. He hopes Jimmy have done same half his successes. Bob reflects about Jimmy his friends to policeman. Bob feels that now has a successful even more than Jimmy. He tells to policeman that he does not really believes that Jimmy did better than he did because Bob

consideres Jimmy is slow person becomes wealth such as him and he thought Jimmy is very disappointed as does not follow him to New York. Furthermore, the clock shows 10.00 p.m, the policeman say goodbye to the man. However, the man was still there and wait half hour because he believes that Jimmy wants to coming in the promising. The man waited twenty minutes, suddenly another man


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Finally, he found his close friends with waited the name is Jimmy as his close friends. Then, they shaking hands and told him what happened each others during the last twenty years.

When the street lights shining them, Bob realized that the man is besides him is not Jimmy as close friends. Bob realized because not only different height but also his noise of Jimmy. In the end, Jimmy uses others hands to arrest Bob through letter given to Bob that he cames on time for promising and uses others hand to arrest his friends as ciminal that wanted by Chicago cop.


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He is known as a productive author, a total of 381 stories written. He is known made good illustrates the sadness and joy at stories, stories written with intelligent words, full of word games, deep characterizations, and surprise ending. Most of the background of his stories takes at the beginning in 20th century. The story takes place in New York City, and some of them involve ordinary people, the police, and the waiter. When Porter was three years old, his mother died by tuberculosis. Then, his father took him for moving to grandmother's house. As child, Porter was always reading from classics novels. One of the his favorite the story of the Thousand and One Nights translations Lane, and the Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton.


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laborers and cooking. While at the farm, he learned a little Spanish and German from the immigrant farm workers. He also spent time to reading classic literature.

In 1887, Porter began working as a draftsman at the Texas Agricultural Office. Porter gets a salary US $ 100 per month. He works as drawing a map of the survey and field notes. Although he received a salary enough to support family, he continued to write for magazines and newspapers. In 1890, Porter accepted to work at the First National Bank of Austin as a cashier and

bookkeeper. In 1894, a bank where he worked, decide him of embezzlement.

After that, Porter revealed all his time to writing a weekly humor The Rolling Stone. The weekly contains about life, society, and politics, including sketches and short stories Porter's work. And finally, reach the circulation above 1,500 copies, the weekly went bankrupt. Nonetheless, writings and drawings have attracted the attention of the editors at the Houston Post. In 1895, Porter and his family moved to Houston. In the city, he began writing for the daily Houston Post. His salary is only US $ 25 per month, but continued to increase in line with its popularity began to rise. Porter gathering the ideas for inspirationts with wandering in hotel lobbies, observing and talking with the people there. The technique used throughout his career as a writer. Unfortunately, He becomes as suspected and arrested by embezzlement. Porter's father to pay bail so Porter was released and free from prison.


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In prison, he published fourteen stories using various aliases author. But he became really famous after using the name "O. Henry" who first when he wrote the story "Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking" which was published in McClure's Magazine December 1899 edition. A friend in New Orleans on told his stories to publishers, so publishers do not know if the writer is actually being prison. Porter freed on July 24, 1901 for good behavior after serving three years.

In 1902, after he moved to New York City to stay close to the publisher-publisher. During his stay there, he wrote 381 short stories. He can complete a story in a week, and it was done for more than a year for the New York World Sunday Magazine. The Saturday Evening Post published "The Ransom of Red Chief," and by 1903 he was under contract with the New York World to write a story a week, earning him his steadiest income. The New York World published "The Gift of the Magi," which has become a Christmas classic. His intelligence writing, characterization, and an unexpected ending makes him attracted the readers, but often was criticized.

O. Henry had many friends who championed his work. Gilman Hall, an editor at Ainslee's, convinced the magazine to advance O. Henry one hundred dollars so he could afford to move to New York. Witter Bynner, an editor for

McClure's, encouraged O. Henry to write his only novel, Cabbages and Kings,


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He died because of cirrhosis in his liver, complications of diabetes, and an enlarged heart. The funeral was held in New York City, but he was buried in North Carolina, the state where he was born. He was a gifted short story writer, and left us a rich legacy of great stories to enjoy. The collection contain several short story as masterpieces. His most famous short story, The Gift of the Magi,

The Cop and the Anthem, A Retrieved Reformation, The Ransom of Red Chief, All of these stories are highly entertaining, they are read for pleasure and in

classrooms around the world