Water is essential for life

Water is essential for life
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Water is essential for life. Humans have no capacity to store spare water, so we must quickly

water, water benefits, water facts

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Water is essential for life. Humans have no capacity to store spare water, so we must quickly
Water Excreation

We continuously lose water through various routes-exhaled air, perspiration, faeces, and urine
Water Facts
* Our body consist of 55-75 % water.
* Water is the main food the body needs.
* The thirst reflex appears only when our body is dehydrated.
* We often mistake our thirst mechanism for hunger pangs.
* Children dehydrate more quickly than adults do.

* Mild dehydrate too slow down.

* Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Whenever it travels, water carrie
* Tea, coffee and cola through made of water act as diruetic.
* Lack of water can induce daytime fatigue.

* Preliminary research says that eight to ten glasses of water a day could significantly e

* Drinking eight glasses of water can reduce risk factors for bladder, colon and breast ca

* When depressed reach for a glass or two of water. Depression and fatigue are often sympt
* It is healthy to drink water with meals, as it aids the process of digestion.
* The best way of getting rid of water retention is to drink a lot of water.
* Water allows the body to metabolise fats more efficiently.
* For firm skin rely on good old water.
* Dehydration may induce contractions in pregnant women.
Go ahead and get your eight glasses of water every day.

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