Free games an IT businessman s worst nightmare

Free games ˘ an IT businessman’s worst nightmare?
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Everyone does it and you know they do. It appeals both to students and grandma’s, they are for

Everyone does it and you know they do. It appeals both to students and grandma’s, they are for

Article Body:
Everyone does it and you know they do. It appeals both to students and grandma’s, they are for

If 5 years ago you had to go through all the trouble of getting yourself a video games console
Working in an IT environment, you ˘ as a business owner ˘ realize that you can’t control what
After working in several huge IT companies, I have noticed some interesting facts.
First, out of the 8 hour work day, only around 4-5 hours of them are actual work.

Second, it’s always better to have those 4-5 actual-work-hours instead of 8 "pretend to work h

Third, people need to relax and not be glued to their PCs ˘ that’s when an hour of actual work

You have to remember to give your staff the freedom to plan their own time and not have them a

What I’ve seen in one of the companies I’ve worked in is that there were no outside-kitchen an

Right now at my current job we have a Nintendo Wii hooked up to a huge tele and have daily ten

So remember, games aren’t that bad. They let you relax, think and overall increase your produc

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