How To Create Quick Service At TX Boebat Tour and Travel.

Perjalanan merupakan hal yang penting dilakukan saat ini. Perjalanan
dilakukan untuk berbagai kebutuhan, seperti berlibur, berbisnis, dan
mengunjungi teman atau sahabat. Untuk melakukan perjalanan, banyak
alat transportasi yang dapat digunakan seperti bus, kereta api, mobil,
motor, perahu, dan pesawat terbang. Khusus untuk bepergian jarak jauh,
pesawat terbang merupakan pilihan utama. Kebutuhan akan perjalanan,
khususnya yang menggunakan pesawat terbang menyebabkan berdirinya
sejumlah perusahaan tour and travel, salah satunya adalah TX Boebat
Tour and Travel. Dalam masa magang di TX Boebat, saya mengalami
masalah dalam melayani pelanggan. Pelanggan menginginkan pelayanan
yang lebih cepat, akan tetapi, sebagai pekerja baru di TX Boebat, saya
hanya memiliki sedikit pengetahuan dan pengalaman kerja di bidang tour
and travel.
Penyebab yang saya hadapi pada masa magang adalah kesulitan
untuk menghafal three letters code. Hal ini diperparah dengan perangkat
lunak pada komputer perusahaan yang mengharuskan memasukkan kode
tiga huruf tersebut untuk menentukan kota tujuan. Penyebab lainnya
adalah rendahnya pengalaman kerja serta pengetahuan akan produk di
bidang tour and travel. Efek dari masalah tersebut adalah dibutuhkan
waktu yang lama untuk melayani pelanggan sehingga menimbulkan

ketidakpuasan bagi para pelanggan. Berdasarkan teori, terdapat tiga
solusi potensial yang dapat digunakan sebagai jalan keluar dari
permasalahan yang saya hadapi. Setiap solusi mempunyai efek negatif
dan efek positif. Solusi pertama adalah perusahaan menggunakan metode
on-the-job training dalam melatih saya. Solusi kedua, saya melakukan
simulasi pekerjaan bila sedang tidak melayani pelanggan. Solusi terakhir,
saya meminta pemilik perusahaan untuk mengganti perangkat lunak agar
lebih mudah digunakan.
Setelah menimbang efek-efek dari berbagai macam solusi tersebut,
saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan gabungan solusi pertama dan
kedua. Oleh karena itu, untuk melayani pelanggan dengan lebih baik,
seorang pekerja harus selalu berlatih. Dengan latihan, maka pekerja akan
terbiasa menggunakan perangkat lunak dan melayani pelanggan.


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DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY....................................................






ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................


CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ..........................................................
Background of the Study .......................................
Identification of the Problem..................................
Objectives and Benefits of the Study ....................
Description of the Institution ..................................
Method of the Study ..............................................
Limitations of the Study .........................................
G. Organization of the Term Paper ............................



CHAPTER II. PROBLEM ANALYSIS.................................................


CHAPTER III. POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS ..........................................


CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ...........................................................





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Cause 1: Cannot
remember three letters
Cause 2: Lack of
working experience
and product

Can not fulfill
customer demand
for quicker

Effect 1: Need longer
time to serve customer
Effect 2: Customer
became disgruntled

Potential Negative
1. Employee who trains
new employee cannot do
his work at the same
2. Takes time to ask my

Potential Solution
On-the-job training

Potential Positive
need not spend more
time and money
Increasing skills

Potential Negative
1. It could annoy the
other staff

Potential Solution

Doing more

Potential Positive
employee’s skills

Potential Negative
1. Company needs
more capital (costly)

Potential Solution
Asking owner to

change software

Potential Positive
1. Needs of user can
be fulfilled

Chosen Solution:
Combining Potential
Solution I (On-the-job
training) and Potential
Solution II (Doing
more simulations)


A. Background of the Study
Travelling is an essential part of life (Alex par. 1). People need to
travel for a variety of purposes (Alex par 2-6, Merith par. 2-11), some for

vacation or relaxation, some for business, some for visiting their friends
and family. They can travel by bus, train, car, motorcycle, ship, or airplane.
For people who want to travel, people usually reserve their itinerary in
advance, they can do it by themselves or they can ask tour and travel
agencies to do it for them.
Due to the high demands for tour and travel agencies, many tour and
travel companies have been established in last recent years. Most of them
have to compete with each other that prioritize in lower price and customer
satisfaction to attract more customers to use their service. The main goal
of these companies is to serve their customer with high quality of service
according to the customer’s needs. One of those companies is TX Boebat
tour and travel where I did my apprenticeship.
The problem I encountered during my apprenticeship mostly was how
to fulfill the customers’ demand for quicker service. For instance, when a


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customer wanted to buy an airplane ticket by phone, I needed to input

their profile and destination data in the computer system. But I took a long
time to search for the three letter destination city code that was needed to
complete the destination data. Therefore, the customer felt disgruntled by
my service.
Such a problem happened because of my lack of tour and travel
experience and knowledge. Furthermore, this problem could impact the
image of the company itself if it gives slow customer service that makes
the customer have to wait a long time just to book one ticket. In addition,
another employee had to accompany me when I was helping the
customer. Due to this fact, I agree that employees in tour and travel
companies are required to have knowledge about tour and travel terms.
Moreover, they have to serve the customers well and quickly, so that,
customers can be happy with the service and can come again for the next

B. Identification of the Problem
To make this study easy to be analyzed, I will state questions,
1. How can TX Boebat Tour and Travel transfer tour and travel
knowledge effectively to a new trainee?
2. How can TX Boebat Tour and Travel serve the customer more


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C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study
Based on the problem that I encountered, the objectives of this study
are stated below.
1. To find out how to train a new trainee to have tour and travel
knowledge that help in serving the customers.
2. To find out the best way to solve the problem that I encountered
that I cannot fulfill customer demand for quicker services during
the apprenticeship at TX Boebat.
While the benefits of this study are stated below.
1. For TX Boebat, to know the most efficient way to give the best
customer satisfaction by training their staff to master their roles.
2. For the readers, to know how to overcome this problem if they
encounter the same problem.
3. For me, to know and understand that every problem has several
potential solutions and I have to choose the best one.

D. Description of the Institution
TX Boebat was established on April 12, 2009. The name of TX is an
acronym of “Thanks”, while “Boebat” was taken from its location, Jalan
Buah Batu (Bubat). TX is the name of a tour and travel company which is
a franchise. The owner named his company TX Boebat so that it can be
easily known and remembered.
Before running his own business, the owner worked for about twenty
years in an export-import company. His experiences in cargo and customs


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and his interest in tour and travel made him learn about routes.
Consequently, he knows a lot about flight routes.
Then, the owner wanted to establish his own business in tour and
travel. For this purpose, he surveyed several tour and travel franchises. As
a result of his survey, he decided to choose TX because he thought its
management was the best. As the next step, he bought the franchise of
TX and established TX Boebat. He started to run the business on April 12,
2009, and he still runs it until now.
TX Boebat serves customers who want to book tickets, make hotel
reservations, and also go on tours and cruises. TX Boebat serves
customers by telephone, text message, e-mail, and face to face.
Moreover, TX Boebat will deliver the ticket or hotel voucher to the
customers’ home if they wish.

E. Method of the Study
The data of this term paper are collected from my experience and
observation during my apprenticeship, which I recorded in my
apprenticeship journal and library research. The sources for the theories
used in this term paper are gathered from books and electronic sources.

F. Limitation of the Study
This term paper will focus on my experience when I did my
apprenticeship as selling staff at TX Boebat Tour and Travel for one


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month, from July 20 – August 19, 2009; especially the way to serve
customers more quickly.

G. Organization of the Term Paper
This term paper will be divided into four chapters, which are:
Chapter I is Introduction. This chapter consists of the background of
the study, identification of the problem, objective and benefits of the study,
description of the institution, method of the study, limitation of the study,
and the organization of the term paper.
Chapter II is Problem Analysis. This chapter consists of two parts.
First, the causes of the problem that I encountered during my
apprenticeship will be discussed. Second, the effects of the problem are
Chapter III is Potential Solutions. This chapter consists of two
potential solutions. Each potential solution has potential positive effects
and potential negative effects. In this chapter, I describe those potential
solutions and their positive and negative effects one by one.
Chapter IV is Conclusion. This chapter contains the best solution that
has been chosen to solve the problem.


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Owing my apprenticeship experience, I encountered one main
problem. The problem was customer demand for quicker services. The
customers who are buying tickets want to be served quickly.
Unfortunately, I cannot remember the three letter codes of the city,
besides my lack of working experience and product knowledge. It made
me take a long time to serve the customers. Moreover, the software of the
computer requires a three letter code to decide a city’s destination. As a
result, I could not serve customers quickly. Customers are not happy if
they wait for a long time. This is an example of inefficiency in work.
Indeed, both time and effort are wasted because of inefficiency.
Knowing the problem, with its causes and effects, I tried to find
suitable solutions. There are three possible solutions that could be chosen
in order to solve the problem. Each of these potential solutions has both
negative and positive effects. The first potential solution is using on-the-job
training. The potential positive effects of this potential solution are the
company need not spend more time and money to train new employees
but the new employees can get the necessary knowledge and skills.
However, the potential negative effects are the manager or peers can not


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do their own job at the same time as they train the new employee and
it takes time to ask my supervisor while serving the customer. Next, the
second potential solution is to do more simulations. The positive effects of
this solution are being risk-free and improving employees’ skills (Noe 287).
Of course, there is one negative effect that it could annoy the other staff.
Finally, the last potential solution is asking the owner to change or develop
the software or computer system. The potential positive effect is the needs
of the user can be fulfilled, while the potential negative effects are the
company needs more money to do it and it is impossible because TX
Boebat is a franchise company with a system that is set by TX.
In this chapter, I would like to discuss the best solution to solve the
problem that I have encountered. After considering some solutions, with
their positive and negative effects, I believe that the best solution of the
problem is combining the first and the second potential solutions. The
chosen solutions are combining on-the-job training and doing more
As my conclusion, I choose the first solution because I cannot serve
the customers quickly. Thus, I need help from another employee to serve
customers well and quickly. Beside that, if I am given guidelines, I can
improve my skill and knowledge. The second solution is doing more
simulations. This is chosen because it is free-risk. This solution can be
done when there are no customers. It means I train myself when there are
no customers. Moreover, by doing the simulations, it has no risk of making


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Based on the explanations above, I would like to answer the questions
I stated before in chapter 1. The questions are “how can TX Boebat Tour
and Travel transfer tour and travel knowledge effectively to a new
trainee?” and “how can TX Boebat Tour and Travel serve the customer
more efficiently?” I would like to make a conclusion that to transfer tour
and travel knowledge to a new trainee is the trainee has to be given
training and the senior staff who train has to accompany untill they can
know and understand the knowledge. It matches the first solution. Again,
using the on-the-job training method can transfer tour and travel
knowledge to a new trainee, because the senior staffs as trainers give the
trainee information and knowledge about the tour and travel. In order to
answer the second question, the best way for TX Boebat Tour and Travel
to serve the customer more efficiently is to train staffs with and without
other people. Through training, the knowledge can be useful and often be
used. Thus, the staff will fluently serve the customer. Training with others
means other people act as our trainer for new staff. It matches the first
solution. Training without others means the new staff trains hiself, for
example with simulations. It matches the second solution. Finally, I hope
this study can be useful for me and for other people, as experience is the
best teacher.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources
Hartono, Jogiyanto. Sistem Teknologi Informasi. Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2003.
McLeod, Raymond, and George P. Schell. Management Information
Systems. Tenth ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2007.
Noe, Raymond J. Human Resources Management: Gaining A Competitive
Advantage. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.

Electronic Sources
Alex, John. “Why Traveling is Important.” 8 Sept. 2008. Associated






Merith, Shirley "10 Reasons Why People Travel." 10 Reasons Why People





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Richardson, Melvin. “Effects of Poor Customer Service.” 30 July 2009.
eHow. 16 Nov. 2009 .

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