How to Create and Manage Student Accounts in Oracle iLearning How to Create Student Accounts in Oracle iLearning

How to Create and Manage Student Accounts in Oracle iLearning
How to Create Student Accounts in Oracle iLearning
1. Log in to Oracle iLearning.
2. Click the Admin button (top right) to access your Admin privileges.
3. At the top right, you will see four tabs: Content (default), Users, eCommerce, and Reports. Click the Users tab.
4. Your teacher organization name will appear on the left of the screen. Click your teacher organization name to
display the properties in the right-hand pane of the window.
5. Click the Manage Users link at the top right.
6. Click the Add User button to create new accounts.
7. Per the Oracle Academy Terms and Conditions, you

are prohibited from using real names for

student accounts. Complete the information required in each field to create a student account. The table
below provides a guide of what information should be entered in each field.


First Name

“User” (first name "User" will be the same for all users)

Last Name

1 (or a number indicating the student number in the accounts, 2,3,4, …25,
26, etc.)
Syntax: aabb_cc_ddee_sff

Username (United States only)

aa = Country Abbreviation
bb = State Abbreviation
cc = School Abbreviation
dd = Course abbreviation

DFo = Database Foundations
SQL = Database Design and Database Programming with SQL
PLSQL = Database Programming with PL/SQL
JFo = Java Foundations
JF = Java Fundamentals
JP = Java Programming

ee = Section number
ff = Student number
Examples are:
1. usva_jhs_jf01_s01 (This is student 1 of Java Fundamentals
Section 1 for Jerome High School in Virginia, United States)
2. usva_jhs_jf01_s02 (This is student 2.)
3. uspa_tashs_jfo02_s01 (This is student 1 of Java Foundations
Section 2)
4. usfl_lahs_plsql01_s01 (This is Student 1 of Section 1 for
Database Programming with PL/SQL)

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their respective owners



Username (All other countries)

usca_lausd_sql01_s01 (This is Student 1 of Section 1 for
Database Design and Database Programming with SQL)

Syntax: aa_bb_ccdd_see
aa = Country Abbreviation
bb = School Abbreviation
cc = Course abbreviation

DFo = Database Foundations
SQL = Database Design and Database Programming with SQL
PLSQL = Database Programming with PL/SQL
JFo = Java Foundations
JF = Java Fundamentals
JP = Java Programming

dd = Section number
ee = Student number

Examples are:




1. UK: uk_nescot_jf01_s01; uk_btc_jf01_s01
2. Romania: ro_cntv_jfo01_s01
3. China: cn_ndvtc_dfo01_s01
4. Netherlands: nl_rtp_jp01_s01
5. India: in_dps_plsql01_s01
6. Egypt: eg_zps_jfo01_s02
7. Hong Kong: hk_ccsc_jp01_s01
The password you assign and type in must have a minimum of 8
characters, with a minimum of 1 number, and 1 letter. Students will be
asked to reset the password upon first login.
Not used, but required. Type in a dummy email address (ex: You can fill in the same email address for all students.
DO NOT use any real student e-mail addresses in the field.
You MUST assign yourself as the manger of each student account to allow
you to obtain access to student assessment scores.
1. You CANNOT type in the manager name; you must search for it
using the flashlight icon.
2. Click on the Flashlight icon to search for the manager. A new

window will open - be patient as this window displays.
a. If you don't see a new window open, make sure all popup blocking software on your PC is disabled. After
clicking on the flashlight, a window will open prompting
you to enter your name.


3. Enter your username.
4. Click the Go button.
5. Select your name by clicking the radio button at the left.
6. Click the OK button.
Leave this field blank.


Leave this field blank.

State (United States only)

Enter the two-letter abbreviation for your state.

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their respective owners


State (All other countries)

Leave this field blank.

Zip code

Leave this field blank.


Enter your two-letter country abbreviation.


Your teacher organization name should automatically appear.

Account Expires

You can select a date by clicking on the calendar button as to when the
accounts will expire and students will no longer have access to Oracle
iLearning, or you can select no expiration (note: All accounts are deleted
at the end of August).
Default is checked, allowing your students to change their password in the
user profile.
Leave this field blank (except Chinese schools, which should select
simplified Chinese).

Allow Update
Preferred Language

Internal User

Default is checked.

Academy Manager

Leave this field blank for students.


Leave this field blank for students.

Job Role

Enter the word student in all lowercase letters.

School Name

Enter the full name of your school.

Curriculum Code

Select the correct student code in the language that you will use from the

Curriculum Codes table shown below.
8. Click the Save button. Or, if you are creating several student accounts, click Save and Add Another. This way,
you will not have to retype all the information again for the second student.

You will only have to modify the first name, last name, username, password, and e-mail for each account.
This will speed up account creation.


Note: When you save and add another account, the password field will appear to carry over the password,
displaying ****** in the password field. But it does not carry over the password. You must retype the
password for each subsequent account or the password will not work for the account.


When you click Save at the bottom of the page, if Oracle iLearning tells you that the student account name
is already in use, please add your initials to the school abbreviation for all of your student accounts. For
example, school abbreviation "sshs" becomes "sshsmj" (for teacher initials Mary Jones). For student
accounts, au_sshs_jp01_s01 becomes au_sshsmj_jp01_s01

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their respective owners


Curriculum Codes – English Curriculum


Teacher Code

Teacher Code in
Year Field:

Student Code

Student Code in
Year Field:

Java Foundations





Java Fundamentals





Java Programming





Database Foundations





Database Design and
Programming with SQL





Programming with





Please note:
1. One of the above codes MUST be selected from the respective Year field; otherwise students will NOT have
access to any course.
2. If you are offering courses to teachers, you may use the teacher curriculum codes as well. The Teacher
curriculum codes will provide teachers with access to both the Student and Teacher version of the

Changing Student Passwords in Oracle iLearning

1. Click the Admin button.
2. Click the Users tab.
3. Click the Manage Users link.
4. Click the Edit icon (pencil) to open the student’s profile.
5. Enter the new password twice.
6. Click the Update button to confirm the changes.

Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of
their respective owners


How to Delete Student Accounts in Oracle iLearning
Renewing Oracle Academy instructors should delete ALL old student accounts for the teacher organization before
adding any new accounts. Accounts cannot be reset. They must be deleted to erase them from the system.
To delete student accounts:
1. Select the check box in front of the student account in the list.
2. Click the Delete button at the top right of the list.
3. Click OK to confirm the delete.

Select 2-3 student accounts at a time as the delete process can take several minutes. Refresh your browser between
each set of deletions. The list of accounts is not updated after a delete action is executed. However, realize that the
accounts are being deleted in the background.

Copyright © 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of
their respective owners