The Echoic Aspects Found in Advertisement Slogans.

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat kelulusan program
Sarjana di Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.
Saya menganalisis penggunaan echoic aspects atau bunyi yang berulang
dalam beberapa iklan dalam majalah populer pria dan wanita. Pengulangan bunyi
dengan menggunakan jenis-jenis echoic aspects dapat memberikan efek bunyi yang
mengalun indah dan mudah diingat oleh pembaca. Aspek linguistik yang digunakan
dalam menganalisa iklan tersebut adalah stilistika.
Dari pembahasan stilistika, penulis menganalisis pengulangan bunyi dengan
menggunakan echoic aspect. Echoic aspect terdiri atas dua jenis pengulangan. Yang
pertama adalah pengulangan bunyi (Sound Repetition) yang terdiri atas alliteration,
consonance, assonance, rhyme, reverse rhyme, pararhyme dan homophone. Yang
kedua adalah pengulangan teks (Text Repetition) yang terdiri dari anaphora,
epistrophe, symploce, anadiplosis, epanalepsis, antistrophe, polyptoton dan
homoioteleuton. Dari data yang telah penulis teliti, pengulangan bunyi lebih sering
digunakan daripada pengulangan teks. Selain itu hasil analisis ini menunjukkan
bahwa sebuah iklan pada umumnya memadukan beberapa jenis echoic aspects untuk
membuat iklan yang semakin menarik dan mudah diingat oleh konsumen.


TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................ii
Background of study..................................................................................1
Statement of the problem..........................................................................4
Purpose pf the study...................................................................................4
Methods of research...................................................................................4
Organization of the Thesis.........................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK......................................6
ADVERTISEMENT SLOGANS............................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR : CONCLUSION.................................................................26
Appendix 1................................................................................................31
Appendix 2................................................................................................34






















Background of the Study
Nowadays, there are a lot of products around us, including their
advertisements. It happens because the products have to be offered to consumers only
through advertisements. Advertisements can attract consumers so that they will know
and be interested in buying the products, especially for new kinds of products or new
We can find a lot of advertisements in our daily lives whether in printed
media such as magazines, newspapers, brochures, posters or electronic media such as
TV, radio or the Internet. It can be found anywhere and anytime. According to
Sutherland and Sylvester (4), almost everyone in the world is interested in
advertisements and for about US $ 400 billion is spent for advertising in the world each
year. In other words, advertisements are always around us, so it will easily as well as
effectively attract consumers.
An advertisement is a message designed to promote a product, a service, or
an idea. The purpose of advertising is to sell products or services. In their book
Advertising and the Mind of the Consumer, Sutherland and Sylvester


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(31) claim that advertisements are one of the influences that help people to make a
certain product popular and well-known. Therefore, it is not surprising that some
brands become superior and they will get the attention of the consumers soon after
those brands are advertised. The purpose of an advertisement is to expose
products, brands and packages to be recognized more easily and to strengthen its
influence over any other brands that do not advertise their products.
An advertisement needs to be designed in a creative way because
“effective advertising is usually creative and gets noticed and remembered, and
get people to act” (Shimp 251). Consequently, an advertiser is required to be
creative and innovative in expressing their idea. Advertisements with beautiful
pictures, colors, designs and interesting slogans are important but in my opinion,
among those factors, interesting slogans are more memorable than the others. An
advertiser needs to be more creative in using the language, because slogans
become an important thing in delivering the message of the product. The choice of
language to convey specific messages with the intention of influencing people is
vitally important, because the language of the slogan helps people to identify and
remember the product. “Advertising slogans are proven to be the most effective

means of attracting consumers and potential buyers’ attention about certain
products” (Shimp 253).
Advertising is also known as an art of persuasion. In order to make an
interesting slogan, an advertiser can use the echoic aspect as a technique of
writing. The echoic aspect is about sound repetition in order to emphasize the
certain part of the slogan to be more ear-catching so that the slogan can be more
memorable for the consumers.

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The topic of my thesis is “The Echoic Aspects Found in Advertisement
Slogans”. The reason for choosing the topic is that there are a great number of
advertisements that use echoic aspects in their slogans and I think it will be
interesting to analyze them. Besides, I am also curious to know the types of the
echoic aspects which are usually used in advertisement slogans and the purpose of
the advertisers of using the echoic aspects.
I believe this analysis could be useful as a reference for advertisers or
other people in making slogans for advertisements. This analysis may also

become a general interest to university students who study language, or anyone
with a general interest in the language science.
In this thesis, I analyze the language use in the slogans of
advertisements, particularly the echoic aspects that are used in the slogans. A
slogan provides a message that summarizes the main idea in a few memorable
words. A slogan has been defined as “a short, memorable advertising phrase that
often appears in advertisement. Slogans usually contain catchwords, phrases or
sentences associated with a product or company” (Motto).
My thesis topic belongs to Stylistics. Stylistics is simply defined as
“the (linguistic) study of style, and the meaning of style itself is a way in which
language is used. It is typically concerned with explaining the relation between
language and artistic function” (Leech13). Furthermore, the specific theory that I
use to analyze the data is the echoic aspect as a technique of writing that is
important to be applied in a slogan. I also use other approaches in analyzing my
data, namely Phonology and Semantics.

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Statement of the Problem
The problem of this study is formulated as follows:
1.What kind of echoic aspects occurs in the advertisement slogans?
2. What is the purpose of using the echoic aspects in the advertisement slogans?

Purpose of the Study
Following the statement of the problem, the purposes of this study are:
1.To know what kind of echoic aspects occurs in the advertisement slogans.
2.To find out the purpose of using the echoic aspects in the advertisement

Method of Research
In doing the research I use the following steps: First I search for
advertisements in magazines. Second, I collect the data in the form of printed
advertisements taken from magazines. Third, I select the advertisements which
contain echoic aspects. In the third step I will classify the advertisements based on
the kinds of echoic styles used. Furthermore, each slogan will be analyzed.
Finally, I write a research report.

Organization of the Thesis

The thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction,
which consists of the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem,
Purpose of the Study, Method of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. In
Chapter Two, the theoretical framework of the study is presented. The data

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analysis is put forward in Chapter Three. The following chapter, Chapter Four,
states the Conclusion, in which what has been analyzed and discussed in the
previous chapter is concluded. At the end of the thesis there are the Bibliography,
in which the sources are listed, and also the Appendices, in which the whole data
are presented.

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In this chapter I would like to draw some conclusions based on my findings
after discussing the echoic aspects found in the advertisement slogans. I figure out that
the echoic aspects have an important role to make the advertisement slogans more
attractive. The use of the echoic aspects in the advertisement slogans can make the
consumers feel interested in the products.
The echoic aspects found in the advertisement slogans are basically
classified into sound repetition and text repetition. There are 7 types of sound repetition
used, such as alliteration, assonance, consonance, rhyme, reverse rhyme, pararhyme and
homophone. Furthermore, the types of text repetition are as follows: anaphora,







homoioteleuton. From the 15 data of advertisement slogans that I have analyzed, it is
revealed that sound repetition is more dominant than text repetition. It can be seen from
the table of data in Appendix 1 that there are 17 data of sound repetition and 14 data of
text repetition.
Among the 14 types of text repetition, I find that the most dominant type is
anaphora, the repetition of words which take place in the initial position. In the data that
I have analyzed, there are 6 data which contain anaphora in the

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slogans. The repetition of the words in the initial position can emphasize the meaning of
the words that follow. For example, in data 6 the characteristics of the adjectives are
emphasized by the repetition of the word ‘more’. Besides emphasizing the words,
anaphora is also more memorable in creating the echoic sound rather than the other types
of echoic aspects, because compared with anadiplosis, the repetition of the last part of
one unit which is repeated at the beginning of the next, or antistrophe; the repetition of
items in a reverse order, in my opinion anaphora is more eye-catching because its
position is in the initial of each unit.
The other type of the echoic aspects which is quite dominant is
homoioteleuton. Homoioteleuton is the repetition of the same derivational or inflectional
ending of different words. There are 4 data which contain homoioteleuton. I find out that
there are repetitions of inflectional ending such as the suffixes –est, -ed and -s. It has the
function to emphasize the meaning and these endings also rhyme because the sounds of
the same inflectional suffix are put at the end of the words. Therefore the slogans can be
pleasant to the ears and this contributes to the attractiveness of the slogan. There is also 3
data containing epistrophe, which the repetition of the words takes place in final position.
this type can make the slogan rhymes.



types of the echoic aspects used in my data are

sound repetition such as alliteration, consonance, assonance, rhyme, and pararhyme.
There are 3 data containing alliteration, the repetition of consonant sounds in the
initial position. Alliteration can make it easy for the consumers to repeat the slogan


it. Furthermore,







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consonance, which is the repetition of consonant sound. The consonance can emphasize
the ending sound of the words, which is needed to make the slogan easily remembered by
the consumers. There are 3 data containing assonance and also 3 data containing rhyme,
but I find out that the repetition of text, such as anaphora, symploce, anadiplosis, and
antistrophe can also be categorized as rhymes because the repetition of the words can
make the ending sounds of the slogan rhyme with one another. I find also 3 data
containing pararhyme, which make the words, have varied sounds. All the five types
above make the slogan more ear- catching.
The least dominant types in my data are reverse rhyme, homophone,
epistrophe, symploce, epanalepsis, and polyptoton. There are 1 data contains reverse
rhyme, 1 data contains homophone, and 1 data contains polyptoton. So far, I cannot find
any data which contain anadiplosis, epanalepsis and antistrophe, because they are rarely
used in advertisement slogans, but in further researches, these types might be found.
I notice that from the 15 data of the advertisement slogans that I have
analyzed, there are 11 advertisement slogans which apply both text and sound repetition,
4 advertisement slogans only use sound repetition and 1 advertisement slogan only use
text repetition. Considering this fact, I believe that the combination of text and sound
repetition in advertisement slogans is preferable because the use of the combination will
be more attention-grabbing and attractive in persuading the consumers. As a result, the
slogan will be unique especially when compared with other slogans which also aim at
promoting the products.

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After analyzing the data in some advertisements, I find out that there are many
advertisement slogans which use the echoic aspects. This reflects the fact that the slogans
are really made to be as attractive as they can. The advertisers try to make the consumers
feel curious about the focus of the message that the products want to offer. An echoic
aspect is used to create an impressive and memorable slogan. I have learnt that it is
challenging to make a creative and persuading slogan. The advertisers need to be aware
of the needs and the choice of words, match the words with the picture, and think about
the concept as a whole in details. They have to be trully creative in combining those
factors to make a persuading and impressive slogan.
Furthermore, the consumers’ interest also depends on how creative the
advertiser is, because the more attractive the slogan is, the more curious the consumers
will be. A good slogan needs a simple but clear language in delivering the message or the
idea so that the consumers are able to catch the right message. It is also important to
make an attractive sound by using an echoic aspect. The repeated sounds or texts will
create a slogan which is pleasant to the ears; therefore, the consumers will remember it
easily, and also become curious to find out more about what the product is.
I understand that an advertisement is basically about persuading the
consumers to buy or try the products or the services that are being advertised. The
advertisers should make the best use of language to attract the attention of the consumers,
and one of the ways is through a persuasive slogan. The echoic aspects can make the
slogan more lively because the sounds become playful, jingly and rhyming.

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Fudge, E. C. Phonology, London: Longman Publishing, 1973.
Katamba, Francis, An Introduction to Phonology, London: Longman Group UK
Limited, 1993.
Leech, G. N. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry, London: Longman Group Limited,
Leech, G. N., and Michael, H. Short. Style in Fiction. London: Longman Group
Limited, 1994.
Murphy, M. J. Understanding Unseens. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1972.
Shimp, A., Advertising, Promotion & Suplemetal Aspects of Integrated Marketing
Communication. 4th ed. University of South Carolina, 1996.
Sutherland, Max and Alice K.Sylvester. Advertising and The Mind of the Consumer.
Jakarta: Ikapi, 2005.
Motto, M. J. “An Advertising Glossary”
Suber, Peter and A.L.P. Thorpe. ”An English Homophone Dictionary”


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Primary Texts
COSMOPOLITAN Indonesia. May 2005
COSMOPOLITAN Canada. March 2004
COSMOPOLITAN Canada. September 2005
COSMOPOLITAN Canada. August 2006
FHM Indonesia. September 2003
FHM Australia. July 2002
Men’s Health Indonesia. April 2004
VOGUE February 2004

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