A study of the figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet.



Ruslinah, 2017. A Study of Figure of Speech in Cigarette Advertisement Slogans on the Internet. The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

This research concern on the figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet with two research questions. The first research question is what the types of figure of speech are used in cigarette advertisement slogan in the internet? It mainly describes the various types of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet. The second research question is what are the purposes on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet? It presents some purposes on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans.

The first research question explores various type of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet. The second research question presents the result of the purposes on the use of figure of speech on cigarette advertisement on the internet. The semantic theories by Leech (1981), figure of speech and advertisement are required in this research to answer the two research questions. The data sources in this research are English cigarette advertisement slogan texts on the internet which were taken from the Wikipedia, particularly from http://id.wikiquote.org/wiki/daftar_slogan_iklan. The researcher found more than a hundreds cigarette slogan texts but not all of them are in English. After collecting and observing the data found, the researcher eliminate all slogan texts do not use English and do not have any figure of speech on the slogan texts. Finally the researcher got 85 English slogan texts which contained figure of speech to be analyzed.

The result of this research shows that there are nine types of figure of speech used in cigarette advertisement slogans. They are (1) epithet 22.25 % (2) alliteration 14.83 % (3) assonance 12.08 % (4) metonymy 12.08 % (5) hyperbole 10.98 % (6) anaphora 8.79 % (7) asyndeton 8.79 % (8) personification 8.79 % (9) antithesis 1.09 %. The purpose on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement can be categorized into four. They are (1) making the slogan memorable29.375 %, (2) creating strong impression and attractive 22.5 (3) giving characteristics and symbol 36.25 and the last is (4) offering experience 11.875 %.

Learning the figure of speech can be done by analyzing cigarette advertisement slogans which have figure of speech since their languages are different from the daily language and there must be intended meaning on the cigarette advertisement slogans. The researcher hopes that this research could provide some information about cigarette slogans and also semantic theory, particularly figure of speech, which used in this research. To get the perfection of the findings, future researchers might take another research related to cigarette slogans and figure of speech as well because there are always possibilities of different point of view.




Ruslinah, 2017. A Study of Figure of Speech in Cigarette Advertisement Slogans on the Internet. The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

Penelitian ini berfokus pada figure of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet dengan menggunakan dua pertanyaan penelitian. Pertanyaan pertama adalah ada figure of speeches apa saja di dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet? Ini akan menggambarkan macam ragam figure of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet. Pertanyaan kedua tentang tujuan dari penggunaan figure of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet.

Pertanyaan pertama mengeksplorasi berbagai jenis figure of speech yang ada dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet. Pertanyaan kedua menjelaskan tujuan penggunaan figur of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Semantics yang dikemukakan oleh Leech (1981), figure of speech, dan periklanan. Peneliti menggunaka 85 data slogan iklan rokok yang di ambil dari internet yaitu Wikipedia dan terutama dari website berikut ini: http://id.wikiquote.org/wiki/daftar_slogan_iklan. Peneliti menemukan lebih dari 100 slogan rokok tetapi tidak semuanya berbahasa Inggris. Setelah mengumpulkan dan mengamati data, peneliti menyisihkan semua slogan yang tidak berbahasa Inggris dan tidak mengandung figure of speech. Akhirnya penelti mendapatkan 85 slogan rokok berbahasa Inggris dan mengandung figure of speech.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada sembilan figure of speech yang ada di slogan iklan rokok yaitu antara lain: (1) epithet dengan persentase 22.52 % (2) alliteration sebanyak 14.83 % (3) assonance (4) metonymy dengan persentase 12.08 % (5) hyperbole sebesar 10.98 % (6) anaphora dengn presentasi 8.79 % (7) asyndeton sebanyak 8.79 % (8) personification persentasenya 8.79 % dan (9) antithesis sebesar 1.09 %. Untuk tujuan penggunaan figure of speech di bagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu (1) membuat slogan lebih mudah diingat yaitu dengan persentase 29.375 % (2) menciptakan kesan, pendapat atau pengaruh yang kuat dan menarik sebanyak 22.55 % (3) memberikan karakteristik dan lambang sebesar 11.875 % dan (4) memberikan pengalaman dengan persentase sebesar 11.875 %.

Mempelajari figure of speech bisa dilakukan dengan cara menganalisanya di dalam slogan iklan karena pengunaan bahasa dalam iklan sangat berbeda dengan bahasa yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan di dalam bahasa iklan pasti ada pesan yang tersembunyi. Peneliti berharap bahwa penelitian ini dapat memberikan beberapa informasi sehubungan dengan slogan iklan rokok dan juga teori semantik terutama figure of speech. Demi kesempurnaan penelitian, peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian yang berhubungan denga figure of speech dan slogan rokok juga karena hal ini memungkinkan adanya perbedaan dalam melihat suatu hal.






Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.)Degree

in English Language Studies

by Ruslinah

Student Number: 116332020












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This is to certifu that all the ideas, phrase, and sentences, unless otherwise stated, are

the ideas, phrases, sentences


the thesis writer. The writer understands the full

consequences including degree cancellation


she took somebody else's ideas, phrase, or

sentences without proper references.

Yogyakarta, 27n F ebntri 20 17







Yal■g bcrtalldatallgan di bawah ini,saya mahasiswi Universittt Sallata Dharllla:

Nalna : Ruslinah

Nomor ⅣIahasiswa :116332020

Delllll pcrkclnbangan ilmu pengetalluan, saya mcmbcrlkan kepada perpustakaan

Universitas Sanata Dharl■ akarya ilmiah yang bttudul:



Bcserta perangktt yang dipenukan.Dcngan dcmikian saya mcmbc五

kan hak kepada

Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dhma untuk menylmpan,Inengalihkan dalaln lnedia lain,Inengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data911nendistnbusikallmya sccara terbatas,dan

mel■publikasikannya di intemc,atau media lain untuk kcpentingan akadclnis tanpa peJu

melninta ttin dari saya mauplln mcmberikan roydti kepada saya sclama tctap

mencantumkan nama saya sё bagai pcnulis.

Dclllllkial■perllyataan ini saya buat dcngan sёbcnarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal:27 Fcbruan 2017




Finally I could accomplish this thesis after the hardest time which I was passed by for some couple of years. It is such an achievement in my life because I need to struggle on completing this responsibility. Therefore, I would like to present my greatest gratitude to all who have given great part and favor in completing this writing.

Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘aalamiinand praised is presented to the Almighty Allah SWT, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. My deepest gratitude and respect goes to my thesis advisor the honorable Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. He provided all his time, supports, efforts and ideas in improving my thesis. A bunch of thank for his patient, the time in reading this writing and also for the supporting comments. I would like to show the appreciation to Prof. Dr. Soepomo Poedjodarmo, to Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A., to Dr. J. Bismoko, to Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A, to Prof. Dr. F. Bakdi Soemanto, S.U., to Dr. Alb. Susanto, S.J., to F.X. Mukarto, Ph.D, to Dr. Novita Dewi, M.S., to Paulus Sarwoto, Ph.D., and Dr. E. Sunarto, M.Hum For their academic assistance and also their life teaching in my studies. thank you very much to Mbak Marni and pak Mul for the help and their patient.

Special ton of thanks go to my beloved parents (Pak Rusno and Mamak Sani), lovely relatives, my classmates, my thesis fighter companions (Gondes, Ayu & Nita) and all KUI UAD crews who have supported me to complete this work.














ABSTRAK... xii


A.Background of the Study ... 1

B.Problem Formulation ... 8

C.Research Objectives ... 9

D.Research Benefits ... 9


A. Theoretical Review ... 10

1. Figure of speech ... 10

a. Types of figure of speech ... 12

b. Characteristics of figure of speech ... 24

c. Purposes of figure of speech... 25



a. Language of Advertisement ... 30

b. Slogan in Advertisement ... 31

c. Cigarette in Advertisement ... 33

d. Advertisement on the internet... 34

e. Goals of Advertisement ... 35

3. Meaning in Semantics ... 37

B. Review of Related Studies ... 42

C. Theoretical Framework ... 46


A. Type of Research ... 48

B. Research Data ... 49

C. Data Analysis ... 50

D. Test (Result Verification) ... 51


A.The Figure of Speech ... 53

B.The Purpose of Figure of speech ... 69


A.Conclusions ... 82

B.Suggestion ... 85












Ruslinah, 2017. A Study of Figure of Speech in Cigarette Advertisement Slogans on the Internet. The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

This research concern on the figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet with two research questions. The first research question is what the types of figure of speech are used in cigarette advertisement slogan in the internet? It mainly describes the various types of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet. The second research question is what are the purposes on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet? It presents some purposes on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans.

The first research question explores various type of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet. The second research question presents the result of the purposes on the use of figure of speech on cigarette advertisement on the internet. The semantic theories by Leech (1981), figure of speech and advertisement are required in this research to answer the two research questions. The data sources in this research are English cigarette advertisement slogan texts on the internet which were taken from the Wikipedia, particularly from http://id.wikiquote.org/wiki/daftar_slogan_iklan. The researcher found more than a hundreds cigarette slogan texts but not all of them are in English. After collecting and observing the data found, the researcher eliminate all slogan texts do not use English and do not have any figure of speech on the slogan texts. Finally the researcher got 85 English slogan texts which contained figure of speech to be analyzed.

The result of this research shows that there are nine types of figure of speech used in cigarette advertisement slogans. They are (1) epithet 22.25 % (2) alliteration 14.83 % (3) assonance 12.08 % (4) metonymy 12.08 % (5) hyperbole 10.98 % (6) anaphora 8.79 % (7) asyndeton 8.79 % (8) personification 8.79 % (9) antithesis 1.09 %. The purpose on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement can be categorized into four. They are (1) making the slogan memorable29.375 %, (2) creating strong impression and attractive 22.5 (3) giving characteristics and symbol 36.25 and the last is (4) offering experience 11.875 %.

Learning the figure of speech can be done by analyzing cigarette advertisement slogans which have figure of speech since their languages are different from the daily language and there must be intended meaning on the cigarette advertisement slogans. The researcher hopes that this research could provide some information about cigarette slogans and also semantic theory, particularly figure of speech, which used in this research. To get the perfection of the findings, future researchers might take another research related to cigarette slogans and figure of speech as well because there are always possibilities of different point of view.




Ruslinah, 2017. A Study of Figure of Speech in Cigarette Advertisement Slogans on the Internet. The Graduate Program in English Language Studies, Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

Penelitian ini berfokus pada figure of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet dengan menggunakan dua pertanyaan penelitian. Pertanyaan pertama adalah ada figure of speeches apa saja di dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet? Ini akan menggambarkan macam ragam figure of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet. Pertanyaan kedua tentang tujuan dari penggunaan figure of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet.

Pertanyaan pertama mengeksplorasi berbagai jenis figure of speech yang ada dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet. Pertanyaan kedua menjelaskan tujuan penggunaan figur of speech dalam slogan iklan rokok di internet. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Semantics

yang dikemukakan oleh Leech (1981), figure of speech, dan periklanan. Peneliti menggunaka 85 data slogan iklan rokok yang di ambil dari internet yaitu Wikipedia dan terutama dari website berikut ini: http://id.wikiquote.org/wiki/daftar_slogan_iklan. Peneliti menemukan lebih dari 100 slogan rokok tetapi tidak semuanya berbahasa Inggris. Setelah mengumpulkan dan mengamati data, peneliti menyisihkan semua slogan yang tidak berbahasa Inggris dan tidak mengandung figure of speech. Akhirnya penelti mendapatkan 85 slogan rokok berbahasa Inggris dan mengandung figure of speech.

Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada sembilan figure of speech yang ada di slogan iklan rokok yaitu antara lain: (1) epithetdengan persentase 22.52 % (2) alliteration

sebanyak 14.83 % (3) assonance(4) metonymydengan persentase 12.08 % (5) hyperbole

sebesar 10.98 % (6) anaphoradengn presentasi 8.79 % (7) asyndetonsebanyak 8.79 % (8)

personification persentasenya 8.79 % dan (9) antithesis sebesar 1.09 %. Untuk tujuan penggunaan figure of speechdi bagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu (1) membuat slogan lebih mudah diingat yaitu dengan persentase 29.375 % (2) menciptakan kesan, pendapat atau pengaruh yang kuat dan menarik sebanyak 22.55 % (3) memberikan karakteristik dan lambang sebesar 11.875 % dan (4) memberikan pengalaman dengan persentase sebesar 11.875 %.

Mempelajari figure of speech bisa dilakukan dengan cara menganalisanya di dalam slogan iklan karena pengunaan bahasa dalam iklan sangat berbeda dengan bahasa yang digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dan di dalam bahasa iklan pasti ada pesan yang tersembunyi. Peneliti berharap bahwa penelitian ini dapat memberikan beberapa informasi sehubungan dengan slogan iklan rokok dan juga teori semantik terutama figure of speech.

Demi kesempurnaan penelitian, peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian yang berhubungan denga figure of speech dan slogan rokok juga karena hal ini memungkinkan adanya perbedaan dalam melihat suatu hal.




There are five parts in this introductory chapter


The first one is the background of the research which talks about the reason why the researcher takes this research


The second one is the problem formulation which delivers the research questions of this research and must be answered through the applicable theories


The third one is the objective of the research which delivers some objectives of the research regarding to the problem formulations


The last one is the benefits of the research which talks about the contribution of this research theoretically and practically




Background of the Study

Communication through the use of certain type of language cannot be separated from human daily life


In doing communication, people need language to deliver messages, feeling, emotion and knowledge


Through the use of language, people are able to express feelings, self-actualization, deliver messages, correspondence and so on


Hence, language is one of the central parts of human life even for the single second as Chaika (1982) says almost of our contact with others is involved speaking which utilized language


It means that communication through the use of language is urgently needed in human life thus Collins et



(2002: 2) argue that “we live in a world of language”


In other words, language cannot be separated from our daily life as well as communication



Regarding to the use of language, the researcher considers advertisement as one of type of communication means which utilize language as the main core to deliver its message through the use of slogan and so on


White (1988) reveals that when we talk about advertising, we have to use word as the act to sell goods


As many people believe that advertisement is a medium to promote or sell a product or services, it gives much information toward the product through illustration, picture and also languages


In other words, advertisement gives information of product to other people (Dyer, 2009)


It is also crucially relied on the use of language namely advertisement as Wang and Ke (2013) state that 50 or 75 percent of power selling advertisement are lies on the use of words, hence it can be called as business of words


Their statements are strengthen by Kazemian, Muhabat, Mustafa and Noor, Mehwish


They reveal that nowadays language is already being one valuable things to earn money instead of just being a mean to communicate between people (2015)


The use of language in advertisements is different from the daily language


To construct the language of advertisements, the copywriters create their own languages to make the advertisements to be distinctive and be more interesting to the audience


It brings such a meaning in advertisement which persuades the audience, listener, reader or viewer


Thus, clever use of language in advertisements will engage the reader’s attention (McEneryet al: 2009)


To some extent, the copy researchers use some pun words in order that people will be curious and interested to the product of the advertisements


Hence the “clever use of words in an


economic way is the beauty of TV commercial slogans innovation” (Kazemian, Muhabat, Mustafa and Noor, Mehwish, 2015)


People mostly find commercial advertising in printed and electronic media as well


Leech in Wang and Ke (2013) argues that commercial consumer advertising takes great affect to society because it frequently appears in media


Advertisements are easily found in the daily life even when people are spending leisure time such as reading a magazine, newspaper, or when operating internet for fun


For instance, when people walk out from house and see such a brochure of church in a wall, but people do not recognize it as an advertisement


Even it does not sell any brand, but it does informing idea of church ideology


It means that people do not realize that there are plenty of advertisements around them


As cited by Goddard (2001) because it is around us, so we never try to stop our work to think about it for a while


There are five parts of printed ads


They are headline, copy, signature and typeface


From those big parts, there is a slogan as a small part in advertisement which is included in signature


It means that slogan shows the signature of the brand which is being advertised (Goddard, 2003)


In this study, the researcher will not talk about the slogan in printed ads


It will deal with the cigarette slogan texts on the internet


Advertising slogan can be described as a short phrase which is catchy, pleasant to be heard, memorable and define the specific brand or the advertising campaign itself (Skorupa and Duboviciene, 2014)


The existence of slogans in


advertising helps the brand to be more popular and it will affect the sale of the brand which is advertised


Brown (2011) states that “ads with slogans that are part of jingle have slightly higher enjoyment as well as higher branding”


Most of advertisements have their own slogan text as cited in Goddard (2003) that advertising text occur in newspaper, magazines and TV which ask people to be desirable toward the product which is being presented


It is such a catchy phrase which promotes the product


Slogan is memorable statement toward the brand or service which is advertised


Leech in Wang and Ke (2013) says that slogan is an iconic phrase which is used over and over again in advertisement and reinforces the product identity


A slogan, albeit simple, can be an effective persuasion in an ads if it is relevant and meaningful (Brown, 2011)


There are many types of commercial advertisements that people can find in daily life


They are cigarette, perfume, fashion, cosmetics, gadget, household appliance, food and beverage, and so on


From those type of commercial advertisement, for the researcher, cigarette advertisement is the most interesting advertisement


In Indonesia, cigarette advertisement is being famous with the creativity of the copywriter


In Indonesian cigarette advertisements which are presented in television do not show the activity of smoking


The cigarette advertisement plays the power of words which are applied in effective slogans


Besides that, the copywriter utilizes some pun, tricky and catchy phrases on the ads to get the costumer’s attention


It is very unique and creative because it relies on the slogan, illustration, and the use of language especially the diction


From those types


of advertisement, the researcher tries to scrutinize the slogan of cigarette advertisement because it is an interesting advertisement compared to others


Since Indonesian government do not allow the scriptwriter involve both the form of cigarette and the activity of smokes the cigarette in the advertisement, it presents some illustrations which are not related to smoking cigarette activity


Sometimes, it shows another activity such as the bravery of the men who act as the talent on the advertisement itself instead of the smoking cigarette activity to show the brand of cigarette which is being advertised


The language use on cigarette advertisement slogans must have the impact more than what have been said in the slogans


Hence, it needs certain theory and method to get the meaning of the cigarette advertisement slogans


People nowadays are getting spoiled by the invention of sophisticated technology such as internet


Regarding to the media of advertisement in this globalization era, people are able to find various types of advertisements in internet


Nowadays, people are easier to find anything include the ads itself by using internet


Just by clicking, people easily get all they need in internet


Hence, the researcher chooses the internet as the source to find the slogan of cigarette advertisement as the primary data of this research


The use of figure of speech in cigarette slogans might present a connotative meaning


It does not give the direct meaning as it is cited in Fogelin (1988) that the point of figure of speech is on the use of words and expressions which employed indirect meaning and convey connotative meaning beyond that of lexical sense



As it been explained previously that the language use in advertisement is different from the daily life, it is in line with the use of figure of speech in slogan of advertisements


Hence, the researcher tries to scrutinize the language of slogan in cigarette advertisement in internet which utilizes English as the slogan


People usually consider the slogan text in advertisement as common text


People tend to grasp the meaning toward the slogan in advertisement literally instead of figuratively


Meanwhile, the cigarette advertisements in local television of Indonesia do not show the form of cigarette and smoking cigarette activity


It does not involve any “cigarette or tobacco” word as well


It needs such a deeper knowledge of meaning


Therefore, in order to get good interpretation toward the meaning of advertisement slogan, people need to know the types of meaning


They are denotative and connotative and also non-literal and intended meaning


Thus, the researcher decides to analyze cigarette advertisement slogan on the use of figure of speech in advertisement slogan through semantic theory


There is an example of cigarette advertisement slogan cool, calm, confident

by S






It shows that the slogan applies an alliteration which

means “the repetition of the initial consonant in two or more words” (wales, 14, 2001)


The slogan repeats the consonant “c” three times as the example of alliteration


It might mean that the costumer who smoke S




DUPONT PARIS will feel as a cool, calm and confident person


The use of adjective can describe the quality or character of something which is animate or inanimate thing


Hence, the researcher is interested to scrutinize cigarette advertisement slogan text in internet


because the slogan of the advertisement and the video of the advertisement do not show any smoking activity


The use of the lexical choices will influence how people interpret the slogan’s meaning and how they get desirable emotion to consume the cigarette




Problem Formulations

From the explanation above, the problem formulation of this research can be described in two research questions as follow:

1. What types of figure of speech are used in cigarette advertisement slogan on the internet?

2. What are the purposes on the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet?



Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are mainly answering the question of those problem formulations above


Regarding to the problem formulation, there are two objectives of this research


The first one is to find out the figures of speech which are used in cigarette advertisement in internet


As we know that the use of language in advertising is distinctive from daily life


Hence, it has different meaning when it uses type of figure of speech


Figure of speeches are usually used in literary texts


In fact, it can be used in non-literary text such as slogan of advertisement


The second one is about the purpose and meaning on the cigarette advertisement which can be grasped by implementing figure of speech in its slogan



because it does not show any smoking activity in the video advertisement itself


It uses some illustration and special dictions to construct the appearance of advertisement


Thus, the second objective of this research is to find out the meaning of those cigarette advertisement slogans which applied figure of speech


Those two elucidation will be delivered in chapter four along with some support explanation toward the problems




Research Benefits

Advertisement and its slogan are very interesting to be analyzed


It is not only the cigarette one but the other products do have their unique slogan to be analyzed


Actually there have been many researches dealing with advertisements but they focused on different aspect of advertisement


Here, the researcher scrutinizes different part of advertisements and uses different approach in analyzing the cigarette advertisement slogan


This research gives some benefits towards the readers both theoretically and practically, especially for somebody who is interested in advertisement and research of meaning


Probably, this research will give some idea toward the readers who want to take a research in advertising


Theoretically, this research gives some information of meaning toward cigarette advertisement slogan


This research shows how to understand the meaning of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement by analyzing those slogans through semantics theory


Probably, this research will provide another point of view in conducting a research related to advertisement through different approach such as semiotics


Besides theoretical benefits, it also provides some practical




Practically, this research can be an example of analyzing advertisement (whether it becomes a good or bad example) through the utilizing of semantic theory


It also can be a reference for further researchers who want to analyze language advertisement in the future





This chapter provides some theories used as a source of knowledge in answering all the research formulations in the first chapter


There are three main parts in this chapter


They are literature review, review of related studies and theoretical framework


Literature review explains some theories from the experts which relate to the research question


Review of related studies discusses some similar studies on advertisements from some other researchers


Theoretical framework describes the use of some theories in literature review in solving the research question




Theortical Review

This section provides some detail information of related theories such as figure of speech, description of meaning and advertisement which are used to answerall the research questions in this research




Figure of speech

When people talk about figure of speech, what comes on their mind must be the things which are dealt with literary works such as poetry, prose, poem, and so on


In fact, it is not only literary works which use figure of speech but also another things that use figure of speech to describe their goals such as advertisements


Figure of speech can be called as figurative language rhetorical figure


Language advertisement needs


figure of speech when it deals with slogan which shows the objective of the advertisement


Figure of speech compares two different things


It describes something new through something which is already familiar (Madden, 2002)


For instance “He is as quite as a church mouse”


It means that the person is a type of really stolid person


Some scholars present their their definition of figure of speech


Perrine (1992) reveals that figure of speech defines as a way of saying something other than ordinary way


Fogelin in Danziger and Kronrod (2013) argues that figurative language uses words and expression which which employ the connotative meaning


While Heller (2011) defines figurative language and speech refers to the alterations of words that exaggerate the usual meaning and provide the connotative expressions


The researcher conclude that figure of speech is such an expression that deliver different meaning of words. It can be the comparison between one thing with another which has such a familiar connotative meaning to the reader or listener


Hence it deals with the connotative meaning that is implied apart from explicit one instead of lexical meaning. Approximately, there are more or less than 200 types of figure of speech given by some experts


Even though there are plenty types of figure of speech, there will be some explanation on types of figure of speech which


are often found in literary works or non-literary works such slogans of advertisements




Types of figure of speech

As it has been mentioned above that there are plenty types of figure of speech


The researcher explains some types of them


Alliteration and rhyme are the most favorite figure of speech use in literary and non-literary work


For instance in cigarette advertisements slogan on the internet


Actually there are various kinds of figure of speech, but the researcher only mentions some of them which are related to the use of figure of speech in cigarette advertisement slogans


The following list will describe some types of figure of speech which are often found and used in literary works or non-literary works


1. Alliteration

In Old English, it is known as alliterative meter (Harpham and Abrams: 2009)


Meter means “the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllable in a line” (Madden: 71: 2002)


It is the repetition of initial consonant of words in a sentence (Harpham and Abrams: 2009)


The repetition of the initial words can be more than two words


For instance, in tongue twister “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper”


Besides that, the use of alliteration as the foregrounding sounds to emphasize and aid memorability (Wales, 2001)


It is appropriate with the function of slogan in advertisement


Those, the copy researcher applies alliteration in


advertisement to get the memorable slogan


The examples of alliteration are:

(1) I caught this morning morning’s minion, kingdom of daylight’s dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon (The Windhover taken from Wales: 2001)


(2) When to the session of sweet silent thought I summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought

And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste

(Shakespeare taken from Harpham and Abrams: 2009: 10)


2. Anaphora

According to Harphams and Abrams (2009:313) anaphora is the repetition of words or phrase at the beginning of a sequence sentences paragraphs, lines of verse or stanzas


The point of the repetition is the words or phrases not the initial word like alliteration


It is in line with Baldick (1996), he argues that anaphora is the same word or phrase which are repeated usually in the beginning of successive lines, clauses or sentences


The examples of anaphora are:

(3) The rain fell heavily on the roof, and pattered on the ground The rain fell, heavily, drearily


It was a night of tears (Dickens: Little Dorrit, ch 17)

(4) We said we could get more money into school


we have,


We said we’d sign the Social Chapter: we did



(Tony Blair, Labour Party Conference, 1 October 1997) (Taken from Wales: 19)


3. Antithesis

It gives a contrast description of ideas


Baldick (1996) reveals that antithesis is a type of figure of speech which shows the disposition of words to state the contrast or opposition ideas by the balancing of parallel grammatical construction


Wales (2001) has the same idea, she argues that antithesis provides some contrasting lexical items to show the effective contrast ideas in a formal structure of parallelism


The examples of antithesis are:

(5) For contemplation he and valour formed For softness she and sweet attractive grace He for God only


she for God in him

(Milton’s Paradise Lost,the characteristics of Adam and Eve) (Taken from Baldick:1996:12)

(6) It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness


(A Tale of Two Cities


Taken from Wales: 24: 2001)


4. Assonance

It is another type of repetition in figure of speech


It is just the same as alliteration and anaphora but actually they have different point of repetition


According to Wales (2001), assonance is the repetition of vowel sound which has the same stressed but with a different final




Sometimes, it is called as vowel rhyme or vocalic rhyme (Baldick:1996)


In the other hand, Madden (2002) has the same opinion that is a half rhyme which is used in a poetic language with the repetition of vowel sounds


There are examples of assonance:

(7) Thou still unravished bride of quietness, Thou foster child of silence and slow time


(taken from Harpham and Abrams: 2009: 11)

5. Asyndeton

It is about the omission of conjunction between clauses (Baldick:1996)


Some experts argue that the most common form of the omission is “and” (Baldick:1996)


The examples of this figure of speech are taken from Baldick, 1996)

(8) Vini, Vidi, Vici (Julius Caesar’s boast)

(9) “An empty stream, a great silence, an impenetrable forest” “The air was thick, warm, heavy, sluggish”

(Conrad’s Heart of Darkness)

6. Chiasmus

It is derived from Greek which is for “crossover” (Harpham and Abrams:2009)


It is the reversion of the order of the terms in the first of two parallel clauses (Baldick:1996)


On the contrary, Harpham and Abrams (2009:314) reveal that chiasmus is the sequence of two phrases or clause which are parallel in syntax


Examples of chiasmus are:


(11) The years to come seemed waste of breath A waste of breath the years behind


(taken from Harpham and Abrams, 2009)

7. Climax

It is about the repetition of the sequence terms which are linked by chain


Sometimes, the sequence is based on the ascending order of importance (Baldick:1996)


The example is:

(12) for want of a nail, the shoe was lost: for want of a shoe the horse was lost: for want of a horse the rider was lost


(taken from Baldick: 1996)

8. Epithet

It uses adjective to describe the character of person or thing as cited in baldick (1990: 74) reveals that “an adjective or adjectival phrase used to define a characteristic quality or attribute of some person or thing”


Abrams and Harpham have the same opinion about epithet


They said that epithet as a term in criticism


It represents the different quality of a person or thing through the use of an adjective or adjectival phrase (2009)


While Wales (2001) has a little bit different opinion of epithet


She said that epithet is known as appellation which is used to characterize someone and it might often use as abusive (you clumsy idiot, fatso, and soon) and might become a nickname as well


The examples for epithet are:


(14)Silver snarlingtrumpets (John Keats’s The Eve of St


Agnes) (15) The glittering forfex(Alexander Pope’s)




It means “well-speak” in Greek


It substitutes words or phrase or taboo phrase which felt impolite into some more polite


It substitutes the the taboo subject to be more polite if they are used in society


Abrams (1993) reveals that euphemism is “an inoffensive expression used in place of a blunt one that is felt to be disagreeable or embarrassing


Wales argues that euphemism is “the substitution of an inoffensive or pleasant expression for a more unpleasant one” (2001:137)


Harphams and Abrams reveal that it shows an inoffensive expression which is felt to be disagreeable or embarrassing


The examples are:

(16) “pass away” instead of “die”

(17) “To sleep with” instead of “to have sexual intercourse”


(18) “Comfort station” instead of “toilet”




It comes from Greek which means ‘one thing by two’


It describes the emphasis of phrase which connected two nouns by and (Wales: 2001)


The example is:


11. Hyperbole

It is included in trope


It is bold or the extravagant exaggeration of fact or of possibility (Harpham and Abrams: 2009)


It gives overstatement of something and make it bigger, more important or worse than it really is


In other words, hyperbole is exaggerating or overstatement toward something or someone


Cuddon in Duboviciene and Skorupa (2015) states that it is containing exaggeration for emphasis


The example of hyperbole from

Othello “Iago says gloatingly of othello” III





(20) Not Poppy nor Mandragora,

Nor all the drawsy syrups of the world, Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep Which thou ou”dst sleep yesterday


(taken from Harpham and Abrams)

12. Irony

It is the next type of figure of speech


It can be a phrase or word where the situation is contradictory towards the word or the phrase itself


The meaning of the words or phrases are not to be taken literary (Wales: 2001)


Irony often appears in daily conversation when something is contradictory from the reality then people give their argument through indirect speech


It is appropriate with Wales (2001: 224) who reveals that “Irony is major rhetorical strategy, and it is often be the characteristic of indirect speech”


Hence, there was a character in Greek comedy named eiron


means a dissembler (Harpham and Abrams: 2000)


The examples for this figure of speech are:

(21) What lovely weather (when it is raining)


(22) It’s a truth universally acknowledge that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife (ironically, it is a single woman is in want of rich husband)


It is taken from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin





It is a type of figure of speech with phrases or clauses in which they have equal length and parallel in syntax and rhythm (Wales: 2001)


The example for this figure of speech is:

(23) It takes a licking, but it keeps on ticking


15. Litotes

According to Wales (2001), litotes cames from Greek “small” or “meagre”


It expresses a positive side of something using the opposite


In other words, litotes uses negative expression to show the opposite whether praising or damning


Wales also argues that “litotes is often a useful indirect strategy for reasons of modesty or politeness”


There is another opinion form Abrams and Harpham (2009)


They reveal that litotes comes from Greek “plain” or “simple”


Litotes is the assertion of an affirmative by negating its contrary


The following sentence is the example of litotes:


The example means the man is stupid because it used an expression of saying something through the contrary


16. Metonymy

It is a figure of speech which can replace one thing to other things which are closely associated (Baldick: 1996)


Sometimes it is used for describing an object through another object but they still closely related each other


Baldick (1996) also states that an important kind of metonymy is synecdoche


The examples are:

(25) Pen is mightier than the sword (means writing is more powerful than warfare)


(26) The press replacement for journalism (27) Mozart for Mozart’s Music





It is almost the same as metonymy but it describes an object through another object which have the same characteristic


Metaphor is a figure of speech that tries to describe one thing, idea or action through using another which have similar characteristics (Baldick: 1996)


In another word, Harpham and Abrams (2000) argue that metaphor is a word or expression which represent one thing to a distinctly different kind of thing but without asserting any comparison


The examples for metaphor are :

(28) John is a pig

(29) O my love is a red, red rose (30) Eye, gazelle, delicate wander





It also called as “echoism” by Harpham and Abrams (2000: 236)


People more likely know onomatopoeia as the imitation sound of object’s noises which heard similar to


In contradictory, Baldick (1996) reveals that onomatopoeia is the use of words or combination of words which seem to duplicate the sound they refer to


According to Harpham and Abrams (2000) there is no exact imitation of sound because the perceived similarity is due as much as to the meaning


The examples are:

(31) People in the audience were hissingtheir disapproval


(32) She bangedher first angrily on the table





It consists of two paradoxical contrary


It is usually “a figure of speech that combines two contradictory terms in a compressed paradox” (Baldick: 1996: 157)


It uses two contradictory words in a sentence to show any idea


It is cited in Harpaham and Abrams (2000) that oxymoron contains the paradoxical utterance that in ordinary usage are contraries


The examples for oxymoron are:

(33) Why then, O brawling love, O loving hate

O anything of nothing first create O heavy lightess, serious vanity

(34) Mishappen chaos of well-seeming forms


Still waking sleep, that is not what it is!

20. Paradox

It is a surprising expression which cause people to look for another reason in which it would be true (Baldick:1996)


It contains two opposite characteristics which is difficult to understand


Meanwhile, Harpham and Abrams (2000) declare that paradox is a statement which seems contradictory or absurd, yet turns out to be interpretable in a way that makes sense


Another book of Abrams (1993) tells that paradox is the “statement which seems on its face to be self-contradictory or absurd yet turns out to make good sense”


The examples are:

(35) the childis the fatherof the man


(36) One short sleeppast, we wake eternally


(37) The truest poetry is the feigning





It is a thing which can act or express like human being


Thus based on Baldick (1996) thing which the imagery of an idea, abstract things or inanimate things which are referred as if they are human


It is called prosopopeia in Greek term which means the abstract concepts or inanimate things were given with all human characterization


The example for personification is:

(38) Sky lowered, and muttering thunder, some sad drops



22. Simile

It is an expression of comparing one thing to another using “as” or “like” as coined in Harpham and Abrams (2000) that simile compares two distinct different things which pointed by the word “like” or “as”


Baldick (1996) declares that simile is used in both prose and verse


It also more tentative and decorative than metaphor


The examples are:

(39) I wandered lonely asa cloud


(40) O my love, likea red, red rose


(41) As green asemerald





It gives a name toward something is referred only some parts or constituent of it indirectly (Baldick: 1996)


In Greek, synecdoche means “taking together” (Harpham and Abrams: 2000: 120)


It is to identify that the whole for a apart of something is used to be a sign of the whole or vice verse


The examples are:

(42) “ten hands” for “ten workers”


(43) A hundred sails for “ships”


(44) Wheels for “automobile”


The use of figure of speech in language shows that the meaning of slogans in advertisements are based on figurative meaning instead of literal meaning


It is because literal meaning shows the original meaning,


while figure of speech provides the other side of meaning which might be an imaginative, attractive, more memorable and the like




Characteristics of figure of speech

Some figure of speech use repetition of consonants, vowel sounds, words and rhymes within the phrases


Meanwhile another figure of speech has non-literal meaning or connotative meaning


Repetition and other effect on the use of figure of speech can be called as the character of figure of speech which is in line with the term of scheme and tropes


Scheme is associated with the figure of speech which deals with the repetitions and word order in figure of speech


It is associated with a change in standard word order or pattern


McQuarrie and Mick (1996) reveals that scheme are overcode and add internal redundancy to advertising message


Scheme involves rhythmic repetition, phoneme sequences, syntactic constructions, or words within similar sense as a structuring character of figure of speech (Arvius: 2003)


Hence, it helps slogans to be more memorable and attractive by giving repetition and some other kind of effects on the entire slogan text


Tropes have an unexpected twist in the meaning of words


It deals with the use of a word, phrase, or image in a way not intended by its normal signification


It is undercode and invite the elaboration by the reader (McQuarrie and Mick: 1996)


For instance, make fun of the road


It will take some various interpretations from some different readers toward


the slogan because it has intended meaning instead of just having a syntactic construction or rhythmic repetition


It can be said that metaphor, simile, metonymy, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and the like are included in tropes because they have twist of meaning on phrase or words


Antithesis, asyndenton, ellipses, climax, alliteration, assonance are being a part of scheme


As it is cited by McQuarrie and Mick (1996) that familiar example of schematic figures include rhyme and alliteration,while metaphor and puns are familiar examples of tropic figures


Hence, scheme and tropes give distinguish effect and taste toward advertisement slogans



Purposeson the use of figure of speech

Every figure of speech has their own meaning and depends on the context of the sentence


Besides that, figure of speech also has their own purposes when they are used in the sentences


The use of figure of speech in slogan advertisement has special purposes why the copy researcher use that figure of speech


Webster in Deighton (1985) reveals the function of advertising is to convey meanings


Mean while Puto and Wells in Deighton (1985) argue that the language used in advertising is to

embellish the consumption experience


Generally, language of

advertisement are built for persuading the audience in order that they have a willing to buy or make us of it (Vorlat in Abass


2000) because the main


point of the advertising is to persuade people to buy


So what will happen when language advertisement meet the figure of speech?

There are some opinions about the purpose on the use of figure of speech in slogan advertisement


Firstly, to instruct and entertain people through the play of language


Secondly, to persuade people of the truth or value of the message that a figure conveys


Thirdly, to help people remember both the meaning of the message and its figurative expressions


Figure of speech provides the meaning toward a word or sentence in a non literal way, so that the use of figure of speech in slogan advertisement has intended meaning


According to Stern (1988), the use of figure of speech in advertisement is to give the service message


Meaning to say that the purpose on the use figure of speech in advertising is to help in delivering the message or the idea


The other opinions about the purpose on the use of figure of speech come from Ownie and Aritonang (2000)


They are (1) it gives the reader imaginative pleasures, (2) it is a way of bringing additional image, (3) it is very useful to add emotional intensity to a statement, (4) an effective means of concentration


On the contrary, Stern (1988) argues that the creative uses of figure of speech are able to create an interesting language which are expressively alive, rationally appealing and memorable


She also reveal that “figure of speech is imaginatively exciting in three ways: concrete, condensed and




Deighton (1985) presents his opinion toward the purpose on the use of figure of speech in term of “experience” which uses in advertisement


He says experience in advertisements should be attributed to heuristic-driven


It expresses such a method of teaching and learning which is involving or allowing the learners to learn by discovering things themselves and learning from their own experience rather than by telling them things


In other words, the use of figurative in advertisements must invite the costumers to have an experience of using the product


From those explanations, the researcher concludes that the purpose on the use of figure of speech in advertisement are able to impact the language itself in order to be more expressive, more imaginative, memorable and also interesting





People need many things to fulfill their needs in daily life


Sometimes they feel confused how to find their needs because there are many choices with different brands and different features


They need some information to choose the best one that suitable with their needs


Hence, there is an advertisement which provides much information in the product which are advertised


The information in advertisement is constructed through different language which is different from daily language


When people want to sell something, there must be a thing to do as the preliminary action for selling


It is starting from advertising that thing in


order that the other person might know that he or she is selling something


It is an advertisement which helps people, company, institution, government, and soon in promoting their products


In the modern era like now days on, people are being helpful by the advertisement services


People can find advertisement in the form of pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, card, billboard, etc


it is easy to find advertisement in our daily life


It can be seen in television, matchbox cover, trash container, magazine, on buses and taxicab, etc


Since those advertisements can be found easily, sometimes people do not ever pause awhile to think about it (Goddard 2003)


In means that advertisement cannot be apart from people’s daily life


Advertisement and advertising originally come from Latin word “advertere” meaning “turn towards” (Goddard 2003)


It is a medium to promote something which can be in the form of product or service


Some scholars argue that advertisement is “any paid form of interpersonal presentation of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor” (Berkman& Gilson:11: 1980)


Advertising means “drawing attention to something” or to notify somebody about someone who offers product or service)


Advertisement is the non personal communication of information usually paid for and persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media (Arens&Bovee, 1986)


Advertisement is a method of communication for marketing which is used to persuade public to do something or to buy the product or service




promotes a brand, a product, services, institution, company, etc


Therefore it can be said that advertisement is a marketing tool that helps to sell brands of product and helps to build confidence in companies or institution by conveying accurate and compelling information to consumers about the brand or company and institution (Weilbacher 1984)


In other words, advertisement does not only promote a product like in a TV program, it also promotes a service such as security services, cleaning services, hairstyling, motorcycle repairs, etc


Most of advertising is intended to persuade, but some adds such a legal announcement (from government, hospital, government institution, legal companies, etc) are only intended to inform not

to persuade


There are some opinions from the experts about



According to Durant &Lambrou in Li (2009)“advertising conveys information, so that consumers know what is available, who makes it, and where and how they can get it”


They are still advertisement because they satisfy all the other requirement of the definition (Arens: 2009)


Increasingly, advertising is used to advocate a wide variety of ideas whether economic, political, religious, or social ideas (Arens and Bovee 1986)


There are the basic functions of advertisement based on Arens and Bovee (1986)


Firstly is to identify products and differentiate them from others


Secondly is to communicate information about the products, its features, and its location of sale


Thirdly is to induce customers to try new product and to suggest reuse


Fourthly is to increase product usage


Fifthly is


to build brand preference and loyalty


In other words, advertisements do not only promote the product and persuade the public but also to get the huge benefit towards the use of the product


a. Language of Advertisement

There is a slogan of a chip namely Chittato


its advertisement in Indonesia utilizes English “life is never flat”


What makes the audiences interested is the word “flat”


According to dictionary, flat means with no curved, high or hollow part


If the word flat compares to the shape of the chips which is wavy or curve shape, it means that they are not compatible


From the slogan which says “life is never flat”, it can be assumed that life is just like the shape of Chittato which is wavy and curvy


On the other hand, to interpret the meaning of advertisement of chittato, we can not just interpret the meaning based on dictionary because sometimes it uses pun words as well


Hence, the language of advertising used here vague, unpredictable, ambiguous, confusing, evasive, unclear, certain and inexact (Kehinde, 2005)


Getting reader’s or viewer’s attention is also the most important thing in creating advertisement


The language use in advertisement is different from the language use in science book, academic book, movie script, and so on


Sometimes it uses pun words to attract people’s attention


Language in advertisement will influence many things in advertisement’s aspect such as


the product selling, benefit point of the product selling the promotion of the product, and so on


The language use in advertisement might pay attention toward the audience target


It is in line with the statement of Dattamajumdar (2006) that advertising language is already defined as an organization of text which suggest some cohesion or meaningful interpretation to the target consumers, demands description of its functional and formal aspects with reference to the semantic and pragmatic interpretation


Therefore, the language use in demonstration must be as clear, simple, graphic, and as relevant as possible because it will influence much part on it


The advertiser use special language to show the strength and special features of the product


According Kehinde (2005) the language in advertisement is generally laudatory, positive, unreserved, and emphasizing the uniqueness of a product


Hence, the language use in advertisement will bring both good and positive image toward the product which advertised


b. Slogan in Advertisement

When the researcher was a kid, she liked to repeat the slogan of cigarette by A Mild


The slogan is “others can only follow”


It is memorable because it used a good tone and the way one dubbed the slogan


It means that to produce a good advertising, there is an important part in advertising that is slogan


Some scholars say that slogan is the short easily remembered phrase to get the attention


Slogan is used to get the attention from the hearers,


viewers or the customers


According to Irandoust and Abdi (2013) Slogan is a phrase which is short and memorable to state the idea and intention


Actually, people already used slogan since long years ago but now it mostly uses advertising or trading


Slogan derives from slough-ghairm from Scottish Gaelic which means battle cry


It means a shout given by soldiers as they run towards the enemy or a phrase or word shouted by people as they start to fight which is intended to give them the strength and wish to fight harder


From the definition above, the similarity between slogan in past and now is it provides information to others


Nowadays, slogan do not only provide information but also has a function of persuading the hearer


Some cigarette slogans in this research provide both information and persuasion on the slogans


As we know that cigarette advertisement slogans are unique, they convey the message of the slogan in indirect meaning


Thus, they utilize figure of speech inside of their slogans


On the function of persuasion, slogans through either spoken or written language has powerful influence towards people and their behaviour by giving explanation to the potential costumers what is the best for them (Dubovicience and Skorupa,2015)


The use of slogan in advertisements has huge influence since it also identified the company and the brand as well


Even though it must be informative, the slogan text do not need to give long and detail explanation


about the product or service because long slogan might be not interested, not attractive and boring


Thus nowadays, the copywriter should create even more interesting, attractive, noticeable and memorable slogan (Skorupa and Dubovicience, 2014)


c. Cigarette Advertisement

Advertisement tries to persuade people to purchase the product and most advertisement show the product which are being advertised


Hence, the costumers will see and know the shape of the product


Unfortunately, it can not be applied in cigarette advertisement


Indonesian government prohibit the cigarette advertisement showing the cigarette and prohibit the activity of smoking as well


Cigarette advertisements which are presented in Indonesia TV channel should wait until 10 P


M to be advertised. It is the strict rule of law which is provide by Indonesian government


On Indonesian television channels, the advertisers present some challenging activity and having adventure which are played by some talents on the advertisements


Those activity in cigarette advertisements do not have any correlation with the cigarette itself


In fact, the advertisement and the product are contradictory


For instance, Djarum Super shows the talent having an adventure activity in a jungle and in the end it informs the costumer that smoking can ruin your health



Thus, since there are some prohibition on cigarette advertisement, the advertisers should be more creative and innovative in creating the advertisements


They have their own languages when it deals with the slogans


They use some puns, rhyme, and repetition to create the slogans being ear catching, memorable, impressive and attractive


It makes the cigarette advertisements are being more interested than others kind of advertisements as it is cited by Mandracchia in Kusumaningtyas and Suwarto (2013)


She reveals that cigarette advertising has a very pleasant and interesting way in persuading the customers


Hence, the researcher is interested in analyzing the slogans of cigarette advertisements


d. Advertisement on the Internet

There are two types of advertisements based on the media which is used in delivering advertisement (Arens & Bovie, 1986)


Firstly, it is printed advertisement as can be seen at those advertisements in newspaper, magazine, leaflet, brochure, billboard, and so on


Secondly, it is electronic advertisement as can be seen in television, radio, internet, and the like


There are some electronic medium which can be used to advertise the product


An advertising medium is any paid means used to present an advertisement to its target audience (Arens, 2006)


In other words, in doing the advertisement must be suitable for the target audience


Regarding to electronic media, it is in line with the term electronic production which refers to process of converting a script to a finished a commercial for use on


radio, TV, or digital media (Arens, 2006)


Today’s sophisticated technology enables advertisements to reach us efficiently through a variety of very simple media which can be operate by children as well (such as direct mail) and interactive media (internet: facebook, twitter, yahoo, and the like)


Nowadays, modern citizens have been popular with shopping online


It is much more easier in accommodate the shopping activity


People just need one click to get what they want


People are able to fulfill their desire in getting their daily needs including to find the various types of advertisements which provide various types of products


Besides that


People are able to advertise and promote their own product without facing any complicated procedures


Considering this easiness, the researcher utilizes internet as the media to collect the data via wikipedia


The researcher tries to collect the data of cigarette advertisement slogan through some cigarette advertisement which are presented in Indonesian’s TV channel. Unfortunately, the researcher finds some difficulties in collecting the data through TV because the movement on the video is too fast, it makes the researcher could not get the moment on the cigarette advertisement’s video. Thus, the researcher took advantage of internet in finding and collecting the data.

e. Goal of Advertisement

When people need something new in their life, for example they need to upgrade the new gadget


People will look for the information of some


advertisement on the recent gadget in television, magazine, internet and so on


It is so because they need some information toward the newest gadget


It can be said that before people decide to purchase the product, they need to know what the are the benefits of the product


Generally, the objectives of advertisement are to promote and persuade people to purchase the product


Besides that, there are supporting goals of advertising instead of just promoting and persuading


The followings are the goals of advertisements

Harichandan and Welukar (2011) state some specific objectives of the advertisements are: (1) To introduce a new product by creating interest for it among the prospective customers


(2) To support personal selling programme


(3) To reach people inaccessible to salesman


(4) To enter a new market or attract a new group of customers


(5) To light competition in the market and to increase the sales as seen in the fierce competition between Coke and Pepsi


(6) To enhance the goodwill of the enterprise by promising better quality products and services


(7) To improve dealer reactions


(8) To warn the public against imitation of an enterprise’s products


There are some objectives of advertising by Grideanu (2014)


She divides the objectives based on the intention namely information, persuasion

and reminding


It is being informative advertisement when the

advertisement is in the pioneer period


It provides some information that there is something new which presents something new as well


Persuasive is


the most important goal of advertisement


Advertisement tries to attract and persuade the costumers to face the competitive stage


The last is reminding


It can be applied for the advertisement which are being in the maturity stage


It means that the goal is mainly to convince the customers that they already made a good decision by choosing the product


Considering the aim of advertisement above, the copywriters of advertisement should be more creative and innovative in creating the advertisement


Hence, it can change the costumers’ perception, attitudes, feelings and opinion then purchase the product which is being advertise as it is the original aim of advertisements




Meaning in Semantics

Language is the vehicle of communication


Every word of each

language has its own meaning


As we know that a word might have more

than one meaning


Thus we have synonym, polysemy, and so on


When we

talk about meaning, it must be connected with the term of semantics which means the research of the relations of signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable (Morris in Levinson, 1984)


It means that the word meaning depends the following word which come after the key word such as in



Regarding to a word meaning, the meaning of words in

advertisement slogan are different even sometimes they use the same words



meaning and purpose of figure of speech which appear in cigarette advertisement slogans on the internet


Semantics is the branch of linguistics which is related to meaning based on the logic and truth rather than context


Leech (1981) says that the whole point of semantics is giving a definition of meaning


In the other hand, semantics is the research of “the relation between sign and the object to which the signs are applicable” (Levinson: 1983: 1)


Hence people use semantic to catch the research of meaning on language because everything and anything is communicated through language


The word meaning in cigarette advertisement slogans in this research is related with the use of lexical meaning which is used in figure of speech


It will concern to two type of meaning which are connotative and denotative meaning


There are seven types of meaning which given by Leech (1981)


They are conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, associative meaning and thematic meaning


The first one is conceptual meaning which is sometimes called as “denotative or cognitive” meaning


It can be said that conceptual meaning is the central factor and the essential function of communication language (Leech: 1981)


It gives the meaning toward the word based on the dictionary or states directly to the meaning itself


In other word, conceptual meaning gives basic meaning


For instance, when a baby master the first language, he


learns the real meaning of word but not the figurative meaning one


Hence, the baby needs the conceptual meaning


The second one is connotative meaning


It is the opposite of conceptual meaning


According to Leech (1981: 12) connotative meaning is “the communicative expression value an expression has by what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content”


In the other hand, it reveals the word meaning based on wha it is refer to or not just its meaning based on dictionary as in conceptual meaning


Sometimes it carries cultural and emotional associations as well. Leech (1981) has another opinion on connotative meaning


There are three crucial distinctions between connotative and conceptual meaning


Firstly, they are like between “language” and the “real world”


It means that connotative meaning is not specific to language, but it is also used in other communication system such as visual art and music


Secondly, connotations are relatively unstable to culture, historical period and the experience of the individual


Thirdly, connotative meaning is indeterminate and open-ended in a sense in which conceptual meaning is not


The third one is social meaning


It is about the piece of language which expresses the social events where there is the use of language


It has relation with the term of illocutionary force because in this case, the utterances can be interpreted as a request, an assertion, an apology, a threat, and so on


For instance when there is a sentence I haven’t got a knifehas the


The real boss Ace mild The best cigarettes in the world 555 state express

My life my adventure Djarum super

There is no courage without red Red mild

The right choice Fix mild

My style is my life Gulden elite

Taste the excellent Wismilak premium


Becool, beconfident, beyou S.T. Dupont Paris

6. Anaphora (16) Norisk nogain Niko International

Finecut for finetaste Dunhill Mild

Onetaste one spirit Neo mild, uno mild, one mild

Noblack no game Djarum black

Supertaste for superpeople Djarum super

Mylife myadventure Djarum super

Ichoose Ilive Wismilak diplomat


My style is mylife Gulden elite

Solight somild Nes mild

Fineingredients for finetaste Dunhill mild MildPlus For MalePlus Bentoel mild

Bemild befree Bentoel mild

Come To Where The Flavor Is, Come To marlboro Country


Crush itunleash it Marlboro ice blast

New Grand Reopened New Grand Renovated New Grand Reintroduced New Grand Retransmission New Star Mild

Star mild

Be cool, be confident, be you S.T. Dupont Paris 7. Asyndenton (16) Cool calm confident S.T. Dupont Paris

No risk no gain Niko international

Talk less do more Class mild

One taste one spirit Neo mild, uno mild,

one mild

Crush it unleash it Marlboro ice blast

No black no game Djarum black

My life my adventure Djarum super

Pleasure, style, confidence Djarum super

I choose I live Wismilak diplomat


So light so mild Nes mild

Be mild be free Bentoel mild

Slim smooth square A volution

New Grand Reopened New Grand Renovated New Grand Reintroduced


New Grand Retransmission New Star Mild

Modern full dynamic KENEDY

Completed foreign countries full light

The filter moment has come Dji sam soe super filter 8. Personification


Let the taste take you there Longbeach The flavor of adventure Country Let your mind go for a walk Absolute mild The flavor of indonesi Bentoel international Luckies taste better, cleaner, fresher and


Lucky strike American tobacco entertainment

renovate original

Lucky strike Journey for the real taste Bohe Cigar No.6

Free your taste A mild

Light up the night Pall mall

Live your wish Wismilak diplomat


Drive for success Gudang garam surya

Turn on your taste Lintang enam

Rich taste One mild rich taste

Full of imagination Djarum black

Happy day to me Red Mild

Mild yet strong Gudang garam surya


9. Antithesis Talk less do more Class mild

Mild yet strong Gudang Garam Sury

Pro Mild

2. List of the Purposes of Figure of Speech

No. Figure of Speech Slogans Brand

1. Make the slogan memorable

Be cool, be confident, be you S.T. Duppont Paris Cool, calm, confident S.T. Dupont Paris Completed foreign countries full light A Technology (A


More magic Aroma

No risk no gain Niko International

Let the taste take you there Longbeach Fine cut for fine taste Dunhill mild

No black no game Djarum black

Super taste for super people Djarum super

My life, my adventure Djarum super

My style is my life Gulden elite Turn on your taste Master mild


So light so mild Nes mild Fine ingredients for fine taste Dunhill mild

Mild Plus For Male Plus Bentoel mild

Come to Where The Flavor Is, Come To MARLBORO Country


Be mild be free Bentoel mild

Light up a Lucky strike Lucky strike

the smooth side the bold Gudang garam

signature mild

Jazzy on live your life Jazy mild

Slim smooth square A volution

Brave new world becomes grand renovated

Djinggo International sure mind you make all leaves 555 state express

Others can Only Follow A Mild

Crush it unleash it Malrboro Ice Blast

I choose I live WISMILAK

dIPLOMAT mILD The flavor of adventure

Live your wish Country

Rise and shine Wismilak diplomat mild

My style is my life Gudang garam surya

Generation your experience Gulden elite

Above and beyond The one

So light so mild Neslite

Mild Plus For Male Plus Nes mild

Light up the night Bentoel Mild

International Skyline Overnight Pall mall

How Low Can You Go? A International

Bold to the new world A mild

It’s light up time L.A Bold

Define your urban style Lucky strike

Light up a lucky strike Fellas Mild

American tobacco entertainment renovate original

Lucky strike

Click mint Lucky stricke

Luckies taste better, cleaner, fresher and smoother

a flava Continous freezing experience Lucky strike

Cool and smooth GG mild shiver

go with the real low Clas mild menthol

Excitement and style A mild

Be cool, be confident, be you Skuul mild

No risk no gain S.T. Dupont Paris

Fine cut for fine taste Niko International

One taste one spirit Dunhill Mild

No black no game Neo mild, uno mild,


Super taste for super people Djarum black

My life my adventure Djarum super

I choose I live Djarum super

My style is my life Wismilak diplomat


So light so mild Gulden elite

Fine ingredients for fine taste Nes mild

Mild Plus For Male Plus Dunhill mild

Be mild be free Bentoel mild

Come To Where The Flavor Is, Come Bentoel mild To marlboro Country

Crush it unleash it Marlboro

New Grand Reopened New Grand Renovated New Grand Reintroduced New Grand Retransmission New Star Mild

Marlboro ice blast

The flavor of adventure Star mild

The flavor of Indonesia Country

2. Creating strong impression and attractive

Full of imagination Bentoel international

King of ice Djarum black

I’ve got the power L.A. Ice

Drive for success Djarum black menthol

Forever taste surya

Journey for the real taste Raison

The beautiful challenger Bohe cigar no.6

Taste the power Esse

Committed to greatness Dunhill filter

Clas mild is today Gudan garam signature

For the smart generation Clas mild

The real boss Esse

The best cigarettes in the world Ace mild

My life my adventure 555 state express

There is no courage without red Djarum super

The right choice Red mild

My style is my life Fix mild

Taste the excellent Gulden elite

The filter moment has come Wismilak premium cigars

Let the taste take you there Dji sam soe super filter

The flavor of adventure Longbeach

Let your mind go for a walk Country

The flavor of indonesi Absolute mild

Luckies taste better, cleaner, fresher and smoother

Bentoel international American tobacco entertainment Lucky strike


renovate original

Journey for the real taste Lucky strike

Free your taste Bohe Cigar No.6

Light up the night A mild

Live your wish Pall mall

Drive for success Wismilak diplomat


Turn on your taste Gudang garam surya

Rich taste Lintang enam

Full of imagination One mild rich taste

Happy day to me Djarum black

3. Giving

characteristics and symbol

Join the club Bentoel Biru

One taste one spirit Club Mild

It’s luckiest enjoy Neo mild, uno mild,

one mild

Think black Lucky strike

Black it is Djarum black

Super taste for super people Djarum black

King of ice Djarum super

With polo mild L.A Ice

Time to win Polo mild

So light so mild Win mild

Racing time bro Nes mild

There is no courage without red Bro mild

Red on Red mild

Light up a lucky strike Red mild

Luckiest taste better, cleaner, fresher and smoother

Lucky strike Yesterday is long, clas mild is today Lucky strike Teen mild journey we magic Clas mild

Live your wish Teen mild

Mild plus for male plus Wismilak diplomat mild

Come to where the flavor is, come to Marlboro country

Bentoel mild Super Taste For Super People Marlboro

Innovative double filter Djarum Super

Fine Cut For Fine Taste Djarum Black Mild

Fine ingredient for fine taste Dunhill Mild

Mild Plus For Male Plus Dunhill mild

Let the taste take you there Bentoel mild

Turn on your taste Longbeach

Come to Where The Flavor Is, Come To MARLBORO Country

Master mild 4. Offering


Light up a Lucky strike Marlboro


Xplore new style Malrboro Ice Blast

Define your urban style Club mild

Live your wish Fellas Mild

Rise and shine Wismilak diplomat


Light up the night Gudang garam surya

Click mint Pall mall

go with the real low a flava

Talk less do more A mild

Let your mind go for a walk Class mild

Free your taste Absolute mild