Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 209321056


First of all the writer would like to express her praises to Jesus Christ, the

Almighty God source of all the livings. Because of His great love and blessing,
the writer could do and finally complete this thesis.
This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan (S-1) at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
This thesis would not have been possible nor legible without the
dedication and guidance of several individuals who always contributed and
extended their valuable assistances in the preparation and completion of this
thesis. The writer’s special appreciation goes out to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd,. the Head of English Department, and her
academic consultant for years. Rika, S.Pd,. M.Hum,. the Secretary of
English Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA., the Head of English NonEducational Program and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of
English Education Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.

4. The writer expresses her special thanks to Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani,

M.Pd., as her thesis supervisor, for his advice, suggestions, guidance and
also encouragement, so that this thesis could have been accomplished.
5. The writer sincerely thanks to her Dad, Alm. Rasiman Girsang, S.Pd and
Mom, Alm. Rahmawati br Sembiring, S.Pd for wonderful love and
unimaginable sacrifices. Wish we can also together in heaven. The writer’s
special gratitude also goes to her dearest brother, Rudy Carlo Girsang,
Amd for his prayers, the love and for continuous support, be it financial
and moral, during his whole studies up to finish.

The Headmaster of SMA Swasta Singosari Delitua, Ir. Gunawan
Sunardy, his permission and opportunities in allowing the writer to do
observation and to collect data.

7. Eryca Manalu, Shinta Gultom, Jojor Padang, Fransiska Evalina, Astri
Sirait, Amelia Nababan, Elma Maranita, Survey Sijabat, and all of her
beloved friends who never let her down and love her so much thank you
for being a part of my life. And to all of those who can’t be mention their
name one by one, thank you for their motivation, support, smile, love, and
also helping.

Medan, January 2014
The Writer

Rasta Elisa Girsang
NIM. 209321056

Girsang, Rasta Elisa. 209321056. The Effect of Applying Group Investigation
Method on the Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension. A Thesis:
English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of
Medan. 2013.
This study deals with the effect of applying group investigation method on the
students’ achievement in reading comprehension. This study is inspired by the
problem that students’ faced at the school in terms of reading skill. This study was
conducted by using experimental design to examine the effect of group
investigation method on students’ reading comprehension achievement. The
subject of the study was the first grade in the first semester at SMA Swasta
Singosari Delitua. They were chosen as the sample by applying random sampling.
They were 60 students which is divided into two groups. Experimental group was

taught by applying group investigation method while the control group was taught
without applying group investigation method. The data of this research were taken
from the students’ score of reading test. Based on the calculation showed that the
coefficient of the test was 0.77, it shows that the test is reliable and the reliability
is high. There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test and post
test. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula to show the effect of applying
group investigation method on students’ achievement in reading comprehension.
After analyzing the data, the finding indicates that t-observed was higher than ttable (4.26 > 2.00) at the level significant 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 58.
It means that the hypothesis, applying group investigation method has significant
affected on the students’ achievement in reading comprehension is accepted.

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDIXES ............................................................................... vzii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1
A. The Background of the Study ......................................................... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ............................................................... 4
C. The Scope of the Study ................................................................... 5
D. The Objective of the Study ............................................................. 5
E. The Significance of the Study ......................................................... 5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE .............................................. 6
A. Theoretical Framework .................................................................. 6
1. Reading Comprehension ........................................................... 6
a.Reading Comprehension as a Process .................................... 7
b.Factor Affecting Reading Comprehension ............................. 9
c.Level of Reading Comprehension .......................................... 9
d.Taxonomy Reading Comprehension ...................................... 11
e.Teaching Reading Comprehension......................................... 13
2. Genre of the text ........................................................................ 15
3. Narrative text ............................................................................. 21
4. Group Investigation Method ..................................................... 24
5. Assessment/ Evaluation for Reading........................................ 28
B. Conceptual Framework.................................................................... 29
C. Hypothesis ....................................................................................... 31
CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN ......................................................... 32
A. Research Design .............................................................................. 32

B. Population and Sample .................................................................... 32
C. The Instrument of Collecting Data .................................................. 33
D. The Validity and the Reliability of the Test .................................... 34
1. The Validity of the Test ............................................................ 34
2. The Reliability of the Test ......................................................... 35
E. The Procedure of the test ................................................................. 36
1. Pre- test ...................................................................................... 36
2. Treatment .................................................................................. 37
3. Post- test .................................................................................... 38
F. Scoring System ................................................................................ 38
G. Technique for Analyzing Data ........................................................ 39
A. The Data .......................................................................................... 40
B. Data Analysis .................................................................................. 41
1. Testing Reliability of the Test ................................................... 41
2. Data Analysis by Using T-Test Formula................................... 41

3. Testing Hypothesis .................................................................... 41
C. Research Finding ............................................................................. 42
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION ............................... 43

A. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 43
B. Suggestions ...................................................................................... 43
REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 45
APPENDIXES ................................................................................................ 47

3.1 The Research Design.................................................................................. 32
3.2 Table of Specification ................................................................................ 35
3.3 Teaching Procedure .................................................................................... 37


A. The Background of the Study
Reading is one of the most important skills in language learning besides
listening, speaking and writing. Without reading, one cannot access written
information. In reading process, students are expected to get knowledge and be

familiar with what the teacher has explained in the content, where as in
comprehension the students are expected to have more skills in order to get
meaning in the text. That is the purpose of reading comprehension. Therefore, it is
useless if one do not have reading competence, because reading competence
enables students to find the information in reading text.
The important point to be made about the reading is reading
comprehension. To master reading skill, the readers need good comprehension in
reading activity. In reading comprehension, reader must be able to get a deeper
understanding of information that presented in a text. It means that reading
comprehension involves thinking process. According to Westwood (2008:31)
reading comprehension is an active thinking process which a reader intentionally
constructs meaning to form a deeper understanding of information that presented
in a text. An active thinking process involves the activity of linking of new
information to the students’ experience or background knowledge.
Every student absolutely has the prior knowledge. Each of them carries
different schema or prior knowledge. Each of them carries different schema or
prior knowledge. It is not same for all students. But, in the fact most of the

students still get a lack in activating their prior knowledge during the reading process,
specifically in reading comprehension. Whereas, the activation of prior knowledge makes up a

great amount of the process of reading comprehension. In this case, teachers have an important
role. The teacher should attempt to activate prior knowledge as much as possible to reading text,
allowing students to apply the prior knowledge use while reading.
Because reading comprehension is the important thing in reading, the students are
expected to read various texts to get deeper understanding of information or to have knowledge.
Harmer (2003:208) states that students sometimes have low expectation in reading
comprehension. The students think that understanding the passage is difficult. And when the
teacher in the past given them a text that they have no interest, then they would predict that the
future activities will be boring. So when the teacher told them to tell some information from their
reading text, most of them didn’t have idea to tell some information from what they’ve read. For
Indonesian students, reading is still difficult to learn, particularly in reading English material.
Based on the researcher’s experience when researcher was in research in field (PPL), the
researcher found that the students have a difficulty when the students are asks to get some
interesting messages from their reading text. Although some students could read and pronounce
the words well but they could not understand to comprehend the text well. And the result, most
of them always get bad score in reading comprehension and could not reach minimum passing
score (KKM). This condition really proves how bad the students achievement in reading.
Dealing with the fact previously mentioned, the researcher would like to conduct a
research by using method that is Group Investigation (GI), it is necessary to provide a model of
teaching method that may help students create a good learning atmosphere to take part actively

in the classroom activity in order to increase their reading comprehension.

Group Investigation is one of cooperative learning method which focused on student’s
participation and activity. According to Sharan and Sharan (1992), Group Investigation is a
cooperative learning method to integrate interaction and communication in the classroom with
the process of academic inquiry. The students are taught to work together with their friends.
They work together to achieve the goal or the success which has always been desired by them. It
will help the students in reading comprehension ability.
Group Investigation Method will motivate the students to study and several stages of
Group Investigation will open their view of one case and practice critical thinking. In this group
investigation method there are 3 concepts: enquiry, knowledge, and the dynamic of the earning
group. The research here is the dynamic of the learning group. The students give the responses
the problems and solve it. The knowledge is the learning experience that has been founded
directly or indirectly. And the dynamic of the learning group that shows describing a group of
student which has a good interaction and share about their ideas, exchange their experiences, in
their opinions.
Things have to do in Group Investigation by Slavin (1995) are: First is growing up the
group ability, When they do their homework, every member of group has their own opportunity
to show their contribution. In the research, the student will find the information from the inside
or outside class. Then, the students collect the information from every member of the group to do

the task. Second is cooperative planning, all of the students having an investigation for their
problem, which one of the sources is needed, who want to do it and how to present their project
in the class. And the last is the teacher’s roles; the teachers will prepare the source and
facilitators. The teachers role their rule among the students groups and they pay their attention to

also organize the students job and help the students to organize their job and help them when
they get the trouble of the learning process in their group.
From the explanation above, this study is designed to conduct out the research to prove
whether Group Investigation (GI) Method improves students’ reading comprehension.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the previous discussion in the background of the study, a research problem is
formulated as the following: “Does the application of Group Investigation method significantly
affect students’ reading comprehension?

C. The Scope of the Study
There are many learning activities that can be conducted by using cooperative learning.
In this study, it is limited only on Group Investigation (GI) method on students reading

D. The Objective of the Study
In relation to the problem, the objective of the study is to find out whether Group
Investigation (GI) method significantly affects the students’ reading comprehension.

E. The Significance of the Study
The results of the study are expected to be useful for:
1. English teachers to provide his/her as alternative method to improved his/her methods in
teaching reading

2. Students to encourage them to be more active and high motivated students. Especially in
group work/ teams and increase their ability in reading comprehension by Group
Investigation (GI).
3. Those who are interested in this study to provide the information by looking at the result.


Based on the result of this study, the researcher found that the students’

achievement taught by using Group Investigation Method is higher than the students’
achievement taught by without Group Investigation Method. It is indicated from
analyzing the data statistically that the result of calculation of t-test that t-observed
value 4.28 is higher than t-table value 2.00 at the level of significant of 0.05, which
implies that the alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.

B. Suggestions
The study showed that the applying of Group Investigation method could
improve the students’ reading comprehension. Based on the conclusion given, the
writer suggests that:
1. English teachers should apply Group Investigation Method in their
teaching learning process so that they can improve their students’ reading
comprehension because this method is designed to relate the students’
background knowledge with reading text. So it is expected for the students
to understand the story easily
2. Students should apply this learning method in comprehending a text
because it can stimulate students’ critical thinking when the students relate

their background knowledge with reading text. Therefore, the students will
find by applying Group Investigation method is easier to comprehend the
3. The readers who are interested for further study related to this research

should explore the knowledge to enlarge their understanding about how to
improve reading comprehension and search another references.

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