





Submitted to Fulfill Partial The Partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number 208121057











Firstly, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT for the mercy and guidance in giving him full strength to complete this thesis. This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

During the process of completing this thesis, many people have shown their care and assistance. Because of that on this occasion, the writer would like to express his sincere thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., Rector, State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean, Faculty of Languages and Arts. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Head, English Department. And also his

Academic Adviser for her suggestions and advice during the academic years spent in English Department. And Dra. Rahmah, M. Hum., Secretary, English Department.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., Head, Education Program of English Department.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., his consultant who has spent his precious time, patience, guidance, and constructive criticisms during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

H. Marzuki Syarifin, S.Pd., Headmaster, SMP Swasta PABAKU Stabat. He also would like to convey his gratitude to his collaborator Madam Mariani, S.Pd., for her assistance and guidance during the research. Also to all the students in Grade IX-1, for their attention and appreciation.

• A very special gratitude is dedicated to his father and mother, Djauhari and Jumaini for the prayers, advice, and endless love. Also to his brother, Junaidi, ST., for his inestimable support and care.

Hopefully this study will be useful to those who want to understand more on analytical exposition text and collaborative writing strategy particularly students of English Department.

Medan, August 2012 The writer

Harma Indra




Indra, Harma. 2012. Improving Students’ Achievement in writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method. A thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This research concerned on Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method. This research was conducted by applying classroom action research. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle was organized in four steps, namely Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting. Cycle II was the improvement of Cycle I. The objective of this study was to investigate the improvement of the students’ achievement in writing procedure texts through Learning Together Method. The subject of this research was the third year students of SMP Swasta Pabaku Stabat Class IX-1 consisted of 30 students. The instrument of data collection was collected quantitatively and qualitatively. The instruments for the quantitative and qualitative data used Questionnaire, Observation Sheet, Interview Sheet, and Diary Notes. Findings showed that students’ score improved from Pre-Test to Test II. Students’ mean in Pre-Test was 49.2, in Test I was 60.0, and Post-Test II was 70.0. The data gathered from Questionnaire, Observation Sheet, and Diary Notes showed the students’ expression and enthusiastic also improved students’ achievement in writing procedure texts. Concluded, the students’ score continuously improve in each test. The qualitative data showed that the students gave good response to the application of Learning Together Method. After analyzing data, it was found out the students’ score increased in each tests. It is suggested that teacher of English should apply this method in teaching procedure texts.




Firstly, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT for the mercy and guidance in giving him full strength to complete this thesis. This thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan.

During the process of completing this thesis, many people have shown their care and assistance. Because of that on this occasion, the writer would like to express his sincere thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., Rector, State University of Medan. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., Dean, Faculty of Languages and Arts. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., Head, English Department. And also his

Academic Adviser for her suggestions and advice during the academic years spent in English Department. And Dra. Rahmah, M. Hum., Secretary, English Department.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., Head, Education Program of English Department.

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M. Pd., his consultant who has spent his precious time, patience, guidance, and constructive criticisms during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

H. Marzuki Syarifin, S.Pd., Headmaster, SMP Swasta PABAKU Stabat. He also would like to convey his gratitude to his collaborator Madam Mariani, S.Pd., for her assistance and guidance during the research. Also to all the students in Grade IX-1, for their attention and appreciation.

• A very special gratitude is dedicated to his father and mother, Djauhari and Jumaini for the prayers, advice, and endless love. Also to his brother, Junaidi, ST., for his inestimable support and care.

Hopefully this study will be useful to those who want to understand more on analytical exposition text and collaborative writing strategy particularly students of English Department.

Medan, August 2012 The writer

Harma Indra







Submitted to Fulfill Partial The Partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number 208121057



















A. The Background of The Study ... 1

B. The Problem of The Study ... 4

C. The Objective of The Study ... 4

D. The Scope of Study ... 4

E. The Significance of The Study ... 4


A. Theoretical Framework... 6

1. Students’ Achievement... 6

2. Writing ... 7

3. Types of Genre ... 9

a. Procedure Texts ... 10

b. Procedural Writing Framework ... 11

4. Learning Together Method ... 13

a. Elements of Learning Together Method ... 15

b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning Together Method ... 16

B. Conceptual Framework ... 18


A. Research Design ... 20

1. The Location and Subject of Research ... 22

2. Instrument of Data Collection ... 22

3. The Procedure of Research ... 23

4. Scoring Writing Texts ... 25

5. Technique of Data Analysis ... 27


A.The Data ... 28

1. The Quantitative Data ... 28

2. The Qualitative Data... 29

B. The Data Analysis ... 31

1. Analysis of Quantitative Data... 31

C. Research Findings ... 40

D. Discussion ... 40


A. Conclusion ... 42

B. Suggestion ... 42






A. The Background of The Study

Language proficiency consists of four skills, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing that should be achieved by the students who study English. Students should be able to master those skills. For example, in writing, is not about the result of written form only, but it should be organized and understood well.

Writing as one of the four skills is very difficult for the students to master it. Most of the students are afraid in writing because they still confuse how to begin, how to organize, and what they will write. When this condition happened, the students will get boredom and assumed that writing is very difficult to do.

Based on the writer’s experience during his Integrated Field Teacher Training Program (Program Pengajaran Lapangan – Terpadu: PPL-T) in SMP Swasta PABAKU Stabat in year 2011. Findings that almost of students in third year faced some difficulties to write in English especially in writing procedure texts. They are confuced. They did not know what they should do. Almost of students had difficulties in conveying ideas in writing procedure texts. Because they are lack of vocabularies and tenses. They had difficulties to create sentences. The students preferred to write in Indonesian Language rather than English. “Many people find it difficult to write because in writing, people must actively think of things and express his/her ideas” (John, 2001: 13) Sometimes, they did other activities like chatting with the others when teaching-learning process.


It needs to be improved, how the way the teacher teaches and the students learn. It is hoped that the teacher of English enrich their abilities to be more active and creative in teaching the writing process.

Based on the data got by observing in SMP Swasta PABAKU Stabat, students’ scores of English subject showed in Daftar nilai Siswa of the third year the Minimum Competence criteria (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal: KKM) is of 70. From 30 students in third year, there are 26 students got scores lower than 70 and there are 4 students got higher than 70. It means that only 13% of students have already achieved the competence.

By interviewing the teacher of English and some students, it can be concluded that students are stuck in writing about what they will write, whether their texts are organized well, or the structure of the text is right such as thing, which make them difficult to write. They assumed that writing is a difficult task because they could not transfer their ideas and feelings in written form in English. Therefore, this condition is caused by method of teaching and learning process. Teacher must be able to create suitable method for a better, interesting, and helpful in teaching and learning process.

Based on the explanation above, it is important to use a method to help students in solving their problem. Many methods in learning are used to solve the problem. The writer will try to use cooperative learning.

Learning Together (LT) method is one of several methods in Supported Cooperative Learning Methods. In this method, students work in-group to make a group product. Student can share their knowledge or information to other student


in-group. Therefore, learning together methods can promote students’ learning and academic achievement, to increase students’ intention, to enhance students’ satisfaction with their learning experience, and to help students’ self-esteem.

Previous researcher on writing another genre but applied Learning Together Method was Ariani Juwita Nasution (2001). She made her research in SMP Negeri 37 Medan. The sample was one class consists of 38. Before applied Learning Together Method, the students got lower score in writing, then after applied Learning Together Method, it had an improvement. In cycle I had mean was 64.58 and in cycle II had the mean 72.94. Although 5 students did not get score up to 70, but their scores showed improvement from orientation to test II.

Although different genre, but in this case, writer will try to apply the same method: Learning Together Method but in teaching writing procedure texts. In Learning Together, students learn largely through intrinsic motivation, and rewards are largely intrinsic. This method emphasizes team building before the students start working together and regular assessment to determine how well they are working together in-group. The method they have researched involve students working in four-five member heterogeneous groups on assignments sheet. So that, everyone is expected to help and to be help. Those are the reasons why the writer will conduct Learning Together Method in this research.

Based on the situation above, this writer will conduct a research entitled “Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method.”


B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, it is necessary to formulate the problem of this research as “Is the students’ achievement in writing Procedure Texts improved by applying Learning Together Method?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to investigate the significant improvement of the students’ achievement in writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study will be specified with a focus on writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be expected to be useful for:

(1) The teacher of English , especially how to teach writing procedure texts

(2) Improving the students writing, especially in writing procedure texts. This research can be used as reference to improve students’ motivation in learning process, improving students’ activation, being cooperative students, building self-confidence and appreciative students.


(3) The researcher who wants to develop all information and knowledge and for those who are interested in doing research related to this study.




A. Conclusion

There is improvement in students’ achievement in writing procedure texts when they taught by applying Learning Together Method. The students’ score continuously improve in each test. The qualitative data showed that the students gave good response to the application of Learning Together Method. After analyzing data, it was found out the students’ score increased in each tests. Based on findings, the conclusion could be drawn as follow:

(1) the application of Learning Together Method improved the students’ achievement in writing procedure texts

(2) the teacher of English could be helped in teaching writing procedure texts by applying Learning Together Method, and

(3) students could understand and more interested in writing procedure texts by the application of Learning Together Method.

B. Suggestion

The result of this research showed that the application of Learning Together Method could improve students’ achievement. The following suggestion were offered:

(1) teacher of English, it is better to apply Learning Together Method since this method could improve students’ achievement in writing procedure texts,


(2) teacher of English should make teaching-learning process more interesting and actively by the application of Learning Together Method, and

(3) other researcher should develop the related method to this research to improve teaching-learning process in writing procedure texts.



Akhmadi, Ali., & Ida Saffrida. Smart Steps: The Smartest way to Learn English

An English Texbook for Junior High School. Bandung: Ganeca Exact.

Brophy, Jere. 2006. Motivating Students to Learn (third edition). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic.

Cohen, Louis. et al. 2007. Research Method in Education (sixth edition). New York: Routledge.

Dana, Nancy Fitchtman., & Diane Yendol Hoppey. 2009. The Reflective

Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research. USA: Corwin Press.

Grenville, Kate. 2001. Writing from Start to Finish: A Six-step Guide. South Australia: Griffin Press.

Huda, Miftahul. 2011. Cooperative Learning: Metode, Teknik, and Model

Penerapan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Izzo, Andrea. 2006. Research and Reflection: Teachers Take Action for Literacy

Development. USA: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Lagan, John. 2001. College Writing Skills With Reading (fifteenth edition). New York: Mc. Graw Hill.

Magdalena. 2011. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Texts

through Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) plus Flash Card. Unimed:


Napitupulu, Aiga Sulubere. 2011. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing

Procedure Texts through Student Teams Achievement Division. Unimed:


Nasution, Ariani Juwita. 2001. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing

Descriptive Texts by The Application of Cooperative Learning Technique.

Unimed: Unpublished.

Pardiyono. 2006. 12 Writing Clues for Better Writing Competence. Yogyakarta: ANDI

Purba, Elfita. 2011. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure

Paragraph by Using Number Head Together (NHT) Technique. Unimed:


Siahaan, Sanggam., & Shinoda Kisno. 2008. Generic Text Structure. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Slavin, Robert. E. 2005. Cooperative Learning: theory, research and practice. London: Allymand Bacon.

_______________. 1983. When does Cooperative Learning Increase Students

Achievement? Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 3, 429-445.

Tan, Ivy Geok-chin. et al. 2006. Group Investigation andStudent Learning: An

Experiment in Singapore Schools. Singapore: Times Graphic Pte Ltd. Accessed on April 14th 2012. Medan Accessed on April


B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, it is necessary to formulate the problem of this research as “Is the students’ achievement in writing Procedure Texts improved by applying Learning Together Method?”

C. The Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to investigate the significant improvement of the students’ achievement in writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method.

D. The Scope of the Study

This study will be specified with a focus on writing Procedure Texts through Learning Together Method.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be expected to be useful for:

(1) The teacher of English , especially how to teach writing procedure texts

(2) Improving the students writing, especially in writing procedure texts. This research can be used as reference to improve students’ motivation in learning process, improving students’ activation, being cooperative students, building self-confidence and appreciative students.


(3) The researcher who wants to develop all information and knowledge and for those who are interested in doing research related to this study.




A. Conclusion

There is improvement in students’ achievement in writing procedure texts when they taught by applying Learning Together Method. The students’ score continuously improve in each test. The qualitative data showed that the students gave good response to the application of Learning Together Method. After analyzing data, it was found out the students’ score increased in each tests. Based on findings, the conclusion could be drawn as follow:

(1) the application of Learning Together Method improved the students’ achievement in writing procedure texts

(2) the teacher of English could be helped in teaching writing procedure texts by applying Learning Together Method, and

(3) students could understand and more interested in writing procedure texts by the application of Learning Together Method.

B. Suggestion

The result of this research showed that the application of Learning Together Method could improve students’ achievement. The following suggestion were offered:

(1) teacher of English, it is better to apply Learning Together Method since this method could improve students’ achievement in writing procedure texts,


(2) teacher of English should make teaching-learning process more interesting and actively by the application of Learning Together Method, and

(3) other researcher should develop the related method to this research to improve teaching-learning process in writing procedure texts.



Akhmadi, Ali., & Ida Saffrida. Smart Steps: The Smartest way to Learn English An English Texbook for Junior High School. Bandung: Ganeca Exact.

Brophy, Jere. 2006. Motivating Students to Learn (third edition). Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic.

Cohen, Louis. et al. 2007. Research Method in Education (sixth edition). New York: Routledge.

Dana, Nancy Fitchtman., & Diane Yendol Hoppey. 2009. The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research. USA: Corwin Press.

Grenville, Kate. 2001. Writing from Start to Finish: A Six-step Guide. South Australia: Griffin Press.

Huda, Miftahul. 2011. Cooperative Learning: Metode, Teknik, and Model Penerapan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Izzo, Andrea. 2006. Research and Reflection: Teachers Take Action for Literacy Development. USA: Information Age Publishing Inc.

Lagan, John. 2001. College Writing Skills With Reading (fifteenth edition). New York: Mc. Graw Hill.

Magdalena. 2011. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Texts through Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL) plus Flash Card. Unimed: Unpublished

Napitupulu, Aiga Sulubere. 2011. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Texts through Student Teams Achievement Division. Unimed: Unpublished.

Nasution, Ariani Juwita. 2001. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Texts by The Application of Cooperative Learning Technique. Unimed: Unpublished.

Pardiyono. 2006. 12 Writing Clues for Better Writing Competence. Yogyakarta: ANDI

Purba, Elfita. 2011. Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Paragraph by Using Number Head Together (NHT) Technique. Unimed: Unpublished.


Siahaan, Sanggam., & Shinoda Kisno. 2008. Generic Text Structure. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Slavin, Robert. E. 2005. Cooperative Learning: theory, research and practice. London: Allymand Bacon.

_______________. 1983. When does Cooperative Learning Increase Students Achievement? Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 94, No. 3, 429-445.

Tan, Ivy Geok-chin. et al. 2006. Group Investigation andStudent Learning: An Experiment in Singapore Schools. Singapore: Times Graphic Pte Ltd. Accessed on April 14th 2012.

Medan Accessed on April 14th 2012. Medan