B1J010034 8.

Regenerasi merupakan proses pembentukan kembali jaringan dan organ yang
hilang setelah proses perkembangan tubuh dan diferensiasi sel-sel telah selesai.
Regenerasi pada sirip ikan digolongkan sebagai regenerasi epimorfik. Regenerasi
epimorfik merupakan salah satu tipe regenerasi yang melibatkan dediferensiasi
struktur dewasa untuk membentuk masa sel yang belum terdiferensiasi, masa sel
tersebut dikenal dengan blastema. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
kemampuan regenerasi sirip ekor juvenil ikan nilem yang diamputasi pada posisi
berbeda dan mengetahui kemampuan regenerasi sirip ekor juvenil ikan nilem yang
diberi pakan dengan kadar protein berbeda. Penelitian dilaksanakan secara
eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola Faktorial. Faktor pertama
posisi amputasi terdiri atas empat taraf N1: kontrol, N2: pangkal, N3: pertengahan
antara cagak dan pangkal, N4: cagak. Faktor kedua adalah pakan berkadar protein
berbeda terdiri atas tiga taraf yaitu P1: 33%, P2: 35%, dan P3: 42%. Jumlah
kombinasi perlakuan sebanyak 12, pada setiap perlakuan disediakan 3 unit ulangan.
Paska amputasi ikan uji dipelihara selama 5 minggu. Perkembangan regeneratif
dievaluasi setiap minggu dengan mengamati morfologi, histologi dan ukuran sirip
hasil regenerasi. Data morfologi dan histologi dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data
panjang sirip, luas sirip, dan kecepatan regenerasi dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA
dua arah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara morfologi terdapat perbedaan
pigmentasi antara sirip hasil regenerasi dan sirip yang tidak diamputasi. Struktur

histologi sirip hasil regenerasi menunjukkan keberadaan lapisan epidermis, hemirays,
mesenchym, jaringan ikat, blastema, dan apical epidermal cap. Seluruh perlakuan
mempercepat pertambahan luas sirip hasil regenerasi pada setiap minggu (p0,05) pada minggu keempat.
Panjang sirip hasil regenerasi yang terbaik adalah 14.00 ± 1.00 mm pada perlakuan
protein 35% dan posisi amputasi pangkal. Seluruh perlakuan tidak mempercepat laju
regenerasi (p>0,05) pada minggu ketiga. Kecepatan regenerasi yang terbaik pada
perlakuan protein 35% dan posisi amputasi pertengahan pangkal dengan cagak
mencapai 4.23 ± 0.41 mm/minggu.
Kata kunci: regenerasi, epimorfik, juvenil ikan nilem, posisi amputasi, kadar protein




Regeneration is the process of re-establishment of tissues and organs are
missing after the developmental process of the body cells and differentiation has
been completed. Regeneration on fin fish classified as regenerating epimorphic.

Regeneration of epimorphic is one of the types dedifferentiation involving the
regeneration of adult structures to form the cells which have yet to differentiate, the
cell is known as the blastema. The purpose of this research is to know the caudal fin
regeneration ability juvenile nilem fish at different position of amputation and known
the tail fin regeneration ability juvenile nilem fish fed on the different levels of
protein in feed. The research was implemented experimentally with a complete
random design of factorial pattern. The first factor is the position of amputation four
degrees of N1: control, N2: base, N3: halfway between the pillar and base, N4: pillar.
The second factor is the different feed containing protein composed of three levels
namely of P1: 33%, P2: 35%, and P3: 42%. The number of combinations of
treatment by as much as 12, at any treatment provided 3 units of deuteronomy. Post
the amputation test fish reared during 5 weeks. Regenerative development is
evaluated each week by observing the morphology, histology and size of fin
regeneration result. Morphological and histology data were analyzed by descriptive.
The data length of the fin, fin area, and the speed of regeneration is analyzed using
two- way ANOVA. The results showed that there were differences in morphology
between the fin pigmentation result in regeneration and fins area not amputated.
Histology structure of fin regeneration and fins are not amputated. Histology
structure of fin regeneration result demonstrate the existence of a layer of the
epidermis, hemirays, mesenchym, connentive tissue, blastema, and apical epidermal

cap. The whole treatment accelerate the accretion of the fin area regeneration result
on a weekly basis (p0.05) on the fourth week. Length of fin regeneration result it is best to
14.00 ± 1.00 mm at 35% protein treatment and position of amputation of the base.
The whole treatment doesn’t speed up regeneration (p>0.05) on the third week.
Speed the regeneration of the best at 35% protein treatment and position of
amputation at halfway between the pillar and base reaching 4.23 ± 0.41 mm per
Key words: epimorphic regeneration, juvenile nilem fish, the position of amputation,
the levels of protein in feed.
