Potential Resources of Tongging as a tourism object



The Background of the Study
Indonesia is a country that has a very large tourist object for domestic or

foreign tourists. There are many tourist come to the tourist objects to enjoy its
natural beauty. Now, an interesting object to visit must have beautiful nature and
fresh air that can make the tourists happy and satisfy. Karo regency is one of the
tourist destinations in North Sumatra that has beautiful nature same like other
tourist areas in Indonesia. Karo regency has many object that can be visited such
as nature tourism, agro tourism, art, cultural tourism, historical and other object.
One of the tourism object in Karo Regency is Tongging.
Tongging is a Village in Merek region. There are 12 villages consits of
Merek region, include Tongging village. Tongging village is part of North
Sumatra with a distance of 107,7 km. Tongging is a very suitable place to enjoy
the beautiful nature. The most famous oject in Tongging is Sipiso-piso waterfall.
Usually, people know Tongging because of Sipiso-piso watefall as the second
highest waterfall in Indonesia. Therefore, there are another potential object in
Tongging that can visited by tourist. Unfortunately, despite had a beauty nature

Tongging village become a neglected tourist attractions due to dirty
environmental, around the lake and the village is not clean anymore. This
conditions makes Tongging needed some things to improve.

Universitas Sumatera Utara


The Problems of Study
Based on the background the problems of this study are :



What potential resourses does Tongging have as a tourism object?


How to develop Tongging as a Tourism Object?

The Scope of Study
The scope of the study has important role in writing this paper. It is used

to limit the focus of the paper. This paper is focus on the potential resouces of
Tongging as a tourism object.


The Methods of the Study
In writing this paper, the writer use two mehods of research method.

They are :

Field Research

Some of most valuable information and data cannot be found in the
books (library) or even in social webside. Field research is kind of research
method that is used to find out data and information from the field directly by

visiting the object study place or having a survey in the place. The writer use this
method by having direct observation in Tongging to get some information about

Universitas Sumatera Utara


Library Research

Library research is a kind of method research that is used to find certain
data, information from articles in internet and theories by reading and collecting
some books which are relevant.


The Reasons fo Choosing This Topic
The reason why the writer chose this topic because Tongging is one of an

interesting tourist object with its stunning natural beauty. However, now

Tongging become a neglected tourist object due to dirty environmental and has
not been optimally developed, so the writer want to discuss about potential
resources that can be develop in Tongging as a tourism object and that potential
resources will attract more local and foreign tourist.


The Purposes of the Study
In writting this paper, there are purpose of study, that are :
1. To find out the potensial resources of Tongging as a Tourism Object.
2. To find out how to develop Tongging as a tourism object.

Universitas Sumatera Utara