This letter could not affect you to be smarter, but the book 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo that we offer will certainly stimulate you to be smarter. Yeah, at least you'll understand more than others that do not. This is what called as the high quality life improvisation. Why ought to this 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo It's because this is your favourite style to read. If you similar to this 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo motif around, why do not you review guide 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo to enhance your conversation? About the Author Michael Kuo, an English teacher in Illinois, is the developer of mushroomexpert.com, a popular online resource for mushroom identification and morel hunting.



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  With a dash of humor and a dollop of science, Michael Kuo selects the top 100 mushrooms best suited for cooking. Like Kuo’s very popular book Morels, 100 Edible Mushrooms is written in the author’s inimitable, engaging, and appealing style, taking the reader on the hunt through forest and kitchen in search of mycological pleasures and culinary delights.

  Kuo describes in detail how to identify each species, where and when to find them, and how to cook them in creative and delicious recipes. The mushrooms presented in the book are the most often eaten varieties, and a description of the button mushrooms found in the grocery store is included. All of the mushrooms have at least one full-color illustration and some several more to aid in identifying and distinguishing look-alike and nonedible species. An indispensable book for mushroom hunters, naturalists, and cooks Michael Kuo, an English teacher in Illinois, is the developer of mushroomexpert.com, a popular online resource for mushroom identification and morel hunting. Sales Rank: #187997 in Books Brand: Kuo, Michael/ Moore, John David/ DeShazer, Darvin Published on: 2007-07-20 Original language: English species. A great help on this subject!!!!!! 45 of 46 people found the following review helpful. Wonderful guide! By Old Sawdust This is my third mushroom guide, and so far is my favorite, followed closely by "Audubon's Field Guide to Mushrooms". The photos in Michael Kuo's book are wonderful, the descriptions are clear, and I especially like that it has a section especially for "beginners" (of which I am one) that describes a few edibles that aren't easily confused with anything else. This section has helped me to locate safe edibles in my area. I'm loving this book and carry it with me in my vehicle. You just never know when or where you might spot an interesting fungi! I highly recommend this book! 18 of 18 people found the following review helpful. Great Book! By tinycamper This is a beautiful book that is a wonderful addition to my collection of mushroom books. The large, full color photos are especially appreciated. If you want to expand your knowledge of mushrooms and enjoy reading well written and sometimes entertaining mushroom lore in easy-to-understand plain English, you will love this book. All the measurements are metric. Since my brain refuses to make the conversion, I read the descriptions with a ruler that features inches and centimeters in hand. The section on poisonous mushrooms is especially good, and the Focus Points are great. I keep returning to this book again and again after consulting other mushroom guides, and it often answers questions about specific mushrooms that the other books leave unanswered. I also use Michael Kuo's excellent online identification keys for mushrooms not covered in this book. Highly recommended.



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  This letter could not affect you to be smarter, but the book 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo that we offer will certainly stimulate you to be smarter. Yeah, at least you'll understand more than others that do not. This is what called as the high quality life improvisation. Why ought to this 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo It's because this is your favourite style to read. If you similar to this 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo motif around, why do not you review guide 100 Edible Mushrooms By Michael Kuo to enhance your conversation?