Presented as Partial fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters




Student Number : 024214007








  By ROSALIA KUSUMANINGSIH Student Number : 024214007 Approved By Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum June 26, 2008

  Advisor Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S. M. Hum July 22, 2008 Co- Advisor


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis








Student Number : 024214007

Defended before the Board of Examiners on October 27, 2008 and Declared Acceptable BOARD OF EXAMINERS Name

  Signature Chairman : Dr. Fr B Alip M. Pd., MA .............................

  Secretary : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum …………………. Member : M Luluk Artika W S.S ............................. Member : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum …………………. Member : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S. M. Hum ………………….

  Yogyakarta, October 27, 2008 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University Dean Dr I Praptomo Baryadi, M. Hum


You cannot prevent

the birds of worry and care

from flying over your head.


But you can stop them

from building a nest

in your head




My beloved








  Presented as Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters




Student Number : 024214007








  By ROSALIA KUSUMANINGSIH Student Number : 024214007 Approved By Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum June 26, 2008

  Advisor Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S. M. Hum July 22, 2008 Co- Advisor


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis








Student Number : 024214007

Defended before the Board of Examiners on October 27, 2008 and Declared Acceptable BOARD OF EXAMINERS Name

  Signature Chairman : Dr. Fr B Alip M. Pd., MA .............................

  Secretary : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum …………………. Member : M Luluk Artika W S.S ............................. Member : Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum …………………. Member : Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani S.S. M. Hum ………………….

  Yogyakarta, October 27, 2008 Faculty of Letters Sanata Dharma University Dean Dr I Praptomo Baryadi, M. Hum


You cannot prevent

the birds of worry and care

from flying over your head.


But you can stop them

from building a nest

in your head




My beloved





  Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Rosalia Kusumaningsih Nomor Mahasiswa : 024214007 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:





  beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis. Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal : 24 Juli 2009 Yang menyatakan (Rosalia Kusumaningsih)



Hallelujah. Finally I have finished my undergraduate thesis. My grateful thank goes to Jesus Christ who has loved and protected His child.

  I am most grateful to all of those who have given helpful suggestions, advices,

guidance and patience, in particular, my major advisor Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka M.


Hum. Thank you for the time in correcting my mistakes. To my co-advisor Ni Luh

Putu Rosiandani S.S, M.Hum thanks for the advice.

  My best gratitude mostly goes to my beloved mother, Lucia Sumaryani, S.pd.

and my grandmother, Seminuk Pairodiharjo, for the longing, patience and also the

tears. I am sorry, I have disappointed you. Thank you for the prayer. I dedicate this

thesis for them.

  I thank my sister, Asteria Ekaristi for the laughter and my brother, Benidektus

Risandra Riswan, for being friend instead of family. There will be a brighter future

for us.

  I would like to express my delayed gratitude to all English Letters 2002

classmates especially Dahliya (Thanks for understanding me), Yani (Thanks for

encouraging me), Lira (Thanks for the moment), Galang, Sunu, Dodi Adi, Nana,

Swesty, Andi, Fena, etc. It is nice to know you all and thanks for questioning my

graduation day.

  I thank all Purikids staff, especially for all English Kids teachers, Rikko, Eni,

Rita, Deta, Selly, Santi, for the thesis-writing sharing moment. Petra, thanks for the


  I also would like to thank my beloved best friends, Nining (for the moment

we have spent together), Melonita (for being my friend since High School) and

Menuk (although you are in Malaysia, it seems you are close to me).

  I fully thank Maz Wawan, Thanks for being my long-life advisor, for the

smile and laughter. Thanks for lending your shoulders when I am down. To Sigit, for

the laughter and the pain, thanks for letting me go away from your life and keep

supporting me.

  My great gratitude goes to Yohannes Jatmiko Yuwono thank you for the best

moments of laughers and tears. Thanks for rechecking and editing my undergraduate


  At last but not the least, I sincerely thank all my friends, thanks for continuously encouraging and motivating me to finish my undergraduate thesis.

  I Love you all.


  TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ...…………………………………………………………… Page i APPROVAL PAGE ………………………………………………………. ii

  23 A. Object of the Study ……….....…………..…………………….


4. King Mongkut’s Self-efficacy Process …………………………



3. The Source of Self-efficacy in King Mongkut ...……………….


2. Anna Leonowens’s Self-efficacy Process ………………….…...

  30 B. The Influence of Self-efficacy in Anna Leonowens and King

Mongkut towards their Motivation …..……………………………


1. The Source of Self-efficacy in Anna Leonowens …..…………..


2. The Description of King Mongkut ……………………...............


1. The Description of Anna Leonowens ………………..................

  27 A. The Description of Anna Leonowens and King Mongkut ......…

  25 CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ….…………………………………………

  24 C. Method of the Study …………………………….……………..

  23 B. Approach of the Study …………………………....……………

  21 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY …………..………………………

  ACCEPTANCE PAGE ............................................................................... MOTTO PAGE ........................................................................................... DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....…….……………………………………….. TABLE OF CONTENTS ……..…….…………………………………….. ABSTRACK …...…………………….………………………………….... ABSTRAK …….……………………….…………………………………. iii iv v vi viii x xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………….

  12 C. Theoretical Framework ……………………………………...…


2. Theory of Self-efficacy ………………………………………...



1. Theory of Characterization ……………………………………..

  8 B. Review of Related Theories …………………………………....

  8 A. Review of Related Studies …………………………………......

  6 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ....................………………

  5 D. Definition of Terms……………………………………………..



C. Objectives of the Study …………………………………….......

  1 B. Problem Formulation ....………………………………………..

  1 A. Background of the Study ...…………………………………....


  CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ………………………………………....

  54 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………..

  57 APPENDIX : Summary of Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King of Siam




Kusumaningsih, Rosalia. (2008). Self-efficacy of Motivations of Anna Leonowens

and King Mongkut in Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King of Siam. Yogyakarta:

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

  This thesis will analyze deeper on the influence of self-efficacy in Anna

Leonowens’ and King Mongkut’s character in Margaret Landon’s novel entitled

Anna and the King of Siam. Written in 1862, the novel illustrated the Western

expansion in Siam, which was known as colonization era, focused on the

encouragement to adapt the behavior and culture in the new society, moreover in

the arrival of Anna Leonowens as a teacher and the Siamese condition.

Furthermore, the novel described Anna Leonowens’ and King Mongkut’ self-

efficacy toward problems.

  Anna Leonowens is a tough woman and also a mother of her two children.

After the loss of her beloved family, Anna Leonowens moved to Siam to teach. There

she passed a lot of challenging activities which influenced her confidence to tackle

some difficult activities, moreover to free the slaves in Siam. She had to decide to

imitate others by encouraging herself or to avoid the duties which could influence her

physical condition. On the other hand, King Mongkut is a loving father and stubborn

king. The same as Anna Leonowes, he passed the challenging activities to leave the

priesthood to rule the kingdom and build close relationship with the nearest kingdom

in order to fight against Frenchmen. He was also aware of the rebellion in the palace;

his awareness directly aroused his suspicion of others.

  In order to analyze the influence of self-efficacy of the main characters, the

writer applied theory of characterization and self-efficacy. The theory of

characterization is applied to reveal the character of Anna Leonowens and King

Mongkut. Then, the theory of self-efficacy is applied to reveal the main characters

effort to face the challenging activities and problems.

  Based on the analysis, Anna Leonowens’ self-efficacy influenced her

motivation to start a new life and encourage her to get happiness. Meanwhile, King

Mongkut’s self efficacy influenced him to leave the priesthood and rule the kingdom

with his wisdom. The main characters’ self-efficacy processes could motivate the

readers by imitating their attitudes and reactions toward problems. Moreover, by

learning self-efficacy sources and processes will raise the motivation to reach

successful life.



Kusumaningsih, Rosalia. (2008). Self-efficacy Dalam Motivasi di dalam Karakter

Anna Leonowens dan Raja Mongkut Dalam Novel Anna and the King of Siam

karangan Margaret Landon. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra

Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

  Skripsi ini bertujuan menganalisa pengaruh self-efficacy atau kemampuan

keahlian dalam diri Anna Leonowens dan King Mongkut dalam novel Anna and the

King of Siam oleh Margaret Landon. Novel ini ditulis pada tahun 1862

menggambarkan ekspansi Negara barat di Siam, masa itu terkenal dengan sebutan

masa expansi. Novel ini berpusat dalam usaha untuk beradaptasi dengan budaya dan

tingkah laku dalam lingkungan yang baru. Terutama pada kedatangan Anna

Leonowens di Siam sebagai guru dan kondisi di Siam. Terlebih lagi, novel ini

menceritakan tentang self-efficacy pada diri Anna Leonowens’ and King Mongkut’

dalam menghadapi masalah.

  Anna Leonowens adalah seorang wanita yang tangguh dan ibu dari dua orang

anak. Setelah kehilangan keluarganya, Anna Leonowens pindah ke Siam untuk

mengajar. Di Siam Anna Leonowens mengalami banyak tantangan yang

membutuhkan keahlian dan kepercayan diri untuk menyelesaikannya, terutama dalam

usahanya membebaskan budak di Siam. Anna juga meniru keberhasilan orang lain

selain meyakinkan diri sendiri bahwa dia mampu menyelesaikannya. Tantangan

tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kesehatannya. Sebaliknya King Mongkut adalah

seorang raja yang keras dan sayang pada anak-anaknya. King Mongkut juga

mengalami banyak tantangan seperti memilih untuk meninggalkan biara dan menjadi

raja dan membangun hubungan dengan kerajaan tetangga melawan Prancis. King

Mongkut juga waspada akan pemberontakan untuk menggulingkan kekuasaanya,

yang membuatnya menjadi curiga terlebih berpengaruh pada kondisi kesehatannya

yang menurun.

  Untuk menganalisa pengaruh dari self-efficacy, penulis menerapkan teori

karakterisasi dan self-efficacy. Teori karakterisasi diterapkan dalam menggambarkan

karakter dari tokoh utama. Sementara teori self-efficacy diterapkan dalam mencari

pengaruh self-efficacy pada tokoh utama dalam usaha menghadapi dan

menyelesaikan masalah.

  Dari hasil analisa, self-efficacy dalam diri Anna Leonowens’ mempengaruhi

motivasinya dalam memulai hidup baru dan usahanya dalam menggapai kebahagiaan.

Sementara, Self-efficacy dalam diri King Mongkut’s berpengaruh pada keputusannya

untuk meninggalkan biara dan memimpin kerajaan. Proses Self-efficacy dari tokoh

utama dapat memotivasi pembaca dengan meniru reaksi dari tokoh utama. Terlebih

dengan mempelajari sumber dan proses dari self-efficacy dapat menumbuhkan motivasi untuk meraih sukses. xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study But I can’t give even that little thing, I don’t know why… But I haven’t left to give.

  (Anna Leonowens) Grief and sorrow, sadness and misfortune occurred so suddenly in almost every moment of life. They influenced people’s action of giving up and staying with the great sorrows or fighting back to gain a better life.

  People do work hard to gain a successful life. They even ignore their character development. As an example, in the story of Anna and the King of Siam, Anna Leonowens worked hard to adapt and socialize with the society and traditions of Siam. Anna Leonowens’ struggle to live in Siam is motivated because of the condition in Siam moreover because of the occurrence of slavery in Siam. Although she is a woman, she tried hard to fight against slavery in Siam.

  Slavery is one of bad impacts of European Colonization or Expansion which occurred in the end of fourteenth century until nineteenth century. The European people expanded their countries mostly to Africa, Asia even in Siam, which is near to Malacca. Therefore, it could not be avoided that Siam was also one of the colonized countries (Ferre, 1997; 85). Loomba, in Colonialism/Post colonialism, said that

  Modern Colonialism either did extract tribute goods and the wealth of the countries that it conquered, it restructured the economies of the later, drawing them into complex relationship with their own, so that there was a flow of human and natural resources between colonized and colonial countries. This flow worked in direction, slaves and indentured labor as well as raw material (1998; 54).

  For many years Western countries, such as England, France and Dutch, are well known as great conquerors. Those countries had conquered many countries over the world. As the result many victims from the countries regarded as slaves.

  In the earlier, simple days of war, the captive man was kept only to be tortured, sacrificed to the victorious god. The captivate women and children were spared to be slaves (Wells, 1920; 198). Siam, which name later was changed into Thailand in 1938 by the Prime

  Minister Phinbun (Keyes, 1987; 66), was one of the colonialism victims. Since Siam was a rich monarch, both in nature and culture, West countries tried to attack Siam and owned the land of Siamese.

  Nonetheless, the Burney treaty, which Siam signed with Great Britain in 1826, a treaty that dealt with trades as well as borders problems, foreshadowed a major shift in the role of Siam would pay on an international stage (Keyes, 1987:41).

  Living in Colonization era was not only the reason of reappearing of slavery in Siam. The monarch itself also became the great reason of slavery rising. King and noblemen were served by a lot of subordinators and slaves. The diversity of slavery in Siam and Western countries were laid on the grade or status of slave. Slaves in Western were people who were poor and in the lowest rank. Western slaves needed a lot of money to fulfill their family daily needs. Meanwhile slaves in Siam came from xiv the middle and high rank of society. They were sacrificed by their family in order to get an easy way of getting richer than before.

  In fact, the slavery firstly appeared because of the Monarch itself. As stated above, Siam is a Buddhist Monarch. Their ancestor got strict on the rule that people from the lowest caste have no right to decide their own lives. Only the people from the highest caste could have their rights.

  The nobles who were appointed to the Krom positions thus became the servants of the king rather lords of Muang (Keyes, 1987: 29). Keyes also stated that “Muang is a person who is in relations with nobleman, a landlord or a person who has his right or appointed of higher lord. Meanwhile Krom or Department is defined as a powerful man but merely as the King’s servants”.

  Slavery in Siam occurred for several decades from the Chakry Dynasty until King Rama III or King Mongkut. Slavery was getting bigger when Siam was opened to the arrival of Western. As the story was set in Siam around 1844-1860, known as the colonization era, the expansion influenced the Monarch. Since Siamese were Buddhist, Siamese culture influenced the structure of the Thai society. Siam, at that time was ruled by King Mongkut who had a lot of concubines and children. King Mongkut also had a lot of subordinators and slaves. “The Thai people who first settle in Thai in 1782,i can be compared with the Barbarians living in the edge of Roman Empire (Keyes, 1987: 28).

  Siam’s social condition and the Western civilization affected not only the Siamese but also the Western itself, the custom and culture diversities led the Western people regarded Siam as a barbarian nation to Western. For instance, Western people grow beard and moustache also cover their body with clothes.

  Meanwhile, Siamese people did not cover their upper body and they did grow beard or moustache. Siamese women wore similar clothes with men except they covered their breast. In contrast Western women wore a big and nice gown to cover their body. They even wore more than one dress on their body. Those influenced people in facing daily problems and finding solution. For example, with her big gown Anna Leonowens found the difficulties in handling her students.

  The reason of choosing the novel is because it contained the history of Siam during the colonialism era. Many Western people lived together with the Siamese, for instance the characters’ courage to overcome the problems. It will help the writer to find out the character of Anna Leonowens and King Mongkut . Moreover to see their will and effort to live in Siam, also in facing problems that occurred in Siam.

  Another reason of choosing this novel was the story took place in the real time and told about the biography of Anna Leonowens. Since Margaret Landon had stayed in Siam, she could draw the picture of Siam correctly in the novel.

  Margaret Landon was born Margaret Dorothea Mortenson in Somers, Wisconsin, September 7, 1903. After a year of teaching, she married Kenneth Landon, whom she had met at Wheaton. In 1927 the young couple set out for service as Presbyterian missionaries in Siam, now Thailand. She served as principal of a mission school in Trang. And she read widely about the country and its history, in the process learning of Anna Leonowens. In 1937 she returned to America and soon began writing a book about Leonowens. http://www3.rnh.com/rhstein/bios/show_bio.asp?Bio_Name1=Landon,+Marg aret xvi One of the interesting topics to be analyzed was Anna Leonowens’ and King

  Mongkut’s self-efficacy in facing social condition and problems. Their self-efficacy that occurred in their daily life was shown from their motivation and courage in solving problems. Since Anna Leonowens was from a Western country, which did expansion and civilization (Ferre: 1997; 20), she represented the well educated and highly motivated people. Meanwhile, King Mongkut, although he was also well educated, he had lower self-efficacy than Anna Leonowens. This paper will analyze deeper on the main characters’ self-efficacy toward their life.

  B. Problem Formulation

  With the background above, two problems can be formulated and will lead the analysis of the study to be explained in detail. The problems are as follow:

  1. How are Anna Leonowens and King Mongkut characterized in Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King of Siam?

  2. How do Anna Leonowens’ and King Mongkut’s self-efficacy influence Their motivation?

  C. Objectives of the Study

  The study is aimed at attaining satisfying answer for the problems above. The aims are to observe Anna Leonowens and King Mongkut character, that are represented from their actions and behavior towards others and problems. After finding out the characters of Anna Leonowens and King Mongkut then the writer finds out the main characters’ self-efficacy from their behaviors and social background. After finding the two fundamental objects finally the writer can find the influence of self-efficacy during their life. Furthermore, the study on the main characters’ self-efficacy could motivate the reader of Margaret Landon’s Anna and


the King of Siam. The main characters show the self-efficacy processes and sources

  that aroused the motivation to life. So, the reader could imitate the main characters action in facing problems and finding solutions.

D. Definition of Terms

  Some terms related to the topic are used in the thesis and the definition of each term is needed to avoid confusion.

  Self-efficacy constructed the motivation of a character through the ability of conducting challenging activities, imitating others’ action, mastering activities by not repeating the same failure and also in ensuring the character itself to gain a successful life.

  Bandura in his book Social Foundations of Thought and Action in 1986 stated that “Self-efficacy beliefs determine how people think, motivate themselves and behave through process, cognitive, motivational, and affective and also succession.”

  Self-efficacy is the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals. xviii Efficacy involves a generative capability in which cognitive, social and behavioral sub skills must be organized into integrated courses of action to serve innumerable purposes (Bandura, 1986; 391). David C. McClelland in his book entitled Human Motivation stated that motivation is a recurrent concern for goal state based on natural incentive, a concern that energizer orients and select behavior. In other words, motivation can change one’s behavior and character.

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW A. Review of Related Studies So far there are some researchers had done some research in Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King of Siam. Meanwhile there are three papers discussed on Anna and the King of Siam. There are examples of research done on the story. First,

  research done by Jean Rath in 2001 entitled Literature and culture. She is always fascinated by the different culture that occurs in the world especially in the story. She criticized Anna Leonowens’ way of life while she was in Siam and also Anna Leonowens’ struggle to manage her household. Although Anna lived in Siam, which had different culture from Anna Leonowens’ social and cultural background, she continuously used her custom even in the way she dressed and thought.

  According to Rath it was better for Anna Leonowens to adapt the culture and custom of Siamese. Siamese would see that she wanted to live there the same as the Siamese. While she lived in Siam she tool up the cause of slaves and despite opposition from the king and the nobility. She tried to manage to bring justice to some of them. It would not succeed if she did not learn the language and habits of Siamese. Furthermore, Rath also criticized Anna Leonowens’ decision to put her daughter Avis in the boarding school in England. At that time Avis was only seven years old and she still needed Anna Leonowens’ protection to love and guide her. xx Anna Leonowens’ decision to send Avis away from her that would influence Avis character development.

  However, Rath admitted that Anna Loenowens had good character, both as a woman and as a mother. As a woman she had high dedication on her identity as an independent woman who was not willing to be underestimated by man. Also as a mother she tried to give her best to her children.

  (http://rath.ca.RamblinginRath//JeanRath/Literature_and_Culture.shtml) The second study was done by Yelena Maksimova, entitled Men and Women


as Agents of Change: Gender Analysis of “Anna and the King”. Different from Rath,

  Maksimova focused on the gender problems in the story, still from the culture point of view. First, she observed the structure of Thai society, and then she found out that men occupied the dominant position in all aspects from top to bottoms of Thai social culture. All customs, laws and regulations separated Thai society into two unequal classes: Men and Women.

  Maksimova saw that women in Siam, especially slave women were under men’s power. She also observed the attempt to change their life and or their social status. A lot of men in Siam were not ready or agree to change the customs in Siam. It happened because men were in better position than women. In her essay she stated that women are also human being, so they have their right to make decision of their own. In Siam, slaves had to buy their freedom. Nevertheless, although slaves had bought their freedom if their mistress did not want to set them free, they would be slave as long as their mistress will. Moreover, she stated that the main problem was not on the imbalanced rights between men and women and the unequal status among them, what people needed was to make the gap smaller and it required great effort from both sides. (http://www.public.iastate.edu/~yelenam/AL.html)

  Meanwhile the first thesis focused on Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King


of Siam was done by Nindya Sari Primawati Putri in 2005 entitled A Study of Anna

Leonowens’ Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Conflicts in Overcoming Culture Shock

in Margaret Landon’ Anna and the King of Siam. This thesis discussed about Anna

  Leonowens’ living condition in Siam and the difficulties that she was found in the culture shock between Siam and her homeland. The writer focused on the seeking of the conflicts and finding Anna Leonowens’ effort to overcome them.

  The second thesis focused on Anna Leonowens motivation was conducted by Bernadeta Dewi Hambawanti in 2006 entitled Anna Leonowens’ Motivation to be


Persistent in Teaching the King’s Family. This thesis was intended to find Anna

  Leonowens’ motivation in teaching in Siam, although she faced many problems and difficulties.

  The last thesis was done by Hana Surya Dewi in 2005 entitled A Feminist


Study of the Major Character in Margaret Landon’s Anna and the King of Siam. This

  thesis focused on the feminist idea appeared in the novel. The depiction of the main character was related to social issues.

  This thesis will be focused on the influence of self-efficacy towards the main characters’ life, in this case their behavior and motivation of facing problems and xxii finding solutions of their problems. Their self-efficacy can be concluded from their character and action to overcome problems. By observing the character and behavior towards problem and environment the writer will find out that Anna Leonowens and King Mongkut’s self-efficacy aroused from different background. Moreover, it can be concluded that Anna Leonowens had a higher self-efficacy than King Mongkut. It was proved that Anna Leonowens was motivated to overcome problems and difficulties by herself.

B. Review of Related Theories

  Since the thesis also concerns with character in the novel, theory on character was appropriate to find out the behavior of each main character. Allers stated that “The deed of a man as an index of disposition, his real thought-in fact what is ordinarily called his character.” It means that the character of a person can be analyzed from the way he behaves. For that reason it requires theory of characterization.

1. Theory of Characterization

  An author describes the characteristics of the character by using characterization. Since the author describes the characteristics clearly, it is expected that the readers could imagine the character without any confusion. By revealing the characterization of the character in a story, the reader can be directly involved within the story. “Characters have particular personalities and physical attributes that distinguish them from other characters” (Rohr Berger, 1971; 20) the creation of these imaginary persons so that they exist is called characterization (Rohr Berger, 1971; 81).

  Basically there are two ways the author describes the characteristics of the character; directly and indirectly. There are two fundamentals way of describing characters:

  1.a. Direct

  The author gives the explanation of the character, the personality and the appearance within a sentence so that the reader can get the description. “Direct is means to describe physical appearance of the character (Rohr Berger, 1971; 20)”.

  1.b. Dramatic

  It means the author does not give explanation on the character. So the reader should conclude from the character action or emotion. “Dramatic means that the author places the character in situation to show what he is by the way she behaves or speaks (Rohr Berger, 1971; 20)”.

2. Theory of Self-efficacy

  To be successful people should have a strong motivation in his life. Having a motivation means having a strong self-efficacy. Bandura in his book Social


Foundations of Thought and Action stated that “Self-efficacy beliefs determine how

  people feel, think, motivate themselves and behave. Such beliefs produce these diverse effects through four major processes. They include cognitive, motivational, xxiv affective and selective processes.” Bandura also wrote an article about self-efficacy in http://www.des.emory.edu/mfp/BanEncy.html

  2. a. Cognitive Processes

  The most visible effect of self-efficacy is human self-confidence in facing problems and challenging activities. People will strengthen their self-appraisal of their capabilities if they have forethought that they could gain a valuable goal in doing his activities. The stronger the perceived self-efficacy, the higher the goal challenges people set for themselves and the firmer is their commitment to them. Self-doubt effects in people’s Self-appraisal which affected their self-efficacy. If people thought they could not control or find a better strategy to overcome problems they will not be able to control their Self-doubt (Bandura, 1986: 401).

  2. b. Motivational processes

  People motivate themselves and guide their actions anticipatorily by the exercise of forethought. They do what they believe could do. There are cognitive motivators appears in the processes such as; causal attributions, outcome expectancies, and cognized goals. http://www.des.emory.edu/mfp/BanEncy.html

  ”Motivation based on goal setting involves a cognitive comparison process” (Bandura, 1986). By making self-satisfaction conditional on matching adopted goals people give direction to their behavior and create incentives to persist in their efforts until they fulfill their goals. They seek self-satisfaction from fulfilling valued goals and are prompted to intensify their efforts by discontent with substandard performance.

  Self-efficacy beliefs contribute to motivation in several ways: they determine the goals people set for them; how much effort they expend; how long they preserve in the face of difficulties; and their resilience to failures. When faced with obstacles and failures people who harbor self-doubts about their capacities exert greater effort when they fail to master the challenge. Strong perseverance contributes to performance accomplishment (Bandura, 1986: 406).

  2. c. Affective Processes

  Self-efficacy affected people’s feeling of stress and depression they experienced in threatening or difficult situations, as well as their level of motivation.

  Perceived self-efficacy played the central control of the arousal of anxiety. People who believe could control over threats and easily face problems without affecting thought pattern, on the other hand people will see their faulty in decreasing stress and depression see it as their deficiency. Moreover they will see the environment as a dangerous environment then tend to avoid it.

  The fear of environment could arouse the feeling of phobia. The stronger the senses of self-efficacy the bolder people were in taking of tasks and threatening activities. Self-efficacy could arouse people’s anxiety in their life. Once people developed a resilient sense of Self-efficacy they could withstand difficulties and adversities without adverse effects (Bandura, 1986: 406).

  Other efficacy-affected process had impact on biological systems that affect health functioning. The most important factor of physical dysfunctions was stress. xxvi The development of physical disorders and the progression of disease were affected by the impairment of immune (Bandura, 1986: 406).

  2.d. Selective Processes Self-efficacy not only affected the course of life by influencing the types of activities and environments people chose, but also their behavior to avoid activities and situations they believe exceed their coping capabilities. However, the more people got through challenges the stronger their self-efficacy. The occurrence of challenging activities aroused the choice behavior, whether they would face or avoid them (Bandura, 1986: 405).

  There are four major sources of Self-efficacy that lead a character in constructing the motivation, they are Mastery experience that is not repeating the same failures, Vicarious experience that provided by models, Social or verbal persuasion that is convincing the self and Psychological state which affected by stress and depression. Those sources could strengthen people’s Self-efficacy in gaining successful life.

  The most effective source of Self-efficacy was through mastery experience or enactive attainments (Bandura, 1986: 399). People would reach a successful life by experienced it. They could master an activity or experience had done before. They would not repeat the same failure. A strong Self-efficacy occurred through repeated successes. They would be able to find situational factors of their failures, then to build strategies facing their problem and do the best they could gain success. Failure could raise confidence that better strategies would bring future success.

  The second way of creating and strengthening self-beliefs of efficacy was through the vicarious experience provided by social models (Bandura,1997b; Bandura, Reese& Adams, 1982; 400) The tendency to be similar with others was one of human nature. They would compare their ability in facing abilities in facing problems and providing strategies to overcome problems. It would persuade them to be similar as the models. They would observe other’s failure then compare it with their failure to find a better strategy. However they would also imitated the models’ of Self-efficacy. On the other hand, if they saw themselves different from the models, their Self-efficacy would not influenced

  Social persuasion or verbal persuasion was a third way of strengthening people’s belief that they had take to be succeed (Chambliss & Murray, 197a, 197b; Bandura, 1986; 400). People’s Self-efficacy would strengthen as of their ability to encourage themselves. Their self-doubt and deficiencies was not a boundary to gain successful life. People having weaker Self-efficacy have a propensity to avoid problems and challenges.